BY-LAW 14UMBER ?Z /D - l-
A By-law of the Corporation of the
Township of Pickering to establish
certain benefits for those employees
of the Township of Pickering not
covered by the union Agreement
1. Insurance Coverage -
V\-The Corporation will pay 80% of the premium cost in
the year 1972 and 100% of the cost in the year 1973
of the following:
(A) Ontario health Insurance Plan
(IS) Blue Cross Semi-Private
MJ The present Life Insurance Plan
(Ob 35? Deductable Blue Cross Prescription Drug Plan
?? LEJ The Corporation will continue its present level
of contributions to employee pensions in an
amount equal to 5.1/2% of the annual earnings
of each participating employee.
2. Sick Leave -
(1) Each employee will be entitled to sick leave which
will accumulate at the rate of 1-1/2 days per
month up to a maximum of 240 days. The unused
portion of an employee's sick leave will be
accumulated and carried forward from one year to
another provided that, to qualify for sick leave
with pay an employee will when requested by the
Corporation produce evidence of illness reasonably
satisfactory to the Corporation after the third
day of illness. The credits shall be entered into
a register to be maintained by the Treasurer.
(2) When an employee is injured at work and in receipt
of Workmen's Compensation in lieu of his regular
pay, the Corporation will make up the difference
between such compensation and his regular pay to
the extent of the maximum of the employee's
accumulated sick leave with pay credits or for
the period of 6 months, whichever shall be the
shorter of the two. The amount of such makeup
pay shall be deducted from such accumulated
(3) No employee shall receive pay for absence caused
by sickness, in excess of his accumulated credits.
(4) Payment for sick leave shall be made at the
prevailing rate in effect during the absence of
the employee. For those employees engaged on a
salary basis the salary shall be continued until
the employee has exnausted his accumulated credit.
(5) On retirement or separation an employee snall be
entitled to an ari:ount equal to his salary, wages
or other remuneration for 112 of the number of
days of accumulated sick leave outstanding to his
credit ir.mediately prior to termination of
employment, provided that the employee has com-
pleted three years of service with the Corporation,
immediately prior to the termination of employment.
(6) In the event an employee dies his estate shall be
entitled to an amount equal to his accumulated
sick leave credits as though he had retired or
been separated from the Corporation's service and 2 (1)
shall apply in ascertaining the entitlement to
the amount of such payment.
An employee shall be provided with an annual
statement of sick leave credit gratuities accumulated
to his or her credit. This statement shall be
signed by the Treasurer and shall be given to
the employee on or before January 31st of each
Leave of Absence -
(1) The head of the Department may -rant leave of
absence with pay upon any special grounds to an
employee and the period of absence may ue charged
against tine sick leave credits of the employee.
(2) An employee shall be allowed up to 3 days off
with pay when a death occurs in the immediate
family whicii shall mean:
Father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law,
sister, brother, spouse, child, or other
relative living with the employee.
4. Transfers --
In the event that a position within the Corporation
becoues vacant an employee desiring to apply
for the position may apply to the appropriate
official. If successful the applicant for the
position will be considered to be on a trial
period in his new position for a period of 3
calendar months. At any time after the expiration
of the said 3 calendar months the employee shall
have the right to apply in writing to the Corpora-
tion for permanent classification in his new
position and unless the Corporation shall, within
5 working days of receipt of such written request,
refuse suc:l re-classification, then the employee
shall be deewed to be re-classified in such nigher
classification. In the event that an employee's
application for transfer is accepted by the
Corporation he wall forfeit his right to his
former position.
5. Paid holidays -
(A) All permanent employees shall be granted the follow-
ing holidays with pay:
(1) Aew Years Day
(2) Good Friday
(3) Victoria Day
(4) Dominion Day
(5) Civic holiday
(6) Labour Day
- 3 -
(7) Thanksgiving Day
(8) Christmas Day
(9) boxing Jay
(10) Easter Monday
(11) Any otner noliday that may be proclaimed by
the Reeve of the Township of Pickering
A half day on Christmas Eve and a half day on
iew Years Eve.
(B) In order that an employee shall be granted the
statutory holiday with pay the employee must
work the normal working, day immediately before
and after the holiday.
(C) An employee other than a Department iiead who is
required to work on any of the above paid holidays
will in addition to the holiday be paid at 1--112
times his regular hourly rate for all hours
actually worked.
(D) If one of the said holidays falls or is observed
during an employees vacation period he shall be
granted another day off with pay in lieu thereof.
(E) An employee actually attending Remembrance Day
Services shall be ,ranted 4 hours off with pay.
All permanent employees who have completed the years of
seniority shown below on the 30th day of June in any
year shall be entitled to the corresponding vacation
with pay:
Years of Seniority
Length of Vacation
With Pay
Less than 1 year
Up to 5 years
5 years but less than
15 years
15 years but less than
20 years
20 years or more
7/S's of a day for each
completed month of service
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
Vacations are to be taken during the year in which
they are earned; but if an employee is entitled to
more than 2 weeks vacation and desires to take his
extra vacation allowance at a later date, such time
off shall be subject to the approval of the Manager.
7. Age of Retirement -
All permanent employees shall be retired at the age of
65 years. Council may at the request of the employee
extend the compulsory retirement age of such employee,
upon such terms as the Council deems fit.
- 4 -
8. Hours of Employment -
(A) All employees not covered by a Union Agreement
shall work a 5 day week, Monday throufrn Friday,
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with one hour for lunch.
(B) Any hours worked over and above the regular work
day pursuant to the authorization by a department
head shall be considered as overtime and paid
for at the rate of time and one half for every
hour worked in a normal 35 hour week. If an
employee is required to work Sunday or a seventh
consecutive day, he will be paid at double time.
9. When an employee is requested by the Corporation to
use his own automobile on the business of the Corpora-
tion he will be paid 15,? per mile for each mile
driven on such business, except where otherwise
By-Law :lumber 3857/70 be ana the same is hereby repealed.
By-Law read a first, second and third time this day
of ?Y , 1972.