HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 16-05 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 16-05 Date: February 4, 2005 From: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk Subject: Endorsement of Recommendations of Heritage Pickering Recommendation: o 10. That Corporate Services Report CS 16-05 regarding recommendations made by the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be received. That Councillor be appointed to the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 2006. That Council approves the inventory of historically or architecturally significant sites on Federal lands as set out in the Committee's presentation to Council on November 1, 2004. That Council continues to support the completion of research for the purpose of designation and preservation. That Council urge Transport Canada to reinstate its local heritage committee. That the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to appoint an appropriate staff member to sit on the Federal Government's local heritage committee. That Council urge Transport Canada and the Ontario Land Corporation to restore those buildings that are deemed vital to Pickering's heritage. That Council urge Transport Canada and the Ontario Land Corporation to ensure the continuous occupation of all potential heritage properties. That Council supports the planning for the revitalization of the Hamlets of Brougham and Altona by Transport Canada. That Transport Canada and the Greater Toronto Airport Authority be requested to retain historically or architecturally significant buildings not directly affected by construction of a proposed airport or to relocate such buildings to another location not affected by said construction as a last resort. Report CS 16-05 February 4, 2005 Recommendations of Heritage Pickering Page 2 Executive Summary: To respond to the request of Heritage Pickering to have a Member of Council appointed to the Committee and to endorse various recommendations made by the Committee in its Annual Report for 2004. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: Please find attached to this Report a copy of the Minutes of the Heritage Pickering Committee meeting of January 18, 2005. Under Section 2.7 of those Minutes, you will note that the Committee has asked that a Member of Council be appointed to sit on the Heritage Pickering Committee. Also attached is a copy of recommendations made to Council at its meeting of November 1, 2004 when the Committee presented its Annual Report. I have attached a copy of the Heritage Pickering's 2004 Annual Report because some of their recommendations are discussed in the Annual Report. One of the more important recommendations made by Heritage Pickering is for Council to urge the Federal Government to reinstate its local heritage committee and appoint a representative to sit on that committee. I have been in contact with a representative of Transport Canada who indicated that the Federal Government will reinstate its local heritage committee but not in the near future. Once the Federal Government does reinstate its local heritage committee, it would be appropriate for an employee of the City of Pickering who has an expertise and interest in architectural and historical conservation to be appointed to sit on this committee. Affachmen~: Minutes of the January 18, 2005 Meeting of Heritage Pickering Recommendations made to Council on November 1, 2004 by Heritage Pickering 2004 Annual Report of Heritage Pickering CORP0227-07/01 Report CS 16-05 Recommendations of Hedtage Pickering February 4, 2005 Page 3 Prepared By: ,~ruce Taylor City Clerk Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services 7 Treasurer Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the/C~nsi~ration of Pickering ~ /Thomas J. O~,~, Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 ATTACHNENT #. / TO REPOi~T# c..~ /~, '- o ~- Minutes / Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee January 18, 2005 7:00 PM A~endees: Pamela Fuselli Mary Delaney John Sabean Gordon Zimmerman Karen Emmink Shawna Foxton Charles Stinson Brenda Rappos · Debbie Kearns - Committee Secretary Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropdate) 1. Approval 'of MinUtes Moved by Karen Emmink Seconded by Mary Delaney That the minutes of the November 16, 2004 Heritage Pickering Meeting be approved. CARRIED 2, Business Arising 2.1 Barclay Designations John advised that Council passed the resolutions respecting the Ever Green Villa and the Tullis Cottage Designations. Letters have been forwarded to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority advising of this passing. Once we have received a response, the process will continue. A number of recommendations were made in the Pamela to follow up presentation to Council that require follow up, especially with Mayor Ryan. the recommendation to designate a representative for the Federal heritage committee. 2.2 Heritage Pickering Materials Pam advised that she had advised Marisa Carpino, Culture & Recreation that Heritage Pickering would like to participate in Heritage Day. Table and chairs will be provided and the display must be organized. Pam requested committee members commit to spending a couple of hours at the table to answer questions and distribute literature. Gordon and Shawna volunteered. Karen offered to choose the items from the heritage Karen to provide resources in the library for this display, information. Page ATTACHHENT # / TO REPORT Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Shawna to organize the broChure layout and to 'forward to' Shawna to organize Debbie for print, brochure. Debbie to print. Pam further advised that she will provide heritage Pamela to provide information to the webmaster for the Heritage Site on the information. City's web. 2.3 Spring Tour of Whitevale Pam provided an update on the proposed spring tour of VVhitevale. She advised that this is in collaboration with the Whitevale Residents Association, the Historical Society, Backwoods Players, Pickering Museum Village and Heritage Pickering. The tour will include several historical sties, transporting people from the Hamlet of VVhitevale to the Brock Road explaining the history of Whitevale and it's inhabitants. Backwoods Players will participate with vignettes at various locations. Pam to provide Pam will continue to update the Committee. update. 2.4 Lamorie Designation Event Charles advised that the owner of the Lamorie house is pleased to have an official ceremony. Mary will prepare an article for the News Advertiser and Mary to provide press provide a press release, release. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, February 12th at 11:00 am. 2.5 Aboriginal Contact Pam advised that she was in contact with Robert Von Pamela to contact Mr. Vitter, Archaeological Data Coordinator with the Ministry Von Vitter. of Culture who would be happy to work with the Committee on identifying aboriginal sites if we provided him with further information regarding the specific project. 2.6 MPAC Gordon offered to approach MPAC to obtain a list of Gordon to obtain list. homes in Pickering 50 years old or older. 2.7 Invitation to Council Pam will forward an invitation to Council to attend the nextPamela to invite Heritage Pickering meeting to be held on February 15th Council and request and to request a Council representative, representation. Page 2 ATTACHHENT#?..,L---TO REPORT# ~' / c, - o ~ Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 2.8 Tax Rebate Program Debbie advised that this item is still pending and the Debbie to provide Municipal Councils are still in discussion with the Region update. of Durham. She will provide an update at the next meeting. 3. Other Business 1. John advised that Wayne Crochet will be Speaking to the Historical Society in April and a tour will then be arranged. 2. Gordon advised of a collection from the University of Toronto. 3. John expressed his frustration at his attempt to read thePamela to contact fiche provided at the Registry Office and the offer a regional municipal number of years ago to acquire the information which is heritage chairs. now stored in the archives in Toronto. Pam will forward a request to the Chairs of the Regional Heritage John to contact the Committees asking for their support by forwarding letters Ministry to determine to the Toronto Archives requesting this information, appropriate contact to forward correspondence to. 4. Next Meeting February 15, 2005 Meeting Adjourned: 8:40 PM Copy: Mayor Ryan Councillors T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Directors Page 3 Heritage Pickering Recom~mendations to ~ounc~ re: Presentation November t., 2004 Approve the inventory of the Federal lands. Support the completion of research for the purpose of designation and preservation. Urge the Federal government to reinstate its local heritage committee. Appoint a representative to sit on the committee. Urge the restoration of those buildings that are deemed vital to Pickering's Urge the continuous occupation of all potential heritage ProPerties. Support a plan for the revitalization oft he Hamlets'of Brougl~zn and Altona. If an airport is built, a. Urge the retention of buildings not directly affected by clearing. b. Support the removal of buildings to a safe location, as a last resort. C~ty: of P~c'kedng Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee Annual Report 2004 Prepared b'y Pame~a Fnsei[i, ~oem~er 2004 Heritage Pickering convened on January 20, 2004. Nine committee members had been appointed by Council ro take on the roies and responsibilities Of what is now referred to as a municipal heritage committee throughehanges m the Ontario Heritage Act (see Appendix I). With one reSignation in May; the Committee agreed to extend an invitation to att Aboriginal representative to fill the vacancy. With an approved budget of approximateiy $6,000, this committ.e,e, endeav0uredto reactivate Heritage Picketing to be an ~d Support to the City s heritage activities. We developed and agreed upon a propos~ action plan ofprojects and ac~vities for the 2004 year (see Appendix II). Designations Heritage Pickering has undertaken to im~e~tory all properties of interest Workin in collaboration Wih~'"~he Ci*,,'s Pla~:-- ~,2~ ..., .... · ' g . ~y xm.ng ~eparrmem ana ciorary, committee members will systematically c ""', .... ' · ollect extensive lnformat~on on properties in the City of Picketing (including the provincial and federal lands). This project is expected ~o take approximately 1.5 years, to complete with voluntary committee resources. A list of requests of properties to be designated has been compiled but it was agreed that the priority of the Committee would be on completing the inventory project. Designations will be pursued in 2005. A small sub-committee worked oii a designation ceremony for a property that had' been previously, designated but due to a nUmber of .challenges, including the company who provided the plaques going out of business, this activity has 'been postponed to the Spring. One committee member compiled, a listing of the status of cemeteries in Pickering, whether they were registered with rite Province. The majority of cemeteries are registered and the.Committee.will discuss future activities to designate the cemeteries. Land Issues Heritage P~ckefing committee~ ~. , memvers reviewed the Growth Mm,,agement Study, Phase II and is monitoring the envirmmaental assessment of identified sections of the Seaton ~andsbvthe~ ' · '' · .,~ ~ . , ,ovmce/On~.m Real~' c. orporauon, Con~ittee members pa~iCipated in. ~, Annua! Repm-~ 2,t){)~ " Pag: 5 ATTACHMENT # '_3 TO c5' i {:, -- o s~ REPORT~ ..... ~ u,. me..,m..~, woric?:hops -~6 open house,--., ro tem'n about ti~is issue and to reman a'D-'ro-,Sare on the p:roa'ress. A corm>icrc amc, apclare,~ inventor:, of properties op_ the Federal lands of interest to Heritage Pickering has been compiled and a presentation made to Council outlining a number of properties o~: significant heritage value. Patricia Sho,rt-Galle and Kathy Oke presented to the committee on the status and issues related to the airport lands. A tour of the Federal lands was conducted with new iMP, Mark Holland; to highlight the heritage issues in this area and elevate our concerns at the Federal level. ' Other 'Committee Activities The committee responded to a nUmber of issues, rep?esenting the heritage interests in: Brougham Central' Ho,t~l funding Del Management SolUtions inc. request for Window Permit installations on properties located on the provincial lands · Brock Road expansion and its potential impact on one cemetery and one bur/al site Department of Planning request for collaboration/review of the Aboriginal Heritage Resources · Private citizen inquiries · 'Ontario Realty Corporation.requests for demolition Renewing and building relationships with key stakeholders was a priority for the committee. In the first six months, meetings, have been held with members of Council · (MaYor Ryan and Councillors Kevin Ashe, Mark Holland, arid Rick Johnson), and City staff (Steve Reynolds, David Marlowe, Grant McGregor, Tom Quinn,'Bruce Taylor, Tim Moore and lan Bishop). In addition, covmections have been made with external - stakeholders such as Chair Heritage Ajax and Ontario Ministry of Culture's Heritage Advisor who presented to the Committee in September, Transport Canada's representative forthe airport lands. Heritage Pickering participated in the Picketing Museum Village's Tapestry event in June and plans to develop educational resources for the committee will enable more extensive future participation in such events. Heritage Pickering hosted the annual regional heritage workshop in October at the Brougham Community Hall. Presentations were made bv the Ministry of Culture regarding c~-:mges to ~he Ontario Heritage Ac~ and a ne,~;iFederai ipJtiative Historic Places. in addition, well known heritage expe~ George Duncan spoke about hedmae ~u~ stories. Rep~esenrauves fi'om Picketing, &ia:, 'Whitby. Osnawa. ~,.,anngron ~i erimge P i citer/n g Annua! [~epor~ 2004 The holdings of the committee were assessed and. inventoried. A listing of all Heritage Pickerina hold/nas was created and ~, ' ' ' ,d., related items, such as committee r will be housed in the Picketing Librau,'s archives room.. The commi~Xee obtained an annual membership with Community Heritage Ontario allowing committee members access to a newsletter and ~, ,- '' · ,~du,~anonat opportunities. As a nun~ber of committee members were new to this committee and heritage issues, there was a need for education on the Ontario Heritage Act, local heritage'issues and'the roles/responsibilities of a municipal her/age committee. Two committee members attended a workshop hosted by Community Heritage Ontario for new municipal heritage committee members. Notes.and resources from this workshop were distributed to all committee members along with information, such as the revisions to the Ontario Heritage Act, from the Ontario Ministry of Culture. Four committee members attended the Community .Heritage Ontario annual conference in Hamilton. Again, notes and resources .were distributed to all committee members. Next Steps The committee will meet for the last time in November. Priority activities for 2005 include: ContinUation of the inventory project Research into properties on the designation list Responding to 'arising issues Desi~m. and.development of educational and/or promotional .tools (e.g. brochure, web site content) In addition, we will develop a proposal outlining the need for a person within the City of Picketing to oversee her/age issues across and among departments, between the Region of Durham, Province and Federal governments as well as liaison with He_ritage Picketing to better leverage the volunteer hours of this committee. .. Appe2~k< i - Commktee Members Pamela Fuseiii, Chair Shawna Foxton, Vice Chair Gordon Zimmerman, Treasurer Debbie Watrous, Secretary John Sabean · Karen Emmink Charles Stinson Brenda Rappos Mary Delaney Dey Brownlee (resigned May 2004) !: leritaac P i,Bcermg Page /~n naai Rcpofi. 2004 Appendix: 2 - Action Pian Des~gnatSons H'old designation c..r,.m~m r~r exisnng designations that have not received tlhe heritage p[aq.ue ~.nvestiaate requests for designation Land Issues Federal/Airport Lands o Undertake a comprehensive inventory Present to Council o Participate, ifp0ssible, on the Federal Heritage Committee Provincial/Seaton Lands' · Monitor and respond, if appropriate, to the Growth Management Study ' ° Build on inventory format from Federal lands to create an inventory for the Provincial properties 407 Expansion * Monitor issue Liaisons o City of Picketing - Mayor and Councillors, Culture, Planning, Building, Library, Museum ° Provincial - Ministry.of Culture, Community Heritage Ontario, Ontario Histotical FoUndation . - Locally'- Chair, Heritage Ajax. Education · Develop tool(s) to promofe Heritage Pickering, e.g. brochUre, displa3; materials ,, Participate in events to promote Heritage Picketing Miscellaneous o~ Responding to inquiries regarding heritage properties, geneology, etc. * Listing of Heritage Picketing holdings The ~bllowing list of i 10 sites in the Federal lands of the Ckv ' ' ~,-~-,.' ~ of P~c,~,,~m~ includes those sites that may have some potential heritage value at ~eas, at a provincial or local level Heritage Pickering believes that a thorough research of these sites should be conducted before any final determination is made of them. 202 3795 Brock Road Description: built 1901-1940. Sources: Unterman Lot 18, Con 6 Ex-Pridmore 2 storey brick house, Vernacular. Barn 205 3730 Brock Road Lot 19, Con 6. Ex-Vanderligt DeScription: built 1860-1900. 1 ½ storey brick house. Vernacular. (Now home of Councillor Rick Johnson) Sources: Yost, #74 (Class 3); Unterman 216 217 221 225 3970 Brock Road Lot 19, Con 6 Ex- Ever Green Villa (Barclay) Description: built c1854. I ½ storey, wood frame (board and batten) house. Vernacular. ' SoUrces Beers Atlas (1877); Yost, #59 (Class 2); Unterman-*; Sabean (2001) 1705 Concession 7 Road Lot 19, Con 6 Ex- Tullis Cottage (Barclay) Description: built c1840. 1 storey, frame. Sources: Yost, #58 (class 3); Unterman-*; Sabean 1608 Highway '7 (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 6 (Norman's Fine Art) DescriptiOn: 1 ½ storey. Built c18507 Moved in 1950 from Greenwood. 1585 Concession 7 Road Barn Lot 20, Con 6 227 232 1480 Highway 7 Lot 21, Con 6 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey brick (under vinyl), centre gable Sources: Yost, #77 (class 3); Hough (class B); Unterman 1503 Concession 7 Road Lot 21, Con 6 Ex- SS #12 (Mount Pleasant). Association wkh Bill Lishman. Description: Built 1858 (datestone); 1 storey brick Sourc~o. U~erman-*; 235 236 237 238 239 256 257 258 253 i360 Highway 'z Lot ~'~ Con 6 Wtxon-Demney D~sc~mt~on. built 1860-!900; t ~5 - 2 storey, red. bn,~ Sources: Yost, #76 (class 3a); Hough (class B); Unterman 3720 Sideline 22 Description: built 1860-1900. Sources: Unterman Lot 23, Con 6 Ex- 1 ½ storey f}ame house. Vernacular 3870 Sideline 22 Lot 23, Con 6 Ex- Description: built 1860-I900. 1 ½ storey dichromatic brick house. Vernacular. Sources: Yost, #71 (Class 3); Untennan 1150 Highway 7 Lot 24, Con 6 Ex- (Hang gliding Scho°l) Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, white frame vertical boards. Notable barn. Sources: Hough(class A); Unterman-* 1185 ConcesSion 7 Road LOt 24, Con 6 Ex- Description: built 1901-1940; 1 ½ Storey brick; gambrel roof Sources: Unterman 1050 Highway 7 Lot 25, Con 6 Ex- Description: built 1901-1940; 2 ½ storeys, red brick; hip roof Sources: Hough (class B); Unterman 3750 Sideline 26 Lot 27, Con 6 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, fratme. Notable barn Sources: Yost, #73 (class 3); Umerman 865 Concession 7 Road Lot 27, Con 6 Ex- Harold Percy Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame. Notable outbuildings. Sources: Yost, #54 (class 3); Unterman-* 3815 Sideline 28 Lot 28, Con 6 Ex- .Middleton Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ~,5 storey, brick Sources: Beers Atlas (1877), p. 37; Yost, #72 (class 2), Umterma~* Sabean, Time ]>resent, p. 92 680 Highway 7 Lot 29, Coa 6 Description: built 190!-t 940; 2 V2 storey red brick, gable front Sources: Hough (class B); Ume_rrm~ ; ~,~ Side~2ne Not~ole barns 277? 3875 Side~e 32 Lot~-,'2 Con 6 Bieter Description: built pre- 1860; 2 storey, frame Sources: Umerman (3875) 298 3915 Markham-Picketing Townline Lot 35,'Con 6 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame, central gable, metal cladding Sources: Yost, #67 (class 3); Umerman 301 3O2 4235 Brock Road Description: built 1901-194.0. Sources: Unterman 4355 Brock Road Maple Lane Farm Description: built 1860-1900. revival Lot 18, Con 7 2 storey brick house.' Lot 18, Con 7 'Ex-Big Land Development Vernacular, Four Square Ex-Brophy 1 ½ storey stone house. Vernaclar, classical Sources: Gauslin, pp. 256-257; Unterman-* 310 (304?) 4040 Brock Road Description: built 1860-1900. Sources: Unterman Lot 19, Con 7 Ex-Puckrin I ½ storey wood frame house.' Vernacular 311 4185 Sideline 20. Lot 20, Con 7 Ex- DeScription: built 1860-1900. 1 ½ storey wood frame house. Vernacular. Sources: Yost, #47 (Class 4); Unterman 314 4280 Brock Road- Lot 19, Con 8 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900. 1 ½ storey stone house. Vernacular, classical revival Sources: Yost #43 (Class 3); Unterman-* 317 (3187) 1540 Concession 7 Road Lot 20, Con 7 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, brick, centre gable. Notable barn Sources: Yost, #57 (class 2); Unterman-* 332 1370 Concession 7 Road Lot 22, Con 7 Ex- Description: built 1901-I 940; 2-2 ½ storey, frame (insulbrick) Sources: Unterman 334 4475 Sideline 22 Lot 22, Con 7 ~. ,,scnpdon. ~gvv-1900: i t,;~ storey? ff~e~much ~terec~ So~ces: Unte~z 338 340 1240 Concession 7 Road Lot 23, Con 7 Ex-Wiison Wilson Description: built c1858; ~ '55 storey.~ dichromatic brick. Sources: ¥ost, #56 (class 3); Umerman; Sabemx 1130 '" ' concession / Road Notable barn Lot 24, Con 7 341 1180 Concession 7 Road Lot 24, Con 7 Ex- Gostick Description: built 1890; 1 ½ storey, dichromatic brick Sources: Yost, #55 (class 3); Unterman; Sabean 353 850 Concession 7 Road Lot 27, 'Con 7 Ex- DescriPtion: built 1860-1900.; 1 ½-2 storey, brick. Notable barn Sources: Unterman 379 4250 Sideline 28 Lot 29, Con 7 Description: built 1860-19001 ½ storey, frame Sources: Unterman Ex- 397 399 425 Concession 8 Road Lot 31, COn 7 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame. Notable barn Sources: Unterman 555 Concession 8 Road Lot 30, Con 7 Ex- SS #16 (Atha) Description: built 1865 (datestone); 1 storey, brick Sources: Unterman-*; Sabean 400 440 Concession 7 Road Lot 31, Con 7 Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame Sources: Unterman Ex- 403 350 Concession 7 Road Lot 32, Con 7 Ex-Winger Turner-Winger Description: built c1870; 1 ½ storey, dichromatic brick Sources: Yost, #53 (class 2); Unterman-*; Sabean 408/409 305 Concession 8 Road Lot 33, Con 7 Ex- es~.n~uon, bt]fit 1860-]900; ~ V~ ' -,' ~ m.orey, flame (vinvh Sources: Unte~ ~' "-' 4i4 4~45 $:ideiine 34 Lot 34.~ Con 7 E×-McGee Nighswander-McGee (?owell) Description: built c1875; 2 storey~ frame with metal cladding. Not,able barn Sources: Yos~, #36 (e~as~ 4); Umerman-*; Sabean 140 Concession 7 Road Lot 34, Con 7 (Perennial Gardens) Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame Sources: Yost, #49 (class 3); Unterman Ex- 415 419 421 425 439 444 453 45¥ 165 Concession 8 Road Lot 34, Con 7 Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ~A storey, frame Sources: Yost, #28 (class 3); Unterman Ex- 4440 Sideline 34 Lot 35, Con 7 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame, centre gable. Notable outbuildings Sources: Yost, #35 (class 1); Unterman-* 4375 Markham-Pickering Townline Lot 35, Con 7 Description: 1 ½ storey, wattle and daub Sources: Ex- 4585 Sideline 20 Lot 20, Con 8 Ex-Dorosz Kulyk Description' built 1860-1900. 1 ½ storey brick hOuse. Vernaclar, Gothic revival. Sources: Unterman; Time Present, p. 82. ,4560 Sideline 22 Lot 23, Con 8 Ex-Mash Invest. (Gerd & Gabrielle Umerman) Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½-2 storey dichromatic brick Sources: Unterman 4535 Sideline 24 Lot 24, Con 8 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, ~ame, Georgian--much altered Sources: Yost, #32 (class 3); Umerman 1095 Regional Road 5 (Con 9) Lot 25, Con 8 Ex- Description: built c18507; 1 ½ storey, frame. Notable outbuildings Sources: Yost, #22 (e~a~s 4); Unterman 975 Regional Road 5 (Con 9) Lot 26, Con g Ex- (shanbro Kennels) Description: built 1860-1900; 1 Y~ storey, briCk, Greek Revivai; summer Idtchen 461 478 486 489 490 ?505 538 543 544 g71 Concession 8 Road Lot 27., Con o° Ex- Stouffville C:hristian eilowsmp School Description: built 1860-1900; i ½ storey, frame; fan w/ndow Sources: ¥osh #3t (eiass t); Unterman-* 8'35 Regional Road 5 (Con 9) Lot 27, Con g Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame--much akered Sources: Unterman 575 Regional Road 5 (Con 9) Lot 30, Con 8 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, flame, centre gable; porch with bellcast 'roof Sources: Unterman 4690 Sideline 30 Lot3 I, Con 8 Ex,Butler Lapp Description: built 1850-1880; 1 '½ Storey, flame (board and batten)' SOurces: Yost, #23 (class 2); Unterman-*; Sabean 4675 Sideline 32 Lot 32, Con 8 Ex-Carmthers Bentley-Carruthers Description: built 1850s; 2-2 ½ storey, dichromatic brick; Flemish bond Sources: Unterman.*; Sabean 355 Regional Road 5 (Con 9) Lot 32, Con 8 Ex- Description: built 18604900; 1 ½ storey, frame. Notable barn Sources: Unterman 307 Concession 8 Road Lot 35, Con 8 DesCription: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame Sources: Yost, #27 (class 3); Umerman Ex- 5165 Sideline 22 Description: built i 860-1900; See also 'associated barn. Sources: Unterman Lot 22, Con 9 EX- 1 ½ storey flame home. Vernacular House is empty. 5070 Sideline 22 Lot 23, Con 9 Ex- Description: built 1901-1940; 2 storey brick house. Vernacular (Transport Canada site office) · Sources: Unterman-* 5170 Sidet/ne 99 ~ ~' 23 .... -- LOg Description: built 1860-1900; ~ 5 storey ffme home Mth ~ucco cladd~go Ve~culm. 551 ..... Uxr~r~dge-~ ~c~'~ermg Toum~ae Lot 24, Con 9 Ex- Description: burr 1860-1900; ~ ¢2 storey, frame, cemre gab]e. NOtabie barn Sources: ¥-ost, #6 (d:~s~ 3a); Umerman 553 556 5050 Sideline 24 Lot 25, Con 9 Ex-W/il Richardson-Will Description: built c1858-59; 1 ½ storey, stone Sources: Yost, #21 (class 1); Unterman-*; Sabean 5260 Sideline 24 Lot 25, Con 9 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½-2 storey, frame. Notable.outbuildings Sources: Yost, #10 (class 4); Unterman-* 56O 1095 Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Lot 25, Con 9 Description: built 1860~1900; 1 ½ storey, frame Sources: Unterman Ex- 571 5395 Sideline 26 Lot 26, Con 9 Ex- Description: built 1901-1940; 2 storey, painted brick;.hip roof Sources: Unterman 581 5240 Sideline 26 Lot 27, Con 9 Ex- ("Misty Meadows"--Robert E. Lewis) Description: 1 ½ storey, frame (additions); Notable barn Sources: (Unterman) 588 5245 Sideline 28 Lot 28, Con 9 Ex- Desefiption: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame (insulbrick), Georgian. Notable bam Sources: Unterman . 589 5305 Sideline 28 Lot 28, Con 9 Barkey-O'Cormor Description: built 1857; 1 ½ storey, stone Sources: Yost, #8 (class 3); Unterman-*; Sabean Ex-O'Connor 601,602, 603 625, 635, & 645 Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Lot 29, Con 9 Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame (stucco) Sources: Unterman-* '?;9 9?0 999 67< 695~ 695 · -., , .... , Uxondge-P~ckermg To~e L~t ~a Con 9 Description: built 1§604900; I ½ storey, frame (metal) Sources: Untema~.- ~' 565 Uxbridge-?ickering Towniine Lot 30~ Con 9 Altona Chrkstk~.~ Mfissionary Church Description: built lg75 (datestone) by William. Feaster Sources: Unterman-*'; £abean 6t3 54i i Side~2ne 30 (North Rd) Lot 30, Con 9 Ex- Description: built 1901-19'40; I ½ storey, brick; circular porch Sources: Unterman 6i4 5413 Sideline 30 (North Rd) Lot 30, Con 9 Ex- Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, Frame (board & batten) Sources: Unterman 615 5435 Sideline 30 (North Rd) Lot 30, Con 9 Description: built 1901-1940; 2 ½ storey, brick; hip roof Sources: Unterman Ex- 616 5415 Sideline 30 (North Rd) Lot 30, Con 9 Reesor (Miller's house) DescriptiOn: built before 1877; 2 storey, brick (stUcco) Sources: Beers Atlas; Unterman-*. Ex- 617 5475 Sideline 30 (North Rd) Lot 30, Con 9 Altona Mennonite Meeting House & Cemetery Description: built 1852; 1 story brick Sources: Yost, #5 (class 1); Macrae; Unterman-* Designated under the Ontario Heritage Act 629/630 5250 Sideline 30 (North Rd) Lot31, Con 9 Description: built 1860-1900; 1 ½ storey, frame Sources: Unterman Ex- 632 5460 Sideline 30 (North Rd) Lot 31, Con 9 SS #17 (Altona) Description: built 1911 (datestone); 1 storey, brick Sources: Unterman-*; Sabean Ex- 634 385 Uxbridge. Pickering Townline Lot 32, Con 9 Monkhouse-Reesor Description: built c1872; ! ½ story, brick. Origkml fence Sources: Beers; Yost, #3 (class 3a); Unterman-*; Sabean Ex-Cemury City 5070 SideIkne 2'~ ->-~ Lo/33, Con 9 (Fretz) Description: built ! 860-~ 900..; 1 !~ storeys, flame (met~) Sourcez: ~ ~' E 644 646 647 649 651 653 65'6 658 659 5095 Mar?Gqam-PickerHg Tow~.J~ne Lot '~ ~ Con o, - ~ ~'~ :' ~-~, x- (Wi&man) Description: bulk 1945 (ofigkml house b~ned downN .t944); t ½ storey. Notable b~ ' Sources: Untem~ 3515 Brock Road (Brougham) Lot 18, Con 5 (Location of former House of Brouglmm) Notable barn 1725 Highway 7 (Brougham) Description: 2 storey, brick Sources: Lot 18, Con 5 1709 Highway 7 (Brougham) Commercial House Description: built c1870; brick Sources: Yost, #91 (class 2); Sabean 1689 Highway 7 (Brougham) Notable barn Lot 18, Con 5 (Village LOt 11), Plan #10) Ex-Gray Lot 18, Con 5 3595 Brock Road (Brougham) Lot 18, Con 5 (Village Lot 15, Plan #10)' Ex-Trustees of St John's Church The Standard Church (St John's United Church) Description: built 1890 by John Cowan; brick Sources: Miller (1973); Sabean 3'575 Brock Road (Brougham) Lot I 8, Con 5 Description: 1 ½ story, frame, centre gable 8ources: Yost, #92 (class 2) 1689 Spring Gate Blvd (Brougham) Lot 18, Con 5 Description: 1 ½ storey, brick. Original fence. Sources: Ex- 3545 Brock Road (Brougham) Lot 18, Con 5 (Village Lot 52, Plan #10) Brougham Community Hall Ex-Township of Pickering Description: built 1854 Sources: Yost #93 (class 2); Miller (1973); Sabean 3535 Brock Road (Brougham) Lot 1 g~ Con 5 Ex-Maydelt Description: built c 1860; I ½ storey, dichromatic brick, Georgian cs' lC,.,. 663 666 676 677 678 679 680 698 715 7!6 3590.- Brock Road. (Broughmm) Lot 19, Con 5 Bentley ~omson Desc~t0tion: 2 storey,, brick Sources: 3570 Brock Road (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 5 Description: built 1920-1940; white frame bungalow, original detail Sources: 3530 Brock Road (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 5 Description: 1 ½ storey, stucco Sources: 1637 Highway 7 Description: · Sources: Yost, #82 (class-3) Lot 19, Con 5 1631 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 5 Description: t ½ storey, vinyl siding. Notable outbuilding Sources: 1619 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 5 Description: I ½ storey, vinyl siding. Notable outbuilding Sources: 1607 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 5 Description: 1 ½ storey, red brick, eemre gable Sources: 1613 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 5 SS #10 (Brougham); Gallery Brougham Description: built 1859; red brick Sources: Sabean 3629 Old Brock Road Description: 1 ½ storey Sources: Lot 18, Con. 6 3656 Old Brock Road Lot 18, Con 6 Robert Miller's hou~ Description: 2 ½ storey, brick Sources: Ex-Miller 3652 Old Brock Road Description: built e18~5 ?; i Lot i 8, Con 6 ~/5 storey. Orig/nat outbuilding 727 729 73O 734 '739 74O 741 3652 Oid ..Brock Road Lot I g, Con 6 Description: i !A storey, ifa'ne, -~Any[ s/ding. Original porch? So,ecs: Yost. ~88 (c,~s o) 1688 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot 18, Con 6 Becker's store Description: Sources: 1686 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot I9, Con 6 (Village Lot 16, Plan #I0) Temperance Hall ' Ex-Mairs & Son Description: built 1880 (architect :A.A. Post) Sources: Yost, #85 (class 2); Miller (1973); Sabean 1670 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 6 Annis Description: greatly altered Sources: 1622 Highway 7 (Brougham) Lot 19, Con 6 (Village Lot 11, Plan #10) Hubbard-Miller Ex-Miller Description: built 1880; 2 storey, dichromatic.brick Sources: Yost, #81 (class 3); Miller (1973); Sabean Concession 8 Road at Sideline 24 Gostick Cemetery Description: Pre-!860 Sources: Unterman-*. Lot 24, Con 7 Concession 7 Road St John's Cemetery Description: Pre-1860 Sources: Unterman-* Lot 21, Con 7 Sideline 20, north of Highway 7 Sharrard Cemetery Description: Pre-1860 Sources: Unterman-* Lot 21, Con 6