HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 19, 2025 Page 1 of 6 Minutes/Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee February 19, 2025 Hybrid Electronic Meeting Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Attendees: S. Azhar D. Currie K. Hale A. Khan C. Rudberg-Chin M. Shackleton D. Schick S. Snyders K. Sullivan I. Janton, Senior Planner – Site Planning P. Bigioni, Telecommunications & Network Support Analyst K. Fox, Supervisor, Customer Care T. Higgins, Accessibility Coordinator J. Currie, Legislative Coordinator Absent: B. Ferguson A. Topple, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Councillor M. Brenner Councillor M. Nagy Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Review and Approval of Agenda Moved by D. Currie Seconded by K. Hale That the Agenda for the February 19, 2025, Meeting of The Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting be approved, with the exception that item 7.1 move to follow item 5.1. Carried 2. Disclosure of Interest Page 2 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) No disclosures of interest were noted. 3. Approval of Minutes Moved by C. Rudberg-Chin Seconded by K. Sullivan That the Minutes of the January 15, 2025, meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4. Presentations/Delegations There were no presentations. 5. New Business 5.1 Discussion of Council Chambers Walkthrough held 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, February 19, 2025 T. Higgins provided a brief summary of the walking tour of the City of Pickering Council Chambers held immediately prior to the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting. Discussion between Committee Members ensued regarding: • the added value of the Virtual Reality element which provided greater insight into the vision of the proposed design of the space; • the value of the in-person walkthrough and experiencing, both visually and physically, the limitations of the space as well as the existing accessibility challenges; • holding a community event to build awareness of accessibility challenges by providing opportunities for the general public to experience various disabilities, through the creation of an “accessibility showcase” using items to mimic various disabilities; • having accessibility discussions prior to setting budgets in order to allocate appropriate funding, specific to accessibility needs; • balancing future needs while capitalizing on existing facilities; • framing accessibility as an incentive as opposed to an obligation; and, • the importance of considering future upgrades in the built environment, such as lighting, multiple screens, and sound quality. Page 3 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 5.2 Pathways to Employment Program Update K. Fox, Supervisor, Customer Care provided a brief summary of the Pathways to Employment Program and noted the success the City of Pickering has experienced with the current job seeker who was working through the Program at the City. Discussion between Committee Members and Staff ensued regarding: • an underrepresented perspective being brought to the City of Pickering; • the value provided to the job seeker as well as the City in respect to employees seeking accommodations and how the City receives requests for accommodations; and, • introducing the Pathways to Employment Program to Secondary Schools. 5.3 Environmental Sensitivities – Sound P. Bigioni, Telecommunications & Network Support Analyst provided a brief overview of his lived experience with an environmental sensitivity to sound and discussed how a loud alarm system could be detrimental rather than helpful for someone who was Neurodivergent. P. Bigioni noted that this topic was unfamiliar to most and that conventional alarms that meet Building Code Standards do not effectively alert people who are Neurodivergent. Discussion between Committee Members ensued regarding considering sensory sensitivities in alarm systems from the lens of accessibility, the possibility of visual and non-visual cues for alarm systems, and that the Committee would include this topic in their upcoming conversations with the Accelerating Accessibility Coalition. 5.4 Site Plans Review I. Janton, Senior Planner, Site Planning provided a brief overview of the Site Plan Approval S06/24, Ansar Medical Services Inc. 2177 & 2185 Brock Road, that proposed 92 stacked townhouse units which included four accessible units. Discussion between the Committee Members and Staff ensued regarding: Page 4 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) • whether the developers could exceed the minimum standard for accessible visitor parking spaces; • whether the developers could consider widening the sidewalks and the possibility of incorporating one-way roads to achieve increased accessibility; and, • that four accessible units were commendable and whether more, and perhaps all, street level units could also be built as accessible. I. Janton, Senior Planner, Site Planning provided a brief overview of the Application for Site Plan Approval S 06/88 (R24), 1900 Dixie Road, a seasonal Garden Centre addition. T. Higgins noted, for the Committee’s awareness and ratification, that Site Plan Amendment S 05/98 (R24) – Submission #1 had been circulated in December 2024, and that he had submitted the following comments pertaining to accessibility: • Access in all-weather to the portables for people living with mobility challenges o consider provisions for ramps, interior isle widths, and access to washrooms • A gravel parking lot will not be easy to traverse for people using small-wheeled wheelchairs and scooters. 5.5 Annual Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee Report to Council T. Higgins, Accessibility Coordinator, summarized that the Multi-year Accessibility Plan would be expiring this year and that, in addition, the 2024 Year End Report and 2025 Proposed Work Plan is required to go to Council in the form of a Report, and noted this an opportunity to outline the Committees achievements as well as future priorities. T. Higgins provided draft copies of the Report, via email, for the Committee Members review. T. Higgins highlighted that Accessibility has been a highlighted focus for the City of Pickering and noted a video released by the Chief Administrative Officer, summarizing the 2024 infrastructure and facilities initiatives of the City. Committee Members to review the draft Report and provide comment to T. Higgins. The Year End Report is to go to the April 28, 2025 Council Meeting. T. Higgins to flag actionable emails sent to Page 5 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Committee Members recommended that alternative terminology be considered in the Reports to be more inclusive to reflect both visible and invisible ability challenges. Committee Members. 6. Correspondence There were no items of correspondence. 7. Other Business 7.1 Accessibility and Bridges This item was addressed earlier in the meeting, following Item 5.1. C. Rudberg-Chin, Committee Member, provided an overview of complaints she received from community members regarding snow-related accessibility and safety issues on the Metrolinx pedestrian bridge that spans the 401, and connects to the GO station. Discussion between Committee Members ensued regarding the City being proactive in addressing accessibility and safety issues in extreme weather conditions and coordinating solutions with interjurisdictional areas. Moved by M. Shackleton Seconded by C. Rudberg-Chin That the Accessibility Advisory Committee recommends that Council request staff to perform a study to determine high risk areas for pedestrians for the purpose of prioritizing snow clearing, and identifying areas that are not within the City of Pickering’s jurisdiction, and to include multijurisdictional coordination and solutions. Carried T. Higgins to provide a report to Council regarding an assessment study. 8. AAC Member Roundtable Updates There were no Roundtable Updates. 9. Next Meeting – March 19, 2025 10. Adjournment Moved by D. Currie Seconded by C. Rudberg-Chin That the meeting be adjourned. Page 6 of 6 Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) Carried Meeting Adjourned: 9:15 p.m.