A BY-lAW for r~gulating the uso of lands in the Township of P~eker~ng,
including the l~olice Villages of Picketing and Claremont, for trailer c~mps
or parks, and ~o~ulations ~ovorning the conduct and maintenance of the s&mo.
The Municipal Council of the Co~po~ation of the Township of Ploke~ng
A trailer c~p (park) shall man and Include any premises ~here two or
more auto~oblle trellers or house cars are parked for ltv~n~ or sloepln~
purposes on any premises used or held out for the purpose of supplying
to tho public a parking space for a troller or a house car for living
and sleeping purposes.
No person ~hall ~onduct or maintain a trailer ~ (park) within the
Township of ~e~ng, lnel~ng ~e ~11~ Village of ~erlng ~d
Cla~nt, ~out a ~mit ~for, igsmd by. ~e ~d of Heal~
~d ~th ~ ~lations off amid ~a~; ~d ~11 pay For su~ ~t
~o ~1 fee of $10.00.
No such permits ho~ever, shall be issuod for premises located anywhere
within close proximity to a developed section of the Townships at ~hlah,
in the discretion of the band of Health, the ~onduct of a trailer o~mp
would bo dangerous or detrimental to tho hoalth of those living or em-
ployed in tbs v~cin~ty thereof, or which would or might tend to create a
r~LI][ s&noe o
Application for a pera4t to conduct or ~atntain a trailer cmap shall be
made to the ~oand of Hoalth, on a blank fora furnishod for that purpose
by tho said Boand, Para B. The applicant shall file ~ his appl~-
cation p~f of o~ers~p of ~e p~m~se8, or of a loa~ or ~t~n
~m~fsion f~ the o~e~ the~oF~ to~ther ~th a pl~ ~o~ng ~
p~posed ~ a~ tb location off tb t~ler lots.
All trailer lets and abutting reads or drive~ays shall he hept frae
f~om hoavy and dense growth of bu~ or ~ds, ~d f~ ~y pot~nous
~d noxious ~eds ~d so g~ded a~ to ~ns~ ~ap~d d~.
The trailer osmp shall be provided ~lth an maple and adequate supply of
pure water, and so located as to he easily accessible to the occupants
of the said lots.
Every trailer om~p shall be adequately lilhted at night. Every trailer
oa~p shall have separate and adequately lighted to(lot roa~s, of the
type commonly in use in tho particular section of tho said Township w~ re
the said mp is located, for each sex.
All ~arbage and refuse shall be stored in suitable and adequate total
containers with t4~ht fitting rata1 savers, and su~h garba~ and refuse
shall be removed ~rma the pree£tses daily. At loast one total receptacle
shall be provided and conveniently located for every four trailer lots.
The trailer c~mp, the building or structures therein and all facilities
shall be kept in good repair and at all times be maintainod in a olean
and sanitary ~ondition.
The InsPector of the bard of Health may in,peet, at any tim of the day
or night; any pre~£tses used as a tra~ler ca~p ~h~ther or not a permit has
been obtained under the provisions of t~ts By-Law.
11. ~nY person nenvloted of a brea~h of any provision of this By-Law shall
forfeit and pay., at tho d~scretion of the ~onvicting Na~strate, a penalty
not exceed/n~ (exclusive of costs) the sum of $50.00 for each offence.
12. The license of any person conviotod of a breach of any provision of th~s
by-law may he revoked or oancellod.
13. This By-Law shall eom into foroe and take effect from axgl after the
passing of the se~m.
PASSED May 5th, 1941.
~. Reesor, Reeve
Donald R. baton, Clerk
Attached to and~ Formln~ Part of By-Law No. 1563
is hereby licensed to eonducta trailer c~mp on Lot Number,,
Township of. Plekerin~.
T~X$ LI~NSE is to ~ Zn ffor~ ff~ ~ date ~o~ mtil ~e 31st d~ off
~cem~r ~ollo~ng, ~d ~s iss~d purest to By-~w Nm~r 1563 or ~y
mn~nts ~to, o~ ~ ~y By-~es passed in lieu ~off.
This Lianas is not t~ansferrable.
KqTgB this day of' 19
RECEIVED the mm of
Inspector, Beard of Health
Dollars for the above lioense.
Inspootor, Board of Health
hereby make appltoation for a per~ctt to operate a trailer oa~p (Park) on the
premises desoribed as Lot Concession .. . Township of IMoker~ng,
of. shieh I em the omar, lessee.
Appended hereto is a plan sho~ing tho proposed camp and the location of
the trailer lots, together ~lth proof of ownership. It is understood and
agreed that on v~olation of any of the previsions of. By-he Number 1563, my
p~rnit may be oaneelled or revo~ed.
DATBD this day of ..... 1941.
~j-!aw No. ~56s
Of the ~f. un~clp~lity of the Corporation of the Tm"nship
of Plokering.
A By-law for regulating the use of lands in the Township of
?Picketing, including the Police Villages of Ptckering ahd Claire~
for trailer c~mps or parks, and re~-ul~tio~s ?overn~ng the
l, conduct ond maintew~nce of some.
The Municip~l Oouncil of the Corpor~tion of the Township of
!Plckering ~CT~ AS tOLLO o.
1. A trailer camp (park) shall mean -1nd include ~'ny pre~;tses
where two or more automobile trailers or house c~rs ere parked
for living or sleeping purposes on ~ny premiees used or held out
for the purpose of supplying to the public s parking sp~oe for s
trailer or a house oar for living and sleeping purposes.
:12. No person shall conduct or maintain e trailer camp (perk)
]iw'ithln the Township of Picketing, including ~he Police Villages
of Picketing and Claremont, without a permit therefor, issued by
~the Boerd o~ Heslth, o~ otherwise then In eocordsno* with the
:]terms of s.~dn~' per,nit, Form A, and .~h the re~u!~tions~ of s~ld
[]Board, ~.nd shsl! pay for such per~i~ the n~u~l fe~, of $10.00.
,~3. No such per: lt, however, shall be issued for premises located
lanywhere ,~ithin clo~:e proximity to ~ developed section of the
Township, at which, in the discretion of the Board of He~,'lth, the
iconduct of a trailer camp would be d?ng~rou$ or detrl~rent~l to
Ith~ health of tho~,e livtn~, or employed i.~ the vicinity thereof,
or which wo~ld or ~:ight tend to create nuis~nce.
~4. Applioat~-on for a permit to conduct or m~lnt.,ln n tr~ller
ioor~.p shall be made to the Board of Health, on ~ blank form
~'furnished for that purpose by the said Board, Form B The ep01i--
leant sh~ll file '.Ith his ep',lioation proof of ownership of the
!)premises, or of e lense or written permission ~'rom the owner
!!thereof, together with ~ plan showing the proposed camp snd the
lilocstion of the trailer lots.
!~!5. All trailer lots sod ~butting ro~ds or driveways sh~ll be
]ikept free from heavy snd dense growth of bush or weeds, and from
poisonous and noxious weeds ~nd so ~raded ss to insure rapid
tire.ina ge.
6. The trailer comp shall be provided with ~n ,~mole end adequate
~,~pply of pure water, and so located as to be easily accessible to:
the occupants of the said lots.
?. Every trailer comp shell be adeq~]etely lighted st night,
~very trailer cs~p sh~ll have separate and adequately lighted
toilet rooms, of the type come, only in use in the particul~r sec-
tion o~ the said To~shlp~ ~here the sold c~mp is located, for
er~ oh ~ex.
8, ~ll ~sr~,ge and
adeqnate metal oont~,lners with tight-flt'.inE met~,l covers, and
such garbs'ge and refuse sh~,ll be removed from the prepaid, ss d~lly.
At least one metal receptacle shall be provided end conveniently
located for every four trailer lots.
9, The trailer camp, the building or structures therein and ~ll
facilities shell he kept in food repair end at all times be main-
reined in a clea~ end sanitary condition.
10. The inspector o~ the Board of Health may inspect, st any
time of the d~y or night, shy premises used as
~hether or not e permit ha~ been obt~lned under the provisions
of this By-law.
Il. Any person convicted of a breach of any provision of this
By-law shell forfeit and pay, st the discretion of the convicting
~agistrste, a penalty not exceeding (inclusive of costs) the sum
Of ~50.00 for each offence.
12. The license of ~ny pars;on co~victed of a bred'ch of ,~ny
provision of this By-l~w m~-y be revoked or c~ncelled.
13. Thin By-law shall come into force ~n8 t~ke effect from ~nd
after the passing of the same.
Passed ~ey 5th, [941.
-,,~d Ym. Reesor, Reeve.
-o~d - Donuld B. Beaten, Clerk.