HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law 8149-24 - Consolidated Zoning By-lawConsolidated Zoning By-law By-law No. 8149/24 By-law will be in effect upon the end of the appeal period process. By-law passed on December 16, 2024 Deadline for appeals January 9, 2024 at 4:30 pm By-law in full force and effect upon issuance of the affidavit provided no appeals have been received. The Corporation of the City of Pickering Consolidated Zoning By-law By-law No. 8149/24 December 16, 2024 Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 i Preamble (How to Use this By-law) This Preamble does not form a part of the Consolidated Zoning By-law but is provided for context and convenience purposes only. 1. Overview of Zoning By-laws A Zoning By-law is a detailed municipal by-law that regulates: a) The type of land uses and activities that may occur on a property or within buildings; and b) The height, location, massing and character of buildings and structures. The specific matters that may be regulated by a Zoning By-law are outlined in Section 34 of the Ontario Planning Act, as amended. Zoning By-laws are used by most municipalities in Ontario to manage the compatibility of land uses and the character and appearance of neighbourhoods and communities. Zoning By-laws are also prepared to implements the policies of a municipality’s Official Plan, which establishes goals and policies respecting where permitted land uses are located within the municipality and their desired built form. The Zoning By-law is used to translate these policies into more specific permitted land uses, and requirements for lots and structures. The Zoning By-law is enforced by the City and it is an offense to use land or to erect or use buildings and structures in contravention of the Zoning By-law. Zoning By-law requirements are also implemented through the Building Permit application process. Where an applicant applies for a Building Permit to construct a proposed structure on their property, the proposal must comply with the provisions of the Zoning By-law. If the proposal does not comply, the applicant can: a) Rework their proposal so that it complies with the Zoning By-law; b) Apply for a minor variance to seek relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law; or c) Apply for a zoning by-law amendment to change their zone or seek relief from the provisions of the Zoning By-law. 2. Overview of the Zoning By-law for the City of Pickering This Consolidated Zoning By-law is a single zoning by-law that applies to all lands within the City of Pickering. Previously, Pickering operated under six (6) separate parent zoning by-laws, with many properties zoned through site-specific zoning by-laws. Different parts of the Consolidated Zoning By-law may apply depending on the location of a property within the City. Specifically, properties within the Seaton Urban Area, as shown on Schedule 1 with a “S” prefix, are subject to the provisions in Section 1, 2 and 14 of the Zoning By-law. Properties outside of the Seaton Urban Area are subject to all provisions except Section 14. Section 15 contains the Exception zones for all areas of the City. Section 16 contains the enactment provisions for the entirety of this By-law. Preamble Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 ii The Zoning By-law for the City of Pickering contains the following components: a) Section 1 outlines administrative provisions which apply to all lands subject to this By-law. This section includes clauses that govern how the Zoning By-law is to be read and interpreted, and measures for compliance with the By-law including penalties for contravention. b) Section 2 defines the zones for all lands subject to this By-law, to be read alongside Schedule 1. All lands subject to the Zoning By-law are shown on Schedule 1. All lands are subject to a “zone” which defines permitted uses and, lot and building requirements. A property might be subject to multiple zones. These schedules are available in an online interactive format or as PDFs through the City of Pickering’s website. For further information please contact the City Development Department at citydev@pickering.ca, or 905.420.4617. c) Section 3 contains definitions to assist in interpreting the Zoning By-law in and are critical to ensuring the Zoning By-law is interpreted consistently and understood by all. These definitions apply to all zones outside of the Seaton Urban Area. Definitions applicable to the Seaton Urban Area are contained in Section 14.1. d) Section 4 details the general regulations for all zones except for the Seaton Urban Area. These regulations will apply depending on the proposed use, or on the characteristics and context of the lot. These provisions include detailed requirements for additional dwelling units, home occupations, accessory buildings (for example, detached garages), and many other contexts. General regulations for zones within the Seaton Urban Area are provided in Section 14.2. e) Section 5 outlines the parking and loading requirements for all zones except for the Seaton Urban Area. Most permitted uses of a property require a certain number of parking spaces be provided to accommodate vehicles. Some uses require loading spaces to accommodate deliveries, while other uses may also require to provide and maintain a certain number of bicycle parking spaces. Section 14.3 contains parking and loading requirements for zones within the Seaton Urban Area. f) Sections 6 through 13 describe the permitted uses, lot, and building requirements for the Residential, Commercial, Mixed-Use, City Centre, Employment, Environmental Protection and Open Space, Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine, and Institutional and Other zones, respectively, as delineated on Schedule 1. g) Section 14 contains all the provisions which only apply to lands in the Seaton Urban Area, identified by the zones with a “S” prefix. Preamble Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 iii h) Section 15 contains site-specific provisions for all exceptions zones, which are denoted on Schedule 1 as a prefix consisting of the letter “X” followed by a number and the exception’s zone symbol (for example, “X50 (O3B)”). Where lands are subject to a site-specific exception zone, the reader will need to locate the corresponding provisions in Section 15. For example, the provisions for Exception 50 are in Section 15.50 . i) Section 16 includes provisions that enact the Zoning By-law, bringing it into effect. All provisions of the By-law are intended to be read in conjunction with one another. It is always important, when reading a Zoning By-law, to identify all provisions throughout the document that are applicable to a property. 3. Checking the Zoning and Applicable Provisions for a Property Zoning By-law users are a diverse audience. Some readers will want to examine how the Zoning By-law addresses a certain issue or regulates a certain use (for example, how does the By-law regulate home occupations? In which zones are apartment buildings permitted?). Other users are responsible for administering the Zoning By-law and must understand it in great detail. Most readers, however, will use a Zoning By-law to determine what they are permitted to do on their property. Following is an outline of the steps to determine what types of regulations apply to a property: a) Identify a property of interest on Schedule 1: To locate a property’s zoning, start by identifying the applicable location and refer to the index map (Schedule 1) to identify which of the subsequent maps are likely to illustrate the zoning for the property. To assist in reading and interpreting Schedule 1, refer to the provisions of Section 2. If the property of interest is not included within the defined area of this Zoning By-law in Schedule 1, it is subject to By-law 3036, as amended, and is not subject to this Zoning By-law. Preamble Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 iv b) Make a note of what zoning applies to the property on Schedule 1: The zones are identified within thick red boundaries. Make a note of the property’s applicable zone symbol (for example, “R1”). In some cases, the property may have an exception zone, as denoted by an “X” followed by a number and the exception’s zone symbol (for example, “X50 (O3B)”). In addition, the property may have a suffix applying to the zone symbol for a holding symbol (H). Make a note of any symbols and/or suffixes that apply. The property might also fall within an area subject to one (1) or more of the following schedules or appendices. These schedules and appendices, which are shown as overlays in the mapping, correspond to additional requirements or provisions outlined in the Zoning By-law, as follows: i. Schedule 1 shows: 1. Lands within the area of influence of the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, which are subject to the additional requirements under Section 4.9. 2. Lands within an Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, which are subject to the additional requirements under Section 4.10. 3. The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan area. Properties within the Oak Ridges Moraine may be subject to requirements under Section 4.22. ii. Schedule 2 shows the lands that are affected by Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs). These are orders issued under the Planning Act by the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. In the event of a conflict between this Zoning By-law and any applicable MZO requirements, the MZO prevails, unless explicitly stated to the contrary in the By-law. Where there is no conflict between the MZO and this By-law, both will apply. iii. Schedule 3 illustrates the areas of high aquifer vulnerability within the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Area. If the property is within these areas, as shown on Schedule 3, make note, and check the general regulations for these areas in Section 4.22.8 for applicable provisions. Applicants should also be aware that the City of Pickering’s Official Plan, as well as other legislation, provides regulations related to source protection. The Zoning By- law does not necessarily incorporate all of these related regulations which may have an impact on permitted uses. Readers should contact the City of Pickering for current information. iv. Schedules 4 to 7 illustrate zone regulations applicable to the City Centre zones, denoted with a “CC” prefix, as listed in Section 9. v. Schedule 8 illustrates the extent of the Protected Major Transit Station Area. This Area is referenced by Section 5.2 of this By-law, in which no minimum motor vehicle parking spaces are required in conjunction with development. Preamble Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 v vi. Attachment A shows regulatory areas for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Area (CLOCA). If the property is within a regulatory area, make note, and check the regulations for the TRCA/CLOCA areas in Section 4.8 and contact the applicable Conservation Authority planning staff. This information is shown in an attachment as the regulated area may differ from the area delineated on Attachment A, as it may be subject to changes resulting from new environmental information obtained by the CLOCA or TRCA over time. The boundaries of the regulated area shall be determined by CLOCA or TRCA as applicable. c) Check the permitted uses and lot and building requirements applying to your zone in Sections 6 through 13 (contained under Section 14 in the Seaton Urban Area): Many properties simply have a base zone applying to it (for example, “R1”), and each zone is associated with a list of uses that are permitted (for example, Detached Dwelling), as well as specified lot and building requirements like lot area, setbacks for buildings from property lines, and building heights. Many properties are subject to a site-specific exception zone, as described previously. If this is the case, the property has special provisions that apply. These provisions will usually override certain provisions of the Zoning By-law. To find the applicable special provisions, refer to Section 15, and locate the exception number that corresponds with the symbol shown on the property. If the property is subject to an Exception zone under Section 15, the provisions of Section 15 apply with respect to the interpretation of the Exception zones. Some properties are also subject to a holding symbol, represented by an “H” on Schedule 1. A holding symbol indicates that permitted uses and further development on the property will be limited until certain conditions have been met (for example, the connection of the property to municipal services). These conditions are typically integrated via a site-specific exception zone, as noted above. Where a property is subject to a holding symbol and an exception zone, refer to the corresponding provisions in Section 15 to determine the conditions required for the holding symbol to be lifted from the lands. If the property is located in the Seaton Urban Area, including any zone denoted by an S suffix, the zone requirements will be contained in Section 14. d) Understanding permitted uses, and lot and building requirements: The permitted uses for each zone are organized in a table. The uses permitted on the property are represented by a dot corresponding with the applicable zone symbol. Similarly, the lot and building requirements are organized in a table. For each zone, various requirements for lot frontage, front yard setback, rear yard setback, maximum building height, and other requirements are identified. For properties within a City Centre zone, some lot and building requirements (for example, Floor Space Index) are shown on Schedules 4 to 7 rather than in the table. Preamble Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 vi It is important to read the definitions associated with the terminology used in this Zoning By-law. All of the uses permitted in this Zoning By-law are associated with a definition. Many technical terms are also defined, such as lot frontage, lot coverage, and front yard setback. Where a term is defined, you will see it appear in bold in the text for convenience. e) Locate the other provisions that may apply: The types of uses permitted, and lot and building requirements are principally regulated by the zone requirements. However, Section 4 contains provisions that apply to certain permitted uses, such as those that are specifically applicable to accessory buildings, home occupations, automobile service stations, and many other uses. Section 4 also contains other provisions that apply in certain circumstances, and it is necessary to review all provisions to determine their relevance in the applicable zone or to the proposed construction project. Section 5 also includes requirements related to parking, driveways, and loading facilities and is often applicable and should be reviewed. In the Seaton Urban Area, these general regulations and parking provisions are included in Sections 14.2 and 14.3, respectively. f) Consider the administrative provisions of the Zoning By-law: Section 1 of the Zoning By-law contains some provisions that can help the reader understand how to read and use the Zoning By-law and explain the penalties for contravention. The reader should be familiar with these provisions as they may be essential depending on the specific circumstance. 4. Confirming with the City It is always a good idea to consult with the City about a construction project, as City staff will help determine whether a proposed project will comply with the applicable provisions of the Zoning By-law. For significant developments or redevelopments, consultation with the City is required as part of the review process. 5. Relationship to Other By-laws, Regulations, Legislation, etc. The Consolidated Zoning By-law is subject to all other applicable laws, regulations and municipal by-laws. It is the property owner’s responsibility to understand what laws will apply to their land use or their construction project. Some common matters include the following: a) Development or site alteration in the areas regulated by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) may require a permit from these agencies. These areas are subject to the applicable regulation under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, as amended, for any development (including site alteration), any interference with wetlands and alterations to shorelines and watercourses. These areas are shown on Attachment A to this By-law. b) Development near the facilities of other infrastructure operators may be subject to federal or other laws and regulations. For example, Enbridge and TransCanada operate pipeline corridors and facilities in the City and should be consulted regarding any projects near these areas. Rail line operators and owners should also be Preamble Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 vii consulted for any projects proposed near railways. Mapping for some of this infrastructure is available from the City. c) Please check with the City to help confirm other applicable laws and regulations that might pertain to your property or project. Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 viii Table of Contents 1 Administration ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Title .................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Purpose .............................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Severability ......................................................................................................... 1 1.4 Area of Application ............................................................................................. 1 1.5 Conformity and Enforcement .............................................................................. 2 1.5.1 Administration and Inspection .................................................................. 2 1.5.2 Compliance with this By-law ..................................................................... 2 1.5.3 Compliance with Other Regulations ......................................................... 2 1.5.4 Penalties and Remedies .......................................................................... 2 1.6 Legal Non-Conformity ........................................................................................ 2 1.7 Legal Non-Compliance ....................................................................................... 3 1.8 Interpretation ...................................................................................................... 3 1.8.1 Examples, Diagrams and Illustrations ...................................................... 3 1.8.2 Certain Words .......................................................................................... 3 1.8.3 Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 4 1.9 Transition ........................................................................................................... 4 1.9.1 Building Permits ....................................................................................... 4 1.9.2 Planning Applications and Approvals ....................................................... 4 1.9.3 Scope and Lapse of Transition Provisions ............................................... 5 1.10 Continuation of Previously Approved Minor Variances ...................................... 6 1.11 Technical Revisions to the Zoning By-law .......................................................... 6 2 Establishment of Zones and Schedules .............................................................. 7 2.1 Establishment of Zones ...................................................................................... 7 2.2 Zoning Maps ...................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Zone Boundaries ................................................................................................ 9 2.4 Multiple Zones .................................................................................................. 10 2.5 Interpretation of Symbols ................................................................................. 10 2.5.1 Zone Symbols ........................................................................................ 10 2.5.2 Holding Symbols .................................................................................... 10 2.5.3 Exception Zones ..................................................................................... 11 3 Definitions ............................................................................................................ 12 Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 ix 3.1 Interpretation .................................................................................................... 12 3.2 Defined Terms .................................................................................................. 12 4 General Regulations ............................................................................................ 39 4.1 Accessory Dwelling Unit ................................................................................... 39 4.1.1 General .................................................................................................. 39 4.1.2 Accessory Dwelling Units in Employment General (E1) Zones .............. 39 4.2 Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures ....................................................... 40 4.2.1 General .................................................................................................. 40 4.2.2 Location of Accessory Buildings and Structures ..................................... 40 4.2.3 Height ..................................................................................................... 40 4.2.4 Lot Coverage .......................................................................................... 41 4.3 Additional Dwelling Units .................................................................................. 41 4.4 Air Conditioners ................................................................................................ 43 4.5 Ancillary Retail Sales ....................................................................................... 43 4.6 Automobile Service Station .............................................................................. 44 4.7 Bed and Breakfast ............................................................................................ 44 4.8 CLOCA and TRCA Regulated Areas ............................................................... 44 4.9 Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant ...................................................... 45 4.10 Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone ......................................... 45 4.11 Frontage on a Street ........................................................................................ 47 4.12 Group Homes ................................................................................................... 48 4.13 Height Exceptions ............................................................................................ 48 4.14 Highway 401 and Highway 407 Corridor Setback ............................................ 49 4.15 Home Industries ............................................................................................... 49 4.16 Home Occupations ........................................................................................... 49 4.17 Human Habitation not within Main Buildings .................................................... 50 4.18 Live Work Dwelling ........................................................................................... 51 4.19 Lots in Residential Zones - Unserviced ............................................................ 51 4.20 Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) .............................................................. 51 4.21 Nightclubs ........................................................................................................ 52 4.22 Oak Ridges Moraine Area Special Provisions .................................................. 52 4.22.1 Existing Uses within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area ............................... 52 Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 x 4.22.2 Lots Having Reduced Lot Area and/or Reduced Lot Frontage within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area ................................................................................ 52 4.22.3 Non-Conforming Buildings and Uses in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area ......................................................................................................... 53 4.22.4 Previously Authorized by Zoning in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area ........ 54 4.22.5 Special Setbacks within ORM Zones ..................................................... 54 4.22.6 Lots Having Split Zoning within ORM Zones .......................................... 54 4.22.7 Utilities and Public Service Facilities ...................................................... 55 4.22.8 Areas of High Aquifer Vulnerability in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area ........................................................................................................ 55 4.23 On-farm Diversified Uses ................................................................................. 55 4.24 Outdoor Display Area ....................................................................................... 56 4.25 Outdoor Patios ................................................................................................. 57 4.26 Outdoor Storage ............................................................................................... 57 4.27 Permitted Encroachments ................................................................................ 58 4.28 Prohibited Uses ................................................................................................ 58 4.29 Public Uses Permitted in All Zones .................................................................. 58 4.30 Reserves .......................................................................................................... 59 4.31 Rooftop Mechanical Equipment and Mechanical Penthouses ......................... 59 4.32 Rooming Homes .............................................................................................. 60 4.33 Satellite Dish Antenna ...................................................................................... 60 4.34 Seasonal Farm Help Dwelling .......................................................................... 60 4.35 Seasonal Outdoor Display Area ....................................................................... 61 4.36 Services ........................................................................................................... 61 4.37 Shipping Containers ......................................................................................... 62 4.38 Short-term Rental ............................................................................................. 62 4.39 Swimming Pools ............................................................................................... 63 4.40 Temporary Construction Uses Permitted ......................................................... 63 4.41 Temporary Sales Office ................................................................................... 64 4.42 Trailer Parks and Private Recreational Uses .................................................... 64 4.43 Yards Abutting Daylight Triangles .................................................................... 64 4.44 Waste Management ......................................................................................... 64 4.45 Wayside Pits or Quarries.................................................................................. 65 5 Parking, Stacking, and Loading Regulations .................................................... 66 Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 xi 5.1 General Provisions ........................................................................................... 66 5.1.1 Application .............................................................................................. 66 5.1.2 Parking Off-Site ...................................................................................... 66 5.2 Parking Space Requirements ........................................................................... 66 5.3 Calculation of Required Parking Spaces .......................................................... 73 5.3.1 Rounding Provisions .............................................................................. 73 5.3.2 Multiple Uses on a Lot ............................................................................ 73 5.4 Accessible Parking Requirements .................................................................... 73 5.5 Shared Parking ................................................................................................ 73 5.6 Size of Parking Spaces, Aisles, and Stacking Lanes ....................................... 74 5.7 Tandem Parking ............................................................................................... 75 5.8 Location of Parking Spaces.............................................................................. 75 5.9 Surface Parking Spaces in the City Centre Zones ........................................... 76 5.10 Parking Structures ............................................................................................ 76 5.11 Residential Driveway and Front Yard Landscaping Requirements .................. 76 5.12 Parking and Storage of Vehicles in Residential and City Centre Zones ........... 78 5.13 Bicycle Parking Space Requirements .............................................................. 79 5.13.1 General Provisions for Bicycle Parking Spaces ...................................... 79 5.13.2 Bicycle Parking Space Dimensions ........................................................ 79 5.13.3 Minimum Bicycle Parking Space Rates .................................................. 79 5.14 Loading Space Requirements .......................................................................... 80 5.14.1 General Provisions for Loading Spaces ................................................. 80 5.14.2 Loading Space Dimensions .................................................................... 80 5.14.3 Location of Loading Spaces ................................................................... 80 6 Residential Zone Regulations ............................................................................. 82 6.1 List of Residential Zones .................................................................................. 82 6.2 Residential First Density Zones ........................................................................ 82 6.2.1 Permitted Uses ....................................................................................... 82 6.2.2 Lot and Building Requirements .............................................................. 83 6.3 Residential Second Density Zones .................................................................. 85 6.3.1 Permitted Uses ....................................................................................... 85 6.3.2 Lot and Building Requirements .............................................................. 85 6.4 Residential Third Density Zones ...................................................................... 87 Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 xii 6.4.1 Permitted Uses ....................................................................................... 87 6.4.2 Lot and Building Requirements .............................................................. 88 7 Commercial Zone Regulations ............................................................................ 92 7.1 List of Commercial Zones ................................................................................. 92 7.2 Permitted Uses ................................................................................................. 92 7.3 Lot and Building Requirements ........................................................................ 94 8 Mixed-Use Zone Regulations .............................................................................. 95 8.1 List Mixed-Use Zones ...................................................................................... 95 8.2 Permitted Uses ................................................................................................. 95 8.3 Lot and Building Requirements ........................................................................ 97 9 City Centre Zone Regulations ............................................................................. 99 9.1 List of City Centre Zones .................................................................................. 99 9.2 Permitted Uses ................................................................................................. 99 9.3 Lot and Building Requirements ...................................................................... 102 10 Employment Zone Regulations ......................................................................... 105 10.1 List of Employment Zones .............................................................................. 105 10.2 Permitted Uses ............................................................................................... 105 10.3 Lot and Building Requirements ...................................................................... 107 11 Environmental Protection and Open Space Zone Regulations ...................... 108 11.1 List of Environmental Protection and Open Space Zones .............................. 108 11.2 Permitted Uses ............................................................................................... 108 11.3 Lot and Building Requirements ...................................................................... 109 12 Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations .......................................... 112 12.1 List of Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zones ................................................ 112 12.2 Rural Zones .................................................................................................... 112 12.2.1 Permitted Uses ..................................................................................... 112 12.2.2 Lot and Building Requirements ............................................................ 114 12.3 Oak Ridges Moraine Zones............................................................................ 115 12.3.1 Permitted Uses ..................................................................................... 115 12.3.2 Lot and Building Requirements ............................................................ 118 13 Institutional and Other Zone Regulations ........................................................ 121 13.1 List of Institutional and Other Zones ............................................................... 121 13.2 Permitted Uses ............................................................................................... 121 Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 xiii 13.3 Lot and Building Requirements ...................................................................... 122 14 Seaton Urban Area ............................................................................................. 124 14.1 Definitions ...................................................................................................... 124 14.1.1 Interpretation ........................................................................................ 124 14.1.2 Defined Terms ...................................................................................... 124 14.2 General Regulations ...................................................................................... 142 14.2.1 Prohibited Uses .................................................................................... 142 14.2.2 Human Habitation not within Main Buildings ........................................ 142 14.2.3 Frontage on a Street ............................................................................ 142 14.2.4 Public Uses Permitted in all Zones ....................................................... 142 14.2.5 Permitted Yard Encroachments ............................................................ 143 14.2.6 Air Conditioners .................................................................................... 144 14.2.7 Swimming Pools ................................................................................... 144 14.2.8 Satellite Dish Antenna .......................................................................... 145 14.2.9 Additional Dwelling Unit ........................................................................ 145 14.2.10 Home Occupations ............................................................................... 147 14.2.11 Accessory Buildings and Structures ..................................................... 148 14.2.12 Standards for Detached Private Garages Accessed by a Driveway from a Street ........................................................................................................ 148 14.2.13 Standards for Detached Private Garages Accessed by a Lane............ 150 14.2.14 Standards for Attached Private Garages on Lots Accessed by Lanes ................................................................................................... 151 14.2.15 Standards for Attached Private Garages Accessed by a Driveway from a Street ........................................................................................................ 151 14.2.16 Coach Houses ...................................................................................... 152 14.2.17 Live Work Unit ...................................................................................... 152 14.2.18 Model Homes ....................................................................................... 153 14.2.19 Lots on Public and Private Streets ....................................................... 153 14.2.20 Yards abutting Daylight Triangles ......................................................... 153 14.2.21 Primary Entrance Door Location on a Through Lot .............................. 153 14.2.22 Short Term Rental ................................................................................ 153 14.3 Parking Regulations ....................................................................................... 154 14.3.1 Parking Space Requirements ............................................................... 154 14.3.2 Part Spaces .......................................................................................... 157 14.3.3 Parking for Multiple Uses on One Lot ................................................... 157 Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 xiv 14.3.4 Size of Parking Spaces and Aisles ....................................................... 158 14.3.5 Setbacks of Parking Spaces and Lots .................................................. 158 14.3.6 Standards for Parking Pads ................................................................. 158 14.3.7 Parking and Loading within Yards ........................................................ 158 14.3.8 Parking Space Uses ............................................................................. 159 14.3.9 Restrictions on Vehicles in a Residential Zone ..................................... 159 14.3.10 Loading Standards ............................................................................... 160 14.3.11 Tandem Parking ................................................................................... 160 14.3.12 Private Garage Parking Size ................................................................ 160 14.4 Seaton Residential Zone Regulations ............................................................ 162 14.4.1 Uses Permitted ..................................................................................... 162 14.4.2 Seaton Low Density Type 1 (SLD1) Zone Provisions ........................... 164 14.4.3 Seaton Low Density Type 1 Heritage Lot (SLD1HL) Zone Provisions ............................................................................................................ 167 14.4.4 Seaton Low Density Type 1 Townhouse (SLD1T) Zone Provisions ............................................................................................................ 168 14.4.5 Seaton Low Density Type 2 (SLD2) Zone Provisions ........................... 170 14.4.6 Seaton Low Density Type 2 Multiple (SLD2M) Zone Provisions .......... 174 14.4.7 Seaton Medium Density Detached & Semi (SMDDS) Zone Provisions ............................................................................................................ 177 14.4.8 Seaton Medium Density Multiple (SMDM) Zone Provisions ................. 180 14.4.9 Seaton High Density (SH) Zone Provisions .......................................... 183 14.5 Seaton Mixed Use Zone Regulations ............................................................. 185 14.5.1 Uses Permitted ..................................................................................... 185 14.5.2 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 1 (SMC1) Zone Provisions ...................... 188 14.5.3 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 2 (SMC2) Zone Provisions ...................... 192 14.5.4 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 3 Gateway Sites (SMC3) Zone Provisions ............................................................................................................ 197 14.5.5 Seaton Minor Commercial Clusters (SMCC) Zone Provisions ............. 200 14.5.6 Seaton Local Node (SLN) and Community Node (SCN) Zone Provisions ............................................................................................................ 202 14.5.7 Seaton Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area (SCNPP) Zone Provisions ................................................................................................... 205 14.6 Seaton Employment Area Zone Regulations ................................................. 208 14.6.1 Uses Permitted ..................................................................................... 208 14.6.2 Use Limitations ..................................................................................... 209 Table of Contents Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 xv 14.6.3 Uses Prohibited .................................................................................... 210 14.6.4 Seaton Employment Zone Provisions .................................................. 211 14.7 Seaton Community Use Zone Regulations .................................................... 213 14.7.1 Uses Permitted ..................................................................................... 213 14.7.2 Seaton Community Use (SCU) Zone Provisions .................................. 213 14.8 Seaton Natural Heritage and Open Space Zone Regulations ........................ 215 14.8.1 Uses Permitted ..................................................................................... 215 14.8.2 Seaton Open Space (SOS) Zone Provisions........................................ 216 14.9 Seaton Utility Zone Regulations ..................................................................... 217 14.9.1 Uses Permitted ..................................................................................... 217 14.9.2 Seaton Utility (SUT) Zone Provisions ................................................... 217 15 Exception Zones ................................................................................................ 218 16 Enactment ........................................................................................................... 220 16.1 Effective Date ................................................................................................. 220 16.2 Former Zoning By-laws .................................................................................. 220 16.3 Enactment ...................................................................................................... 221 Section 1 | Administration Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 1 1 Administration 1.1 Title 1. This By-law may be cited as the “Consolidated Zoning By-law for the City of Pickering”. Reference to “Zoning By-law” and “this By-law” within this document shall mean the “Consolidated Zoning By-law for the City of Pickering”, unless otherwise specified. 1.2 Purpose 1. The purpose of this By-law is: a) To regulate the use of land, buildings and structures, and to regulate the construction and alteration of buildings and structures by statutory authority granted by the Planning Act; and b) To implement and conform to the policies within the City of Pickering Official Plan and all related urban design guidelines. 1.3 Severability 1. Should any section, clause, provision or Schedule of this By-law be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the validity of the remainder of the By-law shall not be affected. 1.4 Area of Application 1. This By-law applies to the entire City of Pickering, except for the lands within the areas marked as “Brock Mixed Node” and “Kingston Road Corridor” on Schedule 1. 2. Those portions of the City located in the Seaton Urban Area shall be subject to the definitions, General Regulations, Parking Regulations, and Zone Regulations of Section 14. All other lands shall be subject to Sections 3 through 13. All portions of the Area of Application of this By-law shall be subject to the requirements of Section 1, 2, and 16. Section 15, containing the Exception Zones, are applicable to the lands specifically subject to each Exception Zone. Section 1 | Administration Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 2 1.5 Conformity and Enforcement 1.5.1 Administration and Inspection 1. This By-law shall be administered under the authority of the Chief Building Official of the City of Pickering or by such employee of the City of Pickering as designated by the Chief Building Official. 1.5.2 Compliance with this By-law 1. No person shall use any land, building or structure, or erect any building or structure, except in accordance with the provisions of this By-law. 2. No person shall: a) Change the purpose for which any land or building is used; b) Erect any new building or addition to any existing building; or c) Sever any lands from an existing lot, if the effect of such action is to cause the original adjoining or remaining buildings or lands to be in contravention of this By-law. 3. Notwithstanding Sections and, where a setback distance for a building or structure is found to be in contravention of the minimum setback requirement by no more than 3.0 cm, the non-conforming setback shall be deemed to conform with the yard requirements of this By-law. 1.5.3 Compliance with Other Regulations 1. Nothing in this By-law exempts compliance with other by-laws, legislation or the requirement to obtain any license, permission, permit, authority or approval required by this By-law, any other by-law or any other legislation. 1.5.4 Penalties and Remedies 1. Any person who contravenes this By-law is guilty of an offence and, each day a breach of this By-law continues, constitutes a separate offence and on summary conviction, the offender is liable to discontinuation of land use and a fine as provided for under the Planning Act. 1.6 Legal Non-Conformity 1. A legal non-conforming use is a use of land and/or building that legally existed on the date this By-law came into effect under the Planning Act. To be legal, the use must have been permitted on the lands in the zoning by-law that was in effect before this By-law came into effect or if it was established before the first By-law for the City of Pickering or the By-law for the original Township was passed. Section 1 | Administration Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 3 2. This By-law shall not prevent the use of any land, building or structure for any purpose prohibited by this By-law if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day of passing of this By-law, and provided that such land, building or structure continues to be used for that purpose. 1.7 Legal Non-Compliance 1. Where a lot, building, structure, parking area or driveway is deficient in respect of any regulation required by this By-law, the following are deemed to be in compliance with the regulations of this By-law: a) A lot, building, structure, parking area or driveway legally existing on the date of passing of this By-law; b) A building or structure for which a building permit has been issued on or before the date of passing of this By-law; 2. If in compliance with Sections 1.7.1 a) and 1.7.1 b), and provided the use of such lot, building, structure, parking area or driveway is permitted by this By-law, the said lot, building, structure, parking area or driveway may be enlarged or altered provided that the enlargement or alteration itself complies with all applicable regulations of this By-law and does not cause further contravention to any regulation contained herein. 3. Despite any other provision of this By-law, where, as a result of an acquisition of land by a public authority, such acquisition results in a contravention of this By-law related to zoning and parking regulations, then the lands so acquired shall be deemed to continue to form part of the lot upon which the building or buildings are located in determining compliance with this By-law. 1.8 Interpretation 1.8.1 Examples, Diagrams and Illustrations 1. Any examples, diagrams, illustrations or other graphics in this By-law are for convenience only and form no legal part of the By-law, with the exception of figures, tables or maps that are explicitly marked with a Figure or Table number. 1.8.2 Certain Words 1. Unless otherwise defined by this By-law, the words and phrases used in this By-law shall have their normal and ordinary meaning according to the Oxford English Dictionary. 2. The word ‘shall’ and ‘must’ are mandatory. 3. The word ‘use’ when used as a verb, ‘to use’ or ‘used’ shall have corresponding meanings. Section 1 | Administration Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 4 4. The word ‘used’ includes ‘arranged, designed, or intended to be used’. 5. Words used in the present tense include the future tense and words used in the future tense include the present tense. 1.8.3 Abbreviations 1. The following abbreviations and terms, where used in this By-law, shall have the same meaning as if the word were printed in full: a) ‘cm’ means centimetres; b) ‘m’ means metres; c) ‘ha’ means hectares; d) ‘m2’ means square metres; e) ‘min’ means minimum; f) ‘max’ means maximum; g) ‘GLFA’ means gross leasable floor area; and h) ‘FSI’ means floor space index. 1.9 Transition 1.9.1 Building Permits 1. Nothing in this By-law prevents the erection or use of a building or structure in accordance with a building permit application submitted prior to the date of passing of this By-law and deemed complete, provided the building permit is in accordance with all prior zoning by-laws that affected the lot before December 16, 2024. 2. This By-law is deemed to be modified to the extent necessary to permit a building or structure that is erected in accordance with Section 1.9.2 Planning Applications and Approvals 1. Nothing in this By-law prevents the approval of the following applications where the application was filed and complete in accordance with the Planning Act and the City of Pickering Official Plan, on or before December 16, 2024 provided that the approval is in accordance with all prior zoning by-laws (except with respect to a minor variance under f) that affected the lot immediately before December 16, 2024: a) site plan drawings and conditions; b) a consent to sever; c) an approval of a draft plan of subdivision; Section 1 | Administration Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 5 d) a plan of condominium approval; e) a part-lot control exemption approval; and f) a minor variance. 2. Nothing in this By-law prevents the approval applications where a pre-submission consultation was held and recorded by the City, meets the required revisions as recorded to be deemed a complete application, provided that the approval is in accordance with all prior zoning by-laws (except with respect to a minor variance under f) that affected the lot immediately before December 16, 2024: a) site plan drawings and conditions; b) a consent to sever; c) an approval of a draft plan of subdivision; d) a plan of condominium approval; e) a part-lot control exemption approval; and f) a minor variance. 3. Nothing in this By-law prevents the acceptance and approval of a minor variance application that is deemed complete after December 16, 2024 if the minor variance application is in relation to an application referred to in Section a) through e). The minor variance may be granted in compliance with Section 45 of the Planning Act in the context of the in-effect zoning as it read on the day prior to December 16, 2024. A building permit and site plan approval referred to in Section may be issued once final approval is received for the minor variance. 4. This By-law is deemed to be modified to the extent necessary to permit a building or structure that is erected in accordance with Sections and 1.9.3 Scope and Lapse of Transition Provisions 1. The relief granted by Sections 1.9.1 and 1.9.2 shall only apply to those uses, buildings and structures contemplated by the permit or approval as they were generally illustrated in the application materials that are eligible for transition, at the discretion of the Director, Development Services or their designate. The relief shall not apply with respect to any other permits, applications or constructions works made after the effective date of this By-law, except a minor variance application that is submitted in relation to a transitioned application, as referred to in Section Section 1 | Administration Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 6 2. Notwithstanding Section above, Sections 1.9.1 through Section 1.9.2 shall be deemed to be repealed five (5) years after December 16, 2024. This provision shall not require an amendment to this By-law to take effect. 1.10 Continuation of Previously Approved Minor Variances 1. Any minor variances that were applied for prior to December 16, 2024 and approved or conditionally approved in accordance with Section 45 of the Planning Act for any of the former zoning by-laws as described by Section 16.2.1 shall be deemed to be integrated into and form part of this By-law as if they are variances to this By-law. 1.11 Technical Revisions to the Zoning By-law 1. Provided that the intent and purpose of this By-law is not affected, the Director, City Development, or designate, may undertake the following technical revisions without a minor variance or zoning by-law amendment. a) Revisions to the mapping and parcel arrangement updated from the Ontario Land Registry Office; b) Correcting lot and feature boundary errors; c) Road right-of-way limits, when new roads are constructed or when the road alignment has changed; d) Changes to attachments, appendices, footnotes, headings, indices, marginal notes, tables of contents, illustrations, historical or reference information, page numbering, footers and headers, which do not form a part of this by-law and are editorially inserted for convenience of reference only; e) Addition, correction, or revision of technical information on a map or a Schedule that does not affect the zoning or extent of applicable provisions, including but not limited to, color, key, legend, note, scale, title block, infrastructure information such as a highway, shoreline, street name, or watercourse; f) Correcting grammatical, or revision of abbreviation, cross-referencing, numbering, typographic errors and altering punctuation, arrangement of text or tables, or revision of the format in a manner that does not change the intent of a provision; and g) Upon registration of a plan of subdivision, technical revisions to the by-law mapping will be implemented as required in order to ensure that the zone boundaries coincide with the lot and block arrangement of the registered plan. Section 2 | Establishment of Zones and Schedules Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 7 2 Establishment of Zones and Schedules 2.1 Establishment of Zones 1. The Area of Application of this By-law is divided into zones, which are established in Table 2.1. The extent and boundaries of zones are shown on Schedule 1. 2. The various zones may be referred to by their zone name or symbol as established in Table 2.1. 3. The zones in Table 2.1 are organized into categories as Residential, Commercial, Mixed-Use, City Centre, Employment, Environmental Protection and Open Space, Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine, Institutional and Other, and zones in the Seaton Urban Area. Zones may also be referred to in this By-law collectively by their category. For example, a reference to the Residential zones in this By-law shall refer to all the zones categorized as Residential zones in Table 2.1. Table 2.1: Establishment of Zones Zone Name Zoning Symbol(s) Residential Residential First Density R1A, R1B, R1C, R1D, R1E, R1F, R1G, R1H, R1I Residential Second Density R2A, R2B Residential Third Density R3A, R3B, R3C Commercial Commercial General C1 Commercial Automotive Service C2 Commercial Highway C3 Commercial Hamlet CH Mixed-Use Local Node LN Community Node CN Mixed-Use General MU1 City Centre City Centre One CC1 City Centre Two CC2 City Centre Residential One CCR1 Section 2 | Establishment of Zones and Schedules Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 8 Zone Name Zoning Symbol(s) City Centre Residential Two CCR2 City Centre Civic CCC City Centre Open Space CCOS City Centre Natural Heritage System CCNHS Employment Employment General E1 Employment Prestige E2 Employment Commercial E3 Environmental Protection and Open Space Environmental Protection EP Open Space OS Open Space Waterfront OSW Stormwater Management Facility SWM Golf Course GC Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Agriculture A Quarry Q Oak Ridges Moraine – Agricultural ORMA Oak Ridges Moraine – Environmental Protection ORMEP Oak Ridges Moraine – Institutional ORMI Oak Ridges Moraine – Commercial ORMC Oak Ridges Moraine – Residential General ORMR5, ORMR6 Institutional and Other Institutional General I1 Urban Reserve UR Utility UT Seaton Urban Area Seaton Low Density Type 1 SLD1 Seaton Low Density Type 1 Heritage Lot SLD1HL Seaton Low Density Type 1 Townhouses SLD1T Seaton Low Density Type 2 SLD2 Seaton Low Density Type 2 Multiple SLD2M Seaton Medium Density Detached & Semi SMDDS Seaton Medium Density Multiple SMDM Section 2 | Establishment of Zones and Schedules Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 9 Zone Name Zoning Symbol(s) Seaton High Density SH Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 1 SMC1 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 2 SMC2 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 3 SMC3 Seaton Minor Commercial Cluster SMCC Seaton Local Node SLN Seaton Community Node SCN Seaton Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area SCNPP Seaton Prestige Employment General SPEG Seaton Prestige Employment Node SPEN Seaton Prestige Employment Heritage Lot SPEHL Seaton Employment Service SES Seaton Community Use SCU Seaton District/Community Park SDCP Seaton Open Space SOS Seaton Utility SUT 2.2 Zoning Maps 1. Zones are shown on the zoning maps on Schedule 1. The lands within each zone are subject to the provisions of that zone, as well as the general regulations of this By-law. 2.3 Zone Boundaries 1. If the zone boundary as shown on Schedule 1: a) Is following a street, lane, right-of-way for a future roadway, railway right- of-way, electric transmission line right-of-way or watercourse, then the centre line of the street, lane, right of way for a future roadway, railway right-of-way, electric transmission line right-of-way, municipal boundary or watercourse is the boundary; or b) Is substantially following lot lines shown on a registered plan of subdivision, then the lot lines are the boundary; or c) Does not meet the above scenarios, then the zone boundary shall be scaled from the zoning maps on Schedule 1. 2. If the zone boundary separates a lot into portions, which includes an Environmental Protection (EP) or City Centre Natural Heritage System Section 2 | Establishment of Zones and Schedules Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 10 (CCNHS) zone, the zone boundary may be redefined through an Environmental Assessment or equivalent comprehensive evaluation. Where the EP or CCNHS zone boundary is reduced or removed the zoning of the land formerly within the EP or CCNHS zone shall be interpreted to be in accordance with the immediately abutting zone. Where the EP or CCNHS zone boundary is increased the land formerly within the abutting zone shall be interpreted to be in accordance with the EP or CCNHS zone. 3. Notwithstanding Section, the zone boundaries for the SCNPP zone shown on Schedule 1 are schematic and shall be delineated through site plan approval. 2.4 Multiple Zones 1. Where a lot falls into two (2) or more zones, each portion of that lot shall be subject to the applicable permitted uses and standards for the applicable zone applying to that portion of the lot. 2. Within the Seaton Urban Area, some properties, such as school sites, are dual zoned which means more than one (1) zone applies to an area of land. Dual zoned sites are permitted to develop for the permitted uses in both zones subject to the zone requirements applicable to each specific permitted use. 2.5 Interpretation of Symbols 2.5.1 Zone Symbols 1. Schedule 1 to this By-law applies the zones for all lands within the City of Pickering, represented by a zone symbol as established by Table 2.1. All lots and lands are subject to at least one (1) zone. The lands within each zone are subject to the provisions of that zone (contained within Sections 6 to 14 of this By-law), as well as the general regulations of this By-law. 2.5.2 Holding Symbols 1. Where a zone shown on Schedule 1 is preceded by the symbol “(H)”, the lands shall be subject to a holding provision that shall apply until such time that the “H” symbol is lifted by an amendment to this By-law, in accordance with Section 36 of the Planning Act. 2. The requirements for lifting the holding symbol “(H)” are indicated in the amending by-law, which are incorporated as an exception zone under Section 15 of this By-law or under a separate by-law. Council may pass a by- law to remove the Holding (H) Symbol, thereby placing the lands in the zone indicated by the zone symbol, when all of the applicable requirements have been met. Section 2 | Establishment of Zones and Schedules Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 11 3. Prior to an amendment to remove the symbol "(H)" preceding the classification symbol, the lands subject to that zone shall be used only for the uses, buildings and structures that existed at the date of the passing of this By-law. 2.5.3 Exception Zones 1. Where any zone symbol shown on Schedule 1 contains a symbol including the letter “X” followed by a number, the affected lands shall be subject to the special provisions of the corresponding exception zone under Section 15. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 12 3 Definitions The following definitions apply to the Area of Application, with the exception of the Seaton Urban Area, which is regulated by Section 14 of this By-law including the definitions included within that section. 3.1 Interpretation 1. For convenience only, throughout this By-law, any bolded word or phrase is defined in Section 3.2. 2. Where a use is defined, it shall not be interpreted to include any other defined use unless it is stated in the definition to the contrary. 3.2 Defined Terms For the purpose of this By-law, the definitions and interpretations given in this Section shall govern unless a contrary intention appears: Accessory: means a use, building or structure naturally or normally incidental to, subordinate to or exclusively devoted to a principal use or building or structure and located on the same lot as the principal use, building, or structure. Active at Grade Frontage: means the ground floor of a building facing a street line, with transparent glazing and accessed from the street through a primary entrance door for uses such as restaurants, food and retail stores and community uses. Emergency access doors, garage doors, services doors and loading doors are not permitted along the street line of an active at grade frontage. Adult Entertainment Establishment: means any premises or part thereof used in the pursuance of a business, if: a) entertainment or services that are designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites are offered or provided in the premises or part of the premises, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes services or entertainment in which a principal feature or characteristic is nudity or partial nudity of any person; or b) body rubs, including the kneading, manipulating, rubbing, massaging, touching or stimulating by any means of a person’s body are performed, offered or solicited in the premises or part of the premises, but does not include premises or part or them where body-rubs performed, offered or solicited are for the purpose of medical or therapeutic treatment and are performed or offered by persons otherwise duly qualified, licensed or registered to do so under the laws of the Province of Ontario. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 13 Adverse effect: means: a) Impairment of the quality of the environment for any use that can be made of it; b) Injury or damage to property or to plant or animal life; c) Harm or material discomfort to any person; d) Impairment of the health of any person; e) Impairment of the safety of any person; f) Rendering any lot unfit for its existing or permitted use; g) Loss of enjoyment of normal use of property; and/or h) Interference with a residential use or conduct of business. Agriculture or Agricultural: means growing crops, including nursery, biomass and horticultural crops, and cannabis cultivation; orchards; raising of livestock; raising of other animals for food, fur or fibre, including poultry and fish; aquaculture; apiaries and mushroom farms; agro-forestry; maple syrup production; and the associated on-farm buildings and structures, including livestock facilities, manure storages, value-retaining facilities, greenhouses, and similar accessory buildings and structures related to the use. Agri-tourism Use: means a farm-related tourism use that promotes the enjoyment, education or activities related to the principal farm operation on a lot, such as farm machinery and equipment exhibitions (on a temporary basis), farm tours, petting zoos, hay rides and sleigh rides, processing demonstrations, pick-your-own produce operations, small-scale farm theme playgrounds and small-scale educational establishments that focus on farming instruction. Air Conditioner: means any mechanical equipment installed outdoors including central air conditioning units, heat pumps, heat exchange units, emergency generators and other such equipment. Aisle: means an internal vehicle route immediately adjacent to a parking space or loading space which provides vehicular access to and from the parking space or loading space and is not a driveway. Amenity Area: means the passive or active recreational area provided on a lot for the personal, shared or communal use of the residents of associated dwelling units, and includes balconies, patios, rooftop gardens and other similar features, but does not include indoor laundry or locker facilities. Amenity area includes common outdoor amenity area. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 14 Amenity Area, Common Outdoor: means an amenity area which is provided outdoors and available for the shared or communal use of all residents of any associated dwelling units. Ancillary Retail Sales: means a retail store subordinate to a principal use in which the retail sale of goods or merchandise primarily produced on the premises in accordance with the provisions of this By-law. Angular Plane: means an imaginary flat surface projecting over a lot, at an inclined angle measured up from the horizontal. Animal Care Establishment: means a building, structure or part thereof, where dogs and cats and other domesticated animals, excluding livestock, are groomed and/or kept for a fee on a daily basis excluding overnight boarding and outdoor facilities. Aquaculture: means the breeding or husbandry of fish. Area of High Aquifer Vulnerability: means an area of high aquifer vulnerability as described by the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, or successor thereto, and as delineated on Schedule 3 to this By-law. In the event of conflict, the area shown in the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan prevails. Arena: means a building or part thereof, in which the principal facilities provide for recreational activities such as curling, skating, hockey, lacrosse, broomball or other similar athletic activities, and which facilities may include dressing rooms, concession booths for the provision of food and refreshments, bleachers, equipment for making artificial ice and other such accessory facilities. Art Gallery/Studio: means premises used for the creation, exhibition, collection and/or preservation of works of art for public viewing and sale and may include educational classes. Assembly Hall, Convention Centre or Conference Hall: means a building or part of a building designed or intended to be used for such purposes as civic meetings, educational meetings, political meetings, conventions, conferences, trade shows, recreational activities or social activities and may include ancillary banquet facilities. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 15 Automobile Service Station: means an establishment where vehicle fuels, lubricants, and automobile-related accessories are offered for retail sale, and which also may include a car washing establishment and a convenience store, but shall not include a vehicle body repair shop or a vehicle repair shop. Balcony: means an attached covered or uncovered platform projecting from the face of an exterior wall, including above a porch, which is only directly accessible from within a building, usually surrounded by a balustrade or railing, and does not have direct exterior access to grade. Basement: means a portion of a building below the first storey. Bay Window: means a window with at least three panels set at different angles to create a projection from the outer wall of a building, and includes a bow window. Bed and Breakfast: means the provision of lodging with or without meals for the traveling public within a detached dwelling. A bed and breakfast shall not include a short-term rental. Block: means all land fronting on one (1) side of a street between the nearest streets, intersecting, meeting or crossing said street. Boat Mooring: means docking facilities, mooring slips and dry sail storage areas. Building: means a structure occupying an area of at least 10.0 m2 and consisting of any combination of walls, roof and floor but shall not include a mobile home. Cannabis: means cannabis as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Cannabis Act (Canada), as amended. Cannabis Cultivation: means the growing of cannabis, either within a wholly enclosed building or structure or in an open air setting, for medical or recreational purposes, subject to regulations under the Cannabis Act (Canada), as amended. Cannabis Production Facility: means lands, buildings, or structures used for growing, producing, processing, testing, destroying, packaging and/or shipping of cannabis but does not include the in-store retail sale of cannabis authorized by a license issued by and/or registration/registered by the Federal Minister of Health, pursuant to the Cannabis Act (Canada) and its Regulations, as amended, or any successors thereto. Car Share Service: means a service that provides motor vehicles solely for shared use and does not include vehicle dealership. Car Washing Establishment: means an establishment for washing or cleaning motor vehicles for gain. Cemetery: means the lands used or intended to be used for the interment of human remains. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 16 Club: means a building or part of a building used for a social, cultural, athletic or recreational club, fraternal organization or community or educational uses. Club House: means a building or structure used for the purposes of dining and recreational facilities and may include a dining lounge. Commercial Fitness/Recreational Centre: means a commercial establishment that has been designed for conduct of sport, athletic and leisure activities such as squash courts, swimming pools, exercise classes and other similar indoor recreational facilities are provided and operated for gain or profit, but does not include an adult entertainment establishment, a casino or place of amusement. Commercial Use: means any use the primary purpose of which is to sell, lease or rent a product or service directly to the public, including but not limited to retail sales, entertainment services and personal or professional services, but shall exclude residential uses, an adult entertainment establishment and dating/escort service. Commercial Vehicle: means a motor vehicle used for commercial purposes, and shall include ambulances, hearses, motor buses, and fire apparatus. Community Centre: means a multi-purpose facility that offers a variety of programs or a recreational, cultural, day care, social, community service, informational or instructional in nature. Community Garden: means a communal garden provided for the sole use of the public to produce flowers, herbs, fruits or vegetables and activities associated with gardening, but does not include any processing or packaging, commercial sales, or the raising of livestock or animals including poultry. Community Use: means a use that has the primary purpose of serving the educational, recreational, or governmental needs of the general community, including but not limited to a library, community centre, emergency service facility, or post office. Conservation Use: means a use which preserves, protects or improves any feature of the natural environment through a program of maintenance and management administered by a Conservation Authority, public authority, private groups or individuals. Construction Vehicle: means a vehicle ordinarily used for building and construction purposes, such as a dump truck, bulldozer, back-hoe, or grader, and ancillary equipment used thereto. Contractor’s Yard: means a premise of any general contractor, builder or landscaper where equipment, vehicles and/or materials are stored or where a contractor performs shop or assembly work. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 17 Convenience Store: means a retail store where articles for sale are restricted to a limited range of goods, primarily food, toiletries, housewares, stationary and other similar daily household necessities, but does not include a food store. Corner Rounding: means a lot line of a corner lot at the intersection of two (2) street lines in the form of an arc that joins the front lot line to the exterior side lot line or the rear lot line to the exterior side lot line. Dating/Escort Service: means a service providing companionship for and by individuals for profit or personal gain. Day Care Centre: means: a) Indoor and outdoor premises where more than five (5) children are provided with temporary care and/or guidance for a continuous period but does not provide overnight accommodation and are licensed in accordance with the applicable Provincial Act; or b) Indoor and outdoor premises in which care is offered or supplied on a regular schedule to adults for a portion of a day but does not provide overnight accommodation. Daylight Triangle: means an area free of buildings, structures, fences and hedges more than 0.9 m in height and which area is to be determined by measuring, from the point of intersection of street lines on a corner lot along each such street line and joining such points with a straight line. The triangular-shaped land between the intersecting street lines and the straight line joining the points the required distance along the street lines is the daylight triangle. Development Agreement: means an executed contract between a developer/property owner and the City of Pickering that is required in order to implement development and may include a subdivision agreement, site plan agreement, or other similar agreements for development. District Energy Facility: means a centrally located facility or linked facilities that generates and distributes thermal energy (steam and/or hot and cold water) to end users through an underground pipeline distribution system and generates electricity, including electricity for supply to the grid. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 18 Drive-through Facility: means the use of land, buildings or structures, or parts thereof, to provide or dispense products or services through an attendant or a window or an automated machine, to persons remaining in motor vehicles that are in a designated stacking lane. A drive-through facility may be in combination with other uses. A drive-through facility does not include a vehicle repair shop, automobile service station, or car washing establishment. Driveway: means an internal roadway used to provide vehicular access from a street or lane to an off-street parking space, loading space or aisle. Dry-Cleaning Distribution Centre: means a premises used for the purpose of receiving articles or goods of fabric to be laundered or dry-cleaned elsewhere and does not include a dry-cleaning establishment. Dry-Cleaning Establishment: means a premises in which the business of laundry or dry-cleaning is housed and where the cleaning, drying, ironing, and finishing of such goods is conducted. Dry Sail Storage: means the temporary open storage of watercraft on land during the normal boating season, but shall not include winter storage. Dwelling: means a building containing one (1) or more dwelling units. Dwelling, Apartment: means a residential use building containing four (4) or more principal dwelling units where the units are connected by a common corridor or vestibule, other than a townhouse dwelling or stacked townhouse dwelling. Dwelling, Back-to-Back Townhouse: means a residential use building containing four (4) or more attached principal dwelling units divided vertically where each unit is divided by common walls, including a common rear wall without a rear yard setback, and whereby each unit has an independent entrance to the unit from the outside accessed through the front yard or exterior side yard. Dwelling, Block Townhouse: means a residential use building containing three (3) or more attached principal dwelling units divided vertically, and where all dwelling units are located on one (1) lot and accessed from a private street, laneway, or common condominium driveway or aisle. Dwelling, Detached: means a residential use building that contains only one (1) principal dwelling unit. Dwelling, Duplex: means a building divided by a horizontal above-grade common wall into two (2) separate dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance. Dwelling, Fourplex: means a multiple dwelling containing four (4) separate dwelling units, each unit being connected to two (2) or more other units, and generally arranged with two (2) units adjacent to the front lot line and the other two (2) units at the rear thereof. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 19 Dwelling, Live Work: means a townhouse dwelling or stacked townhouse dwelling, where the ground floor only, or part thereof, may be used for commercial uses as permitted by this By-law, except that the basement may be used for storage for the commercial use, and where the commercial and residential components can be accessed by a common internal entrance while constructed as separate units. Dwelling, Semi-detached: means a residential building containing two (2) attached principal dwelling units that are divided vertically, with each unit having frontage on a street, except where located within a planned unit development. Dwelling, Stacked Townhouse: means a residential building of four (4) or fewer storeys in height containing three (3) or more principal dwelling units where the units are divided horizontally and/or vertically, and in which each dwelling unit has an independent entrance to the interior. Dwelling, Street Townhouse: means a residential building containing three (3) or more attached principal dwelling units divided vertically and where all dwelling units are located on a street. Dwelling, Triplex: means a building divided by one (1) or more horizontal above grade common walls into three (3) separate dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance. Dwelling Depth: means the horizontal distance measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, excluding any obstruction of yards. Dwelling Unit: means a residential unit that: a)Consists of a self-contained set of rooms located in a building or structure; b)Is used or intended for use as a residential premises; c)Contains kitchen and bathroom facilities that are intended for the use of theunit only; and d)Is not a mobile home or any vehicle. Dwelling Unit, Accessory: means a dwelling unit that is accessory to a non-residential use on a lot. Dwelling Unit, Additional: means a self-contained dwelling unit in a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, street townhouse dwelling unit, or in a building accessory to a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, street townhouse dwelling unit on the same lot. The additional dwelling unit shall consist of one (1) or more rooms that are designed, occupied or intended for residentialoccupancy, by one (1) or more persons as an independent and separate residencein which cooking facilities, sleeping facilities and sanitary facilities are provided forthe exclusive use of such person or persons. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 20 Dwelling Width: means the width of the main front wall of the dwelling. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment: means a complete assembly consisting of conductors, connectors, devices, apparatus, and fittings installed specifically for the purpose of power transfer and information exchange between the branch circuit and electric vehicle. Emergency Service Facility: means fire, ambulance, police and similar facilities operated by a public authority. Existing: means existing as of the date of the final passing of this By-law. Farm Implement Sales and Service Establishment: means premises where farm implements and related equipment are serviced and repaired. Farmers’ Market: means a building, part of a building or open area, on a temporary or permanent basis, where a majority of the vendors shall be primary producers of agricultural products grown within the Province of Ontario that are offered for sale directly to the general public, but may also feature other vendors who offer prepared foods and artisan crafts as well as provide entertainment and community information. Farm Vacation Home: means an establishment that provides sleeping accommodation (including participation in farm activities, meals, services, facilities and amenities for the exclusive use of guests) for the traveling or vacationing public in up to three (3) guest rooms within a detached dwelling that is located on a farm and is the principal residence of the proprietor of the establishment. Farm Winery, Microbrewery, Distillery or Cidery: means premises used on a farm for the making of beers, spirits, ciders and wines from grains, hops, crops, and fruit grown primarily as part of the principal agriculture use, and may include a tasting and hospitality area, facilities for food preparation and serving, and retail sales of the products produced on site. Film Studio: means premises used for producing motion pictures, live or recorded broadcasts, or audio or video recordings or transmissions. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 21 Financial Institution: means a building or portions of a building used for the purposes of administering or providing financial services to the public, other than exclusively through an automated banking machine. Flat Roof: means a roof having a slope of less than 1 unit of rise for every 10 units of run. Where more than 25% of the roof area of a building is flat as defined in the preceding sentence, the entire roof shall be deemed to be a flat roof for the purposes of applying the definition of height in this By-law. Floor Area: means the total area of all floors of a building within the outside walls. Floor Area, Net: means the total area of all floors of a building measured from the interior faces of the exterior walls or demising walls, but does not include the following areas: a) Motor vehicle parking and bicycle parking below average grade; b) Motor vehicle parking and bicycle parking at or above average grade; c) Loading spaces and related corridors used for loading purposes; d) Rooms for storage, storage lockers, washrooms, electrical, utility, mechanical and ventilation; e) Indoor amenity area space required by this By-law; f) Elevator, garbage and ventilating shafts; g) Mechanical penthouse; h) Porches, non-walk-in bay windows, attics, basements, enclosed or roofed walkways; and i) Stairwells in the building. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 22 Floor Space Index (FSI): means the total net floor area of all buildings on a lot divided by the total lot area. Food Preparation Plant: means a building or part of a building in which processed food products are cooked, baked, mixed, packaged or otherwise prepared for distribution to retail or institutional outlets. Food Store: means premises that sells food and other non-food items, primarily on a self-service basis. Forestry: means the management of woodlands, including accessory uses such as the construction and maintenance of forest access roads and maple syrup production facilities: a)For the production of wood and wood products, including maple syrup; b)To provide outdoor recreation opportunities; c)To maintain, and where possible improve or restore, conditions and wildlife; and d)To protect water supplies. Front Entrance: means the principal entrance oriented towards the front lot line, providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior and does not include an access provided through an attached private garage. In the case of a corner lot, the principal entrance providing access to the interior of a dwelling from the exterior may be oriented towards the side lot line that is adjacent to the street, or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street. Frontage: means that part of a lot that abuts a street measured along the street line. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 23 Fuel Depot: means a premises where petroleum, gasoline, fuel oil, gas propane or other fuels are stored in tanks for wholesale distribution or bulk sales but does not include facilities for the sale of fuels for private motor vehicles. Funeral Home: means a building, or part of a building, used for furnishing funeral supplies and services to the public and includes facilities intended for the preparation of bodies for interment or cremation and may include visitation rooms, spaces for religious or non-religious services, and administrative offices. Garage, Private: means a building, structure or part thereof, including a carport, used for the parking of motor vehicles having adequate access to a driveway. Garden Centre: means a retail establishment devoted primarily to the sale of nursery stock and may also include the sale of related accessory supplies. Golf Course: means a premises operated for the purpose of playing golf, and includes a golf course, driving range, miniature golf facilities and such accessory uses as a restaurant, banquet facility, retail store, fitness centre and other buildings or structures devoted to the maintenance and operation of the golf course. Grade, Average: means when used with reference to a building, the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground where it meets the exterior of the front of such building; and when used with reference to a structure, shall mean the average elevation of the finished level of the ground surrounding such structure. When used with reference to lands within a City Centre zone, average grade shall mean the average elevation of the finished level of the ground adjoining all exterior walls of a building. When used with reference to street townhouse dwellings within a City Centre zone, average grade is measured at the front of such building. Green Roof: means an extension to a building's roof that allows vegetation to grow in a growing medium. Gross Floor Area: means the total area, expressed in square metres (m2) of each floor whether located above, at or below grade, measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the building at each floor level but excluding any porch, veranda, cellar, mechanical room or penthouse, or areas dedicated to parking within the building. For the purposes of this definition, the walls of an inner court shall be deemed to be exterior walls. Gross Leasable Floor Area (GLFA): means the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use, including basements, mezzanines and upper floor areas, if any. GLFA is expressed in square metres (m2) and measured from the centre line of joint partitions and from outside wall faces. Ground Floor: means the floor of a building at or first above average grade. Ground Floor Area: means the gross floor area only on the ground floor. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 24 Group Home: means a dwelling occupied by not more than 10 persons exclusive of staff, who live as a single housekeeping unit because they require a supervised group living arrangement, in a facility licensed, approved and supervised in accordance with the requirements of the Province. Hazardous Lands: means property or lands that could be unsafe for development due to naturally occurring processes. Along river, stream and small inland lake systems, this means the land, including that covered by water, to the furthest landward limit of the flooding hazard or erosion hazard limits. Along the Lake Ontario shoreline, this means the land, including that covered by water, between the international boundary, where applicable, and the furthest landward limit of the flooding hazard, erosion hazard, or dynamic beach hazard limits. Hazardous Sites: means property or lands that could be unsafe for development and site alteration due to naturally occurring hazards. Naturally occurring hazards may include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, unstable soils, such as sensitive clays, organic soils, or unstable bedrock, for example. Hazardous Substances: means substances which, individually, or in combination with other substances, are normally considered to pose a danger to public health, safety, and the environment. These substances generally include a wide array of materials that are toxic, ignitable, corrosive, reactive, radioactive or pathological. Height: means the vertical distance between the average grade, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip, or gambrel roof, the mean height level between eaves and ridge. When the regulation establishes height in storeys, means the number of storeys. Home Industry: means an accessory use for gain or profit that is accessory to a dwelling unit or agricultural use, and may include uses such as a carpentry shop, metal working shop, welding shop, electrical shop, or blacksmith shop, but shall not include a paint shop, furniture stripping, vehicle body repair shop or vehicle repair shop. Home Occupation: means the accessory use of a dwelling unit for an occupation or business, where the dwelling unit is the principal residence of the business operator. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 25 Hotel: means a building, or group of buildings, each containing sleeping accommodation, catering primarily to the traveling public, for rent or hire for temporary lodging. A hotel may also include restaurant, public hall and accessory retail store which are accessory to the primary hotel function and oriented to serve the hotel patrons. Housekeeping Unit, Single: means a dwelling unit where the occupants have collective use of the dwelling. A rooming home or portion thereof is not a single housekeeping unit. Inoperative Vehicle: means a motor vehicle that is mechanically inoperative, and/or is in a state that precludes immediate use. Kiosk: means a building or structure with a maximum floor area of 12.0 m2 that provides complementary uses in a public or private operated open space zone. Landscape Strip: means a continuous strip of landscaped open space provided along a lot line or other feature, and consisting of a planting screen or landscaped earth berm. A landscape strip is permitted to be traversed by driveways and walkways. The width of the landscape strip and its minimum height to provide visual screening are indicated in the requirements of this By-law. Landscaped Open Space: means the open unobstructed space at grade suitable for the growth and maintenance of landscaping and includes any surfaced walk, patio, stairs or similar area but does not include any driveway, or ramp, whether surfaced or not, any curb, retaining wall, parking area, interior courtyard, or any easement for the purposes of underground or overhead utilities or services where located within a front yard or exterior side yard. Lane: means a thoroughfare not intended for general traffic circulation that provides means of vehicular access to the rear of a lot where the lot also fronts or flanks onto a street, or where a lot fronts onto public or private open space. The lane may be maintained by a public authority or by a condominium corporation as a private condominium road. Library: means a building or portion of a building containing an organized collection of information resources that are publicly accessible and provided by the City of Pickering. Loading Space: means an unobstructed area of land which is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots upon which the principal use is located and Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 26 which area is provided for the temporary parking of one (1) commercial vehicle while merchandise or materials are being loaded or unloaded from such vehicles. Long-Term Care Home: means a facility which provides care and services for persons who are no longer able to live independently or who require on-site nursing care, 24-hour supervision or personal support and licensed under the Long- Term Care Homes Act, 2007, as amended. Lot: means a parcel of land fronting on a street, whether or not occupied by a building or structure. Lot Area: means the total horizontal area of a lot within the boundaries of a lot. Lot Coverage: means the percentage of the total lot area occupied by all buildings and structures at and above grade including cantilevered floor space, bay windows, balconies, uncovered and covered porches and decks, and below grade steps and ramps. This excludes eaves, belt courses, chimney breasts, sills, or cornice projections to a maximum of 0.6 m. Lot, Corner: means a lot situated at the intersection of two (2) or more streets or upon two (2) parts of the same street having an angle of intersection not exceeding 135 degrees. Lot Depth: means the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. If the front and rear lot lines are not parallel, the lot depth shall be measured by a straight line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the mid-point of the rear lot line. Where there is no rear lot line, the lot depth shall be measured by a straight line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the apex of the triangle formed by the side lot lines. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 27 Lot Frontage: means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot measured by a line that is 6.0 m back from and parallel to the chord of the lot frontage. The chord of the lot frontage means the straight line joining the two points where the side lot lines intersect the front lot lines. Lot Line: means a line delineating any boundary of a lot. Lot Line, Exterior Side: means the side lot line, which separated a lot from the street adjacent to it. Lot Line, Front: means the lot line, which separates a lot from the street in front of it. Where more than one (1) lot line separates a lot from the street, the front lot line shall be the shorter lot line. Where a lot is a through lot, the lot line abutting the wider street right-of-way shall be the front lot line. In the case of a through lot, where both streets are of the same width, the City may designate either street line as the front lot line. Lot Line, Interior Side: means a side lot line, which is not adjacent to a street. Lot Line, Rear: means the lot line opposite to, and most distant from, the front lot line, but where the side lot lines intersect, as in the case of a triangular lot, the rear lot line shall be represented by the point of intersection. Lot Line, Side: means all lot lines, which join both a front lot line and a rear lot line. Lot, Through: means a lot bounded on opposite sides by a street. Main Front Wall: means exterior wall of a building including the first storey and above oriented toward the front lot line. Main Wall: means a primary exterior front, rear, or side wall of a building, not including permitted projections. Manufacturing Facility, Heavy: means a building or part of a building used for the purpose of large-scale manufacturing, assembly, printing, duplicating, processing, altering, treating, or repair of products, materials or goods, and which may include outdoor storage as an accessory use, and which may involve noise, vibration or emissions provided they are in accordance with the Province’s guidelines. A heavy manufacturing facility may also include a cannabis production facility. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 28 Manufacturing Facility, Light: means a building or part of a building used for the purpose of manufacturing, assembly, printing, duplicating, processing, altering, treating, or repair of products, materials or goods, provided that all activities are conducted within an enclosed building, and that the operations do not involve any furnaces or machinery that emit noxious fumes or gases, discharge dirt, dust or particle matter into the air or result in noise or vibration. A light manufacturing facility may also include a cannabis production facility and a vertical farm. Marina: means a commercial operation, publicly or privately owned, catering to the recreational boating public. A marina may include: parking areas, boat moorings, launching ramps, tennis courts, picnic areas, parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, beaches, locker and locker room facilities, enclosed storage areas, winter storage areas, a marine service station, marine railway equipment, restaurants, refreshment stands, repair facilities, sales and display offices, a boat livery, and retail stores. Marine Service Station: means a place of business constructed and operated at a location bordering on a waterway to supply gasoline, oil, batteries, lubricants and accessories to boats and ships only, and where only minor emergency repairs are made. Mobile Home: means a prefabricated building that is designed to be made mobile and is intended to provide permanent residence but does not include any trailer otherwise defined in this By-law. Motel: means a building or part of a building on the same site used to accommodate the travelling public for gain or profit, by supplying them with sleeping accommodation, with or without meals. The guest rooms of a motel are accessed directly from the outside and may or may not be accessed from common corridors. A motel does not include any other use otherwise defined in this By-law. Motor Vehicle: means an automobile, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle, or any other vehicle propelled or driven other than by muscular power, but does not include a streetcar, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engineer, farm tractor, riding lawnmower, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road-building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act, or successor thereto. Museum: means premises used for the exhibition, collection and/or preservation of objects of cultural, historical or scientific interest for public viewing. Nightclub: means a place where food or drink may be served, and where the primary function is the provision of theatrical performances, pre-recorded music, or live musical entertainment, whether such music is provided for listening or dancing by the patrons, or any combination of the above functions, but does not include any other use defined in this By-law. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 29 Oak Ridges Moraine Area: means the area of land designated by Ontario Regulation under the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act as being the Oak Ridges Moraine Area. Obnoxious: means a use which, by its very nature or operation, creates or is liable to create one or more adverse effects. Office: means a building or part thereof, where administrative and clerical functions are carried out in the management of a business, profession, organization or public administration, but shall not include a medical office or vehicle sales and rental establishment. Office, Medical: means a premises designed and used for the diagnosis, examination, and medical, surgical or physiotherapeutic treatment of human patients, and which may include pharmacies and dispensaries, waiting rooms, treatment rooms and blood testing clinics, but shall not include overnight accommodation for in-patient care. Outdoor Display Area: means an area, covered or uncovered, located outside of a building and on the same lot as a commercial use for the purpose of displaying finished merchandise for sale. Outdoor Display Area, Seasonal: means an area, covered or uncovered, located outside of a building and on the same lot as a commercial use for the purpose of displaying seasonally related finished merchandise, goods or materials for sale during a limited period within the calendar year. Outdoor Patio: means an outdoor area, covered or uncovered, where seating accommodation can be provided and/or where meals or refreshments may be served to the public for consumption. Outdoor Storage: means the occasional or continuous keeping of goods, inventory, materials or machinery or equipment outside, but does not include damaged, impounded or inoperable vehicles. Park: means an area of land that is designed or maintained for outdoor recreational facilities, with or without an accessory building or structure, including sport fields, parks and playgrounds, tracks, skateboard parks, and outdoor swimming pools, but shall not include a golf course. Parking Area: means one (1) or more parking spaces, including related aisles, for the parking or storage of vehicles. Parking Garage: means a building, or part thereof, used for the parking of vehicles and may include any permitted use in the first storey, but shall not include any area where vehicles for sale or repair are kept or stored. A parking garage includes underground parking and a parking structure. Parking Lot: means a lot or portion thereof provided for the parking of motor vehicles accessory or incidental to the main use. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 30 Parking Lot, Public: means a parking area that is the principal use of a lot and is operated to provide public parking whether or not for gain or profit. Parking Space: means an unobstructed area of land that is accessible by an aisle, having access to a street or lane that is reserved for the purpose of the temporary parking or storage of one (1) motor vehicle. Parking Space, Bicycle: means an area used exclusively for parking or storing a bicycle. Parking Structure: means a building or portion thereof, below and/or above grade, containing one (1) or more parking spaces. Parking Structure, Bicycle: means a structure, either covered or uncovered, containing one (1) or more bicycle parking spaces. Passive Recreational Use: means outdoor recreational activities such as walking or hiking trails, passive parks, shelters, or natural observation that require minimum facilities or development and that have a minimal impact on the environment. Person: means an individual, association, firm, partnership, trust, corporation, organization, trustee or agent, and the heirs, executors or legal representatives of the person to whom the context can apply according to law. Personal Service Shop: means a building, structure, or part thereof, where services are provided and administered to individual and personal needs and where retail sale of goods accessory to the service provided is permitted and includes, but is not limited to, hair care, aesthetics, health and beauty treatment, dressmaking, tailoring, shoe shinning and repair, laundromat, and pet self-wash centre. Pit or Quarry: means an operation, other than a wayside pit or quarry, conducted under a license or permit under the Aggregate Resources Act, used in the extraction, storage transportation, beneficiation, processing or recycling of mineral aggregate or the production of related by-products, and includes any including associated or accessory facilities or buildings. Pit or Quarry, Wayside: means a temporary pit or quarry opened and used by a public authority solely for the purpose of a particular project or contract of road construction. Place of Amusement: means premises which are devoted to the offering of facilities for the playing of any game for the amusement of the public such as a billiard or pool rooms, bowling alleys, electronic games, indoor playground, miniature golf courses or roller skating rinks. Place of Worship: means a facility the principal use of which is the practice of religion, but which may include accessory uses subordinate and incidental to the principal use such as classrooms for religious instruction, programs for community Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 31 social benefit, assembly areas, kitchens, offices and a residence for the faith group leader. Other than a day care centre which shall be permitted, a place of worship shall not include a private school or residential or commercial uses. Podium: means the base of a building, structure or part thereof located at or above average grade that projects or is part of the tower portion of the building. Porch: means a covered or uncovered deck, portico or other structure with direct access to the ground that is attached to the exterior wall of a building. A basement may be located under the porch. Premises: means the whole or part of lands, buildings or structures, or any combination of these. Primary Entrance Door: means the principal entrance by which the public enters or exits a building or individual retail/commercial unit, or the resident enters or exits a dwelling unit. Primary Window: means all windows except bathroom, hallway, closet or kitchen windows. Principal or Main: means the land, buildings or structures occupied, used or intended to be occupied or used. Private Home Daycare: means a premises used for the temporary care of five (5) children or less where such care is provided in a dwelling unit, other than the dwelling unit of a parent or guardian of any such child, for a continuous period not exceeding 24 hours. Public Authority: means Federal, Provincial, or Municipal agencies, and includes any commission, board, authority or department established by such agency. Public Use: means a use of land, buildings or structures for infrastructure by or on behalf of a public authority. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a public use may include uses such as public highways, railways and related facilities, gas and oil pipelines, public sewage and water service systems and lines, bridges, interchanges, stations, public works yards, and related buildings and structures, above or below ground, that are required for the facilities listed above, and associated rights-of-way, and may include stormwater management facilities but does not include any land or building used by any local school board, university or college. Recreational Vehicle: means a specially designed vehicle used for recreation purposes, whether or not it is required to be licensed or is jacked up or its running gear removed, including an all-terrain vehicle, a snowmobile, a camper, a motor home, a boat or trailer. A recreational vehicle may provide temporary living, sleeping, or eating accommodation for travel, vacation, seasonal camping, farm help, or recreational use. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 32 Research and Development Facility: means a building or part of a building wherein scientific research or medical experiments or investigations are systematically conducted, and where drugs, chemicals, glassware or other substances or articles pertinent to such experiments or investigations may be manufactured or otherwise prepared for use on the premises. Reserve: means a strip of land abutting a street and owned by a public authority. Residential Use: means the use of land, buildings or structures for human habitation. Restaurant: means a building or part of a building where the principal business is the preparation of food and drinks for retail sale to the public for immediate consumption on and/or off the premises, but shall not include a nightclub. Retail Store: means premises in which goods and merchandise are offered or kept for retail sale or rental to the public. Retirement Home: means a retirement home as defined in the Retirement Homes Act, as amended, or its successor. Riding Stable or Equestrian Centre: means premises used for the boarding of horses, exercising of horses, the training of horses and riders, and the staging of equestrian events, but shall not include the racing of horses. Rooming Home: means a dwelling containing no less than three (3) but no more than 6 individual rooms rented for accommodation and includes communal but not individual cooking facilities, and where the occupants do not constitute a single housekeeping unit. The use shall not provide respite care or provide accommodation to the traveling public and does not include a group home, long-term care home, retirement home, hotel, or short-term rental. School, Commercial: means a building, or part thereof, where instruction of a skill is provided for profit and may include instruction in a trade, business, art, music, dance, cooking, athletic skill or any other specialized instruction but does not include a commercial fitness/recreational centre or a post-secondary school. School, Elementary or School, Secondary: means a place of instruction maintained and operated under the jurisdiction of a public authority, and may also include a day care centre as an accessory use. School, Post-Secondary: means a building or part of a building where educational facilities are provided for the instruction of college or university education, and that is operated under jurisdiction of a public authority and may include accessory residential facilities, including cafeterias, but does not include a commercial school. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 33 School, Private: means a place of instruction (excepting a commercial school or private career college) offering curriculum equivalent to those customarily offered in an elementary school or secondary school, and may include a day care centre. Seasonal Farm Help Dwelling: means a building or structure for temporary farm employees of the main agricultural use for no more than eight (8) months per seasonal worker, but shall not be used for year-round occupancy. Seasonal Farm Stand: means a structure that is accessory to an agriculture use and is used for the display and sale of produce, flowers, or other related agriculture products, but where all products shall originate and be sourced from the same lot as the principal use. Self-Storage Facility: means premises consisting of individual self-contained units that are leased or owned for the storage of personal property and/or household goods. Sensitive Land Use: means a building, amenity area or outdoor space where routine or normal activities occurring at reasonably expected times would experience one (1) or more adverse effect(s) from contaminant discharges generated by a nearby major industrial facility. The sensitive land use may be a part of the natural or built environment. Depending upon the particular facility involved, a sensitive land use and associated activities may include one (1) or a combination of: a) residences or facilities where people sleep; b) a permanent structure for non-facility related use, particularly of an institutional nature; c) certain outdoor recreational uses deemed by a municipality or other level of government to be sensitive; d) certain agricultural operations; and/or e) bird/wildlife habitats or sanctuaries. Service and Repair Shop: means a premises for the servicing, repairing or renting, of articles, goods or materials but shall not include any motor vehicle or boats. Setback: means the shortest horizontal distance between a building or structure and a lot line. Shelter: means a building or structure used solely for the purposes of providing temporary shelter and shall not be used for human habitation. Shipping Container: means a standardized metal commercial shipping or cargo container that is fully enclosed and designed to be used interchangeably between two (2) or more modes of transportation for the shipment of goods and materials. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 34 Shopping Centre: means premises consisting of a building or group of buildings that are managed as a unit by a single owner or tenant, or by a group of owners or tenants, and contain at least three (3) commercial units. Short-term Rental: means a dwelling unit or part of a dwelling unit used to provide temporary accommodation for a rental period of not more than 28 consecutive days to the same guest but shall not include a hotel, or bed and breakfast or any other use defined herein. Solar or Shade Parking Structure: means a structure, which may or may not contain roof-mounted solar panels, which provides shade in a parking lot. Stacking Lane: means an area of land that is used exclusively for queued vehicles whose occupants are waiting to be provided with goods, materials or services from a drive-through facility. Storey: means that portion of a building other than a basement, cellar, or attic, included between the surface of any floor, and the surface of the floor, roof deck or ridge next above it. Storey, First: means the storey with its floor closest above average grade and having its ceiling more than 1.8 m above average grade. Stormwater Management Facility: means an end-of-pipe, detention or retention basin, which may include a permanent pool, that temporarily stores and treats collected stormwater runoff and releases it at a controlled rate or redirects it for an intended reuse. Street: means a public highway but does not include a lane or a King’s Highway (Highway 401). \ Street Line: means the dividing line between a lot and a street. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 35 Street, Private: means: a) A right-of-way or roadway that is used by vehicles and is maintained by a condominium corporation; b) A private road condominium, which provides access to individual freehold lots; c) A roadway maintained by a corporation to provide vehicular and pedestrian access to parking lots and individual retail/commercial units; or d) A private right-of-way over private property, that affords access to lots abutting a private road; but is not maintained by a public body and is not a lane. Structure: means anything that is erected, built or constructed of parts joined together that is fixed to or supported by the soil and/or any other structure, and is not a fence, in-ground swimming pool, or electric vehicle supply equipment. Tandem Parking Space: means two (2) or more parking spaces abutting each other end to end with only one (1) having access to an aisle. Taxi Station: means premises used for the parking, cleaning, and minor maintenance of a taxi or car share service fleet, and which may include a taxi dispatch office. Temporary Sales Office: means all or part of a building, structure, facility or trailer used for the sole purpose of the sale or leasing of dwelling units associated with a draft plan of subdivision, draft plan of condominium or an approved site plan. Theatre: means a building or part of a building used for the showing of motion pictures, or for the rehearsal or performance of performing arts, such as music or dance, and live presentations, and may include accessory retail sales and the sale and service of food and beverages. Tower: means the storeys within that portion of a building or structure or part thereof located above the podium. Tower, Point: means a compact and slender building form that may or may not include a podium at its base. Tower Floor Plate: means the average floor area of all storeys within that portion of a building or structure or part thereof located above the podium, measured to the exterior faces of exterior walls of each storey of a building or structure. Trailer: means any vehicle so constructed that it is suitable for being attached to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by said motor vehicle, and capable of being used for living, sleeping, or eating accommodation, or the transportation of a boat, snowmobile, tent, or materials, and shall be considered a separate vehicle and not part of the motor vehicle by which it is drawn. Any items Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 36 or materials placed on a trailer for the purpose of transport are to be considered as part of the trailer. Transport Cartage or Transport Depot: means a building or structure and lot where transport vehicles are kept for hire, rented or leased, or stored or parked for remuneration, or from which transport vehicles are dispatched for hire as common carriers and may include a warehouse, but shall not include any other use or activity otherwise defined or classified in this By-law. Uncovered Platform: means an attached or freestanding structure not covered by a roof, which is located on the same level as or lower than the first storey of the building associated with the platform. Use: when used as a noun, means the purpose for which a lot or building or structure or any combination thereof, is designed, arranged, intended, occupied or maintained and “uses” shall have a corresponding meaning. “Use,” when used as a verb, or “to use,” shall have corresponding meanings. Utility: means an essential public service such as electricity, gas, television or communications/telecommunications that is provided by a regulated company or public authority. Vehicle: means a car, truck, trailer, recreational vehicle including boats, van, motorcycle, snowmobile, or any other vehicle required to be licensed. Vehicle Body Repair Shop: means a building or part of a building used for the care, repair or modifications to the body of motor vehicles. Vehicle Repair Shop: means a building or part of a building used for retail sale of motor vehicle accessories and used for the repair, equipping, maintenance, or servicing of motor vehicles. Vehicle Sales or Rental Establishment: means a building or part of a building where vehicles are displayed and/or offered for sale, rent or lease including the outdoor storage and display of vehicles and may include an associated vehicle repair shop. Vertical Farm: means a building or part of a building used for cultivating, growing, producing, or processing of plant products or by-products and which may include aquaponics. Veterinary Clinic: means a building or part of a building providing the services of a veterinarian, and facilities for the medical treatment, examination, surgery, diagnosis, grooming, general health care, and observation of domestic animals and birds. Warehouse: means a building or part of a building used for the indoor housing or storage of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs, substances, articles, or things before wholesale distribution to a retailer. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 37 Waste: means material which is not hazardous and not needed by the generator of that material, that is destined for either final disposal or for reprocessing to create a useable product or material, but does not include a by-product of a manufacturing process that is used, unaltered, in another manufacturing process. Waste, Hazardous: means any substance or material that, by reason of its toxic, caustic, corrosive or otherwise injurious properties, may be detrimental or deleterious to the health of any person handling or otherwise coming into contact with such material or substance. Waste Processing Station: means a facility within an enclosed building whose primary purpose is the sorting and processing of waste to create a new product or raw material on site. Waste Transfer Station: means a facility within an enclosed building whose primary purpose is the collection and storage of waste or hazardous waste for shipment, and which may include limited sorting or preparation of that waste to facilitate its shipment for final disposal or to a waste processing station, but does not include salvage yards or scrap metal yards. Watercourse: means a natural channel for a stream and, for the purpose of this By-law, includes a natural channel for an intermittent stream. Wholesaling Facility: means a building, structure or part thereof used for the distribution of goods, wares, merchandise, food-stuffs, substances, articles, or things, in large quantities, to a business or retailer for eventual or further distribution, processing, assembly, or retail sale. Yacht Club: means a non-profit association of persona, who are bona fide members paying annual dues, which owns, hires or leases a building and/or property; the use of such premises being restricted to members, affiliated members and guests. A yacht club may include: parking areas, a club house, boat moorings, launching ramps, tennis courts, picnic areas, parks, playgrounds, locker and locker room facilities, enclosed storage areas, restaurants, refreshment stands, swimming pools and beaches. Yard: means any open, uncovered, unoccupied space appurtenant to a building. Yard, Exterior Side: means a side yard adjacent to a street. Yard, Front: means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any main building on the lot for which the yard is required. Yard, Interior Side: means a side yard not adjacent to a street. Yard, Rear: means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of any main building or structure on the lot for which the yard is required. Section 3 | Definitions Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 38 Yard, Side: means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard between the side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot for which the yard is required. Zone: means a designated area of land use shown on Schedule 1 and established and designated by this Bylaw for the purposes of a specific use or group of uses that are erected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this By-law. Zone Boundary: means the spatial extent of a zone, as shown on Schedule 1 to this By-law. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 39 4 General Regulations The following general regulations shall apply to the entirety of the Area of Application, except for lands in the Seaton Urban Area, which is subject to the General Regulations contained in Section 14 of this By-law. 4.1 Accessory Dwelling Unit 4.1.1 General Where permitted by this By-law, an accessory dwelling unit on a non-residential lot shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. A maximum of one (1) accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted per lot. 2. An accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted in a separate accessory building, provided that: a) The building shall be located no closer than 3.0 m to any other non- residential building on the lot. b) The building shall be located in accordance with the setback requirements for the main building on the lot, as established in the applicable zone provisions. 3. An accessory dwelling unit shall be permitted as part of the main building on the lot, provided that accessory dwelling unit shall be located either on the second storey of the main building, or at the rear of such building if the accessory dwelling unit is located within the first storey. 4. The accessory dwelling unit shall have separate washroom and kitchen facilities from those of the non-residential use. 5. The accessory dwelling unit shall have a separate parking space as provided in the parking requirements in Section 5. 6. The accessory dwelling unit shall have an independent building entrance that is separate from the building entrance provided for the non-residential use. 7. The gross floor area of the accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 50% of the gross floor area of all other non-residential uses on the lot. 8. An accessory dwelling unit shall not be permitted in hazardous lands and hazardous sites, as determined by the Municipality. 4.1.2 Accessory Dwelling Units in Employment General (E1) Zones 1. One (1) accessory dwelling unit for caretaking and/or security shall be permitted accessory to a permitted use contained in Table 10.2 of this By-law. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 40 2.Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4.1.1, an accessory dwelling unit in an Employment General (E1) zone shall have a maximum residential gross floor area of 70.0 m2. 4.2 Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures 4.2.1 General 1.Accessory uses, buildings and structures are permitted on a lot where a main building housing a principal permitted use, already exists or is under construction. 2.Accessory buildings or structures shall not be used for human habitation, except for accessory structures that meet the definition of an additional dwelling unit as permitted by this By-law. 3.A building or structure shall not be considered accessory if attached to the main building. For clarity, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, an attached private garage shall be considered part of the main building and therefore shall be subject to the lot and building requirements for the main building, as provided in the zone provisions. 4.Unless otherwise specifically provided by this By-law, the accessory use, building or structure shall be located on the same lot as the principal use. 4.2.2 Location of Accessory Buildings and Structures 1.Unless specifically provided by this By-law, accessory buildings and structures, excluding bicycle parking structures or solar shade parking structures, are only permitted to be erected in the rear yard and interior side yard. 2.Elementary school or secondary school classroom portables may be permitted within an interior side yard subject to an approved site plan. 3.Accessory buildings and structures must be setback a minimum of 1.0 m from all lot lines, except that the setback from the interior side or rear lot line may be reduced to 0.6 m if there are no doors or windows on the wall of the accessory building or structure facing the interior side or rear lot line. 4.2.3 Height 1.No accessory building shall exceed a building height of 3.5 m except for: a)Elementary school or secondary school classroom portables, which shall not exceed a building height of 4.5 m; b)A detached private garage, which for a flat roof shall not exceed a building height of 3.5 m and for a pitched roof shall not exceed a building height of 4.5 m; or Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 41 c)A solar or shade parking structure, which shall not exceed a building height of 5 m. 4.2.4 Lot Coverage 1.The total lot coverage of all accessory buildings, excluding detached private garages, shall not exceed 5% of the lot area. Where a detached private garage is also provided on the lot, the total lot coverage of all accessory buildings and detached private garages shall not exceed 15% of the lot area. Where elementary school or secondary school classroom portables are provided, the total lot coverage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 15% of the lot area. 4.3 Additional Dwelling Units 1.Where permitted by this By-law, an additional dwelling unit shall be in accordance with the following provisions: a)A maximum of one (1) additional dwelling unit is permitted within any legally permitted detached, semi-detached, block townhouse dwelling unit, or street townhouse dwelling unit and a maximum of one (1) additional dwelling unit is permitted within an accessory building on the same lot. b)A maximum of two (2) additional dwelling units are permitted within any legally permitted detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, or street townhouse dwelling unit provided there are no additional dwelling units contained within an accessory building on the same lot. c)Notwithstanding Section 4.3.1 a) and b), additional dwelling units are not permitted within any hazardous lands as determined by the applicable Conservation Authority including, but not limited to, the regulatory flood limits or erosion hazard limits and/or lands that do not have safe access appropriate to the nature of the development and the natural hazard. d)Notwithstanding Section 4.3.1 a) and b), an additional dwelling unit shall not be permitted within an accessory building that is located within Key Natural Heritage Features and/or Key Hydrological Features, hazard lands as described in the Pickering Official Plan. e)Notwithstanding Section 4.3.1 a) and b), additional dwelling units are only permitted in the following locations: Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 42 i.For lands within the Protected Countryside of the Greenbelt Plan: A.Within a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, blocktownhouse dwelling unit, street townhouse dwelling unit;and/or B.Within an existing accessory building that was constructedlegally on or before (or where building permits were issued prior to)July 1, 2017, provided that these buildings are located outside ofKey Natural Heritage Features and/or Key Hydrological Features. ii.For lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area: A.Only one (1) additional dwelling unit is permitted within adetached dwelling. f)Where an additional dwelling unit is located within an accessory building the gross floor area of the additional dwelling unit shall be determined by the most restrictive of the following regulations: i.Maximum lot coverage of all buildings on the lot. For the purpose of this regulation, if no lot coverage is provided in the zone, the maximum lot coverage for all buildings will be 45%; ii.No more than 50% of the gross floor area of the detached dwelling,semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, or streettownhouse dwelling unit on the same lot; and iii.A maximum floor area of 150 sq. m. g)An accessory building containing an additional dwelling unit shall conform with the height and setback requirements of Table 4.1. Table 4.1: Height and Setback Requirements Requirement Lots with an area of 2,000 sq.m. or less Lots with an area greater than 2,000 sq.m. Maximum Height (m) 4.5 6.5 Minimum Front Yard (m) Zone Regulation Zone Regulation Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) Zone Regulation Zone Regulation Where height of the additional dwelling unit is up to 4.5 m: Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) 1.2 1.2; or Where height of the additional dwelling unit is over 4.5 m: 2.4 Where height of the additional dwelling unit is up to 4.5 m: Minimum Rear Yard (m) 1.2 1.2; or Where height of the additional dwelling unit is over 4.5 m: 2.4 Minimum setback from buildings located within the same lot 0 m 0 m Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 43 h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, all lots containing additional dwelling units shall provide a minimum 1.2 m wide path of travel from the entrance of each additional dwelling unit to a street or private street. Except for a maximum of 0.3 m encroachment for telcom or utility meters, pipes, exhausts, intakes, corbels, window sills and wells, no encroachment is permited to obstruct the path of travel to the dwelling unit entrance. The path of travel may be shared and used jointly by more than one dwelling unit on the lot. i) A home occupation is permitted in association with each permitted additional dwelling unit, in accordance with the provisions of this By-law. 4.4 Air Conditioners 1. Air conditioners are permitted on a lot provided they are located in the rear yard or interior side yard or on a balcony or roof. In addition, such units shall not be located any closer than 0.6 m to an interior lot line and shall not be located on any easements in favour of the City. 2. Notwithstanding Section 4.4.1, air conditioners are permitted in the exterior side yard of a lot provided they are screened by a fence. 3. Notwithstanding Section 4.4.1, air conditioners are permitted in the front yard of back-to-back townhouse dwellings and stacked back-to-back townhouse dwellings. 4.5 Ancillary Retail Sales Where permitted by this By-law, ancillary retail sales shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Ancillary retail sales shall include only products, materials or goods which are manufactured, processed, fabricated or repaired as part of the principal use. 2. The maximum gross floor area of the ancillary retail sales shall be a maximum of 10% of the gross floor area of the principal use. However, in no case shall the maximum gross floor area of the ancillary retail sales exceed 500.0 m2. 3. Parking for the ancillary retail sales shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of this By-law, in addition to the parking required for the principal use of the lot. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 44 4.6 Automobile Service Station Where permitted by this By-law, an automobile service station shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. No portion of any fuel pump associated with an automobile service station shall be located closer than 4.5 m from any front lot line or exterior lot line and 12.0 m from any other lot line. 2. A weather canopy associated with the fuel pumps of an automobile service station shall be permitted to encroach into the required minimum front yard and exterior side yard by up to 3.0 m. 3. The maximum width of a driveway at the street line shall be not more than 10.5 m. 4. The minimum setback of an underground fuel storage tank to the nearest point of any lot line shall be 4.5 m. 5. The area included between driveways or between driveways and a street line or any lot line as required by this By-law shall not be used for any purpose other than landscaped open space. 6. All other requirements of the applicable zone shall apply, including the required minimum required yards. 4.7 Bed and Breakfast Where permitted by this By-law, a bed and breakfast shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. A bed and breakfast shall only be permitted in a detached dwelling. 2. The bed and breakfast shall be operated by the person or persons whose principal residence is in the detached dwelling. 3. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 5. 4. A bed and breakfast shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) guest rooms. 4.8 CLOCA and TRCA Regulated Areas 1. For convenience, Attachment A includes an approximation of the areas regulated by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). These areas are subject to the applicable regulation under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act, as amended, for any development (including site alteration), any interference with wetlands and alterations to shorelines and watercourses. 2. Development in the Conservation Authorities Act, as amended, is defined for the purposes of this section as (a) the construction, reconstruction, erection or Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 45 placing of a building or structure of any kind; (b) any change to a building or structure that would have the effect of altering the use or potential use of the building or structure, increasing the size of the building or structure or increasing the number of dwelling units in the building or structure; (c) site grading; or (d) the temporary or permanent placing, dumping or removal of any material, originating on the site or elsewhere. 3. The regulated area may differ from the area delineated on Attachment A, as it may be subject to changes resulting from new environmental information obtained by the CLOCA or TRCA over time. The boundaries of the regulated area shall be determined by CLOCA or TRCA as applicable. 4. Further, if there is a conflict between the description of regulated areas in the text of the regulation and the areas as shown on the regulated area mapping (as shown on Attachment A) the description of areas in the regulation prevails. 5. Development (as defined above) is subject to CLOCA or TRCA review, as appropriate, and may require a permit pursuant to the applicable regulation, prior to any works taking place. 6. The following uses shall be prohibited in lands identified as hazardous lands or hazardous sites, as determined by the Municipality in consultation with CLOCA or TRCA, as appropriate: a) Institutional uses including hospitals, long-term care homes, retirement homes, day care centres, childcare centres and schools; b) Essential emergency service facilities including fire, police, ambulance stations and electrical substations; and c) Uses associated with disposal, manufacture, treatment or storage of hazardous substances. 4.9 Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, no new or expanded sensitive land use shall be permitted through development or redevelopment of a lot located within the minimum separation distance (150.0 m) of the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant as delineated on Schedule 1. 4.10 Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone Within any Residential zone, no person shall use any building, structure or land, nor erect any building or structure within the lands designated “Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone” on Schedule 1, attached hereto, except in accordance with the following provisions. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 46 1. Despite any other provision in this By-law, any other roof structure, such as to house the mechanical equipment of the dwelling or a penthouse, shall be included in calculating the height of the dwelling. 2. Dwelling Depth (maximum): The maximum dwelling depth, measured from the minimum front yard setback to the rear wall of a dwelling, shall be as follows: a) For lots with depths up to and including 40 m: 17 m b) For lots with depths greater than 40 m: 20 m 3. Height (maximum): 9.0 m 4. Driveway Width (maximum): The maximum width of a driveway shall be 6.0 m. However, for lots where the entrance of a garage or carport is wider than 6.0 m, the maximum driveway width shall be no greater than the width of the entrance of a garage or carport. 5. Front Entrance (maximum elevation): The maximum elevation of the front entrance shall be 1.2 m above the average grade, which is measured along the main front wall of the dwelling, to the top of the platform (covered or uncovered) immediately outside of the front entrance. 6. Front Yard Setback (maximum): The maximum front yard setback shall not be more than 1.0 m beyond the average of the existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. The maximum front yard setback applies to only 80% of the dwelling width including any attached garage. a) For the purpose of this regulation, the maximum front yard is the maximum permitted distance of the front yard measured horizontally from the furthest point of the main front wall of the building, including the first storey and above, to the front lot line. 7. Front Yard Setback (minimum): Despite any other provision in this By-law, the lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the shortest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the immediately abutting lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. For corner lots, the Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 47 minimum front yard setback shall be equal to the shortest existing front yard setback of the dwellings on the nearest two lots located along the same side of the street and within the same block. 8. Lot Coverage: Despite any other provision in this By-law, for lots within any Established Neighbourhood Precinct Overlay Zone, the following maximum lot coverage provisions shall apply within the applicable Neighbourhood Precinct, as shown on Schedule 1 to this By-law: a) Dunbarton Established Neighbourhood Precinct: i. For lots greater than or equal to 1,000 m2 in area: maximum 25%; ii. For lots less than 1,000 m2 in area: maximum 33%; b) Highbush Established Neighbourhood Precinct: i. For lots greater than or equal to 1,000 m2 in area: Maximum 25%; ii. For lots less than 1,000 m2 in area: maximum 33%; c) Liverpool Established Neighbourhood Precinct: maximum 25%; d) Rosebank Established Neighbourhood Precinct: i. For lots greater than or equal to 1,000 m2 in area: Maximum 25%; ii. For lots less than 1,000 m2 in area: Maximum 33%; e) Rougemount Established Neighbourhood Precinct: i. For lots greater than or equal to 1,000 m2 in area: Maximum 25%; ii. For lots less than 1,000 m2 in area: Maximum 33%; f) Woodlands Established Neighbourhood Precinct: i. For lots greater than or equal to 1,000 m2 in area: Maximum 25%; ii. For lots less than 1,000 m2 in area: Maximum 33%. 4.11 Frontage on a Street 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this By-law, no person shall be permitted to erect any building or structure on any lot in any zone unless the lot has frontage on a street. 2. Where a building is developed abutting a driveway constituting a common area or common element as part of a condominium registered under the Condominium Act such driveway shall be deemed to be a street for purposes of applying the provisions of this By-law. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 48 4.12 Group Homes Where permitted by this By-law, a group home shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. A group home shall be permitted in a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, and street townhouse dwelling in all zones where residential uses are permitted. 2. Parking shall be provided based on the dwelling type of the group home in accordance with the requirements of Section 5. 3. The group home shall comprise the sole use of the dwelling. 4. The group home shall be in accordance with the provisions of the applicable zone. 5. The group home shall be subject to Provincial approval or licensing as may be required. 4.13 Height Exceptions 1. The height requirements of this By-law shall not apply to: a) A belfry; b) A chimney; c) A flagpole; d) A clock tower; e) Ornamental architectural features such as, but not limited to a dome or skylight; f) A cupola; g) A water storage tank; h) Rooftop mechanical equipment and rooftop mechanical penthouses, which shall be subject to Section 4.31; i) A wireless or transmitting antenna; and j) A windmill, silo or other accessory buildings and structures that are accessory to a permitted agriculture use, provided that the accessory building or structure is not used for human habitation. 2. A parapet wall incorporated as part of a green roof may exceed the maximum building height as required by the applicable zone by 1.5 m. 3. Rooftop solar panels and associated required structural equipment may exceed the maximum building height as required by the applicable zone by 1.5 m. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 49 4.14 Highway 401 and Highway 407 Corridor Setback 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, no building, structure, parking space, loading space, aisle or stormwater management facility shall be located above or below grade, within 14.0 m of any lot line abutting the boundary of the Highway 401 and Highway 407 Corridor. 4.15 Home Industries Where permitted by this By-law, a home industry shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. A home industry shall be wholly located within an accessory building or structure, subject to Section 4.2 of this By-law. 2. A home industry shall have a maximum of three (3) employees, where at least one (1) employee shall be a resident of the principal dwelling unit. 3. A home industry shall have a maximum gross floor area of 100.0 m2. 4. Displays shall be subject to the City of Pickering Sign By-law. 5. Outdoor storage and an outdoor display area accessory to a home industry shall be prohibited. 6. Only motor vehicles associated with the home industry may be parked or stored on the lot in an interior side or rear yard. 7. A home industry use that includes an obnoxious use or creates any adverse effects shall be prohibited. 4.16 Home Occupations Where permitted by this By-law, a home occupation shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. The following specific uses are permitted in a home occupation: a) Art Gallery/Studio; b) Personal Services Shop, excluding a laundromat or dog-washing establishment; c) Private Home Daycare; d) Office; e) Medical Office; or f) Instruction, including private or semi-private personal fitness, music, dance, tutoring or instruction, cooking, and similar activities. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 50 2. No use or activity relating to a home occupation is permitted in a private garage or accessory building or structure, except for limited storage relating to a home occupation is permitted to the extent that it does not prevent the parking of the number of vehicles the private garage or accessory building or structure was designed to accommodate. 3. The home occupation shall not occupy an area greater than 25% of the gross floor area of the dwelling, or have a total area greater than 50.0 m2, whichever is less. 4. The home occupation shall be operated by the resident of the dwelling unit and the resident is either a sole proprietor, partner, shareholder, or officer of the company operating the home occupation, or an employee who uses their dwelling unit as their principal place of business. 5. The home occupation shall employ at least one (1) individual who resides in the dwelling unit and shall not employ more than one (1) other individual who does not reside in the dwelling unit. 6. At any given time, a home occupation shall not be permitted to include more than two (2) clients or students at once. 7. The home occupation shall not create noise, vibration, fumes, odour, dust, glare or radiation which is beyond the normal use of the dwelling, become offensive or an obnoxious use, or create an adverse effect. 8. No outdoor storage or visible display relating to a home occupation is permitted. 9. Customer or client parking is not required to be provided on the lot. 10. External changes or alterations required for or relating to a home occupation which would change the overall residential character of the dwelling unit are not permitted. 11. The selling of products assembled or developed on the premises is a permitted use in a home occupation, and the sale and distribution of catalogue items is a permitted use in a home occupation provided that no catalogue items are stored on the premises. 12. In accordance with Section 4.8, a home occupation consisting of a private home daycare is not permitted on hazardous lands or hazardous sites, as determined by the Municipality. 4.17 Human Habitation not within Main Buildings 1. Except where explicitly permitted, no truck, bus, coach, streetcar body, railway car, mobile home, trailer or other vehicle shall be used for human habitation Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 51 whether or not the same is mounted on wheels or other forms of mounting or foundations. 4.18 Live Work Dwelling 1. The following specific uses are permitted in a live work dwelling: a) Art gallery/studio; b) Dry-cleaning distribution centre; c) Dwelling unit; d) Medical office; e) Office; f) Personal service shop; g) Restaurant; or h) Retail store. 2. For any permitted use listed in Section 4.18.1, the minimum floor area is 50.0 m2. 4.19 Lots in Residential Zones - Unserviced 1. Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection of a detached dwelling on any existing lot located in any residential zone provided that the dwelling to be so erected complies in floor area with the requirements of that particular zone, but where there is neither a municipal sewer nor piped municipal water supply available then such lot area shall not be less than 1,390 m2. 4.20 Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) 1. Notwithstanding any other yard or setback provisions of this By-law, to the contrary, outside the urban area, no residential, institutional, commercial, or industrial use, shall be erected or altered unless it complies with the Minimum Distance Separation One (MDS I) setback from a livestock facility or anaerobic digester, calculated using the formulas published by the Province, as may be amended from time to time. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 52 2. This provision shall not apply to: a) A dwelling on the same property as the livestock facility or anaerobic digester; b) Additions or renovations to existing dwellings or buildings or structures accessory to a dwelling on lots that existed prior to March 1, 2017; or c) Structures accessory to a dwelling, including, but not limited to: decks, garages, gazebos, greenhouses, outbuildings, patios, picnic areas and sheds. 3. Notwithstanding any other yard and setback provisions of this By-law to the contrary, no building or structure used or intended to be used for the raising, breeding or keeping of livestock or manure storage, or anaerobic digestion, shall be established or enlarged on a lot except in accordance with the requirements of the Minimum Distance Separation Two (MDS II) setback, calculated using the formulas published by the Province, as may be amended from time to time. 4.21 Nightclubs Where permitted by this By-law, a nightclub shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. A nightclub shall not be permitted within 150.0 m of the boundary of any Residential zone. 2. A nightclub shall be wholly contained within the building and shall not include an outdoor patio. 4.22 Oak Ridges Moraine Area Special Provisions 4.22.1 Existing Uses within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area 1. The provisions of this Section are established in accordance with the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, or successor thereto. Where there is a conflict between this By-law and the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, or successor thereto, with respect to any lands included in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area, the requirements of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, or successor thereto, shall prevail. 4.22.2 Lots Having Reduced Lot Area and/or Reduced Lot Frontage within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area 1. Lots may be used and a building or structure may be constructed, altered or used on a lot having a lesser lot area and/or a lesser lot frontage than required by this By-law, provided that the lot has been held under distinct and separate ownership from the abutting lots or was legally created prior to the passing of this By-law, or created as a result of expropriation. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 53 2. The building, structure and use must conform to all other applicable provisions and regulations of this By-law. Lots that have been increased in size following the date of this By-law shall also be subject to this provision. 4.22.3 Non-Conforming Buildings and Uses in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area 1. For the purposes of interpreting the provisions of Section 4.22, notwithstanding the definition of existing as contained in Section 3 of this By-law, existing shall mean lawfully in existence on November 15, 2001 and for greater certainty does not include a use, building or structure that was in existence on that date without being lawful. 2. Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the use of any land, building or structure used for a purpose prohibited by this By-law if the land, building or structure was lawfully used for that purpose on November 15, 2001, and continues to be used for that purpose. Where the use ceases to exist for a period of two (2) years, the use will be deemed to have been discontinued. 3. Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the erection or use for a purpose prohibited by this By-law of a building or structure for which a permit has been issued under subsection 8(2) of the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended, on or before November 15, 2001, if: a) The permit has not been revoked under subsection 8(10) of the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended; or b) The building or structure when erected is used and continues to be used for the purpose for which it was erected. 4. Any dwelling unit on the same lot that is not permitted within the zone in which it is located but that legally existed on November 15, 2001, shall be permitted to expand on lands that are located no closer than 90.0 m from the Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection (ORMEP) zone by a maximum of an additional 100 m2 in gross floor area after the date of the passing of this By-law, in accordance with requirements of Section 12 of this By-law. 5. A non-residential building or structure on the same lot that is not permitted within the zone in which it is located, but that legally existed on November 15, 2001, shall be permitted to expand on lands that are located no closer than 90.0 m from the Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection (ORMEP) Zone, by a maximum of an additional 10% of the existing gross floor area after the date of the passing of this By-law, in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate zoning ORM category of this By-law. 6. Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the repair or reconstruction, within the same location and dimensions, of an existing building or structure to a safe condition provided that such repair or reconstruction does not represent an intensification of the existing use, and does not increase the legal non- Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 54 conforming footprint of the building or structure and that the building or structure continues to be used for the same purpose. 4.22.4 Previously Authorized by Zoning in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area 1. Nothing of this By-law shall prevent the use, erection, or location of a detached dwelling (which shall, for the purposes of this Section 4.22.4, include accessory buildings or structures) provided: a) The proposed dwelling is located on an open public road allowance maintained on a year-round basis and subject to the provisions of the Zoning By-law; and b) The use, erection and location of such detached dwelling would have been permitted by the applicable Zoning By-law on November 15, 2001. 4.22.5 Special Setbacks within ORM Zones 1. In addition to the other provisions of this By-law, within the area of the Oak Ridges Moraine as shown on the schedules of the City of Pickering’s Official Plan document, and within zones having an ORM prefix the following setbacks shall apply, along with the minimum areas of influence and requirements thereto as set out in the Official Plan: a) Watercourses: All buildings or structures shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from the meander belt of any permanent or intermittent stream, river or creek. b) Significant Valleylands: All buildings or structures shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from the stable top of bank. c) Wetlands: All buildings and structures shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from any part of feature. d) Significant Woodlands: All buildings and structures shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from the base of the outermost tree trunks within a woodland. e) Fish Habitat: All buildings and structures shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from any part of feature. f) Seepage Areas and Springs: All buildings and structures shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from any part of feature. 4.22.6 Lots Having Split Zoning within ORM Zones 1. Where a lot is divided into more than one (1) zone, each separately zoned portion of the lot shall be used in accordance with the provisions of that zone as if each separately zoned portion was a lot. However, where a lot is divided into more than one (1) zone and a use is permitted in each zone, the zoning provisions of the most restrictive zone shall apply to the entire lot. No lot shall Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 55 have more than one (1) building containing a dwelling on the lot except as specifically permitted by this Bylaw. 4.22.7 Utilities and Public Service Facilities 1. New transportation, infrastructure and utility uses are only permitted in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area subject to Section 41 of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, or successor thereto, and corresponding policies of the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended. 4.22.8 Areas of High Aquifer Vulnerability in the Oak Ridges Moraine Area 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, with the exception of those uses legally existing on November 15, 2001, which may continue until the use(s) ceases, the following uses are prohibited on lands identified as areas of high aquifer vulnerability on Schedule 3. a) Generation and storage of hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste. b) Waste disposal facilities, organic soil conditioning sites, and snow storage and disposal facilities. c) Underground and above-ground storage tanks that are not equipped with an approved secondary containment device. d) Storage of a contaminant listed on Schedule 3 (Severely Toxic Contaminants) to Regulation 347 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 or its successor. 4.23 On-farm Diversified Uses Where permitted by this By-law, an on-farm diversified use shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. The on-farm diversified use is accessory to an agriculture use located on the same lot. 2. The area of operation for an on-farm diversified use shall not exceed a combined total of 1.0 ha (10,000 m2) or 2% of the lot area on which the use is proposed, whichever is less. a) In calculating the area of operation, 100% of the area needed for parking spaces and outdoor storage for the on-farm diversified use shall be included; and b) In calculating the area of operation, where an on-farm diversified use uses an existing access laneway, or parking area, the area of the laneway or parking area shall not be included. c) For the purpose of interpreting Section 4.23, where a home industry is part of an on-farm diversified use, the area used for a home industry use Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 56 shall be subject to the maximum gross floor area as permitted by Section 4.15 of this By-law. 3. All outdoor storage for an on-farm diversified use shall be in accordance with the outdoor storage provisions of this By-law. 4. Services required for the proposed on-farm diversified use shall be provided on the same lot, to the satisfaction of the Municipality and shall not have any negative impact on neighbouring and surrounding land uses. 5. On-farm diversified uses that include agri-tourism uses shall be directly related to the principal agricultural use. 6. Large-scale, recurring events that are beyond the scale of agri-tourism uses and occur more than two (2) times per calendar year shall only be permitted on a temporary basis by way of a temporary use by-law pursuant to Section 39 of the Planning Act. 4.24 Outdoor Display Area Where permitted by this By-law, an outdoor display area shall be permitted in accordance with the following provisions: 1. An outdoor display area shall only be permitted on the same lot as the principal use. 2. An outdoor display area shall not occupy more than 35% of the lot area. 3. An outdoor display area shall not be located within: a) A required yard or minimum setback; b) A required landscape strip or in minimum required landscaped open space; c) A required parking space; d) A required loading space; e) A driveway access or aisle; f) A stacking lane; or g) A daylight triangle. 4. An outdoor display area shall have a minimum setback of 12.0 m from any lot line abutting a residential use. 5. Where an outdoor display area is accessory to vehicle sales or rental establishment and is located in the front yard or exterior side yard, the maximum area of an outdoor display area shall be 50% of the yard in which the outdoor display area is located. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 57 4.25 Outdoor Patios 1. An outdoor patio shall be permitted as an accessory use to any permitted restaurant use. 2. Outdoor patios are not permitted in any yard abutting a City Centre Residential One (CCR1) zone and City Centre Residential Two (CCR2) zone. 3. Outdoor patios are not permitted on a balcony on any lot abutting a residential use. 4. Outdoor patios shall not be considered as floor area and gross leasable floor area when calculating floor area and gross leasable floor area for the use it serves. 4.26 Outdoor Storage Where permitted by this By-law, outdoor storage shall be permitted in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Outdoor storage shall only be permitted as an accessory use where it is permitted by this By-law. For the purposes of clarity and without limiting the generality for the foregoing, outdoor storage shall not be permitted on a vacant lot. 2. Outdoor storage shall be only permitted within a rear yard and not closer than 9.0 m to any street line, provided that such storage area shall be so located that it is not visible from a street and/or a visual barrier is used to shield any part of a yard from view by any adjacent lot or from a highway to such street. 3. In any OSW zone, outdoor storage shall not exceed 30% of the lot area and such area shall be exclusive of parking spaces required by Section 5 and shall not exceed the ground floor area of buildings upon the lot. This requirement shall not apply to outdoor storage as permitted in other zones. 4. Outdoor storage can be used for only: a) The temporary storage of products manufactured, assembled or used on the premises; b) The storage of tanks and containers of liquids, gases or other similar materials used in the commercial or manufacturing process; or c) The storage of materials used in the industrial operation but excluding bulk open storage of sand, gravel, stone, coal and construction material or other similar materials or products. 5. Outdoor storage areas shall be screened on all sides with an opaque fence or landscaping or a combination of both not less than 2.0 m in height. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 58 4.27 Permitted Encroachments No part of any required yard or setback shall be obstructed except as follows: 1. Projections such as awnings, canopies, windowsills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may be permitted in any required setback, provided that no such feature, with the exception of a downspout, projects into the required setback more than 0.6 m or half the distance of the minimum required setback, whichever is less. 2. Any stairs to a porch or uncovered platform and any unenclosed ramp for wheelchair access may encroach into any required setback provided it is no closer than 0.6 m from an exterior side lot line or 0.3 m from a front lot line. 3. A balcony, porch or uncovered platform may encroach into any required setback to a maximum of 2.0 m or half the distance of the minimum required setback, whichever is less. 4. A bay, box or bow window, with or without foundation, having a maximum width of 4.0 m may encroach into any required setback to a maximum of 0.6 m or half the distance of the minimum required setback, whichever is less. 5. Exterior entrances including above grade or below grade entrances to any dwelling unit shall be permitted to encroach into any required yard provided it is setback a minimum of 0.9 m from all lot lines. If the below grade entrance is located within an area regulated by a Conservation Authority, as shown on Attachment A and as described in Section 4.8, approval from that Conservation Authority may be required. 4.28 Prohibited Uses 1. With respect to any lands to which this By-law applies, all uses are prohibited unless specifically permitted in this By-law. 2. Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law, with the exception of those uses existing on November 15, 2001, which may continue until the use(s) ceases, new rapid infiltration basins and new rapid infiltration columns are prohibited on lands within the Oak Ridges Moraine Area. 4.29 Public Uses Permitted in All Zones 1. Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law, a public authority may, for the purposes of public service, use any land or erect or use any building or structure in any zone, provided that: a) Buildings shall comply with the applicable yard setbacks, maximum lot coverage, and the height requirements as required by the zone; Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 59 b) The minimum number of parking spaces and loading spaces as required by this By-law for the proposed use shall be met; c) Buildings or structures in the Environmental Protection (EP) or City Centre Natural Heritage System (CCNHS) zone shall be prohibited except for linear infrastructure and the uses, buildings and structures specifically permitted in the applicable EP or CCNHS zone; d) Any outdoor storage, or a waste processing or waste transfer station shall only be allowed if it is permitted in the zone; e) Notwithstanding the provisions above, the use of land, and any buildings or structures for any school shall be in accordance with the provisions and permitted uses of the zone; and f) Outdoor storage as accessory to a public works yard shall be permitted in any zone, subject to the requirements for outdoor storage as established in Section 4.26 of this By-law. 2. Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law, a utility company providing services in the form of communication/telecommunication, gas, hydro and cable television and other similar utility company, may use any land or erect or use any building or structure in any zone for the purpose of a utility service. 3. Notwithstanding Section 4.29.2, exemption for utilities in any zone shall not apply to: a) Permit buildings or structures in the Environmental Protection (EP) or City Centre Natural Heritage System (CCNHS) zone except for structures directly related to the utility and uses otherwise permitted in the EP or CCNHS zones; b) Permit any outdoor storage or contractor’s yard; or c) Permit any land or building to be used for administrative offices, retail purposes, or vehicular or equipment maintenance. 4.30 Reserves 1. For the purposes of this By-law, a 0.3 m reserve shall be considered to be part of the street and not part of the lot. 4.31 Rooftop Mechanical Equipment and Mechanical Penthouses 1. Rooftop mechanical equipment, including any appurtenances thereto, that exceed a maximum height of 2.0 m shall be fully enclosed within a mechanical penthouse. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 60 2. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be set back a minimum of 5.0 m from all edges of a roof. 3. Notwithstanding Section 4.31.2, no setback is required if rooftop mechanical equipment is fully enclosed within a mechanical penthouse or screened by an architectural feature. 4.32 Rooming Homes 1. Where permitted by this By-law, a rooming home shall be in accordance with the following additional provisions: a) The rooming home is required to meet a dwelling format that is permitted in the applicable zone and the rooming home shall encompass the entirety of the dwelling, and with a maximum of one rooming home permitted per lot; b) The rooming home is subject to the parking provisions in Section 5; c) The number of bedrooms shall not exceed 6, and no cooking facilities shall be permitted in any bedroom or room other than a kitchen; d) There will be a minimum of one (1) washroom facility (water closet, washbasin, and bathtub and/or shower) per five (5) bedrooms; and e) The rooming home shall be subject to City licensing as may be required. 4.33 Satellite Dish Antenna 1. Satellite dish antennae are permitted in any zone provided that: a) The satellite dish does not exceed a maximum diameter of 1.3 m; and b) The satellite dish is not attached to the front façade of the main building or any accessory building or structure in the front yard. 4.34 Seasonal Farm Help Dwelling Where permitted by this By-law, a seasonal farm help dwelling shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. The lot and building requirements of the applicable zone shall apply to the seasonal farm help dwelling. 2. A seasonal farm help dwelling shall only be permitted as accessory to an agricultural use. 3. The maximum floor area of a seasonal farm help dwelling shall be 80.0 m2. 4. The use of a seasonal farm help dwelling shall not exceed an aggregate total of eight (8) months per seasonal worker in each calendar year. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 61 5. A seasonal farm help dwelling shall not be permitted in the principal residence of the owner or operator of the agricultural use. 6. A seasonal farm help dwelling may be accommodated in more than one (1) building. 7. A mobile home or recreational vehicle may be used for a seasonal farm help dwelling. 8. Access to a seasonal farm help dwelling shall be from a shared driveway. 9. A minimum distance of 6.0 m shall be required between a seasonal farm help dwelling and the nearest point of any other building or structure. 10. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 5 of this By-law. 11. A seasonal farm help dwelling shall be subject to an approved site plan. 4.35 Seasonal Outdoor Display Area Where permitted by this By-law, a seasonal outdoor display area shall be permitted subject to the following provisions: 1. A seasonal outdoor display area shall not obstruct a minimum required parking space, driveway, aisle, or loading space. 2. A seasonal outdoor display area shall not require any additional motor vehicle or bicycle parking to be provided while it is in operation. 3. A seasonal outdoor display area shall be permitted in any yard that does not abut a Residential zone. 4. A seasonal outdoor display area shall be in accordance with the minimum setback requirements of the applicable zone. 5. A seasonal outdoor display area shall occupy a maximum of 20% of the lot area. 6. A seasonal outdoor display area shall not be permitted for more than 120 days cumulatively within any single calendar year. 7. Any buildings or structures associated with the seasonal outdoor display area shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 4.2, but shall be subject to the provisions of this Section. 4.36 Services 1. No dwelling unit shall be permitted on any lot within the area affected by this By-law, unless such a lot is served either by a public water system and a sanitary sewer system or by a private water and effluent disposal system that has been approved by the Region of Durham Health Unit. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 62 4.37 Shipping Containers Where permitted by this By-law, a shipping container shall only be permitted in accordance with the following provisions: 1. A shipping container shall only be permitted as an accessory structure where permitted by this By-law. 2. The use of a shipping container for human habitation shall be prohibited. 3. A shipping container shall only be permitted where the minimum lot area is 0.4 ha or greater. 4. A shipping container shall only be located in the rear yard and shall be located no closer than 30.0 m from any street line. 5. A shipping container shall not exceed a height of 3.0 m and a total length of 16.76 m. 6. A shipping container shall be screened from view from the street and abutting properties zoned Residential, Institutional, or Open Space. 7. A shipping container shall not be located in a required parking area and in no case shall encroach into a required landscape strip or required landscaped open space. 8. Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, a shipping container may be temporarily placed on a lot in any zone: a) For a period of not more than 30 days for loading and unloading of the shipping container. b) For a period of not more than 1-year for the storage of supplies and equipment during construction for which a building permit has been issued by the Municipality. c) A shipping container is permitted in the driveway of a residential property provided it does not exceed a maximum height of 3.0 m and a maximum length of 6.1 m. However, in no case shall a shipping container encroach onto a public sidewalk; be located closer than 0.3 m from the back of curb in situations where no sidewalk exists; or create a sight line obstruction. 9. The provisions of this Section, nor the definition of shipping container, shall be interpreted to restrict the use all or part of a shipping container as a construction material. 4.38 Short-term Rental Where permitted by this By-law, a short-term rental shall only be permitted in accordance with the following provisions: Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 63 1. A maximum of one (1) short-term rental per dwelling shall be permitted. 2. The dwelling in which the short-term rental is located shall be the principal residence, as defined in the Income Tax Act, of the person or persons operating and residing in the short-term rental. 3. Parking for the short-term rental shall be in accordance with Section 5. 4. A short-term rental shall not be established or operated in a manner which changes the external appearance of the dwelling. 4.39 Swimming Pools 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, an outdoor swimming pool, or hot tub may be permitted as an accessory use to a residential use in accordance with the following provisions: a) Such accessory swimming pool, or hot tub shall only be located in a rear yard. b) Any swimming pool, hot tub, or associated water circulating, heating or treatment equipment shall be set back 0.6 m from the lot line and the swimming pool and/or hot tub shall be set back 1.2 m from any lot line. c) Any deck associated with an aboveground pool, or hot tub to a maximum height of 1.2 m will be in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.27 of this By-law. d) Any recreational equipment, including slides, associated with a swimming pool, or hot tub shall not exceed a maximum height of 2.4 m. e) An accessory outdoor swimming pool shall not be included in lot coverage calculations provided that no part of the swimming pool, or hot tub wall protrudes more than 1.2 m above grade. 4.40 Temporary Construction Uses Permitted 1. Nothing in this By-law shall prevent the use of land or the use or erection of a building or structure for: a) A scaffold or other temporary building or structure incidental to construction in progress on premises for which a building permit has been granted, until such time as the work has been finished or abandoned; or b) A sign having an area of not more than 4.7 m2 incidental to construction in progress on premises for which a building permit has been granted, until such time as the work has been finished or abandoned. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 64 4.41 Temporary Sales Office 1. A temporary sales office for the sale of lots or units shall be permitted in all zones, subject to the following additional provisions: a) A temporary sales office shall not be permitted until an applicable plan of subdivision or condominium for the proposed development has received draft plan approval or the property is in a zone that permits the proposed development or a temporary sales office agreement is in force. b) A temporary sales office shall only be permitted for such period that work within a relevant plan of subdivision or condominium remains in progress, having not been finished or discontinued for 60 days. c) A temporary sales office shall only be permitted if it complies with requirements of the zone in which the lot is located. d) Parking spaces for a temporary sales office are to be located to the side and rear of the temporary sales office. e) Notwithstanding Section 9.3 of this By-law, a minimum building height does not apply to a temporary sales office within any City Centre zone. 4.42 Trailer Parks and Private Recreational Uses 1. The establishment of trailer parks, mobile home parks, camping establishments or private recreational parks shall be prohibited within the Area of Application of this By-law, save and except where such uses are specifically permitted. 4.43 Yards Abutting Daylight Triangles 1. Where a lot abuts a daylight triangle, the setback provisions shall be measured as if the daylight triangle did not exist, provided all buildings are setback 0.6 m from the daylight triangle with the exception of windowsills, belt courses, cornices, eaves, and eave troughs which may project to within 0.3 m of the daylight triangle. 4.44 Waste Management 1. Waste shall be stored within a fully enclosed building, structure or partially in ground structure and shall not be located: a) Between the main wall of a building and any street line; and b) Within any landscaped open space or landscape strip required by this By-law. Section 4 | General Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 65 2. Notwithstanding Section 4.44.1 a), temporary waste storage structure provided for construction, demolition or site alteration works is permitted anywhere on a lot. 4.45 Wayside Pits or Quarries 1. Notwithstanding the general zoning provisions of this By-law, the operation of temporary wayside pits or quarries, may be permitted for a period not exceeding six (6) months upon application to, and approval of, the City. 2. An amendment to this By-law shall be required to permit a wayside pit or quarry if: a) The use is within 120 m of an Environmental Protection (EP) zone; and/or b) The use is in any zone except the Agriculture (A) or Quarry (Q) zones. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 66 5 Parking, Stacking, and Loading Regulations 5.1 General Provisions 5.1.1 Application 1. This Section applies to the entire City of Pickering with the exception of the Seaton Urban Area, which is regulated by Section 14. 5.1.2 Parking Off-Site 1. Required parking spaces for any non-residential use may be located on another lot within the lands/covered by this By-law, where a legal easement or an agreement exists. 5.2 Parking Space Requirements 1. Every building or structure erected, enlarged or used in accordance with the provisions of this By-law shall be provided with the minimum required number of parking spaces specified in Table 5.1. 2. Notwithstanding any requirement of this By-law, no minimum parking spaces shall be required within the Protected Major Transit Station Area, delineated on Schedule 8 to this By-law. Table 5.1: Minimum Parking Space Requirements Use City Centre Zones All Other Zones Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit - 1.0 space per additional dwelling unit(1) Apartment Dwelling 0.80 spaces per unit plus 0.15 visitor spaces per unit 1.25 spaces per unit plus 0.25 visitor spaces per unit Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling 1.75 spaces per unit 2.0 spaces per unit(2) Block Townhouse Dwelling 1.75 spaces per unit plus 0.15 visitor spaces per unit 2.0 spaces per unit plus 0.25 visitor spaces per unit Detached Dwelling 2.0 spaces per unit 2.0 spaces per unit(2) Duplex Dwelling - 2.0 spaces per unit Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 67 Use City Centre Zones All Other Zones Fourplex Dwelling - 2.0 spaces per unit Live Work Dwelling 1.5 spaces per unit plus 3.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA for commercial uses 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit plus 1.0 visitor spaces per unit Rooming Home 0.25 spaces per bedroom 0.30 spaces per bedroom Semi-Detached Dwelling 2.0 spaces per unit 2.0 spaces per unit(2) Stacked Townhouse Dwelling 1.25 spaces per unit plus 0.15 visitor spaces per unit 1.25 spaces per unit plus 0.25 visitor spaces per unit Street Townhouse Dwelling 2.0 spaces per unit 2.0 spaces per unit(2) Triplex Dwelling 2.0 spaces per unit 2.0 spaces per unit Commercial Uses Animal Care Establishment 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Arena - 18.0 spaces per 100 m2 floor area used for assembly plus 5.5 spaces per 100 m2 floor area used for sports, entertainment, restaurant (excluding snack bar) and other ancillary uses Art Gallery/Studio 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Assembly Hall, Convention Centre or Conference Hall 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Automobile Service Station - 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Boat Mooring - 1.2 spaces per mooring Car Washing Establishment - 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 68 Use City Centre Zones All Other Zones Commercial Fitness/ Recreation Centre 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Commercial School 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Convenience Store 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Dry-Cleaning Distributing Centre 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Dry-Cleaning Establishment - 4.5 space per 100 m2 GLFA Financial Institution 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Food Store 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Funeral Home - 5.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Garden Centre - 3.2 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for retail sales and display of products and/or office; and 1.1 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for warehousing and/or wholesaling Hotel 0.8 space per guest room plus an additional 7.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for accessory non-residential gross floor area used for public uses, such as meeting rooms, recreational facilities, dining facilities, business/conference facilities but excluding areas directly related to the overnight accommodation 0.8 space per guest room plus an additional 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for accessory non- residential gross floor area used for public uses, such as meeting rooms, recreational facilities, dining facilities, business/conference facilities but excluding areas directly related to the overnight accommodation Marina - 1.0 space per 4 persons capacity or 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA, whichever is greater, plus 7 waterfront parking spaces per launching ramp Medical Office 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Motel - 1.0 space per guest room plus 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Nightclub 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 69 Use City Centre Zones All Other Zones Office 2.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Personal Service Shop 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Place of Amusement 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 5.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Restaurant 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 6.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Retail Store 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Self-Storage Facility - 0.25 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Service and Repair Shop 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Shopping Centre 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Taxi Station 2.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Theatre 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Vehicle Body Repair Shop - 4.0 spaces per repair bay Vehicle Sales or Rental Establishment - 3.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Vehicle Repair Shop - 4.0 spaces per repair bay Veterinary Clinic 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Yacht Club - 1.0 space per 4 persons capacity or 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA, whichever is greater, plus 7 waterfront parking spaces per launching ramp Employment Uses Contractor’s Yard - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 3,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 3,000 m2 GLFA Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 70 Use City Centre Zones All Other Zones Film Studio - 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Food Preparation Plant - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 3,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 3,000 m2 GLFA Fuel Depot - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 2,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 2,000 m2 GLFA Heavy Manufacturing Facility - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 3,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 3,000 m2 GLFA Light Manufacturing Facility - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 3,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 3,000 m2 GLFA Research and Development Facility - 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Transport Cartage or Transport Depot - 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Waste Processing Station - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 3,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 3,000 m2 GLFA Waste Transfer Station 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 2,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 2,000 m2 GLFA Warehouse - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 2,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 2,000 m2 GLFA Wholesaling Facility - 3.2 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for retail sales and display of products and/or office; and 1.1 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for warehousing and/or wholesaling Community Uses Cemetery - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA Club 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 71 Use City Centre Zones All Other Zones Community Centre 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 1.0 space per 4 persons capacity or 3.5 spaces per m2 GLFA, whichever is greater Community Garden - - Day Care Centre 1.0 space per employee plus 3.0 spaces and an additional 1.0 space per classroom 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Elementary School 1.3 spaces per classroom 1.5 spaces per classroom plus day care centre requirements, if applicable Emergency Service Facility 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Library 2.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 3.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Long-Term Care Home 1.0 space per 3 beds 1.0 space per 3 beds Museum 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA 4.0 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Park - - Place of Worship 7.5 per 100 m2 GLFA 10.0 per 100 m2 GLFA Post-Secondary School 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA 15.0 spaces per classroom Private School 1.3 spaces per classroom 3.0 spaces per classroom Retirement Home 0.20 spaces per unit plus 0.05 visitor spaces per unit 0.30 spaces per unit plus 0.05 visitor spaces per unit Secondary School 1.3 spaces per classroom 3.0 spaces per classroom Other Uses Agricultural Products Processing Establishment - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 3,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 3,000 m2 GLFA Agricultural Use - No requirement. Where applicable, parking for a detached dwelling shall be provided Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 72 Use City Centre Zones All Other Zones Farm Implement Sales and Service Establishment - 1.0 space per 100 m2 GLFA up to 3,000 m2 GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA over 3,000 m2 GLFA Farmers’ Market - 3.2 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for retail sales and display of products; and 1.1 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for warehousing and/or wholesaling Farm Vacation Home - 1 space per guest room plus parking requirement for the principal dwelling unit Farm Winery, Microbrewery, Distillery or Cidery - 3.2 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for retail sales and display of products; and 1.1 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA for other areas Golf Course - 50 spaces for every 9 holes Pit or Quarry - - Riding Stable or Equestrian Centre - - Specified Accessory Uses Accessory Dwelling Unit - 1.0 space per unit Ancillary Retail Sales - 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 GLFA Bed and Breakfast - 1.0 spaces per guest room plus the minimum required parking for the principal dwelling Home Industry - 1.0 space for each employee of the home industry plus, the minimum required parking for the dwelling unit Home Occupation, including a Private Home Daycare - - Outdoor Display Area - - Outdoor Patio No additional parking required if associated with a restaurant No additional parking required if associated with a restaurant Seasonal Outdoor Display Area - - Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 73 Notes: 1. For an additional dwelling unit on a lot within 500 metres walking distance of Kingston Road, or on a lot within 500 metres walking distance of the Pickering GO Station: 1 space for the first additional dwelling unit and 0 spaces for the second additional dwelling unit. 2. For back-to-back townhouse dwellings, detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings, and street townhouse dwellings on a private street: 2.0 spaces per unit plus 0.25 visitor spaces per unit. 5.3 Calculation of Required Parking Spaces 5.3.1 Rounding Provisions 1. In all other areas of the City, where parking spaces are calculated by gross leasable floor area, or similar calculation, and the required parking is a fraction, the number of parking spaces shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. 5.3.2 Multiple Uses on a Lot 1. Where a use is subject to a minimum parking requirement, and there is more than one (1) use on a lot, the total required parking spaces shall be the sum of the required parking spaces applicable to each use on the lot. The total number of required spaces may be reduced in accordance with the provisions for Shared Parking in Section 5.5. 5.4 Accessible Parking Requirements 1. Accessible parking spaces are to be provided on-site in accordance with the requirements of the Traffic and Parking By-law 6604/05 as amended, or any successor thereto. Accessible parking spaces shall be identified within a Site Plan. 5.5 Shared Parking 1. Notwithstanding Section 5.3.2, a shared parking formula may be used for the calculation of required parking for multiple uses on a lot. 2. Shared parking is to be calculated in compliance with Table 5.2. 3. All required parking spaces must be accessible to all uses participating in the shared parking arrangement and may not be reserved for specific users. 4. The initial step in determining required parking for multiple uses on a lot is to calculate the parking requirement for each use in the development, in accordance with Section 5.2. The parking requirement for each use is then multiplied by the percent of the peak period for each time period, contained in Table 5.2. Each column is totaled for weekday and weekend. The highest figure obtained from all time periods shall become the required minimum parking for the development. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 74 Table 5.2: Shared Parking Formula Type of Use Percentage of Peak Period (Weekday) Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Financial Institution/Office/ Medical Office 100 90 95 10 Food Store/Personal Service Shop/Retail Store 65 90 90 90 Restaurant 20 100 30 100 Theatre 20 40 70 100 Hotel 70 70 70 100 Residential – Visitor 20 20 60 100 Type of Use Percentage of Peak Period (Weekday) Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Financial Institution/Office/Office, Medical 10 10 10 0 Food Store/Personal Service Shop/Retail Store 80 100 100 70 Restaurant 20 100 50 100 Theatre 20 60 80 100 Hotel 70 70 70 100 Residential – Visitor 20 20 60 100 5.6 Size of Parking Spaces, Aisles, and Stacking Lanes 1. Parking Space: parking spaces shall be a minimum of 2.6 m in width and 5.3 m in length, exclusive of any land used for access, manoeuvring, driveways or similar purposes. 2. Parking Space, Parallel: parallel parking space shall be a minimum of 2.6 m in width and 6.4 m in length. 3. Parking Space within a Private Garage: a) A minimum of one parking space in any attached or detached private garage associated with a dwelling unit shall be required to meet the minimum dimensions of 3.1 m in width by 6.5 m in length and shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 2.6 m; b) All other parking spaces in a private garage shall have a minimum width of 2.6 m and minimum length of 5.3 m. c) Steps encompassing an area not greater than 1.2 m by 0.6 m is permitted to encroach in any parking space located in a private garage. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 75 4. Parking Space, Bus: bus parking space shall have an accessible area of not less than 37.0 m2 for the parking and storage of a bus. 5. Parking Space, Waterfront: A waterfront parking space (vehicular) shall have an accessible area of not less than 28.0 m2, exclusive of driveways or aisles, for the temporary parking or storage of vehicles with trailers. 6. Aisle: parking lot aisles shall be a minimum of 6.0 m in width for one-way traffic and a minimum of 6.5 m in width for two-way traffic. 7. Stacking Lane for a Drive-Through: A stacking lane associated with a drive- through facility shall be a minimum of 3.0 m in width. 5.7 Tandem Parking 1. The required parking spaces for a dwelling unit, live work dwelling or a bed and breakfast on an individual lot may be provided in a tandem configuration. 5.8 Location of Parking Spaces 1. No parking lot or parking space within a parking lot shall be permitted within 3.0 m of a street line or within any daylight triangle or corner rounding. 2. No parking lot or parking space in any non-Residential zone shall be permitted within 3.0 m of a property line abutting a Residential zone. 3. In any Residential zone, a parking space may be located within a driveway. 4. Notwithstanding Section 5.8.1 and 5.8.2, individual parking spaces for a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, duplex dwelling, triplex dwelling, fourplex dwelling and back-to-back townhouse dwelling may be located: a) Within 3.0 m of a street line but not within a daylight triangle or corner rounding; b) In a rear yard of a Residential zone a minimum of 1.0 m from the nearest rear lot line except where the rear lot line abuts a lane in which case the parking space shall be set back a minimum of 0.6 m; and c) In an interior side yard of a Residential zone to a minimum of 0.6 m to the nearest interior side lot line, except where the driveway is a mutual driveway in which case no setback is required to the interior side lot line. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 76 5.9 Surface Parking Spaces in the City Centre Zones 1. Notwithstanding Section 5.8, the following surface parking provisions are required for on-site parking and access to drive aisles in the City Centre zones: a) All surface parking shall be located in the rear or interior side yards of buildings; and b) A minimum 3.0 m wide landscape strip shall be required and permanently maintained between any street line, daylight triangle or existing residential development and the parking spaces or aisles. Where a landscape strip is provided between existing residential development and the parking spaces or aisles, the landscape strip shall also have a minimum height of 1.5 m to provide visual screening. 5.10 Parking Structures 1. Portions of Parking structures constructed above grade, located adjacent to any street line shall comply with the provisions for the main building in accordance with this By-law. 2. Stairs and air vents associated with a parking structure are not permitted in a front or exterior side yard. 3. Air vents constructed in association with an underground parking structure are permitted to project to a maximum of 1.2 m above grade no closer than 4.0 m to a street line. 4. The parking of motor vehicles is prohibited in the first storey of an above grade parking structure for the first 9.0 m of the depth of the parking structure measured in from the lot line along a street line with required active at grade frontages, as shown on Schedule 7 to this By-law. 5. Above ground parking structures that front onto a street line shall have a minimum ground floor height of 4.5 m. 5.11 Residential Driveway and Front Yard Landscaping Requirements 1. The following requirements shall apply in any Residential zone where there is a private driveway providing access to the individual dwelling unit: a) No part of a driveway or parking space shall be located within the minimum required interior side yard setback or the minimum exterior side yard setback. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 77 b) In no case shall any part of a driveway or parking space be located within 0.6 m of any lot line. This shall not apply to the lot line that is traversed by the driveway to provide access. c) Maximum driveway width and landscaped open space shall be in accordance with Table 5.3. Table 5.3: Maximum Driveway Width and Minimum Landscaped Open Space in Residential Zones Requirement Lot Frontage less than 11.0 m Lot Frontage equal to or Greater than 11.0 m Maximum driveway width at the lot line 3.0 m 6.0 m Minimum landscaped open space in each yard used for a driveway or parking (1) 30% 45% Notes to Table 5.3: 1. This requirement shall not apply to any yard where the driveway or parking is accessed by a rear lane. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 78 5.12 Parking and Storage of Vehicles in Residential and City Centre Zones No person shall, in any Residential zone or in any City Centre zone, use any lot, building or structure for the parking or storage of a commercial vehicle, construction vehicle, recreational vehicle, trailer or vehicle except in accordance with the following provisions: 1. A maximum of six (6) vehicles, only one (1) of which may be a trailer, are permitted to park on the driveway of any lot, and any such vehicles shall be in accordance with the following provisions: a) For those vehicles parked on any lot, the maximum permitted height shall be 2.6 m, and the maximum permitted length shall be 6.7 m; b) Notwithstanding Section 5.12.1 a), one (1) vehicle parked on a driveway in a side or rear yard can be of a size up to a maximum permitted height of 3.5 m, and a maximum permitted length of 8.0 m; c) Height shall be measured from the grade immediately beside the vehicle up to the vehicle's highest point, which excludes lights, antennas and other such items ancillary to the vehicle's body; and d) No part of any front or exterior yard except a driveway shall be used for the parking or storage of vehicles and no vehicle shall encroach onto any road allowance. 2. The parking or storage of an inoperative vehicle shall not be permitted on any lot, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. 3. The parking or storage of a construction vehicle shall not be permitted on any lot, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. 4. A vehicle that exceeds the maximum permissible vehicle size provisions of Section 5.12.1 shall be permitted to park temporarily on a lot for the sole purpose of delivering to, servicing, building or constructing the premises on that lot. 5. The minimum number of required parking spaces for residential uses shall not be occupied or otherwise obstructed by the parking of a construction vehicle, commercial vehicle, recreational vehicle, or trailer. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 79 5.13 Bicycle Parking Space Requirements 5.13.1 General Provisions for Bicycle Parking Spaces 1. In this Section, the terms "long-term" bicycle parking space and "short-term" bicycle parking space have the following meaning: a) "long-term" bicycle parking spaces are those for use by the occupants or tenants of a building; and b) "short-term" bicycle parking spaces are those for use by visitors to a building. 2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, bicycle parking spaces are permitted on any part of a lot. 3. Bicycle parking spaces should be located on the same lot as the use or building for which they are required, or may be located off-site within 100 m from the building for which they are required. 4. A maximum of 50% of the required bicycle parking spaces may be vertical spaces; the rest of the required spaces must be horizontal spaces. 5. Where the number of bicycle parking spaces exceeds 50 spaces, a minimum of 25% of the total required must be located within: a) A building or structure; b) A secure area such as a supervised parking lot or enclosure; or c) Bicycle lockers. 6. Where four (4) or more bicycle parking spaces are provided in a common parking area, each space must contain a bicycle parking rack that is securely anchored to the ground and attached to a heavy base such as concrete. 7. For Apartment Dwellings, a minimum of 15% of the required long-term bicycle parking spaces, or 1.0 parking space, whichever is greater, shall include an energized 120-volt outlet adjacent to the bicycle rack or parking space. 5.13.2 Bicycle Parking Space Dimensions 1. If located in a horizontal position (on the ground), a bicycle parking space shall have a minimum length of 1.8 m and a minimum width of 0.6 m. 2. If located in a vertical position (on the wall), a bicycle parking space shall have a minimum length of 1.5 m and a minimum width of 0.5 m. 5.13.3 Minimum Bicycle Parking Space Rates 1. The minimum number of required long-term bicycle parking spaces applicable to all zones shall be: Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 80 a) For Apartment Dwelling: 0.5 long-term bicycle parking spaces per dwelling unit; b) For Stacked Townhouse Dwelling: 1.0 long-term bicycle parking space per dwelling unit; c) For Long-Term Care Facility and Retirement Home: a minimum of five (5) long-term bicycle parking spaces; and d) For non-residential uses: the greater of 2.0 total long-term bicycle parking spaces or 1.0 bicycle parking space for each 1,000 m2 of gross leasable floor area or portion thereof. 2. The minimum number of required short-term bicycle parking spaces applicable to all zones shall be: a) For Apartment Dwelling: 0.1 short-term bicycle parking spaces per unit; and b) For non-residential uses: a minimum of one (1) bicycle parking rack for short-term bicycle parking. 5.14 Loading Space Requirements 5.14.1 General Provisions for Loading Spaces 1. For every building or structure to be erected for, altered for, or its use converted to a commercial or industrial use, involving the frequent shipping, loading or unloading of persons, animals, goods, wares or merchandise, off- street loading spaces shall be provided and maintained upon the same lot on which the principal use is located. 2. Any required off-street loading space shall: a) Not be used for the purpose of offering commodities for sale or display; b) Provide for the temporary parking of one (1) commercial vehicle; c) Not be upon or partly upon any street, lane or alley; and d) Have adequate access to permit ingress and egress of a commercial vehicle from a street by means of driveways, aisles, maneuvering areas or similar areas, no part of which access is to be used for the temporary parking or storage of any motor vehicle. 5.14.2 Loading Space Dimensions 1. The minimum dimensions of a loading space shall be 3.5 m in width and 12.0 m in length, with a minimum vertical clearance of 4.2 m. 5.14.3 Location of Loading Spaces 1. No loading space shall be permitted in the front yard of any zone. Section 5 | Parking, Stacking and Loading Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 81 2. A loading space shall abut the building for which the loading space is provided. 3. An unenclosed loading space located above grade shall be set back a minimum of 10.0 m from a street line. 4. An enclosed loading space located above grade shall comply with the building setbacks from a street line regulation applicable to the City Centre zones as listed in Table 8.6 in Section 9 of this By-law. Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 82 6 Residential Zone Regulations 6.1 List of Residential Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the Residential zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 6.1. Table 6.1: Residential Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol Residential First Density R1A, R1B, R1C, R1D, R1E, R1F, R1G, R1H, R1I Residential Second Density R2A, R2B Residential Third Density R3A, R3B, R3C 6.2 Residential First Density Zones 6.2.1 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure in any Residential First Density zone for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 6.2 and Table 6.3. Uses permitted in the Residential First Density zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 6.2 and Table 6.3. Table 6.2: Uses Permitted in the Residential First Density Zones (R1A to R1E) Permitted Use R1A R1B R1C R1D R1E Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit(1) ● ● ● ● ● Detached Dwelling ● ● ● ● ● Rooming Home(1) ● ● ● ● ● Specified Accessory Uses Home Occupation(1) ● ● ● ● ● Home Industry(1) ● Short-term Rental(1) ● ● ● ● ● Notes: 1. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 83 Table 6.3: Uses Permitted in the Residential First Density Zones (R1F to R1I) Permitted Use R1F R1G R1H R1I Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit(1) ● ● ● ● Detached Dwelling ● ● ● ● Rooming Home(1) ● ● ● ● Specified Accessory Uses Home Occupation(1) ● ● ● ● Short-term Rental(1) ● ● ● ● Notes: 1. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 6.2.2 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Residential First Density zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 6.4 and Table 6.5. Table 6.4: Lot and Building Requirements for Residential First Density Zones (R1A to R1E) Requirement R1A R1B R1C R1D R1E Minimum Lot Area (m2) 3,000 1,390 740.0 550.0 460.0 Minimum Lot Frontage (m) 22.0 22.0 21.0 18.0 15.0 Minimum Front Yard (m) 9.0 9.0 9.0 7.5 7.5 Minimum Side Yard (m) 1.8 1.8 One side 1.8 m and other side 3.0 m One side 1.8 m and other side 3.0 m One side 1.5 m and other side 2.4 m Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 2.7 - - - - Minimum Rear Yard (m) 9.0 9.0 7.5 7.5 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 20 20 33 33 33 Maximum Height (m) 12.0 12.0 12.0 9.0 9.0 Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 84 Table 6.5: Lot and Building Requirements for Residential First Density Zones (R1F to R1I) Requirement R1F R1G R1H R1I Minimum Lot Area (m2) 450.0 400.0 350.0 250.0 Minimum Lot Frontage (m) 15.0 13.5 12.0 9.0 Minimum Front Yard (m) 4.5(1) 4.5(1) 4.5(1) 4.5(1) Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 38 38 38 38 Maximum Height (m) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Notes: 1. Any vehicular entrance to an attached private garage shall be located not less than 6.0 m from front lot line and not less than 6.0 m from any exterior side lot line immediately adjoining or abutting a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street. Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 85 6.3 Residential Second Density Zones 6.3.1 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure in any Residential Second Density zone for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 6.6. Uses permitted in the Residential Second Density zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 6.6. Table 6.6: Uses Permitted in the Residential Second Density Zones Permitted Use R2A R2B Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit(1) ● ● Detached Dwelling ● ● Duplex Dwelling ● Rooming Home(1) ● Semi-detached Dwelling ● ● Specified Accessory Uses Home Occupation(1) ● ● Short-term Rental(1) ● ● Notes: 1. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 6.3.2 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Residential Second Density zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 6.7. Table 6.7: Lot and Building Requirements for the Residential Second Density Zones Requirement R2A R2B Minimum Lot Area (m2) Detached Dwelling 460.0 275.0 Semi-detached Dwelling 325.0/unit 275.0 Duplex Dwelling 460.0 - Minimum Lot Frontage (m) Detached Dwelling 15.0 9.0 Semi-detached Dwelling 10.5/unit 9.0 Duplex Dwelling 15.0 - Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 86 Requirement R2A R2B Minimum Front Yard (m) 7.5 4.5(1) Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) Detached Dwelling 1.5 one side, 2.5 other side 1.2(2) Semi-detached Dwelling 2.5(2) 1.2(2) Duplex Dwelling 2.5 - Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 2.5 2.7 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 7.5 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 33 38 Maximum Height (m) 12.0 12.0 Notes: 1. Any vehicular entrance to an attached private garage shall be located not less than 6.0 m from front lot line and not less than 6.0 m from any exterior side lot line immediately adjoining or abutting a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street. 2. The minimum interior side yard shall be 0.0 m where the common wall of a semi-detached dwelling abuts an interior side lot line being the adjoining wall of another semi-detached dwelling. Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 87 6.4 Residential Third Density Zones 6.4.1 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure in any Residential Third Density zone for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 6.8. Uses permitted in the Residential Third Density zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 6.8. Table 6.8: Uses Permitted in the Residential Third Density Zones Permitted Use R3A R3B R3C Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit(1, 2) ● ● Apartment Dwelling ●(3) ● ● Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling ● Block Townhouse Dwelling ● ● Retirement Home ● ● Rooming Home(2) ● ● ● Stacked Townhouse Dwelling ● ● Street Townhouse Dwelling ● ● Specified Accessory Uses Home Occupation(2) ● ● ● Short-term Rental(2) ● ● ● Notes: 1. This use is only permitted in association with a block townhouse or street townhouse dwelling. 2. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 3. Only legally existing uses shall be permitted. Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 88 6.4.2 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Residential Third Density zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 6.9. Table 6.9: Lot and Building Requirements for the Residential Third Density Zones Requirement R3A R3B R3C Minimum Lot Area (m2) - - - Street Townhouse Dwelling 220.0/unit 150.0/unit - Block Townhouse Dwelling 220.0/unit 150.0/unit - Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - 75.0/unit - Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - 75.0/unit - Apartment Dwelling/Retirement Home 1,100 75.0/unit - Minimum Lot Frontage (m) - 20.0 Street Townhouse Dwelling 6.0/unit 6.0/unit - Block Townhouse Dwelling 30.0 30.0 - Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - 6.0/unit - Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - 6.0/unit - Apartment Dwelling/Retirement Home 27.0 27.0 - Minimum Front Yard (m) 7.5 4.5 3 Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) Street Townhouse Dwelling 6.0, or one-fifth of the length of the building whichever is greater(1) 1.2(1) - Block Townhouse Dwelling 6.0, or one-fifth of the length of the building whichever is greater 1.2(1) 1.2 Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - 1.2(1) - Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - 1.2(1) 1.2 Apartment Dwelling/Retirement Home Minimum one-half the height of the building; or, one-tenth the length of 3.0 2.5 Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 89 Requirement R3A R3B R3C the building; or, 3.5 m, whichever is the greater Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) Street Townhouse Dwelling 6.0, or one-fifth of the length of the building whichever is greater 3.0 - Block Townhouse Dwelling 6.0, or one-fifth of the length of the building whichever is greater 3.0 - Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - 3.0 - Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - 4.5 3.0 Apartment Dwelling/Retirement Home 6.0, or one-fifth of the length of the building whichever is greater 4.5 3.0 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 7.5 7.5 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) Street Townhouse Dwelling 25(2) 50 - Block Townhouse Dwelling 25(2) 50 - Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - 50 - Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - 50 60 Apartment Dwelling/Retirement Home 35 50 60 Maximum Height (m) Street Townhouse Dwelling 12.0 12.0 - Block Townhouse Dwelling 12.0 12.0 - Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - 12.0 - Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - 13.0 30.0 Apartment Dwelling/Retirement Home 12.0 16.0 30.0 Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 90 Requirement R3A R3B R3C Minimum Landscaped Open Space (% of gross floor area) - 10 10 Maximum tower floor plate size (m2) 850.0 Minimum Building Separation on the Lot (m) - - 11.0 m, except where the separation may be reduced to 3.0 m if there are no primary windows or balconies on the wall facing the adjacent flanking building - - 18.0 m, for any portion of a building greater than 25.5 m in height, except where the separation may be reduced to 11.0 m if there are no primary windows or balconies on the wall facing the adjacent flanking building - - 25.0 m for any portion of a building greater than 37.5 m in height Minimum Amenity Area (m2) – development with fewer than 8 dwelling units - - - Minimum Amenity Area (m2) – development with 8 or more dwelling units Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Section 6 | Residential Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 91 Requirement R3A R3B R3C Block Townhouse Dwelling - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Apartment Dwelling - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Notes: 1. The minimum interior side yard shall be 0.0 m where the common wall of a street townhouse dwelling abuts an interior side lot line being the adjoining wall of another street townhouse dwelling. 2. Includes all buildings except private garages. 3. A minimum of one contiguous area of 40.0 m2 must be provided. Section 7 | Commercial Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 92 7 Commercial Zone Regulations 7.1 List of Commercial Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the Commercial zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 7.1. Table 7.1: Commercial Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol Commercial General C1 Commercial Automotive Service C2 Commercial Highway C3 Commercial Hamlet CH 7.2 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 7.2. Uses permitted in the Commercial zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 7.2. Table 7.2: Uses Permitted in the Commercial Zones Permitted Use C1 C2 C3 CH Residential Uses Detached Dwelling ● Commercial Uses Animal Care Establishment ● ● Arena ● Art Gallery/Studio ● ● ● Assembly Hall, Convention Centre or Conference Hall ● Automobile Service Station(1) ●(2) ● ● ● Car Washing Establishment ●(2) ● ● ●(3) Commercial Fitness/Recreational Centre ● Commercial School ● ● Convenience Store ● ●(3) ● ● Dry-Cleaning Distribution Centre ● ● Section 7 | Commercial Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 93 Permitted Use C1 C2 C3 CH Dry-Cleaning Establishment ● Financial Institution ● ● Food Store ● ● Funeral Home ● Garden Centre ● Hotel ● ● Medical Office ● ● Motel ● Nightclub(1) ● ● Office ● ● Personal Service Shop ● ● ● Place of Amusement ● Restaurant ● ●(3) ● ● Retail Store ● ● ● Self-Storage Facility ● Service and Repair Shop ● ● ● Shopping Centre ● ● Taxi Station ● ● Theatre ● Vehicle Body Repair Shop ●(2) ●(2) Vehicle Repair Shop ● ● Veterinary Clinic ● ● Community Uses Club ● ● Community Centre ● ● Community Garden ● ● ● Day Care Centre ● ● ● Emergency Service Facility ● ● Farmers’ Market ● ● ● Library ● ● Museum ● ● Park ● Place of Worship ● ● Section 7 | Commercial Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 94 Permitted Use C1 C2 C3 CH Public Parking Lot ● ● Retirement Home ● Specified Accessory Uses Accessory Dwelling Unit(1) ● Outdoor Display Area(1) ● ● ● Seasonal Outdoor Display Area(1) ● ● Notes: 1. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 2. Only legally existing uses shall be permitted. 3. Permitted only accessory to an automobile service station. 7.3 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Commercial zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 7.3. Table 7.3: Lot and Building Requirements for the Commercial Zones Requirement C1 C2 C3 CH Minimum Lot Frontage (m) 20.0 35.0 20.0 18.0 Maximum Front Yard (m) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) - 4.5 - - Minimum Interior Side Yard abutting a lot in any Residential, Institutional, or Open Space zone (m) 7.5 7.5 7.5 4.5 Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 50 30 50 25 Maximum Building Height (m) 18.0 12.0 18.0 12.0 Minimum Landscaped Open Space (%) 10 10 10 10 Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 95 8 Mixed-Use Zone Regulations 8.1 List Mixed-Use Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the Mixed-Use zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 8.1. Table 8.1: Mixed-Use Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol Local Node LN Community Node CN Mixed-Use General MU1 8.2 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 8.2. Uses permitted in the Mixed-Use zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 8.2. Table 8.2: Uses Permitted in the Mixed-Use Zones Permitted Use LN CN MU1 Residential Uses Apartment Dwelling ● Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling ● Block Townhouse Dwelling ● Live Work Dwelling ● Stacked Townhouse Dwelling ● Commercial Uses Animal Care Establishment ● ● Art Gallery/Studio ● ● Bed and Breakfast(1) ● Commercial Fitness/Recreational Centre ● ● Convenience Store ● ● ● Dry-Cleaning Distribution Centre ● ● ● Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 96 Permitted Use LN CN MU1 Financial Institution ● ● ● Food Store ● ● ● Medical Office ● ● ● Office ● ● ● Personal Service Shop ● ● ● Restaurant ● ● ● Retail Store ● ● ● Shopping Centre ● ● ● Veterinary Clinic ● ● Community Uses Club ● ● ● Community Centre ● ● Community Garden ● ● ● Day Care Centre ● ● ● Emergency Service Facility ● ● Farmers’ Market ● ● ● Library ● ● Long-Term Care Home ● Museum ● ● Place of Worship ● Public Parking Lot ● ● Specified Accessory Uses Outdoor Display Area(1) ● ● Seasonal Outdoor Display Area(1) ● ● ● Short-term Rental(1) ● Notes: 1. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 97 8.3 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Mixed-Use zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 8.3. Table 8.3: Lot and Building Requirements for the Mixed-Use Zones Requirement LN CN MU1 Minimum Lot Frontage (m) 15.0 30.0 30.0 Maximum Front Yard (m) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) - - - Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) - - - Minimum Rear Yard (m) 7.5 7.5 7.5 Minimum Setback for Below Grade Parking Structures (m) - - - Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 35 35 50 Minimum Ground Floor Height (m) - - - Minimum Building Height (m) - - 7.5 Maximum Building Height (m) 12.0 15.0 15.0 Maximum Gross Leasable Floor Area (m2) 10,000 20,000 20,000 Maximum Floor Space Index 2.0 2.5 2.5 Minimum Landscaped Open Space (%) 10 10 10 Required Active at Grade Frontage - - 50% of the first storey of a non- residential building along any front lot line and exterior side lot line shall be comprised of openings and transparent glazing Location of a Primary Entrance Door - - A primary entrance door with direct and Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 98 Requirement LN CN MU1 unobstructed access open to the public shall be incorporated into the wall of a building facing the street line Minimum Balcony Depth (m) - - 1.5(1) Minimum Amenity Area (m2) – developments with fewer than 8 dwelling units - - - Minimum Amenity Area (m2) – development with 8 or more dwelling units Apartment Dwelling - - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling - - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Block Townhouse Dwelling - - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Stacked Townhouse Dwelling - - 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Notes: 1. Notwithstanding the minimum required depth of a balcony, balconies are not permitted to project beyond the main wall less than 10.5 m in height above grade. Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 99 9 City Centre Zone Regulations 9.1 List of City Centre Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the City Centre zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 8.4. Table 8.4: City Centre Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol City Centre One CC1 City Centre Two CC2 City Centre Residential One CCR1 City Centre Residential Two CCR2 City Centre Civic CCC City Centre Open Space CCOS City Center Natural Heritage System CCNHS 9.2 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 8.5. Uses permitted in the City Centre zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 8.5. Table 8.5: Uses Permitted in the City Centre Zones CC1 CC2 CCR1 CCR2 CCC CCOS CCNHS Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit (1)(2) ● ● ● ● Apartment Dwelling ● ● ● Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling ●(3) ●(3) ● ● Block Townhouse Dwelling ●(3) ●(3) ● ● Live Work Dwelling ● ● ● Stacked Townhouse Dwelling ●(3) ●(3) ● Street Townhouse Dwelling ●(3) ●(3) ● ● Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 100 CC1 CC2 CCR1 CCR2 CCC CCOS CCNHS Commercial Uses Animal Care Establishment ● ● Art Gallery/Studio ● ● ● Assembly Hall, Convention Centre or Conference Hall ● ● Commercial Fitness/Recreational Centre ● ● ● (4) ● Commercial School ● ● Convenience Store ● ● Dry-Cleaning Distribution Centre ● ● ● (4) Financial Institution ● ● Food Store ● ● ● Hotel ● ● Kiosk ● ● ● ● ● Nightclub(1) ● Medical Office ● ● Office ● ● ● ● ● Personal Service Shop ● ● ● ● Place of Amusement ● Restaurant ● ● Retail Store ● ● Service and Repair Shop ● ● Theatre ● ● Veterinary Clinic ● ● Community Uses Club ● ● Community Centre ● ● ● ● Community Garden ● ● ● ● ● ● Day Care Centre ● ● ● (4) ● Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 101 CC1 CC2 CCR1 CCR2 CCC CCOS CCNHS Elementary or Secondary School ● ● (5) Library ● ● ● Long-Term Care Home ● ● ● Museum ● ● ● Park ● ● ● ● ● ● ●(6) Place of Worship ● Post-Secondary School ● ● Private School ● ● Retirement Home ● ● ● Other Uses District Energy Facility ● ● ● Parking Garage / Structure ● ● Specified Accessory Uses Home Occupation (1) ● ● ● ● Private Home Daycare ● ● ● ● Notes: 1. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 2. This use shall be permitted within a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling unit, and block townhouse dwelling unit. 3. This use shall be prohibited in areas designated as Active at Grade frontages on Schedule 7 to this By-law. 4. Use shall be limited to the first two (2) storeys of a building. 5. A maximum of one (1) such use is permitted to be located within this zone. 6. No buildings and structures shall be permitted. Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 102 9.3 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any City Centre zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 8.6. Table 8.6: Lot and Building Requirements for the City Centre Zones Requirement CC Zones Minimum Floor Space Index As shown on Schedule 4 Maximum Floor Space Index 5.75 Minimum Building Height (m) As shown on Schedule 5 Maximum Building Height (m) As shown on Schedule 6 Building Height Adjacent to Grade Related Dwellings (m) Building height shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured 7.5 m from the property line of adjacent detached, semi-detached and street townhouse dwellings at a height of 10.5 m above grade Minimum Building Setback from Street Line (m) 1.0 Maximum Building Setback from Street Line (m) 4.0 (1)(2) Minimum Setback for Below Grade Parking Structures (m) 0.0 Minimum Podium Height Requirements for Buildings Greater than 37.5 m in Height (m) 10.5 Maximum Podium Height Requirements for Buildings Greater than 37.5 m in Height (m) 20.0 Maximum Tower Floor Plate – Residential Building (m2) 850.0 Minimum Building Separation (m) 11.0 m, except where the separation may be reduced to 3.0 m if there are no primary windows or balconies on the wall facing the adjacent flanking building 18.0 m, for any portion of a building greater than 25.5 m in height, except where the separation may be reduced to 11.0 m if there are no primary windows or balconies on the wall facing the adjacent flanking building 25.0 m for any portion of a building greater than 37.5 m in height Minimum Main Wall Stepback for Buildings equal to or less than 37.5 m in Height (m) 1.5 m between 4.5 m and 15.0 m in height on any building face abutting a street line Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 103 Requirement CC Zones Minimum Main Wall Stepback for Buildings greater than 37.5 m in Height (m) Minimum main wall stepback - 3.0 m from the main wall of a point tower and the main wall of a podium on any building face abutting a street line Minimum main wall stepback - 3.0 m between the top 6.0 m and 18.0 m of a point tower for buildings equal to and greater than 73.5 m Balcony Requirements Minimum depth – 1.5 m Notwithstanding Section 4.27.1 c), balconies are not permitted to project beyond the main wall less than 10.5 m in height above grade along any street line with required Active At Grade Frontages, as shown on Schedule 7 to this By-law Minimum Continuous Length of Buildings along a Street Line (%) 60% of the street frontage of a lot must be occupied by a building Buildings Requiring Active At Grade Frontages Minimum – 40% of the first storey of a non-residential building along any street line with required Active At Grade Frontages, as shown on Schedule 7 to this By-law, shall be comprised of openings and transparent glazing A primary entrance door with direct and unobstructed access open to the public shall be incorporated into the wall of a building facing the street line Minimum ground floor height – 4.5 m Minimum Landscaped Open Space (3) 10% of the area of a lot Minimum Amenity Area (m2) – Less than 8 Dwelling Units No requirement Minimum Amenity Area (m2) – 8 or more Dwelling Units Apartment Dwelling 4.0/unit, including at least 1 Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Block Townhouse Dwelling 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Stacked Townhouse Dwelling 4.0/unit, including at least 1 contiguous Common Outdoor Amenity Area with at least 40.0 m2 Section 9 | City Centre Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 104 Notes: 1. For residential buildings located outside the required Active at Grade Frontages, as shown on Schedule 7 to this By-law, the maximum setback from street line shall be 6.0 m. 2. The maximum setback may be increased up to an additional 5.0 m where the entire setback is used for publicly-accessible open space, in the form of a plaza or courtyard, and does not include parking or loading spaces. 3. The minimum landscaped open space requirement is to be calculated as follows: a) To qualify for any minimum landscaped open space requirement of this table, an individual area of landscaped open space provided on a lot shall have a minimum dimension of 3.0 m by 3.0 m; and a) Landscaping provided on a roof of a building may be included in the calculation of required landscaped open space on the lot, provided it meets the requirements of subsection a) above. Section 10 | Employment Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 105 10 Employment Zone Regulations 10.1 List of Employment Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the Employment zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 10.1. Table 10.1: Employment Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol Employment General E1 Employment Prestige E2 Employment Commercial E3 10.2 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 10.2. Uses permitted in the Employment zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 10.2. Table 10.2: Uses Permitted in the Employment Zones Permitted Uses E1 E2 E3 Commercial Uses Assembly Hall, Convention Centre or Conference Hall ● Commercial School ● ● Dry-Cleaning Distribution Centre ● Financial Institution ● ● Hotel ● ● Office ● ● ● Self-Storage Facility ● ● Service and Repair Shop ● ● Vehicle Body Repair Shop ● ●(1) Vehicle Repair Shop ● ●(1) Vehicle Sales and Rental Establishment ●(1) ●(1) Employment Uses Contractor’s Yard ● Section 10 | Employment Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 106 Permitted Uses E1 E2 E3 Dry-Cleaning Establishment ● ● ● Film Studio ● ● Food Preparation Plant ● ● ● Fuel Depot ● Heavy Manufacturing Facility ● Light Manufacturing Facility ● ● ● Research and Development Facility ● ● ● Transport Cartage or Transport Depot ● Vertical Farm ● ● ● Warehouse ● ● ● Wholesaling Facility ● ● Waste Processing Station ●(1) Waste Transfer Station ●(1) Community Uses Day Care Centre ● ● Emergency Service Facility ● ● ● Public Parking Lot ● ● Specified Accessory Uses Accessory Office(2) ● ● Accessory Personal Service Establishment(2) ●(3) ●(3) ● Accessory Restaurant(2) ●(3) ●(3) ●(3) Accessory Dry-Cleaning Distribution Centre(2) ●(4) Ancillary Retail Sales(2) ● ● ● Outdoor Display Area(2) ● ● Outdoor Storage(2) ● Shipping Container(2) ● ● Notes: 1. Only legally existing uses shall be permitted. 2. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 3. The maximum gross floor area of the accessory use shall be a maximum of 10% of the gross floor area of the principal use. However, in no case shall the maximum gross floor area of the accessory use exceed 500.0 m2. Section 10 | Employment Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 107 4. Permitted only if accessory to a dry-cleaning establishment and providing the gross floor area of the dry-cleaning distribution centre does not exceed 20% of the gross floor area of the dry-cleaning establishment. 10.3 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Employment zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 10.3. Table 10.3: Lot and Building Requirements for the Employment Zones Requirement E1 E2 E3 Minimum Lot Area (ha) - - 0.4 Minimum Lot Frontage (m) 30.0 30.0 30.0 Minimum Front Yard (m) 6.0 4.5 4.5 Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) 7.5 4.5 4.5 Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 7.5 4.5 4.5 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 7.5(1) 7.5 7.5 Minimum setback of any building or structure abutting a Residential or Open Space zone (m) 30.0 20.0 15.0 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) - - 40.0 Maximum Building Height (m) 18.0 15.0 12.0 Minimum Landscaped Open Space (%) 5 5 5 Minimum Landscape Strip abutting a lot in any Residential, Institutional, or Open Space zone (width in m), with a minimum height of 1.5 m for visual screening 7.5 7.5 7.5 Minimum Landscape Strip abutting any street line (width in m) 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Landscape Strip abutting any other lot line (width in m) 1.5 1.5 1.5 Notes: 1. A rear yard is not required where a rear lot line abuts a railway right-of-way. Section 11 | Environmental Protection and Open Space Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 108 11 Environmental Protection and Open Space Zone Regulations 11.1 List of Environmental Protection and Open Space Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the Environmental Protection and Open Space zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 11.1. Table 11.1: Environmental Protection and Open Space Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol Environmental Protection EP Open Space OS Open Space – Waterfront OSW Stormwater Management Facility SWM Golf Course GC 11.2 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 11.2. Uses permitted in the Environmental Protection and Open Space zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 11.2. Table 11.2: Uses Permitted in the Environmental Protection and Open Space Zones Permitted Use EP OS OSW SWM GC Agriculture Uses Agriculture(1) ● ● Aquaculture ●(2) Commercial Uses Golf Course ● Marina ● Restaurant ● Yacht Club ● Community Uses Club ● Community Centre ● ● Community Garden ● Section 11 | Environmental Protection and Open Space Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 109 Permitted Use EP OS OSW SWM GC Conservation Use ● ● ● Park ● ● Passive Recreational Use ● ● ● Stormwater Management Facility ●(1)(3) ●(3) ● ●(3) Specified Accessory Uses Buildings or structures designed to be used in connection with permitted parks and recreational purposes and conservation uses. ● ● ● Outdoor Storage(4) ● Notes: 1. Only permits legally existing uses and agricultural uses exclusive of any buildings or structures. 2. Only aquaculture and other related uses as part of an agricultural use shall be permitted. 3. No buildings or structures shall be permitted to be erected, nor any existing buildings or structures be modified or changed, nor shall the placing or removal of fill be permitted, except where buildings or structures are to be used for the purposes of stormwater management facilities and uses accessory thereto. 4. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 11.3 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Environmental Protection and Open Space zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 11.3. Table 11.3: Lot and Building Requirements for the Environmental Protection and Open Space Zones Requirement EP OS OSW SWM GC Minimum Lot Area (ha) - - 0.4 - 4.0 Minimum Frontage (m) - - 30.0 - 150 Minimum Water Frontage (m) - - 45.0 - - Minimum Front Yard (m) 22.0 9.0(1) - - 15.0 Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) 15.0 9.0(1) - - 6.0 Section 11 | Environmental Protection and Open Space Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 110 Requirement EP OS OSW SWM GC Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 15.0 9.0(1) - - 7.5 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 22.0 9.0(1) - - 15.0 Minimum Yard requirements from all lot lines except where abutting a Navigable Waterway - - 7.5 - Enclosed Storage Areas; Marine Service Station; Sales and Display Offices; Boat Livery; Retail Outlets - - 9.0 – Club House; Restaurant 18.0 – Repair Facilities 30.0 m from any street line, 60.0 m from any residential property line, and 7.5 m from all other lot lines – Outdoor Storage 60.0 – Swimming Pool Minimum Setback to Water (1) (m) - 18.0 m to the high water level, the spring flood limits or the top of the bank of any river, creek or lake - - - Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 5 - - - 20 Maximum Height (m) - - - - 12.0 Notes: Section 11 | Environmental Protection and Open Space Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 111 1. Except where a lot line abuts a lake or river no yard shall be required on the side that so abuts. Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 112 12 Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations 12.1 List of Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 12.1. Table 12.1: Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol Agriculture A Quarry Q Oak Ridges Moraine – Agricultural ORMA Oak Ridges Moraine – Environmental Protection ORMEP Oak Ridges Moraine – Institutional ORMI Oak Ridges Moraine – Commercial ORMC Oak Ridges Moraine – Residential General ORMR5, ORMR6 Oak Ridges Moraine – Employment ORME Oak Ridges Moraine – Golf Course ORMGC 12.2 Rural Zones 12.2.1 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 12.2. Uses permitted in the Rural zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 12.2. Table 12.2: Uses Permitted in the Rural Zones Permitted Use A Q Residential Uses Detached Dwelling ●(1) Agricultural Uses Agriculture ● ●(2) Community Garden ● Riding Stable or Equestrian Centre ● Seasonal Farm Help Dwelling(3) ●(4) Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 113 Permitted Use A Q Agriculture-Related Uses Farm Implement Sales Outlet ● Farmer’s Market ●(5) Farm Winery, Microbrewery, Distillery or Cidery ● Seasonal Farm Stand ● On-Farm Diversified Uses Agri-tourism Use(3) ● Bed and Breakfast(3) ● Farm Vacation Home(3) ● Community Uses Community Centre ● Conservation Use ● Elementary or Secondary School ● Home Industry(3) ● Park ● Passive Recreational Use ● Private School ● Specified Accessory Uses Accessory Dwelling Unit(3) ● Home Occupation(3) ● Shipping Container(3) ● Other Uses Forestry ● ● Pit or Quarry ● Notes: 1. A new residential dwelling will be permitted on a vacant lot, provided that within the Greenbelt Plan Area the lot was zoned as of December 16, 2004, and within the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Area the vacant lot existed on May 3, 2006. 2. Facilities for the raising of fur-bearing animals, kennels, and swill-fed pigs will not be permitted. 3. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 4. Only permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 40.0 ha. A maximum of one (1) temporary detached dwelling shall be permitted per lot; provided it is used by persons employed on the farm. Where a detached dwelling exists, the maximum distance between the detached dwelling and a temporary detached dwelling shall be 50.0 m, and the temporary detached dwelling shall not be located in the front yard. Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 114 5. Only open-air farmer’s markets will be permitted, and only as a secondary use to a primary agricultural use. 12.2.2 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Rural zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 12.3. Table 12.3: Lot and Building Requirements for the Rural Zones Requirement A Q Minimum Lot Area (ha) - Residential Uses 0.8 - Pit or Quarry - 0.4 Agricultural, Agriculture-Related, and On-farm Diversified Uses 4.0 4.0 Specified Accessory Uses - 0.009 Minimum Frontage (m) 60.0(1) - Residential Uses 60.0 Pit or Quarry - 30.0 Agricultural, Agriculture-Related, and On-farm Diversified Uses 150.0 150.0 Specified Accessory Uses - 229.0 Minimum Lot Line (m) - 15.0 Abutting Creeks, Lakes or Rivers - 15.0 Abutting Residential Dwellings or Residential zones - 60.0 in horizonal distance and 15.0 setback from lot line in horizontal distance Minimum Front Yard (m) - - Residential Uses 12.0 12.0 Agricultural, Agriculture-Related, and On-farm Diversified Uses 15.0 15.0 Specified Accessory Uses 15.0 15.0 Minimum Side Yard (m) - - Residential Uses 3.0 3.0 Agricultural, Agriculture-Related, and On-farm Diversified Uses 6.0 3.0 Specified Accessory Uses 6.0 6.0 Minimum Rear Yard (m) - - Residential Uses 12.0 12.0 Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 115 Requirement A Q Agricultural, Agriculture-Related, and On-farm Diversified Uses 15.0 15.0 Specified Accessory Uses 15.0 15.0 Minimum Gross Floor Area (m2) - - Accessory Dwelling Unit 110.0 69.0 Detached Dwelling 139.0 - Maximum Lot Coverage (%) - - Residential Uses 10 - Agricultural Uses 20 20 Agriculture-Related Uses 20 20 On-Farm Diversified Uses 2.0(2) - Notes: 1. Minimum lot frontage for existing lots in the Agriculture (A) zone shall be 20.0 m. 2. See Section 4.23 of this By-law. 12.3 Oak Ridges Moraine Zones 12.3.1 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 12.4 or Table 12.5. Uses permitted in the Oak Ridges Moraine zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 12.4 or Table 12.5. Table 12.4: Uses Permitted in the Oak Ridges Moraine Zones (ORMA, ORMEP, ORMI, ORMC) Permitted Use ORMA ORMEP ORMI ORMC Residential Uses Detached Dwelling ●(1) ●(2) Agricultural Uses Agriculture ● Community Garden ● Riding Stable or Equestrian Centre ● Seasonal Farm Help Dwelling(3) ●(4) Agriculture-Related Uses Farm Implement Sales Outlet ● Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 116 Permitted Use ORMA ORMEP ORMI ORMC Farmer’s Market ●(5) Farm Winery, Microbrewery, Distillery or Cidery ● Seasonal Farm Stand ● On-farm Diversified Uses Agri-tourism Use(3) ● Bed and Breakfast(3) ● Farm Vacation Home(3) ● Home Industry(3) ● Commercial Uses Automobile Service Station(3) ● Commercial Garage ● Dry-Cleaning Distribution Centre ● Financial Institution ● Hotel ● Office ● Medical Office ● Personal Service Shop ● Place of Amusement ● Restaurant ● Retail Store ● Taxi Station ● Community Uses Cemetery ● Community Centre ● Conservation Use ● ● Day Care Centre ● ● Elementary or Secondary School ● Golf Course ● Park ● Passive Recreational Use ● Place of Worship ● Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 117 Permitted Use ORMA ORMEP ORMI ORMC Private School ● Public Parking Lot ● Specified Accessory Uses Accessory Dwelling Unit(3) ● Home Occupation(3) ● Notes: 1. Only permitted on lots less than 4.0 ha in size. 2. Detached dwelling is permitted on vacant lot of record where the detached dwelling would have been permitted November 15, 2001, and accessory uses thereto. 3. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 4. Only permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 40.0 ha. A maximum of one (1) temporary detached dwelling shall be permitted per lot; provided it is used by persons employed on the farm. Where a detached dwelling exists, the maximum distance between the detached dwelling and a temporary detached dwelling shall be 50.0 m, and the temporary detached dwelling shall not be located in the front yard. 5. Only open-air farmer’s markets will be permitted, and only as a secondary use to a primary agricultural use. Table 12.5: Uses Permitted in the Oak Ridges Moraine Zones (ORMR5, ORMR6, ORME, ORMGC) Permitted Use ORMR5 ORMR6 ORME ORMGC Residential Uses Detached Dwelling ● ● ● Commercial Uses Commercial Garage ● Farm Implement Sales Outlet ● Office ● Service and Repair Shop ● Taxi Station Employment Uses Dry-Cleaning Establishment ● Film Studio ● Food Preparation Plant ● Light Manufacturing Facility ● Research and Development Facility ● Transport Cartage or Transport Depot ● Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 118 Permitted Use ORMR5 ORMR6 ORME ORMGC Vertical Farm ● Warehouse ● Wholesaling Facility ● Community Uses Golf Course ● Specified Accessory Uses Ancillary Retail Sales(1) ● Home Occupation(1) ● ● Notes: 1. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 12.3.2 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Oak Ridges Moraine zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 12.6. Table 12.6: Lot and Building Requirements for the Oak Ridges Moraine Zones (ORMA, ORMEP, ORMI, ORMC) Requirement ORMA ORMEP ORMI ORMC Minimum Lot Area (ha) > 4 ha: 4.0 < 4 ha: 0.8 0.8 0.4 - Minimum Frontage (m) > 4 ha: 150.0 < 4 ha: 60.0 60.0 45.0 - Minimum Front Yard (m) > 4 ha: 15.0 < 4 ha: 12.0 12.0 9.0 - Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) > 4 ha: 6.0 < 4 ha: 3.0 3.0 3.0 -(2) Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) > 4 ha: 7.5 < 4 ha: 6.0 6.0 4.5 18.0 Minimum Rear Yard (m) > 4 ha: 15.0 < 4 ha: 12.0 12.0 9.0 7.5 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) > 4 ha: 20 < 4 ha: 10 10 25 33 Maximum Building Height (m) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Minimum Dwelling Unit Gross Floor Area (m2) 139.0 139.0 - - Maximum Building Ground Floor Area (m2) 500.0 -(1) - - Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 119 Requirement ORMA ORMEP ORMI ORMC Minimum Landscaped Open Space (%) - - 10 50 Minimum Landscape Strip (width in m) - - In any yard abutting a Residential zone, a landscape strip of at least 3.0 m shall be required. In any yard abutting a Residential zone, a landscape strip of at least 3.0 m shall be required. Notes: 1. No accessory buildings and/or structures shall exceed 10.0 m2 in area. 2. Where the interior side yard abuts a Residential zone, the setback shall be 7.5 m. Table 12.7: Lot and Building Requirements for the Oak Ridges Moraine Zones (ORMR5, ORMR6, ORME, ORMGC) Requirement ORMR5 ORMR6 ORME ORMGC Minimum Lot Area (m2) 1,390 3,000 - 4 ha Minimum Frontage (m) 22.0 22.0 - 150.0 Minimum Front Yard (m) 9.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) 1.8 1.8 4.5 6.0 Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 4.5 2.7 6.0 7.5 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 9.0 9.0 7.5 15.0 Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 20 20 - 20 Maximum Building Height (m) 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Minimum Landscaped Open Space (%) - - 20 - Minimum Landscape Strip (m) - - In any yard abutting a Residential zone, a planting strip of at least 3.0 m shall be required. - Notes: 1. Where any yard abuts a Residential zone, the minimum setback shall be 30.0 m. Section 12 | Rural and Oak Ridges Moraine Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 120 Section 13 | Institutional and Other Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 121 13 Institutional and Other Zone Regulations 13.1 List of Institutional and Other Zones 1. For convenience purposes, the Institutional and Other zones, as established in Section 2 of this By-law, are also shown in Table 13.1. Table 13.1: Institutional and Other Zones Zone Name Zone Symbol Institutional General I1 Urban Reserve1 UR Utility UT 13.2 Permitted Uses 1. No person shall use any lot, building or structure for any purpose except for one (1) or more of the uses as permitted in accordance with Table 13.2. Uses permitted in the Institutional and Other zones are denoted by the symbol “●” in the column applicable to that zone and corresponding with the row for a permitted use in Table 13.2. Table 13.2: Uses Permitted in the Institutional and Other Zones Permitted Use I1 UR UT Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit (2) ●(1) Detached Dwelling ●(1) Rooming Home (2) ●(1) Agricultural Uses Agriculture ●(1) Community Uses Cemetery ●(1) 1 The Urban Reserve zone provides for and regulates existing uses on lands which are primarily undeveloped for urban uses. Generally, these uses have limited buildings or structures. The Urban Reserve zone is intended to protect land from premature subdivision and development to provide for future comprehensive development on those lands. Section 13 | Institutional and Other Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 122 Permitted Use I1 UR UT Community Centre ● Conservation Use ●(1) ● Day Care Centre ● Elementary or Secondary School ● Emergency Service Facility ● Library ● Long Term Care Facility ● Park ● ●(1) Parking Lot ● Passive Recreational Use ● ● ● Place of Worship ● Post Office ● Private School ● Retirement Home ● Stormwater Management Facility ● Accessory Uses Home Occupation (2) ●(1) Short-Term Rental (2) ●(1) Notes: 1. Only legally existing uses as of the effective date of this By-law shall be permitted, subject to site-specific zoning requirements and the general regulations of this By-law. Notwithstanding, a new detached dwelling and any new additional dwelling unit, rooming house, short-term rental or home occupation is permitted in an existing lot in the UR zone, provided a detached dwelling was a permitted use on the day before the date of adoption of this By-law, and provided the lot meets the minimum requirements per Section 13.3. 2. This use is subject to special provisions under Section 4 of this By-law. 3. This use is permitted provided a detached dwelling is permitted on the lot. 13.3 Lot and Building Requirements 1. No person shall within any Institutional or Other zone use any lot, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure except in accordance with Table 13.3. Section 13 | Institutional and Other Zone Regulations Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 123 Table 13.3: Lot and Building Requirements for the Institutional and Other Zones Requirement I1 UR UT Minimum Lot Area (ha) 0.5 -(1) - Minimum Lot Frontage (m) 60.0 -(1) - Minimum Front Yard (m) 4.0 -(1) - Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) 3.0 -(1) - Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) 3.0 -(1) - Minimum Rear Yard (m) 9.0 -(1) - Maximum Lot Coverage (%) 33.0 -(1) - Maximum Building Height (m) 12.0 -(1) - Notes: 1. Detached dwellings and agricultural buildings and structures in the UR zone shall be subject to the applicable requirements of the Agriculture zone. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 124 14 Seaton Urban Area 14.1 Definitions 14.1.1 Interpretation 1. Throughout Section 14 of this By-law, any bolded word is defined in Section 14.1 to provide clarity and ensure that the By-law and its intent are applied consistently. 2. Where a use is defined, it shall not be interpreted to include any other defined use unless it is stated in the definition to the contrary. 14.1.2 Defined Terms For the purpose of this By-law, the definitions and interpretations given in this Section shall govern unless a contrary intention appears: Accessory: means a use or building naturally or normally incidental to, subordinate to or exclusively devoted to a principal use or building and located on the same lot as the principal use or building. Additional Dwelling Unit: means a self-contained unit in a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, street townhouse dwelling unit, or in a building accessory to a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, and street townhouse dwelling unit on the same lot. The additional dwelling unit shall consist of one or more rooms that are designed, occupied or intended for residential occupancy, by one or more persons as an independent and separate residence in which cooking facilities, sleeping facilities, and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such person or persons. Adult Entertainment Establishment: means any premises or part thereof used in the pursuance of a business, if: a) Entertainment or services that are designed to appeal to exotic or sexual appetites are offered or provided in the premises or part of the premises, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes services or entertainment in which a principal feature or characteristic is nudity or partial nudity of any person; or b) Body rubs, including the kneading, manipulating, rubbing, massaging, touching or stimulating by any means of a person’s body are performed, offered or solicited in the premises or part of the premises, but does not include premises or part or them where body-rubs performed, offered or solicited are for the purpose of medical or therapeutic treatment and are performed or offered by persons otherwise duly qualified, licensed or registered to do so under the laws of the Province of Ontario. Adverse effect: means: Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 125 a) Impairment of the quality of the environment for any use that can be made of it; b) Injury or damage to property or to plant or animal life; c) Harm or material discomfort to any person; d) Impairment of the health of any person; e) Impairment of the safety of any person; f) Rendering any lot unfit for its existing or permitted use; g) Loss of enjoyment of normal use of property; and/or h) Interference with a residential use or conduct of business. Air Conditioner: means any mechanical equipment installed outdoors including central air conditioning units, heat pumps, heat exchange units, emergency generators and other such equipment. Aisle, Parking Lot: means an internal roadway immediately adjacent to a parking space or loading space which provides vehicular access to and from the parking space or loading space, and is not a driveway. Alterations, Structural: means any change in the supporting members of a building and "structurally altered" and “structurally altering” shall have a corresponding meaning. Amenity Area: means an outdoor area located anywhere on a lot, or the roof of a parking structure, private garage or any other building which includes landscape area, but which may also include areas of decking, decorative paving or other similar surface and includes a balcony, porch or deck and which has direct access from the interior of the dwelling unit. Ancillary Retail Sales: means a retail use which is associated with, but clearly subordinate to, a principal use: a) with a maximum gross leasable floor area of 15 percent of the building; b) with a maximum gross leasable floor area of 250 square metres per ancillary retail use, or service commercial use; and, c) without a separate direct exterior access. Angular Plane: means an imaginary flat surface projecting over a lot, at an inclined angle measure up from the horizontal. Animal Boarding Establishment: means a building, structure or part thereof, where dogs and cats and other domesticated animals, excluding livestock, are Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 126 bred, raised, groomed, trained or kept for a fee on a temporary basis and may include outdoor facilities. Animal Care Establishment: means a building, structure or part thereof, where dogs and cats and other domesticated animals, excluding livestock, are groomed and/or kept for a fee on a daily basis. Arena: means a building or part thereof, in which the principal facilities provide for recreational activities such as curling, skating, hockey, lacrosse, broomball or other similar athletic activities, and which facilities may include dressing rooms, concession booths for the provision of food and refreshments, bleachers, equipment for making artificial ice and other such accessory facilities. Art Gallery/Studio: means premises used for the creation, exhibition, collection and/or preservation of works of art for public viewing and sale and may include educational classes. Arterial Road: means a road identified in the Pickering Official Plan as an Arterial Road Type A, B or C. Assembly Hall or Convention Hall or Conference Hall: means a building or part of a building designed or intended to be used for such purposes as civic meetings, educational meetings, political meetings, conventions, conferences, trade shows, recreational activities or social activities and may include ancillary banquet facilities. Automobile Body Shop: means an establishment engaged in repairing or painting of vehicle bodies. Bake Shop: means an establishment where baked goods are made and sold to the public. Balcony: means an attached covered or uncovered platform projecting from the face of an exterior wall, including above a porch, which is only directly accessible from within a building, usually surrounded by a balustrade or railing, and does not have direct exterior access to grade. Basement: means that portion of a building below the first storey, where the finished floor is located below established grade and at least half of its height, from finished floor to underside of floor joists of the next above storey, is located above the established grade. Bay, Bow or Box Window: means a window that protrudes from the wall of a dwelling usually bowed, canted, polygonal, segmental, semicircular or square sided with a window on the front face in plan; one (1) or more storeys in height, which may or may not include a foundation and may or may not include a window seat. Bed and Breakfast Establishment: means the provision of lodging with or without meals for the traveling public within a detached dwelling. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 127 Block: means all land fronting on one (1) side of a street between the nearest streets, intersecting, meeting or crossing said street. Building: means a structure occupying an area greater than 10.0 m2 and consisting of any combination of walls, roof and floor but shall not include a mobile home. Building, Apartment: means a building containing more than four (4) dwelling units where the units are connected by an interior corridor. Building, Back-to-Back Townhouse: means a building containing a minimum of four (4) units that is divided vertically and where each unit is divided by common walls, including a common rear wall without a rear yard setback, and whereby each unit has an independent entrance to the unit from the outside accessed through the front yard or exterior side yard. Building, Block Townhouse: means a building or structure that is vertically divided into a minimum of three (3) dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance from grade to the front and rear of the building, and each of which are divided vertically above grade by a common wall adjoining dwelling units or a private garage above grade and where all dwelling units are located on one (1) lot and accessed from a private street, laneway or common condominium driveway. Building Height: means the vertical distance between the established grade, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height level between eaves and ridge. A penthouse, tower, cupola, steeple or other roof structure which is used only as an ornament upon or to house the mechanical equipment of any building shall be excluded in calculating the height of such building. Building, Multiple Attached: means a building containing three (3) or more dwelling units, with the dwelling units accessed by one (1) or more common entrances and may contain some of the dwelling units accessed directly from the outside. Building, Principal or Main: means a building, which constitutes, by reason of its use, the primary purpose for which the lot is used. Building, Street Townhouse or Street Townhouse Building: means a building that is vertically divided into a minimum of three (3) dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance from grade to the front and rear of the building, and each of which are divided vertically above grade by a common wall adjoining dwelling units or a private garage above grade and where each dwelling unit Is located on an individual lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 128 Café: means a restaurant with a maximum gross leasable floor area of 100.0 m2 and which serves non-alcoholic beverages, snacks and light meals and does not include a drive-through facility. Cellar: means that portion of a building below the first storey, where the finished floor is located below established grade and at least half its height, from finished floor to underside of floor joists of the next above storey, is located below the established grade. Cemetery: means the lands used or intended to be used for the interment of human remains. Car Washing Establishment means an establishment for washing or cleaning motor vehicles for gain. Coach House: means a detached building containing a private garage on the ground floor and an additional dwelling unit on the second floor. Commercial Fitness / Recreational Centre: means a commercial establishment in which indoor fitness and recreational facilities such as bowling alleys, miniature golf courses, roller skating rinks, squash courts, swimming pools, exercise classes and other similar indoor recreational facilities are provided and operated for gain or profit, but does not an arena, stadium or place of amusement or entertainment as defined herein. Commercial Vehicle: means a motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto, a truck or delivery body and may include but is not limited to a catering or canteen truck, bus, cube van, tow truck, tilt and load truck, dump truck, tractor trailer, ambulance, hearse, fire apparatus and tractor used for hauling purposes. Community Centre: means a multi-purpose facility or part of that facility owned and operated by the City of Pickering, which offers a variety of programs and facilities of a recreational, cultural, community service, information or instructional nature. Construction Vehicle: means a vehicle ordinarily used for building and construction purposes, such as a dump truck, bulldozer, back-hoe, or grader, and ancillary equipment used thereto. Contractor’s Yard: means a premises of any general contractor or builder where equipment and/or materials are stored or where a contractor performs shop or assembly work. Convenience Store: means a retail store with a maximum leasable floor area of 300.0 m2 where articles for sale are restricted to a limited range of goods, primarily food, toiletries, housewares, stationary and other similar daily household necessities, but does not include a supermarket. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 129 Corner Rounding: means a lot line of a corner lot at the intersection of two street lines in the form of an arc that joins the front lot line to the flankage lot line or the rear lot line to the flankage lot line. Coverage: means the proportion of the ground floor area of all the buildings and structures on the lot to the lot area expressed as a percentage. Dating/Escort Service: means a service providing companionship for and by individuals for profit or personal gain. Day Care Centre: means: a) indoor and outdoor premises where more than five (5) children are provided with temporary care and/or guidance for a continuous period but does not provide overnight accommodation and are licensed in accordance with the applicable Provincial Act; or b) indoor and outdoor premises in which care is offered or supplied on a regular schedule to adults for a portion of a day but does not provide overnight accommodation. Daylight Triangle: means an area free of buildings, structures, fences and hedges up to 0.9 m in height and which area is to be determined by measuring, from the point of intersection of street lines on a corner lot along each such street line and joining such points with a straight line. The triangular-shaped land between the intersecting street lines and the straight line joining the points the required distance along the street lines is the daylight triangle. Deck: means a raised platform attached to the exterior wall of a building and with direct access from within a building and from grade. Development Agreement: means an executed contract between a developer/property owner and the City of Pickering that is required in order to implement development and may include a subdivision agreement, site plan agreement, or other similar agreements for development. Driveway: means that portion of a lot used to provide vehicular access from a roadway to an off-street parking area or loading space located on the same lot as the principal use. On a lot containing a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, back-to-back townhouse dwelling or block townhouse dwelling, the driveway may contain a parking space. Drive-Through Facility: means the use of land, buildings or structures, or parts thereof, to provide or dispense products or services through an attendant or a window or an automated machine, to persons remaining in motor vehicles that are in a designated stacking lane. A drive-through facility may be in combination with other uses. A drive-through facility does not include a vehicle repair shop, gas bar, car washing establishment or kiosks located within parking garage or public parking lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 130 Dry-Cleaner’s Distributing Station: means premises used for the purpose of receiving articles or goods of fabric to be laundered or dry-cleaned elsewhere and does not include a dry-cleaning establishment. Dry-Cleaning Establishment: means premises in which the business of laundry or dry-cleaning is housed and where the cleaning, drying, ironing, and finishing of such goods is conducted. Dwelling: means a building or part of a building containing one (1) or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or a trailer. Dwelling, Apartment: means a dwelling unit in an apartment building. Dwelling, Back-to-Back Townhouse: means a dwelling unit in a back-to-back townhouse building. Dwelling, Block Townhouse or Block Townhouse Dwelling: means a dwelling unit in a block townhouse building. Dwelling, Detached or Detached Dwelling: means a building containing only one (1) primary dwelling unit but may also include an additional dwelling unit. Dwelling, Duplex: means a dwelling unit in a building that is divided into two (2) separate dwelling units, each with an entrance that is either independent or through a common vestibule. Dwelling, Multiple Attached or Multiple Attached Dwelling: means a dwelling unit in a multiple attached building. Dwelling, Semi-Detached or Semi-Detached Dwelling: means a dwelling unit in a building that is divided vertically into two (2) dwelling units that share a common wall above grade. Dwelling, Street Townhouse: means a dwelling unit in a townhouse building. Dwelling Unit: means one (1) or more habitable rooms containing separate kitchen and bathroom facilities for the private use of one (1) or more persons as a single housekeeping unit. Erect: means build, construct, reconstruct, alter and/or relocate a building, structure or part thereof and shall include any preliminary physical operation such as excavating, piling, cribbing, filling or draining, structurally altering any existing building or structure by an addition, deletion, enlargement or extension. Existing or Existed: means existing as of the date of the final passing of this By-law. Financial Institution: means a building, or part thereof, where money is deposited, withdrawn, kept, lent or exchanged. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 131 Floor Area: means the total area of all floors of a building within the outside walls or outside finished furred partitions of the walls, but does not include a porch, non- walk-in bay window, attic, basement, enclosed or roofed walkways or loading dock. Floor Area, Net: means the total area of all floors of a building measured from the interior faces of the exterior walls or demising walls, but does not include the following areas: a) Motor vehicle parking and bicycle parking below established grade; b) Motor vehicle parking and bicycle parking at or above established grade; c) Loading spaces and related corridors used for loading purposes; d) Rooms for storage, storage lockers, washrooms, electrical, utility, mechanical and ventilation; e) Indoor amenity area required by this By-law; f) Elevator, garbage and ventilating shafts; g) Mechanical penthouse; and h) Stairwells in the building. Floorspace Index (FSI): means the total gross floor area of all buildings on a lot divided by the total area of the lot. Front Wall: means the closest point, measured at grade level, of the wall of a building facing or most nearly facing the street from which the building has its primary entrance door. Frontage: means all property abutting on one (1) side of a street measured along the street line. Funeral Home: means a building, or part of a building, used for furnishing funeral supplies and services to the public and includes facilities intended for the preparation of human body for interment or cremation and may include chapels, visitation rooms, and administrative offices. Garage, Private: means a building, structure or part thereof, including a carport, used for the parking of motor vehicles having adequate access to a driveway. Gas Bar: means a building or structure used for the dispensing of motor vehicle fuels and accessories and may include an accessory convenience store. Golf Course: means a premises operated for the purpose of playing golf, and includes a golf course, driving range, miniature golf facilities and such accessory uses as a restaurant, banquet facility, retail store, fitness centre and other Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 132 buildings or structures devoted to the maintenance and operation of the golf course. Governmental Authority: means the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario or any public board or commission established by either, or the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham or The Corporation of the City of Pickering or any local board or commission, and includes any conservation authority. Grade or Established Grade: means when used with reference to a building, the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground where it meets the exterior of the front of such building; and when used with reference to a structure shall mean the average elevation of the finished surface of the grounds immediately surrounding such structure, exclusive in both cases of any artificial embankment. Gross Floor Area: means the aggregate of all floor areas of a building or structure above or below established grade, which floor areas are measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the building at each floor level but excluding any porch, veranda, cellar, mechanical room or penthouse, or areas dedicated to parking within the building. For the purposes of this definition, the walls of an inner court shall be deemed to be exterior walls. Gross Leasable Floor Area: means the total gross floor area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use, including basements, mezzanines and upper floors if any; expressed in square metres (m2) and measured from the centre line of joint partitions and from outside wall faces. Ground Floor: means the floor of a building approximately at or first above grade. Ground Floor Area: means the gross floor area only on the ground floor. Heavy Machinery Repair, Sales, Service: means the service, repair, or sales of machinery or mechanical equipment of an industrial nature. Height: means, when the regulation establishes a specific dimension, the vertical distance between the established grade to the highest point of a structure excluding architectural features such as, but not limited to, chimneys, cupolas, clock towers, weather vanes, steeples, and radio transmission towers. When the regulation establishes height in storeys, means the number of storeys. The height requirements of this By-law shall not apply to roof top mechanical penthouses provided they occupy less than 10% of the aggregate area of the roof of the building on which they are located and extend no higher than 5.0 m above the maximum permitted height. Herein: means in this By-law and shall not be limited to any particular section of this By-law. Home Occupation: means the accessory use of a dwelling unit for an occupation or business, where the dwelling unit is the principal residence of the business operator. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 133 Home Improvement Centre: means a building or part of a building wherein building materials, hardware or accessories, including lumber, are displayed or offered for sale. Hotel: means a building, or group of buildings, each containing sleeping accommodation, catering primarily to the traveling public, for rent or hire for temporary lodging. Hotel may also include restaurant, public hall and ancillary retail uses, which are incidental and subordinate to the primary hotel function and oriented to serve the hotel patrons. Inoperative Vehicle: means a motor vehicle that is mechanically inoperative, and/or is in a state that precludes immediate use. Landscaped Open Space: means the open unobstructed space at grade suitable for the growth and maintenance of landscaping and includes any surfaced walk, patio, stairs or similar area but does not include any driveway, or ramp, whether surfaced or not, any curb, retaining wall, parking area, interior courtyard, or any easement for the purposes of underground or overhead utilities or services where located within a front yard or exterior side yard. Landscaped Open Space, Front or Front Landscaped Open Space: means the amount of landscaped open space within a front yard as a proportion of the front yard. Landscape Strip: means an area which shall include a planting screen, or landscaped earth berm, or a combination of these features, and which may include fences and walls as part of the area. Walkways may traverse the landscape strip. Lane: means a thoroughfare not intended for general traffic circulation that provides means of vehicular access to the rear of a lot where the lot also fronts or flanks onto a street, or where a lot fronts onto public or private open space. The lane may be maintained by a condominium corporation as a private road condominium or by a governmental authority. Livestock: means cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, horses, ponies, donkeys and mules. Live Work Unit: means a townhouse dwelling or multiple attached dwelling, where the ground floor only, or part thereof, may be used for commercial purposes as permitted by this By-law, except that the basement may be used for storage for the commercial use, and where the commercial and residential components can be accessed by a common internal entrance. Loading Space: means an unobstructed area of land which is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots upon which the principal use is located and which area is provided for the temporary parking of one (1) commercial vehicle while merchandise or materials are being loaded or unloaded from such vehicles. Lot: means a parcel of land owned by one (1) person or one (1) group of persons which meets the requirements of this By-law having regard to the use to which it is Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 134 put or the use to which it is proposed to be put or, if it does not meet the requirements of this By-law, is the entire holding of that one (1) person or one (1) group of persons put to that use at the date of the passing of this By-law or, is a parcel of land which has been legally excused from meeting the requirements of this By-law. Lot Area: means the total horizontal area of a lot, less the horizontal area of any part of the lot which does not lie within a zone in which the proposed use is permitted. Lot Coverage: means the total horizontal area of the part of the lot area covered by all buildings above ground level excluding eave projections to a maximum of 0.6 m. Lot, Corner: means a lot situated at the intersection of, and abutting at least two (2) streets, provided that the interior angle of intersection of such streets is not more than 135 degrees. Lot Depth: means the average horizontal distance between the front lot line and rear lot line. If the front lot line and rear lot line are not parallel, the lot depth shall be measured by a straight line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the mid-point of the rear lot line. Where there is no rear lot line, the lot depth shall be measured by a straight line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the apex of the triangle formed by the side lot lines. Lot Frontage: means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot measured along a line parallel to and 6.0 m distant from the front lot line. Lot Line: means a line delineating any boundary of a lot. Lot Line, Flankage: means the side lot line, which separates a lot from the street adjacent to it. Lot Line, Front: means the lot line, which separates a lot from the street in front of it. Where more than one (1) lot line separates a lot from the street, the front lot line shall be the shorter lot line. Where a lot is a through lot, the lot line abutting the wider street right of way shall be the front lot line. Lot Line, Interior Side: means a side lot line, which is not adjacent to a street. Lot Line, Rear: means the lot line opposite to, and most distant from, the front lot line, but where the side lot lines intersect, as in the case of a triangular lot, the rear lot line shall be represented by the point of intersection. Lot Line, Side: means all lot lines, which join both a front lot line and a rear lot line. Lot, Residential: means a lot situated in a Residential zone and having a lot frontage and lot area in accordance with the requirements of the zone in which the same is situated. Lot, Through: means a lot bounded on opposite sides by a street. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 135 Medical Office: means premises designed and used for the diagnosis, examination, and medical, surgical or physiotherapeutic treatment of human patients, and which may include pharmacies and dispensaries which are limited to a maximum of 50.0 m2 in gross leasable floor area, waiting rooms, treatment rooms and blood testing clinics, but shall not include overnight accommodation for in-patient care. Mobile Home: means a factory-built dwelling unit manufactured in accordance with CSA standards that is designed to be made mobile and is intended to provide permanent residence but does not include any trailer otherwise defined in this By-law. Model Home: means a dwelling unit which is not used for residential purposes, but which is used exclusively for sales, display and marketing pursuant to an agreement with the City of Pickering. Motor Vehicle: means automobile, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle or any other vehicle propelled or driven other than by muscular power, but does not include a streetcar, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, riding lawnmower, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road-building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act. R.S.O. 1990, or successor thereto. Net Density: means the number of dwelling units per hectare of the lot area, exclusive of any lands that are publicly owned or are to be dedicated to a public authority, including public rights-of-way, environmentally sensitive lands, stormwater management facilities, and public parks. Net density shall be exclusive of any additional dwelling units. Non-Complying: means a lot, building or structure which is permitted by this By-law but which does not meet the regulations of the zone in which it is located as of the date of passage of this By-law. Non-Conforming: means a use or activity of any land, building or structure which is not an identified permitted use for the Zone in which it is located as of the date of passage of this By-law. Nightclub: means a building, or part thereof, whose primary function is the provision of theatrical performances, pre-recorded music, or live musical entertainment, whether such music is provided for listening or dancing by the patrons, or any combination of the above functions, and where food and/or beverages may be served, but does not include a restaurant or an adult entertainment establishment. Nursing Home or Long-Term Care: means a building in which persons are cared for and lodged, where, in addition to sleeping accommodation and meals, personal care, nursing services and medical care are provided or made available. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 136 Office: means a building or part thereof, where administrative and clerical functions are carried out in the management of a business, profession, organization or public administration but shall not include a medical office. Openings: means spaces/perforations in walls that contain windows, doors or entrance features or any combination thereof. Outdoor Storage: means the occasional or continuous keeping of goods, inventory, materials or machinery or equipment outside, but does not include damaged, impounded or inoperable vehicles. Parking Area: means one (1) or more parking spaces, including related aisles, for the parking or storage of vehicles. Parking Garage: means a building, or part thereof, used for the parking of vehicles and may include any permitted use in the first storey, but shall not include any area where vehicles for sale or repair are kept or stored. A parking garage includes underground parking and a parking structure. Parking Lot: means a lot or portion thereof provided for the parking of vehicles accessory or incidental to the main use. Parking Space: means an area of land or building that is accessible by a driveway or aisle, having access to a street or lane that is reserved for the purpose of the temporary parking or storage of one (1) vehicle. Parking Pad: means an open area of land that is paved and/or treated with a stable surface that is used as one (1) or more parking spaces and which is exclusively devoted to a residential use on the same lot. Pedestrian Perception Step-back: means the horizontal distance that the exterior wall of a storey must be offset, towards the interior of the building, measured from the outer edge of the exterior wall of the storey directly below it, or from the outer edge of the exterior wall of the storey that the by-law indicates from which it is to be offset. Person: means an individual, association, firm, partnership or incorporated company. Personal Service Establishment: means a building, structure, or part thereof, where services area provided and administered to individual and personal needs and where retail sale of goods accessory to the service provided is permitted and include, but is not limited to, hair care, aesthetics, health and beauty treatment, dressmaking, tailoring, shoe shinning and repair, laundromat and laundry depot. Place of Amusement: means premises which are devoted to the offering of facilities for the playing of any game for the amusement of the public, and includes a theatre, billiard or pool rooms, bowling alleys, or, electronic games. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 137 Place of Worship: means a facility the primary use of which is the practice of religion, but which may include accessory uses subordinate and incidental to the primary use such as classrooms for religious instruction, programs for community social benefit, assembly areas, kitchens, offices and a residence for the faith group leader. Other than a day care centre, which shall be permitted, a place of worship shall not include a private school or residential or commercial uses. Podium: means that portion of the first two (2) storeys of an apartment dwelling, nursing home or long-term care building or retirement home, excluding a parking garage, mechanical floor area, storage area, service room , refuse area and/or loading space, that is permitted to encroach into a required front yard and/or exterior side yard. Porch: means a roofed deck or portico structure attached to the exterior wall of a building. A basement may be located under the porch. Primary Entrance Door: means the principal entrance by which the public enters or exits a building or individual retail/commercial unit or the resident enters or exits a dwelling unit. Private Club: means a building, or part thereof, used for social, cultural, athletic or recreational activities by its members and guests or by a fraternal organization, which are not operated for profit. Public Authority: means Federal, Provincial, or Municipal agencies, and includes any commission, board, authority or department established by such agency. Public Bath/Whirlpool: means indoor or outdoor premises where people may bathe, swim, or lounge within pools or tanks of water. Retail/commercial unit: means a building or a separate unit within a building that is separately owned or leased and used for retail or commercial purposes. Retirement Home: means a retirement home as defined in the Retirement Homes Act, as amended, or its successor. Restaurant: means a building or part of a building where the principal business is the preparation of food for retail sale to the public for immediate consumption on or off the premises, or both on and off the premises but shall not include a nightclub. Retail Store: means premises in which goods and merchandise are offered or kept for retail sale or rental to the public. This definition shall not include any establishment otherwise defined in this By-law. School, Commercial or Commercial School: means a building, or part thereof, where instruction of a skill is provided for profit and may include instruction in a trade, business, art, music, dance, cooking, athletic skill or any other specialized instruction but does not include a commercial fitness/recreation centre a college or university. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 138 School, Elementary or Secondary School: means a place of instruction maintained and operated under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority. School, Private: means a place of instruction (excepting a commercial school) offering courses equivalent to those customarily offered in an elementary school or secondary school. Service and Repair Shop: means a premises for the servicing, repairing or renting, of articles, goods or materials but shall not include any vehicle, recreational vehicle or boats. Setback: means the distance between a building and a lot line. In calculating the setback the horizontal distance from the respective lot line shall be used. Shelter: means a building or structure used solely for the purposes of providing temporary cover and shall not be used for human habitation. Short-term Rental: means a dwelling unit or part of a dwelling unit used to provide temporary accommodation for a rental period of not more than 28 consecutive days to the same guest but shall not include a hotel, or bed and breakfast or any other use defined herein. Stacking Lane: means an area of land that is used exclusively for queued vehicles whose occupants are waiting to be provided with goods, materials or services from a drive-through facility. Storey: means that portion of a building other than a basement, cellar, or attic, included between the surface of any floor, and the surface of the floor, roof deck or ridge next above it. Storey, First: means the storey with its floor closest to grade and having its ceiling more than 1.8 m above grade. Street: means a public highway but does not include a lane. Where a 0.3 m reserve abuts a street, or where a daylight triangle abuts a street, for the purposes of determining a front lot line, flankage lot line, flankage yard and corner lot, the street shall be deemed to include the 0.3 m reserve and / or the daylight triangle, however, nothing herein shall be interpreted as granting a public right of access over the 0.3 m reserve or as an assumption of the 0.3 m reserve as a public highway for maintenance purposes under the Municipal Act. Street Line: means the dividing line between a lot and a street. Street, Private: means a) A right-of-way or roadway that is used by vehicles and is maintained by a condominium corporation; b) A private road condominium, which provides access to individual freehold lots; Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 139 c) A roadway maintained by a corporation to provide vehicular and pedestrian access to parking lots and individual retail/commercial units; or d) A private right-of-way over private property, that affords access to lots abutting the private street; e) but is not maintained by a public body and is not a lane. Structure: means anything that is erected, built or constructed of parts joined together or any such erection fixed to or supported by the soil and/or any other structure but excludes in-ground swimming pools. Supermarket: means a building, or part thereof, containing a departmentalized food store, but does not include a convenience store. Tandem Parking Space: means two (2) or more parking spaces abutting each other end to end with only one (1) having access to an aisle. Tavern/Bar/Pub: means an establishment which supplies alcoholic drinks and may provide food and entertainment and contains a walk-up bar or counter where patrons may order, obtain and pay for food and alcoholic drinks. Taxi Service: means the operation of a service providing taxicab motor vehicles with drivers used for hire for the conveyance of goods and passengers. Tower: means the storeys within that portion of a building or structure or part thereof located above the podium. Tower Floor Plate: means the gross floor area of each storey within a tower. Trailer: means any vehicle so constructed that it is suitable for being attached to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the said motor vehicle, and capable of being used for living, sleeping, or eating accommodation, or the transportation of a boat, snowmobile, tent, or materials, and shall be considered a separate vehicle and not part of the motor vehicle by which it is drawn. Any items or materials placed on a trailer for the purpose of transport are to be considered as part of the trailer. Vehicle: means a car, truck, trailer, recreational vehicle including boats, van, motorcycle, snowmobile, or any other vehicle required to be licensed. Vehicle Dealership: means a building, or part thereof, where new or used vehicles are displayed and/or offered for sale, rent or lease including the outdoor storage and display of vehicles and may include an associated vehicle repair shop. Veterinarian Clinic: means a building or part of a building providing the services of a veterinarian, and facilities for the medical treatment, examination, surgery, diagnosis, grooming, general health care, and observation of domestic animals and birds. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 140 Vehicle Repair Shop: means a premises used to conduct diagnostic services, repairs, detail and cleaning services or equipping of vehicles or in which the replacement of parts and services to vehicles are completed while the customer waits. Waste: means a material which is not hazardous and not needed by the generator of that material, that is destined for either final disposal or for reprocessing to create a useable product or material, but does not include a by-product of a manufacturing process that is used, unaltered, in another manufacturing process. Waste, Hazardous: means any substance or material licensed or included within a Certificate of Approval issued by Federal, Provincial, or Regional Governments that, by reason of its toxic, caustic, corrosive or otherwise injurious properties, may be detrimental or deleterious to the health of any person handling or otherwise coming into contact with such material or substance. Waste Processing Station: means a facility within an enclosed building whose primary purpose is the sorting and processing of waste to create a new product or raw material on site. Waste Transfer Station: means a facility within an enclosed building whose primary purpose is the collection and storage of waste or hazardous waste for shipment, and which may include limited sorting or preparation of that waste to facilitate its shipment for final disposal or to a waste processing station, but does not include salvage yards or scrap metal yards. Warehousing: means the housing or storage of goods, wares, merchandise, food-stuffs, substances, articles, or things before wholesale distribution to a retailer. Wholesaling: means the distribution of goods, wares, merchandise, food-stuffs, substances, articles, or things, in large quantities, to a business or retailer for eventual or further distribution, processing, assembly, or retail sale. Yard: means any open, uncovered, unoccupied space appurtenant to a building. Yard, Flankage: means a side yard adjacent to a street. Yard, Front: means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any main building on the lot for which the yard is required. Yard, Interior Side: means a side yard not adjacent to a street. Yard, Rear: means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of any main building on the lot for which the yard is required. Yard, Side: means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard between the side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot for which the yard is required. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 141 Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 142 14.2 General Regulations 14.2.1 Prohibited Uses 1. With respect to any lands to which this By-law applies, all uses are prohibited unless specifically permitted in this By-law. 14.2.2 Human Habitation not within Main Buildings 1. No truck, bus, coach, streetcar body, railway car, mobile home, trailer or other vehicle shall be used for human habitation whether or not the same is mounted on wheels or other forms of mounting or foundations. 14.2.3 Frontage on a Street 1. No lot shall have built upon it a building for any purpose in any zone unless the lot abuts a street for a minimum of 4.0 m. However, where a lot is separated from a street by land owned by the City, the Region of Durham or the Province of Ontario which land is held by such public agency for future road widening purposes or as a 0.3 m reserve, a building may be erected upon such lot if registered rights-of-way giving access to a street have been granted and such access scheme is part of a development agreement pursuant to the Planning Act. 2. Where a building is developed abutting a driveway constituting a common area or common element as part of a condominium registered under the Condominium Act such driveway shall be deemed to be a street for purposes of applying the provisions of this By-law. 14.2.4 Public Uses Permitted in all Zones 1. Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law, a public authority may, for the purposes of public service, use any land or erect or use any building or structure in any zone, provided that: Buildings shall comply with the applicable yard setbacks, maximum lot coverage, and the height requirements as required by the zone; The minimum number of parking spaces and loading spaces as required by this By-law for the proposed use shall be met; Buildings or structures in the Seaton Natural Heritage System (SNHS) zone shall be prohibited except for linear infrastructure and the uses, buildings and structures specifically permitted in the applicable SNHS zone; Any outdoor storage, or a waste processing or waste transfer station shall only be allowed if it is permitted in the zone; Notwithstanding the provisions above, the use of land, and any buildings or structures for any school shall be in accordance with the provisions and permitted uses of the zone; and Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 143 Outdoor storage as accessory to a public works yard shall be permitted in any zone, subject to the applicable requirements of this by-law for the outdoor storage use. 2. Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law, a utility company providing services in the form of communication/telecommunication, gas, hydro and cable television and other similar utility company, may use any land or erect or use any building or structure in any zone for the purpose of a utility service. 3. Notwithstanding Section, exemption for utilities in any zone shall not apply to: The Seaton Natural Heritage System (SNHS) zone except for linear infrastructure and the uses otherwise permitted in the SNHS zone; Permit any outdoor storage, or a waste transfer or waste processing facility; or Any land or building used by any local School Board, University or College. 14.2.5 Permitted Yard Encroachments 1. No part of any required yard shall be obstructed except as follows: Projections such as windowsills, chimney breasts, fireplaces, belt courses, cornices, pilasters, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may be permitted in any required yard, provided that no such feature, with the exception of a downspout, projects into the required yard more than 0.6 m or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; A fire escape or exterior staircase or steps may encroach into a required side yard or rear yard 1.5 m or half the distance of the required yard whichever is greater; An unenclosed ramp for wheelchair access may encroach into any required yard provided it is no closer than 0.3 m from a lot line; A porch or deck may encroach into any required front yard or flankage yard to a maximum of 2.0 m or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; A porch or deck may encroach into any required rear yard to a maximum of 2.0 m; A porch may encroach into an interior side yard to within 0.6 m of the side lot line; Stairs to a porch or deck or any other exterior steps may encroach to within 0.3 m of the front lot line or flankage lot line; to within 1.0 m of a rear lot line and to within 0.6 m of an interior side lot line; A balcony may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 1.2 m, except into a required side yard where it shall encroach not more than 1.2 m or one-third of the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 144 Where a balcony is located on the roof of a porch or deck or above a driveway, it may encroach to the maximum permitted for the porch or deck in subsection d) and e); and A bay, box or bow window, with or without foundation, having a maximum width of 4.0 m may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 0.6 m or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 14.2.6 Air Conditioners 1. Air conditioners are permitted on a lot provided they are located in the rear yard or interior side yard or on a balcony or roof. In addition, such units shall not be located any closer than 0.6 m to an interior lot line and shall not be located on any easements in favour of the City. 2. Notwithstanding Section, air conditioners are permitted in the exterior side yard of a lot provided they are screened by a fence. 14.2.7 Swimming Pools 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, an outdoor swimming pool, or hot tub may be permitted as an accessory use to a residential use in accordance with the following provisions: Such accessory swimming pool, or hot tub shall only be located in a rear yard; Any swimming pool, hot tub, or associated water circulating, heating or treatment equipment shall be setback a minimum of 0.6 m from any lot line and the swimming pool and/or hot tub shall be setback 1.2 m from any lot line; Any deck associated with an aboveground pool, or hot tub to a maximum height of 1.2 m will be in accordance with the provisions of Section 14.2.5 of this By-law; Any recreational equipment, including slides, associated with a swimming pool, or hot tub shall not exceed a maximum height of 2.4 m; An accessory outdoor swimming pool shall not be included in lot coverage calculations provided that no part of the swimming pool, or hot tub wall protrudes more than 1.2 m above the established grade. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 145 14.2.8 Satellite Dish Antenna 1.Satellite dish antennae are permitted in any zone provided that: It does not exceed a diameter of 1.3 m; and It is not attached to the front façade of the principal building or any accessory structure or building in the front yard. 14.2.9 Additional Dwelling Unit 1.Where permitted by this By-law, an additional dwelling unit shall be in accordance with the following provisions: A maximum of one (1) additional dwelling unit is permitted within any legally permitted detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, or street townhouse dwelling unit and a maximum of one (1) additional dwelling unit is permitted within an accessory building on the same lot. A maximum of two (2) additional dwelling units are permitted within any legally permitted detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, or street townhouse dwelling unit provided there are no additional dwelling units contained within an accessory building on the same lot. Notwithstanding Section a) and b), additional dwelling units are not permitted within any hazardous lands as determined by the applicable Conservation Authority including, but not limited to, the regulatory flood limits or erosion hazard limits and/or lands that do not have safe access appropriate to the nature of the development and the natural hazard. Notwithstanding Section a) and b), an additional dwelling unit shall not be permitted within an accessory building that is located within Key Natural Heritage Features and/or Key Hydrological Features, hazard lands as described in the Pickering Official Plan. Where an additional dwelling unit is located within an accessory building the floor area of the additional dwelling unit shall be determined by the most restrictive of the following regulations: Maximum lot coverage of all buildings on the lot. For the purpose of this regulation, if no lot coverage is provided in the zone, the maximum lot coverage for all buildings will be 45%; No more than 50% of the gross floor area of the detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, block townhouse dwelling unit, or street townhouse dwelling unit on the same lot; and A maximum floor area of 150 sq. m. An accessory building containing an additional dwelling unit shall conform with the height and setback requirements of Table 14.1. Table 14.1: Height and Setback Requirements Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 146 Requirement Lots with an area of 2,000 sq.m. or less Lots with an area greater than 2,000 sq.m. Maximum Height (m) 4.5 6.5 Minimum Front Yard (m) Zone Regulation Zone Regulation Minimum Exterior Side Yard (m) Zone Regulation Zone Regulation Minimum Interior Side Yard (m) 1.2 Where height of the additional dwelling unit is up to 4.5 m: 1.2; or Where height of the additional dwelling unit is over 4.5 m: 2.4 Minimum Rear Yard (m) 1.2 Where height of the additional dwelling unit is up to 4.5 m: 1.2; or Where height of the additional dwelling unit is over 4.5 m: 2.4 Notwithstanding Section 14.2.5 and 14.2.6, all lots containing additional dwelling units shall provide a minimum 1.2 m wide path of travel from the entrance of each additional dwelling unit to a street or private street. No encroachment is permitted to obstruct this path of travel. The path of travel may be shared and used jointly by more than one dwelling unit on the lot. A home occupation is permitted within an additional dwelling unit. The provision of on-site parking shall not reduce the landscaped open space in the corresponding yard below the amounts listed in Table 14.2. Where the existing zoning regulates minimum landscaped open space the most permissive regulation shall prevail. Table 14.2: Minimum Landscaped Open Space in all Yards used for Parking Requirement Lot Frontage of 0.0 – 12.0 m Lot Frontage Greater than 12.0 m Minimum Landscaped Open Space in all Yards used for Parking 30% 45% Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 147 14.2.10 Home Occupations Where permitted by this By-law, a home occupation shall be in accordance with the following provisions: 1. The following specific uses are permitted in a home occupation: Art Gallery/Studio; Personal Services Shop, excluding a laundromat or dog-washing establishment; Private Home Daycare; Office; Medical Office; or Instruction, including private or semi-private personal fitness, music, dance, tutoring or instruction, cooking, and similar activities. 2. No use or activity relating to a home occupation is permitted in a private garage or accessory building or structure, except for limited storage relating to a home occupation is permitted to the extent that it does not prevent the parking of the number of vehicles the private garage or accessory building or structure was designed to accommodate. 3. The home occupation shall not occupy an area greater than 25% of the gross floor area of the dwelling, or have a total area greater than 50.0 m2, whichever is less. 4. The home occupation shall be operated by the resident of the dwelling unit and the resident is either a sole proprietor, partner, shareholder, or officer of the company operating the home occupation, or an employee who uses their dwelling unit as their principal place of business. 5. The home occupation shall employ at least one (1) individual who resides in the dwelling unit and shall not employ more than one (1) other individual who does not reside in the dwelling unit. 6. At any given time, a home occupation shall not be permitted to include more than two (2) clients or students at once. 7. The home occupation shall not create noise, vibration, fumes, odour, dust, glare or radiation which is beyond the normal use of the dwelling, become offensive or an obnoxious use, or create an adverse effect. 8. No outdoor storage or visible display relating to a home occupation is permitted. 9. Customer or client parking is not required to be provided on the lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 148 10. External changes or alterations required for or relating to a home occupation which would change the overall residential character of the dwelling unit are not permitted. 11. The selling of products assembled or developed on the premises is a permitted use in a home occupation, and the sale and distribution of catalogue items is a permitted use in a home occupation provided that no catalogue items are stored on the premises. 12. A home occupation consisting of a private home daycare is not permitted on hazardous lands or hazardous sites, as determined by the Municipality. 14.2.11 Accessory Buildings and Structures 1. Accessory buildings and structures are permitted on a lot where a principal building housing a principal permitted use, already exists or is under construction. 2. Except as may be provided herein, accessory buildings and structures are only permitted to be erected in the rear yard. 3. Elementary school or secondary school classroom portables may be permitted within an interior side yard subject to an approved site plan. 4. Accessory buildings and accessory structures must be set back a minimum of 1.2 m from all lot lines except that the setback from the interior side lot line may be reduced to 0.6 m if there are no doors or windows on the wall facing the interior side lot line. 5. No accessory building shall exceed a building height of 3.5 m except for: Elementary school or secondary school classroom portables, which shall not exceed a building height of 4.5 m; and A detached private garage, which for a flat roof shall not exceed a building height of 3.5 m and for a pitched roof shall not exceed a building height of 4.5 m. 6. The total lot coverage of all accessory buildings, excluding detached private garages, shall not exceed 5% of the lot area. Where a detached private garage is also provided on the lot, the total lot coverage of all accessory buildings and detached private garages shall not exceed 15% of the lot area. Where elementary school or secondary school classroom portables are provided, the total lot coverage of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 15% of the lot area. 7. Human Habitation is not permitted in an accessory building or accessory structure except for a coach house and accessory structures that meet the definition of an additional dwelling unit. 14.2.12 Standards for Detached Private Garages Accessed by a Driveway from a Street Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 149 Detached private garages associated with a residential use that are accessed only by a driveway from a street are subject to the following requirements. 1. Permitted locations and setbacks from lot lines: Detached private garages accessed only by a private driveway from a street shall be located: A minimum distance from an exterior lot line equal to the flankage yard requirement for the main building; A minimum of 1.2 m from the interior side lot line, but notwithstanding this provision: The setback from the interior side lot line may be reduced to 0.6 m if there are no doors or windows on the wall facing the interior side lot line; and A detached private garage may share a common wall with another detached private garage on an abutting lot and no setback from the interior side lot line is required on that side of the lot; A minimum of 0.6 m from the rear lot line except on a through lot in which case Section d) applies; No closer than 6.0 m to the lot line abutting the street where the wall of the private garage containing the opening for vehicular access faces the lot line abutting the street; Where the private garage faces the front lot line, no closer than 2.0 m to the main building on the lot other than a private garage connected to the main building by an enclosed or covered walkway; and Where the private garage faces the rear lot line on a through lot, no closer than 5.0 m to the main building on the lot. The parking of motor vehicles is not permitted between the private garage and the main building. 2. Driveway width: The maximum driveway width accessed from a street abutting the front lot line shall: For lots having a lot frontage of less than 15.0 m, be no more than 6.0 m and tapered so that the maximum width is 3.0 m at the street line; For lots having a lot frontage between 15.0 m and less than 18.0 m, be no more than 6.0 m; and For lots greater than 18.0 m, be no wider than the width of the garage door and tapered so that the maximum width is 6.0 m at the street line. The maximum driveway width accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot shall: For lots having a lot frontage of less 6.0 m, be no more than 3.0 m; Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 150 For lots having a lot frontage between 6.0 and 9.0 m, be no more than 4.6 m; For lots between 9.0 m and less than 15.0 m, be no more than 6.0 m; and For lots greater than 15.0 m, be no more than 9.0 m and tapered so that the maximum width is 6.0 m at the street line. 3. Garage door width: The total width of all garage doors shall be no wider than the permitted width of the driveway. 14.2.13 Standards for Detached Private Garages Accessed by a Lane Detached private garages associated with residential uses that are accessed only by a lane are subject to the following requirements. 1. Permitted locations and setbacks from lot lines: Detached private garages are permitted in a rear yard and interior side yard only, and shall be located: A minimum distance of 0.6 m from the rear lot line; A minimum of 1.2 m from the interior side lot line, but notwithstanding this provision: The setback from the interior side lot line may be reduced to 0.6 m if there are no doors or windows on the wall facing the interior side lot line; and A detached private garage may share a common wall with another detached private garage on an abutting lot and no setback from the interior side lot line is required on that side of the lot; and No closer than 5.0 m to the main building on the lot. The parking of motor vehicles is not permitted in the setback area. 2. Driveway width: The maximum driveway width that faces a lane shall be no wider than the total width of all garage doors. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 151 14.2.14 Standards for Attached Private Garages on Lots Accessed by Lanes Attached private garages associated with a residential use that are only accessed by a lane are subject to the following requirements. 1. Permitted locations and setbacks from lot lines: Attached private garages, which are deemed to be part of the main building on the lot, are permitted provided that the wall of the private garage facing the lane: Is located no closer than 0.6 m to the rear lot line. 2. Driveway width: The maximum driveway width that faces a lane shall be no wider than the total width of all garage doors. 14.2.15 Standards for Attached Private Garages Accessed by a Driveway from a Street Attached private garages associated with a residential use that are accessed only by a driveway from a street are subject to the following requirements. 1. Permitted locations and setbacks from lot lines: Attached private garages accessed only by a driveway from a street shall be located: A minimum distance from a side lot line equal to the minimum side yard requirement for the main building; No closer than 6.0 m to the lot line abutting the street where the wall of the private garage containing the opening for vehicular access faces the lot line abutting the street; and No closer than 3.0 m to the lot line abutting the street where the wall of the private garage containing the opening for vehicular access faces an interior side lot line. 2. Projections of private garages: No part of a private garage shall project beyond the front wall of the first storey of the dwelling except: Where a porch is provided, in which case the private garage shall not project beyond the front of the porch; On a corner lot where the wall of the dwelling facing the flankage lot line is treated as the front wall of the dwelling and the private garage projects no more than 1.5 m beyond the remainder of the wall facing the front lot line; and Where the wall of the private garage containing the opening for vehicular access faces an interior side lot line. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 152 3. Driveway width: The maximum driveway width shall: For lots having a lot frontage of less than 9.0 m, be no more than 3.0 m; For lots having a lot frontage between 9.0 m and less than 11.0 m, be no more than 4.6 m; For lots between 11.0 m and less than 18.0 m, be no more than 6.0 m; For lots greater than 18.0 m, be no wider than the width of the garage door and tapered so that the maximum width is 6.0 m at the street line; and For lots greater than 15.0 m, where the wall of a private garage containing the opening for vehicular access faces an interior side lot line, be no wider than 7.5 m and tapered so that the maximum width is 6.0 m at the street line. 4. Garage door width: The total width of all garage doors shall be no wider than the permitted width of the driveway. 14.2.16 Coach Houses 1. A coach house shall be permitted on a corner lot with a lot frontage of 10.0 m or greater where the corner lot has access to a rear lane or on a through lot with a lot frontage of 10.0 m or greater provided there is not an additional dwelling unit in the detached, semi-detached or street townhouse dwelling and provided the coach house: Is located a minimum distance of 0.6 m from the rear lot line; Is located a minimum of 1.2 m from the interior side lot line; Is setback a minimum of 5.0 m from the main building on the lot. The parking of motor vehicles is not permitted in the setback area; and Has a maximum height of 8.0 m. 14.2.17 Live Work Unit 1. The following specific uses are permitted in a live work unit: Dwelling unit; Art gallery; Café; Restaurant; Medical office; Convenience store; Dry-cleaner’s distribution station; Office; Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 153 Personal service establishment; and Retail store. 14.2.18 Model Homes 1. Up to 10% of the homes proposed in a plan of subdivision to a maximum of 20 model homes together with not fewer than two parking spaces per home may be constructed on each draft plan of subdivision submitted to the City of Pickering, prior to registration of that plan of subdivision. 2. Model homes shall not be permitted until an agreement has been entered with the City of Pickering. 3. A model home shall comply with the applicable requirements of this By-law for the type of dwelling the model home represents. 14.2.19 Lots on Public and Private Streets 1. Where the lot and setback requirements in a zone apply to freehold lots abutting a street, such provisions shall equally apply to freehold lots abutting a private street. 14.2.20 Yards abutting Daylight Triangles 1. Where a lot abuts a daylight triangle, the setback provisions and minimum front landscaped open space provisions shall be measured as if the daylight triangle did not exist provided all buildings are setback 0.6 m from the daylight triangle with the exception of windowsills, belt courses, cornices, eaves, and eave troughs which may project to within 0.3 m of the daylight triangle. 14.2.21 Primary Entrance Door Location on a Through Lot 1. For a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, or duplex dwelling on a through lot, the primary entrance door shall face or nearly face the front lot line or in the case of a corner lot the flankage lot line. 14.2.22 Short Term Rental 1. Where permitted by this By-law, a short-term rental shall only be permitted in accordance with the following provisions: A maximum of one (1) short-term rental per dwelling shall be permitted. The dwelling in which the short-term rental is located shall be the principal residence, as defined in the Income Tax Act, of the person or persons operating and residing in the short-term rental. Parking for the short-term rental shall be in accordance with Section 14.3.1. A short-term rental shall not be established or operated in a manner which changes the external appearance of the dwelling. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 154 14.3 Parking Regulations 14.3.1 Parking Space Requirements 1. Every building or structure erected, enlarged or used in accordance with the provisions of this By-law shall be provided with the minimum required number of parking spaces specified in Table 14.3 the same lot. Table 14.3: Minimum Parking Requirements Use Requirement Residential Uses Additional Dwelling Unit 1.0 space per dwelling unit Apartment Dwelling 1.25 spaces per dwelling unit for residents and 0.25 of a space per dwelling unit for visitors Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit Bed and Breakfast Establishment 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit plus 1.0 parking space per guest room Block Townhouse Dwelling 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit plus 0.25 of a space per dwelling unit for visitors Detached Dwelling 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit Duplex Dwelling 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit Live Work Unit 2.0 spaces per live work unit Multiple Attached Dwelling 1.25 spaces per dwelling unit for residents and 0.25 of a space per dwelling unit for visitors Nursing Home or Long-Term Care 1.0 spaces per 3 resident beds Retirement Home 0.3 spaces per living unit for residents and 0.05 spaces per living unit for visitors Semi-Detached Dwelling 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit Short-term Rental 1.0 space in addition to the parking required for the dwelling unit Street Townhouse Dwelling 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit Commercial Uses Animal Care Establishment 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Arena 1.0 space per 4 fixed seats, but where permanent fixed seating is open-style bench or pew, each 0.5 m of bench or pew space is equal to one (1) seat for the purpose of calculating required parking Art Gallery 4.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Assembly Hall, Convention Hall or Conference Hall 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 155 Use Requirement Bake Shop 6.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Café 6.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Car Washing Establishment 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Commercial Fitness/Recreation Centre 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Commercial School 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Convenience Store 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Day Care Centre 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Dry-Cleaner’s Distributing Station 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Financial Institution 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Funeral Home 5.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Garden Centre 3.2 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA for retail sales and display of products and/or office; and 1.1 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA for warehousing and/or wholesaling Gas bar, including an Accessory Convenience Store and/or Café 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Home Improvement Centre 3.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Hotel 1.0 space per guest room; plus 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 non-residential gross floor area used for public use including meeting rooms, conference rooms, recreational facilities, dining and lounge areas and other commercial facilities, but excluding bedrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, washrooms, lobbies, hallways, elevators, stairways and recreational facilities directly related to the function of the overnight accommodation Medical Office 6.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Nightclub and Tavern/Bar/Pub 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Office 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Personal Service Establishment 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Place of Amusement other than a bowling alley 5.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Place of Worship 1.0 space per 5 fixed seats or 4.0 m of bench space, or 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA of assembly floor area whichever is the greater Private Club 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Retail Store 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Restaurant 6.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 156 Use Requirement Service and Repair Shop (non-vehicle) 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Supermarket 5.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Vehicle Dealership 3.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Vehicle Repair Shop 4.0 spaces per repair bay Veterinary Clinic 4.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Industrial Uses Ancillary retail sales 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Business services: such as industrial supply, industrial equipment repair, contractor shop, service and repair shop 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Data and communications: such as film, radio and television studio, call centre, data centre, programming and software development, phone, phone and internet provider 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Educational: such as community college, university, trade school, training centre, adult education 15.0 spaces per classroom Food processing: such as industrial bakery, dairy, cannery, distillery, brewery, meat processor 1.0 space per 100 m2 of GLFA up to 3,000 m2 of GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA over 3,000 m2 of GLFA Graphics and design: such as printing, publishing, graphic design, web design 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Light manufacturing: such as assembly, processing, packaging and fabricating wholly within an enclosed building 1.0 space per 100 m2 of GLFA up to 3,000 m2 of GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA over 3,000 m2 of GLFA Research/laboratory and research and development facility 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Storage and warehousing as an accessory use 1.0 space per 100 m2 of GLFA up to 2,000 m2 of GLFA plus 0.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA over 2,000 m2 of GLFA Community/Open Space Uses Community Centre 1.0 space per 4 persons capacity or 3.5 m2 of GLFA, whichever is greater Community Gardens 1.0 space per garden plot Curling rinks, tennis courts, bowling alleys or similar recreational facilities 4.0 spaces per ice sheet, court or lane or similar recreational facility provided that, where facilities for a tavern/bar/pub or assembly hall are provided, the greater parking requirement for either the recreational facilities or for the assembly floor area shall apply Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 157 Use Requirement Emergency Service Facility 3.5 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Elementary School 1.5 spaces per classroom plus day care centre requirements if applicable Golf Course 50 spaces for every 9 holes Library 3.0 spaces per 100 m2 of GLFA Private School 3 spaces per classroom Secondary School 3 spaces per classroom 14.3.2 Part Spaces 1. Where parking spaces are calculated by gross floor area, or similar calculation, and the required parking is a fraction, the number of parking spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. 14.3.3 Parking for Multiple Uses on One Lot 1. Despite Section 14.3.1, where there are multiple retail, service commercial and personal service uses on a lot within a Seaton Minor Commercial Cluster “SMCC”, Seaton Local Node “SLN”, Seaton Community Node “SCN”, Seaton Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area “SCNPP”, Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 2 “SMC2”, Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 3 “SMC3” and Seaton Employment Service “SES” zone, the minimum required parking shall be as follows: on a lot with less than 2,800 m2 gross leasable area: 4.5 spaces per 100.0 m2 of gross leasable floor area provided that where a restaurant, supermarket, nightclub, tavern/bar/pub or assembly hall, convention hall or conference hall occupies 10% or more of the gross leasable floor area, the individual parking requirements for that use shall apply to the gross leasable floor area devoted that that; on a lot with between 2,800 m2 to 28,000 m2 of gross leasable floor area: 4.5 spaces per 100.0 m2 of gross leasable floor area; on a lot with more than 28,000 m2 of gross leasable floor area: 5.0 spaces per 100.0 m2 of gross leasable floor area. 2. For all other uses in all other zones, where more than one (1) use is being used on a lot, the required parking space will be the sum of the parking required for all uses on the lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 158 14.3.4 Size of Parking Spaces and Aisles 1. Parking spaces shall be a minimum of 2.6 m in width and 5.3 m in length, exclusive of any land used for access, manoeuvring, driveway or similar purpose. 2. Parking lot aisles shall be a minimum of 3.8 m in width for one (1) way traffic and a minimum of 6.5 m in width for two way traffic. 14.3.5 Setbacks of Parking Spaces and Lots 1. No parking lot or parking space shall be permitted within 3.0 m of a street line or within any daylight triangle or corner rounding. 2. No parking lot or parking space shall be permitted within 3.0 m of a property line abutting a Residential zone. 3. Notwithstanding Section and, individual parking spaces for a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, street townhouse dwelling, duplex dwelling, multiple attached dwelling, and back-to-back townhouse dwelling may be located: within 3.0 m of a street line but not within a daylight triangle or corner rounding; in a rear yard of a Residential zone a minimum of 1.0 m from the nearest rear lot line except where the rear lot line abuts a lane in which case the parking space shall be set back a minimum of 0.6 m; and in an interior side yard of a Residential zone to a minimum of 0.6 m to the nearest interior side lot line, except where the driveway is a mutual driveway in which case no setback is required to the interior side lot line. 14.3.6 Standards for Parking Pads 1. One parking pad shall be permitted on a lot instead of, or in addition to, a detached private garage where: an attached private garage does not form part of the dwelling on the lot; and the parking pad is located in accordance with the regulations for detached private garages. 2. In addition, one (1) parking pad shall be permitted in addition to an attached or detached private garage on a lot accessed by a lane and can be located in the yard adjacent to the private garage provided the parking pad is located in accordance with the regulations for detached and attached private garages accessed by a lane. 3. A driveway leading to a parking pad shall be no wider than the parking pad. 14.3.7 Parking and Loading within Yards Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 159 1. In the Seaton Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area “SCNPP” zone, no parking lot shall be located in the front yard or between a building and the street line or between a building and the edge of a private street. 2. No loading space shall be permitted in the front yard of any zone. 14.3.8 Parking Space Uses 1. The storage of goods, including for sale or display, is not permitted within required parking spaces. The storage of motor vehicles for sale and display is not exempt from this provision. 14.3.9 Restrictions on Vehicles in a Residential Zone No person shall, in any Residential zone, use any lot, building or structure for the parking or storage of a commercial vehicle, construction vehicle, trailer or vehicle except in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Number of Vehicles A maximum of six (6) vehicles, only one (1) of which may be a trailer, are permitted to park on the driveway of any lot in a Residential zone. 2. Size of Vehicles For those vehicles parked on any lot, the maximum permissible height is 2.6 m, and the maximum permissible length is 6.7 m; Notwithstanding subsection a), one (1) vehicle parked on a driveway in a side yard or rear yard can be of a size up to a maximum permissible height of 3.5 m, and a maximum permissible length of 8.0 m; and Height is measured from the established grade immediately beside the vehicle up to the vehicle's highest point, which excludes lights, antennas and other such items ancillary to the vehicle's body. 3. Location of Vehicles No part of any front yard or flankage yard except a driveway is to be used for the parking or storage of vehicles and no vehicle is to encroach onto any road allowance. 4. Inoperative Vehicles: The parking or storage of an inoperative vehicle is not permitted on any lot in a Residential zone, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 160 5. Construction Vehicles The parking or storage of a construction vehicle is not permitted on any lot in a Residential zone, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. 6. Oversize Vehicles: A vehicle that exceeds the maximum permissible vehicle size provisions of Section, is permitted to park temporarily on a lot in a residential zone for the sole purpose of delivering to, servicing or constructing the premises on that lot. 7. Parking Requirements The minimum number of required parking spaces for residential uses shall not be occupied or otherwise obstructed by the parking of a construction vehicle, commercial vehicle, recreational vehicle, or trailer. 14.3.10 Loading Standards 1. For every building or structure to be erected for, altered for, or its use converted to a commercial or industrial use, involving the frequent shipping, loading or unloading of persons, animals, goods, wares or merchandise, off- street loading spaces shall be provided and maintained upon the same lot on which the principal use is located and in accordance with the following: Any required off-street loading space shall: Not be used for the purpose of offering commodities for sale or display; Provide for the temporary parking of one (1) commercial vehicle; Not be not less than 3.5 m in width nor less than 9.0 m in length, nor less than 4.5 m in clear and unobstructed height, exclusive of any land used for access, maneuvering, driveway or a similar purpose; Not be upon or partly upon any street, lane or alley; and Have adequate access to permit ingress and egress of a commercial vehicle from a street by means of driveways, aisles, maneuvering areas or similar areas, no part of which access is to be used for the temporary parking or storage of any motor vehicle. 14.3.11 Tandem Parking 1. The required parking spaces for a dwelling unit, live work unit and / or a bed and breakfast establishment on an individual lot may be provided in a tandem configuration. 14.3.12 Private Garage Parking Size 1. Each parking space within a private garage shall have a minimum width of 2.9 m and a minimum depth of 6.0 m provided, however, that the minimum Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 161 required width may include one (1) interior step, and the minimum required depth may include two (2) interior steps. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 162 14.4 Seaton Residential Zone Regulations 14.4.1 Uses Permitted 1. The following Table 14.4 establishes the uses permitted in the Seaton Low Density Type 1 (SLD1), Seaton Low Density Type 1 – Townhouse (SLD1T), Seaton Low Density Type 1 – Heritage Lot (SLD1HL), Seaton Low Density Type 2 (SLD2), Seaton Low Density Type 2 – Multiple (SLD2M), Seaton Medium Density – Detached & Semi (SMDDS), Seaton Medium Density – Multiple (SMDM) and Seaton High Density (SHD) zones. Table 14.4: Uses Permitted in the Seaton Residential Zones Permitted Use SLD1 SLD1T SLD1HL SLD2 SLD2M SMDDS SMDM SHD Residential Uses Detached Dwelling ● ● ● ● Semi-Detached Dwelling ● ● ● Street Townhouse Dwelling ● ● ● ●(1) Duplex Dwelling ● ● ● Multiple Attached Dwelling ● ● ●(1) Block Townhouse Dwelling ● ● Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling ● ● Apartment Dwelling ● ● Commercial Uses Retail Store ●(2) Convenience Store ●(2) Personal Service Establishment ●(2) Bake Shop ●(2) Café ●(2) Restaurant ●(2) Office ●(3) Day Care Centre ●(3) Medical Office ●(3) Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 163 Permitted Use SLD1 SLD1T SLD1HL SLD2 SLD2M SMDDS SMDM SHD Additional Dwelling Unit ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●(4) Model Home ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Notes: 1. Permitted provided an apartment building is the principal building on the lot. 2. Permitted on the ground floor of an apartment dwelling. 3. Permitted within the first three (3) floors of a base / podium building. 4. Permitted within a street townhouse dwelling unit and an accessory building on the same lot in accordance with Section 14.2.9. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 164 14.4.2 Seaton Low Density Type 1 (SLD1) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1. The following Table 14.5 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Low Density Type 1 (SLD1) zone. Table 14.5: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Low Density Type 1 (SLD1) Zone Building Requirement Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Yard Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Detached Dwelling – accessed from a street abutting the front lot line or flankage lot line with attached private garage 225.0 m2 9.0 m 3.0 m(3) - 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 11.0 m with detached private garage 275.0 m2 11.0 m 3.0 m - 2.75 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 11.0 m Detached Dwelling – accessed from a lane(4) Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 165 Building Requirement Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Yard Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height with detached private garage 210.0 m2 8.5 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m - 40.0 m2 (1) 50% 11.0 m with attached private garage 210.0 m2 8.5 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m - 40.0 m2 50% 11.0 m Semi-detached Dwelling – accessed from a street abutting the front lot line or flankage lot line with attached private garage 185.0 m2 / unit 7.5 m / unit 3.0 m(3) - 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 22% 11.0 m Semi-detached Dwelling – accessed from a lane(4) with detached private garage 175.0 m2 / unit 7.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m - 35.0 m2 (1) 50% 11 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 166 Building Requirement Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Yard Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height with attached private garage 175.0 m2/ unit 7.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m - 35.0 m2 50% 11 m Notes: 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between private garage and dwelling. 2. Where semi-detached dwellings on abutting lots share a common wall, no interior side yard shall be required, but where the dwellings do not share a common wall, a setback of 0.9 m shall be required. 3. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 4. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 167 Additional Provisions 1. No person shall erect more than one (1) detached dwelling on any residential lot. 2. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 3. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any detached dwelling or semi-detached dwelling shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. 14.4.3 Seaton Low Density Type 1 Heritage Lot (SLD1HL) Zone Provisions 1. On lands zoned SLD1HL the minimum lot area and minimum lot frontage shall be the lot area and lot frontage existing on the date this By-law came into effect. 2. The minimum yards shall be the yards existing on the date this By-law came into effect. However, yards, except the front yard, may be decreased by 10% subject to an approved site plan application. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 168 14.4.4 Seaton Low Density Type 1 Townhouse (SLD1T) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1.The following Table 14.6 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Low Density Type 1 Townhouse (SLD1T) zone. Table 14.6: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Low Density Type 1 Townhouse (SLD1T) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Street Townhouse Dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line 150.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m(2) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 11.0 m with detached private garage accessed from a lane(3) 150.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 30.0 m2 (1) 50% 11.0 m with integrated private garage accessed from a lane(3) 140.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 50% 11.0 m Duplex Dwelling 360.0 m2 12.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 3.0 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent - 35% 11.0 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 169 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height to SNHS zone Notes: 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between private garage and dwelling. 2. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 3. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Additional Provisions 1. Maximum number of street townhouse dwellings in a street townhouse building shall be eight (8). 2. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 3. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any street townhouse dwelling or duplex dwelling shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 170 14.4.5 Seaton Low Density Type 2 (SLD2) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1. The following Table 14.7 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Low Density Type 2 (SLD2) zone. Table 14.7: Lot and Building Requirements for the Low Density Type 2 (SLD2) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Detached Dwelling – accessed from a street abutting the front lot line or flankage lot line with attached private garage 225.0 m2 9.0 m 3.0 m(3) - 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 22% 11.0 m with detached private garage 275.0 m2 11.0 m 3.0 m - 2.75 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 11.0 m Detached Dwelling – accessed from a lane(4) with detached 185.0 m2 7.5 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m - 35.0 m2 (1) 50% 11.0 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 171 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height private garage with attached private garage 185.0 m2 7.5 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m - 35.0 m2 50% 11.0 m Semi-detached Dwelling – accessed from a street abutting the front lot line or flankage lot line with attached private garage 185.0 m2 7.5 m / unit 3.0 m(3) - 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 30% 11.0 m Semi-detached Dwelling – accessed from a lane(4) with detached private garage 165.0 m2 6.7 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m - 30.0 m2 (1) / unit 50% 11.0 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 172 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height with attached private garage 165.0 m2 6.7 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m - 30.0 m2 / unit 50% 11.0 m Notes: 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between private garage and dwelling. 2. Where semi-detached dwellings on abutting lots share a common wall, no interior side yard shall be required, but where the dwellings do not share a common wall, a setback of 0.9 m shall be required. 3. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 4. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 173 Additional Provisions 1. No person shall erect more than one (1) detached dwelling on any residential lot. 2. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 3. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any detached dwelling or semi-detached dwelling shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 174 14.4.6 Seaton Low Density Type 2 Multiple (SLD2M) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1.The following Table 14.8 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Low Density Type 2 Multiple (SLD2M) zone. Table 14.8: Lot and Buildings Requirements for the Seaton Low Density Type 2 Multiple (SLD2M) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Street Townhouse Dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line 150.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m (3) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 11.0 m with detached private garage /parking space accessed from a lane(4) 125.0 m2 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 30.0 m2 (1) / unit 50% 12.0 m with integrated private garage accessed from a lane(4) 105.0 m2 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 50% 12.0 m Duplex Dwelling 300.0 m2 12.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 3.0 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent - 35% 11.0 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 175 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height to SNHS zone Multiple Attached Building 450.0 m2 27.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 40% 16.0 m Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling 70.0 m2 5.5 m / unit 3.0 m (3) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 22% 12.0 m Block Townhouse Building - 50.0 m 3.0 m - 1.2 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to NHS zone - 25%(2) 11.0 m Notes: 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between private garage and dwelling. 2. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. 3. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 4. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 176 Additional Provisions 1. Minimum depth of a lot for back-to-back townhouse dwellings shall be 13.0 m. 2. Maximum number of street townhouse dwellings in a street townhouse building shall be eight (8). 3. Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse dwellings in a back-to-back townhouse building shall be 16. 4. The minimum separation between block townhouse buildings on the same lot shall be 1.2 m for a side wall to side wall condition, 12.0 m for a rear wall to rear wall condition, and 13.5 m for a front wall to front wall condition. 5. No private streets shall be permitted between the front wall of a block townhouse building and a street. 6. Block townhouse buildings adjacent to a street shall have their primary entrance doors oriented to the street. 7. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 8. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any street townhouse dwelling, duplex dwelling, multiple attached building, back to back townhouse dwelling or block townhouse building shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 177 14.4.7 Seaton Medium Density Detached & Semi (SMDDS) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1. The following Table 14.9 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Medium Density Detached & Semi (SMDDS) zone. Table 14.9: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Medium Density Detached Single & Semi (SMDDS) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Detached Dwelling – accessed from a street abutting the front lot line or flankage lot line with attached private garage 200.0 m2 8.0 m 3.0 m(3) - 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 30% 12.5 m Detached Dwelling – accessed from a lane(4) with detached private garage 175.0 m2 7.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m - 35.0 m2 (1) 50% 12.5 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 178 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height with attached private garage 175.0 m2 7.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 1.2 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m - 35.0 m2 50% 12.5 m Semi-detached Dwelling – accessed from a street abutting the front lot line or flankage lot line with attached private garage 185.0 m2 7.5 m / unit 3.0 m(3) - 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 12.5 m Semi-detached Dwelling – accessed from a lane(4) with detached private garage 150.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m - 30.0 m2 (1) / unit 50% 12.5 m with attached private garage 150.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m(2) 2.4 m - 30.0 m2 / unit 50% 12.5 m Notes: Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 179 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between private garage and dwelling. 2. Where semi-detached dwellings on abutting lots share a common wall, no interior side yard shall be required, but where the dwellings do not share a common wall, a setback of 0.9 m shall be required. 3. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 4. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Additional Provisions 1. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 2. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any detached dwelling or semi-detached dwelling shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 180 14.4.8 Seaton Medium Density Multiple (SMDM) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1.The following Table 14.10 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Medium Density Multiple (SMDM) zone. Table 14.10: Lot and Buildings Requirements for the Seaton Medium Density Multiple (SMDM) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Street Townhouse Dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line 150.0 m2 / unit 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m (5) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 12.5 m with detached private garage accessed from a lane(6) 125.0 m2 / unit 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 25.0 m2 (1) / unit 50% 12.5 m with integrated private garage accessed from a lane(6) 105.0 m2 / unit 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 50% 12.5 m Duplex Dwelling 300.0 m2 12.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 3.0 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent - 35% 12.5 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 181 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height to SNHS zone Multiple Attached Building 450.0 m2 27.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone 11.0 m2 / unit 40% 16.0 m Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling 70.0 m2 / unit 5.5 m / unit 3.0 m (5) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 22% 12.5 m Apartment Building - 45.0 m 2.0 m 4.5 m (2)(3) 6.0 m(3) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m(2)(3) max 7.5 m(3) - - 10.5 m min / 20 m max Block Townhouse Building - 50.0 m 3.0 m 5.5 m 1.2 m 2.4 m 6.0 m - 25%(4) 10.5 m Notes: 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between private garage and dwelling. 2. 25% of the building facing the street can have a greater yard. 3. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0.0 m. 4. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. 5. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 6. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 182 Additional Provisions 1. Minimum depth of a lot for back to back townhouse dwellings shall be 13.0 m. 2. Maximum number of street townhouse dwellings in a street townhouse building shall be 8. 3. Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse dwellings in a back-to-back townhouse building shall be 16. 4. The minimum separation between block townhouse buildings on the same lot shall be 1.2 m for a side wall to side wall condition, 12.0 m for a rear wall to rear wall condition, and 13.5 m for a front wall to front wall condition. 5. No private streets shall be permitted between the front wall of a block townhouse building and a street. 6. Block townhouse buildings adjacent to a street shall have their primary entrance doors oriented to the street. 7. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 8. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any street townhouse dwelling, duplex dwelling, multiple attached building, back to back townhouse dwelling or block townhouse building shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Additional Apartment Provisions 1. The minimum net density shall be 40 units per hectare. 2. The maximum net density shall be 80 units per hectare. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m 4. Minimum ground floor height where ground floor commercial uses are provided: 4.5 m (floor to floor) 5. Maximum building width: 60 m 6. A minimum pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 4th storey. 7. Where the rear yard or side yard of a lot containing an apartment building abuts a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12.0 m shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12.0 m at the 7.5 m setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density zones. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 183 14.4.9 Seaton High Density (SH) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1. The following Table 14.11 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton High Density (SH) zone. Table 14.11: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton High Density (SH) zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Depth Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Land-scaped Open Space Min. Building Height Max. Building Height Apartment Building - 45.0 m 2.0 m 4.5 m (1)(2) 6.0 m(2) 2.0 m min / 4.5 m max(1)(2) 45 m 7.5 m(2) - - 20.0 m 63.0 m Multiple Attached Building - 45.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m 2.4 m - 6.0 m 11.0 m2 / unit 40% - 16.0 m Block Townhouse Building - 45.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 1.2 m 2.4 m - 6.0 m - 25%(3) - 10.5 m Notes: 1. 25% of the building facing the street can have a greater yard. 2. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0.0 m. 3. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 184 Additional Provisions 1. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any multiple attached building or block townhouse building shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Additional Apartment Provisions 1. The minimum net density shall be 140 units per hectare. 2. The maximum net density shall be 250 units per hectare. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m 4. Minimum ground floor height where ground floor commercial uses are provided: 4.5 m (floor to floor) 5. Maximum building width: 60.0 m 6. Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 10.5 m The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys / 16.0 m Minimum setback from a podium to a tower: 5.0 m Maximum tower floor plate: 800 m2 7. For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian perception step- back of 1.5 m shall be required between the 4th storey and the 8th storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 8th storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. 8. Where the rear yard or side yard of a lot containing an apartment building abuts a lot in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12.0 m shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12.0 m at the 7.5 m setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density zones. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 185 14.5 Seaton Mixed Use Zone Regulations 14.5.1 Uses Permitted 1. The following Table 14.12 establishes the uses permitted in the Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 1 (SMC1), Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 2 (SMC2), Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 3 (SMC3), Seaton Minor Commercial Cluster (SMCC), Seaton Local Node (SLN), Seaton Community Node (SCN) and Seaton Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area (SCNPP) zones. Table 14.12: Uses Permitted in the Seaton Mixed Use Zones Permitted Use SMC1 SMC2 SMC3 SMCC SLN SCN SCNPP Residential Uses Street Townhouse Dwelling ● ● Duplex Dwelling ● ● Multiple Attached Dwelling ● ● Block Townhouse Building ● ● ●(1) ●(1) ●(1) Back-to-Back Townhouse ● ● ●(1) ●(1) ●(1) Apartment Dwelling ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Live Work Unit ● ●(1) ● ●(1) ●(1) ● Additional Dwelling Unit ● ● ●(3) ●(3) ●(3) Nursing Home or Long-Term Care ● ● ● ● Retirement Home ● ● ● ● Model Home ● ● ● ● ● ● Commercial Uses Animal Care Establishment ● ● ● ● ●(2) Art Gallery ● ● ● ● ● ● Assembly Hall, Convention Or Conference Halls ● ● ● ● Arena ● ● ● ● Bake Shop ● ● ● ● ● ● Financial Institution ● ● ● ● ● Café / Restaurant ● ● ● ● ● ● Medical Office ● ● ● ● ● ●(2) Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 186 Permitted Use SMC1 SMC2 SMC3 SMCC SLN SCN SCNPP Commercial Fitness / Recreation Centre ● ● ● ● ●(2) Commercial School ● ● ● ● ● Convenience Store ● ● ● ● ● ● Day Care Centre ● ● ● ● ● ● ●(2) Drive-Through Facility ● ● ● ● Dry-Cleaner’s Distributing Station ● ● ● ● ● ● Funeral Home ● ● ● ● Gas Bar ● ● ● ● Home Improvement Centre ● Home Occupation ● ● ● Hotel ● ● ● Nightclub ● ● ● ● ● Tavern/Bar/Pub ● ● ● ● ● Office ● ● ● ● ● ●(2) Personal Service Establishment ● ● ● ● ● ● Place Of Amusement ● ● ● ● Place Of Worship ● ● ● ● ● Private Club ● ● ● ● ●(2) Retail Store ● ● ● ● ● ● Service And Repair Shop ● ● ● ● Supermarket ● ● ● Vehicle Dealership ● ● Vehicle Repair Shop ● ● Veterinary Clinic ● ● ● ● ●(2) Notes: 1. In combination with an apartment dwelling on the same site. 2. Not permitted on the ground floor. 3. Permitted within a block townhouse dwelling unit and an accessory building on the same lot in accordance with Section 14.2.9. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 187 Additional Use Provisions 1. Within a SMC2, SMC3, SLN or SCN zone, a drive-through facility and associated stacking lanes shall not be permitted between a building and a street line for any building located within 15.0 m of a street. 2. A car washing establishment shall only be permitted by site-specific by-law. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 188 14.5.2 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 1 (SMC1) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1.The following Table 14.13 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 1 (SMC1) zone. Table 14.13: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 1 (SMC1) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Street Townhouse Dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line 150.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m (5) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent SNHS zone - 25% 12.5 m with detached private garage accessed from a lane(6) 135.0 m2 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 25.0 m2(1) / unit 50% 12.5 m with integrated private garage accessed from a lane(6) 110.0 m2 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 50% 12.5 m Duplex Dwelling 300.0 m2 12.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 3.0 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m - 35% 12.5 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 189 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height adjacent SNHS zone Multiple Attached Building 450.0 m2 27.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 40% 16.0 m Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling 70.0 m2 5.5 / unit 3.0 m(5) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 22% 12.5 m Apartment Building / Nursing Home or Long-Term Care - 45.0 m 0.0 m 4.5 m (2)(3) 6.0 m(3) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m(2)(3) max 7.5 m(3) - - 10.5 m min / 20.0 m max Block Townhouse Building - 50.0 m 3.0 m 5.5 m 1.2 m 2.4 m 6.0 m - 25%(4) 10.5 m Notes: 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between garage and dwelling. 2. 25% of the building facing the street can have a greater yard. 3. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0.0 m. 4. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. 5. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 6. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 190 Additional Provisions 1. Minimum depth of a lot for back-to-back townhouse dwellings shall be 13.0 m. 2. Maximum number of street townhouse dwellings in a street townhouse building shall be eight (8). 3. Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse dwellings in a back-to-back townhouse building shall be 16. 4. The minimum separation between block townhouse buildings on the same lot shall be 1.2 m for a side wall to side wall condition, 12.0 m for a rear wall to rear wall condition, and 13.5 m for a front wall to front wall condition. 5. No private streets shall be permitted between the front wall of a block townhouse building and a street. 6. Block townhouse buildings adjacent to a street shall have their primary entrance doors oriented to the street. 7. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 8. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any street townhouse dwelling, duplex dwelling, multiple attached building, back to back townhouse dwelling or block townhouse building shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Additional Apartment Standards 1. The minimum net density shall be 40 units per hectare and 1.0 FSI. 2. The maximum net density shall be 140 units per hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m 4. Minimum ground floor height where ground floor commercial uses are provided: 4.5 m (floor to floor) 5. Maximum building width: 60 m 6. A minimum pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 4th storey. 7. Where the rear yard or side yard of a lot containing an apartment building abuts a lot in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12.0 m shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12.0 m at the 7.5 m setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density zones. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 191 Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 192 14.5.3 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 2 (SMC2) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1.The following Table 14.14 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 2 (SMC2) zone. Table 14.14: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 2 (SMC2) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height Street Townhouse Dwelling with integrated private garage facing the front lot line 150.0 m2 6.0 m / unit 3.0 m(6) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent to SNHS zone - 25% 12.5 m with detached private garage accessed from a lane(7) 125.0 m2 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 25.0 m2(1) / unit 50% 12.5 m with integrated private garage accessed from a lane(7) 100.0 m2 4.0 m / unit 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 9.0 m2 / unit 50% 12.5 m Duplex Dwelling 300.0 m2 12.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 3.0 m & 0.6 m 2.4 m 6.0 m / 5.0 m adjacent - 35% 12.5 m Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 193 Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Min. Front Landscaped Open Space Max. Building Height to SNHS zone Multiple Attached Building 450.0 m2 27.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m 0.9 m 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 40% 16.0 m Back-to-Back Townhouse Dwelling 65.0 m2 5.0 m / unit 3.0 m(6) - 0.9 m for end unit 2.4 m - 11.0 m2 / unit 22% 12.5 m Live Work Unit 125.0 m2 5.0 m / unit 0.0 m 3.0 m 0.9 m for end unit 2.0 m - 25.0 m2 / unit - 9.0 m min / 12.5 m max Apartment Building / Nursing Home or Long-Term Care / Retirement Home - 45.0 m 0.0 m 3.0m(2)(3) 6.0 m(3) 0.0 m min/ 2.0 m(2)(3) max 7.5 m(3) - - 20.0 m min / 63.0 m max Building With Sole Retail / Commercial Uses - 30.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m(2) 0.0 or 7.5m(4) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m max 9.0 m - - 5.0 m min / 63.0 m max Block Townhouse Building - 50.0 m 3.0 m 5.5 m 1.2 m 3.0 m 6.0 m - 25%(5) 10.5 m Notes: 1. With a minimum 5.0 m separation between garage and dwelling. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 194 2. 25% of the building facing the street can have a greater yard. 3. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0.0 m. 4. Adjacent to the other commercial uses, the minimum side yard shall be 0.0 m. Adjacent to residential uses, the minimum side yard shall be 7.5 m. 5. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. 6. The front yard setback of a private garage shall meet the requirements of Section 7. Or accessed from a street abutting the rear lot line on a through lot. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 195 Additional Provisions 1. Minimum depth of individual dwelling units in a back-to-back townhouse dwelling: 13.0 m. 2. Maximum number of street townhouse dwellings in a street townhouse building shall be eight (8). 3. Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse dwellings in a back-to-back townhouse building shall be 16. 4. The minimum separation between block townhouse buildings on the same lot shall be 1.2 m for a side wall to side wall condition, 12.0 m for a rear wall to rear wall condition, and 13.5 m for a front wall to front wall condition. 5. No private streets shall be permitted between the front wall of a block townhouse building and a street. 6. Block townhouse buildings adjacent to a street shall have their primary entrance doors oriented to the street. 7. Where a lot flanks a lane, the larger required minimum interior side yard shall abut the lane. 8. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any street townhouse dwelling, duplex dwelling, multiple attached building or back to back townhouse dwelling shall be 1.75 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. 9. Despite any flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum flankage yard to a corner rounding for any live work unit shall be 1.5 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. 10. Despite any front yard or flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum front yard or flankage yard to a corner rounding for any block townhouse building shall be 1.75 m at the front of a lot and 2.0 m at the flankage of a lot. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Additional Apartment Provisions 1. The minimum net density shall be 60 units per hectare and 1.0 FSI. 2. The maximum net density shall be 180 units per hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m 4. Minimum ground floor height where ground floor commercial uses are provided: 4.5 m (floor to floor) Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 196 5. Maximum building width: 60 m 6. Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 10.5 m The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys / 16.0 m Minimum setback from a podium to a tower: 5.0 m Maximum floor plate within a tower: 800 m2 7. For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian perception step- back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 4th storey and below the 8th storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 8th storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. 8. Where the rear yard or side yard of the apartment site abuts a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12.0 m shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12.0 m at the 7.5 m setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density zones. Additional Commercial Building Provisions 1. In no case shall parking be permitted between a building and the front lot line. 2. Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 m landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. 3. A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line. 4. The maximum elevation of the ground floor above grade at the primary entrance door shall be 0.6 m. 5. The minimum ground floor area for a retail/commercial unit within a live work unit shall be 70 m2. 6. The maximum gross leasable area for a retail/ commercial unit within a building with sole retail /commercial uses shall be 4,000 m2. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 197 14.5.4 Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 3 Gateway Sites (SMC3) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type 1. The following Table 14.15 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 3 Gateway Sites (SMC3) zone. Table 14.15: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Mixed Corridor Type 3 Gateway Sites (SMC3) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Lot Depth Min. Rear Yard Max. Building Height Apartment Building / Nursing Home or Long-Term Care / Retirement Home - 45.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m(1) 6.0 m (2) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m max(1) 45.0 m 7.5 m(2) 20.0 m min / 63.0 m max Building With Sole Retail / Commercial Uses - 30.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m(1) 0.0 or 7.5m(3) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m max(1) - 9.0 m 5.0 m min / 63.0 m max Notes: 1. 25% of the building facing the street can have a greater yard. 2. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0.0 m. 3. Adjacent to the other commercial uses, the minimum side yard shall be 0.0 m. Adjacent to residential uses, the minimum side yard shall be 7.5 m. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 198 Additional Apartment Provisions 1. The minimum net density shall be 60 units per hectare and 1.0 FSI. 2. The maximum net density shall be 180 units per hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m 4. Minimum ground floor height where ground floor commercial uses are provided: 4.5 m (floor to floor) 5. Maximum building width: 60 m 6. Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 10.5 m The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys / 16.0 m Minimum setback from a podium to a tower: 5.0 m Maximum floor plate within a tower: 800 m2 7. For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian perception step- back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 4th storey and below the 8th storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 8th storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. 8. Where the rear yard or side yard of a lot containing an apartment building abuts a lot in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12.0 m shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12.0 m at the 7.5 m setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density zones. 9. Block townhouse dwellings and back-to-back townhouse dwellings constructed on a site in conjunction with an apartment dwelling shall meet the setback, amenity area, landscaped open space and height requirements of the SMC2 zone for those dwelling types. Additional Commercial Building Provisions 1. In no case shall parking be permitted between a building and the front lot line. 2. Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 m landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. 3. A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line. 4. The maximum gross leasable area for a retail/commercial unit within a building with sole retail /commercial uses shall be 4,000 m2. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 199 Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 200 14.5.5 Seaton Minor Commercial Clusters (SMCC) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements 1. The following Table 14.16 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Minor Commercial Clusters (SMCC) zone. Table 14.16: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Minor Commercial Clusters (SMCC) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Max. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Min. Amenity Area Max. Building Height Live work Unit 110.0 m2 - 6.0 m / unit 0.0 m 3.0 m 0.9 m at building end 2.0 m - 11.0 m2 9.0 m min / 12.5 m max Building with sole retail / commercial uses - - 30.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m 0.0 m or 7.5 m(1) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m max 9.0 m - 5.0 m min / 12.5 m max Notes: 1. Adjacent to the other commercial uses, the minimum side yard shall be 0.0 m. Adjacent to residential uses, the minimum side yard shall be 7.5 m. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 201 Additional Provisions 1. In no case shall parking be permitted between a building and the front lot line. 2. Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 m landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. 3. A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line. 4. The minimum ground floor area for an individual retail/commercial unit in a live work unit shall be 50.0 m2, and the maximum ground floor area for an individual retail/commercial unit shall be 200 m2. 5. The minimum gross leasable area for an individual retail/commercial unit in a building with sole retail /commercial uses shall be 70.0 m2, and the maximum gross leasable area for an individual retail/commercial unit shall be 200 m2. 6. The maximum elevation of the ground floor above grade at the primary entrance door shall be 0.6 m. 7. Despite any flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum flankage yard to a corner rounding for any live work unit shall be 1.5 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 202 14.5.6 Seaton Local Node (SLN) and Community Node (SCN) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements 1. The following Table 14.17 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Local Node (SLN) and Seaton Community Node (SCN) zones. Table 14.17: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Local Node (SLN) and Seaton Community Node (SCN) Zones Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Lot Depth Min. Rear Yard Max. Building Height Apartment Building / Nursing Home or Long-term Care/Retirement home - 45.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m(3) 6.0 m(1) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m max 45.0 m 7.5 m(1) 20.0 m min / 63.0 m max Building with sole retail / commercial uses - 30.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m(3) 0.0 or 7.5 m(1),(2) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m max - 9.0 m 5.0 m min / 63.0 m max Notes: 1. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0.0 m. 2. Adjacent to the other commercial uses, the minimum side yard shall be 0.0 m. Adjacent to residential uses, the minimum side yard shall be 7.5 m. 3. The maximum front yard setback applies to all buildings located within 30.0 m of an adjacent arterial road, and for such buildings, the maximum front yard setback applies to 75% of the front wall; 25% of each front wall can have a greater front yard setback. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 203 Additional Apartment Provisions 1. The minimum net density shall be 80 units per hectare 2. The maximum net density shall be 140 units per hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m 4. Minimum ground floor height where ground floor commercial uses are provided: 4.5 m (floor to floor) 5. Maximum building width: 60.0 m 6. Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 10.5 m The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys / 16.0 m Minimum setback from a podium to a tower: 5.0 m Maximum floor plate within a tower: 800 m2 7. For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian perception step- back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 4th storey and below the 8th storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 8th storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. 8. Where the rear yard or side yard of a lot containing an apartment building abuts a lot in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12.0 m shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12.0 m at the 7.5 m setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density zones. 9. Block townhouse dwellings and back-to-back townhouse dwellings constructed on a site in conjunction with an apartment dwelling shall meet the setback, amenity area, landscaped open space and height requirements of the SMC2 zone for those dwelling types. Additional Commercial Provisions 1. Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 m landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. 2. A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of all buildings facing the front lot line or alternatively on a side wall within 3.0 m of the front wall. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 204 For the Seaton Community Node (SCN) zone on Taunton Road, Taunton Road shall be deemed to be the front lot line; For the Seaton Community Node (SCN) zone at Sideline 26/Whites Road and the Whitevale Road By-pass, the Whitevale By-pass shall be deemed to be the front lot line; and For the Seaton Community Node (SCN) zone at Sideline 22 and the Whitevale Road By-pass, the Whitevale Road By-pass shall be deemed to be the front lot line. 3. Within a Seaton Community Node (SCN) zone and any adjacent SCNPP zone, the total gross leasable area on the ground floor of all buildings within the two (2) zones that are available for the retailing of goods and services shall not exceed 20,000 m2. 4. For buildings under 4,000 m2, at least 60% of the surface area of each wall facing and located within 30.0 m of an adjacent arterial road shall be comprised of openings. For buildings 4,000 m2, and larger, at least 40% of the surface area of each wall facing and located within 30.0 m of an adjacent arterial road shall be comprised of openings. This provision only applies to that proportion of the wall that is within 3.0 m of established grade. 5. A minimum of 40% of the street line abutting an adjacent arterial road shall be the location of a front wall that is set back no further than 3.0 m from the street line. The minimum requirement shall be deemed to be met when it is shown on an approved site plan. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 205 14.5.7 Seaton Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area (SCNPP) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements 1. The following Table 14.18 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area (SCNPP) zone. Table 14.18: Lot and Building Requirements for the Community Node Pedestrian Predominant Area (SCNPP) Zone Building Type Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Lot Depth Min. Rear Yard Max. Building Height Apartment Building - 45.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m(1) 6.0 m(2) 0.0 m min / 2 m max(1) 45.0 m 7.5 m(2) 20.0 m min / 63.0 m max Live Work Unit 125.0 m 5.0 m / unit 0.0 m 3.0 m 0.9 m at building end 2.0 m - 25.0 m2 amenity area 12.5 m max Building With Sole Retail / Commercial Uses - 30.0 m 0.0 m 3.0 m(1) 0.0 m or 7.5m(3) 0.0 m min / 2.0 m max(1) - 9.0 m 7.5 m min / 63.0 m max Notes: 1. For 75% of the building facing the street, 25% can have a greater yard. 2. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0.0 m. 3. Adjacent to the other commercial uses, the minimum side yard shall be 0.0 m. Adjacent to residential uses, the minimum side yard shall be 7.5 m. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 206 Additional Provisions 1. Despite any flankage yard requirement, on a corner lot, the minimum flankage yard to a corner rounding for any live work unit shall be 1.5 m. Where applicable, the requirements of Section 14.2.12, 14.2.13 and 14.2.14 shall continue to apply. Additional Apartment Provisions 1. The minimum net density shall be 80 units per hectare. 2. The maximum net density shall be 140 units per hectare and up to and including 2.5 FSI. 3. Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m 4. Minimum ground floor height: 4.5 m (floor to floor) 5. Maximum building width: 60.0 m 6. Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 10.5 m The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys / 16.0 m Minimum setback from a podium to a tower: 5.0 m Maximum floor plate within a tower: 800 m2 7. For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian perception step- back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 4th storey and below the 8th storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m shall be required above the 8th storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. 8. Where the rear yard or side yard of a lot containing an apartment building abuts a lot in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12.0 m shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12.0 m at the 7.5 m setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density zones. 9. Residential uses shall be prohibited on the ground floor of apartment dwellings facing the street or the private street within the SCNPP zone. Additional Commercial Provisions 1. Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 m landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. 2. The SCNPP zone shall straddle each side of a street or a private street. Where the SCNPP zone does not straddle each side of a street, a private street shall be provided where: Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 207 The front of all buildings or structures located within the SCNPP zone, face each other along the private street provided, however, that buildings located on corners may front on two (2) intersecting streets/private streets; Buildings shall be separated by a minimum 17.0 m and a maximum of 20.0 m to accommodate pedestrian sidewalks, two (2) through lanes of traffic and parking parallel to the traffic lanes; and Pedestrian sidewalks on each side of the private street shall have a width of at least 3.0 m. 3. A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line along a street or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street. 4. At least 60% of the surface area of each wall facing the street, or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street, shall be comprised of openings. This provision only applies to that proportion of the wall that is within 3.0 m of established grade. 5. A minimum of 75% of the street line abutting the street, or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street, shall be the location of a front wall that is set back no further than 5.0 m from the street line. The minimum requirement shall be deemed to be met when it is shown on an approved site plan. 6. The minimum ground floor area for a retail/commercial unit shall be 70.0 m2 and the maximum gross leasable area for a retail/commercial unit shall be 500 m2 7. The width of each individual permitted use facing the street, or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street, shall not exceed 15.0 m. 8. A minimum of 6,000 m2 of gross leasable area for the retailing of goods and services shall be provided within the SCNPP zone, except that the SCNPP zone located immediately north and/or south of Taunton Road between Sideline 22 and Sideline 24 shall have a minimum gross leasable area for the retailing of goods and services of 7,500 m2. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 208 14.6 Seaton Employment Area Zone Regulations 14.6.1 Uses Permitted 1. The following Table 14.19 and Table 14.20 establish the permitted uses in the Seaton Prestige Employment General (SPEG), Seaton Prestige Employment Node (SPEN), Seaton Prestige Employment Heritage Lot (SPEHL) and Seaton Employment Service (SES) zones. The following categories of uses shall be permitted. The list of specific uses after each underlined category are intended as examples only. Other similar uses which may fall under the category will also be permitted. Table 14.19: Categories of Uses Permitted in the Seaton Employment Zones Permitted Use SPEG SPEN SPEHL SES Light manufacturing: such as assembly, processing, packaging and fabricating wholly within an enclosed building. ● Food processing: such as bakery, dairy, cannery, distillery, brewery, meat processor. ● Business services: such as industrial supply, industrial equipment repair, contractor shop, service and repair shop. ● ● Graphics and design: such as printing, publishing, graphic design, web design ● ● ● Educational / research: such as community college, university, trade school, training centre, adult education, laboratory and research and development facility. ● ● Visitor and Convention services: such as hotels, assembly halls, convention or conference halls ● Data and communications: such as film, radio and television studio, call centre, data centre, programming and software development, phone, phone and internet provider. ● ● ● The following specific uses shall be permitted in addition to those permitted uses in Section 14.6.1 a). Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 209 Table 14.20: Specific Uses Permitted in the Seaton Employment Zones Permitted Use SPEG SPEN SPEHL SES Office ● ● ● ● Commercial Fitness/ Recreation Centre ●(1) ● Medical Office ●(1) ● ● Restaurant ●(1) ● ● Bake Shop ●(1) ● ● Café ●(1) ● ● Personal Service Establishments ●(1) ● ● Day Care Centre ●(1) ● ● Dry-Cleaner’s Distributing Station ●(1) ● Convenience Store ●(1) ● Financial Institution ●(1) ● Gas Bar, including an Accessory Car Washing Establishment, Convenience Store and/or Café ● Ancillary Retail Sales ● ● Dry-Cleaning Establishments ● Storage and Warehousing as an accessory use ● Notes: 1. Uses are permitted within an office, hotel or other similar multi-tenant industrial building. 14.6.2 Use Limitations 1. Uses permitted in the SES zone shall be clustered on a lot with a minimum of four (4) retail / commercial units on a lot. 2. SES zones shall abut an arterial road and be located within 100.0 m of a signalized intersection and a transit stop. 3. Only one (1) gas bar shall be located within 100.0 m of a signalized intersection. 4. For ancillary retail sales, up to a maximum of 15% of the total gross leasable floor area of a use may be used for the display and retail sale of products manufactured, fabricated, processed or assembled on the premises provided the retail sales and display area is separated from the principal industrial use by solid partition walls. The maximum gross leasable floor area for ancillary retail sales may be increased to 25% provided the total gross leasable floor area of the use is less than 1,000 m2. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 210 14.6.3 Uses Prohibited 1. The following uses shall be prohibited in the SPEG and SPEN zones: Retail stores; Outdoor storage; Waste processing station, waste transfer station and recycling facilities; Freight transfer, trucking terminals and similar uses; Vehicle dealership, vehicle repair shop and automobile body shops; Places of worship; and Elementary schools, secondary schools and private schools. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 211 14.6.4 Seaton Employment Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements 1. The following Table 14.21 establishes the zones standards that apply to the Seaton Prestige Employment General (SPEG), Seaton Prestige Employment Node (SPEN) and Seaton Employment Service (SES) zones. Table 14.21: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Employment Zones Zone Min./Max. Lot Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Max. Building Height SPEG 0.8 ha / n/a 40.0 m 2.0. m 5.0 m 1.5 m 3.0 m 3.0 m 16.0 m SPEN 0.4 ha / n/a 30.0 m 2.0 m 5.0 m 1.5 m 3.0 m 3.0 m 60.0 m SES 0.4 ha / 2.0 ha 30.0 m 2.0 m 5.0 m 1.5 m 3.0 m 3.0 m 12.5 m Additional Provisions 1. Notwithstanding Section, any lot line that abuts Highway 407 shall have a minimum lot line length of 60.0 m. 2. Notwithstanding Section, an interior side yard or rear yard setback abutting a Residential zone shall be a minimum of 7.5 m, 100% of which must be landscaped. 3. In no case shall parking be permitted between a building and the front lot line. 4. A primary entrance door shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line. 5. For lots abutting Highway 407, no building, structure or required parking spaces and aisles shall be permitted within 14.0 m of the lot line abutting Highway 407. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 212 Seaton Prestige Employment Heritage Lot “SPEHL” Provisions 1. On lands zoned SPE-HL, the minimum lot area and minimum lot frontage shall be the lot area and lot frontage existing on the date this By-law came into effect. 2. The minimum yards shall be the yards existing on the date this By-law came into effect. However, yards except the front yard may be decreased by 10% subject to an approved site plan application. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 213 14.7 Seaton Community Use Zone Regulations 14.7.1 Uses Permitted 1. The following Table 14.22 establishes the uses permitted in the Seaton Community Use (SCU) zone. Table 14.22: Uses Permitted in the Seaton Community Use Zone Permitted Use SCU Arena Elementary School ● Secondary School ● Private School ● Places Of Worship ● Library ● Community Centre ● Day Care Centre ● Emergency Service Facility ● 14.7.2 Seaton Community Use (SCU) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements 1. The following Table 14.23 establishes the zones standards that apply to the Seaton Community Use (SCU) zone. Table 14.23: Lot and Building Requirements for the Seaton Community Use (SCU) Zone Building Type Min. Area Min. Lot Frontage Min. Front Yard Max. Front yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Max. Building Height All uses - 30.0 m 3.0 m 4.5 m(1)(2) 1.5 m 3.0 m 7.5 m See Notes: 1. The maximum front yard setback shall not apply to garage bays for emergency vehicles. 2. 25% of the building facing the street can have a greater yard. 3. The maximum front yard requirement can alternatively apply to the flankage yard in which case no maximum front yard would apply. Height Maximum 1. The maximum height of a day care centre shall be 10.5 m. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 214 2. The maximum height of a secondary school and community centre shall be 16.0 m. 3. The maximum height of all other uses shall be 12.5 m. Additional Provisions 1. In no case shall parking be permitted between a building and the front lot line or alternatively a flankage lot line where applicable. 2. Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 m landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. 3. Parking lots abutting a Residential zone shall be set back 3.0 m from the lot line with an intervening landscape strip. 4. A primary entrance door shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line or alternatively a flankage lot line where applicable. 5. In the case of a place of worship, the gross floor area devoted to worship must be a minimum of 50% of the total gross floor area of the building. 6. Where an adjacent zone permits a minimum front yard or flankage yard of 0.0 m, the minimum front yard and minimum flankage yard shall be 0.0 m where the adjacent flankage yards or front yards are located along the same street. 7. Where the use is adjacent to a detached, semi-detached, townhouse or multiple attached dwelling, the minimum interior side yard shall be 3.0 m and shall be increased by 1.0 m for every metre of height in excess of 8.0 m to a maximum of 7.5 m. Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 215 14.8 Seaton Natural Heritage and Open Space Zone Regulations 14.8.1 Uses Permitted 1. The following Table 14.24 establishes the uses permitted in the Seaton District/Community Park (SDCP), Seaton Open Space (SOS), Seaton Stormwater Management (SSWM), Seaton Golf Course (SGC), Seaton Natural Heritage System (SNHS), Seaton Cemetery (SCE) and Seaton Hamlet Heritage Open Space (SHHOS) zones. Table 14.24: Uses Permitted in the Seaton Open Space Zones Permitted Use SDCP SOS SSWM SGC SNHS SCE SHHOS Arena ● Community Centre ● Community Gardens ● ● ● ● Library ● Outdoor Public Swimming Pool ● Outdoor Skating Rink ● ● Illuminated Play Fields / Courts ● ● ● Non-Illuminated Play Fields / Courts ● ● ● ● Passive Fringe Areas To Play Fields / Courts ● ● ● ● Playground ● ● ● ● ● Picnic Area ● ● ● ● Unorganized Play Areas ● ● ● ● ● Public Trails, Trailheads, Rest Areas ● ● ● ● ● Stormwater Management Facilities ● ● ● ● ● Existing Detached Dwellings ● ● ● ● Forest, Fish And Wildlife Management and Associated Scientific and Educational Uses ● Golf Course ● Associated Parking Lots ● ● ● ● Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 216 Permitted Use SDCP SOS SSWM SGC SNHS SCE SHHOS Cemetery ● Place of Worship ● Other Social and Institutional Uses ● Renewable Energy Systems ● 14.8.2 Seaton Open Space (SOS) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements 1. The following Table 14.25 establishes the zone standards that apply to the Seaton District/Community Park (SDCP), Seaton Open Space (SOS), Seaton Stormwater Management (SWM), Seaton Golf Course (SGC), Seaton Natural Heritage System (SNHS) and Seaton Cemetery (SCE) zones. Table 14.25: Lot and Building Requirements for Seaton Open Space Zones Zone Min. Front Yard Max. Front Yard Min. Interior Side Yard Min. Flankage Yard Min. Rear Yard Max. Coverage SDCP 3.0 m 6.0 m 1.5 m 3.0 m 7.5 m 25% SOS 3.0 m - 1.5 m 3.0 m 7.5 m 5% SSWMP - - - - - - SGC 15.0 m - 6.0 m 6.0 m 15.0 m - SNHS - - - - - - SCE 15.0 m - 6.0 m 6.0 m 7.5 m - SHHOS 15.0 m - 6.0 m 6.0 m 15.0 m 25% Height Maximum 1. The maximum height of a community centre shall be 16.0 m. 2. The maximum height of all other uses shall be 12.5 m. Additional Provisions 1. Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 m landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. 2. Parking lots abutting a Residential zone shall be set back 3.0 m from the lot line with an intervening landscape strip. 3. Expansions to existing detached dwellings shall meet the lot and building requirements of Section Section 14 | Seaton Urban Area Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 217 14.9 Seaton Utility Zone Regulations 14.9.1 Uses Permitted 1. The following Table 14.26 establishes the uses permitted in the Seaton Utility (SUT) zone. Table 14.26: Uses Permitted in the Seaton Utility (SUT) Zone Permitted Use SUT Water storage, pumping and/or treatment facilities ● Sewage pumping and/or treatment facilities ● Gas, oil or geothermal pipelines ● Transmission and distribution of electric power, excluding generation of electric power ● Limited access highways, including associated bridges, overpasses and transit corridors ● 14.9.2 Seaton Utility (SUT) Zone Provisions Lot and Building Requirements 1. Buildings shall be in compliance with the most restrictive provisions of any zone(s) adjacent to the Seaton Utility (SUT) zone. Section 15 | Exception Zones Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 218 15 Exception Zones a) Application of Exception Zones: The provisions of each exception zone herein shall apply to the lands so designated by the exception number, shown as a prefix containing the letter X and a number on Schedule 1. For example, the symbol “X15” as shown on Schedule 1 refers to the provisions contained in Section 15.15 herein. b) Reference to Former Zoning By-laws: For the purposes of this Section, “Former Zoning By-laws” shall refer to those zoning by-laws that are not repealed but are superseded by this Zoning By-law, as indicated in Section 16. c) Priority in Applying Zone Requirements: Where an exception zone applies, the lands subject to the exception zone may be subject to one or more zone symbols shown in parentheses, which shall be interpreted as follows: i. The zone symbol shall correspond to the applicable provisions as contained in the exception zone. ii. Where the exception zone refers to the Former Zoning By-laws, the zone symbol shall refer to the corresponding zone and the associated provisions as may be contained in the Former Zoning By-laws. The requirements of the exception zone and all other applicable zone requirements under the Former Zoning By-law shall apply except as may be otherwise stated in the exception zone. iii. Where an exception zone does not refer to the Former Zoning By-laws, the zone symbol shall refer to the zone contained in this By-law. If an exception zone refers to a repealed by-law, it shall be deemed to refer to this By-law. The requirements of the exception zone shall apply and all other zone requirements of this By-law shall apply except as may be otherwise stated in the exception zone. d) Priority in Applying All Other Requirements: Where an exception zone applies: i. First, the provisions and definitions of the applicable exception zone as contained in this section shall apply and where there is any inconsistency between the provisions and definitions of the exception zone and any other applicable requirements, the provisions and definitions of the exception zone shall prevail over all other inconsistent requirements. ii. Second, where an exception zone refers to the provisions of one of the Former Zoning By-laws, the definitions and general provisions of the referenced Former Zoning By-law shall apply but only to the extent necessary to interpret and support the provisions of the exception Section 15 | Exception Zones Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 219 zone. The general provisions of the Former Zoning By-law shall not apply unless they are explicitly applied and referenced by the exception zone. The definitions of the Former Zoning By-law shall apply to support the interpretation of the terminology, where the terms are defined by the Former Zoning By-law. iii. Except as provided in i. and ii. above, all other provisions of this Zoning By-law shall apply. e) Convenience: For convenience purposes only, the exception zone headings contain references to the original amending by-law(s) which added and incorporated the exception zone. These references shall not be deemed to affect the interpretation of the provisions or applicability of any exception zone. Section 16 | Enactment Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 220 16 Enactment 16.1 Effective Date 1. This By-law shall come into force the day that it is passed, if no appeals are received. If one or more appeals are received, the appealed portions shall come into force when all appeals of the particular portion of the By-law have been withdrawn or fully disposed of and the rest of the By-law shall come into force the day the By-law is passed. 16.2 Former Zoning By-laws 1. The following zoning by-laws passed under the Planning Act, as amended, as they apply to any part of the defined area of this Zoning By-law in Schedule 1, are hereby superseded by this By-law: a) By-law No. 2511 of the City of Pickering; b) By-law No. 2520 of the City of Pickering; c) By-law No. 3036 of the City of Pickering; and d) By-law No. 3037 of the City of Pickering. Nothing in this By-law repeals the provisions of the existing Zoning By-laws listed in this section 16.2.1. Where an existing zoning by-law listed in this section 16.2.1 is superseded by this By-law, it is effective only to the extent described in Section 1.9 and Section 15 of this By-law. 2. Upon this By-law coming into full force and effect on any lands, save and except to give effect to the transition clauses established in Section 1.9 of this By-law, the following former Zoning By-laws passed under the Planning Act, as amended, as they apply to those lands, are hereby repealed: a) By-law No. 7364/14 of the City of Pickering; and b) By-law No. 7553/17 of the City of Pickering. 3. Notwithstanding Sections 16.2.1 and 16.2.2 above, this By-law does not have the effect of repealing, amending, or otherwise replacing any Minister’s Zoning Order made in accordance with the Planning Act, and any such applicable Minster’s Zoning Order shall continue to apply and prevail over the provisions of this By-law, unless explicitly stated to the contrary in the By-law. Where there is no conflict between the MZO and this By-law, both will apply. Section 16 | Enactment Consolidated Zoning By-law - December 16, 2024 221 16.3 Enactment Enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering this 16th day of December 2024. ________________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk