HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3534 THE COR~3RATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING BY-I2%W NU~ER ~ ~' ~ f being a By-law to dedicate cextain lands as public highways, WHEf~AS the lands hezein axe owned by The Cozpozation of ~be Township of Pickezing and it is deemed expedient to dedi~te the said lands as public highways. NOW T~REFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE T(~NSHIP C~ PICK~RING ENactS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the lands desczi~ed in Schedule "A" hezeto annexed be and the same axe hereby dedicated as public highways. READ a Fixst, Second and Thixd time and passed iP open Council this ~'-~Z day o~ ~~ A.D ,1958, SCHE/)ULg "A" A~ A~D SINGULAR those cextain parcels ox txacts of land and pxemises situate lying and being in the Township of Pickexing in the County of Ontario, and being composed FIRST[Y: That pa~t of Lot 34 Registza~% Compiled Plan No. 820 in the said Township conzaining an a~ea of 312.5 square feet, be the same moxe ox less, and which may be mo~e particulazly described as follows: PRgMISI~3 that the no~thezly limit of said Lot 34 has an astxonomic bea~ing of No~th 73 degrees 51 minutes E~st ar~ xelating all beaxings COM~NCI~3 at a point in th~ extxeme westerly limit of said Lot 34 distan~ ?3.95 feet measured South 16 degrees 05 minutes East along said westezly limit f~om the north-~este~ly angie of said Lot 34; THENCE South 16 degzees 05 minutes East along sa~d westerly limit, being also the eastezly limit of Spruce Hill Road, a distance of 25.00 feet to an angle in said ~oad; THENCE Nozth 74 degzees 00 minutes East along the no~thex ly limit of said xoad a distance of 25.00 feet; THENC~ Noxth 61 degzees 02 minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 35.38 feet moxe ox less to the POIN~ OF C(X4MEN~E~N~. SBCONDLY: That pazt of Lot 28 in the Eighth Concession of ~he said Township and being moze pa~ticulazly desczibed as follows: PREMISIN3 that the westezly limi~ of said Lot 28 has a beazing of Noxth 16 degzees 0 minutes 00 seconds West and xelating all beaxings used hexein thexeto~ CON~4~NCI~3 at the nozth-west angle of sa~d Lot 28; THENCE Southezly along ~he westerly limit of said Lot 28 a distance of 660 fee~ to a point; THENCE Noxth 75 degxees 06 minutes 20 seconds East 10 feet to a point; THENCE Noxth 16 degzees 00 minutes 00 seconds Wes~ 660 feet moxe ox less to a point in the nozthexly limit of said Lot 28 distant 10 feet measuxed eastexly thezealong fxom the noxth-west angle of said Lot 28; THEN~B westezly along the nozthexly limit of said LOt 28 a distance of l0 feet moze ox less to the POIN£ OF CO~NCE~NT. TH IRDLY: The most eastexly 10 feet of even width thxoughout of Lots and 13, accoxding ~o a Registxaz's Compiled Plan zegistexed in the Registxy Office fox the Registxy Division of the County of Ontazio as numbex 820. - FOUrtHLY: that part of LoT 31 in the Six-~h Concession of said Township, and which said parcel, containing by admeasu£ement 0.18~ acres, is more par~icul~ly descried as foll~s: ~IMI~ ~ha~ ~he North 1~ degrees 41 minuZes Wes~ of ~he easterly limi~ of sa~ ~ 31 governs all bearings he~n~ ~I~ a~ an i~on ba~ marking ~ no~h-eas~ angle of ~g~ Sou~h 17 degrees 41 minuZes Eas~ along ~he easterly limi~ of said ~ M1 a disease of M48.00 fee~; T~ Sou~h 71 degrees 22 minu~es 30 seconds Wes~ 10.00 fee~ ~o an iron bar ~ T~ North 17 degrees 41 mimu~es Wes~ on a line drawn parallel ~o ~he easterly limi~ of said ~ M1 a disease of 3~1.00 fee~ ~o an ixon b~ in a line drawn ~allel ~o ~he noz~xly limi~ of sa~ ~ 31 a~ a~ a pezpe~iculaz dist- ance of 17.00 fee~ measured southerly ~hezefzom; T~ ~u~h 71 degxees 22 minu~es B0 seconds Wes~ along said parallel line 264.~8 fee~ T~ North 17 degrees 59 minu~es ~0 seconds Wes~ 17.00 fee~ ~o an iron bar T~ ~z~h 71 deg/ees 22 minu~es 30 se~n~ East along ~he northerly limit of said ~% ~ a dis~an~ of 274.48 feet ~o ~ ~I~ ~ C~~. F~Y: That part of ~ 10 in ~he Third Concession of ~he said Township, more pax~icul~ly descried as follows: ~BMISI~ ~ha% ~he westerly limit of sa~ ~% 10 in The Third Concession of The T~nship of Pick~ lng has a ~azlng of Noz~h 16 degrees 52 minu~es O0 seconds West a~ Ielating all ~azings used herein ~he~e%o; CO~I~ a~ a point in The westerly limit of said ~ 10, dis%a~ ~67.85 fee~ measu/ed noxthezly thezealong fzom the southwest angle of said ~Z 10; T~N~ ~I~ING North 16 degrees 5Z minutes 00 seconds Wes~ 330 fee~ %o an iron bax plan~ed; T~E North 72 degrees a poin~; T~ South 16 degrees 52 minu~es 00 seconds East 330 fe~ ~o a point; T~ Sou~h 72 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds Wes~ 10 feet moze oz less %o the ~I~ ~ ~~. - 3 SIXTHLY: That pa~t of Lot 10 in the Second Concession of the said Township, more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the westerly limit of sa~d Lot 10 has a bearing of North 17 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West and relating all bearings used herein thereto; CO~NCING at a point in the westerly limit of said Lot 10 dis%an% 1784.37 feet measured southerly therealong from the north-west angle of said Lot 10; THEN2B North 72 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds Bast, 17 feet to a standard iron bar planted; T}~ South 17 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East 200 feet to an iron bar planted~ THENCE South 72 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West 17 feet more or less to a point in the westerly limit of said Lot 10 distant 200 feet measured southerly therealong from the point of commencement; TH~NC~ North 17 degrees 27 minutes O0 seconds West 200 feet more or less to the POINT (kw SEVI~NTHLY: That part of Lot 35 in the Eighth Congession of the Township, more particularly described as follows: I:~q~MISING that the bearing of the west limi~ of the said Lot 35 is North 18 degrees 26 minutes West and relating all bearings used herein thereto; CO~NCING at a poin~ on the west limit of the said Lot 35 distant northerly thereon 2,827.71 feet from the south- wes~ angle of the sa~d lot; THBNC~ South 18 degrees 26 minutes West along the westerly limit of the said lot 150 feet to an iron bar planted; I'HENC~ Nozth 71 degrees 4 minutes East a distance of 17 feet t o a point; T~NC~ North 18 degrees 26 minutes West parallel to the westerly limit of the said log to a point of intersection with a line drawn on a bearing of North 64 degrees 14 minutes Bast from the point of commencement ~ TH~NC~ South 64 degrees 14 minutes West a distance of 17 feet more ox less to the POINt OF COMM~N2EN~NT. E IGHTHLY: That pax% of Lot 35 in the Eighth Concession of the said Township which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows: P~EMI$ING that the bear lng of the east limit of the said lot 35 is Nozth 16 degrees ~? minutes 10 seconds West and relating all bearings used herein thereto; - 4 - Oo~NCING at a point in the east limit of the said Lot B5 distant no=therly thereon 2,591.90 feet from the south-east angle of the said lot; THENCE continuing North 16 degrees B? minutes 10 seconds West along the easterly limit of the said lot a distance of 551.72 feet to an iron bar planted; THENC~ South 72 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 10 feet to a point; THENCE South 16 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds gast a distance of 551.72 feet mo~e os less to the poin~ of intersection with a line drawn on a bearing o~ South 67 degrees 54 minutes West from the point of commencement; TH~NC~ North 67 degrees 54 minutes East along the line aforesaid a distance of 10 feet more or ]~ss to the POINT OF COMMgNCE~NT.