BY-LAW NO. 1906 /84
Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an
Agreement of Purchase and Sale respecting the
sale by the Corporation of the Town of Pickering
to Garry and Marion McBride of a triangular
parcel of land at the southeast corner of
Rougemount Drive and Woodgrange Avenue.
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Pickering
parcel of land of approximately 13,000 square feet
Rougemount Drive and Woodgrange Avenue, and
is the owner of a triangular
at the southeast corner of
WHEREAS such parcel is not required for municipal purposes;
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Picketing HEREBY
The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement of Pur-
chase and Sale, in the form attached hereto as Schedule A, between the Corpo-
ration of the Town of Pickering and Garry McBride and Marion McBride respect-
ing that part of Lot 31, Range 2, Broken Front Concession, Picketing,
cross-hatched on the sketch forming part of Schedule A.
BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st day of Octo-
ber, 1984.
PICK F..i?i N G
Schedule A
'16ronto FO. UsE,N
VENDOR ......... THE. CORRQRkTION..0~.. THE..Tgi..OK P ICK~!~ ............
AGENT .......... NO..~GE~T ............................................................................................. ,, the following
PRO,ER~:tronUng onthe East. side..of., . x:x~l~..~opdgr ang~.. A~a~.c .......... ~.~ ~ ~.~ ...................
known municipally as... uacant, land ............. In the ...... ~O~ ........................ ~.~ ........ i.. ~ .................
and having a frontage of.,. ll ~..fa et ........... mor~ or less by ~ depth of ir. re~u la~..in.. / .~m~r~r less and described as ..........
~being.an~un~pened~ad~a~wance~and-~a~acan~p~r~-~f~.~Dd~s-h~ ............
.ouAl£ned..gn..red..on..ske~cB..attached.hereto ...........................................................
TE~ ~HOUSA~D ...............................................
10,000.00 ....................................
ONE HUNDRED ........................
2. PURCHASER agrees to: pay the balance due on closing by certified cheque subject to the usual adjustments.
The Vendor agrees to provide an up to date plan of survey of the
property prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor.
The Parties hereto acknowledge and agree that this agreement of Purchase
and Sale is conditional upon the Town of Pickering being able to finalize
the closing of the unopened road allowance.
This offer is further conditional upon the purchasers being able to
successfully obtain approval of application to sever their property
in accordance with the attacked sketch, failing which this offer shall
become null and void and the Purchaser's deposit returned without
interest or deduction.
The Purchaser agrees that title to the property shall be subject to:
(a) a sanitary sewer easement in favour of The Regional Municipality
of Durham and
(b) a natural gas line easement in favour of Consumers' Gas.
3. PURCHASER AND VENDOR agree that &II existing fixtures are included In the purchase price except those hated hereunder: ...............................
end that the following chattels are included In the purchase pdce: .................................................................................
1st October 84
4. PURC, HASER agrees that thls Offer sha}l be irrevocab{e by hlm u~ti{11:§g p.m. on the ....................... dayof ........................ 19 ..........
after which time, It not accepted, this Offer shall be null and void and the deposit shal; be returned to Purchase~ without interest or deduction.
,conditions herein
5 THISAGaEEMENTshallbecompleted~..~-.w.e~...(.2.0.).~.EL~er.re~al..of/;~C~ .......... Upon completion, vacant
possession of the property shall be given to Purchaser unless otherwise provided as follows .............................................................
.................................. ~i¥ ',closing .....................................................................................
6. PURCHASER shah be allowed the, .1~... ~/d ays next fot~owing th~ date of acceptance of this Offer 1o; examine the tltt~ to the property at his own expense, to
satisfy himself that there are no outstanding munlc;pal work orders or deficiency notices affecting the property, t~..~~
(. .Vendorherebyconsents totBe
municipality releasing to Purchaser details of all outstanding municipal work orders or deficiency notices affecting the properly.
7. VENDOR AND PURCHASER ag ee that there is no condition, express or implied, representation or warranty of any kind that the future intended use et the pro-
Form NO. 001 (83/05)
the easements referred to in 2, above and
9. PROVIDED THAT the title lo the properly Js good and free from all encumbrances except fo/any registered restrictions or covenants thai run wI~h lhe land pro-
viding that such are complied with and except for any minor easements roi the supply ol domestic utility se~'ices to the property. II within the time allowed for ex-
amining the title any valid objection to title, or to any outstanding municipal work order or deficiency notice, or to the tact the '~'p re sent u se m ay not lawfulty
remedyorsalsfyandwhchPurchaserw no waive, hlsAgreemen now hstandinganylntermed~a eacso nego a onsinreapecto suchobjections, shaH
be at an end and all monies theretofore paid shall be returned without Interest or deduction and Vendor and Vendor's Agent shall not be liable lot any costs or
damages. Save as to any valid objection so made by such day and except for any objection going to the root of the title, Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed
to have accepted Vendor's title to lhe property.
10. PURCHASER shall not call for the production of any title deed, abstract, survey or other evidence of title to the property except such as are in the possession or
control of Vendor. Vendor agrees that he w III deliver any sketch or suryey of the property In h is possession or within h is control Io Purchaser as soon as poss ible
and prior to the last day allowed for examining title,
DATED at ........... [)ic~. ~"z g ......................... this.. J .~.~7~ day of ..... ~p~z; ............................... 19..84 ,....
.......... .~.,~!.~ ......... < ........ , .......... . ............... .~ ............ (Aff,~ Sea .......
THE UNDERSIGNED accepts the above Drier and agrees with the Agent above named in cons;deration for his services in procuring the said offer, to pay him
on the date above fixed for completion, a commission of % of an amount equal to the above mentioned sale price, which commis-
sion may be deducted from the deposit. I hereby irrevocably instruct my solicitor to pay direct to the Agent any unpaid balance of commission from the proceeds of
the sale.
SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal:
in the presence of:
............................................................................................... (Affix Seal)... ~,..~../...~...
per: (Vendor) (Date)
............................................................................................... (Aflix Seal)... ~...//~...
per: (Vendor) (Date)
I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted
Agreement of Purchase and Sale
(Vendor) (Ddte)~
........................................ . , l . .84-. . ....
(Vendor) (Date)
r-/c~. K-/h4~..m~..O.~.~3~ ..............................
.... ......
. LT~O....~,~O~c~.. ~ ..........................
:A.. .....
I acknowledge receipt of my signed copy ol this accepted
Agreement of Purchase and Sale
(Purchaser) (Date)
Telephone NO.
.MUPJ~Y..D....S'~QL~,..Barrister. &. Solicitor...
Solicitor's Address
.356..Ki~gs.tQn..]L~c~d .............. 286.~1353 ...........
Telephone NO.
Pickering, Ontario. L1V1A2
BY-LAW NO. 1906 /84
Being a by-law to suthorise the execution of an
Agreement of Purchase and Sale respecting the
sale by the Corporation of the Town of Picketing
to Garry ~nd Marion McBride of a triangular
parcel of land st the southeast corner of
Rougemount Drive and Woodgrange Avenue.
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Picketing
parcel of land of approximately 13,000 square feet
Rougemount Drive ~nd Woodgrange Avenue, and
is the owner of a triangular
at the southeast corner of
WHEREAS such parcel is not required for municipal purposes;
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Picketing HEREBY
The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement of Pur-
chase and Sale, in the form attached hereto as Schedule A, between the Corpo-
ration of the Town of Pickering and Garry McBride ~nd Marion McBride respeCt-
ing that part of Lot 31, Range 2, Broken Front Concession, Picketing,
cross-hatched on the sketch forming part of Schedule A.
BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st day of Octo-
ber, 1984.
T O?,'N OF
.... N. .....................................
m0el.~; ~t~ ~ ~ ~a st. ~l~e..of ...... x~x..lloo~r ~ng~..&v.~e ...........................................
~ke.r.;t.n..g .................
~ ~.,~ u... ~acant. land ............. ~., ......To~. ......... u ...... : ..... ~ha~!' .
· be ing. an..unopened..r~ad., allowance. ~n~..a..v. acan~..pax~el..~f., l~n~..Sh0.w~ .............
· ou~linel.- in..r~d., on. ~k,~ch. ~ttache~. heret~ ...........................................................
TEN THOUSAND ..............................................
0.,.0.9 ......
~s~n~.~..pay the balance due on closing by certified cheque subject
to the usual adjustments.
· he Vendor agrees to provide an up to date plan' of survey of the
property prepared by an Ontario X~n~ Surveyor.
· he Parties hereto acknowledge and agree that this agreement of Purchase
and ~ale is conditional upon the ~own of Picketing being able to finalize
the closing of the unopened ~oad allowance.
This offer is further con~itional upon the purchasers being able to
successfully obtain approval of application to sever their property
An accordance with the attacked sketch, failing ~hich this offer shall
become null anti void and the Purchaser's deposit returned ,itho~t
interest or de8action.
The Purchaser agrees that title to the property shall be subject to:
(a) a sanitary sewer easement in favour of The Regional Municipality
of Durham and
(b) a natural gas line easement in favour of Consumers' Gas.
PURCHASER AND VENDOR igree that all existing fixtures am Included In the purchase pflce except Ihose listed hereuncle~ .............................
I~nd fhaf the following chattels ~re Included in the purchase price: ...............................................................................
.................. October 84
i~JRCHASE R agrees that Ihi$ Offer sharl be irrevocable by him until 11;59 p.rn on the 1 S t .... da'/of .................... , ,g ......
_ 4x)nditions herein
I'H~S AGR£ E UE N`/~har; I~e compl~l,d O~"[I&K..t W~e D ~-.~.. 1 ~ 0.) ~yE,~l~p~ .¢'~J!t..P_~l~. L~P2IIDval..or/XV~:~ ...... Upon compJet,on, va:a~I
................................. :'"~'/0 losing
PURCHASER shalr be allowed the .~i'~.~-~-./days nexl following the date of acceptance of this Offer to: examine the title to the property el h,s o~n expense, lc
...l~$ident~al ..........................................
DATEOAT ........ p.~...C~...~..~ .......................... lifts ...~.&'b~ . dlyof ........... ...~...~ ................ 19 ~
$~NED, SEATED AND DEUVERI:D IN WITNE~ when-of I have hM~unto ~et my hind ir~ leal:
............................................ : .................................................. ~ffi~"seat).
............................................................................................... ~,tix Se,, .. ~..//...~...
per: (Ver~dor) {Date~
O~endoq (Date)
.f~.~O..~-.~6 ~TO ~, ~Z~ ...........................
..~..~6 ... ~.~./C7 ..... ~6~.'.~0...
.C,.~..~..~.~~ ...........................
! ~/0 K/~ ~ ~%~. ~ ..........
I Ickf~owledge receipt of my signed copy of this accepted
Agreement ot Purchase and Sale
~Purchaser) {Date:.
(Purchaser) {Date:
Telephone Kc
.MURRAY D.. S TROUD,. Barrister & Solicitor
356 Kingsto.~ Ro~d 2B(,-1353
Picketing, Ontario. L]V]3~