BY-I2%W NU~ER ~ ~' ~ f
being a By-law to dedicate
cextain lands as public
WHEf~AS the lands hezein axe owned by The
Cozpozation of ~be Township of Pickezing and it is deemed
expedient to dedi~te the said lands as public highways.
1. That the lands desczi~ed in Schedule "A" hezeto
annexed be and the same axe hereby dedicated as public
READ a Fixst, Second and Thixd time and passed iP
open Council this ~'-~Z day o~ ~~ A.D ,1958,
A~ A~D SINGULAR those cextain parcels ox txacts of land and
pxemises situate lying and being in the Township of Pickexing
in the County of Ontario, and being composed
That pa~t of Lot 34 Registza~% Compiled Plan No. 820 in the
said Township conzaining an a~ea of 312.5 square feet, be the
same moxe ox less, and which may be mo~e particulazly described
as follows:
PRgMISI~3 that the no~thezly limit of said Lot 34 has an
astxonomic bea~ing of No~th 73 degrees 51 minutes E~st ar~
xelating all beaxings
COM~NCI~3 at a point in th~ extxeme westerly limit of said
Lot 34 distan~ ?3.95 feet measured South 16 degrees 05 minutes
East along said westezly limit f~om the north-~este~ly angie
of said Lot 34;
THENCE South 16 degzees 05 minutes East along sa~d westerly
limit, being also the eastezly limit of Spruce Hill Road, a
distance of 25.00 feet to an angle in said ~oad;
THENCE Nozth 74 degzees 00 minutes East along the no~thex ly
limit of said xoad a distance of 25.00 feet;
THENC~ Noxth 61 degzees 02 minutes 30 seconds West a distance
of 35.38 feet moxe ox less to the POIN~ OF C(X4MEN~E~N~.
That pazt of Lot 28 in the Eighth Concession of ~he said
Township and being moze pa~ticulazly desczibed as follows:
PREMISIN3 that the westezly limi~ of said Lot 28 has a
beazing of Noxth 16 degzees 0 minutes 00 seconds West and
xelating all beaxings used hexein thexeto~
CON~4~NCI~3 at the nozth-west angle of sa~d Lot 28;
THENCE Southezly along ~he westerly limit of said Lot 28 a
distance of 660 fee~ to a point;
THENCE Noxth 75 degxees 06 minutes 20 seconds East 10 feet
to a point;
THENCE Noxth 16 degzees 00 minutes 00 seconds Wes~ 660 feet
moxe ox less to a point in the nozthexly limit of said Lot
28 distant 10 feet measuxed eastexly thezealong fxom the
noxth-west angle of said Lot 28;
THEN~B westezly along the nozthexly limit of said LOt 28 a
distance of l0 feet moze ox less to the POIN£ OF CO~NCE~NT.
The most eastexly 10 feet of even width thxoughout of Lots
and 13, accoxding ~o a Registxaz's Compiled Plan zegistexed in
the Registxy Office fox the Registxy Division of the County
of Ontazio as numbex 820.
that part of LoT 31 in the Six-~h Concession of said Township,
and which said parcel, containing by admeasu£ement 0.18~
acres, is more par~icul~ly descried as foll~s:
~IMI~ ~ha~ ~he North 1~ degrees 41 minuZes Wes~ of ~he
easterly limi~ of sa~ ~ 31 governs all bearings he~n~
~I~ a~ an i~on ba~ marking ~ no~h-eas~ angle of
~g~ Sou~h 17 degrees 41 minuZes Eas~ along ~he easterly
limi~ of said ~ M1 a disease of M48.00 fee~;
T~ Sou~h 71 degrees 22 minu~es 30 seconds Wes~ 10.00
fee~ ~o an iron bar ~
T~ North 17 degrees 41 mimu~es Wes~ on a line drawn
parallel ~o ~he easterly limi~ of said ~ M1 a disease
of 3~1.00 fee~ ~o an ixon b~ in a line drawn ~allel ~o ~he
noz~xly limi~ of sa~ ~ 31 a~ a~ a pezpe~iculaz dist-
ance of 17.00 fee~ measured southerly ~hezefzom;
T~ ~u~h 71 degxees 22 minu~es B0 seconds Wes~ along
said parallel line 264.~8 fee~
T~ North 17 degrees 59 minu~es ~0 seconds Wes~ 17.00
fee~ ~o an iron bar
T~ ~z~h 71 deg/ees 22 minu~es 30 se~n~ East along ~he
northerly limit of said ~% ~ a dis~an~ of 274.48 feet
~o ~ ~I~ ~ C~~.
That part of ~ 10 in ~he Third Concession of ~he said
Township, more pax~icul~ly descried as follows:
~BMISI~ ~ha% ~he westerly limit of sa~ ~% 10 in The
Third Concession of The T~nship of Pick~ lng has a ~azlng
of Noz~h 16 degrees 52 minu~es O0 seconds West a~ Ielating
all ~azings used herein ~he~e%o;
CO~I~ a~ a point in The westerly limit of said ~ 10,
dis%a~ ~67.85 fee~ measu/ed noxthezly thezealong fzom the
southwest angle of said ~Z 10;
T~N~ ~I~ING North 16 degrees 5Z minutes 00 seconds Wes~
330 fee~ %o an iron bax plan~ed;
T~E North 72 degrees
a poin~;
T~ South 16 degrees 52 minu~es 00 seconds East 330 fe~
~o a point;
T~ Sou~h 72 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds Wes~ 10 feet
moze oz less %o the ~I~ ~ ~~.
- 3
That pa~t of Lot 10 in the Second Concession of the said
Township, more particularly described as follows:
PREMISING that the westerly limit of sa~d Lot 10 has a
bearing of North 17 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West and
relating all bearings used herein thereto;
CO~NCING at a point in the westerly limit of said Lot 10
dis%an% 1784.37 feet measured southerly therealong from the
north-west angle of said Lot 10;
THEN2B North 72 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds Bast, 17 feet
to a standard iron bar planted;
T}~ South 17 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East 200 feet
to an iron bar planted~
THENCE South 72 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West 17 feet
more or less to a point in the westerly limit of said Lot 10
distant 200 feet measured southerly therealong from the
point of commencement;
TH~NC~ North 17 degrees 27 minutes O0 seconds West 200 feet
more or less to the POINT (kw
That part of Lot 35 in the Eighth Congession of the
Township, more particularly described as follows:
I:~q~MISING that the bearing of the west limi~ of the said Lot
35 is North 18 degrees 26 minutes West and relating all
bearings used herein thereto;
CO~NCING at a poin~ on the west limit of the said Lot 35
distant northerly thereon 2,827.71 feet from the south-
wes~ angle of the sa~d lot;
THBNC~ South 18 degrees 26 minutes West along the westerly
limit of the said lot 150 feet to an iron bar planted;
I'HENC~ Nozth 71 degrees 4 minutes East a distance of 17 feet
t o a point;
T~NC~ North 18 degrees 26 minutes West parallel to the
westerly limit of the said log to a point of intersection
with a line drawn on a bearing of North 64 degrees 14
minutes Bast from the point of commencement ~
TH~NC~ South 64 degrees 14 minutes West a distance of 17 feet
more ox less to the POINt OF COMM~N2EN~NT.
That pax% of Lot 35 in the Eighth Concession of the said
Township which said parcel may be more particularly described
as follows:
P~EMI$ING that the bear lng of the east limit of the said lot
35 is Nozth 16 degrees ~? minutes 10 seconds West and relating
all bearings used herein thereto;
- 4 -
Oo~NCING at a point in the east limit of the said Lot B5
distant no=therly thereon 2,591.90 feet from the south-east
angle of the said lot;
THENCE continuing North 16 degrees B? minutes 10 seconds
West along the easterly limit of the said lot a distance of
551.72 feet to an iron bar planted;
THENC~ South 72 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West a distance
of 10 feet to a point;
THENCE South 16 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds gast a distance
of 551.72 feet mo~e os less to the poin~ of intersection with
a line drawn on a bearing o~ South 67 degrees 54 minutes
West from the point of commencement;
TH~NC~ North 67 degrees 54 minutes East along the line
aforesaid a distance of 10 feet more or ]~ss to the POINT