HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 10-03 002 CitJ¡ o~ REPORT TO FINANCE & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 10-03 Date: April 14, 2003 From: Richard W. Holborn, P. Eng Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Subject: Investigation for the Warrant of Traffic Control Signals Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road Recommendation: 1. That report OES 10-03 regarding traffic control at the intersection of Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road be received; 2. That a by-law be enacted to amend Schedule 'A' to By-law 2632/88 to regulate the traffic at the above intersection of Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: The 1999 Development Charges Background Study forecasts the need for the installation of traffic control signals in 2008, and funding was also forecast at that time. The manufacture and installation of traffic control signals including applicable signage and pavement markings would cost approximately $90,000 in today's dollars but was not recommended or approved in the 2003 Capital Budget for External subdivision Works. If an all way stop is-approved as an interim measure, the manufacture and installation of regulatory stop signs, accessory tabs, applicable warning signs and pavement markings, costing approximately $1,000 can be accommodated within the Road's current budget account 2320-2409. Background: Pickering Parkway intersects with the south limit of Valley Farm Road presenting a condition commonly known as a T-intersection. Both roads are classified as type 'C' arterial roadways, with a daily vehicular volume on Pickering Parkway of approximately 9,000 vehicles and a daily vehicular volume on Valley Farm Road of approximately 2600 vehicles. Report OES 10-03 Date: April 14, 2003 003 Subject: Investigation for the Warrant of Traffic Control Signals, Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road Page 2 In response to a number of requests for the installation of traffic control at this intersection, staff have recently completed the necessary warrant analysis for either the installation of traffic control signals or an all way stop as per Ministry of Transportation guidelines. Given the an increase in traffic that has occurred on these two road facilities over the past number of years, the need for an investigation for traffic control signals or an all way stop at this intersection was justified. In the past three (3) years, there have been no right angle or turning movement collision occurrences reported that are correctable through the installation of traffic control signals or all way stop control at the intersection of Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road. However, there have been six (6) collisions occurring in proximity of the intersection. These collisions may be related to speed or driver error, which are not correctable by the installation of a traffic control device. In compliance with the Ministry of Transportation guidelines for the installation of traffic control signals, turning moverment count data studies, completed on March 20, 2003, confirm that the minimum vehicular volume, the volume split on the minor street, pedestrian volumes, and collision history warrants are not met for an all way stop control at Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road, but warrants are met for a traffic control signal. Recently, Council adopted the Safer Streets Traffic Management Strategy (SSTMS) as a guide and as a "toolkit" to help determine the best course of action to be taken in consideration for improving neighborhood traffic movement safely. According to the SSTMS reduced All-Way Stop Sign Policy warrant for the City of Pickering, the evaluation is based on 4 main warrant sections: 1. Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately; 2. Minimum Vehicular Volume; . 3. Collision history; 4. Sightline requirements. If any individual warrant is fully satisfied, an all way stop is technically justified, however, if warrant guidelines oversee specific conditions, then traffic control devices may not be recommended. However, given that this intersection does meet the requirements for traffic control signals, recommending an all way stop, as an interim measure, would provide right of way between conflicting traffic movements and increase the level of safety at the intersection until such time as funds are approved for signals. Report OES 10-03 Date: April 14, 2003 004 Subject: Investigation for the Warrant of Traffic Control Signals, Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road Page 3 Attachments: 1. Draft By-Law 2. Location Map 3. Turning Movement Count Data/Warrant Summary Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed y: . .¡L {fJ . '1?~ T/ÂpJ'../ BWStarr / Coordinator Traffic Engineering Submitted By: Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C cil " ATTACHMENT# I TO REPORT# DE S, to -ö.3 It 1 01 I 005 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to amend By-law 2632/88. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter H.8, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 2632/88 provide the erection of stop signs at the intersections on highways under its jurisdiction. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Stop signs shall be erected at the intersection of highways set out in Column I of Schedule A attached hereto, facing the traffic bound in the direction set out in Column II of the Schedule. 2. Schedule A to By-law 2632/88, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding hereto the following item: Column I Column II Intersection Facinq Traffic Pickering Parkway and Valley Farm Road Eastbound and Westbound on Pickering Parkway BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th day of May, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk 006 (j z W --1 (j .~~.~ RC COURT -----_W ---.--__-_M ---- -_0 - :JJ 0 » 0 '" \ G '" \N p8 AO'\ OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCALE- I PLOT DATE, 1 :4000 . MAR 27/2003 TRAFFIC REPORT LOCATION OF PROPOSED "ALL WAY STOP" INTERSECTION L:\MPcndf\Thomctic Mcpping\Mcrps\MP&E - Troffic\Attcrchmont for Roport\2003 T-Roport-12.dwg \~]~~;"'~' C¿Ú¡ CY~ ATTACHMENT# 3 TO_REPORT# oe S [ò-o.3 / of ~ 007' .1.:\.11- W av StOD 'tV arrant '" (.AJ-terial and Major Collector Streets) INTERSECTION COUNT DATA Date: rnrliZC¡.( (-XI, i .?L)()::-> EllA! lritersection: fìCt~éC::¡¿)~{~--' ~Ar?j"-L,J'I\1 Ç! \ ¡(~1 U::::,y F(V'(\I\., ¡::OMaior Road Runs: , , II Mäior Road: ,¡)¡CK...52.I1<':[; PA-r4:v.-4-'.¡} , Number of Lanes: ',':~\ Qperating Speed of Maior Road: (~Ci ÍcJ-{ Ii--; Intersection Type: ', -i nkr;:~(;(41':"" (.'I' ,-+1--,. , " ','" ,\ " '" " , \3>, ~ ') Hours Maior .M.illQ!: Total Exceedinq Pedestrian Peds+ Exceeding Maior Minor Split Ratio Endina Volume Volume Volume 350 Volume Minor 140 % % 70/30 -7C)() ¡Î ì ("~ 7 ".:)'1+ ND I I ClIP, "Ie- rL5 ,3") NO p,CC> ~9'ld r--1r::::; qy, YE':;;<;' ~4 (79 yr"':::'«:' (~\ '"',9 rJC) "'" c.) (} C':..J IL\";~ I ì'&G:, (;{.i'n if::;':; '~ ¡ q¡ yeS ('..:.~¿ I ;"~ \ f\ \'~ \,,;) ..\) \7,,00 ,-.;::"(.-C'¡ 9~) ~s'i "1'i;::(~ ') ,El1 }..I() 1fJ.;ù; H !:;y.:C(~S t )~:::;¡",';' \ c:!,()":) '-f"'.'~'~ ' \ (~¥-\- 1/,::; 7 ï(:A) ;,,~' j ./?:1 NOf ~\!'; ¡'Ç. Ei«'(t1ry~ \~ \ (,..,C() ,., .;;.~-;J.) I .?- 'I Çtq '1t~ c.-;; í)..l..Í iJ() f3'( t"< ....~U1¿'1S \"7't)() ~"iF)',¡ I ~(~- i(JI<' 'j¡:;:;.ç' C" /47) -11"-' '¡:::Ç7 C':> tX:c~:t:.t>.5 ',j ,j ' r'S. ¡9c)O -C;S:9 ¡;3,b II ?¡S... ye-:;5, '" 'OJ' 1.,:;,,9 I h../t) " Bb ¡:;,¡ ¡;"':trt:;CØ'¡) (~. W ARRt\.NT EVALA TITIaN Warrant 1: Traffic Control Traffic control signals are warranted but cannot be implemented immediately, .. Yes m'NO D Total vehicle volume on all intersection approaches exceeding 70% of 500(350) vehicles per hour for each of any 8 hours of the day; and a combined vehicúlar and pedestrian volume on the side-street exceeding 70% of 200 (140) per . hour for each oftlle same 8 hours of the day and a delay of greater than 30 seconds; and a volume split that does not exceed 70/30. Volumes on the major street are vehicles only. Volumes on the minor street include pedestrians and vehicles, Yes D No Yes D No ŒJ' / Yes D No .[j Warrant 3: Collision History Occurrence of three or more reportable right-angle collisions of a type correctible through the installation of an all-way stop in a 12 month period averaged over 3 years. Yes D No rft LJ wârrant 4: Sightline ReQuirements The uúnimum stopping sight distance at this intersection is less than the applicable criteria for Yes D No ífil, wet pavement as specified in the Stopping Sight Distance table below, LJ Design Speed (Kmih) . 40 50 60 70 Stopping Sight Distance Required em) 50 60 85 110 Note: For the multi-yvay stop to be technically just~fzed, any individual warrant must be fully sati~fzed. 008 ATTACHMENT# ~ TOREPORT# oe.S> 10-03 Â of _6 Traffic Control Signal Warrant Total Count Diagram Municipality: Site#: Intersection: TFR File#: Count date: City of Pickering 4000000007 Weather conditions: Cloudy and Rain Pickering Parkway & Valley Farm R( Person(s) who counted: 1 Renata Rozinger 20-Mar-03 ** Non-Signalized Intersection ** Major Road: Pickering Parkway runs W/E Peds Cross: I!R'J Heavys 9 Trucks 3 Cars 632 Totals 644 18 27 Heavys 7 6 9 Trucks 7 406 1038 Cars 1132 - 430 Totals 1146 Valley Farm Road East Leg Total: 4678 East Entering: 2270 East Peds: 0 Peds Cross: ŒJ North Leg Total: 2220 North Entering: 1074 North Peds: 30 34 11 2302 2347 Cars Trucks Heavys Totals 558 5 4 567 1670 8 25 1703 Heavys Trucks Cars Totals 3 2 16 13 19 15 N W E S Pickering Parkway 2228 13 29 Hea s Trucks Cars Totals 574 1579 I 1949 11978 I 2523 Cars Trucks Heavys Totals 2355 19 34 2408 Peds Cross: ~ West Peds: 2 West Entering: 2557 West Leg Total: 4904 Comments South T-intersection ATTACHMENT#~_. TO REPORT# OG.5 ~ of -..2- IO-ö3 Traffic Control Signal Warrant Count Date: 20-Mar-03 Intersection: Pickering Parkway & Valley Farm Road Municipality: City of Pickering Major Road: Pickering Parkway Major Road Runs: E/W one lane each way Operating Speed of Major Road: 60 km/hr Operating under free flow conditions Warrant #1: Minimum Vehicular Volumes. A. All Approaches. 80% Satisfied Minimum Requirements No. of Lanes 1 Lane Each Way 2 Lanes Each Way ' 3 Lanes Hours Ending Flow 1 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 2 Lane or More Percentaae Condition F. Flow R. Flow F. Flow R. Flow R. Flow 7:00 8:00 9:00 12:00 13:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Warrant (Code 1) (Code 2) (Code 3) (Code 4) (Code 5) 100% 480 720 600 900 1125 100% 274 447 607 651 827 904 1015 1135 Yes: 80% 385 575 480 720 900 No: X 100% Fulfilled 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 All Aoorea- 80% Fulfilled 80 80 ches Actual % if Below 80% 57 57 Total: 737 Actual Average (Total/8): 92% B. Minor Street Both Approaches. 100% 120 170 120 170 170 100% 97 175 186 92 124 121 134 136 Yes: 80% 95 135 95 135 135 No: X 100% Fulfilled 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 Minor Street Both 80% Fulfilled 80 80 ADorea- ches Actual % if Below 80% 77 77 Total: 757 Actual Average (Total/8): I 95% 009 010 ATTACHMENT#3...~. rOREPORT# Oes 10-03> ...- -t/:-- of ~ Traffic Control Signal Warrant Count Date: 20-Mar-O3 Intersection: Pickering Parkway & Valley Farm Road Municipality: City of Pickering Major Road: Pickering Parkway Major Road Runs: EfIN one lane each way Operating Speed of Major Road: 60 km/hr Operating under free flow conditions Warrant #2: Delay to Cross Traffic. A. Major Street Both Approaches. 80% Satisfied Minimum Requirements No. of Lanes 1 Lane Each Way 2 Lanes Each Way 3 Lanes Hours Ending Flow 1 Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 2 Lane or More Percentaae Condition F. Flow R. Flow F.Flow R. Flow R. Flow 7:00 8:00 9:00 12:00 13:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Warrant (Code 1) (Code 2) (Code 3) (Code 4) (Code 5) 100% 480 720 600 900 1125 100% 177 272 421 559 703 783 881 999 Yes: 80% 385 575 480 720 900 No: X 100% Fulfilled 100 100 100 100 100 500 All Aooroa- 80% Fulfilled 80 80 ches Actual % if Below 80% 37 57 94 Total: 674 Actual Average (Total/8): 84% B. Traffic Crossing Major Street. 100% 50 75 50 75 75 100% 30 57 61 36 51 64 69 60 Yes: 80% 40 60 40 60 60 No: X 100% Fulfilled 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 All Aooroa- ches 80% Fulfilled 0 Actual % if Below 80% 60 72 132 Total: 732 Actual Average (Total/8): 92% ATTACHMENT#~_. TOREPORT# DES 10-03 5' of .:> nIt Traffic Control Signal Warrant Count Date: 20-Mar-03 Intersection: Pickering Parkway & Valley Farm Road Municipality: City of Pickering Major Road: Pickering Parkway Major Road Runs: E/W one lane each way Operating Speed of Major Road: 60 km/hr Operating under free flow conditions Warrant #3: Accident Experience. Not Satisfied A. ReDortable accidents within a twelve month period averaged over 36 consequtive months susceptible to correction by a traffic signal. Minimum Requirements Actual Number of Accidents Average Number of Accidents Fulfilled 5 0 in 3 years 0 per year 0% B. Adequate trial of less restrictive remedies has failed to reduce accident frequency. No C. Either Warrant 1 (Minimum Vehicular Volume) or Warrant 2 (Delay to Cross Traffic) satisfied 80% or more. Yes Warrant #4: Combination Warrant. (Used if no warrant satisfied 100%) Satisfied Minimum Requirements Warrant Satisfied 80% or More Fulfilled . T...- '"'-'¡a¡:¡!s \^'~..~~. ~ " . . v""" Satisfied 80% Warrant 2 (Delay to Cross Traffic) Yes Warrant 3 (Accident Experience) No Conclusion: Traffic signal warranted.