HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 18-04P!CKERING REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 18-04 Date: June 7, 2004 From: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Subject: Museum Program Centre - Request to Ministry of Transportation for Donation of Heritage Building - File: CO3000 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 18-04 regarding the Museum Program Centre be received, and That Council formally requests that the Ministry of Transportation make arrangements for the donation of the farmhouse at No. 3810 Balsam Road, Part Lot 5, Concession 6 to the Pickering Museum Village, and That Council request that the Ministry consider a financial contribution in support of the City of Pickering undertaking the relocation and preservation of this heritage structure, and 4. That staff be authorized to enter into an appropriate acquisition agreement respecting the building, and o That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Ontario Ministry of Transportation staff contacted the City concerning a heritage dwelling at 3810 Balsam Road, scheduled for demolition due to the planned extension of Hwy. 407. Staff have determined that this farmhouse could be moved to the Museum and adaptively reused as a program center. The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, Pickering Museum Village Foundation and staff recommend Council formally request that the Ministry donate the farmhouse at No. 3810 Balsam Road, and if possible, assist the City in its relocation and preservation through a financial contribution. Repor~ OES 18-04 Date: June 7, 2004 Subject: Museum Program Centre Page 2 - Request to Ministry of Transportation for Donation of Heritage Building Financial Implications: A total of $380,000 has been approved in the 2004 Museum Capital Project (Account #2744-6149) for the Museum Program Center - Phase 1, $190,000 as the City share of funds to match $190,000 raised by the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. The cost of relocating the building to the Museum have been estimated by the City's consultant as being comparatively economical, and in the order of $50,000. Background: The City of Pickering and the Pickering Museum Village are undertaking the establishment of a new Program Centre at the Pickering Museum Village, in order to replace currently inadequate facilities. The City of Pickering has previously requested that the federal government donate and relocate the Winger House (Part Lot 32, Concession 7). In order for the City to acquire the Winger House, federal government staff advised they are required to complete a comprehensive process for the disposal of federally owned, surplus real property. Federal government staff have been generally supportive however the timeline to complete the process is indefinite. The estimated costs of relocation are very high and no significant financial assistance appears possible. Construction details, obstruction in · the travel route, length of routing and masonry construction make the relocation of the Winger House an expensive proposition. Ontario Ministry of Transportation subsequently contacted the City concerning a heritage dwelling at 3810 Balsam Road, scheduled for demolition for the 407 extension. Staff expressed interest and have determined that this farmhouse could be adapted for use as a program centre. The preliminary feasibility study estimated that the costs to relocate this building to the Pickering Museum Village would be approximately $50,000, exclusive of final construction. The building's present location close to the Museum, as well as its size and wood frame construction are factors which make this a more economical project. The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee approved the following motion related to the Museum Program Centre at its Thursday, May 6, 2004 meeting. Motion Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Charles Stinson That the City of Pickerin9 negotiate with the Provincial Government on acquiring and reiocatin9 the farmhouse located at 3810 Balsam Road 0ORP0227-07/01 Report OES 18-04 Date: June 7, 2004 Subject: Museum Program Centre Page 3 - Request to Ministry of Transportation for Donation of Heritage Building to the Pickering Museum Village to establish as a new Museum Program Centre. CARRIED City staff met with Ontario Ministry of Transportation staff to discuss the process to acquire the Balsam Road farmhouse. To initiate the process the Ontario Ministry of Transportation require a Council resolution formally requesting the donation of the farmhouse to the Pickering Museum Village. Ontario Ministry of Transportation also require a formal agreement be entered into with the City for the acquisition of the farmhouse. It is anticipated that the farmhouse would be available for relocation in late Fall of 2004. Ontario Ministry of Transportation staff are supportive of the removal and preservation of the mid 19th century farmhouse over demolition. A total of $380,000 has been approved in the 2004 Museum Capital Budget for the Museum Program Centre (Phase 1). Council approved $190,000 as the City share of funds to match the $190,000 raised by the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. Acquiring this heritage building from the Provincial Government will allow the City, in partnership with the Pickering Museum Village Foundation, to proceed with Retaining an architect to design and prepare contract drawings for the Museum Program Centre. Relocating the Hotel, which is currently on the site of the Program Center. Moving the heritage building and constructing the Museum Program Centre. Attachments: Location Map Photo of Farmhouse, 3810 Balsam Road, Pickering. CORP0227~07/0'~ Report OES 18-04 Date: June 7, 2004 Subject: Museum Program Centre Page 4 - Request to Ministry of Transportation for Donation of Heritage Building Prepared By: Ste~3eu_~eynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation SR:lg Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Chief Building Official Approved / Endorsed By: Everett Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~~~n~h~ Adminis~ Offi~r CORP0227-07/01 SE SSION EXISTING STRUCTUR 3810 PROPOS GHWAY ~07 ROPOSED '}EUM SITt SIXTH CONCESSION ROAD GREENWOOD OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNIC:IPAL PROPERTY &. ENGINEERING DIVISION NT$ ,JUNE 9/2004 ATTACHMENT FOR CULTURE & RECREATION REPORT PROPOSED RELOCATION OF FARMHOUSE Cultura] Resource Documentation Repol:t 38:~0 Balsam goad, City of Picketing, Ontario Page 26 6. East (front) elevation. The porch posts, handrail and steps have been modified. 7. Southeast corner of the residence from the drive. Unterman McPhail Associates f~eritage D. esource Managemem Consultants September 2002