HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 3044BEINO A BY-LAW TO SMEND BY-L~'~ NUMBER 2511. as amended. WHERE~S the Council of the Go,potation of the Township of Picke~!nc deems It d~3lrable to amend the ~ovislons of By-law Numbe~ 2511. ~]0'" THEREFORe. th~ Council of the Co,potation of the To~hip of PickePinE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: TEXT ANFUDMFNTS .' 1. That Section 20A of· By-law "Number 2511. be a~d' the hereby deleted and the following inserted therefore: - SECTION 20A - WATERFRONT ZONES '03A' and '03B' The following provisions shall apply in all WATERFRONT ZONES '03A' and '03B' No person shall hereafter use any building, structure or land nor erect any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: 20A. 1 DEFINITIONS 20A.l.1 YACHT CLUB "Yacht Club" shall mean a non-profit assoc- iation of persons, who are bona fide members paying annual dues; which owns, hires or leases a building and/or property; the use of such premises being restricted to members, affiliated members, and guests. 20A. 1.2 MARINA "Marina" shall mean a commercial operation, publically or privately owned, t-~t~-ring to the recreational boating pub/_tc. 20A. 1.3 WATERFRONT PARKING SPACE "Waterfront Parking Space" (vehicular), shall mean an area of not less than three hundred ~3OOl square feet, exclusive of driveways or aisles, ~ the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles with boat trailers.. 20A. 1.4 BOATEL "Boatel" shall mean one building or two more connected or detached buildings used for the purpose of catering to the needs of the travelling public by furnishing sleeping accommodation. 20A. 1.5 MARINE SERVICE STATION "Marine Service Station" shall mean a place of business constructed and op.erated at a location bordering o~ a .water~aF t~ ~u~ply gasoline, oilm batteries, lubricants and accessories to boats an~ sh~l~s ~nt?, ~ where only minor emergency repairs are made. 20A.1~6 CLUB HOUSE ClUb House shall mean a building or ~e~ rOl* tae,,~u~s~ ~,~dining and fAcilitieA 'a~a may x~'Ol~e a dln~g - 2 - 20A.1.7 BOAT MOORING "Boat Mooring" shall include docking facilities, mooring slips and dry-sail storage areas." : 20Ao2 USES PERMITTED 20A.2.1 All uses permitted in an '02' or 'G' zone. 20A.2.2 Yacht Clubs in areas designated '03A' which may include: Parking areas, a club house, boat moorings, launching ramps, tennis courts, picnic areas, parks, playgrounds, locker and locker roon facilities, enclosed storage areas, winter storage areas, restaurant facilities,' refreshment stands, swimming pools and beaches. 20A.2.3 Marinas in areas designated '03B' which may include: Parking areas, boat moorings, launching ramps, tennis courts, picnic areas, parks,'play~ grounds, swimming pools~ beaches, locker and locker room facilities, enclosed storage areas, winter storage areas, a mmrine service station, marine rail-way equipment, restau~anZ facilities, refreshment stands, rep~i~ facilities, a boatel, sales and display offices, a boat livery, and retail outlets. 20A.3 AREA REQUIREMENTS Minimum site area - i acre Minimum site frontage - 100'~feet on a public road Minimum water frontage - 150 feet _ 20A.4 PARKING REQUIREMENTS For every building or structure erected, altered or enlarged, there shall be provided and maintained, off-street parking in conformity with the following schedule and each parking space shall be made accessable for ingress and egress by mean~ ~ - hard surfaced lane or right-of-wav o= street, at least eight (8) feet in width. Where more than one use occurs, the mi~?.-n~ reqmired parking facilities ~h~m~ ~= computed for each different 20A.~.l Schedule: Type or Nature of Minimum Required Parking Building or Use Facilities a) club house I parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area b) boat moorings 1.2 parking spaces per mooring c) launching ramp 1/2 acre of waterfront parking spaces per lane continued ............... - 3 - 20A.4.1 continued Type or Nature of Minimum Required Parking Building or Use Facilities d) picnic areas I parking space per picnic table e) swimming pools 1 parking space for each 10 persons of permitted capacity of the pool f) restaurant I parking space for each l0 persons that can be accommodated at any time g) repair facilities 5 parking spaces h) sales and display i parking space for each offices BOO square feet of floor area i) boat livery 1 parking space for each 2 boats kept for ren~ J) retail outlets i parking space for each 300 square feet of floor area. 20A.5 YARD REQUIREMENTS For every building or structure erected, altered or enlarged, there shall be provided, unobstructed yards in accordance with the following schedule. Where more than one use occurs, the maximum required yard shall be provided. 20A.5.1 Schedule: Type or Nature of Minimum Yard Requirements Building or Use From All Lot Lines Except Where Abutting a Navigable Waterway a) club house 30 feet b) swimming pool 200 feet c) enclosed storage 25 feet areas d) open storage areas 100 feet except when adjacent to a residential zone, then a minimum of 200 feet shall be pPovided ~) marine servia~ 25 f~et station f) restaurant 30 feet g) repair facilities 60 feet h) boatel 1/2 the height of the build- ing, 1/10 the length of the building, or 12 feet, which- ever is greater and a min- imum of 25 feet from any road allowance continued .. ...... ....... - 4 - 2GA.5.1 continued ..... Type or Mature of Minimum Yard Requirements Building or Use From All Lot Lines Except Where Abutting a Navigable Waterway i) sales and display 25 feet offices J) boat livery 25 feet k) retail outlets 25 feet 20A.6 SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS No building or structure shall be erected, altered or enlarged nor any land used in any Waterfront Zone until a site plan, in triplicate and drawn to scale, is filed with ahd approved by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Picketing. The said plan shall contain the following minimum information: a) the true shape, dimensions and location of the property and all abutting streets and waterways. b) the location, height, dimensions and use of all buildings or structures, both existing and Proposed to be erected on the site. c) existing and proposed grades and contours. d) all entrances and exits. e) municipal services proposed. f) all parking areas and access routes. g) drainage provisions. h) fencing arrangements. ,~ SuH~oULE 'A' AMENDMENTS 1. Schedule A of By-law 2511 be and the same is hereby ~amended b~v altering the 03 designations in Lo~ 23 to 25 Range 3 to read 2. That By-law Number 2511 be and the same is hereby repealed and amended only to the extent neoessar~ to give effect to the provisions of this By-law. 3. No part of this By-law shall come into force wi$hout the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, but subject to such appro al, the By-law shall take effect from the day of passing thereof· READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS .............. day o£ ........ ~ ......... ~ 1965 ~ Reeve Clerk ,jl ~ ...... ......... , ·