HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3522 T~E ¢(X~P~TIO~ ,OF THE T~-~HIP OF Berg a By-law for ~escr~bin~ C~ height of fends ~ ~e T~p of P~cker~ ~n Residentially zoned areas. ~ it is not the ~ntion of the ~ici~lity to ~qu~e t~ co~t~ction of fends in residentially zoned ~eas; a~ ~ ~ IS ~E~D DESI~ that where fends are co~t~ s~ should be re~lated with res~ct to ~ight ~ order to ~ta~ the ~en&ties of t~ a~a and t~ free mo~ment of light ~d air. BE IT T~R~FO~ ~. ~D T~T: 1. D~IN~IO~ For the p~pose of this By-~w, t~ foll~ing ~ings s~ll apply: a ) '~ilding 4~ s~ me~ a buildi~ ~ w~ch is COhered t~ pr~cipal uses of the ~y resident~l zone, a building containing one or more ~e~g ~its s~ll ~ dee~d to be the ~ bu~d~g of the lot on whi~ it is situated; b) 'Fen~' s~ll mean any l~ear barrier ere~ed or gr~ on a lot; c) 'Front Lot L~e' shall me~ the lot l~e t~t divides a lot from the s~eet provided t~t ~ t~ ~se of a corner lot, t~ sho~er lot l~e t~t abuts a street shall be deemed to be the front lot line ~d the loner lot line t~t so abuts s~ ~ deemed t~ flan~ge ~ the lot; d) '~in Front ~all' s~ll me~ the wall of t~ ~in bu~d~g, lo~d nearest the front lot line; e) 'S~eet' shall mean a public hig~ay, publ~ road all~ance or priva~ thoroug~a~ w~ ~fo~s a principle means of access to abutt~g lots; f) 'Yard Front' shall me~ a yard e~ending across the full width ~ the lot be~een t~ front lot l~e and the nearest wall of a~ ~in building or st~ct~e on the lot; g) ~eight of a Fen~' sha~ me~ the dis~nce meas~ed pe~endi- ~lar from the level of the gro~d on which it is situated to the top of t~ fen~; h) '~tersection' s~ll mean t~ a~a e~ra~d wit~ the prolo~- ation or co~ection of the lateral bo~da~ li~s ~ two or mo~ roads which jo~ one anot~r at an ~gle, whether or not one road crosses the ot~r. 2. S~ The p~visions ~ this By-~w s~ll apply to all st~ets wit~ the T~hip of Pic~ring, ~ mbutt~g ~n~ of which are ~ned for residential use; except t~t t~s restri~ion s~ll not apply w~re such fence is conti~s to a non-residentially zo~d pro~rty; 3. O~TRU~ION OF S~E~ No ~rson s~ll pla~ or m~ any fence eit~r ~r~ent~ or ~o~ri~ on a~ street. 4. ~IG~T ~ FE~ - I~L ~TS a) The ~ ~ight of ~y fence between the f~-ont wall of the ~in buildi~ and t~ s~eet l~e f~e fu~ wid~ of the lot s~ll be 42 ~ches; b) The ~aximu~ height of ~ny fence between the front well of the main bu~di~ ~d ~he rent ~o~ Zinc for ~he fu~ v~dth of ~he ~o~ sha~l be s~x (6) fee~; c) The m~ height o~ division fences ~asured ~rpend~cular~y fr~ the ~eve~ of the gro~d on ~ch ~c ~s erected to the of s~h fence 1) separa~ing residenc~al and ~nst~tuC~onal shall be 8 fee~; 2) separatin~ ~esiden~ial ~d ~dus~ial shall be ~ ~ee~. a) The m~ he[~h~ o[ fences on corner lots tn residen~ial areas shall no;: exceed 3 feet. The lolling scale shal~ apply ~espec~ Co day[~gh~[n~ corners: b) " 66' " 76' 15 " d) :' 76' " 86' 2~ " e) " 86' " ~6' ~0 " ~ " 56' " I00' 25 " ~) " 76' " ~00' 25 h) ~' 56' " 100'-~20' - ~ " i) ' 100''120' " 100'-120' - ~ " b) In the case of co.er loc~ where a portion of either or bo;th of the flmk or rear lot liuea pro jet< nearer to the ~{ than the front ~all of ~he next adjacent sgr~gure, ~he m~ height of ~ny fence or hedge in the front, side or rear yard projecting shall be 3 feeg; except a~ 1Mired by the foregoing; the m~ height of any fence shall be I~ (6) In the case of variable setbacks or curved sgreets ~d scadard buildin~ setbacks fr~ the s2reet line, one house nomally projec~:s fo~ard of its nei~hbour. In such in~tances ~he m~im~ fence height reduction poin~ shall a) ~ere both logs have ~ellings erected, the point ~ere a line joinin~ the adjacen~ front corners of ~he abutgin~ houses inter- sects the co~n side lot b) ~here one lot is vac~ng, the intersection, with the c{on side lot line, of a l~e Join~ the abuttin~ corner of <he house co a point in the building front yard setb~k line of :he edjacen~ lo~: disgmt fr~ the c~on side loc line the required ~ide yard ~ecback for ay main building on my said vac~C 7) ~ST~ICTI~ ~ ~R~ a) No person ~hall ~se bared wire or ~y other barbed material or ~y maCeri~l of a nature ~ich could be ~Jurious to the public in my co~ection with s~ch fence; b) No person ~hall use ~y device designed for or capable of project~g electric current chro~ ~h fence; 8. By-l~ N~ber 3365 is hereby repealed. ~A FI~T ~D SEC~T. T~, ~day of )~ , 1968 Reeve Clerk