Being a by-law to provide for interest
to be added to tax arrears.
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 3 of the
Municipal Interest and Discount Rates Act, 1982, a muni-
cipality may, by by-law, provide that the interest rate
payable on overdue payments of taxes owing %o it shall be
at the rate specified therein, which rate shall not exceed
the prime rate of the chartered bank that has the highest
prime rate on the day the by-law is passed or any day
within the 14 day period immediately prior to the date the
by-law is passed, plus 1-1/2 per cent per annum; and
WHEREAS the prime rate of interest of the Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce during this period was 11.0 per cent;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of
Pickerinq HEREBY ENACTS as follows:
The interest rate payable on overdue payments of
taxes owing to the Corporation of the Town of Pickering
on the effective date of this by-law shall be 12.5 per
cent per annum.
The Treasurer shall add to the amount of all overdue
payments of taxes owing to the Corporation of the
Town of Pickering interest at the rate of 1.04 per
cent per month for each month or fraction thereof,
from the effective date of this by-law until the
earlier of:
the day a by-law in respect of interest payable
on overdue payments comes into force in 1985;
(b) March 31st, 1985.
3. No interest added to taxes shall be compounded.
Section 2210.4 of the Town of Picketing Municipal Code
is hereby repealed and replaced by the provisions of
this by-law.
BY-L~q READ a first, second and third time and finally PASSED
this 16th day of January, 1984.
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