be:lng a By-la~ ~o dedi. car, e Par~ of Lo~ 30
I, Douglas J. Plitz, Clerk of the Corporation of
the Township of Picketing, do hereby certify that the
attached is a true copy of By-Law No. ~16._, duly
passed by the Council thereof on the 21st__ day of
November__, 19 66
Witness my hand and the Seal of the said Corporation
this ~ day of___D&ju~kar__19_Yz7__.
DoUglas J. Pli't~, A.M.C~(T.,
Township of Picketing.
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land
end premimem mituate, lying and bet ag in the To~nmhip of
Picketing, In the County of Ontario end Provinc® of
Ontario, containing by admeamurement Oo1~? mcrem and
being composed of Pert of Lot ~O In the Second Range of
the Broken Fron~ Conceaaton of the amid To~n~hip, the
amid parcel being mom partioularl~ dmecribed am follo~
PREMY~INO that the teat limit of the aaid Lot ~0, has a
bearing of North 17 degreea
a~ relating all bearing~ herein thereto~ than
~ at the intersection of the easterly limit of the
Canadian National Hallway right of way wi~h the northerly
limit of Plan 265;
THE~E north 1~ degreaa O~ minutem ea~ along the easterly
limit of the eaid Cauadlan National Railway landa a dl~tanoe
of 80.00
THE~,CE aouth $~ degmee &~ minutea ~0 eeeonda eaat a diatance
of 100.00 fee~;
THENCE aouth ~0 degreea ~ minutea ~0 ~eeonda ea~ a di~tanoe
of 112.~0 feet to a point in the no~herly limit of ~atd Plan
THENCE eouth g6 dagreea O~ minutea ~e~ a diet&ucc of 227.00
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land
and premises situate, lying and bet ng in the Township of
Picketing, in the County of Ontario and Provinc® of
Ontario, contel2 by &d~ll~Wnt Ool~? lCr~l and
being composed of Part of Lot 30 in the Second Range of
the Broken Front Concemalon of the said Township, the
maid parcel being mo~ partioularl~y demeribed as follo~s
PI~M~IN~ that the east limit of the aa~d Lot ~0, ham a
bearing of North 17 degreea 18 minute~ 30 ~econda ~est
and relating all bearings herein thereto, then
~ mt the intersection of the masterly limit of the
Canadian N&tional ~ailway right of way with the northerly
limit of Plan 266;
~HENCE north 1~ degreem ~ m~i~,tee ea~ along the easterly
limit of the maid Cmadlan National Railway lands a distance
of 80.00 feet;
T, ,EF~,C,E, mouth 6~ degreea &3 minutea ~0 seeonda eaat a distance
of 100.00 feetl
THENCE mouth 80 degrees ~ minutes ~0 seeonda east a distance
of 112.50 feet to a point in the northerly limit of a~td Plan
,T, HENCE mouth g~ degreea O~ minutes west a distance of 227.00
I, Douglas J. Plitz, Clerk of the Corporation of
the To.ship of Picketing, do hereby certify that the
attached is a true copy of By-Law No. 3~16 , duly
passed by the Council thereof on the 21st day of
November__, 19 66
Witness my hand and the Seal of the said Corporation
this _~ ..... day of Octobar __ 19_~.
To.ship of Pickering.