HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 18-03 Ciú/ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: PO 18-03 Date: March 27, 2003 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Comments on City of Toronto Official Plan Recommendation: 1. That Report Number PO 18-03, concerning the City of Toronto Official Plan, be RECEIVED; 2. That the Region of Durham be REQUESTED to take any action it considers appropriate with respect to the transportation policies and designations in the City of Toronto Official Plan in so far as they fail to enhance traffic and transit connections at the Toronto/Durham boundary; 3. That the City Clerk FORWARD Council's resolution and Report PO 18-03 to the Clerk of the Region of Durham. Executive Summary: The first Official Plan for the new amalgamated City of Toronto was adopted by Toronto City Council in November 2002. Comments from City of Pickering staff and the Region of Durham identified certain shortcomings with road, road-width and transit supportive designations in the Toronto Plan for the connection between Steeles Avenue in Toronto and Taunton Road in Pickering/Durham, the connection between Kingston Road Toronto and Pickering/Durham, and for a new Morningside Avenue arterial road in Scarborough. The comments were not addressed by the City of Toronto. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing approved the Plan recently with modifications that satisfy the Momingside Avenue issue and provide only for Toronto to "consult" adjacent municipalities about shared transportation corridors and cross-boundary provisions. Approval of the Plan is subject to appeal by April 1 0, 2003. As the transportation issues are inter-regional in nature and of significance for the economic development for the Region of Durham as a whole, the Region is requested to take any action it considers appropriate respecting the approval of the City of Toronto Official Plan. Financial Implications: Not Applicable Report PD 18-02 Date: March 27, 2003 Subject: Comments on City of Toronto Official Plan Page 2 Background: City of Toronto Adopted it's New Official Plan November, 2002 On November 28, 2002, Toronto City Council adopted the first Official Plan for the new amalgamated City of Toronto. This followed release of the Plan in May 2002, earlier release of a number of reports, and initiation of the Plan review process in April 1999. The proposed Official Plan for the City of Toronto presents a strategic vision and principles to guide the growth of Toronto over the next 30 years. The Plan sets out urban structure and growth management policies and establishes goals for building a successful City. It also establishes land use designations and sets out a general approach to implementation. As a strategic plan, it seeks to protect existing neighbourhoods and directs a population increase of up to an additional one million persons to the Downtown and Waterfront, four Centres, major Avenues and employment Districts. The Plan emphasizes compact urban form and mixed use development in pedestrian-friendly communities with a more fully co-ordinated transit system. Pickering Staff Identified Shortcomings Pickering Planning & Development staff comments (see Attachment #1) supported the Toronto Plan's proposed principles for growth and change, protection of neighbourhoods and the environment, and many other policies. In addition, the Plan's clarity in presenting policy at various levels (general, area and site specific) was supported. The staff comments also identified a number of transportation matters in the Toronto Plan which are inconsistent with the Pickering Official Plan. These include road, road- width and transit designations for a north-south connection within Toronto, and for a number of east-west cross-boundary routes into Pickering. Without modifications, cross-boundary traffic and transit flows will not be maximized as they should be. The provisions in the Toronto Plan for the north-south connection of Morningside Avenue into the Town of Markham did not adequately reflect a previous OMB decision to protect for the proposed extension of Morningside Avenue as an arterial road. The road, road-width and transit designations in the Toronto Plan mainly provide for lower classifications for the connections of Steeles Avenue to Taunton Road, and for Kingston Road into Pickering. Details are provided in Attachment #1 to this Report. Similar comments made by the Region of Durham respecting the Morningside Avenue arterial and the Steeles Avenue connection to Taunton Road received no response from Toronto, and were subsequently forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Report PD 18-02 Date: March 27, 2003 Subject: Comments on City of Toronto Official Plan Page 3 Further, a number of the land use and transportation designations, identified on a map in the Toronto Plan of municipalities surrounding Toronto, do not accurately reflect designations contained in the City of Pickering or Durham Region Official Plans. City of Toronto did not Respond to Comments The Pickering staff comments, forwarded to the City of Toronto in September 2002, received no response and were not addressed in the Toronto Official Plan adopted by Toronto City Council. Similarly, subsequent Pickering Planning & Development inquiries to the Toronto Planning Department, following receipt of the notice of adoption of the Toronto Plan, received no response. On March 3, 2003, the Director, Planning & Development forwarded the staff comments to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (see Attachment #2) and requested modifications to the Toronto Plan to address the concerns. Toronto Plan Now Approved On March 24, 2003, Pickering received a Notice of Decision from the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing approving the Toronto Official Plan subject to certain modifications, including: . A new policy requiring Toronto to consult adjacent municipalities regarding shared transportation corridors and cross-boundary service provisions; and, . A new footnote that addresses the Morningside Avenue matter. The approval of the Toronto Official Plan may be appealed, with the last date for appeal being April 10, 2003. Appeal by City in Pickering Not Recommended While the policies in the Toronto Plan for the Steeles Avenue/Taunton Road, and Kingston Road connections do not maximize opportunities for traffic and transit capacity between Toronto and Pickering, the two modifications appear to settle the Momingside Avenue issue and provide for mandatory consultation on shared transportation corridor and cross-boundary service provisions. The undertaking of an appeal to provisions of another municipality's Official Plan requires investment of considerable staff resources, which are better applied to more pressing matters of importance to the City of Pickering at this time. Inter-regional transportation is a key issue in ensuring healthy economic development for the Region of Durham as a whole. The Region of Durham is responsible for such regional matters through its Official Plan and for the review of the Durham Region Transportation Master Plan. Regional staff are better positioned to provide the technical justification that would be required to support an action, such as appeal, to transportation policies in the Toronto Plan. Report PD 18-02 Date: March 27, 2003 Subject: Comments on City of Toronto Official Plan Page 4 Conclusion: The Region is requested to take any action it considers appropriate respecting the decision to approve the Toronto Official Plan, in order to ensure co-ordinated and maximized cross-boundry traffic and transit opportunities between Toronto and Pickering /Durham are secured. Attachments: 1. Letter from Manager, Policy, dated September 11,2002, to City of Toronto 2. Letter from Director, Planning & Development, dated March 3, 2003, to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~ liuh* . Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Planner II t~~~ Catherine Rose . Manager, Policy SG:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council :? ,,/, " .--, ¡ '¿,_iÚ! or#! ATTACHMENT" - J TO P""""1">.ÕJ'PD /9..ð3 m;,'Uh, if, () LA>¡.;tl'} Pickering Civic Coij:lpl One The Espfánac Pickering, Ontar Canac LlV6I< Direct Access 905,420.461 cityofpickering,cOl PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPf..RTIvíENT Department 905.420,4617 Facsimile 905,420,7648 plan &devl@city.pickering,on,ca September 11 , 2002 Kerri Voumvakis Manager of Official Plan Urban Development Services Metro Hall, 22nd Floor 55 John Street Toronto, ON M5V 3C6 Subject: Toronto's New Official Plan (May 2002) Preliminary Comments from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department ï City of Pickering Planning & Development staff was unable to attend the roundtable discussion held Friday, August 16th, 2002; on Toronto's new Official Plan. Staff has briefly reviewed the new Official Plan for Torònto, dated May 2002. Our preliminary comments are as follows: 1. General Matters Overall, staff supports the Plan's proposed principles for steering growth and change to selected parts of the City of Toronto, while protecting the neighbourhoods and green spaces from development pressures. Staff also supports the additional policy directions that guide decision making aimed at: nurturing the residential neighbourhoods, parks, ravines and natural areas; improving air, soil and water quality while expanding the economy; and encouraging high quality redevelopment. Staff finds the Plan is clearly organized, given the complexity and amount of material contained in the three-volume document. The policy and mapping is presented at a variety of scales appropriate to the issue.' In general, the Plan is easy to read and understand. , 2. Transportation Matters Staff concludes the Plan consistently fails to recognize the importance of east-west connections to Durham Region, and fails to maximize the use of existing opportunities to increase capacity along existing east-west routes. The chart on the following page identifies designations, or Jack thereof, within the new I Toronto's New Official Plan (May 2002)! ,,', f\; .,.,~.,:Zt~ (L3 September 11, 20Ó2 City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Comments Page 2 Toronto Plan that are inconsistent with designations or policy approaches within the Pickering Official Plan. Map 3: Right- of-Way Widths Associated with Existing Major Streets Steeles Avenue Right-of-way Taunton Road: Width Maximum right-of-way 36 metres width maximum 50 metres Map 4: Higher Steeles Order Transit Avenue . Corridors Fails to designate as à Transit Corridor Map 4:, Higher Order Transit Corridors Kingston Road Fails to designate as a Transit Corridor Map 5: Stee.les Surface Transit. Avenue Priority Network Fails to designate as a Transit Priority Se ment Map 5: Kingston Surface Transit Road Priority Network Fails to designate as a Transit Priority Segment Designates Taunton Road as a Transit Feeder SeNice Designates Kingston Road as a Transit Spine Designates Taunton Road as a Transit Feeder SeNice Designates Kingston Road as a Transit Spine - ,-- "" Revise Map 3 to designate Steeles Avenue as having a 45 metres and over maximum . ri ht..of..wa - , Add to Maþ 4, a Transit Corridor designation on Steeles Avenue' Add to Map 4, a Transit Corridor designation on Kin - stan Road Add to Map 5, a Transit Priority Segment on Steeles Avenue Add to Map 5, a Transit Priority Segment designation on Kin stan Road To better co-ordinate east-west transportation planning initiatives between Toronto - and Pickering I Durham, staff recommends the changes to the new Toronto 'Official Plan outlined in the above table be made. Toronto's New Official Plan (May 2002) #--Lro September 1'1,2002 ~, PD_i-K ~ 03._..._. '" City of Píckerin_~ Planning & Development Department Comments Page 3 The Plan would be improved with some changes to Schedule 2, The Designation of Planned but Unbuilt Roads. Staff recommends that Schedule 2 be revised to include the proposed right-at-way widths of the roads, and that a Map of the Schedule 2 information be added to enable a reader to visualize the location of the proposed roads. Pickering is in support of maintaining the opportunity for a high.,speed arterial road in .the Momingside corridor, to connect Toronto and Markham. However, the City's records are incomplete on the final disposition of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) on the Morningside Heights Secondary Plan and extension of Morningside Avenue. Staff requests confirmation that the language in the new Toronto Official Pian implements the OMB decision to protect for the proposed extension of a Morningside arterial road. . j The proposed designation of Finch Avenue, Beare Road and Plug Hat Road through the Rouge Park as 27-metre rights-of-way is inconsistent with Pickering Council's position. City Council's position is that. these roads be maintained as 20-metre rights-of-way through the Rouge Park. However, staff notes that within the Site and AreaSpecific Policies, section 141.(d) reads "[these] 27 metre rights-of-way will not be used to accommodate four lane roads". Staff requests clarification on this matter. As a minimum, Schedule .1, Existing Minor Streets with Right-at-Way Widths Greater than 20 Metres, should be revised with a footnote referring the reader to the related policy exception for these roads. By contrast, staff notes the Plan is consistent with Pickering Council's position to maintain Twyn Rivers as a 20-metre road allowance through the Rouge Park. Further, staff notes the Plan is consistent with the positions of Durham and Pickering Councils to abandon connections of Bayly Street in Pickering with Lawrence Avenue in Toronto, and Rossland - Finch Avenues in Pickering with Finch Avenue in Toronto. Although Map 1 is provided for informational purposes only, we note the following matters that should be corrected: . The Durham Regional Official Plan currently designates Employment Areas on both sides of Highway 407 and both side of Brock Road ;n Pickering; . The Durham Regional Official Plan no longer designates an Employment Area on the north side of the St. Lawrence & Hudson Rail line between West Duffins Creek to just west of Brock Road; . . The Pickering OfficiaJ Plan currently designates a Potential GO Line on the St. Lawrence & Hudson Rail line terminating just west of Brock Road (not east of Brock Road); tTTJI':::o~~~[m # ° { TO Toronto's New Official Plan (May 2002) r.~ ,!;~l i PDo"J8.::.t23...... September 11 , 2002 City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Comments Page 4 It The Highway 407 . alignment should be illustrated throughout Durham Region as shown in the Durham Regional Official Plan, not just ending it in the middle of rural Pickering (currently, the road is constructed only to Highway 7, just east of Brock Road); . . (j The new Toronto Plan identifies a Potential GTA Transit Corridor along Kingston Road but does not illustrate such a transit corridor on the corresponding operative Maps in the Official Plan; . It The new Toronto Plan should be showing a Potential GTA Transit Corridor connecting Highways 401 and 407 in the vicinity of Whites Road in Pickering;. . .. Employment Areas appear to be identified on the Map, but are not labelled in the. Legend as such; and It There is an unnecessary municipal boundary line east of the Rouge River, running east along .the Lake Ontario shoreline. Your consideration of these comments is appreciated. Staff. requests a written response to these comments so that we may determine whether to appraise our CounciL Further, we would appreciate information on whether this is .the only opportunity for the City of Pickering to comment, or whether a revised version of the plan with .asubsequent requestfor comments will be forthcoming. Please telephone me at (905) 420-4660, extension 2038, if you wish to discuss the comments further. . . Yours truly .k;./L Catherine L. Ro§e I Manager, Policy CLR:pr Mgmtlctt'lopaslTorontO.doc Copy: Director, Planning & Development Michael Cook, Region of Durham Planning Department Ciú/ 0# t"'Tf~!-:r ~n.!T H tl. TO .. ',PC /g~D =5 -- Píckering \2:ivic Complex One The Esplanade Píckering, Ontario Canada LlV6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 cityofpíckering.com PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Department 905.420.4617 Facsimile 905.420.7648 plan&devl@city.pickering.on.ca March 3, 2003 Sybelle von Kursell Municipal Planning Advisor Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Municipal Services Division - Central & Southwest 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 Subject: City of Toronto Official Plan Your File No.: 20-0P-2002 I am writing to provide City of Pickering staff comments on the Official Plan for the City of Toronto. These comments, which were previously sent to the City of Toronto in September 2002, were neither addressed in the adopted Official Plan nor responded to when staff contact with City of Toronto staff was recently attempted. Our concerns are outlined in the attached letter. I anticipate that a motion will be forwarded shortly providing Pickering City Council's endorsement of these comments. I am requesting that these concerns be considered by the Minister as the basis for modifications to the proposed Official Plan for the City of Toronto. I would also request that a notice of the Minister's decision on the proposed City of Toronto Official Plan be forwarded to the City of Pickering once issued. If you have any questions respecting these comments, please contact Steve Gaunt at extension 2033. Yours truly SG:jf SGiM is err 0 TO nto Plan MMA H Com m e ntLeU e r Attachment Copy: Mayor Arthurs Chief Administrative Officer A.L. Georgieff, Commissioner of Planning, Region of Durham Kerry Voumvakis, Manager of Official Plan, Urban Development Services, City of Toronto