HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 19-24Report to Executive Committee Report Number: ENG 19-24 Date: September 3, 2024 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Proposed All-way Stop - Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule “6” and Schedule “7” to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Pickering, specifically to address the proposed installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive; and, 2. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to request Council to enact a by-law to allow for the installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive. Area residents have expressed safety concerns with the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive with respect to vehicle volume, pedestrian safety, vehicle speed and cut- through traffic. Based on the results of the review, staff recommend an all-way stop be placed at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive to reduce vehicle conflicts and create a point where pedestrians can cross the road safely. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priority of Advance Innovation & Responsible Planning to Support a Connected, Well-serviced Community. Financial Implications: The supply and installation of stop signs, advance warning signs, and pavement markings at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive can be accommodated within the 2024 Roads Current Budget. ENG 19-24 September 3, 2024 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive Page 2 Discussion: The purpose of this report is to request Council to enact a by-law to allow for the installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive. Area residents have expressed safety concerns with the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive, as well as the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Bainbridge Drive, with respect to vehicle volume, pedestrian safety, vehicle speed and cut-through traffic. In response to these concerns, Engineering Services staff completed a review of both intersections, which included observations of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, existing signs a pavement markings. To address these concerns, the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Bainbridge Drive was approved for an all-way stop through Report ENG 04-24 (Council Resolution # 435/24) in May, 2024. The all-way stop has been installed, therefore, this report focuses on the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive. Beechlawn Drive is a local residential street, with intersections at Marshcourt Drive, Ashford Drive and Pickering Parkway. Marshcourt Drive is a main collector north-south street, extending from Pickering Parkway to approximately 200 metres north of Bainbridge Drive, where the road ends at a private residential complex entrance. The review by Engineering Services staff for the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive indicates the following: 1. Pedestrians were observed crossing Marshcourt Drive to go to Beechlawn Park, which is located on Beechlawn Drive just west of the intersection. An all-way stop at this intersection would create a safe crossing point for pedestrians to access the park and playground. 2. Vehicular conflicts were witnessed at the intersection, in particular when motorists turn from eastbound Beechlawn Drive to southbound Marshcourt Drive when there is a southbound vehicle on Marshcourt Drive travelling through the intersection. An all-way stop at this intersection would help in reducing conflicts at the intersection. Community Consultation with area residents indicates support for an all-way stop On May 22, 2024, a letter was sent out to all residents in the community. A total of 422 households were included in the consultation. The letter asked for feedback regarding the installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of Marchcourt Drive an Beechlawn Drive. The survey generated 27 replies with 24 in support and 3 opposed. The community consultation indicated that many residents were concerned with vehicular speed on Marshcourt Drive near the intersection, and that they are concerned that traffic will eventually increase though the neighbourhood once the construction of houses is completed on Pickering Parkway. Motorists can get from Pickering Parkway to Kingston Road by travelling on Marshcourt Drive and on Bainbridge Drive, which can be faster than accessing the neighbouring arterial streets of Notion Road, and Brock Road. An all-way stop is not ENG 19-24 September 3, 2024 Subject: Proposed All-way Stop Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive Page 3 recommended to control speeds, however, an all-way stop at this intersection would enhance safety since there is a slight curve through the intersection and sightlines would improve. Based on the review and community consultation an all-way stop is recommended Therefore, based on the review by Engineering Services staff and the feedback received from the community consultation, Engineering Services staff recommend an all-way stop be installed at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Bainbridge Drive. An all-way stop at this location will improve sightlines, reduce vehicle conflicts and provide better protection for pedestrians crossing at the intersection. The proposed all-way stop control at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive is shown graphically in Attachment 1. The draft by-law amendment to Schedule “6”, Through Highways and Schedule “7”, Stop Signs, of By-law 6604/05 is presented in Attachment 2. Attachments: 1.Proposed All-way Stop Control, Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive2.Draft by-law Amendment to Schedule “6”, Through Highways and, Schedule “7”. Stop Signs to By-law 6604/05. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Nathan Emery Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Coordinator, Traffic Programs & Operations Director, Engineering Services Nadeem Zahoor, P. Eng., M. Eng Manager, Transportation & Traffic NE:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by Original signed by: Attachment 1 to Report ENG 19-24 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule 6, Through Highways and, Schedule 7, Stop Signs, to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Specifically, this by-law is to provide for the installation of an all-way stop at the intersection of Marshcourt Drive and Beechlawn Drive. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 6 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 6 Through Highways Column 1 Column 2 Highway Limits (From/To) Delete Marshcourt Drive Pickering Parkway to Bainbridge Drive Add Marshcourt Drive Pickering Parkway to Beechlawn Drive Marshcourt Drive Beechlawn Drive to Bainbridge Drive Attachment 2 to Report ENG 19-24 By-law No. Page 2 2. Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 7 Stop Signs Column 1 Column 2 Highway Compulsory Stop Facing Traffic Add Marshcourt Drive Marshcourt Drive, northbound and southbound @ Beechlawn Drive By-law passed this 23rd day of September, 2024. ____________________________ Kevin Ashe, Mayor ________________________________ Susan Cassel, City Clerk