HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 07-03 REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CL 07-03 Date: March 7, 2003 From: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1203 to 1257 Bayly St., 575 Steeple Hill, 1792 Liverpool Road and 1330 Altona Road. Recommendation: 1. That the draft by-law to appoint five persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1203 to 1257 Bayly St. and nine persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 575 Steeple Hill, 1792 Liverpool Rd. and 1330 Altona Rd., be forwarded to Council for approval. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: None Background: Correspondence has been received from Virtual Park Inc. requesting the appointment of five persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1203 to 1257 Bayly St. Correspondence has also been received from Nemesis Security Services Inc. requesting the appointment of nine persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 575 Steeple Hill, 1792 Liverpool Road and 1330 Altona Road. Attachments: 1. 2. 3. Correspondence from Virtual Park Inc. Correspondence from Nemesis Security Services Inc. Draft By-law Report CL 07.03 Date: March 7, 2003 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Page 2 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ) f),~ Debbie Kearns Committee Coordinator / ",.' ",'-) )' " þ .. //~ ----., v13ruce Taylor City Clerk BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Coun iI I ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT #~~ 709 Brimley Road, Toronto ON Canada M1J 1C3 Tel: 647.292.2880 Fax: 416.261.8775 Email: Virtualparking@aol.com VIRTUAL PARK INC. RECED\JED CITY OF PICKERING ,-I February 27, 200~ A ' ¿:AL~ Bruce T ervisor, By-Law Services Clerk's Division City of Pickering CLERK'S DIVISION Subject: Municipal Bylaw Officers for Private Property Dear Sir, This is a list of officers that we require to be placed on you list for authorization to issue City of Pickering parking inttaction notices at 1203 to 1257 Baily Street. Joseph Benedict Staszewski James Roman Staszewski Judith Francis Anderson David Edward Hutchison K. ee \ y {\ad; J\ e... ';7 ",,\ ~ -\- Y\ Please feel fi:ee to contact us should you require any further information. Joseph Staszewski CAD. Attached: Certificate of insurance. BENOTOR INVESTMENTS LIMITED 16395 Seventh Concession RR2, Kettleby, Ontario, LOG lJO Tel:905-939-9134 Fax 905-939-9135 1-"')1 E'~ ~ ".'... . ~ of.. ¡¡ i. :: D 'Øc "," I{- ,1 '~ !I- \11. "",~ ' Er:'ING CITY O'~ ' 1(;\<'- n February 27,2003 Actual Parking 10660 Yonge Street P.O. Box 30587 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C OC7 CLERKS D\VlSiON Dear Sir, This letter is to advise you that your services in regard to parking management at 1203 to 1257 Baily Street in the City of Pickering are no longer required. Please act accordingly. Yours truly, .~ ~~. Cc: City of Pickering f~ BEN OTO R INVESTMENTS LIMITED ]6395 Seventh Concession RR2, Kett]eby, Ontario, LOG lJO Tel:905-939-9134 Fax 905-939-9135 R E C. Fe;" '.' \:..>/ if~.. D - "~=~~J!!;;,~ CITY OF PICt<¡::liiNG Virtual Park Inc. 709 Brimley Road Toronto ON MlJ lC3 CLERK'S DIVISION Tel: 647-292-2880 Fax: 416-261-8775 Dear Sir, This letter confmllS an agreement between: Benotor Investments Limited And Virtual Park Inc. Virtual Park Inc. will provide a parking management service at the municipal addresses: 1203 to 1257 Baily Street in the City of Pickering. The undersigned authorizes Virtual Park Inc. to tag and/or remove vehicles and/or equipment parked or left contrary to the posted conditions. Virtual Park Inc. will notify the local Police when vehicles are removed to a secure compound with 24-hour release access. This authorizes Virtual Park Inc. to act as our agents in court for parking related issues, and our representative in developing a Municipal parking program with the City of Pickering. ./ '" " PEN-I/2UO2-07 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (TO HE COMPLETED ONLY BY TilE INSURER OR ITS AtrmORIZED REPRESENTATIVES) 1. Name of Insured i!t1í."/l/;rI¿ )?('Æ; /1"/(' ?c r /?'¿'l/»¿é)' /?ð:41) , 7í'ROA-'FC/. (:jc'FA-<."I"C.' , 2. Address and telephone number of insured 5~mE. /111,7 le:.J 3. OPERA nONS OF THE NAMED INSURED FOR WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED: The provisions of parking enforcement services by iL~ employees who havc becn appoinlt.'d as Municipal Law Enlòn:cmcllt Otliccrs as specified in thc agreement betwœn the insured and TI.IE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD, THE CHIEF OF POLlCE, MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO POLICE gER VICE, AND TIlE CITY OF TORONTO, 4. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY (Minimum limit to he evidenced - $2,000,000.00) Insuring Company ). Policy Number . Amount ofCoverdge J. Effective Date c. Expiry Date .RS ,~CCI:/ c('IC 5. PROVISIONS OF AMENDMENTS OR ENDORSEMENTS OF LISTED POLICY(IES) A Commcrcial <ìcneral Liability is cxtcndt.'d to includc Personal Injury Liability, Contractual Liability, O\\11cr's and ConlIuctor's Protective Coverage, Products-Completed Opt:rations, Intentional Bodily Injury and Property Damage for the Protection of Persons or Property and Contingent Employers Liability. B, TIlE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD, TIlE CHIEF OF POLICE, MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE, AND TI.IE CITY OF TORONTO, have been added as Addition!!l Insured but only with respect to liability arising out of the operations of the insured with respect to parking infraction enlòrcemenl. C. Thc Commercial General Liability Policy (ies) identiJit.'d abovc shall protect each Insured in the same manner and to the same extent as though a separate policy has been issued to each but nothing shall operate to increase Ù1e Limits of Liability as identified above beyond the amount or umounts lor which the Comp¡my would be liable if there had been only one insun.'d. D. The Commcrcial (ìellcral Liability Policy (ics) idenlitit.'d above shall apply as primary insurance and not excess to any other insurance available to any orthe Additi()nallnsured~ as sd out in item 5B. E, If cancelled or changed to reduce coverage as outlil1l..'d on this certilìcate, during the period of coverage as slated herein, Ù1irty (30) days, (tcn (¡ 0) days if canccllation is due to non~pa}'nent of prcmium), prior \\TÌlten notice by registered mail will be Mven by the insurcr(s) to thc TORONTO POLICE SERVICE, PARKING ENFORCEMENT UNIT, ISOO DON MILLS ROAD, 6 I FLOOR, TORONTO, ONTARIO M3H 3K4, TO TIlE A1TENTION OF "IlIE UNIT COMMANDER. CERTI FICA TION I ccrtif", that the insurance is in effect as stated in the certificate and that I have authorization to issue this certific-dte for and on behalf of the insurer(s), This certificate is \'alid until the expiration dateN shown in item'¡ (e) unless notice is i"en in writing in accordance with item 5 E ' Original pcn-and-ink signllture of certifying official is relJuired, Photocollies, rubber s' ofsignllture reproduction will not be accepted. Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Broker's Nan1c & Address The Co-operators UPPER YONGE PLACE 10909 YONGE ST., UNIT 43 RICHMOND HILL, ON c/P", le:.J / ~:¡.. FROM: NEMESIS SECURITY SERVICES INC FAX NO. : 4162850204 Mar. 052003 02:58PM P2 ¡ATTACHMENT #;¿ TO REPORT #C<.7-o~ NEMESIS SECURITY SERVICES INC. To Secure and Protect Since 1992 - If CRocI<FoRD BOuJæARD. TORoNTo, ONTARIO. MfR-3C2 Phone: (416) 285-5233 Fax: (416) 285-0204 Wednesday, Man:h OS, 2003 CIty of Piclœring By-law office PICkering Civic COmplex One The esPlanade Pickering! Ontario L1V-8K1 FAXED: 9O$.42O-8fSØ Attention: ~E K~ISTRA TlQDI DEPI.; 7 Re: I 8m kindJy f9QuestJng that our company be authorized to conduct parking enforcement at the .bov. location. I have attached 8 COpy of my clients' authorization letter. I am also requesting that the following Security Officers be authorlzecl to Issue PIIrking tickets at this location, I haW dached copies of all their 88OUrity guard Hcences. Name Peter Alves WiDiam Casey Darren LittI. Kenneth Leversueh Eshantha Guneratna David Diaz Delgado Coboume Jonathan MuckI. Diane Diæ D8te of birth JUly 18, 1969 January 27. 1955 March26,1976 February 25, 1948 Oec:ember 19. 1980 March 06, 1973 December 6. 1977 August 14, 1976 July 29. 1976 Please nota: The above officers should also be listed for the following lécations that we cumtnfly provide our 881Vices to: 1712 Liverpool Road, Lobtaws 1330 AItona Road, D.C.C. 168 , thank you for your anticipated co-openation in the above matter. I can be reached at the above number, ""100 208 If you have any questions or reqWnJ any addiIionaIlnt'orm8lion. :- ~ ~ Mr. Peter S. Alves President FROM: NEMESIS SECURITY SERVICES INC lr I) 1\1 (G Tun PROI'£RTY MANAGF.MnNT GRO\JI' "worry free management" 946 L",~¡¡ Avl¡N\,lIf. RAI T, 2ND FI..(JOR. Tooollro. ONTA"IO M3C IRI Tm.; (416)497.5055 PAX: (416) 497-5056 . &MIL: 1TMotlTrMGONUN¡¡,r:OM FAX NO. : 4162850204 Mar. 05 20Ø3 02:59PM P3 February 28, 2003 City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 To: Whom It May Concern: Re: Durham Condominium Corporation # 169 575 Steeple Hill. Pickering, Ontario This tetter serves as official authorization for Nen1esis Security Services Inc. to enforce an parking regulations at the above location. I can be reached at 416497-5055, should you require any additional infonnation. Sincerely, The Property Management Gt-oup As management agents for Dee 169 ~ Dcne Hubble Property Manager THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REP Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation -1203 to 1257 Bayly St., 575 Steeple Hill, 1792 Liverpool Road and 1330 Altona Road.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(1) of the Police Services Act, RS.O. 1990, c.P.15, as . amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1203 to 1257 Bayly St. L ¡ I I i I I I II I I I I I I I I I I Joseph Benedict Staszewski Judith Francis Anderson Keely Nadine Smith James Roman Staszewski David Edward Hutchison b) 575 Steeple Hill, 1792 Liverpool Rd. and 1330 Altona Rd: Peter Alves Darren Little Eshantha Guneratna Delgado Cobourne Diane Diaz William Casey Kenneth leversuch David Diaz Jonathan Muckle 2. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. 3. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section 1 (a) ceasing to be employees of Virtual Park Inc. or upon Virtual Park Inc. ceasing to be an agent of 1203 to 1257 Bayly St, or upon the persons listed in section 1(b) ceasing to be employees of Nemesis Security Services Inc. or upon Nemesis Security Services Inc. ceasing to be an agent of 575 Steeple Hill, 1792 Liverpool Rd. and 1330 Altona Rd., or upon whichever shall occur first. I II I I I I. II 4. By-law 6058/02 is hereby amended by deleting Actual Parking Services Ltd. and By-law 6001/02 is hereby deleted. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 22nd day of April, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk