~i~ a By-law to authorize
the construction o~ wate~-
mai~ and s~itazy $~ezs
on the stleels se~ out herein
as 1~al imp=ove~nts un~=
the plovisio~ of Section 8
of The ~cal Im~ovement Act.
~'H~RBA$ by proposed By-law 3405, which was given
First and Second readings on the 20th day or November, 1907,
certain works were proposed as local improvements and notice
of the intention o~ Council to undertake such works was
A~) %lTl~RILa. S the Hydro ~lectric Power Commission of
Ontario requested that part of the said works be not under-
AI~ WH~R~U~ The Ontario Municipal Board on Januaxy
31st, 1958, 9ranted its approvel to the revised undertakinO
and the expenditures and borrowing proposed;
Am WH~AS tt is expedient that the construction
of the works herein, being the revised list of works granted
approval by The Ontario Municipal Board, be undertaken as
loca 1 impr oveme nt s.
i. That watermains be constructed on both sides of
Brock Road between the north street line o~ Montgomery Park
Road and a point 750 feet north of t~e north street line of
Montgomery Park Road, and on the west side or Brock Road
between a point 750 feet north of the north street line of
Montgomery Park Road and a point 945 feet south of the south
Street line of Base Line Road at an est/mated co~t of
$87,000.00 as local improvements under the provisions of The
Local Improvement Act.
2. The ownerts share of the said cost will be $44,863.00
based on a spec/al rate o~ $7.00 per foot frontage c~ the lands
abutting directly upon the works a~d the remainder of the cost
of such works will be borne by the CorporatiOn.
- 2 -
3. That the sum o2 $10~000.00 o2 th~ sha~e to be borr~
by the Corporation be paid by the Coxpozation f~om th~
I~us~ial ~nd and ~vice Fund~ a~ that l~ ~nce o~ the
shaz~ to ~ boxn~ by th~ Corporation, $32~137.~ ~ paid by
~ issu~ce o~ de~n~uxes bea~in9 in~e~es~ a~ ~ xa~e of 7~
9er annum =epayable in 20 annual installments.
4. Tha~ sanitary s~ezs ~ cons%~%ed on ~he wes% side
of Br~k Ro~ between a point 750 feet no~h of ~he no~h
s%~ee~ line of Montgomery Pa~k Ro~ and a poin~ ~5 fee~ south
of %~ south stree~ li~ of Base ~ne Ro~ on an ease~nt
between B=ock R~d a~ Sandy ~ac~ Ro~ and on Sandy Beach Road
between a po~n~ 3100 feet south of the south s%xee~ li~ ~ Base
~ne Road and a poin~ 4000 fee~ south of %~ south street li~
of Base ~ Ro~ a~ an es~i~%ed cos~ o~ $188~000.00 as local
impzove~n%s un~x the provisions of The ~al Improve~n% Ac%.
5. The ~nez~s shoe of the sa~ cost w~11 be $49~000.00
based on a s~cial xa~e of $10.00 ~= foot frontage of %he la~s
abu%~i~ diiec~l~ upon ~he woIks a~ ~he zema~n~x of
o~ s~h works will ~ borne by %he Corpora%ion.
6. T~% ~e sum o~ $20~000.00 of ~he shoe %o be bo~ne
by ~he Co=poxa%ion ~ ~id b~ ~he CoIpo~a%ion fxom ~ne
Indus%~ia~ ~nd and ~r~ice Fu~ and ~t %he ba~e of the
shoe ~o be borne by %he Corpo=a~ion~ $119,000.00~ %o~e%~x
%he ~eI~s shoe of %ne cos% of %he woI~ $49~0.~, be paid
by %he ~ssua~ of de~ntures bea~in~ inte=~s~ a~ %he ra~e of
7~ ~ ann~ repayable in 20 a~al instalments.
7. The T~easu=ex o~ %he T~nsh~p ~y, subj,% ~o ~he
approval of Council~ a~=ee w~%h a~ ~ank ox ~xson fox
%empozaxy advances o~ money ~o ~et %~e cos% of the ~xks
~ndin~ %he completion %hezeof.
The ~ngi~e~ of ~ne Co~po~a~ion is hereby au~h~i~d
%o m~ such plans~ profiles and s~cificatio~ and furnish all
s~h ~or~on as may be ~cessary for %he ~king of cont=acts
fox ~ne do~n~ o~' %ne woIks o~ fox caxxy~n~ out ~he sa~ by day
labour a~ the works shall be carried on ~d executed u~e~
supe~inte~anc~ a~ accord~g to %~ direc~io~ a~ o=de~s of
the said Bngi~ez.
9. Any persons whose 1~ is spec~ 11y assessed ~y
co~u~e by a ~ymen~ in cash the s~cial ~a~e imposed by
- 3
paying the costs o£ constzuction assessed upon such lot with-
out the intezest £ozthwlth a£te: the Speclal Assessaent Roll
has been ceztified by the Clerk but may not commute aftez the
debentuze by-law has been passed.
RBAD a First, Second and Thixd time and passed in
open Council this 5th day o£ Febzuazy~ A.D. 1968.