HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 30-05REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 30-05 Date: April 28, 2005 From: - Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Recommendation: That Report CS 30-05 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved and that: 2. a) the 2005 Current (Operating) budget expenditure for employer contributions (Account #1400) in the amount of $6,085,422 be approved; b) the 2005 Gross Current (Operating) Budget for City purposes in the amount of $49,349,401 (which excludes employer contributions) and includes capital expenditures from current revenues in the amount of $2,799,545, less estimated current operating revenues of $22,494,162 and a transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve of $1,000,000, and including approval to use funds of $231,500 originally provided for the Transit Equalization Payment, resulting in a net overall levy for City Operations of $31,709,161 and when added to the City Levy for APTA of $2,568,726 results in a total City Levy of $34,277,887 which is approximately a 5.5 percent increase over 2004, be adopted; a) the City of Pickering's, 2005 financial share of the APTA Current Budget in the amount of $3,760,939, and APTA's Capital Budget in the amount of $2,092,838 for a total amount of $5,853,777 be approved; b) funding for the 2005 APTA Current and Capital Budget as follows: 2004 Gas Tax Funds in the amount of $161,515, 2005 Gas Tax Funds in the amount of $647,341, transfer from the Transit (Transportation) Reserve $307,354; "2005 Transit Tax Levy" to be transferred from the Region of Durham to the City of Pickering in the currently estimated amount of $990,835 be applied towards 2005 capital and current expenditures; funding by Durham Region through the assumption of Progress Payments in the amount of $1,178,006 when title to the new buses is transferred to the Region on January 1, 2006 leaving a residual balance of $2,568,726 funded from the tax levy be approved; Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 2 c) that APTA Board of Management be advised that all capital bus expenditures must have written confirmation from Durham Region to assume progress payment liabilities after December 31,2005 estimated to be $1,178,006; d) the Treasurer be authorized to fund Pickering's share of any overexpenditure or shortfall in revenue in APTA's operations by a transfer from the Transit (Transportation) Reserve and if there any funds left in this Reserve, that these funds be used to reduce the amount of the tax levy used to fund APTA's operations; a) the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to establish the Easement Settlement Reserve (ESR) and $2,500,000 be transferred to this Reserve; b) the amount of $1,404,887 be transferred from (ESR) to be used to fund current budget expenditures of $435,337 and capital budget expenditures of $969,550; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer present the 2005 final tax rates for adoption by Council when further information regarding 2005 (Non Residential Education Tax Rates) from the Province of Ontario and Region of Durham is available; a) the 2005 Capital Budget for the City of Pickering with a Gross Expenditure of $14,420,495 be adopted as presented; b) the following capital financing sources be approved as presented in the 2005 Capital Budget: Transfer from Current Fund to Capital Fund $2,799,545 Transfers from Reserves: - Capital Equipment (4611) - Easement Settlement Reserve - Rec Complex Arena Reserve (4623) 76,000 969,550 120,000 Transfers from Reserve Funds Development Charges Community Facilities (4225) Parkland Development (4230) Public Works Services (4232) City Share Dev. Charges Projects Third Party Contribution (4235) 1,623,260 25,000 650,000 100,000 2,027,840 50,000 Debt-5yr '' 172,000 Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 3 Debt - 10 yr Debt - 20 yr Internal Loans/Dealer Financing 3,372,80O 700,000 110,000 Federal Grants (1610) Provincial Grants (1623) Donations (4905) 1,153,500 375,000 96,000 TOTAL $14,420,495 c) total external debt financing of $4,224,800 for the projects identified in the 2005 Capital Budget and as indicated in this report in the amount of $172,000 for a period not to exceed 5 years and; $ 3,372,800 for a period not to exceed 10 years and $700,000 for a period not to exceed 20 years be approved; d) projects identified in the 2005 Capital Budget as being financed through the issuance of debt be subject to additional, specific approval by Council of the expenditure and the financing before proceeding; e) internal loans or dealer financing in the amount of $110,000 to be undertaken at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer as indicated in this report be approved; f) any debt or financing provisions contained in the annual Current Operating Budget of Pickering not used in the current year's payments requirements may, at the discretion of the Director Corporate Services & Treasurer, be used to apply towards principal amounts remaining to be financed; g) all Capital expenditures or portions thereof, approved in the 2005 and future Capital Budgets to be financed at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, most likely through internal loans, dealer financing, current funds or a combination thereof; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer: a) any surplus current operating funds at any year-end in excess of $110,000 to the Rate Stabilization Reserve; b) c) any funds necessary from the Rate Stabilization Reserve 'in order to ensure that in any year the Current Budget results in a year end surplus of no less than $110,000; any revenue resulting from the disposition of land or other assets in excess of $200,000 to the Reserve for Replacement of Capital Equipment; Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 4 8. a) 10. 11. 12. the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, in order to ensure that the budget plan including any re-allocation of 2005 current operating expenditures and revenues resulting from any re-organization including any adjustment in taxes or tax rates due to Provincial and Regional tax policy changes to ensure that the tax billing process is proper and complete; b) · any new Provincial and Federal Government funding announcements for municipal government in the form of grants or new taxing authority/powers that Council endorse that these new revenue sources be deemed where applicable to be new revenue sources for the lower tier municipality and to be applied to future Current and Capital budgets; c) if and when Federal Gas Tax funds are received, that these funds be transferred to the Rate Stabilization Reserve; d) the 2005 Current Fire Services Division Operating Budget for Accounts #1100 (Salaries & Wages) and #1400 (Employer Contributions) be restated for the 2,006 Budget once contract negotiations have been completed; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to close any prior year's capital expenditure accounts, at his discretion, and to first apply any excess funding to any overexpenditure (in accounts utilizing the same source of funds) and to secondly transfer any remaining excess funding back to the original source of the funds; the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001 (s.299 and s.300), that require municipalities to provide public notice regarding the improvements and barriers to improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of municipally delivered services, be fulfilled by the service level standards provided in the detailed program budget sections of the 2005 City Budgets; by compliance with the Municipal Performance Measurement Program and by the reporting to the public as required under' the Act, later this year; Council enact the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law which provides for the 'fees and charges that are incorporated into the 2005 Current Budget; the Schedule of ,~alary, Expenses and Communications Respecting Members of Council as set out in this report be adopted; Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 5 13. a) 14. approval be given for the Liverpool Road - Great Lakes Nautical Theme, Phase 1, Liverpool Road South Underground Utility Conversion to be undertaken by Veridian at an estimated cost of $200,000 and a Purchase Order be so issued; b) Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as included in the approved 2005 Capital Budget as follows: (i) issuance of debt not exceeding the amount of $200,000 for a period not exceeding 20 years, at a rate to be determined; (ii) financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $17,500 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2005 and continuing thereafter until the loans are repaid; the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that these, loans and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2004 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; (iv) the Treasurer be authorized to take any necessary actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and, the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: The 2005 Current (Operating) & Capital Budgets, if adopted as presented, will result in a tax levy increase of 5.5 percent over last year's average property tax bill (excluding any Provincial tax policy changes). On a home assessed at $257.,000, the total tax levy proposed increase equates to $0.95 per week. The proposed increase is estimated to be approximately 1.45% on the Total Residential Tax Bill. Adoption of the 2005 Capital Budget includes the use, or draw down, of Reserves and Reserve Funds of approximately $5,641,650. Capital Budget financing also necessitates the use of $4,244,000 in debt that will result in an increase in the 2006 Current (Operating) Budget for 'debt charges' in the amount of approximately $550,000 which is a 1.7 percent tax impact. Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 6 Background: The Recommendations put forth are those necessary to adopt the 2005 Current (Operating) and Capital Budgets of the City of Pickering. As in past years, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the Depar[ment Heads have worked diligently to keep current operating expenditures at the absolute minimum level necessary to sustain the current level of service to the ratepayers of Pickering. As mentioned in last year's report, in regards to the Greater Toronto Area, we feel Pickering is very unique: relatively very limited sustainable growth, more or less, in the middle of a growing economy and geographic area. Pickering has been in this situation for the last few years due to the absence of development of the lands to the north which has made the southern area "landlocked". This situation has arisen as a result of the vast land holdings of the Federal and .Provincial governments and by the absence of services. What used to be normal 5 to 7 percent assessment growth has first leveled off and then declined to approximately 1 percent in the last few years and 1.2 percent, net of write offs, for 2005. (Pickering's current growth is basically the result of "infilling"). This is a very limited growth situation. In order to sustain the City financially certain measures have been taken in successive budgets: Operating expenditures, other than contractual increases, have been reviewed by the CAO and senior staff and where possible, either held at last year's level or basically an inflationary adjustment. The administration has been reorganized, made more efficient and more cost effective. 3. One time revenues have been used to offset ongoing operating costs. Contributions to Reserves and Reserve Funds to assist in maintaining the City's infrastructure has decreased. 5. An increasing reliance on withdrawals from Reserves and Reserve Funds. 6. The use of debt over the last five years to forestall tax increases. 7. A leveling off of non-tax revenues. The foregoing have put considerable strains on the City's financial resources. This year's budget attempts to continue this delicate "balancing act". Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 7 Reserves and Reserve Funds The 2005 Budgets contain continuing reliance upon draws from Reserves and Reserve Funds especially for the Parkland Reserve Fund (Account #4230). The 2004 projected year-end balance for the Parkland Reserve Fund is $2.04 million. However, the 2005 capital budget will use approximately $650,000 to fund various capital projects such as playground equipment and therefore, the estimated 2005 yearend position for this account would be approximately $1.4 million. (In 1997 the Parkland Reserve Fund's balance was $4.1 million). In February of this year, the City received $2,500,000 and Recommendation 4 a) directs the Treasurer to establish the Easement Settlement Reserve. The 2005 budget proposes to use $1,404,887 of these funds. The projected balance of the fund is presented below. Easement Settlement Reserve (Opening Balance 2005) Less: Capital Budget Expenditures Current Budget Expenditures Projected December 31,2005 Balance $2,500,000 (969,550) (435,337) $1,095,113 The External Subdivision portion of the 2005 Capital Budget is funded primarily from two sources: Developer contributions and a City Share Developer Contributions (Reserve Account #4620). The City's cost for its share of 2005 capital projects is $2.02 million. Our 2005 contribution to the City Share Reserve (Account #4260) is $590,000 and therefore, the City is drawing more from this fund then it is replacing. The large future dollar commitments and the City's ability to fund its share of these commitments most likely means the City will have to debt finance its contribution which in-turn will add to the financial pressures on the organization. Debt and Debt Charqes The current level of debt, and the resultant annual debt charges, is at a relatively high level, especially considering this means of financing was not used before 1998. The additional 2005 debt of $4,2 million is substantially higher than the 2004 debt of $2.2 million. The 2005 debt will translate into additional debt charges of approximately $550,000 which will necessitate a 1.7 percent of increase in the 2006 Current (Operating) Budget, For 2005, the City is planning on issuing $4,244,800 of external debt for various projects listed in Table One. Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 8 Table One External Debt and Internal Financing of Capital Proiects City of Pickering 5 & 10 Year Debt Financing 2005 Capital Budget Capital Project Code Debt- 5 Description Years ($) 05-2745-005-01 172,000 Upgrade to library automation system Capital Project Code Debt - 10 Description Years ($) 05-2240-001-00 600,000 Pumper replacement 05-2320-001-00 190,000 Replacement vehicle (Four Ton Dump Truck) 05-2320-009-03 151,075 COMRIF- Palmer Bridge- (Gross Cost $453,200 partially offset by Federal Government funding of $302,125) 05-2320-009-04 153,650 COMRIF- Greenwood Bridge- (Gross Cost $460,900 partially offset by Federal Government funding of $307,250) 05-2320-009-05 85,800 COMRIF- Michell Bridge- (Gross Cost $257,400 partially offset by Federal Government funding of $171,600) 05-2320-009-06 89,100 COMRIF- Reesor Creek Bridge- (Gross Cost $267,300 partially offset by Federal Government funding of $178,200) 05-2320-009-07 97,175 COMRIF- Bulmer Bridge- (Gross Cost $291,500 partially offset by Federal Government funding of $194,325) 05-2731-005-01 200,000 Design of double squash courts and fitness/aerobics studio 05-2320-008-02 175,000 Concession 7-York Line to Sideline 32 05-2320-008-04 600,000 Sheppard Avenue- Old Forest Road to Altona Road Phase II 05-2320-008-06 200,000 Sideline 16 North of 407- Phase 1 full load road to commercial enterprise 05-2320-008-13 275,000 Sandy Beach Rd including sidewalk construction 05-2718-001-00 105,000 Duffin Trail Works 05-2744-001-01 451,000 Museum Restoration - Program Centre Total Ten Year Debt $3,372,800 Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 9 City of Pickering 20 Year Debt Financing 2005 Capital Budget Capital Project Code 05-2320-008-00 Total Debt - 20 Years ($) 700,000 $700,000 Description Liverpool Road - Great Lakes Nautical Theme - Millennium Square to north of Wharf Street including underground utility City of Pickering Internal Loan/Dealer Financing 2005 Capital Budget Capital Project Code 05-2718-002-01 Internal Loan/ Dealer Financing ($) 45,000 05-2718-002-02 65,000 Total $110,000 Description Replacement of vehicle #708 Replacement of vehicle #711 Aiax/Pickerin.q Transit Authority (APTA) The recommendations in the first section of the report regarding APTA reflect the draft 2005 APTA budget still to be approved by the APTA Board. The 2005 Current and Capital Budgets for APTA include some projects for which external grant funding has been applied for. As Members of Council are aware, several APTA buses are at or near retirement and these vehicles need to be replaced. Conventional transit buses costs approximately $620,000 each and external grant funding will be used to assist the municipality in paying for the buses. The 2005 draft APTA capital budget proposes to purchase eight conventional and three specialized vehicles - an increase of six additional vehicles over the 2004 approved budget. Beginning on January 1, 2006, the Region of Durham will be responsible for transit. For 2005, the City of Pickering is basically in a financial "caretaker position" regarding APTA or transit. Bus purchases and the actual physical delivery of the bus usually takes over 12 months due to time involved in constructing the vehicle. It is anticipated that APTA will place the purchase order in late fall 2005 and the vehicle will be received in 2006. When buses are ordered, a progress payment schedule or plan is required as part of the purchase agreement with the manufacturer. It is anticipated that APTA will be responsible for 5% of the initial bus cost and remainder of the payment would be the responsibility of Durham Region. Recommendation 3 c) comply's with the Durham Region Transit Bylaw "clause m" by stating that APTA must have written confirmation Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 10 from the Region regarding the assumption of liabilities as a result of ordering/purchasing of buses. The Transit/Transportation Reserve is a key component in the City's financial plan. This Reserve will be used to help offset capital related costs such as bus purchases, and will also be used to reduce APTA's current operating budgetary increases and to partially fund Pickering's cost of the provision of financial services to APTA. In addition, the Transit/Transportation Reserve should be viewed as a financial security blanket from the perspective of protecting the City's 2005 financial plan if APTA should either have a revenue shortfall or unanticipated expenditure increase this year. Recommendation 3 d) will authorize the Treasurer to fund Pickering's share of APTA financial shortfalls from a draw from the Transit/Transportation Reserve. In addition, if approved, Recommendation 3 d) permits the use of the Transit Transportation Reserve to be used to fund any APTA expenditures which in-turn could reduce the impact on the tax levy. The 2005 Budget continues 'the 2004 strategy of using part of the Transit Transportation Reserve to fund Pickering's costs for the general provision of financial services to APTA in the amount of $95,000. In addition, the City plans to use the 2005 funds received from the Region of Durham to fund APTA at a level that does not increase the 2004 tax levy. Travel Reimbursement The rate for reimbursement of expenses for travel on City business in personally owned vehicles was adjusted in 2000 after almost a decade of no change. The last such adjustment was in conjunction with the 2004 Budget. Travel costs for Councillors was adjusted to reflect higher vehicle operating costs and to establish a base upon which future adjustments can be calculated. The two forms of allowance are now the same and any future adjustments will be as approved by Council in Report CS 14-04 or as may be otherwise approved by Council. In addition, as per Budget Committee meetings of April 7and 8th, car allowance has been implemented for the CAO. PIL Revenue Based on Estimates In 2004, the City budgeted approximately $3.7 million in revenue which was based on an assessment estimate as provided by MPAC. An estimate was used due to the fact the assessment appeal has not yet been finalized between the City, OPG and indirectly MPAC. In mid February of this year, the City received a revised lower estimate from MPAC regarding the OPG facilities. Staff in consultation with its assessment consultant have reviewed the revised lower estimate and are not in an agreement with some of the facts used to determine the assessment. The revised lower assessment has been used for the 2005 budget process, however, staff and the City's consultants will be presenting counter arguments at the Assessment Review Board hearings. Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 11 Tax Rates As has been the case for the last few years, the 2005 Property Tax Rates and Levy By- law will be presented at a later date when more information is available from the Province regarding the education tax rates for the large industrial tax class. Several years ago, the City was able to absorb on a short-term basis the loss of revenue due to Provincial and Regional Governments taxation policy changes. Unfortunately, this year, the City has limited financial flexibility and is therefore unable to offset any anticipated revenue losses due to higher level government decisions regarding tax rates and tax policy decisions. With the City being in a limited assessment growth scenario, our ability to absorb these revenue losses through supplementary property taxes does not exist. Therefore, Recommendation 8 a) will allow the Treasurer to make any adjustments to the 2005 proposed Total Tax Levy to reflect senior government tax policy decisions 2006/2007Capital Forecast Bud.qet The 2006/2007 capital forecast budget projects a total expenditure in the amount of $52.65 million. The high capital forecast is a result of projects and capital expenditures being deferred to future years due to affordability limitations. As Members of Council are aware, the City cannot afford these types of expenditures during the next two years. Over the next few months the capital forecast budget will be reviewed from the perspective of affordability, maintenance and safety. A revised capital budget forecast will be presented to Council later this year. 2005 User Fees & Charqes Schedule Every year, the City increases its user fees for various recreational and cultural programs to partially reflect the cost of delivering the various programs. As in previous years the budget reflects the revised user fees to be approved by Council. Under the Municipal Act, 2001, Section 391, user fee changes have to be established by By-law and the municipality must maintain a list of its fees and charges for public inspection. Last year Council approved By-law 6338/04 as part of the 2004 Budget Council Report CS-14 which revised the user fees to reflect the 2004 budget. Recommendation 11, seeks Council approval to approve the attached By-law and corresponding User Fee Schedule. The additional revenue from the user fee increases is already reflected in the 2005 budget. Council Compensation Policy Recommendation 12 seeks Council approval to adopt the "Salary, Expenses and Communications Respecting Members of Council", as found in Attachment 2. This document was originally presented to Council at the December Retreat. There have Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 12 been no changes to the document except to reflect the change in RRSP contributions from 9 percent to 11 percent and wording clarification changes. 2005 Bud.qet Summary Pages Attachment 3 includes the budget summary pages as presented to Council at the April 7 and April 8th Budget Committee meetings. These documents have been revised to reflect the decisions made by Council at these meetings including the discussions on April 25, 2005. Section 299 & 300 of the Municipal Act, 2001 Section 299 & 300 of the Municipal Act, 2001 requires each municipality to provide notice to the public on the improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of services by the municipality and local boards and identify any barriers in achieving improvements. Barriers Encountered by the Municipality In Achieving its Efficiency and Improvements The first significant barrier is that the City of Pickering's primary source of revenue is property taxes. The City believes that municipalities do not have financial tools available for generating revenue in order to meet the demands of its citizens and to keep property tax increases at affordable levels. Another barrier is the limitations to the projects eligible to be funded through development charges. Municipalities are expected by their citizens to provide recreational facilities, transit services, libraries etc. Municipalities feel that the current statutory 10% discounts should be eliminated, and that the list of eligible costs be expanded. The City of Pickering is somewhat unique from the perspective that it basically has little serviced land available for development. (The Federal and Provincial Governments own or have control of lands in Central and Northern Pickering which currently blocks any future development). Other municipalities are able to offset some portion of budgetary increases through assessment growth. Unfortunately, the City has very limited assessment growth due to its "landlocked" position. Under the area of "Improvements in Efficiencies and Effectiveness," the City continues to review and streamline its operations. As required under the Act, further information will be reported later this year. 2005 Budget - Roads, Bridges & Community Safety For 2005, the City is embarking on an ambitious capital budget that invests funds into the City's roads, sidewalks and bridges infrastructure. As the graph below indicates, Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 13 the $14.4 million capital expenditure program is the highest the budget has been over the last eleven years. Capital Budget Summary 1995 to 2005' $15,000,000- $12,000,000- $9,000,000- $6,000,000' $3,000,000' $o 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 1[] Capital Expenditures I It is anticipated that many of the projects will commence in 2005 and be completed in 2006. The COMRIF capital bridge program may take several years to complete and is dependent upon Federal and Provincial Government funding. The 2005 Current Budget includes 12 new staff of which six positions are for direct community safety (five Fire and one By-law). Over the last few years, the City has basically added only new positions for Fire Services and is now starting to address workload pressures in other areas. Liverpool Road - Great Lakes Nautical Theme Phase 1 - Liverpool Road South Underqround Utility Conversion The 2005 Capital Budget contains the above-mentioned project in the amount of $700,000, to be debt financed over 20 years, The Recommendation is put forth for what is called Phase 1 only, being the underground utility conversion, to proceed as soon as the budget is passed. As Veridian is the owner of the overhead electrical wires, transformers and other related appurtenances they are the only ones to undertake this work. Considering the foregoing and bearing in mind that it is essential that this work be completed prior to the start of the Frenchmans Bay Festival in June approval is require now. The estimated value of this work for Phase 1 is $200,000, to be debt financed over 20 years in conjunction with the balance of the project when it is approved. Report CS 30-05 Subject: 2005 Current and Capital Budgets Date: April 28, 2005 Page 14 The remainder of the work which will include boulevard treatments and associated street furniture installations will be addressed through the normal tendering process at a later date. Attachments: By-law to Confirm General Fees and Charges, 2005 Schedule of Salaw, Expenses and Communications Respecting Members of Council 2005 Budget Summary Pages Budget Slide Presentation, ,April 7, 2005 Budget Slide Presentation, .April 25, 2005 Prepared By: Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Sta~ Karwowski Manager, Finance & Taxation c-'~r~llis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Quir Officer · ~flACHHENT # / TO B, EPOP,,T # ~-G ~0-~'~" "' PICKER_lNG SCheduie I SUMMARY OF FEES & CHARGES PURSUANT TO SECTION 392 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT Corporate" o, ervk.,es Department To be Approved by Counci! Ma,,; P 2005 Disclaimer: Th=. foJJowJ;7g are fu~her information THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6519/05 Being a by-law to amend By-law Number 6338/04 to confirm General Municipal Fees and Charges pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 6338/04 on June 2, 2004 to confirm general municipal fees and charges pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Schedule "1" to By-law Number 6338/04 is hereby deleted and Schedule "l" attached hereto is substituted therefore. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2nd day of May, 2005. David Ryan, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk CORP0223-07/01 · ' CLERKS DIVISION Fee includes GST where applicable Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Body Rub Licences Owner/Operator - 1st licence $1500 $1500 No Increase Owner - not operator - 1st licence $1400 $1400 No Increase Owner/Operator - renewal $100/yr $100/yr No Increase Owner- not operator- renewal $100/yr $100/yr No Increase Operator- not owner $100/yr $100/yr No Increase Rubber $100/yr $100/yr No Increase Business Licence Wrecking Yard $20/yr $20/yr No Increase Markets (<100 stalls) $200/day $200/day No Increase Markets (>99 stalls) $1000/day $1000/day No Increase Public Hall $10/yr $10/yr No Increase Amusement $25/yr $25/yr No Increase Pet Shops $100/yr $100/yr No Increase Taxi Licences Owners licence $500 $500 No Increase Driver - original $100 $100 No Increase Owner- original $1000 $1000 No Increase Broker- original $1000 $1000 No Increase Driver - renewal $100 $100 No Increase Owner - renewal $125 $125 No Increase Broker- renewal $125 $125 No Increase Driver - replacement $10 $10 No Increase Owner- replacement $10 $10 No Increase Plate - Replacement $10 $10 No Increase Broker- Replacement $50 $50 No Increase Tariff Card $5 $5 No Increase Cat & Dog Licence Spayed/neutered $15/yr. $20/yr January 1, 2005 Unaltered $25/yr $40/yr January 1, 2005 Microchip - spayed/neutered $10/yr $15/yr January 1, 2005 Microchip - Unaltered $20/yr $35/yr January 1, 2005 Replacement $5 ea. $5 ea. No Increase Adult Video OwnedOpertor $1500/yr $1500/yr No Increase ... Owner- not operator $1400/yr $1400/yr No Increase Operator - not owner $100/yr $100/yr No Increase Fences - Pool Enclosure Permit $150 $150 No Increase * Note: Applicant is also required to pay a $500 1 * ' I PropOsed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Feei Proposed Fee Effective Date damage deposit to Planning & Development Hawker / Peddler Licence Temporary Use (Per day / per location) $20 $20 No Increase Stationary Use $250 $250 No Increase Horse Riding Establishment Licence Original Licence $250 $250 No Increase Annual renewal $100/yr $100/yr No Increase Late renewal penalty $25 $25 No Increase Signs Sign $150 ea $150 ea No Increase Temporary Sign $25 ea $25 ea No Increase Commissioning & Certification of Documents Flat rate regardless of number of pages. $1 O/job $1 O/job No Increase Commissioning for Pension forms is unofficially exempt. Lotteries .75% of gross .75% of gross No Increase prize value prize value Marriage Licence $100 each $100 each No Increase Burial Permits $25 each $25 each No Increase Tree Cutting Permit $100 each $100 each No Increase Photocopying Up to five pages free - additional pages $.50/page $.50/page No Increase Compliance Letters $125/response $125/response No Increase 2 CORPORATE PROJECTS & POLICY DIVISION Fee includes GST where applicable Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee , Effective Date Business Directory $20 $20 t No increase Business Directory - Special Report $20 $20 No increase Business Directory - Mailing Labels $100 $100 No increase Filming Fees: No increase - Parks and Facilities $500 $500 - Fire Actual Costs Actual Costs Museum Fees: No increase - Prep/Strike Fee $75/hr + gst $75/hr + gst - Filming $150/hr + gst $150/hr + gst - Overtime $200/hr + gst $200/hr + gst 3 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Fee includes GST where applicable i Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Bidders cost to pick up tendering package. Range: Range: No increase Price range based upon the size of the tendering $30 to $100 $30 to $100 ! document package, drawings, soils report, consulting reports - relative to the size of the project NSF Cheques $30 $30 No increase Tax Certificates $65 $65 No increase 357/358 Applications $25 $25 No increase (Depending on-value of rebate) Tax Collection/Tax Registration Letters $25 $25 No increase 4 " CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Fee includes GST where applicable Proposed Fee User Fee or Char~le Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Fitness Services Personal Training Fitness Consultations One Hour ....... - Members $37.45 $39.32 September 2005 - Non-Members $44.94 $47.19 September 2005 Personal Training Intro Pack - Members $90.95 $95.50 September 2005 - Non-Members ! $109.14 $114.60 September 2005 Personal Training 6 pack - Members $321 $337.05 September 2005 - Non-Members $385.20 $404.46 September 2005 Personal Training 12 pack - Members $577.80 $606.69 September 2005 - Non-Members $693.36 $728.03 September 2005 Personal Training 16 pack - Members $684.80 $719.04 September 2005 - Non-Members $821.76 $862.85 September 2005 Personal Training 24 pack - Members $963 $1,011.15 September 2005 - Non-Members $1,155.60 $1,213.38 September 2005 Nutritional Consulting Introductory Session - Member $107 $112.35 September 2005 Keep on Track Six- 15 minute consults, $107 $112.35 September 2005 Member ' Full Service Twelve- 30 minute $374.50 $393.22 September 2005 consults, Member Full.Service One - 30 minute $37.45 $39.32 September 2005 session, Member Full Service One- 15 minute $21.40 $22.47 September 2005 session, Member Introductory Session - Non-Member $128.40 $134.82 September 2005 Keep on Track Six - 15 minute consults, $128.40 $134.82 September 2005 Non-Member Full Service Twelve - 30 minute $449.40 $471.87 September 2005 consults, Non-Member Full Service One - 30 minute $44.94 $47.19 September 2005 consults, Non-Member Full Service One - 15 minute $25.68 $26.96 September 2005 consults, Non-Member Babysitting Service .Babysitting 1 Hour - Member $2~50 $2.50 No Increase Babysitting 6 Hour - Member $18 $15 No Increase Babysitting .10 Pass - Member $25 $25 No Increase Babysitting 1 Hour - Non-Member $4.50 $4.50 No Increase 5 · ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee ! Proposed Fee Effective Date Babysitting 15 Hour - Non-Member $40 $40 No Increase Pass Programs ..................... [ Fitness Programs 1 Tai Chi Ten - 1 hour classes $75 $83.46 September 2005 Yoga Eight - 1.5 hour classes $87 $98.44 September 2005 Intermediate Pilates Six- 1 hour classes $80 $80 No Increase Pilates Six- 1 hour classes $75 $75 No Increase Pilates Six - 45 minute classes $65 $65 No Increase F.I.T. Club Fifteen hour program $80 $89.88 September 2005 Pre-Teen Workout Five - 1 hour classes $40 $44.94 September 2005 Weight Training for Eight- 1 hour classes $98 $98 No Increase Women Aquatic Programs Aquatots/Turtle Tots Ten- 30 minute classes $73 $76.65 August 2005 Aquaquest 1 to Ten-30 minute classes $73 $76.65 August 2005 Aquaquest 5 Aquaquest 6 to Ten-45 minute classes $83 $87.15 August 2005 Aquaquest 12 Summer Swim (DIP) Nineteen - 45 minute $125 $131.25 August 2005 Session classes Youth Stroke Ten- 55 minute classes $72 $75.60 August 2005 Improvement Jr. Lifeguard Club Ten- 1 hour classes $93 $97.65 August 2005 Canadian Swim Ten-1 hour classes $83 $87.15 August 2005 Patrol Bronze Star Ten-1.5 hour classes $96 $100.80 August 2005 Bronze Medallion Twenty-four hour $199 $174.30 August 2005 program Bronze Cross Twelve - 2 hour classes $149 $156.45 August 2005 NLS Ten-3 hour classes $254 $262.90 August 2005 Leader/Assistant Ten - 4.5 hour classes $196 $220.21 August 2005 Instructor Red Cross/Lifesaving Forty-five hour program $236 $265.15 August 2005 SocietyWater Safety t Instructor Aqua Adults Ten-55 minute classes $79 $88.75 August 2005 Private Classes Five-30 minute classes $117 $122.85 August 2005 Semi-Private Classes Ten-30 minute classes $140 $148 August 2005 Mini-Session Private Three-30 minute classes $55 $57.75 August 2005 Daytime Private Mini Four-30 minute classes $74 $77.70 Au, gust 2005 Session Aquafit Ten - 55 minute classes $82 $86.10 August 2005 Aq uafit Twenty - 55 minute $142 $149.10 August 2005 classes 6 · ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION t Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Aquafit Thirty - 55 minute $165 $173.25 August 2005 classes Specialty Aquafit, Ten - 40 minute classes $65 $68.25 August 2005 Nice'n Easy Specialty Aquafit, Twenty - 40 minute $104 $109.20 August 2005 Nice'n Easy classes -. Aquafit for Arthritis Ten - 40 minute classes $65 $73.03 August 2005 Aquafit for Arthritis Twenty - 40 minute $104 $109.20 August 2005 classes Museum Outreach Programs Weaving Wizards, 1 - 2 Hours $90 $100 July 2005 Wordsmith, Christmas Past, Sheep to Shawl, Stunning Stencils Buzzsaws & Building I - 1.5 Hours $85 $95 July 2005 Blocks Wonderful Wool One - 45 minutes class $50 $55 July 2005 Thingamijigs One - 1 hour class $65 $70 July'2005 Settlers Workshop 2 Hours $95 $105 July 2005 Fraktur Preschool Pro~lrams Song & Splash Twelve - 1 hour classes $80 $83 July 2005 School's Coming Twelve - 2 hour classes $113 $117 July 2005 Craft Club Twelve - 2 hour classes $113 $117 July 2005 Artful Toddler Twelve - 1 hour classes $78 $81 July 2005 Tots In Action Twelve - 2 hour classes $108 $112 July 2005 Family Fun Twelve - 1.25 hour $95 $98 July 2005 classes Wiggles'n Giggles Twelve - 30 minute $54 $56 July 2005 classes Tumble Tots Twelve - 45 minute $67 $70 July 2005 classes Bouncin' Buddies Twelve - 45 minute $67 $70 July 2005 classes Jumpin' Jax Twelve - 45 minute $67 $70 July 2005 classes Junior Gym Twelve- 1 hour classes $80 $83 July 2005 Afternoon Play Group Twelve- 1 hour classes $96 $100 July 2005 Land of Fairytales Twelve - 1.5 hours $96 $100 July 2005 Parent & Tot Skate Twelve - 30 minute $67 $67 No increase classes Beginner Pre School Twelve - 30 minute $67 $67 No increase Skating classes Advanced Skating Twelve- 45 minute $72 $79 July 2005 classes 7 * ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION I Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee I Effective Date Creative Steps Twelve - 30 minute $55 $55 ' No increase classes Pre-Ballet Twelve -45 minute $70 $70 No increase classes Children & Youth Programs Dance Twelve - 45 minute $70 $70 No increase Primary Ballet classes Highland Dancing Twelve - 45 minute $68 $68 No increase (ages 4-5 years) classes Highland Dancing Twelve- 1 hour classes $79 $79 No increase (ages 6-8 years) Hip Hop Dance Twelve -45 minute $70 $70 No' increase classes Jazz Twelve -45 minute $66 $68 No increase classes Children's Art Ten- 1.25 hour classes $60 $63 July 2005 Youth Art Ten - 1.5 hour classes $66 $69 July 2005 Cartooning Ten- 1.25 hour classes $57 $59 July 2005 Babysitting Course Eight- 1.5 hour classes $53 $55 July 2005 Home Alone Four - 1.5 hour classes $27 $29 July 2005 Breakdancing Eight- 80 minute $55 $55 No increase classes Youth Leadership Nine - 1.5 hour classes $53 $53 No increase ....... Mad Science Eight - 1 hour classes $86 $92 July 2005 Children's Guitar - Eight - 1 hour classes $60 $60 No increase Level 1 Children's Learn to Eight- 1.5 hour classes $78 $78 No increase Sew Youth Spanish Ten weeks - 1 hour $39 $39 No increase classes Girlz Night Seven weeks - 2 hour $55 $55 No increase classes Karate 2 Months -45 minute $40 $40 No increase classes Youth Karate 2 Months- 1 hour $55 $55 No increase classes "Badminton Twelve - 1 hour classes $47 $47 No increase Raptor Ball Ten - 1.25 hour classes $65 $67 July 2005 Summer Hockey Ten - 1 hour classes $92 $92 No increase Schoo~ Summer Assistant . Minimum 2 sessions or 4 $65 $70 March 2006 Counsellor weeks Summer Youth Nine - 3 hour classes $110 $115 March 2006 Leadership Ten - 3 hours classes $120 $125 March 2006 Recreational Eight - 2 hour classes $40 $43 January 2006 Basketball Clinic 8 ' ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Char~le Current Fee Proposed Fee , Effective Date Recreational Eight - 2 hour classes $40 $43 I January 2006 Volleyball Clinic Ball Hockey Ten- 1.5 hour classes $50 $52 I July 2005 Skateboarding 101 Six - 1.5 hours classes ,$30 $30 I No increase Adult Pro~lrams Art Ten - 2 hour classes $74 $77 July 2005 Art - Acrylics Seven - 3 hour classes $97 $100 July 2005 Evening Watercolour Seven - 3 hour classes $97 $100 July 2005 Adult Guitar Eight - 1 hour classes $60 $60 No increase Ballroom Dance Ten - 2 hour classes $87 $87 No increase Bellydance Twelve - 1 hour classes $70 $70 No increase Scrapbooking One - 3 hour class $37 $37 No increase Spanish, Ten - 2 hour classes $70 $73 July 2005 Beginner/Int. Photography, Ten - 2 hour classes $75 $75 No increase Beginner Photography, Ten - 2 hour classes $85 $85 No increase Intermediate .. Sewing Ten - 2 hour classes $95 $95 No increase Creative Arts for the Eight - 2 hour classes $70 $70 No increase Soul. Art History Ten - 2 hour classes $47 $47 No increase Creative Journalling Eight - 2 hour classes $70 $70 No increase Cake Decorating Seven - 2.25 hour $70 $70 No increase classes Lowfat Cooking 3 weeks - 2.5 hours $73 $73 No increase Knitting for Beginners Ten- 2 hour classes $80 $80 No increase Karate Two months - 1.5 hour $62 $62 No increase classes Skating Twelve -45 minute $80 $80 No increase classes Men's Power Hour Twelve - 1 hour classes $37 $40 July 2005 Badminton Twelve - 1.5 hour $58 $61 July 2005 classes Volleyball, Twelve - 2 hour classes $62 $65 July 2005 Competitive Volleyball, Recreation Twelve - 1.5 hour $58 $61 July 2005 classes Older Adult Programs .... Spanish Ten - 2 hour classes $32 $34 July 2005 Keep Fit Ten - 1 hour classes $32 $34 July 2005 Stretch & Tone Ten - 1 hour classes $32 $34 July 2005 Line Dancing Ten - 1 hour classes $25 $28 July 2005 Art (Beg. & Adv.) Ten - 2.5 hour classes $46 $48 July 2005 9 · ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION User Fee or Charge Current Fee t Proposed Fee t EffectivePr°p°sedDateFee Summer Fit Ten - 1 hour classes $30 $32 July 2005 Bridge Eight-2.5 hour classes $26 $28 July 2005 Tai Chi 4 month - 1 hour $55 classes Stretch & Strengthen Ten - 1 hour classes $32 $33 July 2005 Creative Arts for the Eight - 2 hour classes $70 $70 No increase Soul Art History Ten - 2 hour classes $47 $47 No increase Creative Journ~lling Eight- 1 hour classes $47 $47 No increase Museum Programs Introductory One - 3 hour class $32 $35 January 2006 Sketching Needle Crafts One - 3 hour class $32 $35 January 2006 (Tatting) Needle Crafts (Tied One - 2.5 hour class $63 $68 January 2006 Quilt) Woodworking One - 3 hour class $32 $35 January 2006 (Walking Stick) Woodworking (Shop) One- 3 hour class $48 $52 January 2006 Paper Handicrafts One - 2.5 hour class $32 $35 January 2006 (Quilling) Paper Handicrafts One - 3 hour class $32 $35 January 2006 (Children's) Paper Handicrafts One - 3 hour class $32 $35 January 2006 (Christmas) Rug Hooking One - 5.5 hour class $30 $33 January 2006 Chair Caning Two - 3 hour class $45 $49 January 2006 ..... Crazy Patch Frame Two - 2.5 hour class $45 $49 January 2006 Cooking with Herbs One - 3.5 hour class $30 $33 January 2006 Herb Garden One - 2.5 hour class $30 $33 January 2006 Intro. To Two- 7 hour class $150 $160 January 2006 Blacksmithing Christmas Ornaments One- 3 hour class $32 $35 January 2006 Camps March Break Camp Extend a Camp 5 Days $50 $54 November 2005 Full Day Program 5 Days $128 $137 November 2005 Half Day Camp 5 Days $65 I $70 November 2005 Museum Heritage Half-Day 4 half days $51 $53 March 2006 Camp Heritage Half-Day 5 half days $59 $61 March 2006 Camp 10 · ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Char~te Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Heritage Half-Day 9 half days $98 $102 March 2006 Camp Heritage Half-Day 10 half days $114 $118 March 2006 Camp Pioneer Camp 4 days $110 $114 March 2006 Pioneer Camp 5 days $125 $130 March 2006 Pioneer Camp 9 days $220 $228 March 2006 Pioneer Camp 10 days $245 $245 March 2006 Girls' Camp 4 days $110 $114 March 2006 Girls' Camp 5 days $128 $130 March 2006 Extended Camp 9 days $41 $43 March 2006 Extended Camp 10 days $50 $52 March 2006 Extended Camp 4 days $85 $88 March 2006 Extended Camp 5 days $95 $99 March 2006 Summer Camps - Adventure/Art/Sports Full Day Program 5 Days $128 $137 March 2006 9 Days $220 $235 March 2006 10 Days $245 $262 Marc. h 2006 Camp Mini Pidaca Half Day Program 5 Days $65 $70 March 2006 9 Days $111 $119 March 2006 10 Days $128 $137 Mar_ch 2006 Extend-a-Camp 5 Days $50 $54 March 2006 9 Days $90 $96 March 2006 10 Days $96 $103 March 2006 Mad Science Camp Half Day Program 5 Days $118 $125 March 2006 Memberships: Pickerin~l Recreation Complex Health Club Adult, full Annual $428 $449.40 August 2005 Seasonal $182.68 $191.81 August 2005 Adult, daytime Annual $278.63 $306.49 August 2005 Seasonal $111.23 $122.35 August 2005 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $384.24 $404.46 August 2005 members Annual, over 15 $362.89 $381.99 August 2005 members Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $250.77 $275.84 August 2005 corporate members Annual, over 15 $236.83 $260.52 August 2005 members Youth Annual $174.14 $182.84 August 2005 Seasonal $84.26 $88.47 August 2005 11 · ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION ' * Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee i Proposed Fee Effective Date Squash Adult Full, Annual $531 i $554.86 August 2005 Full, Seasonal $217.75 t $227.30 August 2005 Adult ............. Daytime, Annual $363.59 .$.394.59 .... August 2005 Daytime, Seasonal $151.46 $163.93 August 2005 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $477.62 $504.72 August 2005 members Annual, over 15 $450.94 $479.66 August 2005 members Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $326.96 $360.49 August 2005 corporate members Annual, over 15 $308.65 $343.13 August 2005 members Youth Annual $207.43 $212.34' August 2005 Seasonal $86.43 $88.48 August 2005 Family Annual $969.15 $1012.25 August 2005 Racquetball Adult Full, Annual $453.89 $476.59 August 2005 Full, Seasonal $180.93 $189.97 August 2005 Adult Daytime, Annual $295.01 $324.51 August 2005 Daytime, Seasonal $117.54 $128.95 August 2005 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $408.64 $428.92 August 2005 members Annual, over 15 $385.94 $405.10 August 2005 members Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $265.51 $292.06 August 2005 corporate members Annual, over 15 $250.76 $275.84 August 2005 members Youth Annual $207.43 $212.34 August 2005 Seasonal $86.43 $88.47 August 2005 Family Annual $872.36 $915.97 August 2005 ...... Combination Adult Full, Annual $561.32 $586.71 August 2005 Full, Seasonal $230.10 $302.48 August 2005 Adult Daytime, Annual $384.93 $418.08 August 2005 Daytime, Seasonal $160.45 $173.82 August 2005 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $504.92 $533.38 August 2005 members Annual, over 15 $476.73 $506.73 August 2005 members Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $346.18 $381.62 August 2005 .. corporate members Annual, over 15 $326.79 $389.20 August 2005 members 12' " CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Char~le Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Youth Annual $202.23 $212.34 August 2005 Seasonal $84.26 $88.47 August 2005 Family Annual $1,028.70 $1074.78 August 2005 Tennis Adult Resident, Full, Annual $453.89 $476.59 August 2005 Resident, Full, Seasonal $182 $191.10 August 2005 Adult Resident, Daytime, $296.60 $311.43 August 2005 Annual Resident, Daytime, $117.97 $123.86 August 2005 Seasonal Youth Resident, Annual $202.23 $212.34 August 2005 Resident, Seasonal $84.26 $88.47 August 2005 Family Resident, Annual $871.84 $915.43 August 2005 Tennis Adult Non-resident, Full, $513.44 $539.11 August 2005 Annual Non-resident, Full, $205.60 $215.87 August 2005 Seasonal Adult Non-resident, Daytime, $333.68 $367.05 Augu~st 2005 Annual Non-resident, Daytime, $133.70 $147.07 AuguSt 2005 Seasonal Youth Non-resident, Annual $213.47 $224.13 Augdst 2005 Non-resident, Seasonal $89.88 $94.37 August 2005 Family Non-resident, Annual $984.19 $1033.40 August 2005 Golden Adult Full, Annual $1,011.15 $1061.71 August 2005 Full, Seasonal $404.46 $424.68 August 2005 Adult Daytime, Annual $657.25 $722.97 August 2005 Daytime, Seasonal $262.90 $289.19 August 2005 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 $910.04 $1006.36 August 2005 members Annual, over 15 $859.48 $953.27 August 2005 members Adult, daytime, Annual, under 15 $591.53 $650.68 August 2005 corporate members Annual, over 15 $558.66 $614.52 August 2005 members Youth Annual $404.46 $424.68 August 2005 Seasonal $161.78 $169.87 August 2005 Family Annual $1,940.29 $2037.29 August 2005 Fitness Class Memberships Fitness Memberships Annual $335.98 $352.78 August 2005 13 · ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date 3-Month $135.89 $142.68 I August 2005 Memberships: Pickering Rec. Complex an~d ~ Dunbarton Indoor Pool Aquatic Memberships Adult Annual $124.70 $130.94 August 2005 Family Annual $235.94 $247.73 August 2005 Youth/Disabled/Senior Annual $89.88 $94.37 August 2005 Adult Seasonal $55.05 $57.80 August 2005 Family Seasonal $88.76 $93.19 August 2005 Youth/Disabled/Senior Seasonal $38.20 $40.11 August 2005 Pickering Museum Village Membership Season, Family $45.00 $48 January 2006 Memberships Season, Single $20.00 $22 January 2006 Pre-teen Dance Membership Membership Five Pass $40 $40 No increase Admissions & Passes Combatants Room Our Special Place Single Admission $4.50 $4.50 No increase Fitness Admissions Fitness Class Single Admission $6.60 $7.50 August 2005 Fitness Class Five-Pass $33 $37.45 August 2005 Fitness Room Single Admission $8 $10.70 August 2005 Fitness Room Five-Pass $40 $53.50 August 2005 Fitness Room Ten-Pass $80 $107 August 2005 Arena Admissions Public Skating Single Admission - $3 $3 No increase Youth Ten-Pass - Youth $24 $24 No increase Single Admission-Adult $4 $4 No increase Ten Pass - Adult $32 $32 No increase Family Pass. $10 $10 No increase Family 10 - Pass $50 $50 No increase Parent & Tot Single Adult Admission $2 $2 No increase Senior Skate Single Admission $1 $1 No increase Shinny Single Admission $5 $5 No increase 20 - Pass $80 $80 No increase RaqUet Sports Admissions Squash/Racquetball Prime Time $11.25 $11.80 August 2005 14 " CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee I Effective Date Non-Prime-Time $9 $9.50 August 2005 Tennis Prime Time $25,50 $26.80 August 2005 Non-Prime-Time $20 $21.00 August 2005 Swimming Admissions Pre-Teen Swim Single Admission $2.25 $2.25 No increase Youth/Senior/Disabled Single Admission $2.25 $2.25 No increase Youth/Senior/Disabled Ten-pass $20 $20 No increase Adult Single $3.25 $3.25 No increase Adult Ten-pass $30 $30 No increase Family Single $6.50 $6.50 No increase Family Te~;pass $60 I $60 No increase Museum Admissions Adults Single Admission $4 $4 No increase Student/Senior Single Admission $2.50 $2.50 No increase Children Single Admission $2 $2 No increase Family Single Admission $12 $12 No increase School Tours Half day, per student $5.25 $5.50 January 2006 School Tours Full day, per student $9.25 $10.50 JanUary 2006 School Tours - Full day, per student $10.25 $10.25 No increase Candlemaking School Tours - Full day, per student $11.25 $11.25 No increase Blacksmithing Rental Fees: Picketing Rec. Complex and Don Beer Arena Ice Rental Rates Pickering Youth Prime time $140 $155.15 June 2005 Affiliate Non-Prime time $107 $114.49 June 2005 Adults & Residents Prime time $160 $176.55 June 2005 Affiliate Non-Prime time $125 $133.75 June 2005 Commercial & Non- Prime time $185 $203.30 June 2005 Resident Non-Prime time $145 $155.15 June 2005 Elementary Schools Prime Time $140 $155.15 June 2005 Non-Prime Time $65 $69.55 June 2005 High School/Industrial Prime time $160 $176.55 June 2005 Non-Prime time $95 $101.65 June 2005 Summer Ice Prime Time $185 $203.30 June 2005 Pad Rental Leagues Hourly Rate $70 $74.90 June 2005 General Flat Rate, Full Day $1,685 $1,802.95 June 2005 General Hourly $75 $80.25 June 2005 15 ' ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION I Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Pickering Museum Village Schoolhouse Flat rate, 2 Hours day $250 $275 January 2006 before, 2 Hours day of rental Chapel Flat rate, 2 Hours day $250 ~ $275 ~ January 2006 before, 2 Hours day of rental Hall Flat rate, 2 Hours day $300 $330 January 2006 before, 2 Hours day of rental Bandstand Flat rate, 2 Hours day $225 $250 January 2006 before, 2 Hours day of rental Grounds/Photos Flat rate, 2 Hours day $75 $80 January 2006 before, 2 Hours day of rental Camping Per night/Per person $3.50 $3.75 January 2006 Pickering Rec. Complex & Dunbarton Indoor Pool Pool Rentals Private Rental Hourly, max 19 (RC) $80 $84 August 2005 Private Rental Hourly, max 19 (DIP) $70 $73.50 August 2005 Private Rental Hourly, max 50 (RC) $97 $102 August 2005 Private Rental Hourly, max 50 (DIP) $84 $88 August 2005 Turtle Pool Hourly $48.50 $51 August 2005 Synchronized Pool Hourly, non prime (DIP) $50.24 $56.53 August 2005 Rental Synchronized Rental Hourly, diving well (RC) $28.78 $32.38 August ~005 Pickering Swim Club HoUrly, prime time (RC) $49.1'3 $55.27 Augus[ 2005 Pickering Swim Club Hourly (DIP $53.30 $59.97 August 2005 Master Swim Hourly (DIP) $65.50 $73.40 August 2005 Program I Extra Lifeguard Hourly $16 $17 August 2005 Instructor Hourly $20 $21 August 2005 Board of Education Hourly $45 $47 August 2005 Pickering Rec. Complex Facilities Combatants Room Off Court Training Hourly $15 $16.05 June 2005 Martial Arts Hourly $20 $21.40 June 2005 After Hour Tennis Rentals Four Courts Hourly rate $40 $44.94 August 2005 Pool Meeting Room Swim Party Rental Flat rate, 1.5 hours $32 $34.24 June 2005 16 · ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee I Proposed Fee Effective Date Meeting Room 1 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $144.45 $151.94 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $187.25 $196.88 June 2005 Resident Hourly rate $28 $28.89 June 2005 Non-resident Hourly rate $39.33 $41.73 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $90.95 $95.23 June 2005 resident Hours Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $123.05 $129.47 June 2005 non-resident Hours Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 hours $28 $28.89 June 2005 Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $240.75 $247.17 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $321 $337.05 June 2005 Resident Hourly rate $39.32 $41.73 June 2005 Non-resident Hourly rate $56.18 $58.85 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $123.05 $129.47 June 2005 resident Hours Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $168.50 $173.34 June ~005 non-resident Hours Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $56.18 $58.85 June 2005 Meeting Rooms 1, 2 & 3 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $385 $404.46 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $481.50 $506.t 1 June 2005 Resident Hourly rate $58.85 $62.06 June 2005 Non-resident Hourly rate $78.65 $82.39 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $176.55 $185.11 June 2005 resident Hours Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $240.75 $252.52 June 2005 non-resident Hours Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $58.85 $62.06 June 2005 New Year's Eve, Flat rate, Whole Day $765.05 $803.57 June 2005 resident O'Brien Meeting Room A or B Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $203.30 $214 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $256.80 $269.64 June 2005 Resident Hourly rate $39.32 $41.73 June 2005 Non-resident Hourly rate $58.85 $62.06 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $84.25 $88.81 June 2005 resident Hours Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $123.05 $129.47 June 2005 non-resident Hours Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $32.10 $34.24 June 2005 17 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION ' ' Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date O'Brien Meeting Rooms A & B Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $411.95 $432.28 June 2005 Non-resident ..... Flat rate,. Whole Day~ $502.90 ....... $5.28.58 June 2005 Resident Hourly rate $78.64 $82.39 June 2005 Non-resident Hourly rate $112.35 $117.70 June 2005 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $176.55 $185.11 June 2005 resident Hours Daytime, business, Flat rate, Business $246.10 $258.94 June.2005 non-resident Hours Tournament bookings Flat rate, per day $196.61 $206.51 June 2005 Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $58.85 $62.06 June 2005 New Year's Eve Flat rate, Whole Day $856 ..$898.80 June 2005 Pickering Rec. Complex East or West Salon Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $642 $674.10 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $834.60 $876.33 June 2005 Friday, resident Flat rate, Whole Day $481.50 $506.11 June 2005 Friday, non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $625.95 $656.98 June 2005 Sunday, resident Flat rate, Daytime $385.20 $404.46 June 2005 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate, Daytime $481.50 $506.11 June 2005 Children's Banquets Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $112.35 $117.70 June 2005 New Year's Eve, Flat rate, Whole Day $1,412.40 $1,483.02 June 2005 resident Picketing Recreation Complex East & West Salons Resident Flat rate $1,177 $1,246.55 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate $1,444.50 $1,517.26 June 2005 Friday, resident Flat rate $882.75 $926.62 June 2005 Friday, non-resident Flat rate 1,083.38 $1,137.41 June 2005 Sunday, resident Flat rate (Daytime) $722.25 $758.63 June 2005 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (Daytime) $882.75 $926.62 June 2005 New Year's Eve, Flat rate $2,140 $2,247 June 2005 resident Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris or Franklin Meeting Room Resident Flat rate $353.10 $371.29 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate $535 $561.75 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate $90.95 $95.23 June 2005 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate $123.05 $129.47 June 2005 non-resident Community Group Flat rate $28.08 $29.96 June 2005 Resident Hourly rate $44.94 $47.08 June 2005 18 ' ' CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Non-resident Hourly rate $78.65 $82.39 June 2005 Paris & Franklin Meeting Rooms Resident Flat rate $642 $674.10 t June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate $834.60 $877.40 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate $168.52 $176.55 June 2005 resident Daytime, business, Flat rate $253.93 $266.43 June 2005 non-resident Community Group Flat rate $28.08 $29.96 June 2005 Resident Hourly rate $78.65 $82.39 June 2005 Non-resident Hourly rate $112.35 $117.70 June 2005 New Year's Eve, Flat rate $1,235.85 $1,297.9I June 2005 resident Don Beer/West Shore Community Centre Banquet Halls Resident Flat rate $481.50 $506.11 June 2005 Non-resident Flat rate $588.50 $618.46 June 2005 Daytime, business, Flat rate $168.53 $176.55 June72005 resident ... Daytime, business, Flat rate $235.93 $248.24 June,'2005_ non-resident Sunday to Thursday, Hourly rate $33.71 $35.31 June:2005 resident Sunday to Thursday, Hourly rate $44.94 $47.08 June 2005 non-resident Friday, resident Flat rate $361.13 $378.78 June 2005 Friday, non-resident Flat rate $441.38 $463.31 June 2005 Sunday, resident Flat rate (Daytime) $353.10 $371.29 June 2005 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (Daytime) $481.50 $506.11 June 2005 Children's Banquets, Flat rate $112.35 $117.70 June 2005 resident Tournament Rate Flat, daily, Don Beer $196.61 $206.51 June 2005 only New Year's Eve, Flat rate $898.80 $943.74 June 2005 resident New Year's Eve, non- Flat rate $1,140.35 $1,197.33 June 2005 resident Rental Extra Fees LiSting Community Groups 12 bookings $112.35 $117.70 June 2005 Administration Fee $30 $31.03 June 2005 Maintenance Fee Hourly $18 $19.26 June 2005 19 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION ' ' i Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee t Proposed Fee Effective Date Outdoor Facilities Parks Weekly $500 $500 No increase Daily $100 $100 No increase Adult, Softball Flat $500$50~ ......... No increase Tournaments Events Pre-teen Dance Single Admission $6.50 $6.75 July 2005 Haunted House Single Admission $2 $2 No increase Poinsettia Tea Single Admission $2 $3 July 2005 Big Band Single Admission $5 $5 No increase Big Band (Seniors Single Admission $2 $2 No increase Month) Museum Events Adults $5 $5 No increase Museum Events Students/Seniors $4 $4 No increase Museum Events Children $3 $3 No increase Museum Event Family $15 $15 No increase A Spirit Walk $12.50 $15 July 2005 Settlers at Sunset $8 $10 July 2005 Miscellaneous Replacement Access $10 $10 No increase Card Museum Set Dressing & Clean $75 $75 No increase Filming/Photo Shoots Up, Hourly Museum Shooting Time, Hourly $150 $150 No increase Filming/Photo Shoots Kindergym Birthday $100 $104.86 June 2005 Parties Creative Play $130 $134.82 June .2005 Birthday Parties Program GST will be added to $10 $10 No increase Administration Fee applicable programs Membership $16.05 $16.05 No increase Administration Fee NSF Charge Per cheque $20 $20 No increase Additional Receipt Per Family $5 $5 No increase Charge~ Marketing Promotions City Brochure Full page $593.85 $593.85 No increase Advertising Half page $428 $428 No increase J:~INANCE'~FN4000~REVUSFEE~ees&ChargesJan172005.DOC 2O · ' FIRE SERVICES Fee includes GST where applicable Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Multi-Residential Inspections $125 $125 No Increase Legal Inspections. (Generally requests from legal $125 $125 No Increase firms) . , File Searches, (Searches from our existing filing $125 $125 No Increase network). Sales of Supra Key Boxes. $80 $80 No Increase *Fire Services response to accidents Actual costs Actual costs Malicious False Alarms $350 $350 No Increase Garbage container Fires $350 $350 No Increase Occupancy load Inspection $125 $125 No Increase False Alarm Penalty $350 $350 No Increase Commercial Inspections $125 $125 No Increase Industrial Inspections $125 $125 No Increase Day Care Inspections $125 $125 No Increase Standby for movie -shoots. Actual costs Actual costs Fuel tank inspections. $125 $125 No Increase Fire Works Permits. $125 $125 No Increase Fire Display inspections. $I 25 $125 No Increase Federal Property $300 $300 No !i~Crease **Canadian Pacific Railway Lands for Fire Services Actual costs Actual costs LLBO Permits $125 $125 No Ihcrease File Searches, (Searches from our existing filing $125 $125 No Increase network). Standby for movie short Actual costs Actual costs False Alarms due to failure to maintain a fire alarm $350 $350 No Increase system or emergency system, per fire vehicle dispatched Fire Truck on scene of a Motor vehicle accident $350 $350 No Increase and/or fire * MTO Rates ** Request for reimbursement for railway company for costs for overtime vehicles and staff 21 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION Fee includes GST where applicable ~ Proposed Fee User Fee or Char~le Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Sports Tournaments- User Fee $500 (per $500 (per No Increase weekend) weekend) Sport Camps- User Fee $500 (per week) $500 (per week) No Increase Road Occupancy Permits $25 $25 No Increase Driveway Entrance Curb Cut $28.00/metre $36.00/metre July 1, 2005 Minimum Charge is $198.00 Driveway Entrance 9 metres x 400 millimetres $1,305 $1,370 July 1, 2005 Driveway Entrance 9 metres to 15 metres $1,305 $1,370 July 1, 2005 Plus $145 per Plus $150 per metre in excess of metre in excess of 9 metres plus $40 9 metres plus $40 per coupler when per coupler when required, required. Driveway Entrance extension of existing culvert $145 per metre $150 per metre July 1, 2005 Plus $40 per Plus $40 per coupler. Minimum coupler. Minimum charge is $185 charge is $190 Driveway Entrance, culvert other than as Contract Cost Contract Cost No Increase described above (time and material) (time and material) Commemorative Tree and Plaque $500 $500 No Increase Commemorative Bench and Plaque $1,000 $1,000 No Increase Hydro/lighting charges for tennis courts $200 (per court per $200 (per court per No Increase season) season) Seniors Snow Removal Program $0 $100 per season November 1, (subject to 2005 additional Council approval) Encroachment Agreement (New) - must be $1,000 $1,000 No Increase registered Encroachment Agreement (Renewal) - must be $200 $200 No Increase registered Registration of Encroachment Agreements $250 $250 No Increase !'Assignment of Encroachment Agreements $200 $200 No Increase 22 .. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Fee includes GST where applicable User Fee or Charge I Proposed Fee Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date Curb Cut - new development not assumed Min charge $112/ Min charge $198/(5.5m July 1, 2005 by municipality (4m or less) or less) $28/m (4m plus) $36/m (5.5m plus) July 1, 2005 Municipal Consent $300/application $300/application No Increase Curb Infill $145/m $155/m July 1, 2005 Sidewalk Repair $225/m $250/m July 1, 2005 Pre-installed Storm Sewer Connection Contract cost + Contract cost + admin No Increase admin fee fee Fill/Topsoil Permit $500 + $500 + $25/hectare No Increase One Year Permit $25/hectare $300 For a One Year Extension $300 Newspaper Box Pad Permit Application $50/box $50/box No Increase Newspaper Box Installation $225-$450 $250-$500 July 1, 2005 Newspaper Box Annual Maintenance $15/box $15/box No Increase Road Cleaning Contract cost + Contract cost + 15% No Increase 15% Damage Deposits Pool $500 $500 No Increase Water/Sewer Connection $500 $500 No Increase Residential Building Permit- Rural $1500 $1500 No Increase Residential Building Permit- Urban $2000 $2000 No Increase Commercial Building $2000-$5000 $2000-$5000 No Increase Residential Development Review Fee $40/unit $40/unit No Increase Storm Water Maintenance Fee $0 $1600/hectare July 1 2005 Development Inspection Fee ' For agreements prior to July 1, 2005 $25-$48/hr + 25% $25-$48/hr + 25% + 15% No Increase + 15% For agreements after July 1, 2005 Based on total cost of July 1, 2005 works <$500,000 = 4.5% $5o0,000-$1 million = 4.0% >$1 million = 3.5% PLANNING DOCUMENTS Pickering Official Plan $75 $75 No Increase Official Plan Compendium $25 $25 No Increase Development Guideline $5-$10 $5-$10 No Increase Special Studies $10-$20 $10-$20 No Increase Zoning By-laws $5-$10 each $5-$10 each No Increase Summary Residential Applications $20 $20 No Increase Mapping $5-$25 $5-$25 No Increase Address Booklet $25-$50 $25-$50 No Increase Fiche Prints Price Varies Price Varies No Increase · Special Mapping Requests $50/hr $50/hr No Increase Photocopies $0.50 each $0.50 each No Increase 23 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Fee includes GST where applicable ....................... '-'- ....... t I Pr°p°sedFee i User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date PLANNING APPLICATIONS (these fees arE; imposed under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13) Minor Variance Accessory Structure $200 $200 No Increase Existing Building $350 $350 No Increase Vacant Land $4.50 $450 No Increase Application Tabling $50 $50 No Increase Special Meeting $0 $750 July 1,2005 Zoning By-law - Amendment $1200 $1650 July 1, 2005 Zoning By-law- Recirculation $500 $500 No Increase Zoning By-law - Removal of Holding $350 $500 July 1,2005 Minister Zoning Order Amendment $200 $200 No Increase Local Official Plan - Amendment :$2200 $3500 July 1, 2005 Local Official Plan - Recirculation $500 $500 No Increase Regional Official Plan - Amendment $1000 $1000 No Increase Land Division Comments $300 $300 No Increase Draft Plan Subdivision $1500 $3000 July 1, 2005 Recirculation $500 $500 No Increase Release $1000 $1000 No Increase Draft Condominium $800 $1500 July 1, 2005 Recirculation $500 $500 No Increase Release $1000 $1000 No Increase Conversion '$1000 $1000 No Increase Revisions to a Draft Approved Plan $0 $1000 July 1, 2005 (Red Line Revisions) Oak Ridges Moraine - premium for: Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan $0 $500 July 1,2005 Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision Site Plan Residential $625 + $65 per $900 + $65 per dwelling July 1, 2005 dwelling unit unit charge to a max of charge to a max $6,250 of $6,250 Commercial $625 +$345 for $625 + $345 for each No Increase each 2,000 sq.m. 2,000 sq.m. to a max of to a max of $6,250 $6,250 Industrial $625 $625 No Increase Minor Revision $250 $250 No Increase Major Revision $625 $625 No Increase Clearance $250 $250 No Increase 24 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Fee includes GST where applicable User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee Effective Date AGREEMENTS & BY-LAWS License Letter ~ $50 $50 t No Increase Subdivision $3000 $3000 No Increase Development $3000 $3000 No Increase Amending Subdivision - Development $1200 $1284 July 1, 2005 (Major) Amending Subdivision - Development $0 $428 July 1, 2005 (Minor) Condominium $2000 $2000 No Increase Site Plan $750 $750 No Increase Amending Site Plan $400 $400 No Increase Model Home $750 $750 No Increase Agreement Release $150 $321 July 1, 2005 Part Lot Control By-law $300 $300 No Increase Right of Re-entry Letters $150 $150 No Increase Release Packages $350 $350 No Increase Road Dedication By-law $300 $300 No Increase Assumption Package $500 $1070 July 1, 2005 25 SALARY, EXPENSES AND COMMUNICATIONS RESPECTING MEMBERS OF COUNCIL SALARY: 1. The remuneration payable to the Mayor shall be: a) $63,654 per annum effective January 1, 2005 b) Commencing on January 1, 2006 and on every January 1st thereafter, the annual salary of the Mayor shall be increased at the same rate/percentage provided to those employees covered by the Collective Agreement for CUPE Local 129 on April Ist of the immediate preceding year. The remuneration payable to a Councillor shall be: a) $26,523.00 per annum effective January 1, 2005 b) Commencing on January 1, 2006 and on every January 1st thereafter, the annual salary of a Councillor shall be increased at the same rate/percentage provided to those employees covered by the Collective Agreement for CUPE Local 129 on April 1st of the immediate preceding year. c) A Councillor shall be paid a per diem rate of 1.0% of their annual salary for a total of ten days for attending a full day meeting, workshop, seminar or convention. Per diem payments payable to Councillors shall be paid monthly. Per diem payments shall cease on the last day that the Councillors remains in office and shall be pro-rated accordingly. Remuneration payable to Members of Council shall be based on an annual rate and paid bi-weekly. Remuneration to Members of Council shall cease on the last day that the Member remains on the Council of the City of Pickering. 2 ALLOWANCES: Reimbursement shall be provided to Members of Council for the cost of meals to discuss matters of City business or attending functions that are connected to the business of the City as may be provided in the annual budget. a) With respect to meals~ reimbursement shall be provided only for reasonable .food and liquor expenses. b) With respect to meals, no reimbursement shall be provided unless the original restaurant bill or transaction slip is submitted, and the number of persons attending the meal and the general purpose of the meal is noted. A travel allowance as determined in the annual Current Budget shall be provided to each Councillor. a) The traVel allowance shall be paid on a monthly basis. b) The travel allowance shall be deemed to provide for all travel and travel-related expenses within the GTA and shall include but not be limited to fuel, parking, highway tolls, taxi fares, public transportation fares and valet services. c) This travel allowance excludes travel expenses related to conventions outside the GTA as set out in Section 6. d) Travel outside the GTA shall be paid at the per kilometer rate of reimbursement approved in the Current Budget or economy class return air fare between Toronto and the destination, whichever is the lesser. An allocation of $3,000 per Councillor shall be provided in each annual budget to provide for conventions. a) For the purposes of Section 6, the word "convention" shall include seminars and workshops as provided in the annual budget and excludes conventions paid by other City-related agencies such as the Region, Veridian, etc. b) Convention expenses shall include actual accommodation and registration costs and, if applicable, travet and meals. c) d) e) Travel necessary for conventions outside the GTA shall be paid at the per kilometer rate of reimbursement approved in the Current Budget or economy class return air fare between Toronto and the destination, whichever is the lesser. Other travel related expenses such as parking, vehicle rentals, taxi fares, public transportation fares and highway tolls incurred for conventions outside the GTA shall also be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts. In lieu of receipts, an allowance of a maximum of $60100 per day may be paid for ancillary expenses such as meals, taxi fares, parking and telephone charges where such expenses are not otherwise claimed or paid. This allowance shall be prorated for conventions that are less than one day. This per diem payment is intended to cover out-of-pocket expenses for City business only. No allowance shall be provided to a new Councillor in an election year. Workshops or orientation seminars for new Councillors are excepted. a) b) c) An allocation of $4,800 per annum is provided for each Councillor to provide services beyond those services provided by the Council- support staff at the Civic Complex. The support staff assigned to the Councillor's Office are available to assist a Member of Council with the preparation of their newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative letter, website or other form of communication, however, no other City staff shall be involved in such preparation and any specialty work that is required shall be charged to the budget prescribed for communication media or the Allowance for Outside Secretarial Services. Payment' shall be made directly by the City to the service provider (individual or company) upon submission of an original invoice. An invoice from individuals for external services would contain, in addition to the name and address, additional details of services provided such as itemizing hours by day and description of work provided. All invoices would require sign off by the Councillor to indicate the services were received prior to authorization and before payment can be processed. BENEFITS: 8. a) b) c) An Extended Health Plan as is provided to the non-union employees shall be available to all Members of Council and their families, which includes a prescription and dental plan, vision care plan and semi-private hospital coverage. For Members Who have completed fifteen years of continuous service and ceasE; to be a Member for the reasons set out in Section 13(a)(i to v), the Corporation shall pay 100% of the premium cost of the Extended Health, Dental and Vision Care Benefit Plans until the Member attains age 70. The Corporation shall continue to pay 100% of the premium costs of the Extended Health, Dental and Vision Care Benefit Plans in respect of a Member's surviving spouse and dependents for up to twelve (12) calendar months following a Members death while in service. A Term Life Insurance IPolicy shall be paid by the Members of Council in thE: following amounts: a) Mayor - $200,000 b) Councillor - $100,000 City on behalf of 10. Accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage shall be paid by the City on behalf of Members of Council. 11. Subject to any existing insurance agreements or policies, the City shall indemnify Members of Council in the course of their Council duties with respect to liability arising out of acts or omissions done or made by them as follows: a) Pay to the parties entitled thereto, any damages and costs awarded against any Member of Council. b) Either pay directly' or reimburse to the Member of Council any reasonable expenses incurred by them. c) Assume the cost of defending every Member of Council. d) Pay any sum required in connection with a reasonable settlement. e) Limited liability for claims such as malicious prosecution, conflict of interest, slander, defamation of character, invasion of privacy, errors and omissions and legal expenses for claims of breach of Provincial statutes. 12. a) b) d) A Member may contribute to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), either own or spousal, under Federal legislation to which the Corporation shall match to a maximum of 11% of the Member's earned salary. Written evidence of a contribution by a Member towards an RRSP as set out in Section 12(a)shall be made to the Treasurer no later than December:3'1 st in any given year and the City's contribution shall be made no later than January 31st of the next calendar year. ii) A Member of Council must give evidence to the Treasurer that a contribution includes both the Member's portion of the RRSP and the City's portion. The Member shall then be reimbursed for the City's portion. The word "salary" shall mean the annual base salary, prorated for a Member not holding office for an entire calendar year, of the Mayor and Councillors and it excludes all taxable benefits. The contribution to an RRSP is a taxable benefit regardless of whether it is paid to the Member of Council or the financial institution. The City shall make its contribution only in the month of January of the next calendar year regardless of when the Member of Council made a contribution, except when a Member of Council ceases to hold office during the year. 13. a) A Member of Council, with service of more than three consecutive years, may, upon written application to the Clerk by the Member, or by a representative appointed in writing by the Member, receive severance remuneration upon ceasing to be a Member by reason of: i) election defeat; ii) resignation; iii) leaving office; b) c) d) iv) election to another government body; or v) dying while in office if the Member is 65 years of age or over and not eligible to receive benefits under the City's group life insurance program; No Member shall be entitled to receive severance remuneration who ceases to be ;a Member by reason of, or by resignation which, is a result of or given in anticipation of: removal frorn office by judicial process; or ii) notwithstanding Section 13(a)(iv) above, disqualification under or operation of any Act of the Parliament of Canada or the Legislature of the Province of Ontario. Severance remune, ration shall be equal to one month of salary for a Member, times the number of years of consecutive, uninterrupted full service of the Member, to a maximum amount payable of 24 months remuneration, Severance remuneration shall be calculated from the day the Member took office to the last day that the Member ceases to hold office. A written application for severance remuneration must be received by the Clerk within six calendar months of a Member ceasing to be a Member, otherwise any entitlement to severance remuneration shall be forfeited. Upon approval of the application, payment arrangement shall be agreed to that does not extend beyond three years. 7 COMMUNICATIONS: Applicability 14. Except where noted, Sections 15 to 20 do not apply to Mayor of the City of Pickering. Sections that do directly apply to the Mayor are identified by the notation *M&C. Definitions 15. a, Co "Cooperative Letter" shall mean a letter or other printed document that contains information of interest to residents in more than one ward and which shall be mailed or distributed beyond a ward boundary and may involve the participation of a community group. "Newsletter" shall mean a document that is not greater in size than tabloid sized paper (11"x17") and printed on both sides and shall contain information of interest to the constituents of a Member of Council. A newsletter shall not be mailed or otherwise distributed beyond the boundaries of the constituency of a Member of Council except where postal walks cross beyond the boundaries of their ward. In instances where Member's of Council are assigned or appointed to additional duties which may require some cross-ward boundary communication, exceptions may apply as determined by the City Clerk. These cross-ward mailings to fulfill additional duties shall not exceed 500 homes into a ward not represented by a Member of Council and shall not occur after January 1st in the year of a general municipal election. "Neighbourhood Letter" shall mean a document that is prepared on letterhead and/or signed by a Member of Council and sent to a defined neighbourhood or community of interest within the constituency of a Member of Council. "Website" shall mean a site on the World Wide Web that shall contain information of interest to the constituents of a Member of Council. The website may be hosted on any server external to the City. *M&C "Telecommunications Equipment" shall include all equipment capable of transmitting over landlines and/or wireless modes such as landline telephones, cell phones, PDA's (Personal 'Digital Assistant), pagers, facsimile equipment or any hybrid of these items. Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment 16. a) A capital budget of $10,000 per term, per Member of Council, shall be in effect for the acquisition of computer hardware/software and telecommunications equipment. Expenditures of this allocation shall only be made.in the first two years of office following a general election. Any acquisitions made following an election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following year's budget, shall be charged to this allocation. b) No computer hardware/software or telecommunications equipment shall be purchased or leased for Members of Council after January 1st in the year of a general municipal election unless it is lost or stolen. *M&C cZ) Following a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may .choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. IT staff must be consulted to verify compatibility and to clarify IT support opportunities befo~'e purchase. At the point of delivery of the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the Member and the conditions under which it has been supplied. *M&C d) Equipment that is lost, stolen or no longer operates and cannot be repaired to its initial operating specifications shall be replaced by the City and shall not be charged to the $10,000 allocation set out in Paragraph (a) above. *M&C e) Every Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall ensure that all computer hardware/software, telecommunications equipment and any other equipment purchased or leased on their behalf by the City is returned to the City by November 30th following a general municipal election or within 21 days of ceasing to hold office. In the event the above noted items are not returned by the said date, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to pursue recovery. *M&C Telecommunication Charges 17, a) Long distance, airtime and other charges that are incurred for City purposes by Members of Council in the use of their telecommunications equipment shall be reimbursed. Charges for the use of an Internet Service Provider by a Member of Council shall also be reimbursed. b) In order to recognize the large rural area in Pickering that is outside the area served by high speed Internet access, individual requests for the additional reasonable cost of Internet access exceeding standard urban connection costs shall be provided. *M&C Communications Media 18.' a) It is recognized that there are many various methods for Members of Council to communicate with their constituents, including newsletters, neighbourhood letters, cooperative letters and websites. *M&C b) The City shall cover the cost of preparing, printing and mailing newsletters, neighbourhood letters and cooperative letters as well as the cost of creating and maintaining a website. A budget per Councillor of $7,500 for the first calendar year, $7,500 for the second calendar year and $6,000 for the final calendar year of a term will be provided for these items. If the budget is under spent in any given year, there shall be no carry-forward of dollars to subsequent budgets. c) A link to the Member of Council's City-funded website may only be provided from the City of Pickering website under the Member of Council's profile link. *M&C d) Subject to Section 7, Councillors may hire external services as needed over and above what is currently provided in accordance with the City's policies and practices. e) The following conditions shall apply to the preparation of newsletters, neighbourhood letters, cooperative letters, websites and other forms of communication: On or after September 1 in the year of a general municipal election, no mailing or distribution of a newsletter, neighbourhood letter or cooperative letter shall occur where the costs shall be borne by the City. *M&C ]0 ii) iii) iv) v) On September 1 in the year of a general municipal election, the link from the City's website to any Councillor's City- funded or personal website shall be severed until after the election. If these conditions have not been met by September 2 of that year, the City shall take steps under the authority of the CAO to sever the Councillor's website. The link shall be reactivated the day following the election and funding of the Councillor's website shall commence on December 1 following the election. In the event that a Councillor is acclaimed, the said website may be reactivated on the day following the last day to withdraw a Nomination. *M&C A newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative letter, City- funded website or other communications media shall not contain information that would promote any candidate in an election. *M&C A newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative letter, City website or other communications media shall not contain advertising that would promote a product or service of a company, organization or individual. *M&C A Member of Council shall not be reimbursed for communications expenses incurred through a media that has general circulation in the City of Pickering, such as a newspaper, radio or television station. 19. Individual Members of Council shall not use City funds to make individual grants or donations to organizations or' persons. *M&C General 20. a) b) This Policy shall be reviewed every three years prior to the budget meetings that follow the general municipal election to review the appropriateness of the budgets and Policy in the context of current technology. *M&C When a vacancy occurs and is subsequently filled, compensation, benefits and allowances shall be pro-rated to the term of office. *M&C REPORT #~..~ A ITax CITY OF PICKERING 2005 BUDGET SUMMARY % 2004 INCREASE 2005 Tax BUDGET (DECREASE) BUDGET Levy Levy - Current Budget $27,898,452 $1,442,664 $29,341,116 4.5% B ITax Levy - Capital 2,023,710 344,335 2,368,045 1.0% Total City $29,922,162 $1,786,999 $31,709,161 5.5% C APTA 2,568,726 0 $2,568,726 0.0% 2005 City LEVY $32.490.888 (1) $1.786.999 $34,277,887 5.5% The 2004 Levy is adjusted by adding the assessment growth from 2003. Provincial & Regional tax policy changes for 2005 are unknown at this time. 4/28/2005 4:17 PM ' ' 205_sum_Ma~, 2 new tront Page.xls CITY OF PICKERING 2005 BOX A CURRENT BUDGET SUMMARY A Departmental Expend. B Departmental Revenues c Sub Total 2004 2005 BUDGET BUDGET D Gen Gov. Expend. E Gen Gov Revenues F Sub Total G Excess Exp. over Rev. (Line C + F) H1 Assessment Growth H2 2004 Rate Stablization H3 GST Rebate Sub Total 2005 Rate Stablization Total City Operations Increase Over 2004 Impact on 2005 Tax Levy $42,361,475 ($10,011,670) $32,349,805 $5,858,684 (8,897,593) (3,038,909) 29,310,896 0 (1,164,944) (247,500) $27,898,452 $27,898,452 $44,443,190 ($10,683,178) $33,760,012 $8,192,088 (11,235,111) (3,043,023) 30,716,989 (375,873) $30,341,116 (1,000,000) $29,341,116 $1,442,664 4.5% % Tax Levy 4.3% 0.0% 4.3% 7.5% 4.5% 4/28/2005 4:15 PM 205 sum May 2 new front page.xls CITY OF PICKERING BOX B 2005 CAPITAL BUDGET EXPENDITURE FINANCED FROM 2005 CURRENT BUDGET CAPITAL FROM 2004 2005 BUDGET BUDGET A Capital From Current Add: (One Time Funds) B Transit Equalization c Land Sales D Sub Total Additional Capital Levy Payment $2,023,710 $2,023,710 231,500 200,000 $2,023,710 $2,455,210 344,335 2005 Capital From Current $2,023,710 $2.799.545 Increase over 2004 Less: Transit Equalization Land Sales Total Payment $775,835 (231,500) ,(200,000) $344.335 Impact on Tax Levy 1.0% % Tax Levy 1,0% 4/28t2005 4:15 PM 205_sum_May 2 new front pag~.x[s ClTYOF PICKERING 2005 BOX C APTA BUDGET SUMMARY (PiCkerin[l Share) A B Expenditures Net Current Expenditures 2004 2005 BUDGET BUDGET $3,131,949 $3,760,939 Capital Sub Total 1,193,462 2,092,838 $4,325,411 $5,853,777 APTA Fundinq 2004 Gas Tax Funds 2005 Gas Tax Funds Transfer to Transit Reserve 2004 Durham Region Transit Funds EST, 2005 Durham Region Transit Funds Transfer from Transit Reserve Region Assumption - Progress Payrnents Sub-Total Funding Sources $163,258 (1,356,720) ($161,515) (647,341) 0 (990,835) (563,223) (307,354) 0 (1,178,006) ($1,756,685) ($3,285,051) City Levy (A + B) $2.568.72~ $2,568,726 Additional Information The 2005 proposed budget includes 11 buses (8 conventional & 3 specialized). All purchases of buses will require Durham Region Council approval as per Clause "M" of the Transit Transfer By-Law. CITY OF PICKERING 2005 to 2007 PROFORMA BUDGET A Total City Controlled Exp. B Total Revenues c One Time Funds D Excess Exp. over Rev. 2005 2OO4 DRAFT BUDGET BUDGET $48,220,159 (18,909,263) (1,412,444) $27,898,452 Capital From Current 2,023,710 Less: Transit Equalization Pay. Land Sales Sub Total Capital 2,023,710 F Total City Operations 29,922,162 G APTA 2,568,726 $52,635;278 (22,294;162) (1 ,ooolooo) $29,341,116 $2,799,545 (231,500) (200,000) $2,368,O45 $31,709,161 2,568,726 H 2005 City LEVY ~ % Change Without APTA Tax Room $34.277.887' 5,5% 4/28/2005 4:21 PM 205_sum_May 2 new front page.xls G1 CITY OF PICKERING B[JDGET WORKING PAPERS 2005 BUDGET SUMMARY Expenditures Departmental Expend. Transfer of Solid Waste Gen Gov. Expend, Total City Controlled Exp. 2004 INCREASE BUDGET (DECREASE) $43.917,100 $526.090 ($1,555,625) 1.555.625 5,858,684 2,333,404 $48.220,159 $4,415,119 Revenues Dept Revenues Gert Gov Revenues Assessment Growth Total Revenues ($10,011.670) ($671,508) (8,897,593) (2,337,518) 0 (375,873) (18,909,263) (3,384,899) Draw from Reserves Draw from Rate Stab. Res. GST Rebate (60% Current) EST. Total Adjustments (1,164,944) 164,944 .f247.500) 247,500 (1,412,444) 412,444 Excess Exp. over Rev. $27,898,452 $1,442,664 Capital From Current Transit Equalization Pay. Land Sales Sub Total Capital 2,023,710 775,835 (231,500) (200,000) 344,335 Sub-Total $29,922,162 $1,786,999 APTA Net Current & Capital Transfer to Trans Res. Durham Transit Fund. Sub Total Region Assumption - Progress Pay. Transfer from Trans Res. Transfer from Gas Tax Res (20041 Transfer from Gas Tax Res (2005} 2005 % BUDGET Tax Levy $44,443,190 0 8,192,088 $52,635,278 13.6o% ($10,683,178) ($11,235,111) (375,873) -1.2o% ($22,294,162) .lo.4o% (1,000,000) o.so% _0 (1,000,000) 1.3o% $29,341.116 4.40% 2,799, 545 (231,500) (200,000) 2,368,045 1.1o% $31,709,161 5.so% $4,325,411 $1,528,366 $5,853,777 163,258 (163,258) 0 (1 ~356,720) 365,886 (990,835) $3,131,949 $1,730,993 $4,862,942 ($1,178,006) (1,178,006) (563,223) 255,869 (307,354) (161,515) (161,515) (647,341) (647,341) 2004 Budget Impact $2,568,726 $0 Sub-Total $32,490,888 $i ,786,999 Other Costs/Revenues o _o 2005 City LEVY $32.490.~)8_~ $1.786.99D Provincial & Regional tax policy changes for 2005 are unknown at this time. Above budget model assumes no additional dollar cost for APTA. $2,568,726 0.00% $34,277,887 5.50% _0 0.00% $34,277,887 ~.5o% 4/28/2005 4:19 PM 205_sum_May 2 new front page.xls /~,TTACHMENT# ,~ TO I~PORT#~,~ -.3~' 0 oco~ c-' c" "0 0 0 c-- ,.~ (- (].) 0 · (- (/) (:D 0 ~Z (.- (-03 s.. ('- ~D ~ CL 0 OO 031 O ~; uo!II!lA~ N C) 0 cO 0 0 m :::, 0-c: 0 0 ~- 0 0 C~ 0 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 (D .E: c" 0 Q I c' =~0 ~ · E~O .c: rD 0 0 X Imm ~00~ ~00~ ZOOZ [00~ 000~ 666[ g66I L66I 966t ~66[ 0 X mm X mm (/)1 ~rro 0 -~-0o~~~ ~ (.) 0 0 Z 0 0 CO 0 ~ 0 QO n' ~L _m n' OC 0 n' p- n' 0 0 0 Ii Ii 0 0 · -- × ~ a. o :~ E 0 ~ F-T.-] 0 0 0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 o 6' a o < _ g ~~ c g ~ o I 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 0 O4 rO I..0 0 0 O4 ATTACHHENT:/:/: 5° TO FLEPOP, T# ,~5 ~D~,:) E Cit Bud et 2005 A brief review of Pickering's Current and Capital Budgets reflecting Budget Committee Decisions of April 7 & April 8. Every Year, Picketing faces budget pressures beyond our controL Unlike the Federal or Provincial governments- revenues do not automatically increase with inflation. Executive Committee Discussions April 25, 2005. Draft 2005 Capital Budget Summary 'Additions Reductions Total Capital Priorities As Submitted to Bud. Comm. April[ 7 & 8 & Deletions $13,113,095 Projects Added on April 7 & 8 Park Cres. Sandy Beach Road Brougham Road Hoxton Street Westney Road Sideline 16-- North of 407 Ext. Sub.- Project TC-9 Ext. Sub- Project TC-11 David Farr Park Krosno Creek EA East Shore- Second Floor 401 Pedestrian Bridge Sidewalks Proiects Reduced on April 7 & 8 Concession 7 - Reduced from $375,000 to $175,000 Duffin Trail Works - Reduced fi:om $150,000 to $105,000 Projects Deleted on April 7 & 8 Appleview Road Helen Crescent Ext. Sub. - Project TC- 19 $75,000 275,000 85,000 171,000 61,000 200,000 128,700 81,900 150,000 45,000 275,000 300,000 75,000 ($200,000) (45,000) (150,000) (125,000) (211,20( Sub-Total $1,922,600 ($731,200) 1~191~400 Revised Capital Priorities * Only $200,000 required as confirmed by MP&E Staff. Contribution by commercial pr.operty owner 1Lo be confirmed potential reduction in debt finmncing. $14,304~495 2 Draft 2005 Capital Budget Summary Proposed Funding of Added Projects Park Cres. Sandy Beach Road Brougham Road Hoxton Street Westney Road Sideline 16 - North of 407 Ext. Sub.- Project TC-9 Ext. Sub - Project TC-11 David Farr Park Krosno Creek EA East Shore - Second Floor 401 Pedestrian Bridge Sidewalks $75,000 275,000 85,000 171,000 61,000 200,000 128,700 81,9001 150,000 45,000 275,000 300,000 75,000 Total $1,922,600 Project Reductions Sub Total (731,200) $1,191,400 Further Actions for Capital Tennis Court Re-surfacing New - IT Position * New - Legal Services * 100,000 9,000 7,000 Total Revised Capital $1,307,400 Other Financing Debt DC Source 10 Year Res. Fund $75,000 85,000 171,000 61,000 45,000 187,550 270,000 75,000 $969,550 0 $969,550 $275,000 200,000 0 $475,000 (520,000) ¢$45,000) $128,700 81,900 87,450 30,000 0 $328,050 (211,200) $116,850 Parkland Res. Fund $150,000 $150,000 150,000 100,000 $250,000 * Funded from Current 3 Draft 2005 Current Budget Summary Total Changes to Current Budget as Per Bud. Comm. Meetin.q of April 7 & 8 Additions (Deletions) Grants to Organizations - Joint Funded Environmental Projects; Change to RRSP (9%-11%) Car Allowances Financial Analyst IT Position- Help DeSk Technician Corporate Services- Admin. Assistant $3,000 4,461 13,320 23,125 25,930 (25,930) Total Changes as per April 7 & 8 Meeting $43,906 In-House Solicitor Added by the CAO New Position- Admin. Assistant Legal Services 31,852 Total $75,758 4 Draft 2005 Budget Summary Proposed Use of Easement Settlement Agreement Funds Easement Settlement Agreement $2,500,000 Proposed Funding for Capital Net Projects added on April 7 & 8 $969,550 Proposed Funding for Current Changes to the Current Budget as per Council Budget Meet. (April 7 & 8) 43,906 Reduce Tax Levy to 5.5% 391,431 Total Proposed Use of Funds $1,404~887 1,404~887 Proposed Balance Available for Future Years 5 2005 Budg~Challeng.¢_ How should the City fund the extra capital costs of $969,550? Property Tax Levy 2OO5 Impact No Impact No Impact 3.0% Increase Future Years No Impact 0.4% Increase Total Cost $1.23 M No Impact 6 2005 REVISED BUDGET SUMMARY Revised to Reflect Budget Committee Decisions of April 7 & 8~ 2005 Easement 2004 Increase Settlement 2005 Budget (Decrease) Agreement Budget % Tax Levy Tax LeVy- Current Budget $27,898,452 $1,878,000 ($435,337) $29,341,115 4.5% Tax Levy - Capital 2,023,710 1,313,885 (969,550) 2,368,045 1.0% Total City $29,922,162 $3,191,885 ($1,404,887) $31,709,160 5.5% APTA 2,568~726 0 $2,568,726 0.0% 2005 City Levy $32,490,888 (1) $3,191,885 ($1,404,887) $34,277,886 5.5% (1) The 2004 Levy is adjusted by adding the assessment growth from 2003. (2) Provincial & Regi. onal tax policy changes for 2005 are unknown at this time. 7 Housekeeping Issues A ril 25 2005 Council will be provided with a revised 2005 Capital Budget Book which will reflect the decisions made by COuncil on: April 7 & 8th and April 25th, The Revised Capital Budget document will include the individual financing for each project, the same as last year. On April 18th, the City received a POA cheque from Durham Region which is $55,000 less than the 2004 budgeted amount. Staff have reduced the 2005 budget by the same amount and the revenue decrease has been offset by a reduction in the ContingenCy account. e Budget page changes for current budget will be revised and these pages will be inserted into your 2005 budget binder for the May' 2nd, 2005 Council Budget approval meeting. Draft 2005 Budget Council Report Recommendations April 25, 2005 Council Budget Report will basically reflect previous years recommendations. Report will recommend the establishment of the Easement Settlement Agreement Reserve, and withdraw funds for 2005 Current and Capital. Report will also recommend that if and when Federal Gas Tax funds are received, they be transferred to the Rate Stabilization Reserve. These slides will be attached to the Council Budget Report. 9