HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO 01-03 2 Calf o~ REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Report Number: MO 01-03 Date: December 27,2002 From: Wayne Arthurs Mayor Subject: GT AA Pickering Advisory Committee Status Update 2 Recommendation: 1. That Council receive for information, Report to Council MO 01-03 providing a status update on the GT AA's Pickering Advisory Committee. Executive Summary: The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) established a "Pickering Advisory Committee" early in 2002 to provide advice on issues related to the GTAA's interim planning process for the federal lands in Pickering, Markham and Uxbridge. A status update on this Committee was provided to Council in September 2002. This Report provides Council with a further status update on the work of the Committee. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: In early September 2002, I provided Council with a status update on the Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC) of the GTAA. Since that update, the PAC has met three more times: September 18th, October 24th, and November 20th, 2002. The purpose of this Report is to update Council on these meetings. At the September meeting, the GTAA released a "Financial Assessment Analysis" (FAA) of the Pickering Lands. A copy of the FAA was forwarded to all members of Council following the meeting, along with a memorandum from the Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy to the Chief Administrative Officer outlining the key findings of the Analysis. A copy of the Division Head's memorandum to the CAD is attached for your information (see Attachment No.1 to this Report). Report MO 01-03 Date: December 27,2002 3 Subject: GT AA Pickering Advisory Committee - Status Update 2 Page 2 At the October PAC meeting, the GTAA provided a verbal report on the various studies currently being conducting, including a Runway Siting Study, a Socio-Economic Baseline Study and a Groundside Transportation Study. The GTAA also gave an informative presentation on the master planning process that it expects to complete in 2003. I have asked representatives of the GTAA to attend our Committee of the Whole meeting on January 13th to provide all Members of Council with an overview of the master planning process. At the November meeting, the GTAA reported on the public information sessions it held over the past few months, and provided PAC members with an outline of the general policies, regulations and governmental responsibilities for planning in the vicinity of airports, particularly in relation to airport operations, safety and noise impacts. Meetings of the Pickering Advisory Committee will continue throughout 2003, and I will keep Council advised on a regular basis. Attachment: 1. Memorandum from Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy to Chief Administrative Officer on the GTAA's Financial Assessment Analysis Submitted By: ~7~~ Wayne Arthurs Mayor TM: Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy 4 ATTACHMENT I-L- TO REPORT'~ CJ \ - 0 ~ OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER MEMORANDUM September 19, 2002 To: T. J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer From: T. E. Melymuk Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy Subject: GTAA Interim Planning Process Release of "Financial Assessment Analysis" File: IG 2100 At yesterday's GTAA's meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee (PAC), the GTAA released a "Financial Assessment Analysis" (FAA) for a possible future airport in Pickering. The Mayor was also in attendance at the meeting, and also received a copy of the Analysis. The FAA was completed by the GTAA to determine whether there is a potential business case for the development of an airport in Pickering. The GT AA wanted to have this information before beginning detailed planning for the airport. The Analysis was released for information and discussion. PAC members were asked to review the Analysis and advise the GTAA of any questions or comments they may have, so that these can be discussed at the next PAC meeting in October. In addition to releasing the Analysis to PAC, the GTAA intends to formally submit the document to each of the affected municipalities, presumably through the Clerks Office. The GT AA will also be making the Analysis available to the public ahead of the public meetings that they plan to hold in October. The GTAA emphasized that the Report is a "high-level" analysis. Detailed review and analysis will continue over the next few years through the preparation of a Master Plan for the airport (which would begin in 2003 and take about one year to complete), and as part of the required Environmental Assessment process (which would commence in 2004 and take about 3 years to complete). Issues and questions raised at this time will be considered by the GTAA and dealt with as the process continues. ATTACHMENT # \ L TO REPORT # \<\e>. c!>\- D?:> 5 A copy of the FAA is attached for your information. In effect, it confirms there is a business case for the development of an airport in Pickering. Some of the key findings of the Analysis are outlined below: . The potential closure of one or more GTA reliever airports (such as Buttonville) will require a reallocation of general aviation service to a new facility. The Analysis assumes general aviation service in Pickering to commence in 2012. . Three scenarios were developed for the Analysis (a "Spill" scenario, an "Air Services" scenario, and a "Travel Propensity" scenario). Commencement dates for commercial airport service in Pickering vary by scenario. . Under the Spill scenario (wherein passengers are diverted to Pickering and Hamilton, once Pearson reaches its capacity of 50- million annual passengers), commercial service at Pickering would commence in 2019. By 2032 there would be 9.7-million annualpassengeffi. . Under the Air Services scenario (wherein the demand at Pickering is based on airline scheduling needs), commercial service at Pickering would commence in 2015. By 2032 there would be 7.3-million annual passengers. . Under the Traffic Propensity scenario (wherein Pickering's demand is related to projected population and employment growth rates), commercial service at Pickering would also commence in 2015. By 2032 there would be 4-million annual passengers. The FAA also presents information for each scenario on facility requirements; capital, operating and maintenance costs; and sources of funding. For each scenario, it was concluded that an airport on the Pickering lands would be a feasible project and could be funded from usual sources available to the GT AA. I will keep you advised as further information becomes available on this issue. (j7V\ T. E. Melymuk TM: i:\airport\business case.doc