HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/2003 ~"tIfO' .. las! r, . -o¡ Finance & Operations Comm ittee Meeting Minutes Monday, September 22,2003 at 1 :30 PM Chair: Councillor Pickles PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner M. Holland R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: E. Buntsma - Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer R. Holborn - Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering S. Reynolds - Division Head, Culture & Recreation S. Karwowski- Manager, Finance & Taxation D. Kearns - Committee Coordinator ADOPTION OF MINUTES Meeting of June 23, 2003 II PRESENTATION 1. A presentation was made by Ted Galinis, General Manager, and correspondence distributed by Neil Killens, Deputy General Manager, Ajax Pickering Transit Authority, concerning the Second Quarter Performance Report for 2003. 2. Teresa Johnston, representing The Durham Region Trans Canada Trail, commented on Report OES 32-03, stating that John McMullen, OALA Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development, City of Pickering did an excellent job in outlining the route of the trail. - 1 - 4. 5. ~'b¡ "I . ~I r, . -or Finance & Operations Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, September 22,2003 at 1:30 PM Chair: Councillor Pickles Councillor Johnson declared an interest with respect to the Durham Region Trans Canada Trail and the access point of his property as this matter is before the Ontario Municipal Board. III MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 32-03 DURHAM REGION TRANS CANADA TRAIL CITY OF PICKERING ALlGHNMENT Approved See Recommendation #1 2. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 34-03 REMEDIATION OF AN URBAN IMPACTED WATERSHED AND LAGOON, FRENCHMAN'S BAY FINAL REPORT - JUNE 2003-09-12 Approved See Recommendation #2 3. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 39-03 CHANGES TO THE PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENT PLAN Approved By-law Forwarded to Council See Recommendation #3 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 32-03 SECTION 357/358 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, AS AMENDED - ADJUSTMENT TO TAXES Approved See Recommendation #4 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 37-03 CASH POSITION REPORT AS AT JUNE 30. 2003 Ap,proved See Recommendation #5 - 2- 4. 5. Finance & Operations Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, September 22, 2003 at 1 :30 PM Chair: Councillor Pickles 6. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 31-03 FORMAL QUOTATIONS - QUARTERLY REPORT FOR INFORMATION Approved See Recommendation #6 IV STAFF ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services commented on the situation with respect to the city owned lands on Grafton Court. A report was requested to be brought before Council at their meeting of October 7th. 2. Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Corporate Promotions & Economic Development, advised Council of the celebrations arranged to recognize Perdita Felicien for winning the gold medal in the 100-metre hurdles at the IAAF World Track & Field Championships in France. 3. The Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering, distributed and discussed a memorandum concerning Red Light Cameras. The Committee requested that this matter be brought forward for the December 22 Committee meeting with input from Police and written response from The Regional Works and Police Services. v OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Johnson advised of the 2003 Traffic Engineering Workshop to be held on Thursday, October 23rd in Alliston, Ontario. 2. Councillor Johnson commented on correspondence he received from a resident on Rosebank Road and her concern with police response. 3. Councillor Johnson advised that residents backing onto the Duffins Valley Bike Trail have raised concerns with respect to back yard vandalism by trail walkers. Councillor Holland requested staff to remove the fencing at Millennium Square. Councillor Holland expressed frustration and concern over the congestion experienced on Liverpool Road North due to the decision to change the staggered starting schedule at Pine Ridge Secondary School to mass entry. -3- 10. Finance & Operations Comm ittee Meeting Minutes Monday, September 22, 2003 at 1 :30 PM Chair: Councillor Pickles 6. Councillor Ryan stated his concern with respect to traffic on Hoover Drive and the need for signage. 7. Councillor Pickles questioned staff on whether or not an application had been received for traffic calming on Woodview Drive. 8. Councillor Pickles advised that residents have raised concerns with the work being undertaken on Brock Road. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services advised that this work is not for the widening of Brock Road but for water connections. 9. The Committee went In Camera at 2:56 PM to consider the following: a) The Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Director, Planning & Development advised Committee on the proposed acquisition of land. See Recommendation #7 b) Councillor Johnson questioned staff on the procedures followed with respect to decision making on insurance claims. c) Councillor Pickles advised of concerns of Kinsale residents respecting Hwy. 7 Auto Wreckers. The Committee rose from the In Camera session at 3:12 PM Councillor McLean advised that he would be presenting a plaque to Councillor Fox for his work on the Pickering/Ajax Animal Control. VI ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 3: 13 PM. -4- Appendix I Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC 2003-7 That the Finance & Operations Committee, having met on September 22, 2003, presents its seventh report to Council and recommends: 1. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 32-03 DURHAM REGION TRANS CANADA TRAIL CITY OF PICKERING AUGHNMENT 1. That Report OES 32-03 regarding The Final Report "TOWARD AN INTERIM ROUTE SELECTION, for The Durham Region Trans Canada Trail" be received; and 2. That Council support the recommended interim trail alignment as per the Task Force's recommendation. 2. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 34-03 REMEDIATION OF AN URBAN IMPACTED WATERSHED AND LAGOON, FRENCHMAN'S BAY FINAL REPORT - JUNE 2003-09-12 1. That Report OES 34-03 regarding "Remediation of an Urban Impacted Watershed and Lagoon, Frenchman's Bay, City of Pickering, be received for information; and 2. That staff consult with various external agencies such as TRCA, MNR, DRO and MOE to discuss the report and next steps, in preparation for a Class Environmental Assessment to address remediation of Frenchman's Bay; and 3. That Council endorse, in principal, the acceptance of pursuing a flow balancing system for remediation of Frenchman's Bay; and therefore a) Direct staff to make the necessary changes to the Stormwater section of Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines including the deletion of the specific reference to the Bowood prope.rty, located on the south side of Kingston Road, west of Fairport Road, as the preferred location for a storm water management facility; and b) Authorize the City Solicitor to advise the Solicitor for Bowood Properties and the Ontario Municipal Board of the City's changed position respecting the Bowood property. -5- Appendix I Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC 2003-7 3. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 39-03 CHANGES TO THE PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENT PLAN 1. That Report CS 39-03 concerning Changes to the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan, of the Director, Corporate Services & treasurer, be received; and 2. That the attached By-law 6179/03 providing for the changes to the pre- authorized payment plan from ten monthly post dated cheques to eleven monthly electronic withdrawals; and 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary in order to ensure that the pre- authorized electronic payment plan is completed on a yearly basis; and 4. That the attached By-law, providing for the changes to the pre-authorized payment plan, be read three times and passed by Council; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 4. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 32-03 SECTION 357/358 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, AS AMENDED - ADJUSTMENT TO TAXES 1. That Report CS 32-03 concerning Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended - Adjustment to Taxes, of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received; and 2. That the write-off of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001, be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. -6- Appendix I Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC 2003-7 5. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 37-03 CASH POSITION REPORT AS AT JUNE 30. 2003 That Report CS 37-03, concerning Cash Position Report as at June 30, 2003 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received for information. 6. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 31-03 FORMAL QUOTATIONS - QUARTERLY REPORT FOR INFORMATION That Report CS 31-03 concerning Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information, of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received and forwarded to Council for information. 7. LAND ACQUISITION That staff pursue the acquisition of land based on the verbal report provided. -7-