HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 2338 BY- LAW NUHHER 2 3 3 ~ A BY-L~W OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING TO PROVIDE FOR TH~ ~SUE OF DEBENT~ES IN THE AGG~GATE PBINCIPAL ~0~T 0F ~.000.00~0 PROVIDE HONEYS FOR ~E P~OSE OF BUI~ING ~D EQUIPPING A SI~ ROOM HIGH SCHOOL IN THE PIC~IN6 DISTRICT H~GH SCHOOL~. ~S the ~pa~tment o~ ~ueat$on have approved the ~hole of the To~sh~p cC ~ckeP~ng as a Hi~ School ~ea as of Jan~ry 1~ 1949~ an~ such area no~ comprises the To~ of Ajax~ the Village the To~sh~p of PickerSng; ~ ~E~S the ~ckering ~str~ct High School ~ard has requested the Co~eil of the of to for the To.ship Pick~rin~ provide moneys p~pos~ of b~ldint and ~q~pping a six~esn room ~l~h School on in th~ no~h h~lf of ~ ~9~ Broken FPon~ R~ng~ 3 of ~h~ To.ship of ~ekeving b~ ~he issue o~ le~es of lh~ To~sh~p p~lnoipal ~o~t of ~60,000.00;~ ~/ //~r ;~ ~D ~ER~S the Coacils of the To~ of AJax~ the ~illa~ or ~okering~ and the To.ship of Picketing have passed r;solutlons by ~hich they agree to ass~e and pay their shaPe.pC such debent~ based on their respective equalized assess;entsj k~ e~p~le~ to luthorizt the issue of in the aggPe~te principal amo~t of ~560,000~0)~fn~n~ at the rates hereinafte~ p~ovided~ t$cipal being ~epayable in t~enty ann~l ins~l;ents, and the ~espeotive amo~ts of principal and interest being as sho~ in Schedule ~t" hereto; ~9 ~a3 th~ 9e~~ucatlon have tentatively approved this ~ ~ the amour of the ~ole rateable property of the ~ckering 9istriot H1;h ~ohool ir~a according to the last revised assessment Roll the~eo~ is $~.00. and that of the To.ship o~ ~ckertng ~D ~S the amour of the existin~ debentve debt of the Corporation of the To.ship of Pickerint and that ass~ed by other mmtc/pallties is $1,905,O33.53, and no part of the principal or interest of such debt ts In arrear; ~D ~S by O~er dated the~y of , 19--~ ~de~ the Ontario N~icipal Board has approved the p~poses of the said bor~o~ng and the passing of thts~.~ntu~ ~0~ the Co.oil of The Corporation of the To.ship of ~ckering ENACTS AS FO~S: 1. THAT for the purposes aforesaid money shall be borrowed on the credit of The Corporation of the To.ship of ~ckePing at large by the issue and sale cC ~bentures_~To~ship of ~okePing in the agg~e~te principal a~o~t of ~ ..... . T~T ~he said ~ntu~es shall be dated the and shall be payable in ~n~ instalments on the  e ach of the years ~~~th lnolusive~ and s~ll bear interest at the rat~/~ ~ per~ih~ and all shall be payable ann~lly on the tn each year cC - the o~rency of the ~bent~es. The ~bent~es s~ll have coupons attached thereto ~o~ th~ payment of interest and the respective amours of principal and ~nte~st payable ~n each of such years shall be as set forth in Schedule 'A* hereto attached. 3. T~T the said ~nt~es shall ~ payable as to both principal and interest in la~ul money off Canada at The Cana~ ~nk of Corette in Claremont, ~tario, or at the principal orifice of the saZd ~nk in the City of Toronto, ~tario, or The City off Hontreal, Q~c, at the holder*s option. - 2 - 4. THAT the said Debentures shall be sealed w~th the seal off the Corporation and signed by the Reeve or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer. The interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped~ lithographed or engraved. 5. THAT commencing in the year ]~9~and in each year thereaffter in which an instalment of principal and interest becomes due the respective amounts set forth in the fourth colum~ of Schedule "A" hereto shall be levied and collected annually by a special rate su~ficient therefor over and above all other rates upon all the property of ratepayers of the Township off Picketing, save and excepting that portion of the debenture and interest which is due the Township of Picketing from the ¥illage of Picketing and the Town of Ajax. 6. THAT the said Debentures may contain a clause providin~ for the re~ls- tration thereof pursuant to Section 335 of the Municipal Act.  7. THAT this By-Law shall come into Force and take effect on the date of the final passage thereoff. BY-LAW read a First and Second time this..:-. F day of ~~. 1958. BY-LAW read a Third time and PASSED this day of.. 1958. Reeve Clerk TO B__y r_.L Atl Y U Y! B E R ~ 560,000.00 - 5~ - 20 Year Debel~tures Y?.l~ PIII~CIPAL INTEREST TOTAL lggO ~ 1g,OOO.O0 ~ 30,$nn.oo ~ t6,$00.00 lqal 17.000.00 29 920.00 lgqq lm 000.00 2~ 985.00 i6,955.00 10~3 19 000.00 27 995.00 t6,995.00 ]9gl 20 000.00 26 950.00 46,950.00 log5 21 000.00 25.~50.00 log& 27 000.00 2i.695.00 i6,695.00 19~7 23 O00.OO ~3.485.00 1~ 2g 000,00 20.S45.00 t6,~5.00 1..0 27 000.00 19.~15.00 ~g,llS.00 10~1 29 00~o~0 17 930°00 .t6~930.00 l~? 31 000.00 16.335.00 ;7~335.00 1973 32 000.00 14 630.00 i6630.00 1971 3~ 000.00 12 ~0.00 16 FTO.O0 ]q~ 3~ 000.00 11000sO0 ~7 000.00 lq~g 3~ 000.00 9 020.00 t7 0~0.00 19~'' 1o ooo.0n a 930.00 tg 930.00 ]9,~ ~2 000.00 t~730.00 10~9 ~4000.O0 2~20.00 t~ 12fi.fi0 5~0,000.00 377 005 00 3 17. (a) Licerse Fees for dogs shall be as follows: 1st }[ale or Spayed Femald Dog ,,~3.00 2nd and each succeedii~g i.lale or Spayed Female Dog 6.00 1st Female Dog 5.00 2nd and each sncceedi~tg Female Dog 10. O0 (b) All licenses for dogs shall be secluded by O~ers not later in any year than i~y 1st. 15. A Penalty of not more than Fifty Dollars ({~50.00) exclusive oF costs shall be imposed upon every person ~!lo contravenes the provisions oF this By-Law and every such penalty shall be recoverable ~der the provisions of The S~mm~ary Convictions Act. 19. This By-Law shall be effective as o£ the date of tke passing of this By-Law. 20. 3y-Laws i,,rtm~bers 2306 and 2333 are and the s~e are hereby repealed. ~ iteeve