being a by-law to authorize
the construction of a sanitary
sewer~ a watermain and a road
on Dillingham Road as local
improvements under the provi-
sions of Sections 8 and 67 of
The Looal Improvement Act.
WHEREAS it is expedient that the corstruction of
%he works herein in Lot 19 in Range 3 of the Township of
Picketing shall be undertaken at the cost hereinafter set
out as local improvements under the provisions of Section
8 ~f The Local Improvemen~ Act;
Am WHEREAS the cost of the said works is to be
levied by imposing special assessments therefor against lands
in a local improvement area hereinafter defined, pursuant to
Section 67 of The Local Improvement Act;
AH WHEREAS notice of the intention of Council to
the said construction and imposing of special rates has been
pub lis bed;
1. That a sanitary sewer be constructed on Dillingham
Road from Quigley Street, southerly and easterly, to a point
approximately 560 feet west of Brock Road at a total estimated
cost of $26,000.00 as a local improvemen% under %he provisions
of The Local Improvement Act.
2. The e~ire cost of the said sanitary sewer
is to be specially assessed upon lands abutting directly upon
the work and upon lands not abutting directly upon the w0xk but
immediately benefitting therefrom. The entire cost, including
debenture charges, shall be assessed and levied on all of the
rateable property on Dillingham Road lying within the area se~
out in Schedule "A" annexed hereto, which is he, by defined a
Local Improvement Area pursuar~ to Seotion 67(1) of The Local
Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, as amended, and be paid by an
annual ra~e of $1.07 per foot on the lands specially assessed.
- 2 -
3. That a watermain be constructed on Dillingham Road
from Quigley Street, southerly and easterly, to Brock Road at
an estimated cos% of $26,000.00 as a local improvement under
the provisions of The Local Improvement Act.
4. The entire cost of the said watermain, $26,000.00,
including debenture charges, shall be specially assessed and
levied upon all of the rateable property on Dillingham Road
lyln9 within the area set out in Schedule "A" annexed hereto,
which was defined a local improvement area under paragraph 2
of this by-law, and be paid by an annual rate of $1.07 per
foot on the lands specially assessecL
5. That a granular based road with asphalt pavement and
ditches for surface drainage be constructed on Dillingham Road
from Quigley Street, southerly and easterly, to Brock Road at
an estimated cost of $67,200.00 as a local improvement under
the provisions of The Local Improvement Act.
6. The entire c~st of the said road, $67,200.00, in-
cludin9 debenture charges, shall be specially assessed arid
levied on all of the rateable property fronting on Dillingham
Road lying within the local improvement area defined in para-
graph 2 and be paid by an annual rate cfi $3.87 p~ r foo~ on the
lands specially assessed.
?. The Engineer of the Corporation is hereby authorized
to make such plans, profiles and specifications and furnish
such information as may be necessary for the making of cora/acts
for the doing of the work or for caxrying out the same by day
labour and the work shall be carried on and executed under the
superintendence and according to the directions and orders of
the said engineer.
8. The entire cost of the sanitary sewer and watermain
is to be paid by the issuing of debentures bearing interest at
the rate of 9% per centum per antrum and be repaid by the special
assessments over a term of 20 years~ and the entire cost of the
road is to be paid by the issuance of debentures bearing inter-
est at the rate of 9~ per centum per annum and be repaid by the
sa~d special assessments over a term of 10 years.
- 3 -
9. The Txeasuxex ~f the Township may, subject to the
appxoval of Council, agxee wi%h any bank ox pexson, fox %emp-
oxaxy advances of money ~o mee~ ~he cost of the woxk pending
comple~ ion thexeof.
10. An~ ~zson whose lo~ is s~cially assessed ~y
co.ute by a ~n~ in cash the s~cial xa~e imposed b~
~Fin~ the c~ of cons~zuctlon assessed upon such lot wi~hou~
the intezest fo~t~itb aftez ~he s~cial assess~n~ zoll h~
been ceztified by ~he Clezk~ bu~ ~Y not co.ute ~tez the
debe~uze bM-law has ~en ~ssed.
READ a Fizs~ and Seco~ ~i~ in o~n Council ~his
f~day of ~~, A.D. 1~9.
A~D READ a Thixd %ime and passed in open Council
.~ ~his ~( day ef .~-~, A.D. 1969.
R e~ve /
ALL ASD SINGULAR that certain parcel o~ t~act of land and pre-
mises situate~ lying and being in the Township of Picketing in
the County of Ontario and being composed of that par% of Lot
19 in Range 3 of the said Township described as fo11~s:
COM~NCINS at a point in the south limit of Dillingham Road
distant 200 feet west of the west limit of Bxock Read as
THENCE westerly, approximately 894 feet, to %he easterly bound-
ary ~f the Ontarie Hydro right-of-way;
THENCE northerly along the said easterly boundary of the OntaZ{,)
Hydro xight-of-way approximately 1207 feet %o a point in a
line 200 fee~ south of where the westerly extension ~f the
s~uth limit of Quigley Street intersects the s~d Or. ax io Hydro
THENCE easterly along a line pa~lle1 to and 200 feet south ef
Quigley Street % · a point 200 feet west of the we$~ limit of
Brock Road as widened;
THENCE southerly along & line parallel to Brock Road and 200
fee% west ef the west limit thereof %o ~he POIN~ OF CO~NCE-