HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1637BYLA~ No. 1637 OF THE ~DgqlCIPAL COUNOIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING A bylaw for ~egulatlng the construction, alteration or repair of buildings within the limits of the Township of Picketing, including the Police Villages of Picketing end Claremont. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering enacts es follows: lo Em:carter no dwelling house, summer home, apartment, business or commercial, manufacturing or indus~trial buildings shall be erected v. ithin the limits of the To~vmehip of Plckering, inol~ding tho Police Villages of Picketing and Clcremont, but excluding any l~nds in the said Township, owned by His Majesty the Ming, that docs not conform with the following requirements cad ~gulations: A DV~LLING HOUSE SH~LL M~ ~ny building intended to be used for hu~n habit~tion. SUMMER HONES OR SU~IER COTT~GES SHLLL BE DE~NED TO MELN unplastered dwellings thGt are only occupied for p~rts of e~ch year, perhaps eon- st~ntly between the let of Lpril and the l§th of November, cad in some c~ses for oceasloncl week-ends during other p~rts of the ye~r. J~LRTMENT S~LL ME~ ~ny building designed, erected or used for the purpose of ~o or nor~ sep2r~t¢ apartments, tenements, suites of rooms for s~p2r~te occupancy by more than one family, ten2nt, or sub-tenant, ~nd sh~ll include~ny building commonly known as c duplex, triplex or ~ny other type of multi-f~lly dwelling. BUSINESS OR CO~ERC~L S~L~LL MF~N any building designed, erected or used for the purpose of ~n office, shop, place of cnuse~ont, public garcge, ~scrvioe stction, priwte school or bank. I~NUF~TURING OR INDUoTR~L S~LL MELN factory or rmnufacturing plant or warehouse° ~. Every dwelling sh~tl be provided with ~ foundation extending around cnd under such buildingfor tho whole of its circumference, so that the outer w~lls of the building sh~ll rest upon such foundation or w~ll. Th~ footing or lo,est cours~ of such foundation or ~ll sh~ll be ut le~st 4 feet b~low the finished grade or ground line ~nd sh~ll rest upon firm solid ground ~nd not upon filled-in ~terial or soil containing an ~dmixture of organic ~atter, ~nd ~ll such footings sh~ll bs m~do cE con- crete, or of stone ~nd concrete, or of stones ~nd mortar, ~nd ~ll such foundction ~lls sh~ll bs built upfrom such footings to or Rbov~ thc sur- face of the ground with concrete, or with stones ~nd concrete, or stones ~nd mortar, or with bricks ~nd concrete or mortar, or with hollow or solid block of concrete and fresh concrete or mortar. All such exterior foundation w~lls shall be of sufficient thickness to safely support the lo~d to be serried; but in no case shall a stone, brick, concrete or hollow concrete block w~ll be less than 8 inches thick. 3. Provided also that in ease of tho drainage from tho site of any frame dwellingnot being feasible or likety to be unduly expensive, instead of such exterior foundation wolls, such building mcy bc placed upon piers, placed at distances of not mor~ than 8 feet apart under the building and extending to the outer walls of such building, and in every case h~ving one such pier under each corner ~h0reof. The footing or lowest Gourse of each such pier shall be at least 4 feet below the finished grade or ground llne, and shall rest upon firm soild ground and not upon filled- in material or soil contcining an admixture of orgonic ~tter. The foot- ing or lowest course of each such pier shall be made of concrete or of stone and concrete and buil~ up to or above l~e surface of the ground with concrete, stones, brick or concrete hollow blocks, in ell csses bedded sad Joined together with fresh concrete or mortar. None of such piers sh~ll be less than 18 inches by 18 inches in diameter at the bot- tom sad receding to not less than 12 inches by 12 inches in d~emete~ at as to safely support the lood to be carried, 4. The outer w~lls of hll such dwellings shall be mmda of stone,brick, concrete or frame, end in the case of frame such outer walls shall be sheeted with one-inch lumber, No. i Common, or such other material ss the Building Inspectqr msy approve, and such sheeting then properly clap- boarded with new boards of No. i Common or better, or covered by another sheeting of materiel, No. i lumber, or approved siding, and the outer wells covered with at least two good coats of paint, if ~ood, or sheeted with one-inch boards strapped with one-inch furring ~t 16 in. fret: centre to centre sad plastered or roughcast, or covered with stucco or sheeted with inch boards and veneered with four end one-half inches cT brick or one and one-half inches of concrete or six inches of stone properly se- cured to the woodwork. Veneering shall not'rest on or he supported by wood lintels or beams, and ~ll such dtellings shall be equipped with one or more chimneys of brick, stone or con0Tete, built'from the ground up, or otherwise safely supported from the f0und~tions, and all such dwellings shall have the ceiling of the ground floor at least 8 feet ~bove the floor. ~. All such dwellings shall be equipped in course of erection with walls, roofs, floors end pertitions, and ~,ith usual and sufficient beams, Joists rafters and other necessary support, all mads of sound timber and lumber of good quality, and in the sass of a permanent hone or s~ue~ cottage the batten joist~ shall be at least ~ inches by 8 inches in cross section and at not more than 18 inches between centres; and in the case of su~m~er cottrges the same ~y be plsced mt ~ inch centres. The studding in ~ny csse shall not be placed at wider centrs's than are required, Os above, for tho building being erected. 6. 'All roofs shall be covered with wooden, slate, metal or o~er good shingles, or other similar materials ap ~roved by the Building Inspector, and shingles for the roof be laid not more than five inches to the westher. 7. Thc inner sides of all such outer walls shall be lathed cad plcstered or Covered'with plaster-board, or ~ny good wall-board of one-hold inch or ~ore thickness, properly cemented together, and with an air s~ace of ~t least three ~nd three-quarter inches left between. 8. No brick chimney shell be built with walls less th~n one-half brick or four ,~nd qms-half inches thick. Concrete chi~,~neys shstl be linsd with vitrified tileo No chi~mey fluc shall be less than 8 inches by 8 inches inside measurement, the top of the chinney to bs not less than 2 feet above th~ ridge of the roof. No woodwork or other infla~able material shall be permitted within ? inches of the stove pipe opening inter,he chinney. 9. The use of second-h~nd lumber shall be subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. ~10. If plumbing is installed in any such dwellings, its ~e shill be subject to th~ approval of the Building Inspector. 11. No'building of any k~nd shall be erected within the tire,ts of the Townshi~ of Picketing, .the cutest walls of which are to be m?dc of logs and poles without special permission being first obtained therefor from the Council of ~his MuniaiDslity. 1£. Buildings to be used for su~mner homes only may be erected without arbor foundstions than good ~nd substantial cedar posts of not less than 6 inches in diameter st the small end, planted in the ground to ~ depth of ~t least ~ feet ~ inches end $o a good so~id earth foundation, and shall not be required to be lathed or plastered on the inner side of the outer w~lls. Provided however, thot when deemed rdvisable in the case of ~ny such surer, er hone to be constructed, the Building InsDector instead of such posts, mzy require c$ncrete or other such piers to be used for the foundations of the sane, of sufficient size, strength and numbers as to s~fely carry the load. The footing or lowest course of each such pier m?y be fLneed on the surface of the ground under the building 18 inches square, 8 inches thick, if such site be firm and soild. If placed below the finished grade or ground line, it shrll be rested upon firm, solid ground ~nd not u?on filled-in material or soil containing an admixture of orgrnic matter. -3- 13. For the construction of 'such suimuer cottages or su~.mer homes, lumber of not 'less than No. 2 grade shall be used, and the joists in ssme may be placed ct 24 inch centres, but, with the above exception,all other requirements hereinbefore and hereinafter set out and applying to dwelling houses for all the year round occupation shall apily also to buildings for stummer use only. 14. The repairing of or addition to a building shall be considered re- erection thereof, ~nd shell be subject to th~ provisions of this Bylaw, if the o~st Df such repairs or addition shall be one-third or more of the value of such building. 15. No dwelling, su~er home, or garage, a~artment, business or commer- cial, manufacturing or industrial buildings shall be ~ected in the said Township until the owner of the land upon which the same is to be e~eoted or his agent, shall have f~st submitted %lens and specifications thereof to the Building Inspector of tho Municipality, and approval of such plans and sp~eific~tions by such Inspector obtained and ~ per, it issued by him for the building before the erection of such ~uilding be proceeded with or be ~wful, and in the case of any and every building to be hereafter erecped in the said Township, the work of erection sh~ll be proceeded with and completed in a good and workmanlike manner, and not poor, un- substantial or ~rticlly decayed timber or lumber shrll be used in any such construction, and every such building shall be erected and com;.leted to'the satisfsctio~ of the Building Inspector of this Municipality. 16. A Building Inspector shall bo forthwith appointed by the said Coun-- oil, and the duties of such Inspector shall be to enforce the provisions of th~s Bylaw and a Bylaw respecting building restrictions, and to issue in the name of this Corporation permits to the owner or persons erecting or proposing to erect building in the aforesaid ares; and for his ser- vices, in case of each such building, including dwelling houses, whether for uso for s permanent home or for summer oocupqtion only, necessary inspections and the issue of the permit, he shell be paid by the owner, or by his ~gent, a fee of $&.O0; but in the caee of sn ~ppllcant for a permit for ~ dwelling house or our. mar hone, requiring at the sane time a permit for a garage or other no~-residential building, the fee for the latter building shall be l~. Any owner, agent, builder or other person who sh~ll build or aid in tho erection of any building, or ~ rt of ~ building¢ or shall remove or assist in removing any building, or sh~ll repair or assist in repairing any building¢ which work has not be~n approved by the Inspector or which shall in ~ny manner contravene the provisions of this Bylaw sh~ll be liable to the penalties imposed by the same. 18. Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this Byla~ shall forfeit cad pay, in the discretion, of the convictin$ Msgis- trate, a penalty not exceeding, exclusive of costs, the sum of $50.00 for each offence recoverable under the Municipal Act and the Summary Convictions 19. The imposition of a penalty for any violation of this Byl~ shell not excuse the violation or permit it to continue, and the convicted per- son shall correct or remedy such violation, and each ten days ttz~t the violation continues ~fter conviction, first or subsequent, shall con- stitute ~ separate off~nce. 20. Upon a breach being co~mnitted of any of thc provisions of this Bylaw whet~er or not a conviction therefor has be~n made, the Council h~y by notice, signed by the clerk or Building Inspector, m~iled to the offender by prepaid registered post, addressed to him at his l~st known place of abode, order him to do or undo the w~rk or thing which has occasioned or constituted the offence within twenty d~ys of the date of mciling of such notice, and in default of compliance with such order, the Council may authorize the Building Inspector to do or undo or have done or undone the work or thing in question, and for such purpose to enter upon the prem- ises where such offence has taken place, and the expense thereby incurred shall be a debt owing by the offender to the Corporation and may be re- covered by action or in like manner as ~unioipal taxes. 21. Bylaw Numbers 1478 and 1498 of tho s~id Municipal Corporation of the Township of. Picketing be and the same ~re hereby repeolod, 22. This By!~w shall come into force and take offeSt as from and~after tho passing Or th~ same° ENACTED and PASSED this 2nd d~y of 0ctober~ 1944. V.?illiam Roesor, Reeve. L. T. Johnston, Clerk.