HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 15-03 Ciú¡ 0# REPORT TO FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 15-03 Date: May 12, 2003 From: Richard Holborn, P.Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Tender No. T-7-2003 Tender for Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 15-03 regarding Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park be received and that; 2. Tender No T-7-2003 submitted by Gateman Milloy Ltd., for the construction of Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park in the amount of $664,431.07 (GST extra) be accepted. 3. The total gross project cost $745,181.24 and a net project cost of $717,325.39 including tender amount, and other project costs identified in this report, be approved; and, 4. The total funding of $720,128.00, including transfers from Parkland Reserve Funds (#4230) as provided for in 1999 Capital Budget be approved; and, 5. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debt; and a) Debt financing not exceeding the amount of $550,000.00 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined; and b) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $74,700.00 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2004 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; and c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2003 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; and d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing: and 6. Staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Report OES 15-03 Date: May 12, 2003 Subject: Progress Frenchman's Bay East park Page 2 Executive Summary: The construction of the Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park, was approved by Council in the 2003 Capital Budget. The site is located on the east side of Frenchman's Bay on Front Street in the Bay Ridges Neighborhood and shall be improved to provide parking, a new playground, an improved shoreline treatment, and opportunities for passive recreation including a canoe/kayak access point to the bay. Tenders have been received and the total net project cost to complete the Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park is estimated to be $717,325.39 (net of GST rebate). Supply & Services and Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects have confirmed that low bidder Gateman Milloy Ltd. have satisfied their tender requirements and is qualified to undertake this project. Financial Implications: 1. Tendered Amount T-7-2003 - Tender for Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total Amount $664,431.07 46,510.17 (26,575.91 ) $684.365.33 APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS: 2. Account Project Code Amount 2003 Capital Budget 2718 6129 1999 Capital Budget (carry forward account) 3263 0999 Contribution from Progress Club 03-2718-001-07 $550,000.00 $95,128.00 j75,000.00 Total Approved Funds $720.128.00 Report DES 15-03 Date: May 12, 2003 Subject: Progress Frenchman's Bay East park Page 3 3. Estimated Project Costing Summary T-7-2003 - Tender for Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park Consulting Fees & Contract Administration Electrical Disconnections Allowance Testing Allowance Project Contingency Sub Total G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total Net Project Cost $664,431.07 22,500.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 $696,431.07 48,750.17 (27,855.85) $717,325.39 4. Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $2,802.61 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Background: The construction of the Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park was approved by Council in the 2003 Capital Budget. The total budget allocation available for this project is $720,128.00. The specifications developed by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects are for the construction of the Park located on the east shore of Frenchman's Bay. A mandatory site meeting was held at the project site on Friday March 21, 2003 at which fifteen (15) companies were in attendance. The City received four (4) bids at the time of closing. The four (4) bids for T-7-2003 were opened on Wednesday April 2, 2003. A copy of the Records of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening and the memorandum from Supply & Services is attached. Original tenders submitted by the four (4) bidders exceeded the available financing; totals ranged from $994,791.42 to $1,173,303.14. Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects reviewed the scope of the project and the bids and have recommended removing items from the tendered amounts to accommodate the budget allocation. The following items are recommended to be removed from the bids. Report OES 15-03 Date: May 12, 2003 Subject: Progress Frenchman's Bay East park Page 4 Item 2.12 2.14 3.5 3.10.1 3.11 5.0 Description Type A Pole/Luminaire Assembly Gazebo Luminaire and Receptacle Asphalt surface and line painting on the parking lot Ramp A, 85% of the Floating Dock, Lakeshore Enhancements (TRCA will complete) Contingency reduced to $5,000.00 In the re-evaluation of each submitted tender Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects removed items from each bid in a consistent manner and the analysis showed that Gateman Milloy Ltd. remained the low bidder. See the attached recommendation from Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects. The installation of the lighting, the rest of the floating dock, and the asphalting of the parking lot will need to be completed as a second phase when financing is available. The tendering document provides for acceptance in whole or in part within Item 18(a), Information to Bidders Item 18: "the City reserves the right to accept the tender in whole or in part". Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects have confirmed that Gateman Milloy Ltd. are aware of the changes to the scope of work and find this acceptable. The low bidder, Gateman Milloy Ltd. has completed work for the City of Pickering before at Dianna Princess of Wales Park. References have been checked by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects and are deemed acceptable. The Health & Safety Policy, the CAD 7 Form issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board as submitted by Gateman Milloy Ltd. have been reviewed by the Safety & Training Coordinator and are deemed acceptable. Credit information as provided by Equifax for Gateman Milloy has been reviewed by the Senior Financial Analyst and in conjunction with staffs review of reference information the bonding available on this project, is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders, and relevant documents received Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects, and the Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends the acceptance of low bid submitted by Gateman Milloy Ltd., in the amount of $664,431.07 (G.S.T. extra), and that the total net project cost of $717,325.39 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Report OES 15-03 Date: May 12, 2003 Subject: Progress Frenchman's Bay East park Page 5 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Recommendation Report by Cosburn Giberson Landscape Architects 3. Attendance Record - Mandatory Site Meeting - March 21, 2003 4. Records of Tenders Opened and Checked 5. Supply & Services Memorandum Vera A. Felgemac Manager, Supply Approved (Ji11dQrse~ßy: ~i~~x.. ,,1-'---- d. / , /' i\ /' /1 Everett untsma V Director, Operations & Emergency Services Prepared B,y: _.~.'\/ /" ,/,' T¡l¡1hV¡{)¡'- I', .~.-. - ~i(j{ard Hol rn, Division Head rnicipal Property & Engineering Funding Approved: -~- ~-~""-"":""-""""""'."'_.'-- ~-~-~~~ ~s Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer JFM Attachments I:\COUNCIL\OES 15-03.docMay-O3 Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .' .I't MENT#--L., TOREPORT# DES 15~6:; -Lof I MUNICIP AL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: T-O7-2003 PROGRESS FRENCHl\1AN'S BAY EAST PARK .------j ~ r" 'to. " j ',-~----'-'- n ~,' - OW~~I !;MOI'IIC(_(,'~,,-O(,-II ---------)Il ~! - 'F')~~~EJ 1\ , "'- --l/--J 1----) 1 ,_!.LcS::r:I~,- :'_IIvIF"'-'OI-,I"',"""",L,_/Jjll"'l,, \1 ' Þ,VE \..- ,'- 111 1,-(,,1",: F'\:J,;£:P~~~;:~,~ ll~,)-,I,)-F'C,)/"',,[,'~, J (~TR¡:-ET --' ~<, 1 -- " - - - "\ l \ COlviMEPcr:: ) ----------'- , ,~~J [rn --- 'Ç- ~~"~, ----'-- S~~~¡CT---- ì----;;;I~'U\IJJ 'f":=:~~~, r, F \ BA) ( \ I \'L, I r-¡ LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: New Park Development J:\sbaakerlAltachments far Tenders\2003\T-O7-2003 - PFBEPdac ,°, T f' E [I fì Iv I --.' ! .,7'-/",-¡, 1- v./ c::: ~~~~~~~ ¡andscapf~ architects May 8, 2003 CITY OF PICKERING Pickering Civic Complex 1 The Esplanade Pickeñng, Ontario L 1 V 6Kl Dear John: Attention: Mr, John McMullen Re: Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park Tender T -3-2003 City of Pickering Our file No.: 97.1240 Further to your request we have checked and balanced the four (4) tender submissions for Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park (refer to spreadsheet attached). In order to meet the budget on this project the deletion of the following items is necessary. Item 2.12 2,14 3.5 3.10,1 3.11 5.0 Description Type A Pole/Lumínaire Assembly Gazebo Luminaire and Receptacle Asphalt surface and line pointing on parking lot Ramp A 85% of the Floating Dock Lakeshore Enhancements (TRCA has agreed to undertake this work - latter of intent being drafted). Reduèe Contingency allowance to $5,000,00 Once these deletions have been applied to the tender submissions. the results are as follows: Goleman P. Gabriele Rutherford Miwel Milloy Inc. & Sons Contracting Construction Sub-Total $897A68.62 $900,811.50 $954,088.75 $1,064,302.00 Less $233,037.55 $~31 .400.00 $268.780.00 ;$244.783.75 $664.431,07 $669 A 11 .50 $685,308.75 $819.518.25 Allowances $9,500.00 $9,500.00 $9.500.00 i.'t,500.00 $673,931.07 $678,911,50 $694,808.75 $829,018.25 Professional Fees $22,500.00 $22,500,00 $22,500.00 .$22,5QQ.OO $696,431,07 $701.411.50 $717,308.75 $851,518.25 G.S.T. 7.0% $48,750.17 $49,098.80 $50,211 .61 $59/606.27 G.S.T. R&bate (527.857.24) (S'S 05~..@ (528,692.341 (S34 060 731 T ota! Project Cost 5717 324.gg 5722.453.84 5738828...02 $..877.06.3.22. Cosburn GIberson Consr.Jltants Inc. 7270 Woodbine Avenue, Suite 100 Markh:am, Ontario L3R 489 Tel: 905-475-6988 Fax: 905-475.5930 c.;.J ';'.J V,.' ';'Ui- ~... ..,". c :^.". OU<' ..., <' ......U ~ 3 #_...!';¿- TOREPORT# OE.~ 15-0 . ._.._._.~. As you can see. Gateman Milloy Inc. remains as the low bidder, their references have given positive responses to the workmanship and professionoJism of their respective projects. In light of this we have no reservations in recommending that they be awarded the contact at a revised price of $717,324.00. ,", We trust this to be satisfactory for your needs, should you require anything further please contact the undersigned. ' ,,'. .' Yours truly, - '-' CAN.~IBERSON ~ONSULTANTS INC. '/7l¿?;~ . F. Michael Tomaiuolo, B.LA., O.A.LA. Associate Partner, Londscape Architect ." "" ,.' :.." FMT: sc cc: Everett Bunstma, City of PÎckering CITY OF PICKERING Tender for Progress Frenchman's Bay - East Park T - 7 -2003 ATTENDANCE RECORD - Friday, March 21, 2003,10:00 AM Black & McDonald Evans Golf & Landscape Miwel Construction Montgomery MacEwen Contractin Mopal Construction Ltd. P. Gabriele & Sons Ltd. R & M Construction Rutherford Contracting Stratton Electric Ltd. /~'l!( St2r1$^¿;,v!/ .nr¡; lJ¿,i/eID/{"t ~-N ,- ~~~'Mt¿'k Æ,~ 1 .. . l' -5 E.úÇVf: G¡JST. L7'V // , " d7 <?"6-.t,....G.<. /c C:O"""7' . J:tenders/Site visit attendance.doc. 416.298.9977 705.645.1301 905.888.5270 905.640.5341 905.888.9777 905.832.6060 519.853.3966 905.888.9444 905.294.6485 tOY) 6'i'o-77)O ;/9 -' 74«-,t5'OO ).)1 b 76 3 tflJ b (fasj fllr- &5ð9' ::r V~1' ¡.J' Òii 1J.~f ~I~~(¿~(ZD L6R~S ~ N ( CJ"- I<\.il I P f&1Z-- Y D}r .(4./ M s c,../ d "'.. 1/1' ",..Þ Page 1/2 :t 3 IT! z ~I: 9. I fi1 r-u 0 :;¡::I ",I c (fl .Vì Vl I C) ""'J CITY OF PICKERING RECORD OF TENDERS OPENED AND CHECKED Tender Description: Progress Frenchman's Bay- East Park Tender No.: T-7-2003 Date: Wednesday, Apri/2; 2003 Time: Approx.2:15pm Gateman Milloy YES Miwel Construction YES Rutherford Contracting YES tv..OPAL LD NÇf N UrJlJßlk. ~ro ß! D (TÉ¿6l>'^IVÞ:lE) .., \ ='.::1 -n 1'1 'J ;T} --~ '1- 10 I¿~I I C:' - - "'" J )' ,,-h :?, ...}-V~;. -J."" G ."k- CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 3, 2003 To: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darryl Selsky Supervisor, Municipal Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Tender for Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park Tender No. T - 7 - 2003 Tenders have been received for the above project. Eight (8) companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page and on the City's Website all of which yielded interest from additional bidders. Sixteen (16) bidders picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per set of which sixteen (16) bidders attended the mandatory site visit. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly. Although all deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w), the four bids received are attached for review. Summary (PST included, GST included) Company Total T eridered AfterCalculêltiön Amount $ , Check $ Gateman Milloy Inc. 994,790.35 994,790.35 P. Gabrielle & Sons 998,368.31 998,368.31 Rutherford Contracting Ltd 1,054,842.37 1,058,588.44 Miwel Construction Limited 1,173,303.14 1 173,303.14 Vic Priestly Landscape Unable to bid Mopa! Construction Unable to bid R-PO .. 0 r. ¡" ,... .. D.'!.¡.; .-....., ',.' ... r\ í 'N' -a;è ,- ~ at -f- . Tender for Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park Tender No. T-7-2003, April 3, 2003 Page 2 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following are being requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: (a) a copy of the Health & Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safetý & Insurance Board; (d) the City's certificate of insurance completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer. It's understood Cosburn Giberson Consultants may be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluation, please contact me as soon as possible. Please review the copies of the bids. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (c) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) any past work experience Gateman Milloy Inc. including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) a work location map; (e) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (f) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (g) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (h) related departmental approvals; (ì) any reason(s) why the low bid of Gateman Milloy Inc. is not acceptable; and U) related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. Vera A Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Ibt Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services