HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1558~o~ w~n the ~m~to oF ~he Fo;~oo Vt~l~o o~ ;'iokori~, end to
~ke It o~~ ~ obtain e pe~lt before ~eno~ the
o~otion of ~ buil~l~ ~ataoeveF.
'~e Council o~ the ;%~totp~ CoUrt,on oF the ~nahtp
~:opt oF o~ted witch ~e l~lto of the o~td ~'olloe V~l~ of
~'~okerl~ ~til tb opener oF per.on ~ntendl~ to oporto the
ot~ sh~ll have obtained · lioe~o the~foF f~m the
~}niot~l CoFpor~tLon.
~t In ~ut~e ~ lioenee oh~,ll ~ ~nted for ~ho e~o~lon,
f~ntins or that ~o~ f~nJ on the public hi~h~ys In
Village ~loll lSe botwlO~ ~s N~bers 14 a~ 1~ in tha First
;;ocond Co~oeosions o~ the ~d To~h~pe otheF th~n For · publlo
gfl~ge or aut~obtle 8e~loe et~tion already establioh~ on tho
l~ld ~t ~ber ~ ~n ~he ~eoon~ Oonoeoe~ a~ ~w In o~tion,
end =he establishment and o~on oF publ~o ~o8
bile oe~lOO o%~l~ r~% ~w oo~b[lohed snd In opo~tion
~. '~t ev.~ suoh ~loe~e foF publio ~gea a~ out--bile
se~loe ststio~ shell be lsoued 2earl2 end a~ll bo subJeot
O~nOellation W the Co~e~ of ~e o~id ~oip. 1 Co~tion
of his ~osl~t~nt8, that p~per ~nd s,~lo~en~ s,~fe~u~s ~re not
bel~ %~ken ~t ~y ~.~uoh public ~ or -~ut~b~ll so~loe
tion ~0 p~vent the ~.~r of fl~ ~n storln~ or h~ndli~ ~oolino
or other In~l~blo 8u~toMo8, or for ~ othor ~oo~ and 8~fic~nt
l~y-lew ~0. 1~8 cont'd
4. Tl~t in future no person sh~l e~ot e~ ~uil~i~ o~
~o ~ butXdt~ within the limits of th~ ~l~ ~o~toe VtXXe~ of
txte~t~ a~md en~ ~er euoh but~dt~ for the ~ole o~ its
u~n susa fo~md~tlon or w~LXl t~ roott~ or lo.st souse o~ ouoh
fo~tion or well 9hall bo, et legist, fo~ ~et below tho
end oolite, or o~ stone e~ ~rter, end o~ mush Fo~detton ~llo
mh~l~ ~ built up f~ o~oh f~tin~a to end o~vo tho 8u~ooo of
the ~ with oonorote of with stones ~ sons.to, or e~noo
of oo~to end F~ oono~to or ~, all such ex~io~ fou~e-
l~a to ~ ~rrl~, but in ~ O~Oe shall e stone, brisk, so. rets
P~Ttded al~, thee tn ~me o~ the d~i~ge f~ the sits of a
f~M d~Xlt~ not bet~ f~mLble or likely to be ~d~7 expensive,
instead of ~h extorio~ ~o~tton ~18 8u~h butl~l~ m~ bo plao~
ed apes piers, plies4 ~t dtstanoeo not ~ then ot~t Feet ~p~rt
~er ~e b~ildin~ and eAtendt~ to the outer w~lXm Of ~.t~oh
e~ in eve~ 0~80 hr~vtn~ o~ susa pier un, er o~oh oo~er
fo~ feet ~low tho f~nlohed ~ade or g~ line, ~nd oh~ll
upon fl~ solid ~ end Mt u~n filled tn ~torl~l or soil
o~totut~ a~ a~xt~ of or~e~o ~tte~, the footi~ or lO. et
eouroe of ~oh susa pte~ ~all ~ ~de off sons. to o~ of a~ne end
console, 8~ built up to or a~ve tho 8~00 of ~he ~ with
eonoret~, stones, brto~ o~ oonorete holl~ blockol tn ell oases
~edded a~ l~ined to6ethor with fresh console or m~r~ nell or
euoU ~ie~ eh~:ll be leos ~en et~t~n lnohes by eighteen thebes
~n ~lOM~OF a~ the ~t~ end reoedt~ to not less then twelve
for the fo~et~on of .~ euoh bu~ld~ ~all ~ of a~lo~ent
size .n~ n~ a~ be ~o plaoe~ ~n~e~ the butlat~ as to ~e~
eup~ ~e l~d to ~ ~ea.
ol~p~e o~ ~n~ue~ an~ ~ve4 w~th l~h ~8 0~4 shined,
Farrl~ at sixteen ~nohe~ ~FoB oen~ ~o senti, and pl~oter of
~o~ with ~our ~nd ono-hol~ Inches o~ br~ok or one and one-
bel~ ~ohea of oo~orete o~ s~x ~nohes of ~one p~perly ~o~d
She ~d~orE. Veaeerin~ ~1 not ~st on or be euppo~ed b2 ~
lintels of be~, and all susa ~well~ oholl be e~atp~ wit~
~e o~ ~r8 oh~e2a of b~iok, stone or oono~te, built f~ tbs
~t least, one sto~, on~ in o~pa~in~ sash .~a that or ve~d~hs
or ~hea et~oohe~ thereto ~11 ~t ~ tn~l~o~. All auoh
(4) AZA ~rs ~h. il ~ savored with ~en, miata, ~tol o~
othe~ g~d shtn~les, a~ ~ te~ o~ o~he~ p~pe~ shall be use~ for
~ua~er Inches la~t between.
properly oemsntsd
thine ~d thl-ee-
{O) No sash builalng shell be e~eoted within the satd llmits~
the total cost of ~hich, aport from ~he oo~t of the le~, to leas
5. ~ ~ butldt~ othe~ioe ttmn , p~lVete residence shell
be e~ote4 on that ~rtion of tls ,'olios Vtllose of Ptokerl~
e~ fao~ ~n ~e ~n~slou ~ed ~nd ~t portion of ~h~ ~td ~t
Tognohip off ~I~kerl~, e~ ~ d~l;.l~ hou~ ~eFe oonot~oted
t~ent~-~ve feet.
bu%l~l~ whatsoever ~oll ~ e~ote~ w~h~n ~ho said m~a ~o be
~e~ es ~ pl~oe of business, or a to~X.t ~ao~, to. at
odverti{in~ ei,~ns, automobile
b~ ~roote~ mithin ~he li~its
to be Of lo~s or pollo without apeol~l pe~:~i-,alon buln~ fll'~t ob-
tained therefor from the Council of the ~ounahip of Jlokerin~.
a. ~ rei~lrin~ of u builitn~ oh.il be oon~lieret ~o ~-
by-law If the esot of suoh ~pai~s ah~ll he one-thl~ or more of
t~ whole value of ~uoh butt~l~.
~. ~ b~ildl~ ~h~ll ~ e~cted for ~n2 p~se ~zoever
~flt, ~h~ll ~v~ first ~u~itted ~l~no end ~peoirio~tl~8
~8 ~y be sp~ointed by ~ld ~oonotl, ~ .ppro~l of suoh pl~n8
~ speeifloction~ by t~ co.m~ll or lne~otor ob~.lned ~na ~
pe~l~ i~.u~ ~ It or him befor~ ~he ereotion of ~uoh bulldin~
be prooe~eQ with or bs
10. A Buil~i~C Inspector ~h~:ll be forth~t~ ~p~inted by the
Oo~oll,~nd the d~A~ies of s~oh lnspeo~or ~h~ll be to enfo~e
e~ea, a~ tO oolleot f~ the o~er o~ per~n ereott~ or inte~-
~ to wrest sash ~uoh bulldi~ ~ flee of Fo~r ~l~aro, and ~toh
Oulld~ [no,ester.
5~-l~w eh~ll be l~ble, u~n oo~vi~21on, to ~ ~ne not
F'~ty ~ll~s for each offense, exol~s~w of oo~s~s
~der the ~n~rio a~ Conviotlonm Ao~, ~nd in defs~l~ off ~y-
merit, ~o i~r~so~nt ~n the County J~il In ~he Co~ty of Ont~o
Th%~ ~Z-l~,w eh~,ll oceae into
from ~nd after the pea~%%%g~ Of tBe
P~SSED Ap~.~l ~th, 1~.1. (~d)
( $~-d
und ~ke efl'es~ ~t
Wm. Reesor, Reeve
D. R. Beaton, Clerk