HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 28-24Report to Executive Committee Report Number: CS 28-24 Date: September 3, 2024 From: Laura Gibbs Director, Community Services Subject: Post Manor Feasibility Study - File: A-1440-001 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 28-24 regarding the Post Manor Feasibility Study by received; 2. That staff be directed to continue discussions with Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. on acquiring the Post Manor building, for lease or purchase for use as a public art gallery, anticipating an occupancy date in 2029, and report back with an update to Council by Q4, 2025; and 3. That the appropriate City officials be authorized to take the necessary actions as outlined in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to present a feasibility study regarding the use of the Post Manor as a public art gallery. At the Council Meeting on September 25, 2023, Council directed staff to enter into discussions with Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. to conduct a Feasibility Study for an art gallery/studio in the heritage building Post Manor, located at 1970 Brock Road, and to consult with relevant cultural organizations as part of the Feasibility Study; and that staff report back to Council with recommendations no later than Q3, 2024 (Resolution #280/23). Staff contracted consulting group, Nordicity, specializing in cultural planning, in April 2024 to undertake the Feasibility Study (Attachment 1). Through the feasibility study it is identified that, based on existing preliminary understanding of the current state of the Post Manor building, there is significant appetite from the creative community for Post Manor to be used as a community creative hub and art gallery space. The Post Manor development could be feasible provided continued engagement with the community, a clear commitment and vision for the space, and eventual initiation of start-up and operations. Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priorities of Champion Economic Leadership & Innovation; Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe & Healthy Community; Advance Innovation & Responsible Planning to Support a Connected, Well-Serviced Community; and Strengthen Existing & Build New Partnerships. CS 28-24 September 3, 2024 Subject: Post Manor Feasibility Study Page 2 Financial Implications: The feasibility study identified that the cost of fit-out is estimated, at a minimum, approximately between $285,000 and $380,000. If more extensive capital repairs and upgrades are required on the building, the capital costs are estimated to be as high as $800,000. The annual net operating cost for the facility is estimated to be between $250,000 and $340,000. The annual operating cost does not include lease costs. Since the development at 1970 Brock Road is not expected to be completed until at least 2029, there are no financial impacts associated with the recommendations in this report at this time. Further discussions are required with Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. to refine the full scope of financial implications. Discussion: The purpose of this report is to provide an update on Resolution #280/24 regarding the feasibility of an art gallery/studio in the designated heritage building Post Manor, located at 1970 Brock Road. Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. submitted applications for an Official Plan (OPA 20-008/P) and Zoning By-law Amendment (A 13-20), proposing a high density, mixed-use development on the lands municipally known as 1970 Brock Road. This development includes the retention of a designated heritage building, known as the Post Manor, which is intended to be used for non-residential use. On March 27, 2023, Council approved site-specific Official Plan Amendment 47 and Zoning By-law Amendment 8005/23, to facilitate the proposed development, which includes an ‘art gallery/studio’ as a permitted use on the subject lands. 1. There is interest from Kingston Holdings Inc. in the City leasing or purchasing the Post Manor building for use as an art gallery The City contracted consulting group, Nordicity in April 2024, to undertake the Feasibility Report. Shortly after contracting, staff coordinated a meeting with Nordicity, Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc., and their associates: The Biglieri Group Inc. and ERA Architects Inc., on May 10, 2024 to review the designated heritage building Post Manor site plans, dimensions, and determine how the space could be used. At this meeting it was confirmed that current plans including moving the Post Manor on the site and setting it on a new foundation, which will include a full basement. Currently the lease tenants extend into 2029, after such lease agreements end, there are construction activities such as relocation of the house, basement upgrade and excavation of the parking garage and other construction activities. While meetings with Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. demonstrated interest in the City operating the Post Manor as an Art Gallery, further discussions are required to determine the following: CS 28-24 September 3, 2024 Subject: Post Manor Feasibility Study Page 3 a) The conditions of the possession of the building. This includes further discussion of lease costs and conditions, and a purchase price for the building. In recent discussions with Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. it was determined to be too early in the process to determine the conditions of possession. b) The state of the building for occupancy. Further discussion is required to ascertain if the Post Manor would be available to the City in good condition, and if the process to move the building would result in any enhancements that would support its use as an art gallery. This includes the provision for moving the building to a new, full basement, upgraded electrical, and capital repairs to the building (like accessibility improvements etc.). c) The consideration of adjacent outdoor grounds. The feasibility study explored options to use adjacent grounds and gardens surrounding the Post Manor in providing public space or outdoor programs. The adjacent outdoor space should be included in further discussions with Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. 2. Community Consultation demonstrated support for use of the Post Manor as an Art Gallery and community hub Nordicity met with 22 stakeholders and relevant cultural organizations in one-on-one and small group meetings to conduct outreach and consultations. These stakeholders included local artists and creators, Pine Ridge Arts Council, members of the Indigenous Relationship Building Circle, the Cultural Advisory Committee, and school boards. In addition to outreach consultations, Nordicity compared 24 similar facilities for operation information, features and offerings. Information gathered from the feasibility study (based on existing preliminary understanding of the Post Manor building) identified there is significant appetite from the creative community for this space to be used as a “community hub and art gallery space”. Based on community input, Nordicity has recommended the following vision for this space, “a community-based, local space for artists to create, network and exhibit their work. In this vision, The Post Manor evolves beyond ‘just a gallery’ – it would be a place to create and exhibit art, to teach or participate in workshops, to host events and engage with the community (both fellow artists and the public).” The consensus from the community is that such a space would respond to the priority needs of emerging and established artists in Durham Region. Nordicity reporting that they repeatedly heard that residents ‘don’t have a space like this in Pickering.’ Some interviewees described the ease with which they could imagine telling their friends and fellow artists, ‘see you at the Manor’ or ‘meet me at the Manor’, as it could become a go to spot for engagement and interaction. CS 28-24 September 3, 2024 Subject: Post Manor Feasibility Study Page 4 3. The feasibility study identified some challenges to operating an art gallery in the space a. The Post Manor is constrained by an approximately 3,600 square foot size. As the building was originally designed as a residential facility, it is relatively small for use as a public community space. b. The City is constructing the first public gallery space at the Pickering Heritage & Community Centre. Distinguishing the Post Manor from this space will require clear communication of its unique mandate and operations. c. The long planning timeline for the construction of the site and anticipated occupancy of the space may result in decreased buy-in from the local arts community. Operation of this space as an art gallery is not expected before 2029. d. Capital and fit-out costs require further research and discussions with Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. to determine the state of the building on commencement of a lease or purchase. As this is an historic building, dating from 1842-1843, there are additional considerations, including preserving the heritage value of the building, which may add costs to the fit-out and ongoing operations of the facility. 4. Further consideration and consultation in the operation of the space is recommended The intent of the feasibility study was to assess whether the Post Manor is an appropriate or feasible community art gallery. Based on consultations, the greatest enthusiasm from the local arts and culture community is for re-invigorating the Post Manor as a community arts hub. This hub would include the capacity for a community gallery and exhibition space. The Study recommends the following next steps: • At this preliminary stage, it is recommended that the City undertake further consultations to build a stronger vision, governance model and more concrete assumptions for costs and demand or usage. • Some stakeholders were not able to fully engage with the study and should be engaged in future consultations. This includes the 55+ population, the post-secondary institutions, and deeper engagement with cultural communities. • Further discussions with regard to ownership model, for example investigating whether a long-term lease at below market rates would be feasible, or whether the City could purchase the facility for a nominal figure. • More detailed costing is required on the capital and fit-out expenses for this facility. As part of this feasibility study, Brock and Kingston Holdings Inc. confirmed that they are open to further discussions about upgrading mechanical systems, moving the building and constructing new foundations/basement; however, the details of at what point the fit-out expenses would be carried by the next owner or operator need to be clarified. CS 28-24 September 3, 2024 Subject: Post Manor Feasibility Study Page 5 Attachment: 1. Feasibility Study: Post Manor Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Krystal Roberts Laura Gibbs, MBA, MSc. Manager, Cultural Services Director, Community Services LG:kr Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment 1 to Report CS 28-24 'Nordicity Executive Summary Background and Objectives The City of Pickering engaged Nordicity to undertake a Feasibility Study for the Post Manor Building to explore the suitability of the building as an art gallery space. This report represents the findings, modelling, and recommendations as to next steps based on the research, consultations, and analysis conducted between April to August 2024. The purpose of the study was to 1) understand current Post Manor property and how it fits into the proposed development, 2) assess potential demand for a gallery by holding preliminary consultations with local arts, culture and creative sector stakeholders, 3)scan similar spaces and galleries to examine what facilities and programs they offer and how they are funded, 4) define the emerging vision for the future Post Manor, based on the consultations and analysis, and 5) perform preliminary research into how the Post Manor could be run and its approximate costs. The term "feasibility study" can represent a wide range of expected activities and outcomes. Nordicity understood that the City's decision to undertake this study was driven by a proposed major redevelopment where the Post Manor building sits and a previous heritage impact assessment conducted for the site, with many details of the overall redevelopment and how the Post Manor building will fit into the overall completion of the site still yet to be known. Therefore, this report represents the initial first step in exploring future use of the Post Manor building. Considering factors such as the capacity and location of the Post Manor building, it was found that certain scenarios align with the City's objectives. Therefore, feasibility depends on certain conditions being met, namely: continued engagement with the community as the redevelopment of the site progresses, a clear vision and sound execution, and successful marketing and communications to foster and retain community users. On this basis, this study found that based on existing preliminary understanding of the current state of the Post Manor building, there is significant appetite from the creative community for Post Manor to be used as a community creative hub and art gallery space. The Post Manor development could be feasible provided continued engagement with the local community, a clear vision for the space, and further commitments towards start-up and operational responsibilities. Approach Nordicity's approach to the work centred on being pragmatic, flexible, and collaborative. A review of background materials leading up to this project highlighted the significant role of arts and culture in the City and underscored the City's commitment to supporting thi g steps in our approach: an a k and Kingston Holdings Inc., can of over 20 local and regio nd consultations engaging so model. opted a conservative and ex s sector. From this rationale, the project team undertook the followin nalysis of property meeting with the City of Pickering, Biglieri Group, Broc CMV Group and ERA Architect Inc. representatives; an environmental s nal facilities and focus on 3 major case studies; stakeholder outreach a me 22 local stakeholders; and development of one core operating In the analysis, the project team ad ploratory lens based on research (desk research and group discussions), analysis of comparatives, operating and business model considerations, and capital cost and revenue estimates. At the same time, we acknowledge the energy and enthusiasm within the arts community for the appetite to see more arts facilities in Pickering. Emerging Vision for the Post Manor Building It was found that in preliminary, pulse-check consultations with the creative community in Pickering, enthusiasm for a "pure" art gallery at the Post Manor site was only moderate. The excitement of the Post Manor Feasibility Study Final Report 2 of 31 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ [> 'Nordicity 1.Context for this Report The Post Manor is a Greek revival-style farmhouse in Pickering that was built in 1842-1843 for Jordan and Matilda Post. The house served as a residence and passed through different owners until 1985, when the house and surrounding site were redeveloped as a low-rise commercial plaza. Today, the Post Manor is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and is recognized as a landmark by the local community. In 2022, ERA Architects (ERA) conducted and presented a Heritage Impact Assessment to the Pickering Heritage Advisory Committee. The motivation for this assessment is a proposed major new development at the location of the Post Manor. ERA were tasked to assess the impact of the proposed development on The Post Manor. ERA proposed that the Post Manor be retained, relocated and rehabilitated. The relocation takes the Post Manor slightly northeastwards on the site. The suggested rehabilitation would make the Post Manor fit for public-facing, commercial use -including accessibility and other upgrades in keeping with today's demands. Figure 11970 Brock Road, Pickering- Landscape Concept, by ERA Architects (2022) The Post Manor space itself is approximately 3,800 sq. ft., with 2,335 sq. ft. on the main floor and 1,500 sq. ft. on the second floor and a future planned basement of aproximately 2,000 sq ft. Notably, this measurement excludes a potential basement, which could be constructed upon relocation of the building. Regarding its placement on the property, the plan is to move the building slightly northeast of its current location, closer to the street, to maintain visibility. If acquired, the building will largely remain as is, with some potential for various upgrades in the long­term. While minor alterations may be made to adapt the space for public use, there are no plans for major extensions or revitalization efforts. For example, the mechanical system will be updated during the move. Accessibility is also a key consideration for the study, and there are plans to make the building accessible, such as adding a ramp. However, details about these accessibility measures are currently limited. Post Manor Feasibility Study Final Report 7 of 31 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ o ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪