HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3535 THE CORPORATION OF THF. TOWNSHIP OF PI'ZM,~ENING BY-LAW N~J~,~ER ':> '~ 5 ~ being a By-law ~o dedicate certain lands as public highways . WHEREAS the lands herein are owned by The Corporation of the Township of Pickaring and it is deemed expedient to dedicate the said lands as public highways. [~DW TI~R2~?Oi~?. TIt~ COUNCIL OF TI:~ COi~,PO~ITION OF TIPS TfX'~NSIqIP OF PICtQLRING E/%~IC~S AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed be and the sanm are ~ereby dedicated as public highways . READ a First, Second and Third time and passed in SCHEDULE "A" ALL AIxD SINGULAk~ those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lyinc~ and being in the Township of Picketing in the County of Ontario: and being composed of: FIRSTLY: That part of ~t 10 in the Fourth Concession of the said Town~hip containing by admeasulament 0.302 acres mgic o~ less described more particularly as follov~s: COMM~Ix~Ii~ a~ ~ pein% in the westerly limi~ of the said Lot dis¢ant 396.76 feet measured noz¢he~ly tbarealon9 from the south- west angle thereof; Ti~:{ North 16 degrees 00 minutes West along the said westerly limit of Lot lO a distance of 364.40 feet; T~{CE North 83 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds East 41.69 feet; Tii~i~CJ~ South 14 degrees 2G m~nutes 30 seconds ~ast 357.05 feet; THENCE Sou~h 72 degrees 20 seconds West 31.66 feet more or less S~ CC txD LY: That part of Lot 3! as shown o~ a plnn registered in the ~ecistry Office for The ~{egistzy Div~ion of the County of Ontario as No. 509 described more particularly as follows: ~EMISI~ that the beazinQs as shoran on Registered ~lan 2~0. 500 govsrn all bearings mentioned hereafter; COM[.~NCI[x~ at the south-east angle of said Lot TI~NCE ~[o~¢h lY degrees 06 mimt~es 30 seconds West along The east limit of said lo¢ a distance of 15.0~ feet~ T~NCE southerly ~.long the arc of a curve ~o the right havinq radius of 15.00 feet a distance of 22.25 feet to a point in the south limit of s~id lot distaot 15.O0 feet measured westerly Therein from ~he south-east angle thezeof~ s~%id ~ze has a chord equivalent of 2~ ~21 feet measured on a course of Sou~h 27 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds T[~E North 72 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds East along said sou~h limit a distance of 15.00 feet ¢o the ~OIAT OF TH I[~DLY: That part of Lot 23 in Concession 2 of the said T~vnship~ having an area of 0.067 acre more oz less as sho~n on ?~.n 203-11722~ described more paz¢icul~ly as follows: ~F'~'~NCING at a point in the eastern limit of the said Lo~ being also the nozth-eas~ angle of the lands of The Hydro-Electric Power Commissfon of Ontario as described in Instz~ent 123577, distant 1597.09 feet measured North lY degrees 28 minutes and 30 seconds West along the said eastern limit from ~he south-east angle of the sa~ Lo~ 23; T~NCE North 17 degrees 28 minutes and 30 seconds West still along the said eastern l~mit 293.86 feet; TI-rE~£ South 81 degrees and 49 minutes West 10.13 .feet to line drawn parallel ~vith and distant 10.00 feet measured westerly and perpendicularly from the said eastern limit; T~1SNCE South 17 degrees 28 minutes a~ 30 seconds East along said parallel line 293.86 feet to the northern l~mit of the afozesaicl lands of The Hydzo-~lect~ic Power Commission Ontaz to; THENCE North 81 degrees ~nd ~9 m~nut~s Zest along said northern limit 10.13 feet to the ~II~ OF FOURTHLY: Tbat part of Lo~ 27 in thc Eighth Concession of the sa~d Township, described mo~e particularly as follo~vs: ~EMISI~}G that the southerly limit of the said Lot bearing of [~or%h 73 degrees 00 minutes E~st~ a~] relating all bearings herein %hereto, then CO~DtRNCI~ at an iron b~r planted in the said southerly limit of ~t 2Y distant westerly %herealong 291.70 feet from the south-east angle TiIS[qCE South 73 degrees 00 minutes West along the said southerly limit of ~ 27 a distance of 200.00 feet to a point; T~ENCE North 17 degrees 00 minutes West 17.00 feet %o a point; T~NCE North 73 degrees 00 minutes East 2~.23 to a point; THE~E South 18 degrees 44 minutes West 20.94 feet mo~e ~ less