HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 06-03 12 CitJ¡ o~ REPORT TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: CL 06-03 Date: February 26, 2003 From: Bruce Taylor City Clerk Subject: Appointment to enforce the Parking By-law at 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1530/40 & 1625 & 1655 Pickering Pkwy., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Crt., 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., 1650 Kingston Rd., 1885 & 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 & 1975 Rosefield Rd. and 1880/1890 Valley Farm Rd. and 1100 Begley St. Recommendation: 1. That the draft by-law to appoint three persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1530/40 & 1625 & 1655 Pickering Pkwy., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Crt., 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., 1650 Kingston Rd., 1885 & 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 & 1975 Rosefield Rd. and 1880/1890 Valley Farm Rd. and five persons to enforce the Parking By-law at 1100 Begley St., be forwarded to Council for approval. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: None Background: Correspondence has been received from Group 4 Falck Limited requesting the appointment of three persons and removal of two persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1530/40 & 1625 & 1655 Pickering Pkwy., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Crt., 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., 1650 Kingston Rd., 1885 & 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 & 1975 Rosefield Rd. and 1880/1890 Valley Farm Rd. Correspondence has also been received from Securitas Canada Limited requesting the appointment of five persons as By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the Parking By-law at 1100 Begley St. Report CL 06-03 Date: February 26, 2003 13 Subject: Appointment of By-law Enforcement Officers Page 2 Attachments: 1. 2. 3. Correspondence from Group 4 Falck Limited Correspondence from Securitas Canada Limited Draft By-law Prepared By: APP.r....~.ve... d I dorsed By: ./ //.// ~ ., ." ~~ Taylor City Clerk ~~~ Debbie Kearns Committee Coordinator BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council I' ., :,' -+ ?"" T.', R E C E , ~HMENr#' f'" TO REPdRT íi.a~", CITY OF PICKERING - FEd 6 2003 14 From: Group 4 Falck Limited CLERK'S DIVISI 214 King Street E Oshawa L 1 H 3V1 Tel: 905-579-8020 Fax: 905-579-8028 Group ~ F~[l February 6,2003 (_Deb()r~h Ke;~;::~êoordinator of Council Services The Corpõrafiorf'of the Town of Pickering Councillor's Office One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Fax: 905-420.0515 Please be advised the following officer require be authorized to provide bylaw enforcement at the following Pickering locations DCC # 19 1210 Radom DCC #42 1310 Fieldlight Blvd DCC # 52 580 Eyer DCC # 60 1915 Denmar Rd DCC #107 1655 Pickering Parkway DCC # 136 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court & 1530/40 Pickering Parkway DCC # 139 1000/1400 The Esplanade Casitas Millennium DCC # 152 1625 Pickering Parkway OCC #2 925 Bayly 1650 Kingston Road 1885 Glenanna Road Dce # 32 DCC # 51 Dce # 58 Dce # 93/106 1360 Glenanna 1958 Rosefield 1975 Rosefield 1880/1890 Valley Farm Rd. OCC #11 1235 Radom Matt Arvisais Len Warner 033714 291894 Daniel Bassant 036549 Please advise me once all is in order and tagging can commence. Thank you, ~ Bev . gherty Distr1 anager continued on page 2 ~,O7q C' 0: ,-.- -r"):1c,:~,,', ::-;,-",:",-,4 ",:--"""tE1E,. from: Group 4 Falck Limited 214 King Street E Oshawa L 1 H 3V1 Tel: 905-579-8020 Fax: 905-579-8028 15 Group 4 Faick -,,-~--,,-------- - ------ . ~ yOU please ensure ~na officers are ngted to provide service for all facilities on the Bylaw enactment Name Matt Arvisais Daniel Bassant Pierre Chabot Joseph DePasquale Ed Francis Jen Galo David Glover Nick Koitsopoulos AI Lambert Gilles Levesque Keith Pearson Preston Roberts Rob Rogers Bob Rombough Adrian Rozel Jason Savage Sean Stafford Len Warner Jim Wraight Jennifer Zub Licence # Name Licence # 033714 036549 004471 284868 016388 255850 284495 016389 000077 291894 226795 610849 Please delete any officers not on this list including. Paul Power Shawn Stobert Awaiting your response, Bev McCagherty Operations Manager bylaw: Add new bylaw officers Request ~_. ~;Þ ? I/' Peter Lawrence, Operations Supervisor :!Y4- ~---/ 16 I ATTACHMENT # -~""-'"ì'Ô-;~ÊPORT #a"'~ SECU~ITAS CANADA LI~ITED ~ IT; ~ !I r; rrlì 909 Simcoe Stree~ North, Unit 1 C 0 lÇ;. ~¿..~D... Ii I.',':;) I.! ¡! Oshawa, Ontario L 1 G 4W1 .- '.' ! II ì Tel: 905 - 571-4040 Fax: 905 - 571-0617 ~. Lj 1 4 ¡ 1..11 CITY OF PiC H!NG PICKERING. ON1N,i') February 11 , 2003 RI!'""'CE"'-""t1rc ~p" .~. ., tJ""c, .', ,:;.,.. ,,;11 '_::J ti .."no CITY OF PiCi{ËHING To whom it may concern Please consider the following personal for the addresses known as CLERK'S DIVISION 1100 Begley St Pickering Ontario L 1 W 4B3 and 1100 Begley St Pickering Ontario L 1 W 4B4 Colleen Anderson Misty Thompson Aaron Kerr Scott Melchior John Cole Thank you çfJ--- .\ ' . ".,. \.n~~/\;.;~~~ Colleen Andërson Administrator 905 571 4040 !I ,\ ,I ., , ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPOR #CL.ð&d 17 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for certain purposes (Parking Regulation -1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1530/40 & 1625 & 1655 Pickering Pkwy., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Crt., 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., 1650 Kingston Rd., 1885 & 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 & 1975 Rosefield Rd. and 1880/1890 Valley Farm Rd. and 1100 Begley St.) WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(1) of the Police Services Act, RS.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1530/40 & 1625 & 1655 Pickering Pkwy., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Crt., 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., 1650 Kingston Rd., 1885 & 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 & 1975 Rosefield Rd. and 1880/1890 Valley Farm Rd.: Matt Arvisais Len Warner Daniel Bassant b) 1100 Begley St.: Colleen Anderson Aaron Kerr John Cole Misty Thompson Scott Melchior 2. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. 3. These appointments shall expire upon the persons listed in section 1 (a) ceasing to be employees of Group 4 Falck Limited or upon Group 4 Falck Limited ceasing to be an agent of 1210 & 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 580 Eyer Dr., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1530/40 & 1625 & 1655 Pickering Pkwy., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Crt., 1000/1400 The Esplanade, 925 Bayly St., 1650 Kingston Rd., 1885 & 1360 Glenanna Rd., 1958 & 1975 Rosefield Rd. and 1880/1890 Valley Farm Rd., or upon the persons listed in section 1(b) ceasing to be employees of Securitas Canada Ltd. or upon Securitas Canada Ltd. ceasing to be an agent of 1100 Begley St., or upon whichever shall occur first. 1.8 I ! ! II '1 I I I II " II II II II :1 4. By-law 5848/01 is hereby amended by deleting Shaun Stobert and By-law 5965/02 is hereby amended by deleting Paul Powers. BY -LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1 ih day of March, 2003. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk II II I I I I I I I i i I I I I