HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 38-05 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 38-05 Date: October 5, 2005 From: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Regional Councillor Brenner Chair Waterfront Coordinating Committee Subject: Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan - Terms of Reference - File: A-2150 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 38-05 regarding the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Terms of Reference be received; and That the Terms of Reference be approved and staff be authorized to issue a request for an Expression of Interest (EOI) from qualified consulting firms to provide professional engineering services for the development of a Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan; and That staff, in conjunction with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority be authorized to short-list up to four (4) of the highest scoring firms on the EOI and issue a detailed Request for Proposal document; and That the City of Pickering cost share on a 50/50 basis with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for retaining the firm of Gartner Lee Limited for project management services for the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan, at a cost to the City not to exceed $15,000; and That a Steering Committee be assembled to guide the process, and provide input into the direction of the Master Plan, whose membership shall consist of City staff, TRCA staff, one member from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee, external agencies and a resident of the City of Pickering; and 6. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Report OES 38-05 Date: October 5, 2005 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Terms of Reference Page 2 Financial Implications: The City's 2005 Capital Budget for account 2410 Stormwater Management includes two Environmental Assessment activities related to Frenchman's Bay and its watersheds, at a total of $145,000. At this time, approval for $15,000 is being sought as a cost sharing arrangement with TRCA. Background: At the Council meeting of June 27, 2005 the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #106/05 endorsing the development of a Five Year Implementation Plan for Pickering Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay. A major component of the implementation plan is a Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan. Staff at the City of Pickering and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority have prepared a Terms of Reference for the Master Plan. These Terms of Reference were circulated to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and discussed at their meeting on September 22, 2005. The revised Terms of Reference are attached for Council's endorsement. The TRCA has retained the firm of Gartner Lee Limited for project management services for the initiative. Gartner Lee will assist in the preparation of the Expression of Interest and Request for Proposal documents as well as review all submissions. It is recommended that the City of Pickering cost share with TRCA, as this will be a valuable resource to the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master' Plan. Upon approval from Council, the City and TRCA with the assistance of Gartner Lee will prepare an Expression of Interest (EOI) request from qualified consulting firms which can be received by November 4, 2005. A short list will be determined using quantitative selection criteria, and up to four firms will be requested to submit a proposal for consulting services. It is anticipated that Proposals will be received in early December 2005, interviews conducted prior to the end of 2005, and a recommendation to Council to retain a firm in January 2006. The Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan is to be completed by December 1,2006. A Steering Committee consisting of technical staff, external agencies, representation from the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and a citizen of Pickering will be formed to guide the process and make strategic decisions along the way. At the request of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee at their meeting of September 22, 2005. City staff and the TRCA, along with a member of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee met with Dr. Nick Eyles of the University of Toronto to discuss a continuation of their involvement. Council will recall that Dr. Eyles authored the report "Remediation of an Impacted Lagoon (2003)". Dr. Eyles confirmed that the collaboration of the University of Toronto and McMaster University will continue to support initiatives related Report OES 38-05 Date: Subject: Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Terms of Reference October 5, 2005 Page 3 to increasing the health of Frenchman's Bay. As such they are prepared to provide resources in the form of technical advice, data collection and analysis and potential short or long term monitoring of the effects of improvements undertaken through the implementation plan. The Waterfront Coordinating Committee will play an important role, not only in the Stormwater Management Master Plan but also in the Five Year Implementation Plan. Their assistance and input will be greatly appreciated throughout this process. Attachments: 1. Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Terms of Reference Prepared By: Ri~ard Ho~,~n,-P; Eng /B'ivision Hea'd, Municipal Property Engineering Apprised By: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner Chair, Waterfront Coordinating Committee RH:mld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ATTACHMENT# FRENCHMAN'S BAY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN TERMS OF REFERENCE The City of Pickering in cooperation with The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority And The Waterfront Coordinating Committee ATTACHHEN-i-~_~. ....... i¥) REPOR'r~ ~ 8,~, ~ot_ '1 ,.. 1.0 2.0 3.0 INTRODUCTION The City of Pickering has identified a need to prepare a Five Year Implementation Plan for Pickering's Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay. One component of the Five Year Implementation Plan is the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan. The stormwater management master plan will encompass all the sub- watersheds in the Frenchman's Bay Watershed area including Krosno Creek, Amberlea Creek, Pine Creek, Dunbarton Creek and Hydro Marsh. For over a decade, Frenchman's Bay and the Pickering waterfront have been the subject of many studies and reports. Two of the most recent and comprehensive reports are: 1. Remediation of an Urban Impacted Watershed and Lagoon, 2003 2. Waterfront 2001 - Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Waterfront, 2001 Although a lot of information and recommendations for improvement have been published, information gaps may exist, and there needs to be a synthesized comprehensive plan with public and agency involvement. In May 2005, the City of Pickering and The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority sponsored and conducted a workshop focusing on the need for a stormwater management master plan for Frenchman's Bay. The workshop report; workbook and backgrounder are attached to the Terms of Reference for information. PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to prepare a comprehensive stormwater management master plan to provide strategic direction 'towards achieving healthy watersheds, implementation priorities, major infrastructure funding opportunities and satisfies Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process for master plans. The resulting master plan will be one component of an overall Five Year Implementation Plan for Pickering's Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay. STUDY AREA The Frenchman's Bay Watershed is approximately 20km2 or 2000 hectares in area, of which more than 80% is urbanized. The Watershed consists of four main creeks or sub-watersheds namely, Amberlea, ATTACHMENT# i TO REPORT#,OEs -~S- o5 Dunbarton, Pine and Krosno. There are also many small drainage areas that discharge directly into Frenchman's Bay. Frenchman's Bay itself extends over approximately 85 hectares of which approximately 55 hectares is open water. The bay is separated from Lake Ontario by a barrier beach with an inlet opening for marina areas. The Frenchman's Bay Watershed is illustrated in Figure 1. 4.0 APPROACH The master plan should consolidate and build on available information provided in recent and ongoing studies initiatives. The City of Picketing and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority require a watershed and ecosystem based approach which recognizes the various linkages and pathways within watersheds. It should consider the full range of measures available for restoring and rehabilitating the watershed such as source control; conveyance control; end of pipe control; and best environmental management practices achieved through education and community stewardship initiatives, policies and procedures and enforcement. 5.0 TASKS The preparation of the Stormwater Management Master Plan will be conducted in accordance with the Master Plan process described in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (',Ontario Municipal Engineers Association - June 2000). Following the Master Plan process ensures that the first two phases of the Class EA process are satisfied for any recommended future works. This will include the mandatory points of contact and public notification required under the Act. A three-phased approach will be adopted to complete the assignment, as described below. Phase 1 - Characterization - Understanding the System The tasks associated with this phase will involve: Collection and review of all relevant background information including, fish habitat assessment, climatic conditions, hydrology/hydraulics reports, subwatershed study documents, land use documents, water quality and stream flow data, soil and geology information, and the current design criteria applied by the municipality. Summarizing and evaluating the current stormwater management practices in relation to federal and provincial legislation as well as the City's own policy objectives. Consolidating the existing information, including both the physical and institutional elements of the stormwater management system contributing to Frenchman's Bay, and characterizing the performance of the existing system in regard to its affect on overall ecological health. Based upon the review and consolidation of existing information, identifying the data/information/policy gaps that need to be filled in order to prepare the Stormwater Management Master Plan. Phase 2 - Analyses of Alternative Methods The tasks associated with this phase will include: Undertaking the required field investigations to complete any identified data gaps in Phase 1. The collaboration of the University of Toronto and McMaster University will provide resources and assistance in completing data gaps. Review and confirmation of the goals and objectives of the Stormwater Management Master Plan, with consideration of the broader waterfront context. The identification of alternative measures that can be implemented within the upstream watersheds that will contribute to the improvement of the ecological conditions. A full range of measures will be considered including: at source, conveyance, and end-of-pipe measures, together with policy and practices improvement, and community stewardship initiatives. Phase 3 - Preparation of the Master Plan This phase will lay out the Master Plan that should be followed in order to restore and enhance the condition of Frenchman's Bay. The specific tasks to achieve this will include: Evaluating the various alternative measures and selecting the combination of measures/components that will constitute the Master Plan. · Establishing the priority and phasing for each of the components of the Master Plan, including both physical and policy elements. Identifying the Environmental Assessment Act requirements that need to be satisfied in order to implement the various components (projects) of the Master Plan. · Preparing the project documentation. The waterfront area of the City is well used and highly valued by area residents/stakeholders, and is viewed as important amenity to the community. Accordingly, throughout the course of the project, ample opportunity will be provided for meaningful comment and input by the interested parties. 6.0 SCHEDULE Expressions of Interest are due no later than 4:00pm, Friday, November 4, 2005. Those firms short listed will be contacted by Friday, November 11, 2005 and invited to submit a formal proposal. Proposals for the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan are due no later then 4:00pm, Monday, December 5, 2005, at the offices of the City of Pickering, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario. Firms submitting proposals will be requested to be interviewed during the week of December 12, 2005. The successful firm will be selected and recommended to City of Pickering Council at the January 16, 2006 meeting. Work on the project will commence immediately upon issuance of a purchase order. The final project deadline will be on or before December 1, 2006. 7.0 SELECTION PROCESS A two-stage process is being followed for the selection of the successful consultant. This Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) will form the initial stage and will facilitate a short-listing of the most qualified proponents. Following the short-listing, up to four (4) of the highest scoring proponents will be invited to respond to a detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) document. As noted above, an interview will form part of the RFP stage. 8.0 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST REQUIREMENTS As the initial step in the selection process, interested firms will be invited to submit a qualifications document (10 pages maximum, exclusive of appended corporate literature and resumes, 10 point or larger font) outlining the information identified below. The weighting assigned to each of the items in the evaluation of the submissions is also shown below. · Provide a corporate profile of the firm(s) that will form 10 points the core consulting team, the role that each firm will fulfill, and comment on past assignment that the firms have worked on together. · Provide three (3) examples of similar studies 15points completed within the previous three (3) years that compare in scope and magnitude to this assignment, together with the contact information of the client representatives that may be contacted for a reference. · Identify the Project Manager and describe his/her 35points individual qualifications and capabilities, recent relevant experience including communication, writing and presentation skills, and commitment for this Project. · Identify the key team members and subconsultants 20points and describe their individual qualifications/capabilities, recent relevant experience and commitment for this Project. · Include a brief description of the general approach and 10 points methodology that would be used for this Project. · Describe the in-house project management, quality lOpoints assurance, and financial systems that are available to monitor progress and ensure that scheduled milestones and deliverables are achieved. The short-listed consultants will then be requested to submit a detailed proposal outlining their study approach and methodology, further staffing details, project schedule, deliverables, and project costs. Master StOmwater M THIRD CONCESSION RD ~ Frenchman's Legend WATERSHED ~ Armor Business Park Amberlea ~y Ridges Dunba~on ~: ~. Krosno L a k e O n t a r i o Lookout Point Pine West Shore 0 0.~ 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 1' Study Area