HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 7, 2003 Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 7, 2003 7:30 pm (i) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of September 15, 2003 (11) 1. DELEGATIONS Theresa Johnston, representing the Trans Canada Trail Task Force, will address Council with respect to the Trail throughout the City of Pickering. Kees Van der vecht, representing the Kinsale and Area Residents Association, will address Council with respect to the Highway #7 Auto Wreckers and Kinsale Properties Limited. James Dubray, Executive Director, Durham Children's Aid Society, will address Council in support of his request to proclaim October, 2003 as Child Abuse Neglect and the week of October 20-26, 2003 as Foster Family Week. Allan Knight, Board Chair, Ajax/Pickering Road Watch, will provide Council with an update on Road Watch progress in our Community. Ifil) 1. RESOLUTIONS PAGE To adopt the Finance & Operations Report dated September 22, 1-4 2003. To consider Report OES 35-03, concerning Integrated Waste 5-34 Management System. To consider proclaiming October as "Child Abuse Neglect & Prevention Month and October 20-26 as Foster Family Week. 35-36 Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 7, 2003 7:30 pm {IV) BY-LAWS By-law Number 6179/03 Being a by-law of The Corporation of the City of Pickering to amend the Payment of Property Taxes from ten monthly post dated cheque payments to eleven monthly electronic payments. By-Law Number 6185/03 Being a by-law to amend by-law 2192/86 designating certain highway within the City of Pickering as through highway. 37 38-39 (V) OTHER BUSINESS (VI) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW (VII) ADJOURNMENT -2- OOl RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That the Finance & Operations Committee Report dated September 22, 2003, be adopted. CARRIED: MAYOR Appendix I Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC 2003-7 That the Finance & Operations Committee, having met on September 22, 2003, presents its seventh ~report to Council and recomimends: OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 32-03 DURHAM REGION TRANS CANADA TRAIL CITY OF PICKERING ALI'GHNMENT That Report OES 32-03 regarding The Final Report "TOWARD AN INTERIM ROUTE SELECTION, for The Durham Region Trans Canada Trail" be received; and That Council support the recommended interim trail alignment as per the Task Force's recommendation. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT OES 34-03 REMEDIATION OF AN URBAN IMPACTED WATERSHED AND LAGOON, FRENCHMAN'S BAY FINAL REPORT - JUNE 2003-09-12 That Report OES 34-03 regardi,ng "Remediation of an Urban Impacted Watershed and Lagoon, Frenchman's Bay, City of Picketing, be received for information; and That staff consult with various external agencies such as TRCA, MNR, DRO and MOE to discuss the report and next steps, in preparation for a Class Environmental Assessment to address remediation of Frenchman's Bay; and That Council endorse, in principal, the acceptance of pursuing a flow balancing system for remediafion of Frenchman's Bay; and therefore a) Direct staff to make the necessary changes to the Stormwater section of Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines including the deletion of the specific reference to the Bowood property, located on the south side of Kingston Road, west of Fairport Road, as the preferred location for a storm water management facility; and b) Authorize the City Solicitor to advise the Solicitor for BoW°od Properties and the Ontado Municipal Board of the City's changed position respecting the Bowood property. Appendix I Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC 2003-7 0O3 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 39-03 CHANGES TO THE PRE-AUTHORIZED PAYMENT PLAN That Report CS 39-03 concerning Changes to the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan, of the Director, Corporate Services & treasurer, be received; and That the attached By-law 6179/03 providing for the changes to the pre- authorized payment plan from ten monthly post dated cheques to eleven monthly electronic withdrawals; and That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary in order to ensure that the pre- authorized electronic payment plan is completed on a yearly basis; and That the attached By-law, providing for the changes to the pre-authorized payment plan, ~be read three times and passed by Council; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT 'CS 32-03 SECTION 357~358 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001, AS AMENDED - ADJUSTMENT TO TAXES That Re:port CS 32-03 concerning Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended - Adjustment to Taxes, of the Director, Coroorate Services & Treasurer, be received; and That the write-off of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 20.01, be approved; and That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Appendix I Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC 2003-7 CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 37-03 CASH POSITION REPORT AS AT JUNE 30, 2003 That Report CS 37-03, concerning Cash Position Report as at June 30, 2003 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received for information. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 31-03 FORMAL QUOTATIONS - QUARTERLY REPORT FOR INFORMATION That Report CS 31-03 concerning Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information, of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be received and forwarded to Coundl for information. 7. LAND ACQUISITION That staff pursue the acquisition of land based on the verbal report provided. 00, RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY 1. That Report OES 35-03, CS 35-03 and OES 28-03, be received for information; and That Council endorse, in principal, the Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System consisting of a two or three stream collection of recyclables and two-stream collection of organics through the separation of kitchen (food waste) organics in the City of Picketing, and the Region be so advised. That the costs associated with the implementation of a kitchen organics collection program be identified and considered during the City's 2004 Budget deliberations. 4. That Council request the Region of Durham to advise the City of Picketing of the financial ;impacts of receiving, processing and disposing of kitchen organics from the City of Pickering, and advise the City of the Region's long term strategy for securing a composting facility in Pickering prior to the implementation of a kitchen organics collection program in the City of Pickedng. CARRIED: MAYOR 006 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 35-03 Date: September 30, 2003 From: Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Integrated Waste Management System - File: MPE4000 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 35-03, CS 35-03 and OES 28-03 be received for information; and That Council endorse, in principal, the Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System consisting of a two or three stream collection of recyclables and two-stream collection of organics through the separation of kitchen (food waste) organics in the City of Pickering, and the Region be so advised. That the costs associated with the implementation of a kitchen organics collection program be identified and considered during the City's 2004 Budget deliberations. That Council request the Region of Durham to advise the City of Pickering of the financial impacts of receiving, processing and disposing of kitchen organics from the City of Pickering, and advise the City of the Region's long term strategy for securing a composting facility in Pickering prior to the implementation of a kitchen organics collection program in the City of Pickering. Executive Summary: N/A Financial Implications: To be determined and considered during 2004 City Budget deliberations. Report OES 35-03 Subject: Integrated Waste Management Program Date: September 30, 2003 Page 2 007 Background: The Operations & Emergency Services and Corporate Services Departments have submitted reports 0ES 28-03 and CS 35-03 in response to the Region of Durham's Council Resolution of May 7, 2003 regarding the Integrated Waste Management System. Both reports have been referred back to staff after much deliberation, as the financial impacts of integrated waste have been unclear due to the many unknown factors. Also the decision on whether the City of Pickering should maintain responsibiiity of solid waste collection for garbage and organics or whether the responsibility should be transferred to the Region must be made. City staff has estimated that implementing a kitchen organics collection program would increase the City's collection costs by $496,000 annually. The one time cost to supply organic bins for 25,000 households and to run a sufficient promotion and education campaign is estimated at $550,000. The Region of Durham needs to advise the City of the estimated additional cost to receive, process and dispose of the kitchen organics. In order to implement a kitchen organics collection program, to increase diversion from landfill and meet the Region's target of 50% diversion by 2007 or sooner, municipalities need to commit to an integrated waste management system. The Region of Durham needs this commitment in order to carry out a long-term strategy for disposal involving securing a composting facility to receive the collected organic material. City staff recommend that Council advise the Region of Durham of its commitment to an integrated waste management system in Pickering. A decision as to jurisdiction for collection and the associated costs can be determined during the City's 2004 budget deliberations. Due to the lead-time required to secure a composting site and the requirement to guarantee the volume / weight to be processed; a commitment to participate is a key first step in the process. An implementation date cannot be determined at this time. Should the City decide to retain the collection of solid waste and approve the implementation of kitchen organics collection through the 2004 budget deliberations it should be realized that a least six-month is required to: renegotiate the existing contract with Miller Waste order and take delivery of new collective equipment run a promotion and education campaign order, take delivery of, and deliver to residents the organic bins secure an interim site, acceptable to the Region of Durham until a permanent site is available CORP0227-07/01 O08 Report OES 35-03 Subject: Integrated Waste Management Program Date: September 30, 2003 Page 3 Since there are many factors that affect the actual implementation date, the City cannot advise the Region at this time as to when the kitchen organics collection program will commence. However, the City should be in a position to advise upon completion of the 2004 budget deliberations. This report has been discussed with the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer who concurs with the approach and the recommendations. Attachments: 1. Report to Council CS 35-03 2. Report to Council OES 28-03 Prepared By: Ri/c~'ard Hol ~d'J~ /~l'vision Heat, /'Municipal Property & Engineering Approved / Endorsed/,By Director, Operations & Emergency Services RH:mld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,t ~ ,, ThO"rr~s J. Ou~n, Chief Administr-'~e~offic~'r CORP0227-07/01 PICKERING REPORT TO COUNCIL 0 0 9 Report Number: CS 35-03 Date: September 10, 2003 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Solid Waste Management Costs in the City of Pickering Recommendation: It is recommended that Report CS 35-03 'from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information as a supplement to Report OES 28-03. Executive Summary: At its meeting of June 23, 2003 the Finance & Operations Committee of the City of Pickering considered Report OES 28-03 and Recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4c and 5 and referred it back to staff to provide further financial information. At its meeting of July 28, 2003. Council received further information in the form of correspondence from the Chief Administrative Officer, (Attachment 1) and the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer on this subject. Council reaffirmed their request for information on the Region's costs. Over the summer certain tonnage estimates have been refined and revised by the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering resulting in financial estimates for 2004 being slightly higher than those previously provided. It appears that the discussion can be reduced to two simple elements as the costs should be the same or similar with two exceptions: a) The City has been offered an attractive rate by Miller Waste. If the program is undertaken by the Region they must negotiate their own rate which we have been led to understand will probably be higher thereby increasing the cost to the City's taxpayers b) The Chair, Regional Works has advised the Council that should the program be implemented by the Region, costs to the City's taxpayers will be approximately 20 percent higher to cover the Region's overhead. Additionally, the City will lose control over all such costs that it currently has or will have under the new program. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering. Report CS 35-03 'Z ~ F ~ Date: September 10, 2003 Subject: Solid Waste Management Costs in the City of Pickering Page 2 Collection of Orcjanics (Incremental Costs) Pickering Region Operated Operated Collection 496,000 496,000+ Region costs unknown at this time as dependent Costs upon contract negotiations by the Region Advertising 50,000 50,000+ City's cost estimated at $2 per household. Region unknown at this time. Administration Nil 99,000+ 20% of City's collection costs per Chair, Regional Costs Works Committee Cost of Bins Nil Nil Estimated cost of $500,000 will be funded by Region from Solid Waste Mgmt Reserve Fund. Disposal Costs 231,000 ..231,000 incurred by the Region regardless of program 777..000 876..000+-i- ownership The only fixed costs known at this time are those for the City of Picketing as operator of the program. The Region's costs for the operation are unknown at this time but are assumed to be not less than those for the City. The above collection costs for the City have been confirmed on September 9, 2003 by the Chief Administrative Officer and Miller Waste. Financial Implications: Implementation of the new kitchen organics collection program by the City of Pickering will cost an estimated $546,000 in 2004, ($496,000 for collection and $50,000 for first year advertising education and promotions) for a City run program. The increase on the average tax bill for a "City run" organics program based on a $200,000 residential assessment would be $13,25 which is 0.5% on the total tax bill or 1.85% on the City's share of the tax bill. Assuming disposal costs are charged back to Pickering taxpayers, the Region's portion of the tax bill would increase approximately $6 or 0.5% (combined total of $19.25). At the July 28, 2003 Council meeting, we were advised by the Chair, Regional Works COmmittee that costs would be approximately 20 percent ($99,000) higher, to cover overhead costs, if the program is administered by the Region of Durham. In addition the Region will incur costs of approximately $500,000 financed from the Region's Solid Waste Management Reserve Fund for organic bins to be distributed throughout Pickering and approximately $231,000 for disposal of the organics collected. The increase on the average tax bill for a "Durham Region program" based on (City's cost of $546,000 plus 20% overhead or $99,000 and $231,000 for disposal) would be $23.17 or 1.0% on the total tax bill, or roughly 2.0% on the Durham portion only, assuming these costs are charged back to Pickering taxpayers. Background: The following is provided further to Council's request for financial information regarding the cost of solid waste management in the City of Pickering. It is understood this information was to be a combination of existing costs and projected 2004 costs for Integrated Waste Management Services. Report CS 35-03 ~ o~- ~' Date: September 10, 2003 Subject: Solid Waste Management Costs in the City of Pickering Page 3 011 City of Pickering 2002 Actual Solid Waste Collection Costs (1) Garbage (2) $1,161,000 Yard Waste (2) .$ 271,000 (1) Excludes Pilot Project (2) Net of GST Rebate In addition in 2002 the Region of Durham paid approximately $3,083,000 for processing and disposal of the garbage and yard waste and the recyclables. These costs are borne by the taxpayers of the City with $1,432,000 being on the City's portion, and $3,083,000 on the Region's portion, of the tax bill. Therefore, the total cost of solid waste management services in 2002 in the City of Pickering was approximately $4,515,000. The addition of a kitchen organics collection program to provide integrated waste management services would add approximately $496,000, net of GST rebate to the City's costs. Should the Region undertake the program $595,000 ($496,000 plus 20% overhead as per Chair, Regional Works Committee) will be added to the City ratepayer's costs. In addition, almost $231,000 will be added to the Region's costs for composting regardless of who is responsible for collection. Attached are three schedules prepared by the Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering that lay out the costs of collection and disposal of solid waste in Pickering. In order to create a better comparison of costs for the current system versus an integrated system some of the numbers have been revised, hence the original estimate of $428,000 has been revised to $496,000 for collection costs. As per the July 14, 2003 memo to the Chief Administrative Officer from the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and myself on this subject, the addition of a new organics program will cost more no matter which level of government is responsible for it. Based upon the comments of the Chair of the Regional Works Committee the cost under the administration of the Region would be approximately 20 percent more than under the City. As noted in the above-mentioned memo, the future costs for the City ratepayers under a Durham administered program could be substantially higher once the program is fully implemented across the Region and cost sharing is based upon the Regional tax levy. Under such a scenario, based upon the limited information available, Pickering taxpayers absorbing a percentage of the costs of the other participating municipalities would be far greater than those municipalities sharing in a percentage of Pickering's costs. Aisc the City would lose control over the program and administrative costs to the taxpayer should the program be transferred to the Region. 012 Report CS 35-03 Date: September 10, 2003 Subject: Solid Waste Management Costs in the City of Picketing Page 4 Attachments: 1. Memo from the Chief Administrative Officer to the Mayor and Members of Council dated July 24, 2003 2. Current Services Levels for Waste Management Services in the City of Pickering 3. Projected Waste Management Services in the City of Pickering 4. Cost Comparisons by Jurisdiction for Waste Management Services Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Ri.c/hard Hol~,o.~ ~vision Head, Municipal Property ~ & Engineering Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ::~...,~_~ . ~/~/~/'v~ Th6r~a~3. a~n, C~ef Adm~i~t.r.a~ive Off~:er ; July 24, 2003 To: From: Subject: ATTACHMENT ATTACHMC::NT #__:.[._TO REPORT OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTI:gA~E OFFICER ~ECEIVED MEMORANDUM cl'rv o~ . JUL 2 4 2003 013 Mayor Arthurs and Members of Council CORPORATE SERVICES Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Regional Integrated Waste Program Miller Waste / City of Pickering Component File: O-7000-001 This is further to the recent memorandum form the Director, Operations & Emergency Services (dated July 21, 2003). Please be advised that it was Miller Waste who initially recommended that the City establish a possible implementation date of May 1, 2004. Subsequent to further review and discussion, I would like to propose to Council that the implementation date could actually be scheduled sometime during the period of January 1, 2004 - March 31, 2004 pending certain decisions. if it is Council's desire to move forward on this matter, we will certainly endeavour t° expedite this process. Once the City has received approval from Council, the emphasis will clearly be on Miller Waste and the Region of Durham to ensure logistics are in place (i.e., site approval, purchase of additional vehicles etc.,). If we were successful in implementing this program effective January 1, 2004 the total cost would be.$478,000 [428,000 + 50,000 (for advertising and promotion)], which would have an additional effect on our tax rate of approximately 1.6% - 1.8%. Naturally the 2004 tax rate amount would be pro-rated accordingly should the implementation date be deferred. Please be assured, that whatever date is determined, we will ensure that the 2004 proposed budget is adjusted accordingly. Therefore, I am requesting Council's decision as to how you wish staff to pursue this matter. You may also wish to note that we have included previously distributed correspondence to this package for your reference. I trust this will provide you with sufficient information prior to the Council meeting on Monday, July 28, 2003. TJQ:jh Copy: J Qui~n Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering City Clerk 014 ATTACHMENT# ~-..~__TO REPORT Current Service Levels for Waste Management Services in the City of Picketing - 2004 Projection using 2002 quantities and 2603 pricing item description of service frequency estimated unit price total price payment of service no. of description per unit per year by per year units of units per year (taxes extra) A WASTE COLLECTION A1 garbage/bulky goods 52 21,015 tonnes $51.36 $1,079,330 City A2 organics 52 0 tonnes $0.00 $0 City A3 leaf & yard waste and Christmas trees 25 1,784 tonnes $148.08 $264.175 City A4 metal/electronics/white goods 52 269 tonnes $51.36 $13,816 Ci(y A5 blue box recycling 26 25,000 stops $27.32 $683,000 Region Sub-total: waste collection GST (net of rebate) TOTAL: waste collection (4) 29,574 tonnes B WASTE DISPOSAL $2,040,321 $61,210 $2,101,53~ B1 garbage/bulky goods daily 21,015 tonnes $84.00 $1,765,260 Region B3 composting of food waste daily 0 tonnes $120.00 $0 Region B4 composfing of yard waste/Christmas trees seasonal 1,784 tonnes $64.00 $149,856 Region B5 metal/electronics/white goods daily 269 tonnes $0.00 $0 Miller B6 sorting of recyclabie fibres daily 5,205 tonnes $0.00 $0 Region B7 sorting of recyclable containers daily 1,301 tonnes $103.19 $134,250 Region B8 hauling of un-sorted recyclable containers daily 1,301 tonnes $31.00 $40,331 Region Sub-total: waste disposal 29,574 tonnes $2,089,697 GST (net of rebate) $62,691 TOTAL: waste disposal $2,152,388 i D Total: integrated waste program $4,253,919 E Assumptions * Tuesday to Friday collection * total tonnes based on 2002 collections * expanded recycling in effect * estimated 25,000 curbstde stops * apartment collections not affected * contractor is to be Miller Waste Systems F Notes composting disposal rate estimated as per Chairman, Regional Works Committee and Miller standard annual inflation & fuel adjustment rates to apply contract term ends March 31, 2009 Regional costs for sorting fibres unavailable Total tonnage includes tonnes collected for recycling provided by the Region Excludes administariton costs or promotion/~ducation costs Projected Waste Management Services for the City of Pickering for 2004 frequency estimated unit price total price payment item description of service of service no. of description per unit per year by per year units · of units per year (taxes extra) 01 ,.5 A WASTE COLLECTION A1 garbage/bulkygoods 52 14,787 formes $74.00 $1,094,238 City A2 organics 52 6,228 tonnes $74.00 $460,872 City A3 leaf & yard waste and Christmas trees 25 1,784 tonnes $148.08 $264,175 City A4 metal/electronics/white goods 52 269 tonnes $74.00 $19,906 City A5 blue box recycling 26 25,000 stops $27.32 $683,000 Region Sub-total: waste collection GST (net of rebate) TOTAL: waste collection o) 29,574 tonnes $2,522,191 $75,666 $2,597,857 B WASTE DISPOSAL BI garbage/bulky goods daily 14,787 tonnes $84.00 $1,242,108 B3 composting of food waste daily 6,228 tonnes $120.00 $747,360 B4 composting of yard waste/Christmas trees seasonal 1,784 tonnes $84.00 $149,856 B5 metaFelectrenJcs/white goods daily 269 tonnes $0.00 $0 B6 sorting of recyclable fibres daily 5,205 tonnes $0.00 $0 B7 sorting of recyclable containers daily 1,301 formes $103.19 $134,250 B8 hauling of un-sorted recyclable containers daily 1,301 tonnes $31.00 $40,331 Sub-total: waste disposal 29,574 tonnes $2,313,905 GST (net of rebate) $69,417 TOTAL: waste disposal $2,383,322 TOTAL: integrated waste program $4,981,179 Region Region Region Miller Region Region Region PROMOTION & EDUCATION green bins, liners, paper bags, calendar & delivery newspaper & radio advertising and education promotion campaign TOTAL: promotion & education once 25,000 stop $20.00 $500,000 Region 4 months LS $50,000 City $550,000 ,,t1) E Assumptions * Tuesday to Friday collection total tonnes based on 2002 collections expanded recycling in effect * estimated 25,000 curbside stops apartment collections not affected contractor is to be Miller Waste Systems Notes composting disposal rate estimated as per Chairman, Regional Works Committee and Miller standard annual inflation & fuel adjustment rates to apply contract term ends March 31, 2009 50% waste diversion will be achieved Regional costs for sorting fibres unavailable Total tonnage includes tonnes collected for recycling provided by the Re,lion 016 ATTACHMENT-/:t~ TO P, EPO Pd' #_~ 3E- a.~ 0 .~0 0 0 Fig' REPORT TO FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 28-03 Date: June 5, 2003 From: Richard W. Holborn, P: Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Recommendation: 4a) That Report OES 28-03 regarding the Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program be received; and that The City of Pickering acknowledge the recommendations adopted by Regional Council on May 7, 2003 regarding the Annual Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study and proposed 2003 Current and Capital Budget and related financing (#2003-J-11); and that The City of Pickering supports a commitment by the Region of Durham to Miller Waste Durham Inc.'s Pickering Site at 1220 Squires Beach Road for a long term solution to receive, process and transfer Durham's waste; and that The City of Pickering agrees to participate in the Region's Integrated Waste Management Program under the following conditions: The contract to collect garbage, yard waste, kitchen organics and expanded blue box materials remain with Miller Waste Systems at least until March 31, 2009 (the original term of Pickering's contract}. ii) The Region confirms that the program to collect kitchen organics will not commence until the Miller Waste Durham Inc. site at 1220 Squires Beach Road, Pickering is able to receive such waste, through a long-term commitment with Durham Region and after an extensive education and promotion campaign for residents in Pickering. iii) The Region provide each household in Pickering the same "start-up" package consisting of bins, bags, liners and information guide that the other participating municipalities received as per the May 7, 2003 Council recommendations. 018 Repor[ OES 28-03 ^TTACHMENT # '~ TO REPORT #~. ~-¢'-°-'5 ,;.'2 ~:,-~ ¢ ~' Date: June 5, 2003 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 2 4b) iv) The Region agrees to assist in the funding of staff at the City that will deal with waste management issues and inquiries during the transfer of jurisdiction, at an amount to be determined. v) The Region reimburses the City of Pickering for waste collection costs incurred retroactive to January 1, 2003 consistent with the May 7, 2003 Council recommendations. OR The City of Pickering requests the Region to proceed with the implementation of the Region's Integrated Waste Management System by assuming responsibility to collect all materials that are diverted from landfill through recycling (expanded blue box) and composting (kitchen organics and yard waste) with the City retaining responsibility for the collection of garbage under the following conditions: ii) iii) iv) The contract to collect yard waste, kitchen organics and expanded blue box materials remain with Miller Waste Systems at least until March 31, 2009 (the original term of Pickering's contract). v) The Region confirms that the program to collect kitchen organics will not commence until the Miller Waste Durham Inc. site at 1220 Squires Beach Road, Pickering is able to receive such waste, through a long-term commitment with Durham Region and after an extensive education and promotion campaign for residents in Pickering. The Region provide each household in Pickering the same "start-up" package consisting of bins, bags, liners and information guide that the other participating municipalities received as per the May 7, 2003 Council recommendations. The Region agrees to assist in the funding of staff at the City that will deal with waste management issues and inquiries during the transfer of jurisdiction, at an amount to be determined. The Region reimburses the City of Pickering for organic waste collection costs incurred retroactive to January 1, 2003 consistent with the May 7, 2003 Council recommendations. OR ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT #~ 3 ~'-0~ Report OES 28-03 .3 ¢/i,~ Date: June 5, 2003 .Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 3 019 4c) 4d) The City of Pickering requests the Region to proceed with the implementation of the Regions' integrated waste management system that includes a two or three stream collection of recyclables and two stream collection of organics with the City retaining responsibility for collection of garbage, organics and yard waste under the following conditions: i) ii) iii) The Regional contract to collect expanded blue box materials remain with Miller Waste Systems at least until March 31, 2009 to coincide with the term of Pickering's contract to collect garbage, yard waste and kitchen organics. The Region confirms that the program to collect kitchen organics will not commence until the Miller Waste Durham Inc. site at 1220 Squires Beach Road, Pickering is able to receive such waste, through a long-term commitment with Durham Region and after an extensive education and promotion campaign for residents in Pickering. The Region provide each household in Pickering the same "start-up" package consisting of bins, bags, liners and information guide that the other participating municipalities received as per the May 7, 2003 Council recommendations. OR 'The City of Pickering is satisfied to continue with the status ~iuo waste management system, is not prepared to collect two-stream organics (yard waste and kitchen organics) at this time, is retaining responsibility to collect garbage and yard waste and requires detailed financial and tax impact information from the Region in order to determine a business case; and that Report OES 28-03 be forwarded to the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham. Executive Summary: At the Council Meeting of May 7, 2003, the Region of Durham adopted recommendations regarding Report #2003-J-11 for Solid Waste Management Services. One recommendation was for the municipalities of Picketing, Ajax, Oshawa and Whitby to respond within 60 days, as to whether they concur with joining the Region's Integrated Waste Management Program. This report investigates the options available to the' City of Pickering for the provision of Solid Waste Management Services with respect to collection responsibilities and waste streams. The City has four options that can be considered: 020 Report OES 28-03 L~ c~ ¢~" Date: June 5, 2003 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 4 Option 1 - transfer all waste responsibilities to the Region. Option 2- retain waste collection responsibilities for garbage only and transfer organic collection to the Region as a recycling/composting initiative and have the Region implement a kitchen organics collection program. Option 3 - retain waste collection responsibilities and agree to a two-stream organics system by implementing a kitchen organic collection program. Option 4 - maintain the status quo with respect to waste management responsibilities and collection systems (i.e., do nothing) Before any kitchen organic collection program can commence, the Region of Durham must commit to a site to receive and process the materials. The May 7, 2003 Regional Council recommendations direct Regional staff to negotiate with Miller Waste to utilize the site on Squires Beach Road in Pickering. The City of Pickering supports this location as a made in Durham solution. It is important to the City's administration that a "one collector take all" system be maintained in Pickering. As such, the recommendations in this report include conditions that Miller Waste Systems be the contractor in Pickering, in order to honour the long-term contract that Pickering entered into in October 2000. The Region of Durham has committed to fund kitchen organic green bins to an amount of $20 per household should this program be implemented in Pickering, regardless of jurisdiction over collection. The Region of Durham has also committed to recover the City of Pickering's collection costs through the Regional Solid Waste Tax Requirement effective January 1, 2003 if the City chooses to transfer waste collection responsibility to the Region. This cost is estimated to be $1,474,815 (net G.S.T. included) in 2003. Financial Implications: City staff have not received information requested in letters dated March 13, 2003 and April 4, 2003 to Regional staff regarding the financial estimates of the proposed Regional system of Integrated Waste Management. City staff was presented information by the Region indicating that under the Regional program for the four participating municipalities, the average increase on the overall waste tax requirement (local plus Regional) was estimated at 10% (range 0% to 20%). However, it must be noted that levels of service increased in three of the four municipalities. Regional staff have indicated that there would likely be no net tax impact in Picketing when all aspeqts of waste management expenditures and revenues are considered, however, no information has been provided to confirm this assumption, and a review of the Region's 2003 Current and Capital budget did not assist'in this respect. Report OES 28-03 Date: June 5, 2.003 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 5 02t Should the City transfer waste collection responsibilities to the Region, the local solid waste tax requirement would decrease and the Regional solid waste tax requirement would increase. Should the decision be made within the 60-day response period requested by the Region, the City's costs for collection will be recovered from the Regional Solid Waste Tax Requirement effective January 1,2003. This is estimated at $1 ,.474,815 (net G.S.T. included) for the year 2003. Background: On May 7, 2003, the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham adopted recommendations from the Finance & Administration and Works Joint Committee related to the Annual Solid Waste Management Servicing and Financing Study and proposed 2003 Current and Capital Budget and related financing report (#2003-J-11). The recommendations have been categorized under the following headings and the entire resolution is included in this report as Attachment 1: a) 2003 Solid Waste Management Budget and Tax Rates b) A new expanded Blue Box Program in Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Oshawa c) The Regional Integrated Waste Management Program d) The CN Watson and Associates "Durham Region Waste Management Systems Study" e) Residential brush, leaf and yard waste contracts f) Energy for waste g) Other matters h) Negotiations with Miller Waste Systems for a long term disposal facility i) Authorizations Recommendation C (iv) requested that the local Area Municipalities of Ajax, Pickering, Oshawa and Whitby respond to the Region within sixty days or sooner of their concurrence to participate in the Region's Integrated Waste Management Program. Report OES 28-03 provides comment on the Region's recommendations and compares them to resolutions of the Council of the City of Pickering related to solid waste management. It also provides information for Council to consider in making an environmentally and financially responsible decision on solid waste management services for the City of Pickering. 022 Report OES 28-03 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and . Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 6 Currently, the City of Pickering has jurisdiction over, and provides the services of collection of garbage, and yard waste to approximately 24,000 residential units (curbside and medium density multi-residential). Administrative services such as education, promotion and advertising programs are also provided by the City. In 2002, the City collected 22,418 tonnes of garbage waste and 1905 tonnes of yard waste. The Region of Durham has jurisdiction over, and provides the services of collection of blue box recycling and multi-residential recycling collection, and all services related to receiving, hauling, disposal, processing and marketing of all solid waste and recyclables. In 2002, the Region collected 6035 tonnes of curbside recyclables and 266 tonnes of apartment recyclables in Pickering. Recently, the Region of Durham has taken over all waste management powers in the Area Municipalities of Clarington, Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge through an Integrated Waste Management Program. In November 2001, the City of Pickering, in partnership with The Town of Markham, Miller Waste Systems and the Region of Durham commenced an integrated waste pilot program in the Amberlea neighbourhood. In this program, enhanced recycling and kitchen organics were collected using an automated collection truck and carts for approximately 518 homes. This program is still in place, but the cart for garbage and recycling has been removed and collection has been reverted back to bags and blue boxes. In this program, diversion from landfill increased from 27% to an annual average of 54%. The costs related to automated collection vehicles and cads make this prohibitive to expand Citywide, but indicated quite clearly the willingness of residents, on a small scale, to participate in separation of kitchen waste to increase diversion from landfill. When the Region commenced their Integrated Waste Management Program in Clarington, Brock, Uxbridge and Scugog, the four remaining local municipalities were asked if they were interested in participating. In response, the Council of the City of Picketing passed Resolution #75/02 at the Council Meeting of May 6, 2002, indicating conditions upon which Picketing would be a participating municipality. The Region dealt with this, and other local municipal correspondence and requests regarding solid waste, through the C.N. Watson review and Report 2003-J-11. Based on the recommendations contained within the Regional approval of May 7, 2003, the City of Picketing has one of four options. Option Respond to the Region within sixty days or sooner of their concurrence to participate in the Region's Integrated Waste Management Program. Report OES 28-03 Date: June 5, 2003 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 7 023 Option 2 Request the Region to proceed to implement the Region's Integrated Waste Management System that includes the two-stream or a three-stream collection of recyclables and two stream collection of organics. Advise the Region that the City of Pickering will retain responsibility to collect garbage, and request the Region to assume responsibility to collect and recycle kitchen organics and yard waste. Option 3 Request the Region to proceed to implement the Region's Integrated Waste Management System that includes the two-stream or a three-stream collection of recyclables and two stream collection of organics. Advise the Region that the City of Pickering will retain responsibility to collect garbage, kitchen organics and yard waste. Option 4 Maintain the status quo with respect to jurisdictional responsibilities and waste management systems for diversion. Advise the Region that the City of Pickering is not providing a two-stream collection of organics, and kitchen organics will not be separated. The following describes the details of each option and provides the information required for Council to respond to the Region of Durham. Option 1 The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management Program has established a minimum benchmark standard for levels of service. These standards are in Place for Clarington, Brock, Uxbridge and Scugog and would be used for Pickering or any other municipality that joins the program. The benchmark requirements are included as Attachment #2. When comparing the Region's Program to those currently in place for collection in Pickering, the following differences are evident: Adds expanded recycling City-wide Adds food waste composting weekly City-wide Yard waste - paper bags become mandatory, i.e., NO PLASTIC 024 Report OES 28-03 Date: June 5, 2003 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 8 Adds I extra yard waste collection (24 vs. 23) White goods weekly (an increase for rural which is currently monthly) Imposes 3 bag limit for garbage (currently 4 bags) Allows purchase of tags for excess bags Bulky goods reduced to one a month collection (currently weekly) Bulky goods is a call-in service and may be user pay Includes street container collection (currently done by staff) The City of Pickering passed a resolution at the Council meeting held on May 6, 2002, advising the Region that Pickering is prepared to negotiate being a "participating" municipality in the Region's acceptance of all waste management powers, subject to many conditions. The resolution is included as Attachment #3. The majority of the conditions were contingent on the Region's program in Pickering being a wheeled cad- based system. The Region's Integrated Waste program is a system where blue boxes (or any suitable container) are used for recycling, bags (or any suitable container) are used for residual garbage, green bins are used for kitchen organics, and kraft, paper bags are used for yard waste. Staff at the Region and City of Pickering are confident that increased diversion to levels exceeding 50% are achievable using the Region's system without the need for large wheeled cads. The Region has a commitment through their May 7, 2003 set of recommendations to provide the following assistance to the City of Picketing should the City be a participant: Fund (recover) the 2003 collection costs for Pickering through the Regional Solid Waste Tax Requirement effective January 1, 2003, should the City choose to transfer waste collection responsibility to the Region. The City's 2003 budget for compost and garbage collection is $1,474,815 (net G.S.T.). Since the waste management function would be at the Regional level, an annual expenditure of approximately $1,520,000 (total 2003 budget) would not be required at the City level in 2004 and beyond. II. Ensure the delivery of household "green bins" to each household at a total cost not to exceed $20 per household to be financed from the Regional Solid Waste Management Reserve Fund. Regional staff advise that this would be done through a public tender process and the package would include a kitchen bin, a curbside bin, bio-degradable liners (one box), and five (5) kraft paper bags for yard waste, similar to what was provided to Clarington, Brock, Uxbridge and Scugog residents. The City would not be involved in the specification or procurement of the bins. There are approximately 24,000 households on Report OES 28-03 ATTACHMENT # J~--~___ TO' RE,~ 0~, ~"" #¢~S '~'~a~e o/oF ~' June 5, 2003 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 9 025 III. curbside collection resulting in an estimated expenditure of $480,000 for the green bin packages. Negotiate with Miller Waste Systems for a long-term solution for the receiving and disposal of Durham's garbage. Although not specifically mentioned, it is implied that this solution would be within Durham's borders and include the site on Squires Beach Road in Pickering. This would certainly put the Region and its area municipalities at the forefront of responsible leadership in waste management, and a made in Durham solution. Should the City decide to transfer jurisdiction of waste collection to the Region, there are certain safeguards that are important to maintain. Currently, the City has a contract with Miller Waste Systems to collect garbage and yard waste with a term that ends March 31, 2009. All of the terms of the contract were negotiated in good faith and excellent service has been evident since the contract started October 1, 2000. It is important that the new Regional contract be negotiated with Miller Waste with a termination date not earlier than March 31,2009. The City of Pickering and Region of Durham presently have only one contractor, Miller Waste Systems, who provides collection within the City boundaries. However, the Region's curbside blue box collection contract with Miller has only been extended to May 28, 2004. In order to get the most out of an integrated waste management program, having one contractor collect all materials is required. It is therefore, important that the contract to collect expanded blue box materials in Picketing with Miller Waste be extended to coincide with the contract for the garbage, and two-stream organics, that being at least until March 31,2009. Option 2 This option is a compromise between Option 1 and Option 3 in that it commits to the separation of kitchen organics from the waste stream and diverts this material from landfill, but this would be accomplished at the Regional level. It is based on the premise 1:hat the Region is a leader in recycling and waste diversion as part of its disposal mandate through the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Regional Municipality Act. The Region currently collects recyclable materials, and compostable kitchen and yard waste organics can be categorized as such. The City of Pickering would retain responsibility for the collection of garbage. The Region of Durham would retain responsibility to collect all recyclable (diverted) materials. In accordance with the May 7, 2003 Council recommendations, the Region would provide the green bins required for collecting kitchen organics and set the service level standards for all organics and expanded blue box materials collection. O26 Report OES 28-03 io ~F i.~ Date: June 5, 2003 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page 10 In order to retain the "one collector" status in Pickering, the Region's contract(s) for collection in Pickering should be negotiated with Miller Waste Systems with an end date of March 31, 2009. Option 3 By requesting the Region to implement the Integrated Waste Management System in Pickering, but not transferring responsibility of collection to the Region, the City is agreeing and committing to diversion of kitchen organics from the waste stream. The City would have to exercise Clause 3 of the contract with Miller Waste Systems, due to a change in scope of works, and negotiate new prices to reflect the collection changes contemplated. This would result in increased costs to the City. The Region has committed through their resolution of May 7, 2003 to ensure the delivery of the green bins for kitchen organics regardless of whether the City or Region has jurisdiction over collection. However, the City would not have input into the specifications or supplier. The City would be responsible to coordinate, promote and advertise the new integrated waste management system with the exception of blue box recycling to its residents and would retain jurisdiction over garbage, yard waste and kitchen organics collection and administration of the contract. The City would continue to budget for the collection service annually. With two levels of government responsible for collection under two separate contracts, there is the possibility that when the Region's expanded blue box collection contract ends May 28, 2004, there could be two different contractors collecting waste and recyclables within the City of Pickering. This is not desirable as proper coordination and cooperation is required during recycling weeks and holiday collection changes. Option 4 By exercising this option and advising the Region accordingly, the City of Pickering would continue with the Status Quo waste management system. The City, at this time, would not introduce the separate collection of kitchen organics to divert this material from land!fill. As such, the contract with Miller Waste Systems would not change in scope and new prices would not have to be negotiated. However, maintaining the status quo, allows the City of Pickering to explore options related to waste collection and diversion as well as potential operating efficiencies with Miller Waste Systems. This would be done within a time frame acceptable to the City. The City would maintain responsibility for garbage and yard waste collection and would budget for these services annually with increases due to growth (volume) and CPI (indexing). Advertising, education and promotion programs would be maintained at the City and Regional levels. Report (:)ES 28-03 if oF I ~ Date: June 5, 2003 027 Subject: The Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management System and Program City of Pickering Response to Report #2003-J-11 Page Attachrnents: Resolution of May 7, 2003, Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham Region of Durham's Integrated Waste Management Program Benchmark Standard for Levels of Service Prepared By: Richard W. Fl'(~orn, P. Eng. u'iSion Head/ nicipal PropertY & Engineering Ap p rove d .,/..En'~l b~s e¢~y: Everett Director Operations & Emergency Services RWH:ds Attachments Copy: Chief A~ministrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Co~z[~il ,.. .,. Tl~'~i. QL~n, C~ Admi~~e 028 Municipality Durham C;lerk~$ Depanment 605 ROSSI.AND ROAD E, WHITBY ON LtN 6A3 CANADA Fax: (gO5) E-mail: www. m¢on,durham.on,~ Pat M. Madlll, Regional Clerk ................. ' MAY 1 4 2003 ........................................................ "GL~K'8 OlViSlO~ 65 Haloed Avenue Aj~, ON L1S 2H9 The Annual ~olld Waste Management Se~lolng ~nd Financing $tudy and propo~d 2003 Currant and :apl~l tudl~t and related flna~ol0~ {~0~4,1~} - OUR FILE: F0140 Mr, de Ron,d, the Finance & Administration and WOrks Joint Comml~ees of Regional COuncil considered the ~ove ma~er and at a meeting held on'May 7, 2003, Oouncil adopted Iht following recommenda~on~ ~f the Joint OommiAees; 2003 Solid Waste Man, aqement Budget and Tax Rates i) THAT'the proposed_2003,Regional $olld,,Wa~te .Msnag.e. ment Operating Budget in the amount of $20,426,600 be approved'so summarized in Schedule 1 to the Recommendations contained in Joint Report 2003- J-11; ii) THAT the proposed 2003 Reglortal.$olld Waste. Management..CaDital Budget in the amount of $720,000 be approved as summarized in Schedule 2 to the Reoommehdations contained in Joint Report 2003-&11; ' and iii) · THAT the,2003 Regl.onal Solid Waste .Mans;lament T_.~ax Rates be approved as summarized in Schedules 3 and 4 to the R.ec~ommendations contained in Joint Report 2003-J-11, based upon the proposed 2003 Solid Waste Management Budget,. which in 2003 separates Regional Integrated Waste Management Program costs from the remaining non-integrated program costs for Regional waste operations in the Towns of Ajax and Whitby and the Cities of O~:[~awa and Piokering; 12 100% Po*t Con~u'mer F R b) CLEP, t{S DF__.F'T L.405 6;6',-] ~f:E.l~;3 TO P.]~," L.L,E R I NG A new expan'd, pd Blue Box, Program tn Alex. W ,171~bv~ .?lckerln, q and Oehawa~ THAT in order to meet Regional Council'scommitment to' implement a.n'expanded mc?cling program ~ soon a~. · po~ible across the Regi0n...the following be approved:. 'THAT a cent?act extensior~ with Miller Waste Systems for .the curbside collection of_basic Blue Box recycla.bles for the residents of Ajax, Oshawa, Picketing'and .Whitby at the. rate of $28;77 per household'Per year, (excluding GST) .from February 1,.2003 until June 6, 2003, when an expanded recycling progr~.m can commence in Ajax, Oshawa, . Pickerin9 a.n.d Whitby; THAT a contract, eXtension With'Miller Waste systems for the curb-side colle~tioh of'the e,e_x~anded Blue Box recyclabl6s for the residents ~f ~iokerlng, Aj~x,'Whltby and ..Oshawa at .the rate of $27.32 per household per. year .(excluding G$'f} from June 9, 2003 to Ma~/2.8, 2004;'. TRAT a contract extension with Miller Waste Darh.am Inc.. for.the sorting of mixed Blue Box ~ontai~ers at Miller's Pickering facil!ty at'the' basl~: sorting rate of $~166,96 per' t0nne from.Febm, ary 1,2003 antil the new expanded Blue BOx'containers program is started on June 9, 2003, (At which time, 'a new rote of $103,19 per tonne; excluding GST, will apply Until May 28, 2004); THAT a contract extension with Miller Waste Du[harn Inc. for the haulage of mixed Blue'Box containers, received from Clartngton, Ajax, Oshawa, Pbkering ahd Whitby, to Miller's Pickerihg.'faciltty, ;at a rate of $31.00 per tonne, including .the rental of'required roll, off bins (excluding GST) during the period from February !, 2003 until. May 2,8; 2004; .' '029 FR c) -.LERk=, ~ B~, ~L~.~t TO PIEk"ERING ~:,YVACHMEN'[~__. < TOREPORT~_~E~ The'Regional Inte~ated...Waste Ma~anement i) ' THAT in order to implement the Regional COuncil " Reselution of Februa~ 12, 2003.(A~chment ~1. ' ' Sohedule 2'to Joint Repo~ 2003.J.11), Redonal'Coup=il authorized Works and Rnance staff to ~mmence negotiations with Picketing, Aj=, OshaWa,. and Whitby, to resolve outstanding issues, including =on~rns and recommendations brought toward by Io~J Area Municipalities through coffespondence reoeive~ b~ the Region from PickeHng, Oshawa and Whitby (see ' ... Attachmen~ ~3 - Correspondence items t0 Joint 2003-J-11)., to pe~it the impiementation of the Region's~ .Integrated ~aSte M~agem'ent Program in these Area Municipalities by 2004; ii> THAT given the willingness of the'City,of Piokefing to.: . paRlclpate in,a Regional Integrated Waste Management: Program, which includes cu'rb-side organics, col'laotian and exp~n, ded feQyoi'ables collegian, It is farther 'recommended that; ,.. ,a) . b) Staff.of the Finar;~ and Works Departments be'. authorized to immediately commence negotiations wi~h the'staff of t'he',City of Picketing and Mllle~' Waste Systems to determine the feasibility.of. extending the Region's Integrated Waste Managemerit Program tO Picketing residents commi~ncing as soon as p0.,ssible in 2003; Should the City of Picke.ring ohoose to transfer waste colleCtion responsibility, under the ~Ct,"the 2003 costs for collection,, recycling,, haulage and disposal be recovered'from Picketing through. the Regional Solid Waste Tax'Requirement effective January 1,2003; and 'THAT the Region ensure delivery of household 'Green Bins' to each hdusehold, at a total cost not to exoeod' $20 per I'iousehold;~to be financed from' the Rog!anal . Sc/lid Waste Managemen{ Reserve Fund, consistent with the Region's 2002 capital funding.commitment to purchase 0rganic,.4 contaii3ers, as previously approved by Regional Council during implementation of the Regional' Integrated Waste Management .Program in Clarington, Brock, Scugog and. Uxbridga; ,... P. 03/~E 14 ~003 ATTACHMENT ~?~ ...~- (~' ~ .~'-o._.-~ ..LER[ .... DEF'T 90 "-' TO PICKER i I'.IG REPOR'[~_O~ ~ ~- ' ~~ ' iv) .' THA~;:the)oml ,Of Aj~, Plckedng, . . 'Osh~::an~, ~to-r%pond to the. 'Reg,oh W,,in'~rfi~n"r of their oOnCurre'nc. · "~, , to~a.icipate~~gioCntegrated waste. ' .' '. 5, Man.gement'Prog, ra , '... . ~AT the mp~A from' G.~. Wagon and.~s~iatee "Du~ Reglon'W~te M~a~me~t Systems 8~dy' ~ (eee A~ohment ~ to' Joint' Repo~ 200a~-11) and Regional. Oounoil approve the'mCommendmions ~ntained in the 8~dy ~ . 'a) 'That th'e 'RegiSn of Durham' continue to proceed w]t~. the. implementation of its'"LongAerm Waste M~ag~ment Strategy Plan~ 2ooo-2oEo;' b) That ~e Region ~f Durham,.in ~nce~ with· the~ Ar~'MuDIClP~litie~, pried 'tO ~mplement Ihe~~ Begi~n~s ifltegmte~ waste manag, ment ~ys~em ~o~.~ the munieipalitie8 of Picketing, Ajax, Wht~y and Oehaw~ lhM includes ~ ~o-stream Or a throe- ~tream c~llection d.mcyclables and ~o-Stmam :olleotion' bf organics,, at ~he Io~1 m~nicip~litles ~ : request';. - .... e) ' R~sldentlal Brush, Leaf and Yard Wa~teg~ntract~ ...i) THAT the Regi~ reje~ ~1 pr~osals Sbbm~ed un~r RFP.. .332-2~1 for ~e r~Mng, ~ling and ~mposfing of b~h,' leaf and ya~ wa~e as well ~ f~'wastes for ~mpo~fing, ., sin~ the one bid re~ed was una~p~le; and '. ii), THAT the'Region isspe hew tendem fo~ ~e interim r~iving, · hauling and ~mposUng'of residential b'rush, le~ ~d yard wa~es from Picketing, Aj~, Whi~y and Oshawa and fr~.~e Region's W~te Ma~geme~t Facilities; F'. 04/0E 031. I:)32 2003 40 FR ATTACHMENT #._~'T'O REPORT CLERKS ]'~EPT 9~5 g~_, ~gE,,:, TO . ' ?-o /:,J;'?ACH McN~ ~ .... ~ f) Energy from Waste' 'i) THAT.the Regiod. reje~ a proposal from Miller Waste Systems for the re0eiving, hau!ing and disposal of up. tO 15,000 tonnes of residenti=~l garbage waste a.t the energy . from waste facility operated by American ReFuel in Niagara , Faits., New York due to pi'ohib.itive costs; and ii) THAT Reg!onal stuff'be authorized tO :meet with staff from other GTA Regions.to explore, opportunities to maximize waste diversion and examine opportunities for management of waste materials,, including options for Energy From· Waste type facilities; ',Other Matters_' i) THAT in order to cor~r~ue existing recycling programs and · establish a rate for garJ~ge bagtags, the following be approved: a) b) The contract'be extended with .Miller.was. '~ Systems for ' collecti,on and processing of Blue .Box recyclableg from e,p.artrnent.buildings and town. houses in .Pbkering, Ajax, ~ Whi~y and Oshawa at the,.current rate of $1,2.3 per unit per month (exoluding GS.T) from May 1, 2003 to September 26, 2003; 'The contraat be extended With Atlantic'Packaging Products Ltd. for the sale .of Blue Box paper fibres at currant'market fa{es from February ,1,2003 to May 28, 2004i and " That Regi0nal Fees ahd Charges for Solid Waste Management be approved as set out in Att~hmenti#i. Schedule'3 to .Joint. Report 2003-3-11, including a . Regional fee for garbage bag tags set at $1.50 per tag, to be purcha~, d where residents and businesses i: . participating in the Regionatlntegrated Wast~. Management Pmgr~;(currently In Clarington, Scugog, Uxbridge and Bro~k) require mo, re than the three bag 'limit of garbage waste per collection stop, .T,I~ approved listing for Solid waste Management. will form' part' of the regional listing of Fees and Charges, to.be distributed to the public; /6 ~R C L E R K B i) THAT subject to negotiation with the local area'municipalities. ' particil~ating, ~at '$taff negotiate with Miller Waste Systems fora 16rig term dis~osa~ facil~ for the' disposal of Durham'garbage 'and that the neg~ati~:~ pla~e uPOn. notificntion from the lOWer · area municfpalities for their p~, rticipation; and Authorlza,tlons: , i) . · THAT'the Regional Solicitor.be authorized to, prepare the requisite By-law-~ and, agreements; and ii) . THAT.'the. Regional'Chaii' and Clerk be authorized to execute the subject agreements." F'. 0~;/0E P.M: Madilt, A,MLO.T:, CMM 1 .Regional Clerk PMM/ab ' IR.J. Clapp, Commissioner of Finance. J:,R, McCorkell, Commissioner of Works · a.J. Royl RegiOnal.Solicitor 'Area'Clerks 034 Region of Durham New Integrated Waste Management Program Benchmark requirements The Region of Durham has established the following as the minimum benchmark standards for the new integrated waste management program, so residents will know what to expect and better understand how they can actively participate in reducing their waste by increasing their recycling and composting acti'dties. These benchmark standards will ensure residents receive the same level of curbside waste service and the Region is able to cost effectively recycle, compost and dispose of residential waste materials. Garbage Weekly garbage waste collection with a 3 bag limit per collection Garbage bag tags for more than the 3 bag per week limit "Call in" separate bulky goods collection Recycling Biweekly expanded Blue Box recycling collection · Two or more Blue Boxes to be used to separate paper fibres from containers · Cardboard and boxboard to be flattened, bundled and tied ' ,, Weekly white goods collection · No plastic bags Composting · Weekly food waste collection using bio-degradable liner bags · Seasonal leaf & yard waste collections, 24 per year · Paper yard waste bags or rigid open top containers to be used · Seasonal fled brush collection with a 3 bundle I/mit per collection, 24 per year · Christmas tree collection, two pickups in January · No plastic bags No grass clippings Operational activities Collection hours to be 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, Tuesday to Friday Holidays to be collected on following Saturday All waste materials to be collected on same day of week RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "Child Abuse Neglect & Prevention Month" - October, 2003 "Foster Family Week" - October 20 to 26, 2003 CARRIED: MAYOR Sep-ZB-O3 Ol:llpm From-Durham Children's Aid Midt0wn +gO5433Zg~ T-Tg4 P.OOZ/OOZ F-503 03c Durhorn children's Aid 5ociety 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa ON LIJ 3HS Tel: 905-~33-155l Fox' 905-~33-0603 E-mail: durhamcaedurhamcas, ca Charitable Registration Number: 129~7 6~0~ September 25, 2003 City of Pickering Att'n: B. Taylor, Clerk Dear Mayor Arthurs & Council, October is Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month. Durham Children's Aid Society initiated the Purple Ribbon Campaign, in October 1992 to commemorate the month. Since that time, the use of the purple ribbon as a symbol has been adopted by 42 Children's Aid Societies across Ontario. Durham CAS would like to request the support of the City of Pickering by having '- .......... ' .... "" ~-;2..",~,~,,~,'u,, One important week during this month is Foster Family Week, during which we honour the families that provide the ultimate community service by caring for children in our care who have suffered abuse and neglect. We would also like to request that Council~tl~411~Ft~ We would appreciate being able to appear before Council on October 7 to provide more information and formally request the declaration of both Chiid Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month and Poster Family Week. Last year over 10,000 ribbons were distributed throughout Durham Region, and over $15,000 raised to support abuse prevention, education, and enrichment for children who have been victims, or are at risk, of abuse and neglect. O,~er 1,000 children are being cared for right now in one of 216 foster homes. For every one of these children there are at least four more who receive assistance while they remain at home. We encourage you and your councilors to make these important declarations and wear purple ribbons throughout the month to show support for our efforts to raise awareness of child abuse and neglect. If you have any questions, please contact Yvonne Williams at 905-433-1551 x 2619. Thank you for your support. Since~y, James L. Dubray Executive Director Makb9 a difference since 1905 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6179/03 Being a By-law of The Corporation of the City of Pickering to Amend the Payment of Property Taxes from ten monthly post dated cheque payments to eleven monthly electronic payments. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, enacted By-law Number 354/76 on February 2, 1976 to provide for the payment and collection of general taxes. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law Number 4676/95 on October 2, 1995 to amend By-law Number 354/76 to provide for the provision of ten post-dated cheques; and WHEREAS it is the intent of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering to amend the property tax payment By-law to allow for a change from the ten post-dated cheques to eleven electronic payments. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Section 6 of By-law 354/76, as amended by By-law 4676/95 is hereby amended by deleting Section 6 of By-law 4676/95 and replacing it with: Notwithstanding Clauses 3,4, and 5 above, and provided all taxes payable by the taxpayer in any year prior to the current year, plus all penalties and interest thereon, are paid in full, the Treasurer is hereby authorized to accept eleven monthly electronic payments, commencing January 1st and ending November 1st inclusive; the first six electronic payments from January 1st to June 1st, will pay the interim tax bill adjusted by an increase as determined by the Treasurer for property re-assessment years and the second five electronic payments dated July 1st to November 1st will pay the final tax bill installment in five consecutive equal monthly part payments. Failure by the taxpayer to pay any one monthly part payment will invoke the penalty provisions as set out in Clause 4 of this By-law. If any section or portion of this By-law is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, it is the intent of Council for The Corporation of the City of Pickering that all remaining sections and portions of this By-law continue in force and effect. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 7th day of October, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 037 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6185/03 Being a by-law to amend by-law 2192/86 designating certain highway within the City of Pickering as through highway. WHEREAS, By-law 2192/86, as amended, designates Cowan Circle within the City of Pickering as through highway; and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 2192/86 to provide an all-way stop at the intersection of Cowan Circle and Moorelands Crescent (easterly intersection). NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Schedule A to By-law 2192/86, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting the following item: Highway From T_9o Cowan Circle Rosebank Road South terminus Of Cowan Circle Schedule A to By-law 2192/86, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding hereto the following items: Highway From ?_90 Cowan Circle Rosebank Road Easterly intersection of Moorelands Crescent Cowan Circle East limit of the easterly Intersection of Moorelands Crescent South terminus of Cowan Circle This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of the City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 7th day of October 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk TOYN EVALF' ROAD ~ X~ ! ' ~3 ~ ~ PUBLIC ~ ~ i~ SCHOOL ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Z WEWOR/AL PARK ~ < < RICK HULL ~~ ' ~ ANTHONY STOP ~IDN ---~ ~ ~ ~ C~T. ~~ LO~ TION~ ~ ~ ~ / -- ' ~ ~ ~o~ ~.// ~ ~' ~~ // ~ '~ , ~ // o 5 ~ousmo, / / ~ ~~. / / ~ ~,~~ / / // OPE~TIONS & EMERGENCY MUNICIPAL PROPER~ & TRAFFIC REPORT ENGINEERING DIVISION .~o, ~AT~: LOCATION OF PROPOSED STOP SIGNS ~:~ooo ~ ~oo~ L:\MPandE\771ematic Mopplng\Map=\Mp~. - Traffic\A~achment for Report\2003 T-Reporf-21.dwg