HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/2003 Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2003 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: L. Taylor R. Pym R. Michaud - Manager, Development Review - Principal Planner - Development Review - Clerk-Typist, Council Support The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 17/03 ANGELO ARGIRO AND THEODORE PAPATHEODORU 1278 & 1284 KINGSTON ROAD LOTS 23 & 24. 27. PLAN 489. CONCESSION 492 1. Linda Taylor, Manager - Development Review, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #20-03. 2. No comments from applicant. 3. James Newman, 1820 Glendale Drive, advised of his opposition to the 24 hour Tim Horton's store proposed because of the noise disturbance, increase traffic and parking problems. Mr. Newman asked if a new site plan approval has been granted by the City and if the demolition permit for the Burger King restaurant has been issued at this time. He further advised that there has been a history of gangs and vandalism in this area and this will only encourage them to stay longer. Additionally, he is concerned about the preservation of the trees near the parking lot. 4. Fred Newman, 1820 Glendale Drive, inquired whether there was a by-law that would restrict the location of the 24 hour stores near residential areas. 5. Mr. Newman was advised to contact Anne Greentree, Supervisor, Legislative Services to inquire about the by-law. Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2003 7:00 P.M. (II) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION SP-2003-04 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/03 BROOKFIELD HOMES ON BEHALF OF C. WANNACOTT AND M. OTTO PART OF LOTS 17. CONCESSION 2 1. Ross Pym, Principal Planner - Development Review, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #21-03. 2. Mr. John Be retsfo rd , agent for Brookfield Homes, advised that they have amended the original plans to address the traffic concerns for the Finch Ave. entrance as expressed at the residents meeting in September. Mr. Beretsford mentioned that the proposed solution is to restrict the access from Finch Ave. to the 20 townhouses located in the west end area of the development. He conveyed a second commitment from Brookfield to improve the entrance from Kingston Road to meet emergency services vehicle access and improve traffic flow. The proposed development is to remain intact, although there may be loss of a few units to accommodate ES vehicle. The building designs are still 3 storey townhouses with 2 model types, front facing garage or rear lane garage, with 2- car parking spots. An additional 43 visitor parking spots will be assigned by unit. All construction activity will be controlled from the Kingston Road entrance. Environmentally sensitive lands will be protected through proper grading and drainage on the site. Brookfield Homes demonstrated that it did listen to residents' concerns. 3. Vince Otto, 1774 Finch Avenue, stated that he is glad to see that the access from Finch Ave. will be reduced to only one, but is concerned about the number of properties proposed for the west side. The residents agree with the number of lots on the east side, but are concerned that the townhouses on the west side do not confirm with the street character. He suggested that there be 108 units on the east side and only 13 units on the west side if this meets with the requirements of the City's Official Plan. Mr. Otto further stated that he is not opposed to development, but wants to protect property values. He also suggested that the City should develop Blue Bird Crescent to eliminate the entrance from Finch Avenue. Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, November 20,2003 7:00 P.M. 4. 5. Les Posthumus, 1754 Finch Avenue, advised that the proposed development does not match the current character of the homes on the west side. They should be single family type dwellings. He is supportive of development as long as it improves the look of the community. If this is the gateway to Pickering, we should ensure that it is appealing. Dani Shore, 1750 Finch Avenue, advised that the change in density from low to medium should not be considered for this development. 6. Maureen Shore, 1750 Finch Avenue, advised of her concern that the trees in this area will be destroyed and that the remaining property in the middle of this development will no longer have any natural light and be surrounded by a large number of neighbours. We should maintain our quality and our look. She recommended that the developer reconsider the plans to allow for low density area for the west side therefore having a satisfactory outcome for both parties. 7. Jim Mason, 1734 Finch Avenue, advised that he is concerned about the water level and drainage. The quality of life the residents of this area have enjoyed should be maintained. Mr. Mason supports a low density development and suggested that additional consideration should be given to the traffic congestion. He further suggested creating an entrance on the east side of the development as an option. 8. Bob Ben, 1760 Bluebird Crescent, advised that after discussion with staff of the City of Pickering a few years ago, he was assured that there would never be any development in this area. The residents would like it to remain as is. We support single family type dwelling. 9. Catherine Reidt, 1744 Finch Avenue, invited the developers to visit their community to see what the homes and surrounding areas look like. The community wants to work with the City and come up with a mutual agreement for everyone. Ms. Reidt enquired if the developer has any established developments which they can view to see the quality of workmanship, the streetscape designs etc. She also asked for clarification on the public process from this point. 10. Nefra Leppard, 1756 Finch Avenue, advised that she is not in agreement with the access from Finch Avenue. She commented that the development does not allow for any transition from the current home types to townhouses. She raised questions with regards to who is responsible for approving the changes in density and expressed concerns that crime usually increases in high density areas. This is the only high density development proposed for the Duffins Creek area. Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, November 20,2003 7:00 P.M. 11. 12. 13. 14. (III) 1. 2. 3. Ross Posthumus, 1754 Finch Avenue, enquired if the TRCA were given copies of this development and what were their findings and/or comments. Bob Ben confirmed his approval to be nominated as the key contact person for the resident group to distribute reports and notify everyone of upcoming meetings. Mr. Peter Schut, Brookfield Homes, advised that they have noted the comments and will respond to the residents. Ross Pym advised that the TRCA has received copies of the report and has requested additional time to review the material. The next steps are for staff to review the technical issues, prepare a report outlining recommendations for review at the next Planning Committee meeting. Residents will be notified of this meeting and can obtain copies of the report. A final report is then presented to Council where they make the decision. It was noted that if there are any requests for zoning bylaw amendments, the public has a right to appeal this decision. The density classification was determined in the City of Pickering's Official Plan in 1997. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 21/03 GT A INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES INC. 940 BROCK ROAD PART OF LOT 19. RANGE 3 Lynda Taylor, Manager - Development Review, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #22-03. No comments from the applicant. No comments from those having an interest in the application. Statutory Public Information Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2003 7:00 P.M. (IV) 1. 2. 3. (V) 1. 2. 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 22/03 PRESIDENTIAL MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT CORP. 813-821 BROCK ROAD PART OF LOT 18, RANGE 3, B.F.C Lynda Taylor, Manager - Development Review, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #23-03. No comments from the applicant. No comments from those having an interest in the application. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/03 MET -STAR HOLDINGS LTD. 1211 KINGSTON ROAD (SOUTH PART OF LOTS 23, 24, CONCESSION 1) Lynda Taylor, Manager - Development Review, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #24-03. No comments from the applicant. No comments. VI ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.