HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 17-04 CiÚf 0# REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CL 17-04 Date: March 17, 2004 - From: Anne Greentree, SA, AIVICT Deputy Clerk Subject: Appointments to Durham Region \^Jaterfront Coordinating Committee Recommendation: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 17-04 regarding the Region of Durham's request to participate in the Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee be received. 2. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering agrees to participate in the Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee. 3. Subject to the Regional Municipality of Durham achieving support from a minimum of five municipalities to participate, comprising a majority of the population of the Region, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering appoints the following Regional Councillor and one representative from our community to represent the City of Pickering on the Coordinating Committee. - a) b) Regional Councillor Community Representative Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: Please find attached to this Report a letter dated March 9, 2004 from the Region of Durham requesting Council to support their endeavour to establish a Durham Region \Naterfront Coordinating Committee, - Decembei' 6, 1999 tr¡6 CouncH of The, Corporation of the City of Pickering passed .p"'H)-"",~ 'It: .:...;... ~! ~I ::1 of this Committee is: Report CL 17-04 March 17, 2004 Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee Page 2 - t To provide a forum for on-going discussion amongst the various groups, agencies, interest and individuals involved in projects and initiatives along the waterfront; . To help coordinate the implementation of approved waterfront projects, particuiariy those invoiving more than one group, organization or interest; . To provide technical advise and assistance on waterfront issues, projects and priorities to the member organizations and others as requested; . To help investigate alternative funding sources and grant programs for waterfront projects and provide assistance in waterfront fundraising efforts; . To assist in providing information about Pickering's waterfront to the general public, businesses and others and if requested to provide advise and assistance to others concerning special events and programs involving Pickering's waterfront; and . To make recommendations to Council for its consideration. - The purposes for the Durham Region Waterfront Coordinating Committee are detailed in the attached correspondence appear to be consistent with the mandate of our Waterfront Coordinating Committee. The Regional Council has stated that support from a minimum of five municipalities agreeing to participate, comprising a majority of the population of the Region, is required for the proposal to be valid and for the Coordinating Committee to continue its work. The City of Pickering is requested to appoint one Regional Councillor and one representative from the public to participate on the Coordinating Committee. Attachments: 1. Letter from The Region of Durham dated March 9, 2004. - Report CL -¡ 7-04 March 1ì, 2004 Durham Region VVaterfront Coordinating Committee Page 3 - Prepa red By .. - ,,' ;;,'" /" 'I~"<:' '" , C:/Anne Greer1tree . Deputy Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,/ // - - - The Regional Municipality of Durham Clerk's Department 605 ROSelAND RD. Ë. PO BOX 623 ' WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668- 7.711 1~1:100-372-1102 Fax: 905-668-9963 Eniail: " clerks@region.c;iurham.on.ca .www.region.durham.on;ca Pat M. Madill, A.M.C.T., C~M I Regional Clerk ' - - "-.'. ., (\ t""'U1U! I!!Ii. 17' #. .J... ë,"""",!i~!"¡IIIìiDö'\!J. - # ',.';" . TO' ALL AREA: MUNRCIPAL ClSRKSt March 9, 2004 f~;;,%L~~Õ¡\;="'i " FORWARD copy TO: ' ~ ,MAYOR. ¡ IN¡;:O"SYST"'M~ , i,,' " '~' . ¡;;¡" I , '-'OUNCIL_¡ . r LE. G~E,'RVtCES i ,n CAO, I , 'BI') ^ '1' !-- I' I -~""----+-""'¡""7' ',¡,'.Y , I :' ,,-BY. LAW I I :;;-:;--::----";";"';:::i-"-i 1 ¥r. B. Taylor . Clerk' City of Pickering 1 The'Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 I,' ,. -'-!--.¡ ""',"! . "'10P II. F'4- ; CORP. Sê'lj1~ ...j"()Pr:;-R:;:¡lõÑลก':"":~' -": , CULTUf-/E ij; AfC. ¡ p'-;\;::¡::¡~i,,;c::-;ôËìi.:...J.---; GUST: CARE' P¡;Q~ i pd[ " -: '~CON. bEVEL. SUPPLY.&SERv' , :FIRE , , ,TRf.,NSíT " iiHUMAN RES. "":'-'- , , " ESTABLISHING A DURHAM REGION WATERFRONT COORDINATJNGCOMMITTEE-"OUR FILE~ DO7~O" , " , " Mr. Taylor, attheirmeeting held on March 3, 2004 the' GoLincilbfthe Regional Municipality of Durham passed thefollowingmotiön: "WHEREAS Durham Region borders three bodies of water;. Lake Simcoe, Lake Scugog. and Lake Ontario; and . ' " , " " , , , WHEREAS the Durham Region Strategic, Plan envisioned 8' diverse, ,vibrant and interconnected waterfront system that is 'a centre for" , " comf1l'unity and recreation that connects Durham's municipalities; and WHEREAS there arè currently major obstacles to creating a . seamJessly integratedwé1terfront ,trail. system across the lake Ontario' waterfront'atid' " " , , I, WHEREAS municipalities working in broad partnership have greater, i opportunity to gainaècess to funding and support from other levels of ' ,government and private sector interests; , NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Region of Durham hereby establishes a Durham Region Waterfront GoordinatingCommittee comprised of one Regional Councillor from each municipality and one representative ' from the public in each,iower tier municipaiityto coordinate a proposal to interconnect the Lai\e Ontario watelfmnt trail system and to further the traH system of the Lake Scugog waterfront; and '- -- - - -' _. "-::::-,-: - -- trle CoordinatinG Committee' proposa[ De proportiona¡e to the ~, " " Size eac~'r mtmìcipaiit:vwhiie 1ak¡n.g, into consideration miorities:: and , , THAT the Coordinating Committee utilize the work'and plan$of lower tier government to proviqethe detail arid local priqrities for the' proposal; and ' THAT the Coordinating Committee also draw uporì the resoÙrces and expertise of the a,ppropri~te COnservation Authorities and other agen~ies it d~ems appropriate; and, ,,' , " , , , , , ',' , " , " ' , ., " THATthe Coordinating Committee identify potential funding' and , , partnership opportunities forthe prqpòsal thatgive consideration to approp'ri~te jurisdict'fon;and' , " .. ,', " ' . " ", , , , . , , " , 'THATtpe Coordinating Cqmmittee subrrtiHhe said proposal to. '. Regi'6nalCbuncil as soon as possible toendorse.-itfor '~he ' , , ,consideration and approval Qf the k~wertier municipalities;' arid " , : ,,'" ,,',' , THAT upónaþproval from boththeuppèr andlowertièr, the, , Coordinating Committee' be charged with coordinatingthefurìding and, , facilitating inter:-!11Ünicipal cooperation for the P(qpoSål incoordination , with thè:.participatinglower tier mÚnicipalities;. ar:td' '. " . ',' , '.' ", , ' , , " . , , ' . . ' , THA T'a roinimum of five municipalitiés agrèe to: participate, compri,sing, a majority ofthe poplllation of the Re,gion, for the proposal to' bevaliÇl, , and for the Coordinating Commltte8to continue 'its work;" , , " ' , , , , In, accordance with the,above,resolut;on ~~gional Council requests ,a responsefrom.each mun.!cipality as it'relates: tq thefoJlowing: " ' , , 1. Agreement to participate in the Durham Region 'Waterfront ' Coordinating Committee. ' ' , , 2. Appointment of one Regional Councillor and one representative from the public from 'each municipality. '" , -- - ~ -....:::- - aSS¡~Ha.nG'E ""'p' 'D. r°,...;<:t<te' d Q" ""vi.;'" "., /".-~'" /: /..f\ , . ' , " iJ~ P;M. Madit"J, AJlJ1iC,T.,CMM I .. Regional Clerk. " ,PMM/mrf. . . c:A.L. Georgieff, Cort:lmissioner of Planning .- - -