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SC[{[~iDIIL13 ",i" IJO BY-[AN
The pr',scr]b~d duties and ~'.spol~slbJ]JLies oF the
The Clor'k's
The Clerk is~ :in addition t,o tim dulies pr'oserihed 1)y
respo,~sible Lo Council for' the ['ollowin,r:
To ac~ us seer'otary t,o th(~ Commil.
?ublic r'e lat i ohs and :i ur'or.mat] or}.
Soci~,.l ?uncLions aud pvblie recoptions.
P~'epar'aLion off by-laws.
Co~q-t oF ilevisJon.
Industr:ial promotion.
To pvovi(te le-:al cmtusel Ir) ,~11 d~partments, boapds~ conun[ssion8
aud co,hi t, Lo~ s.
To classify of r'eclass'il'y :~tploye~s undof his control and to
To r,(ecomm~nd a staFF est,~l)lishlllent Fop his (topar'lmonl,~ aud to
establishment~ aud to ;~dijus( salat'ir~s Ln accot'danco wiLh
tlh~n ¢~x:tsl, im{ appt'ovad )'al.~s and classif'ications.
SllC)l ['llptll(~)- duties as the Council may fr, om t:imo to time
Fop tho dills;ant administPat, ion of Lbo Funds apl)l'o[))'iaL~d 1o
usa off his d~paptmant, and the ser'vic,~s which iL is to supply.
Thut in additiou %0 the duties ami uutl{o~.~ty p{'escr'ibo(l by By-I~w
Nmnbel' 2453 passed NovalllboP ](;th~ 1959~ bul, %fithout l:imitin~: the
eI'alJL.y' oF al~.V of its prov'isions, the Of'['ico ~,[arla.(ol',
1. [lave ,[er)er'al (lir'ectio~ o1' the TPeaslu'y~ Assessment ami Welfare
to as tlie Getmr'a.l OFf'ice Gr'oup;
2. Ill the case oF a vaca~/cy at tho head oF ally (lopal'tnleilt :i.l~ tile
(;erler'al OFFkce -;r'oup, ,oniinate ca.ldidates to CouilcJl f'op appoiat-
me n 1,;
3. Hecommeml to Council tho dismissal or snspeusion o['
heads in the Uener'al Of Tice ~roup;
4. Recommend to Gouncil sala~'ies of salar'y scales FoP depar'tn~enl
heads ill the General OfFice
5. ~{hoPo l~e deems ii, expe,lie)~t o)' it, is so Ol"doFo(l by Gotmcil~ auftit
arty r'ecopd~ book, contract, documel~t oF ti~it]E wilich is withiu
Cotmci 1 ~s ju~'i sdi cti oa;
6. Classify tho wopk per'f'oPmed withia tlm oFFicty s:roup, aild pr'epaPe
job descr'ipt[ons, and r'ecommend to Gouncil salary scales For'
such class o1' descpiptim~ oF wopkj
7. liecommend to Council a staff' establisltmettt Fop the (;enepal
<r'oup, a~d FPolll time to time pecommend a]l.oratio~ls iu tl~e estahli
me~t, aad withia the titian Pxi. stil],i appr'oved establislnn~,~]t~
classif'y ai~d ad.just l,be salal~y~ withill the sca]c~s appuoved~ o1'
any omp]oyee ,~xcept a depar'l,lnet]l,
Without prioP apppoval of' Gouncil, app~'ove ti~e ptu'chase o1' ~oods
pt'ovidil~ Ftmds appt'oppiated t,o that particular use will uot, tm
ther'eby over' expounded;
9. ~ii.hout, pr'ioc"appr'o~a] o'- F P~unci], appr'ove the retur.~ oF ~,:uaranty
deposits'placed witi~ the Townsl~'ip pr'ovidin~5 the apln'opriate
merit head has cer'tiFied that the couditions oP Let-ms of the 2'uapanty
O. [q:ithout ppiof [;pppova] oF Council, (lishtir'se Cl/llrls it~ ['ull o['
settlement of' aay lial)Jlity Milch the Township is by express written
contract of law obl:i'~ated to pay.
1. Act ~s [)uit~et (limectoP~ aud as such to r~xcr'cise jdoi]e~'ul SUl)t~r'vi si oH
oveP tl~e preparation oF pf'oposn(l estimates and to assemble tho pi'o-
posed estilnaCes off all (](~paptm~nts, boards~ colmnissio:ls a~ld committ-
ees :into a Imd~et documelt[ Fo~, pr'eseutat:iol] to Council For' consid-
O['ati 011,
To ensure that ali ~tlrlds afc applied in accor'da~ce with the law,
and as pr'ovided in the yearly estimates oF supplementar'y estimates
off Council.
3. To mai~ltain tho orga~lizai,[oila] s%uuct~Po~ atl(l pocoll~mend
4. l~xcepL wbor'e ¢iuttes are pr'escribed by law to r'earran%'e or
;[llocate duties betwootl tho dr~partnleuts ia t]~e ,~'elloral oFf'ice ,?ot:p.
- 2 -
Sch,qdule "B~ to By-L~w Number (Continued)
15. blaintain all systems of office colmmmications.
]Gl llaintain tl~e system, of Flit' 'n--,~ of all documents~ lettcrs~ vouchers
or papers in the possession of ~lepartments COaliH~ un(let ]li~
17. Supervise a~d control a central purchasJ~,~; orficc~, ;md ~pprove all
prov5 :te ol:'fi ce servi c'~ to a~ly (leparllnont o~ a saPvice C:;ar'~(~
19. ltecoive a~ld distribute i.',~comin¢ mall and process all ot~t,::oi~4 mail.
20. :4aintain a system off record Petontlon and indexi.~r.
21. >Iaint;,Ju a'ld n{a:~?:e tho use of the ;qunicipal Of Fic,q building, and
22. Prescribe all off:ice proceduPes and nlr~thods of l,~a
l~lldeP ]IJs control~ and adviso other d.epartments~ conm~issions~
l)o,~rds and committees on o~Cice methods.
23. gdministratio~ of employee spr~c:ial services and records, includin{:
recr'eal,ion~ special gifts and ~rattlities~ welfare plans, employee
paler, ions ~d Facilities.
~4. To maintain a rea:islser of Tow~mt~ip land~ ired ensm'e '~ood title to
all suc~} la~d.
Snch Flirt}lot (h~ties as tlm Co.~cil may from time to time prescribe.
Tho OFFice f'~na?er J s rqspo~sible to Gotmcil for the
;;(InlJ~q:i str'a~iol~ of ih~ C.nds appropr:iated to the lt~e o~ hi S dapartlll(,rlt
aud tho departmr~qts comi*~-' undop hi s control and ti~o services wh i ct~
lira to s~pply.
The Assessment Department
OITim~ 7h~q~[..~c~P~ Fop ail. duties imposed upon assessors and assess~;~nt
comtnissio~/:~l's by ally laW, ;~nd in ad(lttion any CurtheP duties as the
Ol'Fi~'- 5i,[~gep may fpom time to ti. mo prescribe.
~l';~r~ Assr~ssment Commissi. onep ks r'esponsible to Cotmcil~ thm)u.~;~ late
(~lTic~> ilana~:¢~.~ ['op the dtli:~ent a~hninistrati, on of the funds app~'oprtated
to tim us~: oF his aepartmeut an(l tim scl'vices id~ich .it is to supply.
The Treasury Department
The Treasur'er is, in addition to the duties prescribed by law,
r.esponsib]o to Col~nci] thpm~,';~ l:'~ OgP:}c,> 7~a;la~'o).~ Fo), the gol]ow:bl,~:
The a~inistration of the C5. qa~cial affairs of tho Township
includin~ t~c receipt, saCe~uarding and disbursem~nt of' all Funds not
entrusted to the care, custody and dJsbur'sement of an imI~pendent
OOI~I~I[SSJOII~ boaP([ or colllnvittee,
To mai~ltain ali the Pina~lcial accountJt)g Pecords a/Id pl'opal-e
all r'equirefl reports a;~(l s'i;atements therefrom.
The collect]ca of taxes ~ua]~'~]~.]~ all du~.:i, es [mpose~ upon a
Tax Collector by any law.
The i. ssuanco, Oil the al)pi'oval o~' the Wor*ks ~par'tment, oF all
])u [1 dj n5~ po Plilit S.
TO issue all lice)lses~ t~e issua~]ce of which has ~ot beeH
[LSSi~:;~]ed to at]y other depa).Lment~ boa~'d~ conunission or committee.
Thc pt'epar'at[o{~ of all apDlicatioas For gmvel'nme~ltal c'2FatrltS aild
sul)sJdJes which are not by law PequJPed to bc~ pl-~>paFed by a,~ other
officer or omployee.
Such further duties as the OFFice ~'lltil,t":Of l;li~: gl'OII1 time to tim,~
pPe scribe.
The TreasuPer is rosponsible %o Oounci]~ t'.t)-ou,,:h the Ol'l'5e<>
~aager, for the dJlJ-~ent a~hui.nistratio~ oF l,k~ i'~*~,{s Opp~'opl'ii~tod
to tho use of' his d~partmeut ami the sePvice g~i. ci~ it is to s~q)ply.
The Itoad Superintendent is, in addition to any duties prescribed
by law~ responsible to Co~;m[1 for the PollowJuo;:
Tim inspection, maJnte]nince and repair oF al] t.oads w}ricb have
become the responsib~ Ii ty oF the Township.
The admiui steaL:ion oF any ppo2:ratmne oF road construct ion~
improvemel~t or repair adopted by Pesolut, ion or by-law of Gotu]cil.
The construction off all ttew Poa(ls aud bt, ida. res w[t;i[ll Lite Town-
ship, excr~pt those contracted to be s,pplie6 by ,t developer or
subdlv:ider itl a new subdivis:io~l.
To consult w:ith the Sn~inee~' in all cases of new road or brid~ze
constructio~l, arid to seek his adv:ice i.n otllep Cases, if i.t seems
o xp.:¢ d5 e ~ t.
l~]rect[o~ a~ld maintenance of road and street Sit'tlS,
Provide service to t!le 14orks Department on a service
bas5 s.
biaiutaitl aud safag'ual"d all equi. plllent for which ho J s account-
;~l)]e~ a~ld pPevetll; its abuse or i. llegal use.
To provid(~ road ([rli.iilaTo or otheP similar service to private
property OW/lOPS itt tim Towuship~ o~1 a serv:ice char? basis~ i~
accorda~me with aay policy oF Council then in effect.
CleaPauce oF roads o[' any obst]'uctioa to trafFic~ :i. ncludin:g
but not r'estvicte(l to anima].s~ snow a,~d trees.
To classLfy or reclassify elll'q]o?or~S 131ldeF his COUtrol a~ld to
Fecom~erld salaries or salar'y seal(is For sucft classes to Couilcil.
To recommend a sta~f establis';im~ ~t For his depal'tment~ and to
enj~a~ie, discharge or reclassify employ,~es within such approved
establishment, and to adjust salarJ,~s [n accordance wi. th the then
e xi stin ~ approve d P~te s and class ~ Fi carious.
To advise the By-law Officer of any breaches of
Law under his Department and to assist in the prosecution of same.
Such fupt}ler duties as the Council may grOlll time to time
pre scribe.
'l'~e l[oad S~ur~r'intendent is responsible to Cou~lci]
]"i;tt:}d to the use of his department, aud the services it is to supply.
q ~e Works ~.I)ppartm~n_t_
The En~i. rleer is, in addition to any duties prescribed by
responsible to Council For the followiag:
All required inspections oF build:[rigs and their equipment,
approw[1 of applications of bui]diaj[ permits.
Surveys~ lnaps a~HI drafti~lfS.
Dosi~tl~ CoIlstPtletiorl, hla:i, lltetlall(:O alld repa'ir of sewer' and wat~r
To co-operate with the !loads Department by pPov[(li~l% superv:isiot~
alit1 insp,?ct:ion s~rviee on ~¥~w real. atl{] bridge construction ou a service
cl~ arise b~*si s.
Sidewalk, desi~n~ constiuct~o ~ and maSntonanc~.
Public utilities operation except to the exteut that such is
entrusted to a~ independent boar'd~ colmnittoe o~
Garba~:;e collection and disposal.
Gen2ral supervision and a~ii~istr'atiue control over
o~ all rtew subdivision services.
Public park des;i%n~ installation and operation.
To provide maintenance service to other cSvic departmeats~
equipw~d~..~ and possible to do so on a service chars;e basis.
Connection and diseommction oF private water service aud
Repair, maJntaiu and prevent misuse oF the equipment of his
ooa~J, conm~issio.t
At the request off any other civic departmet~t~ ' '
or committeo~ to consult w:ith and g'ive ~dvico ou any
mattop~ or to provide a~ly o~l~ineepia,~7 s,~- 'v~(~'~ on a service ch,u' ~,'-..~.
To classify or raelassif'y employms in,tier lis conLrol~ and Lo
teton[mend sal~tpies or salary scales :l'or sIir~[~ (lasst. s tO COIIlCI1.
To reconm~end a staFF establJshmo~t For his d~partme~t to Co.oil,
and to engago~ reclassify or dJ schar,?~ employees wiLi~iu such approved
estab].is~]lll~tlt~ arid to adjust salaries [1~ acGol(iallc~ with the t,
existJn,[ approved rates aud cl. ass].ct .atJo.~s.
To advise the By-~w OFFicer' of any breaches of a Township
Law ander his ~pal"tmerlt arid to assist J,; the prosecution oP same.
Such further duties as t~ e Cotuic[1 may f'pom time to time
pre ser. i be.
The En%i~eer .is responsible to Council, t ronat the OfPic. e
Pop the dili.~[ent admSnistration of the ihllt(ls upproln'iatwd to t, it~e
oF his department and the services it ~s to supply.
Tire ii'ire Chief' is~ in addition to any (lathes prescribed by law~
~'espousible to Gouncil For
llo;~tllaP inspoctious of' all pnblic })uil. dirlds.
Ra,;~lar inspections of'
private hospitals or nm. sin,.r homes~ etc.
f;ive dJ. rectiou to all Fire Bri~aa(l¢~s owned by the Towt~s'qSp¢ and
direction~ xdten requested~ Lo ot!~er lonal br.:ij;ades.
To classify or reclassify cmploy~,~s tm(let ~;is coqtrol and to
To peconnnend a staff' establksh~::,~:~L f'or his depaptm~nt~ and to
e~a,,:e~ d-isc~tar?~ or reclassify empl(~y:~s wLt[litl SllC]l approv(~d est-
ablishnlerlt~ slid Lo adjust salaries i.[l accordance with the the~ ~3xist-
i n3r ;;pproved rates a~td c]ass'iFicati oas.
Such duties as the Council may From time to time assign.
1,o L',,,, ,~s,~ oF ~is I)¢~parLment and Lh~* serv'ices il, is to s~pply.