HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1539 B ¥ -_L A W _N ~U M~B E R_.i 5 3 9 Of The Corporation of the Township of Picketing BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATIONS OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF SCARBOROUGH AND PICKERING~ FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF THE HIGH- WAY FORI4ING A BOUNDAB. Y BETWEEN THE SAID COP~OBATIONS. WHEREAS the said Co~porations are desirous of entering into an agreement for the maintenance of the portions of the boundary road between the two townships and have agreed as noted and set forth in the annexed agreement. BE IT TH,ER~. OKE ,E, NACTE__D by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Picke ring: THAT this Corporation forthwith enter into the annexed agreement with the Corporation of the Township of Scarborough, and that the Heeve and Clerk of this Corporation be hereby instructed, authorized and required to execute the said agreement for and on behalf of this Corporation and to affix the Seal of this Corporation thereto. PASSED February 5th 1940. Reeve "Donald R. Beaton" SEE AGREEMENT Clerk O~ The Corporation sE th~ Township o~ ~rln~ BY-~W TO A~HO~ ~ AG~ ~T~N ~g COR~TZO~8 ~ ~B TOWM~X~ ~tl FO~ I ~Y 8~TIl ~ SAID CO~TXON~, ~ the said Corporations are desirous o£ entering into an agreemnt for t~e ~ain~enanoe st' the portions 0£ tl~ ~dary ~ad ~t~en the t~ to~ips and have ag~ed as noted and set Forth in the ~xed B~ IT TII~n~IFOItE ~NACT~D by the Counell of the Corporation of tho Township of' Noks rin~ ~ THAT this Oor~orat.t. on f'o~th~lth enter into the annexed &gr~emnt ~lth tho CoPporatton of the To~nshlp of Soarbo~ou~l, an~ that tbs P~eve and Clor~ of this Corporation be hereby lnstruoted, authorized and ~quired to exoout~ the said a~reemnt f`or and on behalf` o£ this Corpo~ation and to af`f'lx the Seal o£ this Co~po~ation thefts, PASSRD Pebmmry 5th 1940o SEE A(}REEI~IEN T 'Donald R. Beaten' Cie ~