HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 43-05PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 43-05 Date: October 3, 2005 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Street Name Change Old Brock Road to Jenash Court File No. W2306.45 Recommendation: That the request of Ronald Hinchliffe to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court, be denied. Executive Summary: On June 6, 2005, Council provided direction to staff through Resolution #88/05, Item #4 to commence preliminary initiatives to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court and report back to Council following contact with the affected residents. Staff have contacted the seven landowners that would be affected by this change and they have responded unanimously in objection to the street name change. Financial Implications: None. Background: the name of a Attachment #1 ). R. Hinchliffe requested that the City initiate the process to change portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court (see Location Map, On June 6, 2005, Council considered Report PD 19-05 (copy attached as Attachment #2) respecting this matter. The report sought Council's direction to: (a) commence preliminary initiatives to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court; OR (b) refuse the request. Resolution #88/05, Item #4 (see Attachment #3) was passed directing staff to commence preliminary initiatives to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court and report back to Council following contact with the affected residents. Report PD 43-05 Subject: Street Name Change Date: October 3, 2005 Page 2 In accordance with Council's directive, letters were sent to the seven landowners fronting the subject portion of Old Brock Road that would be impacted by the name change (see Sample Letter, Attachment #4). Responses have now been received from all seven owners. Four owners are not opposed to changing the name of this portion of Old Brock Road, however all seven are opposed to the name "Jenash Court" (see Landowner Responses, Attachment #5). Accordingly, based on the responses from the affected landowners, it is recommended that R. Hinchliffe's request to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court be denied. Attachments: 2. 3. 4. 5. Location Map Report PD 19-05 Resolution #88/05, Item #4 Sample Letter Landowner Responses Prepared By: Denise Bye, Obordinator Property & Development Services Approved / Endorsed By: Nell )11, M'(~, R_R~PP Director, Planning& Development DB:bg Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration Pickering Cit~l , ,, ~ Th, e~n~s/J. ~ui/n, Chief Administra-"b'~fficer ATTACHMENT # ! TO - 4870 ~ 4860 i M ./SENKIW I C~ OWNED ~ND FOR POTENTIAL F~RE ROAD Gitg of ~ickorin~ ~lannin~ & ~ovolopmont Dopa~mont PROPER~ DESCRIPTION OLD BROCK ROAD NAME CHANGE TO JENASH COURT OWNER N/A DATE OCT. 3, 2005 D~WN BY JB FILE No. N/A SCALE N.T.S. CHECKED BY DB ....... E ................................................................. PN-RUR ATTACHMENT # REPORT # PD ,~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 19-05 Date: May 5, 2005 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Street Name Change Old Brock Road to Jenash Court File No. W2306.45 Recommendation: (a) That the Director, Planning & Development commence preliminary initiatives to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court and report back to Council following contact with affected residents; OR (b) That the request of R. Hinchliffe to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court be refused. Executive Summary: In 1986, Ronald Hinchliffe obtained consent for the development of five (5) lots fronting Old Brock Road in Claremont. One of the conditions of that severance was that he enter into an appropriate Development Agreement with the City respecting the upgrading, to municipal standards, of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting the newly created lots. Upon completing the road, R. Hinchliffe requested that the City initiate the process to change the name of that portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court (which name reflects a combination of his daughters' names Jennifer and Ashley) and while there is evidence in City records that his request was received, the matter has never been considered by Council. R. Hinchliffe has recently contacted the City to request that this matter be pursued. Accordingly, staff is seeking direction from Council as t° whether to proceed with this matter. Financial Implications: Advertising Costs Installation of New Signage (approx.) Expenses to Residents ($100.00 x 5) Legal Disbursements Preparation of Reference Plan (approx.) TOTAL Community Page (Account 2320-2409) (Account 2611-2392) (Account 2610-2320) (Account 2611-2392) N/A $2oo.oo $5oo.oo $100.00 ..$2,000.00 $2,800.O0 Report PD 19-05 REP(JR1 # PD q ~ - O Subject: Street Name Change Date: May 5,2005 Page 2 Background: In 1986, Ronald Hinchliffe obtained consent for the development of five lots fronting Old Brock Road in Claremont. One of the conditions of that severance was that he enter into an appropriate Development Agreement with the City respecting the upgrading, to municipal standards, of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting the newly created lots. Upon completing the road, R. Hinchliffe requested that the City initiate the process to change the name of that portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court (which name reflects a combination of his daughters' names, Jennifer and Ashley) and while there is evidence in City records that his request was received, the matter has never been considered by Council. R. Hinchliffe has once again contacted the City requesting that this matter be pursued. His request has been circulated internally and to the Region and while there were no objections to the concept of changing the name, it was noted that the City's present practice does not support the use of 'proper names' for streets, unless they are of demonstrated historical significance. Should Council wish to 'further pursue renaming this portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court, staff would then contact the five residents affected by the name change advising them of the City's potential intent to enact a by-law to rename the road fronting their property to Jenash Court (see Attachment #1 - Location Map). That correspondence would also advise each resident that the City would contribute up to $100.00 toward any expenses they may incur due to their municipal address changing (i.e. new home numbers, changing information on personal documentation, driver's licence, etc.). Staff would report back to Council with the results of our resident contact and seek direction respecting the enactment of the necessary by-law to formally change the name of this portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court. It should also be noted that in order to finalize this matter, a reference plan will be required to legally describe the boundaries of the portion of road that will be subject of the name change and new signage will be required once the name change by-law has been registered. The cost for preparation and registration of the reference plan is approximately $2,000.00. Other costs to implement the street name change are estimated at $800.00, which includes the new street name signage and address change expenses incurred by residents. This brings the total costs for this initiative to the City of approximately $2,800.00. Accordingly, staff is seeking direction as to whether or not Council wishes to pursue changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road identified on the location map attached hereto. Should Council concur, staff is requesting that Council pass a Resolution authorizing the Director, Planning & Development to commence preliminary initiatives to have the subject portion of Old Brock Road renamed to Jenash Court and to report back to Council following contact with affected residents. ATTACHMENT f-~....~TO~ Report PD 19-05 REr~0R'~ ~ PD.. ~ ~ - O~ Subject: Street Name Change Date: May 5, 2005 Page 3 Attachment: 1. Location Map Prepared By: t Denise ye, Coordina or Property & Development Services Approved / Endorsed By: Director, Planning & Development DB Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C,Ouncil / ATTACHMEN"r d~ ,,, ~-,,~ ' P, EF'Om# PD.. ~:~.~ JUN 0 8 2005 e ITY OF PICKERING CORPORATE SERVICES EPARTMEN~NN,,~DE'~E~-OPM~N~ DEPARTMENT CLERK'S DIVISION June 7, 2005 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Debi Bentley, City Clerk Referrals from the Council Meeting of June 6, 2005 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #88/05, Item #4, at the Council Meeting of June 6, 2005, as follows: That the Director, Planning & Development commence preliminary initiatives to change the name of a portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court and report back to Council following contact with affected residents. DB:dw Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Debi Bentley PICKERING ATTACHMENT d R£POR'f # PD ,~.~- (_.).~ Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada LiV 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 cityofpickering.com PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Department 905.420.4617 Facsimile 905.420.7648 ('~ .... ~ '/ ~ plan&devl@city, pickering, on.ca ',, ~r~[~ ¢ Delivered by Hand June 17,2005 W. & C. Duffin 4830 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario Subject: Preliminary Initiative for Street Name Change Old. Brock Road to Jenash Court City of Pickering In 1986/1987 the road fronting your property was constructed to municipal standards pursuant to a Development Agreement between the City of Pickering and Ron Hinchliffe. Shortly thereafter, there was a request made of the City to rename the newly constructed portion of Old Brock Road to Jenash Court and while the concept of this name change has been contemplated throughout the years, the request has never formally been dealt with. On May 24, 2005, this matter was brought before City Council for consideration. At that meeting staff was directed to: (a) commence preliminary initiatives to change the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting your property to Jenash Court; and (b) report back to them following contact with the residents. Accordingly, we are asking that you advise us of your position in this matter by filling out the attached form and returning it to us, in the envelope provided, on or before July 4, 2005. Preliminary Initiative for b~reet Name Char~iiC.~CHME~rr Old Brock Road to Jenash Court June 17,2005 Page 2 Should there be no objection to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting your property to Jenash CoUrt, the City will: (a) proceed with the appropriate name change By-law being enacted and registered; (b) install new street signage; and (c) advise Fire, Police and Ambulance of this name change. Your new address would be 4830 Jenash Court. Further, the City is aware that certain personal documentation may have to be changed to reflect your new address. The City is prepared to reimburse you for any reasonable expenses you may incur as a result of this name change, up to a maximum of $100.00, upon your submission of related receipts. Should you have any questions or require any further clarification respecting this matter, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Yours truly DB:bg Attachment Denise Bye, Coordinator Property & Development Services W. & C. Duffin 4830 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my mailing/municipal address to 4830 Jenash Court. I OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court. M. Senkiw & A. Robertson 4860 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario ~T'~ACH~E~IT//~TO PLAN, ~ING AND ~ DEVELOPMENT DEPAR'TMENT ~ I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my mailing/municipal address to 4860 Jenash Court. I OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock fronting my property to Jenash Court. Road ATTACI-IUL~T ~ '--'~''''' TO _.2VI. Senkiw & A. Robertson 4860 Old Brock Rd., R.R.//5 Claremont, Ont. L1Y lA2 Phone no. (905) 649-1381 June 20, 2005 City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ont. L1V 6K7 Att: Denise Bye, Coordinator - Property & Development Services Re: Proposed renaming of southerly dead-end portion of Old Brock Rd. Dear Ms. Bye: My wife and I object to the City's proposal as presented. We offer the following comments and suggestions in response to your correspondence dated June 17, 2005: We believe the name "Jenash Court" (the proposed street name), is a derivative of the names of a couple of the developer's family members (Jennifer and Ashley). The developer sold all of his interests on this street back in the late 1980's. At this point, the suggested name has no relevance to any current property owner. A more neutral name, in keeping with the natural surroundings and character of the street and the community in general would be more appropriate, several suggested alternatives being: Willow Court, Arbour Court or Moraine Court. Since this portion of roadway is in fact the original Old Brock Rd. (pre-dating the Claremont by-pass and the current south entrance into Claremont, a number of residents along this portion of roadway continue to receive their mail via Rural Route 5, Canada Post mailbox delivery service. It is imperative that the City ensure that any renaming of the road does not disqualify the rural route mailbox delivery privileges currently enjoyed by these residents. The mailboxes in question are located at the southeast comer of Old Brock Rd. and Old Brock Rd. (the currently posted street signage). If the above concerns cannot be satisfied, then we would respectfully suggest that the newer portion of roadway (connecting the Claremont by-pass to the original Old Brock Rd., be the section of roadway that is renamed. Regards, 2 ~_ ./? / Michael Senkiw, C.E.T. W. & C. Duffin 4830 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario AF'fAOHMENT# ~ , TO REPORI # PD ~-~ RECEIVED ,lt N 2 7 2005 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my mailing/municipal address to 4830 Jenash Court. '~1 OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court. L ~v 6¢7 M. Senkiw & A. Robertson 4860 Old Brock Rd., R.R. #5 Claremont, Ont. Phone no. (905) 649-1381 June 20, 2005 Re: Proposed renaming of southerly dead-end portion of Old Brock Rd. Hello friends & neighbours: My wife and I object to the City's proposal as presented. If you concur with our concerns and suggestions, please complete the bottom portion of this page and include it with your response to the City, ensuring that the they receive it on or before July 4, 2005. We believe the name "Jenash Court" (the proposed street name), is a derivative of the names of a couple of the developer's family members (Jennifer and Ashley). The developer sold all of his interests on this street back in the late 1980's. At this point, the suggested name has no relevance to any current property owner. A more neutral name, in keeping with the natural surroundings and character of the street and the community in general would be more appropriate, several suggested altematives being: Willow Court, Arbour Court or Moraine Court. Since this portion of roadway is in fact the original Old Brock Rd. (pre-dating the Claremont by-pass and the current south entrance into Claremont, a number of residents along this portion of roadway continue to receive their mail via Rural Route 5, Canada Post mailbox delivery service. It is imperative that the City ensure that any renaming of the road does not disqualify the rural route mailbox delivery privileges currently enjoyed by these residents. The mailboxes in question are located at the southeast comer of Old Brock Rd. and Old Brock Rd. (the currently posted street signage). 3. If the above concerns cannot be satisfied, then we would respectfully suggest that the newer portion of roadway (connecting the Claremont by-pass to the original Old BroCk Rd., be the section of roadway that is renamed. MiChael Senkiw, C.E.T. I/We- '!~l'/:!~C'~ ~~' ...~-~-[:.6.~[~J---~ ............ ¢oncur with the above. ........ ',"'; ..... ':"12; '~ ~ ? · ~ ~.. , ............. ...... o. O ..... ...... ...................... .ate: ......~.~ ./..~.~..../.1~.5... I. & E. Hansen 4855 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario ATTACHI~ENT #__ ~ TO REPORT # PD, E] I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my , mailing/municipal address to 4855 Jenash Court. I OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court. M. Short & M. Short 4870 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my mailing/municipal address to 4870 Jenash Court. I OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court. JUN 8 tO05 CiTY OF PicKERING pLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEP~hTMEN' M. Senkiw & A. Robertson 4860 Old Brock Rd., R.R. #5 Claremont, Ont. Phone no. (905) 649-1381 June 20, 2005 Re: Proposed renaming of southerly dead-end portion of Old Brock Rd. Hello friends & neighbours: My wife and I object to the City's proposal as presented. If you concur with our concerns and suggestions, please complete the bottom portion of this page and include it with your response to the City, ensuring that the they receive it on or before July 4, 2005. We believe the name "Jenash Court" (the proposed street name), is a derivative of the names of a couple of the developer's family members (Jennifer and Ashley). The developer sold all of his interests on this street back in the late 1980's. At this point, the suggested name has no relevance to any current property owner. A more neutral name, in keeping with the natural surroundings and character of the street and the community in general would be more appropriate, several suggested alternatives being: Willow Court, Arbour Court or Moraine Court. Since this portion of roadway is in fact the original Old Brock Rd. (pre-dating the Claremont by-pass and the current south entrance into Claremont, a number of residents along this portion of roadway continue to receive their mail via Rural Route 5, Canada Post mailbox delivery service. It is imperative that the City ensure that any renaming of the road does not disqualify the rural route mailbox delivery privileges currently enjoyed by these residents. The mailboxes in question are located at the southeast comer of Old Brock Rd. and Old Brock Rd. (the currently posted street signage). o , Old Br, o3:k Rd., be the section of roadway that is renamed. Mi~ael Senk~w' ~ '" , C.E.T. . concur Address: If the above concerns cannot be satisfied, then we would respectfully suggest that the newer portion of roadway (connecting the Claremont by-pass to the original with the above. ...¢Y..¢Z.o.. .... ........ R. Martell 4840 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario RECF-IYED CiTY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my ~p/~iling/municipal address to 4840 Jenash Court.. I OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old ir(~nting my property to Jenash Court. Brock Road D. Foster & S. Morel-Foster 4850 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario '- 0 ~EPOR1 ~ PD.~- JUN 2 8 2005 CITY OF P~CKERJN Dm,,,----?- ~/''~NNING AND I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my mailing/municipal address to 4850 Jenash Court. I OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court. JUN B 2005 Ol"t'Y OF P~CKERING pLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT M. Senkiw & A. Robertson 4860 Old Brock Rd., R.R. #5 Claremont, Ont. Phone no. (905) 649-1381 June 20, 2005 Re: Proposed renaming of southerly dead-end portion of Old Brock Rd. ltello friends & neighbours: My wife and I object to the City's proposal as presented. If you concur with our concerns and suggestions, please complete the bottom portion of this page and include it with your response to the City, ensuring that the they receive it on or before July 4, 2005. We believe the name "Jenash Court" (the proposed street name), is a derivative of the names of a couple of the developer's family members (Jennifer and Ashley). The developer sold all of his interests on this street back in the late 1980's. At this point, the suggested name has no relevance to any current property owner. A more neutral name, in keeping with the natural surroundings and character of the street and the community in general would be more appropriate, several suggested altematives being: Willow Court, Arbour Court or Moraine Court. Since this portion of roadway is in fact the original Old Brock Rd. (pre-dating the Claremont by-pass and the current south entrance into Claremont, a number of residents along this portion of roadway continue to receive their mail via Rural Route 5, Canada Post mailbox delivery service. It is imperative that the City ensure that any renaming of the road does not disqualify the rural ronte mailbox delivery privileges currently enjoyed by these residents. The mailboxes in question are located at the southeast comer of Old Brock Rd. and Old Brock Rd. (the currently posted street signage). 3. If the above concerns cannot be satisfied, then we would respectfully suggest that the newer portion of roadway (connecting the Claremont by-pass to the original Old Br~/~k Rd.,~ the section of roadway that is renamed. Miclael Senkiw, C.E.T. , . . / -/-;. ~e: .... ~ ........ ;..~ ........... ; .... ;'~ .....;.~ ........................ ~con¢arw~th the bo . Address: ;,'~'8:>U ~iO ~t,~c~< ~-u ("H;F~ .(,,,) ~,, ~,~'~ T. & M. Zimmermani~ 4820 Old Brock Road Pickering, Ontario JUN ?. 3 200§ CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMEN~TT I HAVE NO OBJECTION to the City changing the name of the portion of Old Brock Road fronting my property to Jenash Court, thereby changing my mailing/municipal address to 4820 Jenash Court. '~1 OBJECT to the City changing the name of the portion of Old fronting my property to Jenash Court. Brock Road