HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1944B y - L A ;oJ 3 19"
A r3V-LA'7 PO A3S'''S:; P ', P',' ?;ThAL TY Ply }T i I" C' -, HTTJ-1
-`N 'T'HT! T""IRr,ITIT", 'T AI'D R'PAIR RCA"S .. ?.R"?73, PAVE.': ?T 'F
SAi ARTRS, T?TF T-IT110AT, T?XN';"tS'';5 TuF_. ':'R1, ^IS, T-RAC'
N'r_1AB R R „nte IIYTC17 L,Tf'I''-, ST
R AD? A.Tn PhT?c4L P"RPC,S,,.? m ,"? my r ('riTARTO A- TO
V ITTrI 'P „"1 IT riTPS . o,`r A „ 'It._ T..",S ,
PA E ?OS AT Cl".'3 TN"YlCqT"-,, rTS7rr1-T 11`-7 ,o, MOL '0A ?P, ^(IR T"1; V-BAR 1953.
VL`?RFAS it will require the sum of `,1u2, ;2q.b2 from the ?•'unici-
pality of the Township of Pickerin« for t'e i-provement and repair
of roads and bri:!mes, the pavment of saLar`-s and the -eneral
expenses of the .unicipali_ty, in the -ear 1()53.
A'V" vPHIQI-AS it will require t-:e sum of 4?,2, 21).25 to I- 'rav the
genera expenses of the tolice villa,e o^ i'ickerin, and to cover
the share ?,f the i'clice ;lillamo in sundrv services ant expenses
cr' the , unici;>ality dur i n- the said +ear.
VTD ?IHER ;AS it will require t?,e sum of to defra-a t ,e
-enera expenses o° the Police Villa-e of "laremont and to cover
tte share of the Polic Jillarre in s'indrv services and expenses
of tho unlelpality d:rinI- the said vear.
ANT) HRi3 sAS it will require the
cost; of the i.'unicipslibv ?'or ++'e
and hnspitalizatiorn r s,?,:e, in
AnP? iiTVR'`AS the "ount,T Council
requ re the levy a-)d collection
proncrty In the ''unicipality of
the vear 1953 of an amount, for
of "95,114.55.
sum of '??!.,36;.9o to defrav t'ne
Lfare to the nen;ploved and poor
the said vear.
of the Countv or Ontario will
fro-, and upon all. t'ne rateable
the Pownship -f 1'icke.rin-, in
the purnnsos of the said Countv
ARP` 1rJ14ERF,AS the total amount or taxable property in the said
un1cipa IT , t,V incl,din all portions thereof, in the Said vear
19 3, is the sum of ?31,803.60.
AnTT yuRRr,;A- the total amount of taxable property in the said Police
it age o?° Pickerin?, in the said vear, is t6`8,387 .I113.
A-TD 'N"a H!!-IAS the t,>tal amount of tax-able property in t'ie said "Police
Villa.7; of Claremont in the said vear is 316,0 9.5(.
41JT' the Pown^hi_p c;f Pickerin di--h Scrnool '?oard ias
q r --
r°luis,onad for !!ir^h School Purp( ses in the vear
1953, and s co requori :;'tall be levi , over tile vl-iolp of
the said 1,ovns?-i p.
1. That there be raised, levied an<i collected from and upon
all t',- rateable property, in the -uni_cipalit,:- o^ the Poanshin
r,f Pickeriniv,, the rate cr sum of 11.8 ills on the -ollar, '.v,1 c ?
will amount to the sum of '"10 ,03!;.27 for the i provement and
r(=pair or' roads an] brio-es, `.`,e payment cr salaries, an: the
meneral expenses o" t'ie 'unicipality in the -,,ear 1')53, as stated
in the preamble o(' this 3v-Law.
2. That ther- be raised, levied and col ente(i from and upon
all the taxeable prop-rt- in the Police ':'illy-e o` iclcerin?,
in. the vear 1953, the rate or sum of C.7-ills o. the Dollar,
which will amount to the sum oC ''P2,92'9:255 for the purposes of
the sash "ilia,- and 'T'ownship, as stated ilh the said pre,-Ible.
- 2 -
3. Phat there be raised, levied
and collected rrcm and upon
all the rateable prooo-t: 'n ,
thA Pole ITilla<-- of 'laremont in
?N the vaar 19)1>3, the rate or s um or ?' it I s c-) t,ie "ollar,
which will amount to the su,i3 of ?kl ?,l_1 for Ene purposes of
the said 'Tilla-e an-3 Townshi p, as stated in the sa id preamble.
?L. 'Chat there be raised, levi d and collected from and upon
all the rateable propertv in the said ,'un'eipality o" the PoVrn-
ship (-.r' fickerin , in the v^ ar 1953, the rat" or of .5
'ills on the Dollar, a' :c`i ;g ill amoun` to the s. ?. o" 31") 90
to derrav the cost or =-ivin° welfare to the ?,ne:,i;)l o?ed and po r,
and ho:-pitall"at!on of sarn? in th" said un'n°_o?ali t^, -ri,i- `he
vear 19,3, as state,i in thn said preamble.
,. "hat there he rii sed, levied a, .J collected from an9 upon
all i;h? rateal)le property in the said un`-nial'ty n" tie Town-
ship of hickerin-, ,n v,I ar 1953, the rate nr ° um o° 1U.9
X? ills on th- Dolla,,, w iiL amount to ta,? ,nm oL ;9"),3'i3.? 3
I Por the =-cn-ral- n rposas (-,! the "orporation or t,-e County of
)nt-nrio, includin^ iie'nt--van ce and improvem-nt o" County an(i
Snhiirb-an roads, in tho sa'd vear, as state^ in `,i,, sari pream':)1,,.
6. That there he raised, levied an? collecte from cnn upon
all the rateahl< prop-Ptv In the said "uni_^toalitIlr o the
'?. Tow/reship or PieLerin?, in the vear 19,3, the rate I cl . of
1.11s on the `)o1Lar, ^rhich will amount to tie P-,, an of
For th^ use or the 'Pownship of Picherinv 'Ti h School
?loard for the vear 1953•
d?.-LAU read a FIRST and time `his '?16 day of 195)3.
- y
W-LAN read a T'iIRD time and PASSED this vY oP-2z 19,3.
Ree e Clerk