HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 1085/80THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 1085/80 Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Keen Kraft Marina Co. Limited respecting Part Lot 3 and all Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Plan 65. WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Town of Pickering requires Keen Kraft Marina Co. Limited to enter into an Agree- ment with it prior to the development or redevelopment of its lands being Part Lot 3 and all Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Plan 65, and the construction or reconstruction of any buildings to be constructed or constructed thereon; NOW THEREFORE, the Council o£ the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Site Plan Pgreement, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A", between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Keen Kra£t Marina Co. Limited respecting the development or redevelopment of Part Lot 3, and all Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Plan 65, Picker- ing. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and £inally passed this 21st day of January , 1980. ,i � � � yor TGb`li�l p'�.,:.`_.., (..�, ., . . ._ ,,-�� ,�.J {'... t..i� �_�.f.. .�._ �.�': SCY.EDtiLE "A" to By-law #1085/80 T}iIS AGIt�EML•'NT made in Lriplicate this day of , 1979. BETWE�N: e THE CORP012ATION OP Tlir TOWN OP PICKERING hereinafter referred to as tlie "Town" OF TIi� FIRST PART, - and - KrEN KRnPT MI�RINA C0. LID7ITrD hereinafter referred to as the "Owner" OI' TIIE SECOND PART. WHE.P.EAS, the Owner herein is {he reRistered owner, in f�e simple, of Ll.e lands affected hereby; and WIi�RP7AS, the Town requires the O�ener to enter into an I�green;�nt with it prior to develop�r,ent or reclevel.op- ment of the lanus affected hereby and the construction or recon�truci.ion of any builQings to be constructeci or cons±ructed tl�creon; NOTa TI117Z213PORL'., this ?�nreeme.nt taitnesseth that in con- sicieration o� rnuCUa1 benefits, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Tiie lancis anu nmmi.ses affected bv this Agreement (herei.�iaYter rci� n�ed to as i:he "lands") are thuse 1<uias moie particularly describecl in Sche- �� . ::ui� ,:' :.��eL�. 2. t;o )�t�:+_ld�.;�q or i��7i1_�;irigs sh�tl bc a].tered <>>id erec- t�.�l on L-i�c i� nds unl:iJ. a site pl�;,t or p]_ans di_sp1a��- i��� tl:e� i� '_i:��;�:;.ng i.niormatiori i.s cr zr.e sub�rii-.tec3 ..:, ��iiC '.."._. :-;:t .:11G �"�dIIB.L' 21.1:Ci d1�j�1�V�.C1 Lj� {�I1G 'i'O1P11: �:.; -�.�c�.�_;-on ot al]. existil�g and propo�sed build � , ,. (b) heic;L;, nf a:Ll. u>:i ;tinq �u�d i;roposed build- in���;; (c) I.occ�tio>>s ot nl.l existin� ancl prol,o�ed ent.r.incc� anQ c�r:.i_Ls t:o Uu.i.lclings; - 2 - (d) locations of all e�isting and proposed entrances and c�its Co al�uttiny roads; (e) area and locati-on of lands used and to be used for parkin<�; (f) elevations oE a17 existi.ng and proposed buildings, indicating existing and pr.o- posed exter.ior material types and colours; (g) existing and proposed landscaping features; (h) existing and proposed use of lands not covered or to be covered by buildings; (i) existing and proposed locations of a11 electric power and natnral gas connection lines; (j) locations, types and colours of all exter- ior signs; ' (k) locations and types of all existing and proposed exterior lighting £ixtur.es and standards; i1) locations of all existing and proposed loading and unloading facilities; (m) locations and types of all existing and proposed fencing; (n) e;:isti.ng and propes�d grading of the Ia;�Js cYtIV j:CVVlSion� zc� st.onl� and .Gan- icary urai.naye and water service; (o) locations vf all existing and proposed g3rbayc storaye facilities; and (p) locations and specifications for all existing and proposed standpipes and locati.ons ef a11 proposed fire routes. 3. Upon appruval by the Town of the site plan or plans, the p,-opo,;ed buiLc3iug unci oLher wor_ks shown on the pl�n or' plan; shnll '�s �'rected in conformance with the plan or F�1.�1s. 9. If cor.str.uction has noc cormnenced within one (1) yca�' of the date of ap}�roval. of the pl.an or plans, th� n?.�r, �;- �,l an ; �hal.l become ;�ul.l and void ana a ne�:� s� t� r,) �� or I�l.�n� mu ,t be suUr.iitted di s- pl�yinq the �nform<itic,n reouired in secCion 2 and n�ust i;e ap}�roved by i:he Town prior to any construc- �i_r�n i,c.� riq ��orm,icncucl. 5. i,nv -.<•orks r�����'.r�,d t.o be done on road a]lec:�ances �hall. be done eccordinq to the speci-fications of +:.nr-: �:��i_evrir:r ai�thorii.y and be s�bjer.t to thc �.n,ar.cr✓<;1 oi st�,cl, authc�r.ity. E. Qnl.�.� enc ::rcl�:tccC:nn?. �r �ncainecri.ny firni sha11 hc usco, und cm;�lolcu for the devclopment of the lancls. 7. The Owner shall. ccmply ti�i.th al1 and Zny zon�r�q re- quire�nents in foi:ce at any time and perlaini.ng to —s— the area within wlu-r.h the ]ancls are situatc, espec- ially but not nccess.rily limited to the require- me7its of 13y-L'uw 2�11, us wucnt]eci. 8. All proposals for chL-crior :iqn:� and c>:teri.or li.,yhting of. all Ly1��s sl�all Uc sui.�ject Co thi� appro- val of the 'Pown and, »pon r.eceipt of such approval, the said proposal :;huJ.l be i.�oplcn�entcd only as approved. 9. All pro,�asais fcr uccess to and irom pnbli,c lancis, includiny roadwa}�s, :;hall l�e subject to the appro- val of the Town and, upon receipt of such approval, the �aid proposals siiall be irnplementied only as appruveci . 10. This Agreement and ever.ything contained herein shall enure to the benefit of and Ue binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, execu- tors, administrators, successors and assigns. TN WITNLSS ta>>�;rtP;OP' the Parties hereto have affixed their corporate sc-�als attested by the hands of their duly autliorized off.icers. SIGNliU, SLAI:.I;D and llLL1VL'R1:D 'S'13E C012.YORT1iION GI'' 'PIIE Y'�19IV OT'' PICKL''1�:ZtiG Mayor er. r�ria Per.: ner.: Y.RnF"P��?�T�BID:n CC. LIP7I7'�ll � ; ; ,, %' . % i _..�.__�_�.� _..__ ,% SClfi;{�ULi: "A" ALL AND SZNGU7,AR that ccrtain parccl or tract of land and pretnise�c si.tivalc�, lyiny ancl bci.nc� in the Town of Pickeriny, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (for.merly Township of Pickering in thc CounLy of OnL�irio) ancl Provincc of Ont�irio bcing coiu��os��cl oS : P'IItS'1'LY, the whole of Lots 7, 6, 5 and 4 on the west sidc of Front Street as show�i on Gardiner's Plan oP the Vill-agc of Fairport, reyistered as No. 65 in the Registry Office for the Itegistry Division of. Durham (formerly County of Ontario); SECONDLY, that part of Lot 3 on tlie west side of Front Street accordiny to said Plan, more particularly described as follows: COMI�IENCING at a point in the east limit of said Lot 3, twenty-seven feet two inches measured noYtherly £rom the south-east angle o£ said Lot; THENCE WL•'STERLY alony the north limit of lands heretofore i conveyed to one Rosseau and parall.el to Y.he south limit of the said lot to a point in the water's edge of I'renchman's ' Bay ; �i THENCE in a north-wester].y direction along the said water.'s �i edge'to a point where the same is intersected by the �j northerly limit of said Lot 3; �I TIIENCL EASTliRLY along Chc northerly limit of said Lot 3 to �i the north-east angle of said Lot; �� THP:NCI: SOUTHP;RI.Y along the eastcrly limiC of said I,ot, � :.,;.. �1�� `,`„ �r�lv 1�����1 c,� 'r,-�»r screet atoresa,r!. �; iiity-five feet�f.our inches more or. less, to the pl.ace ji of beginning; � ALL as describccl in Instrument No. 187460, daLed October 31st, 196II and re,iste��ed in the saicl OfLice on August 26th, 1969. t� �d F-� H rr��o C,�Y o� rm �n xo �r•N�rr �� �u �a ro � N F'• (t Ci oox 7 � �D no�� Y• (U iq o a ro ,+ yrt ro w r � �' O� F-' � N � r ro rr h'� N �• x N � �• � N ip . rn � G� � �� � � 7, H x M [*7 z x � y � ;� H � � n 0 r H :� H M O I w � a H x M � 0 O O M� 'O �3 �1 H C) O xz M � O k i �+] z G� �3 f7 H O � � 0 � H M CJ '� r. � E �