HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 12-05PICKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 12-05 Date: April 12, 2005 From: Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Provincial Secondary Land Use Program - PSLUP Ratification of Municipal Public Interests For Hydro Corridor Lands Recommendation: 1. THAT Report OES 12-05 regarding the Provincial Secondary Land Use Program be received; and 2. THAT Council approve the City of Pickering's submission of future public interests on hydro corridor lands under the Provincial Secondary Land Use Program, as contained in Report No. OES 12-05; 3. THAT a copy of Report No. OES 12-05 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham to facilitate a joint municipal submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing; and 4. THAT Council acknowledge that the City of Pickering's resolution(s), and its submission contained in the joint submission, will be a public document and will remain on file with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Executive Summary: The purpose of this program is to declare future municipal interests for public secondary uses on Provincially owned hydro corridor lands, under the Provincial Secondary Land Use Program, and obtain endorsement of these secondary uses for submission to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The City of Pickering is indicating an interest in the lands identified in this report but is not committing to follow through with the indicated lease arrangements. Each potential lease arrangement will be scrutinized individually at the time that project is deemed to move forward. Financial Implications: None, until the time that The City of Pickering enters into lease agreements for any of the following indicated Municipal interests. At the time of leasing, negotiations with ORC will result in the terms of each individual lease. Report OES 12-05 Date: April 12 2005 Subject: Provincial Secondary Land Use Program - PSLUP Ratification of Municipal Public Interests For Hydro Corridor Lands Page 2 Background: The following provides a general overview of the Provincial Secondary Land Use Program (PSLUP) and Public Use Principles (PUPs) for municipalities, based on the literature circulated on the program to date. Bill 58 - The Reliable Energy and Consumer Protection Act, 2002 received Royal Assent in June 2002. It allowed for the ownership of approximately 50,000 acres of hydro transmission corridor lands to be transferred from Hydro One to the Province of Ontario. This transfer became effective on December 31, 2002, enabling the Province to protect contiguous corridor land as well as identify and dedicate the lands for other compatible future uses. In October 2002, Cabinet approved the Provincial Secondary Land Use Program (PSLUP). The purpose of the PSLUP is to establish a hierarchy of public use principles for the consideration of secondary uses on hydro corridor lands, and to guide the review of new secondary use applications on these lands. As an agent of the Province, the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) notified municipalities on the PSLUP in Spring 2003. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing is currently leading this provincial planning exercise to identify potential secondary uses in accordance with the public use principles. Municipalities have an opportunity to identify their public interests in the corridor lands and respond to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by June 1, 2005. This is referred to as the two-year municipal planning period. The PSLUP applies only to those lands previously owned by Hydro One and used for the transmission of electricity as illustrated on Attachment 1 (Appendix A). This program does not apply to other provincially owned lands, surplus corridor lands or private lands over which Hydro One has an easement to run transmission lines. Public Use Principles for Hydro Corridor Lands The following is the hierarchy of PUPs for the management of hydro corridor lands under the PSLUP: New public uses requiring contiguous integrity of the corridor (e.g. linear uses) have priority over other uses. Land uses requiring corridor integrity might include the following examples of linear uses: roadways, bus ways, light rail, recreational trails and pipelines as well as other utilities. New public linear uses that serve provincial or inter-regional purposes (e.g. transportation) have priority over local uses. Report OES 12-05 Subject: Provincial Secondary Land Use Program - PSLUP Ratification of Municipal Public Interests For Hydro Corridor Lands Date: April 12 2005 Page 3 New non-linear public infrastructure uses have priority over private uses. Some examples of a non-linear use are: road crossings, commuter parking lots, parks and playing fields. Multiple uses will be promoted whenever possible, especially the coexistence of surface and sub-surface uses, including storm water pipelines. Interim uses (e.g. soccer fields or parking lots) will be allowed on contiguous corridors that may be required for future uses. The public use principles (PUPs) state that electrical transmission will remain the primary use, and linear public uses serving provincial and inter-regional purposes have priority over local uses. Any Public uses, including local public uses, have priority over private uses. The PUPs not only guide the review and approval of applications for secondary land uses of the corridor lands, but also guide the long-range provincial secondary use planning exercise. The project's recommendations will be compatible with other provincial initiatives and policies such as the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, the Niagara Escarpment Plan, and the Provincial Policy Statement. A recommended plan will be produced that will identify appropriate provincial and inter-regional secondary uses compatible with transmission uses. The plan will guide the provincial management of provincially owned hydro corridors. ORC administers the application process for secondary uses on the hydro corridors. Applications are screened by ORC, and then circulated to municipalities and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The ministry's regional Municipal Services Offices review and consolidate inter-ministerial comments on interim use applications and return the packages to ORC for final decision-making. Existinfl Public Secondary Uses Attachment 2 (Appendix B) provides the locations of existing licenses and easements on hydro corridor lands held by the City of Pickering. Proposed Public Secondary Uses The City of Pickering has determined its future public interests in the hydro corridor lands, in collaboration with the Durham Hydro Corridors Working Group. Attachment 3 (Appendix C) provides the locations of potential licenses and easementS on hydro Report OES 12-05 Subject: Provincial Secondary Land Use Program - PSLUP Ratification of Municipal Public Interests For Hydro Corridor Lands Date: April 12 2005 Page 4 corridor lands. The following agencies were circulated mapping for their comments on possible future interest in the lands in question; Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Enbridge, Veridian, CP Rail, CN Rail, Canada Post, Trans Northern Pipelines, Go Transit, Bell, and Rogers Cable. Additionally, City of Pickering staff made a presentation to City of Pickering's Management Forum at their regularly scheduled meeting on March 21, 2005. Attachments: Appendix A - Map of ORC Lands in the City of Pickering Appendix B - Map of Existing ORC Leases in the City of Pickering Appendix C - Map of Future City of Pickering Interests ORC Lands Prepared By: Johh ~c,,Mullen LCa°nC/s/cape & Parks°~i~¢at°r Development Rivi~ordn ~ad°rn' ~' Eng' ~icipal Property & Engineering Approved / Endorsed By: ;/~ver~ Bunts~/ - ~ Director Operations & Emergency Services JFM: Attachments O:~-2130 Department Reports - Repeals to Council~A-2130-001-05 Reports to Council\OES 12-05.doc Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cpuncil //-- Tho~ J. Quin~Chief ~minist~~ ,,licit. j'.., --' .~ .~ ~, ~ ' . . ~ ','~] ~_..}..~ ....... i~ .. ,; . 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