HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 04-05PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CAO 04-05 Date: January 31, 2005 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Pickering Airport Draft Plan and Financial Assessment Analysis - Peer Review Funding Request (Council Resolution #172/04) - File: D-7600-003 Recommendation: That Report CAO 04-05 concerning peer review funding for the Greater Toronto Airports Authority's (GTAA's) Pickering Airport Draft Plan and updated Financial Assessment Analysis be received. 2. That Council provide further direction to staff with respect to this matter. Executive Summary: This Report has been prepared in response to Council Resolution #172/04, which (among other matters) directed staff to prepare an appropriate terms of reference, procedure and budget for a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and updated Financial Assessment Analysis (FAA), for consideration by Council no later than February 7, 2005. The Resolution also directed that the Federal Transport Minister and the CEO of the GTAA be requested to provide sufficient funding to the City to allow for this peer review. Attached to this Report is a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) that includes terms of reference for the hiring of a peer review consultant to review the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and the updated FAA. Staff cannot finalize the draft RFP at this time, or provide an accurate estimate as to the cost of obtaining peer review services, because the GTAA has not yet completed or released an updated FAA. It should also be noted that both the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and the updated FAA are background documents only. They would inform the upcoming Environmental Assessment that will be undertaken by the GTAA over the next two years, but the documents themselves will not actually form a part of the EA. Report to Council CAO 04-05 Date: January 31,2005 Subject: Pickering Airport Draft Plan and Financial Assessment Analysis Page 2 Although there may be some value in undertaking a peer review of these documents, it would also be beneficial if the City obtained peer review consulting services to assist in the upcoming federal EA process. In this regard, it should be noted that according to Canadian Environmental Assessment Act guidelines, the City is not eligible for participant funding. Financial Implications: At this time, it is not possible to provide an accurate cost estimate for a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and updated FAA, as the updated FAA has not yet been completed and released by the GTAA. Peer review costs could vary significantly depending on the complexity and scope of the updated FAA. It should also be noted that as of the date of this Report, neither the Federal Transport Minister nor the CEO of the GTAA has formally responded to the City's request to provide peer review funding for the review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and the updated FAA. Unless funding support is provided, the full cost of obtaining peer review services would have to be borne entirely by the City. Background: On December 20, 2004, Council passed Resolution #172/04 (see Attachment 1). Among other matters, that resolution directs staff to report back to Council no later than February 7, 2005, with appropriate terms of reference, a procedure and a proposed budget for a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and updated FAA. The resolution also directed that a request be made to the Federal Transport Minister and the CEO of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority for sufficient funding to enable the City to acquire qualified consultants to undertake this peer review. The Pickering Airport Draft Plan was released by the GTAA in November 2004. It is the culmination of more than a dozen studies, and is intended as background and input to the upcoming federal EA process that the GTAA will be initiating this year. In September 2002, the GTAA released a preliminary Financial Assessment Analysis for a proposed regional reliever airport on the Pickering lands. The purpose of that Analysis was to determine whether there is a potential business case for the development of an airport in Pickering. The GTAA wanted to have this information before beginning detailed planning for the airport. Within the next month or so, the GTAA expects to complete an "update" of the FAA. Like the Airport Draft Plan, the updated FAA will be background to the upcoming federal EA process. Report to Council CAO 04-05 Date: January 31, 2005 Subject: Pickering Airport Draft Plan and Financial Assessment Analysis Page 3 Until the updated FAA is released, staff cannot provide an accurate estimate of the cost to undertake a peer review of that document. Peer review costs could vary significantly depending on the complexity and scope of the work. It is also difficult to accurately estimate the cost for a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan as there are more than a dozen background reports that went into the preparation of that Plan, and consulting costs could vary significantly, depending on the number of background reports that need to be reviewed, and the complexity and scope of these reviews. The City must also consider the need to obtain peer review consulting assistance during the upcoming EA process. In this regard, it should be noted that guidelines prepared under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act clearly stipulate that other levels of government (other than an Aboriginal government) are ineligible for participant funding. Consequently, peer review consulting costs during the upcoming EA would have to be borne entirely by the City, unless others provide funding assistance. As these costs coUld be substantial1, Council should also consider approaching the GTAA and/or the Federal Minister of Transport with respect to peer review funding assistance during the upcoming FA. The process for hiring consultants is set out in the City's Purchasing Policy. That Policy allows for different approaches to be used depending on the total estimated cost of the service. For most consulting assignments, the following procedure would be used: Following Council authorization, staff would issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) including terms of reference for the study, to at least three qualified peer review consulting firms. · A staff selection committee would review the submissions and make a recommendation. Interviews would be held if necessary. If fees are less than $75.000, the CAO would review and if satisfied, approve the selection committee recommendation and advise Council. The CAO also has the option to obtain Council's approval. · If fees are greater than $75,000, the CAO is required to obtain Council's approval for hiring the peer review consultant. In addition to a budget and process, Council resolution #172/04 requested that staff prepare terms of reference for hiring a peer review consultant to review the Airport Master Plan and updated FAA. Accordingly, attached to this Report is a draft Request for Proposal (RFP), which includes terms of reference for peer review consulting For information purposes, a total of approximately $100,000 was spent on the City's peer review consulting services with respect to the restart of the Pickering Nuclear Station "A" reactors (which was also a federal EA process). These costs were paid by the Ontario Power Generation and covered the City's participation in the full process, including the preparation of the EA terms of reference. Report to Council CAO 04-05 Date: January 31, 2005 Subject: Pickering Airport Draft Plan and Financial Assessment Analysis Page 4 services (see Attachment 2). It should be noted, however, that the RFP and terms of reference cannot be finalized until the updated FAA is issued by the GTAA. Attachments: 1. Council Resolution #172/04 2. Draft RFP and terms of reference for Peer Review Consulting Services Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: (~l~)erCaA~d J~inQistrative Officer TM:tm Attachments Copy: All Directors Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci~Cjou~.ncil ,- --7 ........ ' ~ '~ .~ ;~ Tt;r6r~,~.- O Cn, ¢ief A~I~,, Attachment 1 to Report CAO 04-05 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, December 20, 2004 Resolution #172~04 WHEREAS by Resolution #212/98 the Federal Minister of Transport was advised that Council and residents of Pickering do not support the development of an airport; and WHEREAS in April 2001, the Federal Transport Minister announced that the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) had been asked to determine the need for a future regional reliever airport on the Pickering lands; and WHEREAS a report prepared for the GTAA and released in September 2002 entitled "Pickering Lands Airport Planning Initiative - Financial Assessment Analysis" concluded that an airport based on a preliminary business model was feasible; and WHEREAS a Pickering Airport Draft Plan Report was released by the GTAA in November 2004, outlining a conceptual airport site layout, timeframes, and justification for an airport in Pickering, and that the GTAA announced that the Financial Assessment Analysis will be updated, and WHEREAS these reports are important early components of the rationale for the potential establishment of an airport in Pickering and were important sources in the development of an environmental assessment for the proposed airport, therefore, the City of Pickering should review the Analysis and provide a response to the GTAA; and WHEREAS these reports are very technical documents and provide a very specialized field of analysis that staff of the City of Pickering do not have the expertise to review and comment on in a meaningful way; and WHEREAS the City has received sufficient funding from proponents in special planning studies and reviews impacting the City of Pickering, including but not limited to, Special Study Areas, Ontario Power Generation's Return to Service of Pickering 'A', Ontario Power Generation's Waste Facility Expansion Study, and the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Review, and the Growth Management Study; Attachment 1 to Report CAO 04-05 (cont'd) NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT it is essential to for the City of Pickering to obtain an independent review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan Report and updated Financial Assessment Analysis at this time, prior to the initiation of an environmental assessment, to protect the interests of the residents and The Corporation of the City of Pickering, and THAT City of Pickering acquire the consulting services to undertake a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan Report and updated Financial Assessment Analysis, and THAT City of Pickering staff prepare an appropriate terms of reference, procedure (e.g. request for proposals), and proposed budget for a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan Report and updated Financial Assessment Analysis for Council's consideration at a scheduled Council meeting to be no later than February 7, 2005, and THAT the City of Pickering in the interim request that the Federal Transport Minister and the CEO of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) provide sufficient funding in order for the City of Pickering to acquire the appropriate qualified expert services to review the Pickering Airport Draft Plan and updated Financial Assessment Analysis and provide meaningful comments and recommendations to the Council and City of Pickering; and THAT the Mayor, on behalf of the City of Pickering, formally make this request in writing to the Transport Minister and the President and CEO of the GTAA, with a copy to the Members of Parliament for Ajax-Pickering and Pickering-East Scarborough, and Members of Provincial Parliament for Ajax-Picketing and Uxbridge. Attachment 2 to Report CAO 04-05 REQUEST FO.R PROPOSAL Peer RevieV~ Consu.!ting Pickering Air'b..ort di,.afi' Pla'fi'"'ari'~l Updated Financial AssessmSnt Analysis ....... ~ xxX,.xx" .,,.. .... / ............ ............................ ' ................. ' ............. CLOSING: ..... ' ............... ,.' ........................................ XXXXXXX INFORMATION TO BIDDERS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of this call for proposals is for the City to recei.v'~"'a..nd review proposals from qualified firms interested in providing cop§'ulting?services for a peer review of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan/and .a'n updated Financial Assessment Analysis prepared by the Grea[~r Tor'"~,n. to Airports Authority for a possible regional reliever airport in ....P.'i'~:ker ng Th'e....intent is to secure one company to provide comp ete co.rfsulting, services""'for the review of these documents. ................................. ii. iiIIII:I ........................................................................................ i' i. iii:::' 2. SUBMISSIONS 2.1 Submissions for this proposal sh'~ b~:".....p...h'~/sc..al'iy received by the City of Pickering, Corporate Servi'i~es Departmedt, Supply & Services Division, by 12:00 noon (local time) 5h..XXXXXX'i'"'-...Sea ed proposals must be clearly marked as to contents. Late"§ubmission'~....,W II not be accepted and will be returned unopened., All submi~'~.ions shaJi:'be prepared at no cost to the City. Three (3.)"~:opie'~"'i~f..the propo~'a.I, are'""~-equired signed by a principal of the prime co'hsulting firm. 2.2 The City of Pickering resbrves the right to; .................. (a) cancel the request fo~'.propo~.~ls a.t.-.'~n~"t'(me, (b) reject, acc(~.pt..or not c0hsider any'"or all proposals; (c) reject pr""'~ot '~bgsider ~.ropos~:is from any firm who cannot show a reaso¢iable acquaintance"with th& class of work herein specified. 2.3 The of{Y is....'i~ot (~blig~i~J'"';~'"'~'W~fd a contract to any firm pursuant to the prol~.i~sal. · ............................. . ............. 2.4 In recb'i.v..!ng proposals the City accepts no obligation of any kind to accept .... any. propbsal. Sho~i]'d the City receive only one proposal submission, the ................. City' ~:'~serv~§....the right::'to award the proposal to the proponent of the so e ............ submissi'~'n., to'"i;ecall'";[he request for proposals or to cancel the proposa call ................. ;'" . .................. ih'..i..ts ent r~'t,y. N~" liabil ty shall accrue to the C ty for ts decision in th s ...... ::::. rega'i,d. ............ i /' .............. 2.5 "T..be...a'ccep(ance of any proposal and subsequent award of a contract may ...........be'"~ubject to approval from City Council. It is expected that authorization to ................. procee~l.., with the contracting agreement with a consultant will be in place by ............ XXX. XX Pickering Airport Draft Plan & Updated Financial Assessment Analysis City of Pickering - Request for Proposals / Peer Review Consulting Services I NFO RMATION TO BIDDE RS 2.6 Should information or clarification be required, it must be obtained by the consultant prior to the submission of a proposal. Inquiries are to be submitted in writing (by letter or e-mail) to both individuals identified., below, so that an appropriate determination can be made on who shod'id r~.pond to the inquiry: ...... primary Contact re Purchasinq Detail, s Primary Contact re ...~tudy De~bil,~ Vera A. Felgemacher, CPP, CPPO, CPPB, CMMI Thomas E. Melym'i~k .., .... Manager, Supply & Services Division Head .=: ........ . .............................. ' ............... Corporate Services Department Corporate P..roje~ts...& Pickering Civic Complex Pickering C..."i~ic ~omplex ..................... One The Esplanade One Th...e-Esp!a'ha.d...e... ............ Pickering, ON, LlV 6K7 Picke..r.i'hg, .O..N, L...I"V 6..K. 7 905.420.4660, extension 2152 905,420 46.'.36.. ........ . ........ e-mail: vfel,qemacher~city.pickerin,q on.ca e-mail: tmely'~"~k~.ci~y, pickerin,q.on.ca 2.7' Any such clarifications so given shall not"'"in any wa~)"-alter the Terms of Reference. ' ........... ' ........ 2.8 Revisions to the Terms of .R'Cference sh~'iF'be..issue'8'....tC" the consultants in writing or as an addendum:~:...,.~, ,~? .............................. 2.9 Fees must include all oper~'ting, C~'~¢f'~ea.d'""~n.ci'""incidental costs and the consultant must be satisfied a§...to the total' requirements of this request for proposal. Pricing.-'i~'"§'ubject to ".Goods ~'~d Services Tax. Provincial Sales Tax is not app.idable. '"'~ 2.10 The City ..sd'all ...r~i'"'~.e liab'.le'"for..a,.~':.:,.¢~st of preparation or presentation of proposa, t§, and..,.al!......l~roposals and .a'~;company ng documents submitted by the res'"pondents"'lSecome the prop'~rty of the City and will not be returned. 2.11 Proposals §'ubmitted s~ia.!l be considered final and may not be altered by .... sdlS'~;~'bent offer ngs dis~tdssions or commitments unless authorized by the ........ '"' City. ' ............... ' .................................. " ..... 2,12 ........ Al co~'respondbnce, documentation and information provided to staff of ......... the City by eve'"ry consultant, including the submission of proposals, shall ............. b'8'c.ome../the .tSroperty of the City, and as such, are subject to the ................ Mur~'ibiP'~l F(e~dom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) .............. and may b6 subject to public release pursuant to the Act. Because of the MFIPPA.;"'"consultants..... ... are reminded to make note in their proposals of any prdPdetary information or similar confidential information, which through disclosure, could cause them injury. Complete proposals are not to be identified as confidential documents. Pickering Airport Draft Plan & Updated Financial Assessment Analysis City of Picketing - Request for Proposals / Peer Review Consulting Services INFORMATION TO BIDDERS 2.13 The City reserves the right to use any of the ideas presented in any reply to the RFP, unless clearly identified as proprietary. Selectiot~'"'or rejection of the proposal does not affect that right. . ....................... ....'"'"'?' 2.14 Proposals shall be irrevocable and valid for acce)tan~'~ by f~e City for a period of ninety (90) days from the proposal closin¢ d'~te. 3. EVALUATION ............................ . .... 3.1 It is the intention of the City to employ..,d~nsul{ants., on the basis 6f their demonstrated competence and expertis'b thei'~' abfiity ~e comp ete the work efficiently and effectively, their past ..r"~cord '""in p'~rfor~'ing s milar work and the cost of their services. .~'.':i ............. . ...... .'.'.'iiii ........ 3.2 Proposals will be evaluated on the ba~'iS....of infor~'ation provided in the submission. As part of the...evaluat on proc~S.s, the Ci~ intends to contact selected consultants for ..i'd'tervi~'~S'-...to..be cor~8'ucted'"' durng the week of xxxxx. ....................... ' ............................. i.:::::':" ............ 3.3 The City has to approvb, any "ehan'ges ..er su'bstitution of key consulting personnel for this project .... ' ....... . ............ 4. CONTENT"'OF SUBMliSSIONS ....... Submi§'sion.~'" mu.~t in~f~'~J"~'"'~i:i'~"f~t'i'~)wing information, and be assembled in the..f~ ow r~'g..orSer ...... 4.1 An E~'ecutive S~'mmary of the Proposal 4,.2 .............. (~';~'~diting'Team Oe'~ils ............ . ................... '1':'...,...The na'm. es, ~'~alifications, relevant experience, and proposed roles .~:;i... ~i'nd responsibilities of the members of the consulting team shall be .............. provided;. ............. 2.'"'"'~, brief history of the companies that the individual team members ..................... repCesent for this project shall be provided. 3:'.-'""Past projects that are similar in nature and the specific involvement of key personnel proposed in this project shall be provided. Pickering Airport Draft Plan & Updated Financial Assessment Analysis City of Pickering - Request for Proposals / Peer Review Consulting Services 4 INFORMATION TO BIDDERS 4. References from a minimum of three (3) for recent projects of..~'"'sin:ii'tar nature shall be provided. 4.3 The City expects the consultant to have expertise in the folle~/ing sp~bi.fic areas which must be confirmed in the submission: ..... a) Airport planning; .. . ....... b) FinancialAssessments; and ............ ~ " c) The Canadian Environmental Assessment A' t; .......... 4,4 Conflict of Interest ....... ,.: ....... .... This section of a submission shall c~r~tain infor~'ation respecting disclosure of possible conflict of interest, inclt~'~fiqg any b'~i'si, ness financial or other interest that members of the consulting t~am or the 8empany they represent may have respecting tbi~'"i~?oject, ' ....................... If a conflict of interest does exi§t, the City reserves th'~¥ight, at its discretion, to withhold the assignment fror~'.....the aff.~'6~t consultan'~. Any contract with the City based on this proposal i~.. ente~e~t'""into..d'~'"th'~ part of the City in full faith that no member of the Cit~':..Council or'""Officer of the City has any interest whatsoever her~'i'il: .... '"~,.~ .... ~:i.'.i 4.5 Work Program...~nd ..T..imetal~le .............. This section""~halF'~:ont~in a prelimina?.~/:"timetable including target dates for completin~l the variCd's phases of we'i:k assuming a start date in XXXXX. 4.6 Pricing Detaii'~ ..... ............... 1. This seSt[on §'ha. Il st~;~e a total project cost as a lump sum, broken ............ . ........... down by summ~i'rY' of costs for phases, components, and major .............. . ........... ta&'ks of theiproject .............. 2.'""......The.,..h'ourly/'personnel cost, per diem, the cost to attend additional .............. mee(ing.s...?travel expenses, disbursement costs, contingency costs .............. this section which would apply to additional work to the project if ...... requested by the CitY. 3. A commitment that all invoices will precisely indicate the tasks for which work has been completed as well as the remaining percentage of a task or tasks to be done. Pickering Airport Draft Plan & Updated Financial Assessment Analysis City of Pickering - Request for Proposals / Peer Review Consulting Services INFORMATION TO BIDDERS 5.1 5.2 RFP ENCLOSURES Pickering Airport Master Plan Updated Financial Assessment Analysis TERMS OF REFERENCE PROJECT OBJECTIVE 6.1 The City requires an independent analysis and'""?e¢ort.d'~ work undertaken by the Greater Toronto Airports Ab.tl3..ority (GT.,.~) related to the establishment of a possible regional reliev&'r......a, irport or:i"-.fe...deral lands in the City of Pickering. In particularly, the City reSlui.res consblting services to undertake a peer review of tWiS'"dOcu...ments pre~'ared by'"'the GTAA: (i) a Pickering Airport Draft Plan' and (ii)'~'i:i""updated'""Fin'&ncal Assessment Analysis. '~::~,.. '~:::.:.:.' ................ ::.'.' ' ............ .ii::::':' 1. PIOKERIN6 AIRPORT DRAFT'"",...P. LAN.:...'""& ............. ~IDPATED FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS ",..,......,., .... ....... 7'.1 The Pickering Airport Draft Plan 'is. the c~'ulmination of over a dozen reports prepared for...tl~e Greater ~oronto Ai...rpo .rt¢'"Authority over the last three and a half years......"'""The'"~'~:~ft Pl~n...out. line.~'.':.,.a""'concept for an airport that could be developed incr~me, ri'~al y over the ne~ 30 years. 7.2 The ed Finan i.g'i'"' F; '6 ent Analysis is XXXXX (to be completed once upda(ed FAA is ~e.l.eased) 7.:3 ......... The Pickeiir]g Air. port .....Draft Plan and updated Financial Assessment A..nalysis will both p"m~ide input to a federal environmental assessment, .... ?~hic~'"'".m....ust b~ completed before a decision is made by the Federal ........ Governrdent oniestablishing a regional reliever airport in Pickering. ........... SCOPE OF'"'CONSULTING SERVICES Ir~'g.ene~'al terms, the Oonsultant will be required to perform the following activities: Pickering Airport Draft Plan & Updated Financial Assessment Analysis City of Pickering - Request for Proposals / Peer Review Consulting Services TERMS OF REFERENCE 10, 1. Undertake a peer review of the GTAA's Pickering Airport......D. raft Plan and any supporting documentation that may be necessary.'"'~o 'bomplete the peer review of the Draft Plan; ...... 2. Undertake a peer review of the GTAA's updated Fi!n'~ncial Assessment Analysis and any supporting documentation that.....~ay be nec~'~sary to complete the peer rev ew of the Analysis and ........... . ................. ' ............. 3. Prepare a peer review consulting report.....t~'""'~'h:.~'"""~ity on tI~b....GTAA~'~'~ Pickering Airport Draft Plan and updated..-.'""Financial Asse~'s..m'~nt DELIVERABLES ....... · .... 1. Three (3) bound copies of a draft ~eer re~i..e, w reporf"'e:,n the GTAA's Pickering Airport Draft Plafi'"and updated Fih'ancial A~'sessment Analysis; ............................... : ................................... ' .............................. 2. Ten (10) bound copie~..,pf th~:':.?.'i'ha'l-peer review'"'i::eport on the GTAA's Pickering Airport Draft Plan ari'd...,.....u~Sda!.ed.E.i.n'hncial Assessment Analysis; ,.. ......... 3. An electron'i~; versi~'n of the'final peer review report. k:~005\rtc_04_0,5....'~ttachme nt2.'~.o~ ....... Pickering Airport Draft Plan & Updated Financial Assessment Analysis City of Pickering - Request for Proposals / Peer Review Consulting Services 7