HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPS 02-25Report to Council
Report Number: OPS 02-25
Date: February 24, 2025
From: Brian Duffield
Director, Operations
Subject: Construction for Artificial Turf and Lighting Replacement at Bay Ridges Kinsmen
Park and Artificial Turf Replacement at Beverly Morgan Park
-Tender No. T2024-10
-File: A-1440
1. That the bid submitted by WorldWide Turf Inc. in response to Request for Tender No.
T2024-10 for Construction for Artificial Turf and Lighting Replacement at Bay Ridges
Kinsmen Park and Artificial Turf Replacement at Beverly Morgan Park, in the amount of
$1,562,016.00 (net HST) or $1,734,550.00 (HST included) be accepted;
2.That the total gross project cost of $2,014,779.00 (HST included), including the amount of
the tender, construction contingency, and other associated costs, and the total net project
cost of $1,814,371.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved;
3.That the Director, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the net project cost of
$1,814,371.00 as follows and approved in the 2023, 2024 and 2025 Capital Budgets:
a.The sum of $585,985.00 to be funded from the Casino Reserve as approved in the
2023 Capital Budget;
b.The sum of $416,574.00 to be funded from the Canada Community Benefit Fund
Reserve Fund as approved in the 2023 Capital Budget;
c.The sum of $13,865.00 to be funded from the Rate Stabilization Reserve as approved
in the 2024 Capital Budget;
d.The sum of $797,947.00 to be funded from the Canada Community Benefit Fund
Reserve Fund as approved in the 2025 Capital Budget;
4.That the Director, Operations be authorized to enter into and execute the CCDC-2, 2020
Stipulated Price Contract with the above-mentioned contractor pursuant to Tender
5.That the Director Finance & Treasurer, if required, be authorized to provide additional
funding to offset tariff related additional costs that cannot be accommodated through the
contingency budget and/or other actions and that these additional costs be funded at the
discretion of the Director, Finance & Treasurer; and
OPS 02-25 February 24, 2024
Subject: Construction for Artificial Turf and Lighting Replacement at Bay Ridges
Kinsmen Park and Artificial Turf Replacement at Beverly Morgan Park Page 2
6.That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary
actions as indicated in the report.
Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to award a construction contract for
artificial turf and lighting replacement at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park as well as the replacement
of artificial turf at Beverly Morgan Park. The artificial turf at Beverly Morgan Park was originally
installed in 2014. The artificial turf and sports field lighting at Jayde Riviere Field within Bay
Ridges Kinsmen Park were installed in 2008 and 1978, respectively. All are past their
lifecycles and require replacement. The scope of work includes replacement of existing
artificial turf for both fields and new pole sports field lighting at Jayde Rivere Field within Bay
Ridges Kinsmen Park.
RFT No. T2024-10 was advertised on the City’s Bids&Tenders portal on December 19, 2024,
and closed on January 23, 2025. Five bids were submitted. All required pre-conditions of the
award have been received and approved; therefore, the lowest compliant bid submitted by
WorldWide Turf Inc. in the amount of $1,562,016.00 (net HST) or $1,734,550.00 (HST
included), is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost is estimated to be
$2,014,779.00 and the total net project cost is estimated at $1,814,371.00 (net of HST rebate).
Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond
to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priorities of Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe &
Healthy Community; and Strengthen Existing & Build New Partnerships.
Financial Implications:
1.Tender Amount
Tender T2024-10 $1,535,000.00
HST (13%) 199,550.00
Total Gross Tender Cost $1,734,550.00
2. Estimated Project Costing Summary
Tender T2024-10 $1,535,000.00
Consulting & Other Costs to Date 43,990.00
Controls 20,000.00
Contingency (12%) 184,000.00
Total Project Cost $1,782,990.00
HST (13%) 231,789.00
Total Gross Project Costs $2,014,779.00
HST Rebate (11.24%) (200,408.00)
Total Net Project Cost $1,814,371.00
OPS 02-25 February 24, 2024
Subject: Construction for Artificial Turf and Lighting Replacement at Bay Ridges
Kinsmen Park and Artificial Turf Replacement at Beverly Morgan Park Page 3
3. Approved Source of Funds – Parks’ Capital Budget
Approved Code Source of Funds Funds Available Funds Required
C10320.2314 Casino Reserve $770,000.00 $585,985.00
C10320.2329 CCBF Reserve Fund 720,500.00 416,574.00
C10320.2433 Rate Stabilization Reserve 25,000.00 13,865.00
C10320.2433 CCBF Reserve Fund 1,030,000.00 797,947.00
Total Funds $2,545,500.00 $1,814,371.00
Costs shown above include previously committed and separately awarded consulting and
related project fees. They are funded from the same accounts and have been included for
clarity regarding the total cost of the project.
At the time of writing this Report, the possible threat of Trump tariffs still exists and therefore,
this Report also considers the reciprocal Canadian tariffs to be implemented by the Federal
Government. It appears that the tariff situation is fluid and therefore, this section of the Report
may be stale when Council considers the following information and its “financial impacts”.
The turf component for this project is manufactured in the United States and could be subject
to a Canadian Government reciprocal tariff. Assuming a 25 percent tariff, the additional cost
could range from an estimated increase between $60,000.00 to $70,000.00 per field or
$120,000.00 to $140,000.00 for two fields. The strategy to accommodate additional tariff costs
is for the departments to follow, where applicable, the following guidelines:
•first and if possible, to ask the vender to find either a Canadian or non-American
supplier to avoid any tariff;
•second option is for the Department to try to find surplus dollars through the project’s
contingency account or find savings through possible review of project scope that
results in a change in the cost profile of the project (that excludes the consideration or
elimination of any item that provides health or safety features for our residents or staff);
•the third and last option is to seek additional funding for the project.
Discussion: The purpose of this report is to award a construction contract for artificial turf
and lighting replacement at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park as well as the replacement of artificial
turf at Beverly Morgan Park.
Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park, located at 705 Sandy Beach Road, currently has artificial turf and
ten poles with sports field lighting. Jayde Riviere Field within Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park is
situated just west of the hydro corridor and features artificial turf originally installed in 2008 with
Project Cost under (over) approved funds by
OPS 02-25 February 24, 2024
Subject: Construction for Artificial Turf and Lighting Replacement at Bay Ridges
Kinsmen Park and Artificial Turf Replacement at Beverly Morgan Park Page 4
pole mounted lights from 1978. Both the turf and lighting have deteriorated overtime and
require replacement. The project will involve installing ten new pole-mounted LED lighting
fixtures around the turf perimeter in their existing locations, reducing energy consumption.
Additionally, new artificial turf with a shock pad will be installed to enhance safety and extend
the turf’s lifespan by 12 to 15 years.
Beverly Morgan Park, located east of Pineridge Secondary School at 2155 Liverpool Road,
includes an artificial turf within an existing rubber track system. Originally installed in 2014, the
artificial turf has reached the end of its lifecycle after more than ten years of use. The new
installation will include artificial turf with a shock pad for added safety and to extend the turf’s
lifespan by 12 to 15 years.
The installation of both fields will take place sequentially to minimize disruption to user groups.
Work at Beverly Morgan Park will begin on June 23, 2025, and is scheduled to be completed
before the contractor moves on to Jayde Riviere Field at Bay Ridges Kinsmen Park on August
25, 2025. Work at Beverly Morgan Park is being prioritized due to its proximity and use by Pine
Ridge High School. The entire project is expected to be finished by the end of the calendar
RFT No. T2024-10 was advertised on the City’s Bids&Tenders portal on December 19, 2024,
and closed on January 23, 2025. Five bids were submitted. All required pre-conditions of the
award have been received and approved; therefore, the lowest compliant bid submitted by
WorldWide Turf Inc. in the amount of $1,562,016.00 (net HST) or $1,734,550.00 (HST
included), is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost is estimated to be
$2,014,779.00 and the total net project cost is estimated at $1,814,371.00 (net of HST rebate).
Attachment: None.
Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By:
Brian Duffield Cathy Bazinet, CPPB, NIGP-CPP
Director, Operations Manager, Procurement
Vince Plouffe, OAA, MRAIC Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA
Division Head, Operations Services Director, Finance & Treasurer
Original Signed By:Original Signed By:
Original Signed By:Original Signed By:
OPS 02-25 February 24, 2024
Subject: Construction for Artificial Turf and Lighting Replacement at Bay Ridges
Kinsmen Park and Artificial Turf Replacement at Beverly Morgan Park Page 5
Recommended for the consideration
of Pickering City Council
Marisa Carpino, M.A.
Chief Administrative Officer
Original Signed By: