HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 7, 2003 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner M. Holland R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles D. Ryan ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll B. Taylor A. Greentree C. Rose - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - City Clerk - Supervisor, Legislative Services - Manager, Policy (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of March 17,2003 Special Meeting of March 24, 2003 Special Meeting of March 24, 2003 DELEGATIONS (II) 1. Roger Anderson, Chair, Regional Municipality of Durham, provided Council with an overview of the accomplishments of Durham Region. 2. Bram Zinman, representing Bowood Properties Inc. and Suncor, addressed Council with respect to the Storm Water Management Guidelines contained in the Northwest Quadrant Study and stated that the purpose of his addressing Council was to seek a definitive answer on what the City's plans are respecting his client's property. - 1 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. 3. Rick Allan, 1874 Bicroft Court, addressed Council with respect to on-street parking. He stated that many houses just accommodate two vehicles at most and excess parking must flow onto the street. He suggested that the City provide parking permits for persons who have overnight guests and enforcement should be concentrated on parking in spaces for the disabled or in fire routes. 4. Mrs. Flavelle, 734 Sheppard Avenue, stated that parking on Sheppard Avenue near its intersection with Whites Road is very poor as a result of overflow parking from the medical centre. She noted that neighbours have complained to the City about this parking situation. 5. Pat McNeil, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Strategy & Support, addressed Council with respect to the Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations A and B Operating License Renewals. 6. Jim Blythe, representing the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, addressed Council with respect to the Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations A and B Operating License Renewals. (III) RESOLUTIONS Resolution #42/03 - Appendix #1 Moved by Councillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the Report of the Finance & Operations Committee dated March 24, 2003, be adopted. CARRIED Resolution #43/03 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Council endorse a modification to the Conceptual Lot Plan for the Agricultural Assembly, to eliminate the identification of Parcel 9 from the south side of the Sixth Concession Road, and replace it with a relocated Parcel 9 on the west side of Sideline 34. - 2 - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Ontario Realty Corporation for their endorsement of the report and revised Schedule "A" to the Conceptual Lot Plan of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the then Town of Pickering, Region of Durham and Ontario Realty Corporation. CARRIED Resolution #44/03 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Holland 1. That Report Number PD 19-03, concerning the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel's Discussion Paper, Shape the Future, dated February-March 2003, be RECEIVED; and 2. That the comments contained in the letter from the Director, Planning & Development, to the Chair of the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel, dated March 28, 2002, provided as Appendix I to Report to Council PD 19-03 be ENDORSED as the City of Pickering's comments on the Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel's Discussion Paper, Shape the Future, dated February - March 2003; and 3. That in addition to the comments set out in Paragraph #2 above, Council express its opposition and displeasure respecting the 30-day comment period which Council deemed inadequate to conduct a thorough and effective review; and 4. That the City Clerk FORWARD Council's resolution and Report PD 19-03 to the Panel Chair - Central Ontario Smart Growth Panel, the Region of Durham, Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Durham's MPPs, and the leaders of the two opposition parties. CARRIED Council considered the following motions in conjunction with the above resolution: Resolution #44/03(a} Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Holland - 3- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. 1. That the following recital be added between parts two and three: "That in addition to the comments set out in Paragraph #2 above, Council express its opposition and displeasure respecting the 3D-day comment period which Council deemed inadequate to conduct a thorough and effective review; and" CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Holland, McLean, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs No: Councillor Johnson Resolution #44/03(b} Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Holland 1. That the third item be amended to expand the distribution list to include: "Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Durham's MPPs, and the leaders of the two opposition parties." CARRIED Resolution #45/03 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Brenner 1. That Report PD 18-03, concerning the City of Toronto Official Plan, be RECEIVED; and 2. That the Region of Durham be REQUESTED to take any action it considers appropriate with respect to the transportation policies and designations in the City of Toronto Official Plan in so far as they fail to enhance traffic and transit connections at the Toronto/Durham boundary; and 3. That the City Clerk FORWARD Council's resolution and Report PD 18-03 to the Clerk of the Region of Durham. CARRIED - 4- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. Resolution #46/03 Moved by Councillor Holland Seconded by Councillor McLean WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board was created to resolve municipal land use issues at a time when municipal governments were small and had limited planning expertise; and WHEREAS the role and mandate of the Ontario Municipal Board have not been significantly altered in response to increased municipal planning skills or expanded municipal responsibilities for land use planning under the Planning Act; and WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board has broad planning powers and can make decisions in the absence of a full municipal review of a planning application and can overturn local planning decisions; and WHEREAS Ontario municipalities invest significant resources in staff time, legal and other associated costs in establishing and implementing local planning policy; and WHEREAS there is growing concern from municipalities and citizens that the decisions of the Ontario Municipal Board are eroding local planning authority; and WHEREAS there have been numerous Council resolutions, municipal reports and reports from planning professionals and academics advocating reform of the Ontario Municipal Board; and WHEREAS the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform, an informed group of municipal elected representatives and staff, after study and consultation, has made practical recommendations for improvements to the planning appeal process; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby endorses the Report of the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform dated March 5,2003; and FURTHER THAT this resolution be circulated to the Chair of the GTA Task Force on OMB Reform, the Attorney General, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Provincial party leaders. CARRIED - 5- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. Resolution #47/03 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Ryan 1. That Report CAO 04-03 concerning Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations (PNGS) A and B Operating License Renewals be received; and 2. That Council inform the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) that it does not object to a five year license renewal for Pickering Nuclear Generation Station B, providing the Commission requires a status report from CNSC staff at the mid-point of the license period, and that the City of Pickering is given an opportunity to review and comment to the Commission on the mid-license status report; and 3. That Council inform the CNSC that it does not object to a two year license renewal for Pickering Nuclear Generation Station A; and 4. That Report CAO 04-03 be forwarded to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ontario Power Generation, and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. CARRIED Resolution #48/03 Moved by Councilor Holland Seconded by Councillor Pickles WHEREAS the Municipality of the City of Pickering lies entirely within the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS municipal governance of Pickering is shared between the Corporation of the City of Pickering and the Corporation of the Region of Durham; and WHEREAS almost all volunteer, not-for-profit and other local organizations based in Pickering share resources within Durham, not Toronto; and - 6- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. WHEREAS the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario is charged with the responsibility of establishing new ridings on the basis of community of interest while maintaining a riding population that does not significantly deviate from the Provincial quotient as determined by the 2001 census; and WHEREAS the Region of Durham has 506,901 residents as of the 2001 Census and with a Provincial quotient of 107, 642 means five ridings would generate a 5.8% deviation; and WHERAS deviations of up to 8-9% are not at all uncommon in urban Ontario ridings; and WHEREAS the Region of Durham is growing rapidly and will be significantly under- represented by 2014 when the next redistribution will occur if left with only four and one half ridings; and WHEREAS the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario held a public hearing at which various proposals were submitted that allowed for five ridings in Durham and stressed the community of interest that was shared across the Region; and WHEREAS at no time during the public hearings or through the course of any discussion did the concept of splitting Pickering with Toronto ever arise; and WHEREAS the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission of Ontario, through the Chief Electoral Officer, transmitted to the Speaker of the House of Commons its Report which was tabled in the House of Commons on March 26, 2003 by the Speaker and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs; and WHEREAS in its Report, the Boundaries Commission sent most of urban Pickering to Scarborough and the remainder of Pickering to Ajax; and WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Pickering and its residents do not share a community of interest of any kind with the former City of Scarborough; and WHEREAS Federal and Provincial representation for Pickering will be vastly diminished by having huge constituencies that lie outside of Pickering; and WHEREAS public hearings are concluded and the only method of achieving change is provided for in Section 22 of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act which allows the filing of objections to the Report with the Clerk of the Committee within 30 days of the Commission's Report being referred to the Standing Committee; and WHEREAS the filing of such objections can only be in the form of a motion signed by not less than 10 members of the House of Commons; - 7- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby expresses its absolute objection to the recommendation to divide Pickering as proposed in the Report tabled with the Speaker of the House of Commons, and THAT the Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Pickering write the Clerk of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs advising of the City of Pickering's objections to the Report and that a letter also be sent to all Ontario M.P.'s advising them of Pickering's concerns and requesting that they support a motion to object to the changes; and THAT the proposal offered by the vast majority of Durham M.P.'s, M.P.P.'s, Mayors and Councillors be considered as an alternative with the inclusion of the Township of Brock and any minor revisions necessary to mitigate a major deviation from the electoral quotient; and THAT the Township of Brock be requested to write to the Clerk for the Standing Committee and the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario by April 21,2003 with a full retraction of its Council's earlier comments that it does not share a community of interest with Durham Regions; and THAT the Council of the Township of Brock be further requested to send an endorsement of its inclusion within the Region of Durham for the purposes of establishing electoral boundaries to the same parties outlined in the prior operative clause; and THAT the Council of the Township of Brock be further requested to advise the Corporations of the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham, should it decide to maintain its position, that it does not share a community of interest with Durham Region; and THAT this motion be circulated to the Region of Durham for its endorsement at its meeting clApri116,2003; and THAT this motion be further circulated to; All area Mayors, M.P.'s and M.P.P.'s CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Holland, Johnson, McLean, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs - 8- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. Resolution #49/03 Moved by Councilor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson WHEREAS requests for demolition permits for properties on Transport Canada lands are determined by Public Works Canada, and requests for demolition permits for properties on Ontario Realty Corporation lands are determined by Ontario Realty Corporation; and WHEREAS the demolition of buildings on Transport Canada lands and on Ontario Realty Corporation lands are ongoing; and WHEREAS Public Works Canada has recently applied for and received demolition permits for fourteen properties located in north Pickering; and WHEREAS the decision to demolish these properties is outside the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS the City and residents have concerns with respect to the reasons for demolition, the possible loss of architectural and community heritage these properties may represent, the number of buildings being demolished, the future use of the lands and the impact to residents and the area community; NOW THEREFORE the City of Pickering respectfully requests that Transport Canada, Public Works Canada and the Ontario Realty Corporation hold all planned demolitions in abeyance; and That Transport Canada, Public Works Canada and the Ontario Realty Corporation be requested to hold a community meeting to address the aforementioned concerns regarding planned demolitions; and THAT this motion be copied to the MP and the MPP for Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge. CARRIED Recorded Vote: Yes: Councillors Brenner, Holland, Johnson, McLean, Pickles, Ryan and Mayor Arthurs Council considered the following motion in conjunction with Resolution #49/03 above: - 9- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. Resolution #49/03(a} Moved by Councilor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson For leave to introduce a motion regarding demolitions in the Federal and Provincial lands. CARRIED (IV) BY-LAWS That Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor McLean, took leave to introduce by-laws of the City of Pickering: By-law Number 6118/03 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Plan 418, Part Block K, (40R-12933, Part 2) City of Pickering. (A 08/02). By-law Number 6119/03 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. (A 16/02) By-law Number 6120/03 Being a by-law to amend by-law 2632/88. By-law Number 6121/03 Being a by-law to exempt Lots 1 and 2, Plan 40M-2086, Pickering, from part lot control. CARRIED - 10- Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. THIRD READING: Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor McLean, moved that the report of the Committee of the Whole on By-law Numbers 6118/03,6119/03,6120/03 and 6121/03, be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (V) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Johnson commended the Corporate Promotions & Economic Development staff for success in working with and the relocation of the Pickering Markets. Councillor Johnson advised that the Market is expected to open in November and that approximately 60% of the space has been booked. 2. Councillor Holland advised that he received an enquiry regarding the selling of stalls at the former Knob Hill Farms building. Councillor Holland instructed the caller to contact the Planning & Development Department to discuss the zoning of this property. 3. Councillor Holland acknowledged Matthew Legrow, Erica Nicolson, Ryan Reynolds, and Megan for their kindness and compassion they demonstrated in assisting an injured Canada Goose. 4. Councillor McLean gave notice of a motion concerning speed limits on certain streets. 5. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a. Councillor Holland advised that plans for an official opening for the new volleyball courts and playground equipment area in Millennium Square are underway. The opening is expected to take place on the May 24th, 25th weekend and will be advertised on the City's website, the LED sign and on the Community Page. b. Councillor Johnson reported that he had attended a meeting in Toronto regarding waste disposal and waste transfers to Michigan. Discussions included contingency plans in the event of Canada/US boarder closures. - 11 - - Council Meeting Minutes Monday, April 7, 2003 7:30 p.m. c. Councillor Brenner briefly commented on the City of Pickering's options respecting the integrated waste program. CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 6122/03 Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councilor Pickles, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Regular Meeting of April 7, 2003. CARRIED VII ADJOURNMENT - The Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. ~U1 2...3.2.003 f ~ MAYOR DATED ¿7 /4~. AERK - - 12- Appendix I Finance & Operations Committee Report FOC 2003-3 That the Finance & Operations Committee of the City of Pickering having met on March 24, 2003 presents its third report to Council and recommends: 1. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 17-03 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO ACTIVITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2002 1. That Report CS 17-03 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, concerning the Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year ended December 31, 2002, be received by Council for information. 2. CORPORATE SERVICES REPORT CS 01-03 FORMAL QUOTATIONS - QUARTERLY REPORT FOR INFORMATION 1. That Corporate Services Report CS 01-03 regarding Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information be received and forwarded to Council for information. 3. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE REPORT CAO 03-03 PICKERING NUCLEAR WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PEER REVIEW CONSULTANT SELECTION 1. That Report CAO 03-03 concerning the hiring of a Peer Review Consultant for the Environmental Assessment of the Pickering Nuclear Waste Management Facility, be received; and 2. That in response to the City's RFP 1-2003, the proposal submitted by IER - Planning, Research and Management Services, in association with SCIMUS Inc. and North-South Environmental Inc., dated February 21, 2003, be approved; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to enter into any agreements to give effect to the above recommendation. - 13 -