HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2506 CORPORATION DF ~ TO NSHI? OF i~ICK;~R-rNG A By-Law of the Township of Picketing to regulate, manage and control the Waterworks System in the Township of l~ickering. The Corporation of the Township of I~icKering Enacts As Follows. 1. Definitions Unless the contempt specifically indicates otherwise, the mean- lng of terms used in this By-Law shall, be as follo~,s:- "T0~,~SiIIP" shall mean the Corporation of t~e Township of i°ickering. "V~]kTER AR'-~K7~" shall mean the mrea in the Township, [.~overned by this By- Law, as defined from time to time by a By-Law of the Township. ,,I~INGII~EER,, shall me~ the Township Engineer for the Tovmship of ?icker- lng. "-¥~ORKS DEPAt!~%~NT" shall me~n the Township of Pickerin,,~ .,.o~.ks Depart merit. "HEALTH U~'IT" shall mean the Onturio County Health Unit. "CONS[~R" shall mean a person, firm or corporation who or which contracts to be supplied with wat~.r at ~ specific loc~:tion or ]_coarSens. "O:..b%ER" shall mean the assess~.~d owner of ~!:ly land or buildin~ served by, or connected by, a pipe to or with tho Waterworks System in the Township of Picketing. "Shall" is mandatory, "ma~, is permissive. 2. (a) The Township Council sh~ll regulate, manage al~d control the supply of water within the Wa~er Area. (b) The Works Department, through the .V~nglneer,' shall ~anage and regulate the operation and maintenance cz' the Waterworks System under the direction and control of the Township Council. (a) All service pipes shall be laid by the Township extending from the main pipe to the street line, but the owner may lay such service pipe from the street line to and into any buildi~g upon his premises, but whenever requested to do so by the ovme~ the Tov~nship may continue the service pipe f~m the street line to and into the building. {b) In all cas~s the laying of the servi~ pipe shall not b~ covered ~til the Township has approved the s~e. (c) All water su~oiied to a cons~er by the Tov~shi~) sh~ll pass through a meter suop]i.~ by the To~shlp. The meter shal~[ be placed ~only in a location approved by 'the Tovmship ~ither within the building or in a frost-proof pit. (d) The complete cost of service sha~_l be p~id to the Towhship by the o~er of the property to which water is to be supplied. (el The cost of the service shall be held to inclu:~' t~ cost of the meter, but the meter s.h~ll remain the exclusive prop~.rty of the Township and may be removed as and ~en the Township may see fit, upon the same being replaced by another meter, o.r for any re~son v/hich the To~ship may at its discretion deem sufficient. 4. Before water is supptisd to :-~ay ].ands or premises the o~er shall make application for the s~e upon a .form to be furnished by the Towhship, conta~n~g such ~nformat~on as the Township ~y desire, and - 2 the applicant shall agree to pay for the water supplied as indicated by  the meter, or on such other basis as the Tovmship may ~t ~ny ti~e decide, at such ti~s as the T~ashi.~ m~y 2rom ?ime to t~me del'ermine. The water sh ~11 be paid for quamtafly in ten ~ays x'rom the t~me ' ' ~ 10~ (p~;r cent) shall the bill is sent out, and if so I~aid a dzsco~t of be allowed on the bill, but if not so paid no such discount s~all be lowed. 6. If the o~er or occupa~at of any premises omits, neglects or re- ,fuses to pay ~ny bill rendered, whether for water, sec'vice pipes, meter, service charge or any other moneys to which the Township may i.e ~.ntitled to in respect to such premises, the water may, ut the discretion of the Township, be cat-off on t~ur hours notice.~ ~ '~ In case thei'e are muy arrears of water rates, or any other rates or charges owing to the Tov.;nship, charged agaii~st any property ~he water sh~lt liot o~. t~i~od on for s~zvl~e .~ such F~opert~ ~tl] ,=11 suc..~ a~re~zs ~are paid, but the Town,ship reserves all right to collect their ~[~:~r~es for ~water s~]ppliod, ~d ali other charges, by all means ~hich would ~,e to it i~' this By-Law had not been ~assed. 8. The insta[..lation of all services, the ]~catiou ~nd size off same, shall be at the discretion of the To~vz~ship and subject to tl~~ advice their Engineer, but in ac case shall a pipe sm~ller than ~/~" in di~eter shall be laid for any service. 9- The Eng~eer and o~e.. duly authorized employees of the Town- ship bearing proper credentials and iY~e~ti!~ication shall b~ allowed cess to the premises wh~re water is b~ s~u~plied at all reaso~abte times flor the purpose cE testing ~y meter, or of taking ~t away, or r~placing the ~me, in accordance with the provisions of this By-L~w and for the purpose of exmmining pipes, co~nections a.ad fixtui~es ~/hich are ~scd conn~ctions with the water service. 10, All water used.on premises wi~in the water area sh~ll pass through th~ ~eter authorzzed by the To,~..nshi~ .~'or ~zse upon s~ch ~remises, ~and i~ addktzon to whittaker other r,~medias ~he Township may ha~;] ~y law ~ln re~ct to infringement of this By-Law, th~ Townshzp, miry, upon ~certakning that water has b~en used v~ich has not p~ssed through the meter ~of such premises, forthwith, without notice, shut oY~ ~d stop'the supply of water, 11. ~11 installations in respmct to servicers shall ~ at thc discrst- ion of the ~ ' ~ Ali d~f~ts in rsspeot to any s~r~ice wichi~l the ~ line shall be repaired by the owner of the lands served, ~d if any such fect be ascertained by the Township, the owner shall r'epa~r ~he same forthwith, upon notification, ana~ if repairs be not so .made, then the To~lship s~ay repair the s~e and chamge the cost to the owner and collect such cost accord~ ~o law, m~d until p~id such cost shall remaif~ a l~en on such lands, and may also be collected in the like m~nner as t~s 1). The owner shall ~ay the whole coa~.~ o~' the service, includ.iaF~ the cost of the ~.~eter as a~oresaid,.as ~ay be incurr.:~d ~y the from the m~!n, but the, ~ost or repazrs F~m the main to the street li~(e sh~il be born~ bM the ~owaship. 14.. The water from the To¥~nship ~/~fater Supply, cons~ed o'i all prem- ises in the Water Are~s of the Township shall be chef-.ged fo~. ~,s indicated by the meter on each respective property at the rates ;~et by the l~ovmship which may be varied by the Town~hkp fro~ t~e to t[~e without notice. 15. All meters shall be accessible to the officers of the Township at all t~mes, and shall n~t be covered except with the authority oi' the To,ship. 16. The Township may grant applic,=tion for temporary s~,rvices its discretion from t~e to time, ..md may gr~mt or withold the s~m accord- ing to cirol~stances~ ~md such services s~.~ll be s~oplzed ~.pcn such terms as the Town~hi.p shall ~ee.~ just. 17. Every sep~r~te building to which ~ su~.ly of water is laid on, with the exception of priw~te garages attached to ~ny residence or other bail,ling receiving waist, sh=.tl be furnished with ~ separate met~r, ~d in the case of mul~p>e hm~siag *here ah~ll bo a separate met~r for each family, but the To, ship may, upon written ~pplio~tio~ made to it, per- m~t mo~-e than ~ne fa~lly to receive the benefit of one water service, provided such water service be i~ one boilding, but no such modification shall be made without permission granted by the Township by resolotion of the Council. 18. Every o~er shall be liable for the safety ~md care of the water meter place~ on his property, and will be ch~,.~;g~d for ~:~11 damage whether occasioned by frost, ho~ w~.er, ~l.o,~.'s or injury from ~y ~nd for the less of the meter if the sm~e bs ~.emoved from his premises without the consent of the Township, wh~ther stolen or othezwise, ~ the cost of er,sty slx. ch meter, or of repmiri~.~g or replanting the sm~o, be payable to the To~msaip on demand, ~.d ~ def=~ult of p~,ymc~t the Town- ship, may, in addition to all ot~:r roma:dies ~,,hioh it ~.ay have by col.l~ct th~ s~:~ in th~ sg~e manses as taxes, .:,nd until paid all char~es shall b~ ~d rema~ a lien upon tho l~nds in rase?ct to which they were incurred. 19. No person, c:~capt ~n offic~r of the ~.~orks De.ltartment, shall, be permitted to open, or in uny ~,~,~y ho~soevsr tai~%pcr ~/~,it'~,., ~ny water met~r, or with the seals pl:~ced th<~reo!~, om do any ~,lunn~r of tJ]in~s which interfer,~ with t.h~ proper r~:gistrutioa of thc ~.aantity of water ~ through such m,~t~z', anc~ should any p.~rson changa, taf,~? r with or otherwise i~t~f,33?e ~ ~y way howsocw~P with stay wat~r ~cter "laced i~ ~:~ny build- ing or pr~mis~s, the To,reship may forthwith, ~ithout any notice, shut-off the wat~r from such building, cz' .premis~s, and tho wat~r sflall ~o~ turned o~ again to seth buiJding :~r pr~mises without cxpr~ss written eon- s~nt of the Township. 20. The Water may be cut off from the ,/]ator l.,~orks Syst.~m at wzthout notzce for clear~g mazns or .pzpes, or for aff,~ctin6 r~pai~s to ~the faach~ery~ pumps ~r ~ny part of the syst=~m, but thc Township w~ll ~such notice a~ may be found possibl~ in respect to circumst~css of such particular case. ' ~21, The Township shall not be liabl, in case of d~mage to boilers, ~fittings or oth~r property by reason of ~y such shut-oil of water. 22. All ste~-~m and hot water plea'ts, or ~stallations s~ill bc fitt~d ith all~n~cessary ~pplia~cos as m~y be roqulsit~ for tho.~rpose o~ saf~- uarding, such plants ~d znstallatz~ns, and ~c property xn connection herewi6~, in case of any such shut-off. ' All service pip,sa inside the s~t line shall be p~.'opcrly pro- tf, c~ed from frost at tho e:~ponso mud risk of the o~mer of the property for w~ioh such sez. vice pip~ is supplied, ~md sh~ll be so protected from all d~ma~ge, v~h~ther by frost or otharwise, until th~ m~ter is rc~ched, an0 thc owner of ~ach building sh~ll be rospo.asibla for th~ due protect- ion of such sel'vice pipes, ~n~d in th~ case oY loaka~:e borers the mot~r is roached, such owner shall be r~spo~sibJ, e for th~ loss occ~:,siontd by such loak, and tho charge for w~ter so leaking shall bo ~lct~z.mincd by the En~iaosr, ~md the cost thereof ~all be p~id by th~ own.,:r fo~.th-~ith upon demand, and each o~mer shall b~ responsible ['or all dam.~g~s ~risiaz from such ]eakage. ~2~.~ , In case any px.~mis~s bo l~t't vacant or ~ithout heat, th~ owner ~or accu¢~t th~reof .~ht~ll giv? not. it} to th~ Tox~nship .,'orks D~*pa..tmcnt x~and any-occu]'mnt who la~:tw:~ hzs pr~mzs.~,s ~acant without notice to the kTownShip or who lear s the building to whzch w.xter is s~ppli,~d wit!tout heat, without notic_~ to thc~ Works Dopartm::nt, shall b:~ subject to tho p~nal~ies of this By-La~.:.~/ 25. When any such buildin~ is l~ft eith~:r ~ %th o~- "ithout notice, the ' ' ' To~nsb.!p may tui.n off the ~.~.~.~, ~nd such ~ator sh,~tl not be turn~d on agai~ u~til the To~.~nshtp in its discr.~tion, ai.o. ll consid,,,r it advis- able. 26. Tho chai~ge i'o~ turnin~ ~i'~' ~.a~ i' sh~ll be $].00 to b~ col]ect- ~ ed ~f directed by the To~mshzp. in chay~;e ~or turn_a,t~ ~a ¥,~ter sn~-~ll bs $1.00 %sd such cgar~,,~s shall b~ p~yabl,~ on demand, ~i,d until such charges sh~l! b~ pt~ld th~ ~tor sh~il not b~ turned on aA%in to ,such pre- mis%s, and ac water sh~ll ba turned on unless tk~ To,.:~ahlp b~ access to the pr~mis~s for thc insp~ction of ~1t fit.:i~s. 27. All sorvic~ bo~as shall bo l~ft cl~ar and ~iccess fI'~e ~t all tim~s, so that ~t~ " .a,~I may be tuI.R,:d off of on by m'~ ~i~o..'qf-~hip ~ ff~lv fo~d n~cessary. 28. All private service pipes sh.~.ll be of such mat,~rial ;:~s may bo permitted by the Tovznship from ti c to title, ~d no such sorvic.:: pipes ~sh~ll.bo laid~ ithout th~ consent of tho Toy.neb%p, ~nd no pipe ~h~JL~ b~ ~!a~d In tho s~ac '[.r~nch a~ ~ sowc~' o? di'uin pip~ unless ~..: pip,, is 1 ft. ~6 in. or more above thc s~td s.:',~or cz' d]'ai~ pip~. Th:.. tl. onch conta~ing 29. ~11 ~_[utomatic sp~inkl,~r systems s~l~ bo subj,~ct to thy approv- al of th~. Eng~,or, aud .~n ~nual charg~ made for all ~uch systems. )0. In case, from any ct, use, any m~tcr shall be fou~l no% to worklng properly, thun tb~ amo~t of ¥',,ator to b, charged fgr shall b~ estimated on the av~3rag~ r,~ading for the s~lme three months th<~ yc~ar pr,o- vious or, in th~ case of th% s~rvicc b~ing l~:ss th~.m one year old, on tho a~t, rage read%hrZ for thc thr~e pre~ious months, '.ad th~ charge for the v~atcr Yet the period during ad, ich thc~ m~'~,er cannot b:~ rca~d shall bc b~sed thereon; out on no account si}~lj b,.~ lcs~', thc,_ the .~uinim,'m billings,; b~scd an ~~lon of 10,000 gallons in the three month billing period.  )1. No person other than properly ~uthoz~izcd officers of th~ ship shall b~: permitted to open or othur'~,ise interfere ~.;ith or otk, rutc any fire h. ydrants, and ~y pc~:san so duing s~:,~ll be subJ~cv ko th~ pan- alt%cs of this By-La~. No p~rson sh~ll p~r~ ~n ,,.uto,.~u[le or p]_~ce any obstruction ~.~,'ith~ 10 feet of a fix'~ hydrant. )2. No other th m officc~.s o~' th~ parson p~'op~z-ly ship sh~ll bc ~rn~itt~d to ~_urn on or shut oif ~.~tor, by .~ao~ns oY tho strait shut-off, from c~ny pram%sm t~nl~ss u~uthozl'cy to do ~o s~ ll been previously obta~inod fro~u th,~ E~gineer In writing. ~k?,,.m,~r sh~lt bc considered as she ,?]~n~ of ~he s:t]d o%ner hi~.o employ,.~d ~zn the prosecution of t.~e u~ork of ~roduczng ;,'at~z' into the said ~fais,s~, m~d shall not be recognized as, in uny Tou, nship, nor ~,,~ill th~ Tovms]:>ip nor ~ zr ~m~n,~r bo hold for thc ~ el tile said plmmb,~r. 34. The usc o~' ¥,,ater for sprinklii~ of 3a'~'ns ..nd .%]az,,~as sh,~ll ba limited to hours ~hon ~ho dcm%nd for %','stet, for oilier pur!~os,:~ ~ lo-... Cons~.~,~r~'. ¥;ill bo notified by th~, To~.~,nship as ti~.~ hours 0~ri~lg ¥,.hich ~uy b~ ~a~,~d for sprt~kl[o~Z pur{~osoa and shall not u~a w~t~r for this pur- ~.poo~ a~ any other t~a~. .~c:!;s.2~ u.',ing ~'a,;or icy s??in.cl~n~ ~.ur)o~.~s sh,:ll s.hut-off thc s~:.pply i~m~di~t~].y :~ fire alt,tm is o~und~d and not r,.~sume tho sci'vice until [h~.; fire has b:;en .::tinguisbed. 5. consulter shall p~r~nit ti~ ~prop~r us~ or v,,~.~sto :~., N~ nor ~oh~ll h~ sell ~e ~.,:~,~r to ,ny person ~xc~pt uoon such co, alit-. io~s '~d ,.'or such purposc~ .~s ~a}; bf: a ']~rov~d l~.. :~iti~l~ by th,:: 36. Nothing ia this By-Line,{ sh~lt b~:: con~trued to dLminish the PO~w- ers, rifjlts, ~ad ~uthority of th~ Township of Pickeria~, or i~s officers, under the provisions of ~le Municipul Act o~- any amending c.c~ r~;lating to the Township. Age,in, wi~out limiting th~ gc;~e~-ality of the fol'e- going the Township shall haw~ the ri~t, ~t ~ny tL~e ~d from t~me to time, without notice to amend, ~nodll~ o3.' r~pe~l this By-Law, or any of its clauses and resurvcs the ril~;ht to r_d~e or r,spcul such z. utes, z. ents, chargers ,md agreements ,~s it may d:sem ])zoim~ so to do. 59. ~ ~erson contruw~nzng uny of tho 1.mowzszon~ of tn~ By-Law shall incur a penalty .~lot~c~oaz~m-~-' ~ '~ '~,' ~50.00~ (Fifty Dollars), or imprisonod without the option of a fine for ~ny .?ez iod, not ~:c~di orle month, and the provisions ~f 'the 0f~tuz. io $tmml~:~ry Convictiolls ~ct sho~ll apply to a pros.~cution in co~nection ~8. By-Law Ntm~ber 21~6 of the Corporation of the Township of PicK- ..at~Tworks System be er~g to r~gulate, ~.~mnage and co~.trol t~ TM BY-LAW read a First and Second time this J~ day of ~ 1960o BY-LAW read a Third time and PASSED this ,,,,~,~, day of ~ ., 1960.