HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2805 BY-LAW NO. ~J"~ A By-law of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering to authorize the Corporation to sell certain Township Industrial Lands to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. WHEREAS the Township of Pickering is the owner of part of Lot 20, Range 3, Broken Front Concession in the Town- ship of Picketing, shown on the draft plan attached hereto and desires to sell part thereof shown edged in red having an approximate area of 9.70 acres to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario; THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE T~NSHIP OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Township sell the aforesaid lands shown edged in red on the attached plan to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario at the price of $3,000 per acre. 2. That the Reeve and Clerk are authorized to execute the Agreement of Sale and Deed to carry out the sale of the said lands to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario. The Agreement to be in the form attached hereto as Appendix A. READ a First and Second time this~ day of J~ . READ a Third time and PASSED this~ day of J~ .~ By ~~,'2 ,~~ ~ /~ee~ C.S. / Clerk TO: ~/DRO ELE~TRI~ PO~FER 00~$SION OF (hereinafter called ~he '~ission") T~ OO~O~TIO~ OF THE T~SHIP OF PICKLING (herei~fter called the "To,ship") hereby makes to you the followin~ offer ~ich shall be open for acceptance in writi~ until one minute before midnight the 15th day of July, 1963. The To,ship offers to sell all and ai~lar the lands premises in the Township of Pickeri~ in the County of Ontario, ~re par~lc~arly described im the Schedule a~exed hereto. The price of'the said lands shall be the s~ of.~~-~ THOUS~ O~ ~~D ~L~S ($29,100.) (bei~.9.70 acres at the rate of $3,~ OS per acre, it bei~ understood and ~reed that ~he a~d purchase price shall be adjusted in accordance ..~ith the actual serene ~s ascertained by a o~vey to be prepared by ~d at the expense of the Co~ission) payable aa' follows: The s~ of ~N~-E~ T~OUSA~ O~ ~~D ~~S ($~,1~) in cash or by che~e on closing, aubJea~ ~o ~ usual adjustments. The ~reement reoulti~ f~m the acceptance of Chis ~f~ i8 al~ 8ubJec~ ~o and includes the follo~,'p~violon8 and ~t~lono: / 1. ~e ~ts of closi~ this trenncti~ ~all be 30 dayo the ~te on ~ich the To.ship gives notice ,~o the Oomiosion ~Mt has reeotvod the app~val of the Depart~en~ ~0f ~~ipll Mfairj 8nd if neoeo8ary the ~ario Municipal ~ard and an[ other neces~ p~- mental ~ard or ~eney to the sale of the ~id lands p~a~ to ~re~S. 2. ~io ~reement is ~bJec~ ~o ~he app~val of the Dep~o~ of Mu~eipal ~fairs and if necessary ~he O~~o Municipal ~a~ and of any o~her neceo0a~ gove~ental or m~icipal ~ards or de~~nts and ~t if such app~val8 are refused Or c~ot be obtained ~re~en~ shall thereu~n be null and void and neither ~T ~~ shall be ~der any ~her liability here~der. 3. The ~~asion hereby ~rees that ~pon closi~ it ~11 deliver to ~he To.ship an ~de~i~ in consideration of elosi~ as (a) ~ time after closi~ u~n ~ent by the To~lp to the Oo~s~ion a~ ~he ra~e of $1,~.~ ~er aec, ~he ~iss~a ~all convey ~ the ?o~ship ~r road p~aes aa re~ired by the To~tp such pa~ or pa~s of the said lands 66 fe~ ~de in reaso~ble le~- tachs which ~he Co~ssion approves and ~ich ~11 not i~erfe~ ~th the ~~asion's ~rks. ~y t~e ~ter clost~ ~he Co~..ton .~11 ~ey at the reque~ of ~he To. ship any ea~e~~ for/~rs, wa~er ~ er any othe~ ae~ices as may be found necell~l bY ~he To.ship at the ra~e of $1,5~.~ per acre in reaso~ble locations which the (c) l~ any time after clo.i~, in the ~ent ~g ~he Commission constmct.s a railway llne upon t~e said lands, ~he ~ls- sion ~1 consiAer requests f~m the o~ers and ~cupiers ff~ to ~ime~ the reminder of ~he ~nda described in the 8ched~e heret~ a~'exed to nsc t~e said railway line upon pa~ent by such o~er or c'ccupaa~ of reaao~ble ~pen~tion therefor. (1) A~ any t~e after clo~, ia the even~ ~ha~ a li~e i~ ~qutred on the said lands by the o~e~ or occupiers afore~d r~inder of the lands de~ribed tn ~e Schedule he~ annexeg ~y ~e before the 0o~ia~ion ~a con~cted a railmy line on ~he. ~id lands, the Co~asion ~all ~nsi~r any p~poaal ~ ~he cons~ru~ioa ~d use of a milky line on the ~said lands sa a ~~ use basis. e