HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3350 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER being a By-law to dedicate part of Lot 29 in Concession 8 as a public highway. WHEREAS the lands herein are owned by The Corporation of the Township o~ Pickezing and it is deemed expedient to dedicate the said lands as a public highway. ~DW THEREFORE TH~ QOUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWhSHIP OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed be and ~he same are hereby dedicated as a public highway. READ a Fi~s~ ~ Second and Third time and passed Clef k '/~ scu p, urn, FIRSTLY: ALL AhD SINGULAR that certain paxcel oz ~ac~ o~' land ~d premises situate, lying a~ b~ng in ~ne Township of Pic~zing, in ~he Coungy of On~io composed of pax~ of ~ 29, in ~he Eighth Concession of ~he said Township~ ~he sa~ p~cel ~ing more paz~icul~ly described as follows: ~BMISI~ ~ha~ ~he easterly limi~ of the said Lo~ ~ has a bea~ing of ~m~h 17 degrees 25 minu~es Wes~ and zela%i~ all beaxi~s herein ~hex~e~o~ ~hen ~I~ a~ a poin~ in ~he said easterly limi~ o~ ~ 29~ dis~an~ northerly ~hezealong 229.52 fee~ fxom ~he sou~h-eas~ angle ~hezeof ~ T~ North 17 degrees 25 minu~es West, along ~he s~d easterly limi~ of Lo~ 29 a distance of 350.19 fee~ ~o an iron bax plan~ed in a fence line running westerly; T~ Sou~h 67 degrees 41 minu~es 50 seconds West, alo~ ~he said fence line, 10.04 fee~ ~o a line drawn p~allel ~o ~he said easterly limi~ of ~ 29~ dis%an~ 10 fee~ ~o ~he Wes~ ~hexeof measured perpendicul~ ~hexe~o; T~ Sou~h 17 degrees 25 minu~es Eas~, ~o~ ~he s~ ~xallel line, B50.79 fee~ ~o a po~ and wire fence; T~E North 64 degrees 16 minu~es 10 seconds Eas~, alo~ ~he said p~ and wire fence~ 10.11 fee~ moxe oz less ~o ~he ~INf ~ SECO~LY: A~ A~ SI~U~R that cem~ain ~zcel or ~xact of land and pxemises situate, lying and bein9 in ~ Township of Pickezing~ in ~he County o~ Ontario, being composed of p~ of Lo~ 29, in ~he Eighth Concession of ~he sa~ T~nshlp~ ~ said p~cel being more p~iculaxly described as foll~s: ~BMISI~ ~ha~ ~ easterly limi~ of ~he said Loz ~ has a beazin~ ox North 17 degrees 25 minu~es Wes~ a~ zela~ing all bearings herein ~heze~o, ~hen CO~I~ a~ a poin~ in ~he southerly limi~ of ~he s~d ~ dis~an~ wes~ez'ly ~hexealong 449.64 fee~ fxom ~ sou~n-eas~ angle ~he~eof; T~ Sou~h 72 degrees 55 minu~es 30 seco~s West, along ~he said sou~hexly limi~ of ~ 29, 257.05 fee~ ~o an iron bar plan~ed in a fence line running noz'~hezly~ THE~ No~h 15 degrees 27 ~inu~es 30 seco~s West, along ~he said fence line 10.01 f~ more oz ~ss ~o a line drawn p~allel ~o ~he said southerly limi~ of ~ 2g, dis~an~ 10.00 fee~ ~o ~he no~h ~hezeof, ~asu~ed ~ndicula~ ~hexe~o; - 2 - THENCE Noxth 72 degzees 55 minutes 30 seconds East, along the said paxallel line, 256.26 feet to a zail fence; THENCE South 18 degzees 58 minutes East, along the said zail fence 10.00 feet moxe or less to the POINT OF COM~NCE~NT.