being a By-law to auXhorize the
construction o~ a watermain on
Rosebank Road under the prov-
isions ox The Local Improvement
WHEREAS a petition has been received by this Council
from owners of lands liable to be specially assessed with the
cost of the works as local improvements and the Clerk has cert-
ified that the said petition is suJfficient;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to grant the prayers of
such petitioners in the manner hereinafter provided.
1. That a watezmain be constructed on Rosebank Road from
a point approximately 1510 feet north of the north street line
of the First Concession Road t o a point approximately 3229 feet
north of the north street line of the First Concession Road at
an estimated cost of $17,925.00 as a local improvement under
the provisions of The Local Improvement Act.
2. The entire cost of the said watermain is to be
specially assessed upon the lands abutting directly on the
work and upon lands not abutting directly upon the work bur
immediately benefitting therefrom. The entire cost, including
debenture charges, shall be assessed and levied on the rateable
· .pzoP'ez~iy"in the area set out in Schedul~ "A" annexed hereto
which is hereby defined a Water Local Improvemen~ Area pursuant
to Section 67(1) of The Local Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960,
as amended, and be paid by an annual rate of 83¢ per foot on
the lands specially assessed.
B. The Engineer of the Corporation is hereby authorized
to make such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish
such infozraation as may be necessary for the making or contracts,
for the doing of the work or fox carrying out the same by day
labour and the work shall be carri~ on and executed under the
superintendence and according to the directions and orders or
th~ said Engineer.
4. The entire cost of the watermain is to be paid by
the issuance or debentures bearing interest at the rate of 8
per centum per annum and be repaid by the said special
assessments over a term of 33 years.
- 2 -
5. The Treasurer of the Township may, subject to the
approval of Council, agree with any bank ox person for temp-
orary advances o~ money to meet the cost of ~he work pending
comple~ion thereof.
6. Any person whose lot is specially assessed may
commute by a paymer~t in cash the special ra~e imposed by
paying the cost of construction assessed upon such lo~ without
the interest forThwiTh after the Special Assessment Roi1 has
been certified by the Clerk but may nog commute after ~he
DebenTure By-law has been passed.
READ a First and Second ~ime in open Council ~his
day of /f~5/- A.D. 1968.
!~eve /
READ a Th.ltd t'ime and passed in ot'~n Council this
$__C.H~DULE "A",
Wa~eI ~.ocal Improvement Area
ALL AhD SINGULAR Those cezTain paxcels ox tzacTs of la~
and p/emises situate lying and being in the Township oI
Pickezing in the County o~ On~io, and being composed
Those pzope~ties abutting The east side o~
Rosebank Road in Lo~ 30, Concession 1, between a point
approximately 1804 feet no~th of the oiiginal no~Th sT~ee%
line o5 the Fiist Concession Road and the nozth lim~ of
the south half of Lot 30 in Concession Ii and
Those p~opez~ies abutting the west side of
Rosebank Road in Lot 31, Concession 1 between a point
appzoximately 1586 feet noxth of the oziginal north
street line of %he First Concession Road and the no~Th
limit of the south half of Lot 31 in Concession 1.