HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO 02-03 Cit'llJ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL 081 Report Number: MO 02-03 Date: November 11, 2003 From: Maurice Brenner Interim Mayor Subject: Summary Report on Activities of Interim Mayor Recommendation: 1. That Council receive for information, Report to Council MO 02-03 providing a summary report on the activities of the Interim Mayor. Executive Summary: On September 29,2003, Council enacted a by-law appointing an Interim Mayor to act in place of the Head of Council when the Head of Council is absent, or when that Office is vacant. On October 14, Council declared the Office of the Mayor vacant, pursuant to the Section 262(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001. This report provides a summary of significant activities that I was involved in on behalf of the municipality during my term to date as Interim Mayor. The report is provided for Council's information. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: I have had the opportunity and pleasure to act as the City's Interim Mayor for only a short period of time. Nonetheless, during this period, there have been a number of noteworthy activities that required my attention or involvement on behalf of the City. I have listed these activities below, and where appropriate have also included copies of relevant correspondence that I have either sent, or have received, as Interim Mayor. . On October 8, along with Councillors Mclean and Pickles, and City staff, I attended a very productive meeting at the Cherrywood Transformer Station with senior officials from Hydro One to discuss the oil spill that occurred on October 1. At the meeting, Hydro One agreed to a number of the City's requests, including the need to clean up and fully rehabilitate the creek and surrounding areas to our satisfaction. Hydro One also committed to pay the municipality's costs related to the spill, and agreed to look at ways to improve relationships with the City, not only in terms of 082 Report MO 02-03 Date: November 11, 2003 Subject: Summary Report on the Activities of the Interim Mayor Page 2 emergency communication and response, but also with respect to Hydro One's possible assistance and support of one or more corporate projects of City-wide benefit. . On October 16, I participated as a member of the City's Municipal Control Group in the Nuclear Emergency Exercise in my role as Head of Council. The exercise focused on planning for a 'delayed emissions' evacuation of lands around the Pickering Nuclear Station, and involved OPG as well as a significant number of emergency planning organizations from the provincial, regional and local levels. The City's Municipal Control Group operated from the Municipal Operations Centre in Claremont and performed its role exceptionally well during the exercise. . On October 24, I attended the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Business Excellence Awards luncheon, and gave a short address about Pickering's commitment to and strong support of the business community. . On October 27, I sent a letter to Mr. Hume Martin, President and CEO of the Rouge Valley Health System (RVHS) expressing concern over possible service delivery changes being made without open public dialogue between the community and RVHS. On October 30, I had a follow-up meeting with Mr. Martin and the RVHS Board Chair to discuss the situation. On November 10, I received a written response from Mr. Martin advising that RVHS has agreed to consult the community before making any major service changes. . On November 3, I attended the Flag Raising Ceremony at the Ajax Town Hall to mark Pickering's victory in the 2003 Waste Reduction Week challenge. This year we accepted a challenge from Ajax to compete to see which facility (Pickering City Hall or Ajax Town Hall) would generate less waste per employee. City staff generated less than half the waste per employee as our neighbours to the east, and Ajax was required to fly the City's flag for a day. . After the appointment of the new provincial cabinet, I sent letters to various of the new Ministers advising of the City's position with respect to certain matters that remain outstanding in the City, as follows: 0 A letter to the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Energy, advising of the City's objection to the previous provincial government's decision to allow the Inspection Services Division at OPG to be contracted out to a private company. Report MO 02-03 Date: November 11, 2003 08 3 Subject: Summary Report on the Activities of the Interim Mayor Page 3 0 A letter to the Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of the Environment, advising of the City's long-standing opposition to new landfills in Pickering. 0 A letter to the Honourable Harinder Takhar, Minister of Transportation, advising of the City's position with respect to the location of the two new interchanges planned along Highway 407 on the provincial lands, as well as the City's request to expedite the extension of Highway 407 east of Brock Road. 0 A letter to the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs, advising of the City's willingness to work collaboratively with the new government on our Growth Management Study, as well as our strong objection to the Order established by the previous Minister under the Ontario Planning and Development Act. 0 A letter to the Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal, advising of the City's continued interest in having the Province's active support and involvement in the development of a pedestrian bridge across Highway 401 connecting the Pickering GO-Train Station with the downtown core. Attachments: 1. Letter to Mr. Hume Martin, President and CEO of the Rouge Valley Health System, summary of follow-up meeting, and response from Mr. Martin. 2. Letter to the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Energy. 3. Letter to the Honourable Leona Dombrowsky, Minister of Environment. 4. Letter to the Honourable Harinder Takhar, Minister of Transportation. 5. Letter to the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of Municipal Affairs. 6. Letter to the Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal. 084 Report MO 02-03 Date: November 11, 2003 Subject: Summary Report on the Activities of the Interim Mayor Page 4 Submitted By: r aurice Brenner . Interim Mayor TM:ljm Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ~ I ATTACHMENT LL -TO REPORT #.tli2Jililf \ 0< l, O'V-""<'> 08;) October 27, 2003 Mr. Hume Martin CEO Rouge Valley Health System 2867 Ellesmere Road Scarborough, ON M1E 4B9 Dear Mr. Martin As you are aware, the recent media reports pertaining to the possibility of major changes in the way the Rouge Valley Health Care System provides services to the people of Ajax and Pickering, has become a major concern. The City of Pickering has prided itself as being a dedicated community partner with your hospital and is deeply disturbed to learn that discussions had taken place with other stakeholders and said discussions had been included in a confidential report without any discussion as to how it might impact our community. You will recall that the restructuring commission, at the time that Scarborough Centenary and Ajax Pickering Hospital amalgamated, committed that our community would not lose a full service hospital. Since that time, municipal governments in the Durham Region have financially committed to supporting the hospital based on that understanding. While I accept every institution has the right to review its strategic plan, as a public institution, I would have thought that, before considering such drastic measures, key stakeholders and most important, the public who use this facility, would be consulted. I find it equally disturbing and inappropriate to be advised that, if I wish further details on the content of the report, that I should contact the media who have a copy. .. û86 I ATTACHMENT' \ TO REPORT 'OJ) .~ ~ \)~ \, \>"",\,..ù-> Mr. Hume Martin Rouge Valley Health System October 27, 2003 Page 2 It is in this regard that I am formally requesting that a representative of your board take part in a public consultation on this matter. In addition, my staff at the City of Pickering would be happy to provide the appropriate venue to hold such a forum. Recognizing that this is a municipal election year, I would suggest this forum not take place until following the November 10th municipal election in order that the focus remains on health care in our community. I would ask that you confirm back to my office as soon as possible on your recommended dates so that we could confirm planning this forum. Yours truly ø~ Maurice S. Brenner Interim Mayor Copy: Durham Region Chair Members of Council, City of Pickering Mayor and Members of Council, Town of Ajax Members of Council, Durham Region Leslie Bovie, News Advertiser Stan Josey, The Toronto Star Oft¡ 0# ¡ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT #1>0"'-"1 Minutes I Meeting Summary S .. '( 'o'>. Rouge Va"ey Hea\th System v ...",~t"" October 30,2003 1:30 AM 087 Attendees: Hume Martin, CEO, Rouge Valley Health System Kathryn Ramsay, Chair of Board of Directors Maurice Brenner, Interim Mayor,City of Pickering Absent: . this meeting was scheduled to further discuss a letter dated October 27, 2003 sent by Interim Mayor Brenner to Mr. Hume Martin concerning the release of the Strategic Plan document . Interim Mayor Brenner stated calls were being received by the City of Pickering on the City's platform, the Region of Durham's position and the financial impact . copies were not provided to either the City of Pickering nor the Town of Ajax . the Pickering Council office was informed that copies could be obtained by contacting the media . Interim Mayor Brenner expressed his concerns about the Rouge Valley Health System's reluctance to communicate and share the document . Interim Mayor Brenner stated the City is a strong supporter of the Ajax Pickering Hospital through Mayor Arthurs being a member of the Board and through the Mayors' Golf Charity Classic Tournament . the Stategic Plan report was not marked "confidential"; it read "final report, September 30,2003"; did not state it is for discussion purposes; there are no real recommendations . Mr. Martin stated this report was presented by the Chief of Staff at an in-camera session, in full confidence; the report was leaked to the press by a staff member . Mr. Martin further stated the purpose of this report was to address efficiencies and review the services offered b the Page 1 CORPO228-2/02 088 two hospitals . Interim Mayor Brenner offered to facilitate discussions with the public; introduce it through the Council agenda; provide opportunities for the public to submit presentations/comments at a Council agenda . Interim Mayor Brenner suggest the following approach: 1. Public Consultation 2. Working Groups with Key Stakeholders 3. Workshops 4. Draft Reports 5. Final Report . the above allows for a public process involving customers, staff and board members . Kathryn Ramsay advised a letter will be sent to the Editor of the News Advertiser to address this matter. Meeting Adjourned: 2:30 PM Copy: Members of Council CORPO228-2/02 Page 2 ¡ATTACHMENT # lTO REPORT # ~\"~I c; 'O~ ~ ~~{,'; 08 ;') November 10, 2003 Maurice Brenner, Interim Mayor City of Pickering 1 Esplanade Pickering ON LIS 6B3 Dear Mr. Brenner: Thank you for meeting with Kathryn Ramsay, Board Chair of the Rouge Valley Health System, and myself on October 30,2003. I am writing to confirm the issues discussed at our meeting and summarize our response to concerns expressed in your letter of October 2ib. RVHS will proceed as quickly as possible with the $47M redevelopment of the Rouge Valley Ajax Pickering (RV AP) site. Early commencement of this project would not be possible without the support of the Durham Region and its commitment of a $3.5M donation to the RVHS Foundation Vital Links Campaign. We are extremely grateful for this support and for your role in securing approval of this contribution. As we discussed, RVHS continues to be committed to the development of the Ajax Pickering site in the context of a regional system of hospital and community-based services. RVHS is working closely with the Durham Region Healthcare Group, chaired by Dr. Robert Kyle, to develop and implement a balanced health services plan for Durham. This group has asked the Durham Haliburton Kawartha Pine Ridge District Health Council to lead a planning process to ensure sustainable community and hospital services are developed in Durham following implementation of the Health Services Restructuring Commission recommendations by both Lakeridge Health and the Rouge Valley Health System. This planning process will include appropriate public consultation. Since the merger with Rouge Valley Centenary in 1998 the RV AP budget has grown from $23.8 to $55.5 M, an increase of 132.8 percent. During this same period the budget of RVHS grew from $104.4 to $181.2M or 73.6 percent. In addition to this significant investment in the RV AP site, extensive efforts have been made to consult with the community in the development of the recently released RVHS strategic plan. A summary of the highlights of this strategic plan is enclosed. O~)O \ TO REPORT #v~~ü:> I \p \), ~ \(\,,'v:~.> During our meeting we discussed your proposal for a consultation process relating to possible service delivery changes at the RV AP site. We agreed that RVHS would consult with community members prior to proceeding with any major service changes. We also committed to continued support for the 24/7 Emergency Department at R V AP and the inpatient and support services required to care for the 44000 visitors a year attending that Department. I ATTACHMENT # In conclusion, I wish to apologise for the decision not to immediately and positively respond to your request for a copy of the Eresentation by the RVHS Chief of Staff to the R VHS Board on September 30 . Even though this report was confidential and misrepresented in media reports and by candidates in the municipal election, it should have been provided to you as per your request. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us and for your ongoing support for the Rouge Valley Health System. I look forward to working with you and your colleagues as we continue our joint efforts to provide the best possible health services for the residents of Pickering Ajax and Whitby. Yours truly, Hume Martin President & CEO Citq 0# ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # ~~Ü ~ I c,( 4 ""\:\.b(~ Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada LIV 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 cityofpickering.com OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department 905.420.4600 Facsimile 905.420.6064 ma yor@dty.pickering.on.ca 091. October 31 , 2003 The Honourable Dwight Duncan Minister of Energy 900 Bay Street, 4th Floor Hearst Block Toronto, ON M7A 2E1 Dear Minister, I would like to congratulate you on your recent appointment as Minister of Energy. This is a very important portfolio for the Province and I wish you all the best in dealing with its many challenges. I am writing to you on behalf of the City of Pickering. As you will know, Pickering is the host community for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station and Wind Turbine, the Cherrywood Transformer Station, and a number of other significant facilities and installations operated by Ontario Power Generation and Hydro One. As you can appreciate, the City has a very strong interest in ensuring that these provincially owned companies operate responsibly and efficiently, and in partnership with the community. Over the past few years, the City of Pickering has developed an excellent working relationship with Ontario Power Generation, and we hope that this relationship will only get stronger as the Pickering "An nuclear generating units come online, and the Dry Fuel Storage Facility at the station is expanded. With respect to Hydro One, the City has begun discussions to see if we can establish a better, long-term working relationship with the company, following the unfortunate oil spill that occurred recently at the Cherrywood Transformer Station. Nonetheless, in spite of these positive signs, on occasion issues arise that are of concern to the City. This recently happened as a result of a decision by the previous provincial government to allow the Inspection Services Division at Ontario Power Generation to be contracted out to a private company. Enclosed for your information is a resolution of Pickering Council, asking the Province and Ontario Power Generation to rescind this decision to contract out inspection services. ~ r The Honourable Dwight Dunca~ATTACHMENT # d. TO REPORT #,1'~~ï~ber 31,2003 U 9 ¿ ;~ °' i.-\ (\\\~-é ~ Page 2 . Again, congratulations on your appointment. Should you or your staff require any further information or clarification with respect to any of the matters outlined in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the City at your earliest convenience. Yours truly « ~ :~ --L.¿'. .yC¥:~>é Maufice Brenner Interim Mayor --- TM:ljm Enclosure (for letter) Copy: Premier Dalton McGuinty Wayne Arthurs, MPP Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk ATTACHMENT # ,J TO REPORT # I~~ ()~ ?> o~ l.\-(\",G':' CitJ¡ 0# 093 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #134/03 DATE: SEPTEMBER 15. 2003 MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR RYAN SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR BRENNER WHEREAS on September 4, 2003, Ontario Power Generation entered into an agreement to sell its Inspection Services Division to a consortium led by Babcock and Wilcox Canada; and WHEREAS this agreement will lead to the inspection of maintenance services at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, as well as other OPG generating facilities, being carried out by a private company; and WHEREAS Babcock and Wilcox Canada is also a supplier of steam generators to OPG thus creating a conflict of interest; and WHEREAS in the Report of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island it was noted that inadequate training provided by Babcock Wilcox contributed to the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster in 1979; and WHEREAS the said agreement is scheduled to close before the end of 2003 after the Provincial election; and WHEREAS the contracting out of testing and inspection services led to the Walkerton tainted water tragedy; and 094 I-\() TO REPORT # OO-D~ l.\ \Jf l\ ~~b..¡:; S WHEREAS the residents of the City of Pickering and the residents of other municipalities that have nuclear generating stations located in or near their municipality need every assurance that the stations are being operated and maintained safely; ATTACHMENT # 2 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby requests the Province of Ontario and Ontario Power Generation to rescind their agreement with Babcock Wilcox Canada to carry out inspection services at nuclear generating stations in Ontario; and FURTHER THAT this motion be further circulated to: Ernie Eves, Premier of Ontario John Baird, Minister of Energy Janet Ecker, M.P. Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge Ron Osborne President and CEO, Ontario Power Generation Linda Keen, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Larry Kraemer, Chair, Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities Town of Ajax Town of Whitby City of Oshawa Municipality of Clarington City of Toronto Municipality of Kincardine CARRIED: Cift¡ 0# I ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # b~ ~ ,,~I I 0'( .3. (þ\\b..{~ 095 Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada UV 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 cityofpickering.com OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department 905.420.4600 Facsimile 905.420.6064 ma yor@city.pickering.on.ca October 31, 2003 The Honourable Leona Dombrowsky Minister of the Environment 12th Floor, 135 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto, ON M4V 1 P5 Dear Minister, I would like to congratulate you on your recent appointment as Minister of the Environment. This is a very important portfolio for the Province and I wish you all the best in dealing with its many challenges. I am writing to you on behalf of the City of Pickering. As you will know, Pickering has a very strong interest and concern for environmental matters that goes back many years. We encourage and promote effective community participation and involvement in the environmental assessment process, and are one of the leaders in waste reduction and diversion in the Toronto area. We also have a long-standing concern with landfills, which we have opposed vigorously and strenuously over the years. Recently the City became aware of possible new proposal to establish another landfill site in Pickering. Enclosed for your information is a resolution of Pickering Council, advising of our opposition to any new landfills in Pickering, and requesting the we receive written confirmation that the Ministry of Environment would not support any such proposals. Again, congratulations on your appointment. Should you or your staff require any further information or clarification with respect to any of the matters outlined in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the City at your earliest convenience. TM:ljm Enclosure (for letter) Copy: Premier Dalton McGuinty Wayne Arthurs, MPP Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Yours truly /1....///,/7 ...,."",..ý / I',';?/ /7 /.... i.i/ "...."....". ,/ ,///' f'.~' /- '/;7,/ ,t.¿~~- ---...... Maurice Brenner ---- Interim Mayor 096 I ATTACHMENT # 3 CitJ¡ ,,~ TO REPORT # D~~ DJ I ~ \.1'( .:') \)\\."'-<.> RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #84/03 DATE: JUNE 2. 2003 COUNCILLOR BRENNER MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR RYAN WHEREAS it has been reported that the Minister of Environment held a private meeting with Senior Officials across the GT A; and WHEREAS this meeting was reported to look at options for dealing with waste in the event that the exporting of waste to Michigan is cancelled; and WHEREAS the Minister of Environment has stated that all options are being considered; and WHEREAS in an emergency the Minister may issue a "permit by right"; and WHEREAS the residents of the City of Pickering have suffered as a result of decisions to previously put three dumps within its borders; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario had previously recommended the proposed EE11 site as a mega dump on Crown-owned lands in Seaton; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario previously commenced excavation of this site; and I ATTACHMENT #:0, ~O REPORT#.}~' I ~ D~ ~ ~\\~ì.> 097 WHEREAS the Government of Ontario through a Minister's Order has the sole authority to approve land uses for all lands in Seaton; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has identified these lands as part of its exchange with developers who purchased lands on the Oak Ridges Moraine; and WHEREAS the proposed EE11 site abuts a rail line; and WHEREAS the Government of Ontario supports rail haul to the Adams Mine; and WHEREAS Crown lands abutting the Adams Mine is reported to have been sold to one of the same developers who is part of the Seaton land exchange; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering advises the Minister of Environment that it is opposed to being considered for any landfill site within the City of Pickering; and FURTHER THAT the Minister of Environment immediately confirm in writing a commitment that the Province of Ontario will not support nor allow any lands to be used for landfill within the City of Pickering including the proposed EE11 site, Brock West, Brock North or Brock South sites in Ajax as examples; and FURTHER THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Region of Durham, Town of Ajax, and to all Durham MPPs. CARRIED: (sianed) WAYNE ARTHURS MAYOR C¡iL¡ 0# ATTACHMENT #~ TO REPORT #~~_:s \ o( to P~\l>.6'). Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada LlV 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 cityofpickering.com OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department 905.420.4600 Facsimile 905.420.6064 ma yor@city.pickering.on.ca October 31 , 2003 The Honourable Harinder Takhar Minister of Transportation 3rd Floor, Ferguson Block 77 Wellesley Street West Toronto, ON M7A 1Z8 Dear Minister, I would like to congratulate you on your recent appointment as Minister of Transportation. This isa very important portfolio for the Province and I wish you all the best in dealing with its many challenges. I am writing to you on behalf of the City of Pickering. As you will know, Pickering has a strong interest in transportation issues, including those related to provincial highways within our jurisdiction. We are currently assisting your Ministry on the environmental assessment for the Highway 407 East Completion, and in years past, we were actively engaged in working your Ministry and 407 ETR on the expansion of Highway 407 into Pickering and Durham Region. With respect to Highway 407, enclosed are two resolutions of Pickering Council that I'd like to bring to your attention. The first is a recent resolution concerning the draft terms of reference for the Highway 407 East Completion. You will note that this resolution includes a request that the Ministry of Transportation expedite the process wherever possible, and also that the Ministry assist the City and Region in funding improvements to existing roads that have been negatively impacted from the increased traffic volumes resulting from the existing terminus of Highway 407 being Brock Road in Pickering. The other resolution relates to the location of two future interchanges along Highway 407 within the Province's land holdings in Pickering. The City has consistently taken the position that these interchanges should not be on Whitevale Road or Sideline 24. We are concerned that 407 ETR has not accepted our position and are planning on establishing these interchanges in locations that are not acceptable to the City. We understand that the Province has a legal agreement with 407 ETR requiring that the locations of these interchanges be subject to negotiations and agreement between 407 ETR, the City and other stakeholders, and we look forward to your support and assistance with respect to this matter. The Honou rable Harinder T akh~ATTACHMENT # 1:1 TO REPORT #:~o~í~ber 31 ,2003 0 9 9 ~ u(- b ~\>..\...b Page 2 Again, congratulations on your appointment. Should you or your staff require any further information or clarification with respect to any of the matters outlined in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the City at your earliest convenience. Yours truly TM:ljm Enclosure (for letter) Copy: Premier Dalton McGuinty Wayne Arthurs, MPP Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk /;;1 ".:// //1~ M rice Brenner Interim Mayor -~".. ..,"'-.... 100 TO REPORT #O~~Q~ "?) D'f , PI\G.,C ~ ATTACHMENT # l.\ RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #113/03, ITEM #8 DATE: JULY 28. 2003 COUNCILLOR RYAN MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR McCLEAN 1. That Council receive for information Report CAO 08-03 concerning the Draft Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference for the Highway 407 East Completion, prepared by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates (TSH) and Gartner Lee Limited for the Ministry of Transportation (MTO). 2. That Council endorse the following recommendations with respect to the Highway 407 East Completion Draft EA Terms of Reference: a) That the City be provided clear and compelling supportive arguments prior to considering any preferred alignment and. associated links of the Highway 407 East extension that deviate significantly from the previously recommended alignment anticipated in Pickering. b) That options for the location, design and number of interchanges, transit stations, truck inspection stations and commuter parking lots in Pickering be developed and reviewed in consultation with the City. ¡ATTACHMENT # 4) TO REPORT #~~l:D I 4 ç.~ b ('\\"'-0 101. 3. That Council request MTO to expedite the Highway 407 East Completion EA process wherever possible and commence construction of the extension of Highway 407 from Brock Road eastward immediately following the conclusion of the EA process. 4. That Council request MTO to assist the City and Region of Durham in funding improvements to existing City/Regional roads that have been negatively impacted and deteriorated from significant increased local traffic movements and volume resulting from the current Highway 407 East terminus being located in Pickering. 5. That a copy of this Report and Council recommendations be forwarded to MTO and the Region of Durham. CARRIED: 102 I ATTACHMENT # t-\ C¿tJ¡ 0# TO REPORT #D~-~11 ~ Vf (.;, ~\\.b.t':. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #109/01 DA TE: SEPTEMBER 17. 2001 MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR PICKLES SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR JOHNSON WHEREAS in Resolution #251/97, the City of Pickering specifically identified that during the Highway #407 detailed design phase, two interchanges be provided in Seaton, but not located on either North Road or Sideline 24; and WHEREAS recent media reports have indicated that there are plans for full interchanges at North Road and Sideline 24; and WHEREAS in a recent CD ROM, 407 SLF have identified these interchanges as part of their contract with M.T.O.; and WHEREAS the residents of Whitevale have consistently raised significant concerns, and have opposed, an interchange at North Road and Sideline 24; and WHEREAS the bridges for North Road are being built as a pass-over of Highway 407 and SLF Joint Venture's contract with 407/ETR does not include an interchange to be built at this location. SLF's contract does, however, require them to build two interchanges, known as the Seaton interchanges, between York Region Road #30 (the Markham-Pickering Townline) and Brock Road, within a specified time frame. The contract with 407/ETR does state that the location of these interchanges is subject to negotiation and agreement between 407/ETR, the City of Pickering, and the affected stakeholders; and I ATTACHMENT # ~ ~O I lO REPORT #Dà- 03 ~ C( to ~¡"'11.¿., 103 WHEREAS the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the East Partial Extension, which was approved on June 24, 1998, also indicates that the final location for the interchanges between Regional Road 30 and Brock Road have not yet been determined. The EA indicates that the final location of the interchanges will be decided upon through the City of Pickering's Seaton secondary planning process. The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) advised the City of Pickering at the time the overpasses were being constructed, that they were not the full interchanges, and that the future location of the interchanges will be subject to the City's Planning process and involve 407 ETR Concession Company Limited, and the affected stakeholders; and WHEREAS during the review of MTO's environmental assessment it was, and remains, the position of Pickering Council and staff that North Road and Sideline 24 not be the location of the arterial roads and interchanges and that these arterial roads and interchanges be build east of North Road and east of Sideline 24; and WHEREAS the location of future interchanges is to be determined in consultation with the City and affected stakeholders, including the residents of Whitevale and area; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Pickering confirms and reiterates its opposition to locating full interchanges at North Road and Sideline 24 and urges the Ministry of Transportation to meet its commitment to consult with the City and stakeholders prior to a decision on the locations of full interchanges; and FURTHER THAT this resolution be copied to the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham, The Honourable Janet Ecker, M.P.P., Ajax-Pickering- Uxbridge, the Honourable Brad Clarke, the Minister of Transportation, SLF Joint Venture and 407/ERT. CARRIED: .... Ciit¡ o~ TO REPORT #G~~\>3 , \ of' \~ ~~b.¿~ Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada LlV 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 cityofpickering.com I ATTACHMENT # ~ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department 905.420.4600 Facsimile 905.420.6064 ma yor@city.pickering.on.ca November 4, 2003 The Honourable John Gerretsen Minister of Municipal Affairs 777 Bay Street, 1 ih Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Dear Minister, I would like to congratulate you on your recent appointment as Minister of Municipal Affairs. This is a very important portfolio for the Province and I wish you all the best in dealing with its many challenges. I am writing to you on behalf of the City of Pickering. As you will know, the City has embarked upon a Growth Management Study to determine the most appropriate lands for future growth and development in Pickering. Our study area includes the provincial "Seaton" lands as well as lands to the west known as the Agricultural Assembly. The study is proceeding very well. Council expects to receive a report early next year from our consulting team and staff, recommending a preferred growth option. The City takes pride in the fact that we conduct our planning studies in an open, transparent and professional manner, with full public and agency participation. The Growth Management Study is no different. We regularly seek the advise and input of our community through various public forums, from open houses to design workshops, as well as through the City's website. In addition, to help guide the study, we have established a Steering Committee made up of staff, council members, and representatives from the community, as well as a Technical Review and Advisory Committee with representation from a number of municipal, regional and provincial' agencies. On more than one occasion, we have invited your Ministry to come to the table, and actively participate in our Growth Management Study. Unfortunately, this invitation has not yet been accepted. Instead, the previous government decided to act in a way that can only be described as confrontational. Rather than agreeing to work collaboratively with the City, the previous government enacted an Order under the Ontario Planning and Development Act to establish a "development planning area" over virtually the same lands as the City was already studying. That Order effectively gave the Minister the power to ignore the City's work, The Honourable John Gerret~ACHMENT # 5 TO REPORT #~~o~+ember 4, 2003 - 1n~ 'à tJ~ l\¡. Ç>~~¿~ Page 2 -- v and prepare his own development plan for the area, which would take precedence over the City's plan. We firmly believe this action was taken by the previous government not because it represented good planning, but rather, because the previous government did not want to run the risk of having the duly elected local council make planning decisions that conceivably could frustrate that government's questionable plan to swap public lands in Seaton for private developer lands on the Oak Ridge Moraine. Mr. Minister, you have the opportunity to right a serious wrong. I strongly urge you to rescind the Ministerial Order that was established by the previous government, and affirm your commitment to the local planning process. At the same time, I would encourage you to authorize your staff to work cooperatively with the City of Pickering on our Growth Management Study. We have some very interesting ideas on building new communities that we believe can raise the bar in the Province, if not nationally and perhaps internationally. With your assistance and involvement, we believe we can successfully demonstrate how to do things right - how to develop a new community that is much more sustainable, both from an environmental perspective and in terms of energy usage. We would like to speak with you at your earliest convenience about this exciting opportunity. By way of background, attached are a number of resolutions passed recently by Pickering Council. These resolutions were directed at the previous government, and clearly demonstrate the City's frustration and concern with the actions of that government. Again, congratulations on your appointment. Should you or your staff require any further information or clarification with respect to any of the matters outlined in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the City at your earliest convenience. Yours truly TM:ljm Enclosure (for letter) Copy: Premier Dalton McGuinty Wayne Arthurs, MPP Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk 4 /~.r' /,-7 lø c¥" vr-Maurice Brenner Interim Mayor , 106 ATTACHMENT # ~ CiÚf o~ \\0 TO REPORT #Oi~"\>~> ?:> û( \6 I>~\,..é> RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #60/03 DA TE : MOVED BY: APRIL 28. 2003 COUNCILLOR BRENNER SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR HOLLAND WHEREAS in a resolution passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering on February 4, 2002, directed the Director of Planning & Development to report on the elements of a Growth Management Study which would provide th~ basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands within the northern boundary of Highway #7 and the southern boundary as the C.P. Belleville Rail line; and WHEREAS in the resolution passed by Pickering Council on February 4, 2002, it was noted that the Official Plan Review would form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures; and WHEREAS in a resolution passed on May 21, 2002, Pickering Council established a Working Group whose mandate was to prepare detailed terms of reference for the Growth Management Study; and WHEREAS this Working Group was comprised of representatives of the City, including Members of Council, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, the Region of Durham, the TRCA and various community stakeholder groups; and WHEREAS planning consultants, through the public tendering process, were invited to submit proposals, based on the detailed terms of reference prepared by the Working Group, to carry out the Growth Management Study; and I.{ \:>( ,t.:- N~\"L~ WHEREAS Pickering Council enacted By-law Number 6013/02 on July 29, 2002 to impose Interim Control over the study area; and ATTACHMENT # s "'-"0 r£J REPORT #(B.D~ 107 WHEREAS no objections were received by the City of Pickering with respect to the passing of Interim Control By-law Number 6013/02; and WHEREAS the consulting firm of Dillon and Associates was selected to undertake the Growth Management Study and have held a series of Task Force Meetings and has held a public Open House advising residents of the Study and receive feedback; and . WHEREAS in a resolution passed on October 21, 2002, Pickering Council expressed its concern that the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel was initiating planning processes and principles in isolation of initiatives already undertaken by the City of Pickering through its Growth Management Study; and WHEREAS in a letter dated October 22,2002 to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Mayor Arthurs conveyed the resolution passed by Council on October 21 2002 and went on to state Council's desire to work in cooperation with the Province to arrive at the best possible land use plan on the understanding that the best plan can only be accomplished if local and Regional planning processes are respected and the Province works cooperatively with the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS in the letter dated October 22, 2002, Mayor Arthurs requested that Members of Council have an opportunity to meet with the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing to discuss a cooperative planning process; and WHEREAS two Zoning Orders that were filed on April 17, 2003 under the Planning Act and the Planning & Development Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing effectively precluded the City of Pickering's and the Regional Municipality of Durham's responsibility and jurisdiction for planning for almost one-quarter of the geographical area of the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS Section 2 of the Municipal Act, 2001, authorizes municipalities "to be responsible and accountable governments with respect to matters within their jurisdiction and each municipality is given powers and duties under..." the said Act which powers and. duties include"... fostering the current and future economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality..."; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing by his action on April 17,2003, effectively placed his government's interests above the stated intent of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the interests of the constituents of the Corporation of the City of Pickering; '" 108 ATTACHMENT # 5 1--\0 TO REPORT #O,~-¡;i:, ? Of \\eÞ t>~b.~:> NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby directs the appropriate staff to file a complaint with the Provincial Ombudsman regarding the actions of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing in removing all legitimate authority of the City of Pickering from planning in those areas covered by the Minister's Orders. CARRIED: .. ATTACHMENT # ~ CitJ¡ D~ TO REPORT # o~-;-'> l. 01 \ 10 ()N:;d.~ 109 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #61/03 DATE: MOVED BY: APRIL 28. 2003 COUNCILLOR McCLEAN SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR HOLLAND WHEREAS in a resolution passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering on February 4, 2002, directed the Director of Planning & Development to report on the elements of a Growth Management Study which would provide the basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands within the northern boundary of Highway #7 and the southern boundary as the C.P. Belleville Rail line; and WHEREAS in the resolution passed by Pickering Council on February 4,2002, it was noted that the Official Plan Review would form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures; and WHEREAS in a resolution passed on May 21, 2002, Pickering Council established a Working Group whose mandate was to prepare detailed terms of reference for the Growth Management Study; and WHEREAS this Working Group was comprised of representatives of the City, including Members of Council, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, the Region of Durham, the TRCA and various community stakeholder groups; and WHEREAS planning consultants, through the public tendering process, were invited to submit proposals, based on the detailed terms of reference prepared by the Working Group, to carry out the Growth Management Study; and 110 TO REPORT #~o~ , Î 0 of\. ~ t>\\. "'-~::> WHEREAS Pickering Council enacted By-law Number 6013/02 on July 29, 2002 to impose Interim Control over the study area; and I ATTACHMENT # S WHEREAS no objections were received by the City of Pickering with respect to the passing of Interim Control By-law Number 6013/02; and WHEREAS the consulting firm of Dillon and Associates was selected to undertake the Growth Management Study and have held a series of Task Force Meetings and has held a public Open House advising residents of the Study and receive feedback; and WHEREAS in a resolution passed on October 21, 2002, Pickering Council expressed its concern that the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel was initiating planning processes and principles in isolation of initiatives already undertaken by the City of Pickering through its Growth Management Study; and WHEREAS in a letter dated October 22, 2002 to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Mayor Arthurs conveyed the resolution passed by Council on October 21, 2002 and went on to state Council's desire to work in cooperation with the Province to arrive at the best possible land use plan on the understanding that the best plan can only be accomplished if local and Regional planning processes are respected and the Province works cooperatively with the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS in the letter dated October 22, 2002, Mayor Arthurs requested that Members of Council have an opportunity to meet with the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing to discuss a cooperative planning process; and WHEREAS two Zoning Orders that were filed on April 17, 2003 under the Planning Act and the Planning & Development Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing effectively precluded the City of Pickering's and the Regional Municipality of Durham's responsibility and jurisdiction for planning for almost one-quarter of the geographical area of the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS Section 2 of the Municipal Act, 2001, authorizes municipalities "to be responsible and accountable governments with respect to matters within their jurisdiction and each municipality is given powers and duties under..." the said Act which powers and duties include ".. .fostering the current and future economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality..."; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing by his action on April 17,2003, effectively placed his government's interests above the stated intent of the Municipal Act, 2001, and the interests of the constituents of the Corporation of the City of Pickering; .. , A!!ACHMFNT ,-" :> m. .. \'1.-0 ¡ TO R[\? ÛP\f.ß-rd-D~, , .. """'....! '6 r:Æ \ ~ \'í"~¿ $ 111 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby petitions the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario to repeal the two Zoning Orders filed by the Minister of Municipal Affairs as the City of Pickering continues with its Growth Management Study in consultation with the Province of Ontario, the Region of Durham, the TRCA and all interested stakeholders in this planning process; and FURTHER THAT the decisions of the City of Pickering continue to have the full weight and authority of the Planning Act and the Municipal Act, 2001; and FURTHER THAT these decisions be of full force and effect; and FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to: . The Honourable Ernie Eves, Premier of Ontario . Dalton McGuinty, Leader of the Opposition . Howard Hampton, Leader of the New Democratic Party . The Honourable Gary Carr, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly FURTHER THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to: . The Association of Municipalities of Ontario . All Ontario Municipalities . GTA Task Force on Ontario Municipal Board Reform CARRIED: 112 I ATTACHMENT # ~ CitJ¡ 0# TO REPORT # ~~;~ I r'of \10 ~~\;).t-;. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #62/03 DA TE: MOVED BY: APRIL 28. 2003 COUNCILLOR McCLEAN SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR PICKLES WHEREAS the Province of Ontario seeks to accommodate those development interests affected by the Provincial development freeze on various lands in the Oak Ridges Moraine by permitting development within the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel is implementing the facilitation of the development in Pickering for those development interests; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs by Orders dated April 17, 2003, seeks to superimpose provincial interests and jurisdiction over the statutory and legitimate interests of the constituents of the Corporation of the City of Pickering; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby requests the Province supply all documentation and information pertaining to the Provincial interest in the development of land within the City of Pickering including all agreements between the Province of Ontario and those development interests who are being accommodated within the boundaries of the City of Pickering; and .- I ATTACHMENT # ~ Tfi REPORT #o~~rß I lei of \\0 Þ\.\.1>.{.'> FURTHER THAT if such documentation and information is not forthcoming, Council authorizes staff to make a request under the Provincial Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for this information. CARRIED: 113 114 I ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # O~~t)3> I Ii:c( \1., ~(\~(c:" RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #71/03 MOVED BY: MAY 20, 2003 COUNCILLOR BRENNER DA TE: SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR RYAN WHEREAS in a resolution passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering on February 4, 2002, the Director of Planning & Development was directed to report on the elements of a Growth Management Study which would provide the basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands from the Seaton Lands in the east to the York/Durham Town Line in the west and within the northern boundary of Highway #7 and the southern boundary as the C.P. Belleville Rail line; and WHEREAS in the resolution passed by Pickering Council on February 4, 2002, it was noted that the Official Plan Review would form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures; and WHEREAS Pickering Council enacted By-law Number 6013/02 on July 29, 2002 to impose Interim Control over the study area; and WHEREAS no objections were received by the City of Pickering with respect to the passing of Interim Control By-law Number 6013/02; and WHEREAS the consulting firm of Dillon and Associates was selected to undertake the Growth Management Study and have already held public Open Houses to advise residents of the Study and receive feedback; and I ATTACHMENT # s TO REPLJRT #D'~~~ I \ ~ q H.. Þ\.."\""if> 11'- -. - ~ WHEREAS in a resolution passed on October 21, 2002, Pickering Council expressed its concern that the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel was initiating planning processes and principles in isolation of initiatives already undertaken by the City of Pickering through its Growth Management Study; and WHEREAS in a letter dated October 22,2002 to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Mayor Arthurs conveyed the resolution passed by Council on October 21, 2002 and went on to state Council's desire to work in cooperation with the Province to arrive at the best possible land use plan on the understanding that the best plan can only be accomplished if local and Regional planning processes are respected and the Province works cooperatively with the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS in a Zoning Order filed on April 17, 2003 under the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing imposed a zoning freeze on lands known as the Agricultural Assembly thereby eliminating the City of Pickering's ability to . plan for such lands; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has disclosed no planning or other rationale for the imposition of a Ministerial Zoning Order; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering has undertaken all appropriate steps for the planning of the area affected by the Minister's Zoning Order; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing did not appeal the Interim Control By-law passed by the City of Pickering on July 29, 2002 and purported to continue to cooperate with the City for the planning of the area; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering: 1. hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, pursuant to subsection 47(8) of the Planning Act, to revoke his Order filed on April 17, 2003 to impose a zoning freeze on the lands known as the agricultural assembly; 2. hereby directs that an appeal to the Zoning Order be filed with the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to subsection 47(10) of the Planning Act. CARRIED: 116 I ATTACHMENT # ~ CiÚJ 0# ~~ I TO REPORT #Od-t.'> \ ~ tf l\.. N,l..Ö RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #73/03 MOVED BY: MAY 20. 2003 COUNCILLOR BRENNER DA TE: SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR RYAN WHEREAS in a resolution passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering on February 4, 2002, the Director of Planning & Development was directed to report on the elements of a Growth Management Study which would provide the basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands from the Seaton Lands in the east to the York/Durham Town Line in the west and within the northern boundary of Highway #7 and the southern boundary as the C.P. Belleville Rail line; and WHEREAS in the resolution passed by Pickering Council on February 4, 2002, it was noted that the Official Plan Review would form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures; and WHEREAS Pickering Council enacted By-law Number 6013/02 on July 29, 2002 to impose Interim Control over the study area; and WHEREAS no objections were received by the City of Pickering with respect to the passing of Interim Control By-law Number 6013/02; and WHEREAS the consulting firm of Dillon and Associates was selected to undertake the Growth Management Study and have already held public Open Houses to advise residents of the Study and receive feedback; and I ATTACHMENT # ':> TO RE~ORT # tJ;~b;> r \4 Gf \\u \~'?>~Ö 117 WHEREAS in a resolution passed on October 21, 2002, Pickering Council expressed its concern that the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel was initiating planning processes and principles in isolation of initiatives already undertaken by the City of Pickering through its Growth Management Study; and WHEREAS in a letter dated October 22, 2002 to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Mayor Arthurs conveyed the resolution passed by Council on October 21,2002 and went on to state Council's desire to work in cooperation with the Province to arrive at the best possible land use plan on the understanding that the best plan can only be accomplished if local and Regional planning processes are respected and the Province works cooperatively with the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS in an Order filed on April 17, 2003 under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing by an Order designated all lands within the City of Pickering interim control by-law noted herein and also designated further lands known as the Duffins Heights Neighbourhood as a development planning area; and WHEREAS the ultimate purpose of the Order is to eliminate the City of Pickering's ability to plan for such lands; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has disclosed no planning or other rationale for the imposition of the Order; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering has previously undertaken all appropriate steps for the planning of the area affecte,d by the Minister's Order; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing did not appeal the Interim Control By-law passed by the City of Pickering on July 29, 2002 and purported to continue to cooperate with the City for the planning of the area: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering: 1. hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to revoke his Order filed on April 17, 2003 designating certain lands within the City of Pickering as a development planning area; 2. hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to hold a hearing with respect to the said Minister's Order. CARRIED: 1.18 , -, \-\û ATTACHMENT # ':; TO REPORT #O~-t).'> C¿ú¡ ,,~ \C; ú~ \l. ~\\"'iÞ RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION #135/03 DA TE: MOVED BY: SEPTEMBER 15. 2003 COUNCILLOR BRENNER SECONDED BY: COUNCILLOR RYAN WHEREAS the Province of Ontario announced that it was swapping Provincially- owned lands in the Seaton area of Pickering, for lands in Richmond Hill and Uxbridge owned by private developers on the Oak Ridges Moraine; and WHEREAS on April 17, 2003, the Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued an Order under the Ontario Planning and Development Act establishing a "development planning area" over the Seaton lands, as well as adjacent lands to the west and south of Seaton, requiring the Minister to prepare a "Development Plan" for lands in the development planning area; and WHEREAS in June 2003, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing issued a "Request for Proposals" for the purpose of completing a Development Plan for lands within the development planning area; and WHEREAS on May 7, 2003, the Province gave first reading to Bill 25, which Bill includes a provision that would have the effect of allowing development plans prepared by the Province for lands within development planning areas to be exempt from the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Ac~ and 'ATTACHMENT # 5 TO RÉaORT #o~~D~1 \io Uf \to t>\\u.~~ WHEREAS Bill 25 is not in force; 119 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby authorizes the Solicitor for the City to initiate legal action against the Province of Ontario for failure to undertake a proper environmental assessment before announcing the land swap, establishing a development planning area, or issuing a Request for Proposals. CARRIED: Ciü¡ 0# ATTACHMENT # <ø \-\0 TO REPORT #D~ -D6 Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario Canada L1 V 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 cityofpickering.com \ v of ~ ~~\;..£> OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Department 905.420.4600 Facsimile 905.420.6064 ma yor@city.pickering.on.ca November 11, 2003 The Honourable David Caplan Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal yth Floor, Frost Building South 7 Queen's Park Crescent Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7 Dear Minister, I would like to congratulate you on your recent appointment as Minister of Public Infrastructure Renewal. This is a very important portfolio for the Province and I wish you all the best in dealing with its many challenges. I am writing to you on behalf of the City of Pickering. In January 2002, the City forwarded an Expression of Interest to the Ministry of Transportation requesting GTIP funding assistance for the construction of a pedestrian bridge over Highway 401 to link the Pickering GO-Train Station with our downtown core. Earlier this year we received confirmation from the Province that our Expression of Interest had been accepted. In August, Ministry of Transportation staff met with us to discuss the project in some detail. At that time they also provided a draft GTIP agreement for our review. I understand that matters related to GTIP funding may now fall under your jurisdiction. I would therefore like to express to you the City's continued commitment to this bridge project. As we outlined in our Expression of Interest, a pedestrian bridge over Highway 401 connecting the Pickering GO-Train Station with our downtown core provides a number of important economic, social and environmental benefits to the residents and businesses of Pickering, as well as to GO-Transit and the Province. The City is very interested in working actively and cooperatively with the Province, so that we can finalize an agreement early in 2004, and begin construction of the pedestrian bridge soon thereafter. , The Honourable David Caplan I ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT #~ber 11, 2003 . à Ii~ .) \>"'~> Page 2 .1.21 Again, congratulations on your appointment. Should you or your staff require any further information or clarification with respect to any of the matters outlined in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the City at your earliest convenience. Yours truly (lJI/y{ Maurice Brenner Interim Mayor TM:ljm Copy: Premier Dalton McGuinty Wayne Arthurs, MPP Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk