HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 20, 2003 Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:50 PM PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner M. Holland R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll G. Paterson A. Greentree D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - Supervisor, Legislative Services - Committee Coordinator ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of May 5, 2003 DELEGATIONS (II) 1. Clay Melnike, representing the United Way introduced Ben Nasmith, Shazmin Hassam and Scott Legree who addressed Council requesting a $10,000 commitment for a Durham Wide Youth Initiative and advised of the benefits to the City of Pickering. - 1 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20,2003 7:50 PM III RESOLUTIONS Resolution #67/03 - Appendix #1 Moved by Councillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the Report of the Planning Committee dated May 12, 2003, be adopted. CARRIED Resolution #68/03 - Appendix #11 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor McLean That the Report of the Committee of the Whole dated May 12, 2003, be adopted. CARRIED Resolution #69/03 Moved by Councillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor McLean That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into preliminary negotiations with a private partner for the purpose of developing a Memorandum of Understanding for Council's consideration, concerning a confidential proposal involving City-owned lands in Pickering's Downtown, as generally presented by staff at the Management Meeting of March 31, 2003. CARRIED - 2- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:50 PM Resolution #70/03 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "One Parent Families Day" - May 31,2003 "Health Before Pregnancy Month" - June, 2003 CARRIED Resolution #71/03 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Ryan WHEREAS in a resolution passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering on February 4, 2002, the Director of Planning & Development was directed to report on the elements of a Growth Management Study which would provide the basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands from the Seaton Lands in the east to the York/Durham Town Line in the west and within the northern boundary of Highway #7 and the southern boundary as the C.P. Belleville Rail line; and WHEREAS in the resolution passed by Pickering Council on February 4, 2002, it was noted that the Official Plan Review would form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures; and WHEREAS Pickering Council enacted By-law Number 6013/02 on July 29, 2002 to impose Interim Control over the study area; and WHEREAS no objections were received by the City of Pickering with respect to the passing of Interim Control By-law Number 6013/02; and WHEREAS the consulting firm of Dillon and Associates was selected to undertake the Growth Management Study and have already held public Open Houses to advise residents of the Study and receive feedback; and - 3- ~'Ú¡ o~ . 1 I I I Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20,2003 7:50 PM WHEREAS in a resolution passed on October 21, 2002, Pickering Council expressed its concern that the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel was initiating planning processes and principles in isolation of initiatives already undertaken by the City of Pickering through its Growth Management Study; and WHEREAS in a letter dated October 22, 2002 to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Mayor Arthurs conveyed the resolution passed by Council on October 21, 2002 and went on to state Council's desire to work in cooperation with the Province to arrive at the best possible land use plan on the understanding that the best plan can only be accomplished if local and Regional planning processes are respected and the Province works cooperatively with the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS in a Zoning Order filed on April 17, 2003 under the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing imposed a zoning freeze on lands known as the Agricultural Assembly thereby eliminating the City of Pickering's ability to plan for such lands; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has disclosed no planning or other rationale for the imposition of a Ministerial Zoning Order; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering has undertaken all appropriate steps for the planning of the area affected by the Minister's Zoning Order; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing did not appeal the Interim Control By-law passed by the City of Pickering on July 29, 2002 and purported to continue to cooperate with the City for the planning of the area; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering: 1. hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, pursuant to subsection 47(8) of the Planning Act, to revoke his Order filed on April 17, 2003 to impose a zoning freeze on the lands known as the agricultural assembly; 2. hereby directs that an appeal to the Zoning Order be filed with the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to subsection 47 (10) of the Planning Act. CARRIED -4- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:50 PM Resolution #72/03 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Holland WHEREAS in a survey undertaken by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), over 80% of Ontarians surveyed consider red light running and aggressive drivers to be a serious problem; and WHEREAS in the same survey, 76% of those surveyed agreed that there should be greater enforcement of all traffic laws; and WHEREAS the TIRF survey found that Ontarians' support for the use of technology, and in particular Red Light Cameras, to reduce red light running was in excess of 79%; and WHEREAS statistics gathered by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that jurisdictions in the United States that use Red Light Cameras experience 29% fewer injury crashes at signalized intersections; and WHEREAS the same statistics gathered by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that in Canadian jurisdictions that use Red Light Cameras, there is a decline in red light violations that range from 35% to 98%; WHEREAS the use of technology to enforce traffic regulations has been endorsed by: . The Toronto Police Service . The Ontario and Canadian Associations of Chiefs of Police . The Trauma Injury Prevention Program at Sunnybrook Hospital . The Canada Safety Council . The Traffic Injury Research Foundation . The Ontario Construction Association; and NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby directs staff to work with the staff of the Regional Municipality of Durham and the Durham Regional Police Service to investigate the feasibility of implementing Red Light Cameras for use at signalized intersections in the City of Pickering; and FURTHER THAT staff report back to the Finance & Operations Committee on this matter at its meeting of September 22, 2003; and - 5- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:50 PM FURTHER THAT a copy of this motion be forwarded to the Region of Durham. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Holland, Johnson, McLean, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs Resolution #73/03 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Ryan WHEREAS in a resolution passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering on February 4, 2002, the Director of Planning & Development was directed to report on the elements of a Growth Management Study which would provide the basis for an Official Plan Review of all lands from the Seaton Lands in the east to the York/Durham Town Line in the west and within the northern boundary of Highway #7 and the southern boundary as the C.P. Belleville Rail line; and WHEREAS in the resolution passed by Pickering Council on February 4, 2002, it was noted that the Official Plan Review would form the basis for how Pickering will manage future growth pressures; and WHEREAS Pickering Council enacted By-law Number 6013/02 on July 29, 2002 to impose Interim Control over the study area; and WHEREAS no objections were received by the City of Pickering with respect to the passing of Interim Control By-law Number 6013/02; and WHEREAS the consulting firm of Dillon and Associates was selected to undertake the Growth Management Study and have already held public Open Houses to advise residents of the Study and receive feedback; and WHEREAS in a resolution passed on October 21, 2002, Pickering Council expressed its concern that the North Pickering Land Exchange Review Panel was initiating planning processes and principles in isolation of initiatives already undertaken by the City of Pickering through its Growth Management Study; and -6- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20,2003 7:50 PM WHEREAS in a letter dated October 22, 2002 to the Honourable Chris Hodgson, Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Mayor Arthurs conveyed the resolution passed by Council on October 21, 2002 and went on to state Council's desire to work in cooperation with the Province to arrive at the best possible land use plan on the understanding that the best plan can only be accomplished if local and Regional planning processes are respected and the Province works cooperatively with the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS in an Order filed on April 17, 2003 under the Ontario Planning and Development Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing by an Order designated all lands within the City of Pickering interim control by-law noted herein and also designated further lands known as the Duffins Heights Neighbourhood as a development planning area; and WHEREAS the ultimate purpose of the Order is to eliminate the City of Pickering's ability to plan for such lands; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has disclosed no planning or other rationale for the imposition of the Order; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering has previously undertaken all appropriate steps for the planning of the area affected by the Minister's Order; and WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing did not appeal the Interim Control By-law passed by the City of Pickering on July 29, 2002 and purported to continue to cooperate with the City for the planning of the area: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering: 1. hereby requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to revoke his Order filed on April 17, 2003 designating certain lands within the City of Pickering as a development planning area; 2. hereby requests the Ontario Municipal Board to hold a hearing with respect to the said Minister's Order. CARRIED -7- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:50 PM Resolution #74/03 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor Brenner WHEREAS Pickering has taken a leadership role in its commitment to youth through the actions of staff and the Youth Partnership Initiatiye; and WHEREAS the United Way of Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge has identified youth as a major focus and has worked with the Youth Partnership Initiative to develop a plan to coordinate and expand opportunities for youth across Durham Region; and WHEREAS an independent 'Regional Youth Council' supported by representatives from across Durham would have access to funds and resources municipalities do not (i.e. Trillium and HRDC funding); and WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Pickering would directly and immediately benefit from the United Way Proposal by having youth workers support the efforts of our staff and the objectives of the City of Pickering Youth Business Plan; and WHEREAS there is tremendous benefit in having an organization led by youth that we can pose questions to, have as a resource for solutions and to drive innovative new opportunities for youth in Durham; and WHEREAS the commitment to hold, in partnership with Roger's television, a 'Youth Achievement Awards' show will give a powerful opportunity to recognize Durham's brightest youth; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering allocated ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per year for grants to not-for-profit youth organizations within the City but that money has not been utilized due to the closure of the Edge Youth Centre and no other applications for funding; and WHEREAS the experience of the Youth Partnership Initiative has demonstrated the benefit of coordinating youth activities and resources at a City level and would lead to even greater benefits if done at a Regional level; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the City of Pickering commit a one time allotment of ten thousand dollars to the Regional Youth Council to proceed with the plan developed jointly with the United Way of Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge and the Pickering Youth Partnership Initiative; and -8- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20,2003 7:50 PM THAT funding be contingent on at least three other Durham lower tier municipalities financially participating; and THAT funding for any further years only be considered after a report to City of Pickering Council on the achievements and role of the initiative after the one year pilot project is completed. CARRIED Resolution #75/03 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson WHEREAS the City of Pickering has supported the protection of sensitive environmental lands on the Oak Ridges Moraine; and WHEREAS the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act and Plan (passed respectively on. December 13,2001 and April 29, 2002) are now being implemented; and WHEREAS during public meetings residents and members of Council have recognized that many residents in Pickering have, in some situations for generations, had homes and businesses located on the Moraine, including in established communities such as Claremont, and have expressed that the new Act and its implementation must recognize and ensure that their ability to continue and potentially expand is not unduly restricted; and WHEREAS some residents have raised concerns that their plans to build additions to their residences and businesses, particularly in the established community of Claremont, appear not to be permitted or are severely restricted by the new Act; and WHEREAS these concerns were clearly identified by residents and members of Council at the April 15, 2003 public open house and information sessions to review the implementation of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan held in Claremont; and WHEREAS the Provincial representatives have advised that it is only the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing that may amend, allow exceptions or resolve outstanding issues; -9- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20,2003 7:50 PM NOW THEREFORE the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to establish a mechanism which ensures that the Act and its related policies and procedures can be implemented and applied in a reasonable and flexible manner such that existing residences and businesses are not unduly restricted from undertaking minor improvements to their property, provided the intent of the legislation is maintained; and THAT staff at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to meet with staff of the City of Pickering to review these situations and determine appropriate actions. CARRIED @ BY-LAWS That Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Ryan, took leave to introduce by-laws of the City of Pickering: By-law Number 6134/03 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 1055n9, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-11779, in the City of Pickering. (A 20/00). By-law Number 6135/03 Being a by-law to exempt Lot 28, Plan 40M-2086, Pickering, from part lot control. By-law Number 6136/03 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation - 905 Bayly St., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., and 1345 Altona Road). By-law Number 6137/03 Being a by-law to permit various retail business establishments in the City of Pickering to be open on certain holidays for the development of tourism. Recorded Vote on the Civic Holiday. Labour Day and Thanksaivina Day Holidays outlined in By-law 6137/03 Yes: Councillors Brenner, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs No: Councillors Holland, Johnson and McLean - 10- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:50 PM By-law Number 6138/03 Being a by-law to amend By-law 264n5 to establish a 40-kilometer per hour speed limit on Walnut Lane, Longbow Drive, Rawlings Drive, Heathside Crescent. CARRIED The following motion was considered with respect to By-law 6137/03: Resolution #76/03 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor McLean That By-law 6137/03 be divided between the Victoria Day Holiday and the three remaining holidays being Civic, Labour Day and Thanksgiving Day. CARRIED THIRD READING: Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Ryan, moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 6134/03, 6135/03, 6136/03, 6137/03 and 6138/03, be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED v OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Mclean advised that he accepted an Award on behalf of the City of Pickering for the Mayor's Challenge 2003 Bowl for Kids Sake at the Big Brothers General Meeting. 2. Councillor McLean further advised that a lawn bowling tournament would be held with the Pickering Lawn Bowlers on May 21st at 1 :00 PM. Proceeds from this event will be donated to the Juno Beach Association. - 11 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20,2003 7:50 PM 3. Councillor McLean commented on the Provincial Government's proposal for a referendum on taxation. 4. Councillor Holland gave notice of a motion concerning sidewalks on Spartan Court. 5. Councillor Holland also commented on the Provincial Government's taxation referendum proposal. 6. Councillor Johnson further commented on the Provincial Government's taxation referendum proposal. 7. Councillor Johnson advised that he participated along with City staff, in the Big Bike Ride, which raised approximately $1,000 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. 8. Councillor Johnson advised that residents living near the former Metro East Trade Centre have questioned the possibility of expanding the Beechlawn Park with monies collected through the development charges relating to the new development at this site. 9. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The CAO distributed correspondence from Ontario Power Generation dated May 16, 2003 concerning the Fire Protection upgrades at Pickering B Generating Station. b) The CAO distributed a memorandum dated May 12, 2003 from the Emergency Response Coordinator concerning Pickering Nuclear Generating Station - Liability Insurance Coverage. c) The CAO distributed a memorandum dated May 13, 2003 from the Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy, concerning an Order Under the Ontario Planning and Development Act. d) The Director, Operations & Emergency Services outlined to Council, referring to a map, the streets within Pickering that are 40 km and 50 km speed limits. e) Councillor Holland commented on and requested a status report concerning a complaint received from a resident adjacent to Amberlea Park with respect to balls hitting his property fence. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services advised that remedial work has been undertaken and further work is being done to remedy this situation. - 12- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 20,2003 7:50 PM f) Councillor Holland requested a status report on the request by the Boxing Club for space for their club. The Division Head, Culture & Recreation is dealing with this issue, which may be addressed through the PubliclPrivate Partnership Initiative. VI CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 6139/03 Councillor Brenner, seconded by Councillor Ryan, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Regular Meeting of May 20, 2003. CARRIED VII ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM DATED MAYOR CLERK - 13 - ~'Ú¡ o~ l;tl 1 Appendix I Planning Committee Report PC 2003-5 That the Planning Committee of the City of Pickering having met on May 12, 2003 presents its fifth report to Council and recommends: 1. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 21-03 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 20/00 SHERIDAN CHEVROLET NORTH PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 PART 1, PLAN 40R-11779 SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF BROCK ROAD AND FINCH AVENUE 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00, be APPROVED as set out in the draft by-law attached as Appendix I to Report No. 21-03, to amend the existing zoning of the lands to an appropriate commercial zone to accommodate the expansion of the currently permitted vehicle sales and rental establishment, on the lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-11779, City of Pickering; and 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 20/00, as set out in Appendix I to Report Number PD 21-03, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. 2. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 23-03 RECOMMENDED REVISED PROCESS FOR DRAFT PLANS OF CONDOMINIUM 1. That Council ENDORSE the revised process respecting approval of Draft Plans of Condominium, recommended in Report Number PD 23-03. 3. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 22-03 ROUGE PARK ALLIANCE -ALLIANCE RESOLUTION 95/02 DISCOURAGING INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE ROUGE PARK 1. That Report PO 22-03 concerning Resolution 95/02 of the Rouge Park Alliance about discouraging infrastructure in the Rouge Park, be RECEIVED by City Council; and - 14- Appendix I Planning Committee Report PC 2003-5 2. That the Rouge Park Alliance be ADVISED that the City supports the review and approval of municipal infrastructure projects through the Rouge Park under the Environmental Assessment Act, which provides a rigorous and consistent review process while ensuring that the goals, objectives, and principles articulated in the Management Plans for Rouge Park are considered; and 3. That a copy of Report Number PD 22-03 be FORWARDED to the Rouge Park Alliance and all Rouge Park Partners for their information. 4. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORT PD 20-03 STREAMLINING OF PART LOT CONTROL PROCESS AND FEE STRUCTURE That the revised Part Lot Control Process and Fee Structure set out in Report PD 20-03 be endorsed by Council. - 15 - ~'Ú¡ o~ l;tl I I Appendix II Committee of the Whole Report COW 2003-5 That the Committee of the Whole of the City of Pickering having met on May 12, 2003, presents its fifth report to Council and recommends: CLERK'S REPORT CL 13-03 ESTABLISHMENT OF ALTONA FOREST NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH 1. 1. That the letter from the Durham Regional Police Service dated April 24, 2003 endorsing the establishment of the Altona Forest Neighbourhood Watch, be received; and 2. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby endorses the Altona Forest Neighbourhood Watch and approves the installation of Neighbourhood Watch signs at the entrances to the subject area. - 16-