BY-LAW N~J~,~ER ':> '~ 5 ~
being a By-law ~o dedicate
certain lands as public
highways .
WHEREAS the lands herein are owned by The
Corporation of the Township of Pickaring and it is deemed
expedient to dedicate the said lands as public highways.
1. That the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto
annexed be and the sanm are ~ereby dedicated as public
highways .
READ a First, Second and Third time and passed in
ALL AIxD SINGULAk~ those certain parcels or tracts of land and
premises situate lyinc~ and being in the Township of Picketing
in the County of Ontario: and being composed of:
That part of ~t 10 in the Fourth Concession of the said Town~hip
containing by admeasulament 0.302 acres mgic o~ less described
more particularly as follov~s:
COMM~Ix~Ii~ a~ ~ pein% in the westerly limi~ of the said Lot
dis¢ant 396.76 feet measured noz¢he~ly tbarealon9 from the south-
west angle thereof;
Ti~:{ North 16 degrees 00 minutes West along the said westerly
limit of Lot lO a distance of 364.40 feet;
T~{CE North 83 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East 41.69 feet;
Tii~i~CJ~ South 14 degrees 2G m~nutes 30 seconds ~ast 357.05 feet;
THENCE Sou~h 72 degrees 20 seconds West 31.66 feet more or less
S~ CC txD LY:
That part of Lot 3! as shown o~ a plnn registered in the ~ecistry
Office for The ~{egistzy Div~ion of the County of Ontario as
No. 509 described more particularly as follows:
~EMISI~ that the beazinQs as shoran on Registered ~lan 2~0. 500
govsrn all bearings mentioned hereafter;
COM[.~NCI[x~ at the south-east angle of said Lot
TI~NCE ~[o~¢h lY degrees 06 mimt~es 30 seconds West along The
east limit of said lo¢ a distance of 15.0~ feet~
T~NCE southerly ~.long the arc of a curve ~o the right havinq
radius of 15.00 feet a distance of 22.25 feet to a point in the
south limit of s~id lot distaot 15.O0 feet measured westerly
Therein from ~he south-east angle thezeof~ s~%id ~ze has a chord
equivalent of 2~ ~21 feet measured on a course of Sou~h 27 degrees
53 minutes 30 seconds
T[~E North 72 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds East along said
sou~h limit a distance of 15.00 feet ¢o the ~OIAT OF
That part of Lot 23 in Concession 2 of the said T~vnship~ having
an area of 0.067 acre more oz less as sho~n on ?~.n 203-11722~
described more paz¢icul~ly as follows:
~F'~'~NCING at a point in the eastern limit of the said Lo~
being also the nozth-eas~ angle of the lands of The Hydro-Electric
Power Commissfon of Ontario as described in Instz~ent 123577,
distant 1597.09 feet measured North lY degrees 28 minutes and 30
seconds West along the said eastern limit from ~he south-east angle
of the sa~ Lo~ 23;
T~NCE North 17 degrees 28 minutes and 30 seconds West still
along the said eastern l~mit 293.86 feet;
TI-rE~£ South 81 degrees and 49 minutes West 10.13 .feet to
line drawn parallel ~vith and distant 10.00 feet measured
westerly and perpendicularly from the said eastern limit;
T~1SNCE South 17 degrees 28 minutes a~ 30 seconds East along
said parallel line 293.86 feet to the northern l~mit of the
afozesaicl lands of The Hydzo-~lect~ic Power Commission
Ontaz to;
THENCE North 81 degrees ~nd ~9 m~nut~s Zest along said northern
limit 10.13 feet to the ~II~ OF
Tbat part of Lo~ 27 in thc Eighth Concession of the sa~d
Township, described mo~e particularly as follo~vs:
~EMISI~}G that the southerly limit of the said Lot
bearing of [~or%h 73 degrees 00 minutes E~st~ a~] relating all
bearings herein %hereto, then
CO~DtRNCI~ at an iron b~r planted in the said southerly limit
of ~t 2Y distant westerly %herealong 291.70 feet from the
south-east angle
TiIS[qCE South 73 degrees 00 minutes West along the said southerly
limit of ~ 27 a distance of 200.00 feet to a point;
T~ENCE North 17 degrees 00 minutes West 17.00 feet %o a point;
T~NCE North 73 degrees 00 minutes East 2~.23 to a point;
THE~E South 18 degrees 44 minutes West 20.94 feet mo~e ~ less