BY-LAW NO. ~ ? ~ 1,
To stop up and close a portion of Dixie
Road, in the Township of Pickering.
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Pickering by Resolution No. 255-62 made on October 1, 1962, authorized
the stopping up and closing as a public highway of the lands
described in Schedule "A" hereto attached; and
WHerEAS notice of this By-law has been published once a
week for four successive weeks and posted up for one month in six of
the most public places in the immediate neighbourhood of the portion
of the said public highway to be closed and the provisions of The
Municipal Act relating to the stopping up of highways have been
c~mplied with;
Now, therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Town-
ship of Picketing P~2~EBY ENACTS as follows:
1. The lands described in Schedule "A" hereto attached
are hereby stopped up and closed as a public highway.
2. The said Schedule "A" hereto attached shall fonm
part of this By-law.
3. For the purpose of illustration only a plan showing
the lands described in Schedule "A" coloured red is attached
he reto.
A.D., 1963. ~~
A.D- ;11963 ·
_ Schedule "A" to By-law No. ~ 7 f~'
Description of part of Dixie Road, Township of Pick, ring, to be closed.
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate,
lying and being in the Township of Pick,ring, in the County of Ontario and Province of
Ontario, being composed of part of Dixie Road, being part of the original allowance for
road between Township Lots Twenty-four (24) and Twenty-five (25), Range Three (3) Broken
Front Concession, in the said Township. The said part is shown coloured Red on a print of
a plan dated 31 January, 1963, hereunto attached, the boundaries being described as follows:
PREMISING that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the meridian
through the intersection of the centre line of the original allowance for road between the
Townships of Scarborough and Pick, ring with the construction centre line of Highway Number
COMMENCING at a point in a westerly ]~mtt of the said allowance for road where the
same is intersected by a northerly limit of a se~'~ice road as shown on a plan deposited in
the Registry Office for the Registry Division for the said County of Ontario as Number ~29
THENCE North seventeen degrees nineteen minutes West (N.17'lg'W.) along the
westerly ]~m~t of the allowance for road aforesaid one hundred and fifty-four and sixty-
seven hundredths feet (15~.67') more or less to its intersection with a southerly limit of
lands of the Department of Highways of Ontario according to a plan deposited in the said
Registry Office as Number 63 (Highways);
THENCE North sixty-one degrees five minutes thirty seconds East (N.61°O5'3(~'E.)
along the said southerly limit seventeen and five hundredths feet (17.O5') more or less to
its intersection with a westerly ltmtt of the said allowance for road as shown on the said
deposited plan Number 63 (Highways);
THENCE North seventeen degrees fifteen minutes twenty-five seconds West
(N.17°15'25"W.) along the last mentioned westerly limit of allowance for road aforesaid
one hundred and seventy-one and ninety-two hundredths feet (171.92') more or less to its
intersection with a line drawn parallel to the centre line of construction of the King' s
Highway Number &O1 as shown on the said plan Number 63 (Highways) and distant one hundred
feet (100.0') southerly therefrom measured at right angles thereto;
THENCE North fifty-seven degrees twenty-four mim~tes thirty-five seconds East
(N.57°24t35"E.) along the said parallel line sixty-eight and forty-three hundredths feet
(68.~,3') more or less to its intersection with an easterly ltm~t of the said'allowance for
road as shown on the said plan Number 63 (Highways);
THENCE South seventeen degrees fifteen minutes twenty-five seconds East
($.17°15'25"E.) along the easterly l~mtt aforesaid one hundred and sixty-two and fifty-
one hundredths feet (162.51') more or less to its intersection with a southerly ltm~t of
lands of the Department of Highways of Ontario according to the said deposited plan Number
63 (Highways);
THENCE South fifty-seven degrees twenty-four minutes thirty-five seconds West
(S.5?"2~'35"W.) being along the westerly production of the southerly limit last mentioned
seventeen and thirty-four hundredths feet (17e3&') more or less to its intersection with
easterly l~mit of the said allowance for road as shown on the said deposited plan Number
&29 (Highways);
THENCE South seventeen degrees nineteen minutes East (S.17'19'E.) along the
easterly limit last mentioned one hundred and thirty-seven and twenty-seven hundredths
feet (137o27') more or less to its intersection with a northerly limit of the service
road shown on the said deposited plan N,~mber ~29 (Highways);
THENCE South thirty-nine degrees ten minutes thirty-five seconds West
(S.39°10,35"W.) seventy-nine and simteen hundredths feet (79.16') more or less to the said
point of commencement.
Land Surveys Department ~~
TOHONTO, Ontario. February 5th, 1963.
File: T.T.223-1069. Ont rio Lan Sur ey
c~ci Is e~ b~l~ for y~r record.
~)~plSr~4l~ ~tW ~J r~lr~ ~ ~ audit
~ ~ ~. relisbr~ ~ ~e Refi.~ ~fice
kmbr0 1~3 ag No, !i?1~ for ~e Tmship ~ ~cker~.
fioflour ~be L~e~enaa~ Oevernor, ffa~ed ~e ~h da~ of ~'i
DeoemlMr~ A,D. 196~.
.. ~u'~lD ~.M',[ NATIONAL _!~_~.~ ~.:..~..~:j ~j}j,.!
a ~ dated 31 J~, 196,3, hereto attached~ the ~ie~ bei~ ~e,c~1
~SI~G that ~ be~i~ here~ are satanic ~ ~e referred
thr~gh the interaecti~ of the c~r* ~me of the o~l ~l~ce for
T~shi~ of 5car~ ~ld ~.cke~.~ ~th t~ constmie~io, ~e~ line of
the Registry Office for the ~egi~ 9i~aion for +,~ ~id C~ty of Omt~io
THENCE No~h leve~ ~egr~a ~teen ~n~e~ W, st (N.17'i?W.)
~s~er~ 1~ of ~he a~ee for read aferes~d ~e h~r~ ~i fif~y-fo~
se~n h~ha ~e~ (15A.~') ~e or l~s ~ its ~ersec~ion ~tb a souther~
~d8 of the Do~% of ~ of O~e &c~ ~o a ~ de~a~t~
Re~ Offl~ ~ ~er 6~ (~2s);
~NCE No~h I~y~ degrees fiw ~ll t~y secom~ ~
~ the said s~her~ ~ 8e~teea ~ fi~ ~u~hs feet ~17.~' )
its interse~ion ~th a ~erly l~t of t~ e~d ~l~ce for ~ as s~
de,sited ~ q~r $~
(~.17'15'25"W,) ~g the la~ ~ion~ ~e~erly l~t ~f a~ce f~ ro~
~e h~ ~d se~ty-~e ~ ~,ety-t~ h~ths f~t (L71.92~ ) ~ or
intersection ~ith · ~ne dr~ ~r~ te the c~ li~ of c~at. mction of
feet (1~.O') ~her~ ~herefr~ ~aa~ed a~ ~gh~ ~l,e,
T~CE ~o~h fifty, ~n d~s %~y-f~ aimi*, thl~y,-five
(N.57'~J5"E.) *long ~he aaid ~rallel li~ mi~y~ght a~ fo~--%h~e
(6~.~3') ~e or lees to it~ ~e:'secti~ ~th ~ e~e'r~y l,~it ~f the ~aid