HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 27-04PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 27-04 Date: September 14, 2004 From: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Subject: Quotation No. Q-28-2004 Message Board & Sign File: CO3000 Pickering Recreation Complex Electronic Recommendation: That Report OES 27-04 regarding the Pickering Recreation Complex Electronic Message Board & Sign be received and that: Quotation No. Q-28-2004 submitted by Pattison Sign Group for the fabrication, supply and installation of an electronic message board and sign (Option 1) at the Pickering Recreation Complex in the amount of $116,718.00 (G.S.T. extra) be accepted; The total gross project cost of $140,938.26 and a net project cost of $131,718.00 including quotation amount and other project costs identified in this report be approved; 4. Staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Pickering Recreation Complex Electronic Message Board and Sign was approved by Council in the 2004 Capital Budget. Quotations have been received and the total net project cost is estimated to be $131,718.00 (net of G.S.T. rebate). City staff have confirmed that the quotation from Pattison Sign Group for Option 1 is satisfactory and Pattison Sign Group is qualified to undertake this project. Report OES 27-04 Date: September 14, 2004 Subject: Quotation No. Q-28-2004 Quotation for Pickering Recreation Complex Electronic Message Board & Sign Page 2 Financial Implications: APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1. 2004 Capital Budget- Property Taxes 2003 Capital Budget- Property Taxes (carryforward account) Contribution from Coca Cola Account 2731-6181 3263-0999 Project Code 04.2731.005.10 03.2731.005.01 Amount $ 36,000 $ 20,000 $ 84,000 Total Approved Funds $140,000 Estimated Project Costing Summary Q-28-2004 Quotation for Pickering Recreation Complex Electronic Message Board & Sign Electronic Supply for Sign Contingency Subtotal GST Total Gross Project Cost GST Rebate Total Net Project Cost $116,718.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 $131,718.00 9,220.26 140,938.26 (9,220.26) $131,718.00 o Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $8,282.001 The Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Report OES 27-04 Date: September 14, 2004 Subject: Quotation No. Q-28-2004 Quotation for Pickering Recreation Complex Electronic Message Board & Sign Page 4 Attachments: 1. Supply & Services memorandum dated July 30, 2004 2. Location Map Stephen Reydol~s - Division Head, Culture ~ Recreation ency Services Funding Approved: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer SR:Ig Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Chief Building Official Coordinator, Engineering Design & Systems Recommended for the consideration of · ThOmas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATE SERV]CEg DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM July 30, 2004 To: From: Subject: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Quotation for Pickering Recreation Complex Electronic Message Board & Sign Quotation No. Q - 28 - 2004 QuOtations have been received for 'the above project and copies are attached for your review. Twelve (12) companies were invited to participate of which six (6) have responded and received by the closing deadline, and one (1) received late, after the closing deadline. Summary (PST included) Bidder Amount $ GST ~ Total $ Dely . Royal Neon OPtion..1 92,169.69 6,451.87 98~62t.'56 8-1 0 wks Canada Inc. Optien 2 78,397.69 5,487.83 83,885,52 Option 1 101,780.00 7,124.60 108,904.60 8 wks Pride Signs Option 2 88,166.40 6,171.65 94,338.05 Pattison Sign Option 1 116,718.00 8,t70.26 124.,888.26 15 wks Group Option 2 106,273.00 7,439.11 113,712.11 King Products & Option 1 127,196.00 8,903.72 136,099.72 8-10 wks Solutions inc. Option 2 112,998.00 7,909.86 120,907.86 , ..... o; ..... ! Option 1 ! 128,480.00 , 8,993.60 137,473.60_ _ 12 wks A'tec S~ans [ Option 2 t !, .b, 0.00 8.229.90 125,599.90_~_ Quotation No. Q - 28 - 2004 S. Reynolds oh ¢~6 Z O~ ~ July 30, 2004 Page 2 Specifications Item 2 on Page S-1 states the work shall be completed no later than November 15, 2004, unless otherwise agreed to by the City. Delivery dates offered by the bidders allow for compliance with the City's delivery requirement. Bear in mind the City is required to confirm an order with sufficient lead-time to the bidder to accomplish the City's delivery specification. In accordance with Standard Quotation Terms & Conditions Item 13, Bid Acceptance, quotations are irrevocable for sixty (60) days after the official closing time. Royal Neon Canada inC. has submitted the Iow bid for Option 1 and Option 2. Please advise as soon as possible, if the quotation submitted by Royal Neon Canada Ltd. will be considered in order that documentation as specified in Supplementary Standard Conditions Item 8 can be received and reviewed during the evaluation phase of the quotation call. Results of a Dun & Bradstreet credit reference check for Royal Neon Canada Inc. will be provided to you for your consideration as well once we are so advised. -A formal quotation award exceeding $79,626, as per the 2004 CPI Purchasing Policy adjustment, is subject to Council approval. An approved omline requisition will also be required. Please include a response to the following items in your Report to Council: (a) If items (a) through (e) are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) any past work experience with Royal Neon Canada Inc. including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the Iow bid of Royal Neon is not acceptable; and (i) related comments specific to the project. The City will request a performance guarantee in the amount of ten percent (1 0%) of the total amount of the quotation once Council approval to proceed has been received. Confirmation of an order is subject to receipt of the performance guarantee from the contractor. _ ~ldoers will be advised of *~' ' Please do not disc oseprk.,!qg ,~ '~'I tn bidders. ~' ' ' ~ ..... ,,~e o ~tc,~me ~n due /V Attachments ~ ",~ \fl:L-.-' ..... ~OCATION / ~ OPE~TIONS & EMERGENCY ~ ~w~A~T~ REPORT TO COUNCIL ~n~se~n~ o~ws~on ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD & SIGN ~ '~' ~:3000 P~;;~;:mber,41200, PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX ~NG