HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 15-24Report to Council Report Number: ENG 15-24 Date: August 28, 2024 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering Services Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 implementation) and Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot - Request for Tender No. T2024-7 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Request for Tender No. T2024-7 for the Beachfront Park Master Plan, Phase 1 Implementation and the Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot as submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd., in the total tendered amount of $9,500,217.36 (HST included) be accepted; 2. That Council approve the hiring of The MBTW Group as a consultant, in the amount of $146,142.00 (HST included) to undertake contract administration and construction inspection of Request for Tender No. T2024-7 for the Beachfront Park Master Plan, Phase 1 implementation in accordance with Purchasing Policy 10.03 (c), as the assignment is above $50,000.00; 3. That the total gross project cost of $11,211,835.00 (HST included) for the Beachfront Park Master Plan, Phase 1 Implementation, including the tendered amount, a contingency and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $10,096,605.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost $10,096,605.00 for the Beachfront Park Master Plan, Phase 1 Implementation of as follows: a) The sum of $5,048,303.00 available budget in capital project C10320.2206 as approved in the 2024 Parks Capital Budget to be funded by a transfer of funds from the Casino Reserve; b) The sum of $5,048,302.00 available budget in capital project C10320.2206 as approved in the 2024 Parks Capital Budget to be funded by a transfer of funds from the Development Charges Parks & Recreation Reserve Fund; 5. That the total gross project cost of $456,378.00 (HST included) for the Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot, including the tendered amount, a contingency and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $410,982.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved; ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 2 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot 6. That Council authorize the Director, Finance & Treasurer to finance the total net project cost $410,982.00 for the Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot of as follows: a) The sum of $100,200.00 available budget in capital project C10572.2408 as approved in the 2024 Parks Capital Budget be increased to $205,491.00 and be funded by a transfer of funds from the Development Charges City’s Reserve Fund; b) The sum of $100,200.00 available budget in capital project C10572.2408 as approved in the 2024 Parks Capital Budget be increased to $205,491.00 and be funded by a transfer of funds from the Development Charges Parks & Recreation Reserve Fund; 7. That Council direct the Chief Administrative Officer to provide operational and financial project updates based on the following schedule of Q1 2025, and upon completion Q3 2025; and, 8. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions as indicated in this report. Executive Summary: The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the award of the Beachfront Park Master Plan Phase 1 implementation which encompasses the area between Lake Ontario and Hydro Marsh, from Millennium Square to Alex Robertson Park. Work in this area includes the construction of an elevated walkway and cycling route, viewing platforms overlooking Hydro Marsh, barrier free access ramps from the elevated structure to the beach, site lighting and furniture, and additional Lake Ontario shoreline protection work from the existing water play area to the west side of Millennium Square. Work also includes the construction of a gravel parking lot in Alex Robertson Park which will initially act as the construction staging area for the Beachfront Park work. Construction of this project must commence in early September 2024, particularly any shoreline and in-water work within Hydro Marsh which is a Provincially Significant Wetland. Any in-water work beyond September 30th must be undertaken using isolation measures such as a turbidity curtain, to prevent any harm to fish and other aquatic wildlife that may live within this habitat. Installation of the helical piles to support the elevated viewing platforms within this area must be completed prior to September 30th or turbidity curtains must be installed, and fish and wildlife salvage and relocation from this area must be completed prior to that date to permit work in this area to proceed at a later time. As such, approval of this project is required in advance of the September Council meeting. Staff has set a project completion date for this contract of June 20, 2025, so that the waterfront trail and beach can reopen for public use for the summer of 2025. As part of the 2024 Parks Capital Budget, $10,100,000.00 was approved for the implementation of the first phase of the redevelopment of Beachfront Park. This budget amount includes funds for construction, contract administration and construction inspection services. ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 3 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot As part of the 2024 Parks Capital Budget $200,400.00 was approved for the construction of a gravel parking lot in Alex Robertson Park. This budget amount includes funds for the design, construction, and contract administration and construction inspection services. Additional funds are required for this portion of the project and are proposed to be taken from the same source of funding as approved in the Capital Budget. In 2022, The MBTW Group was retained to undertake the detailed design and tender documents for the Beachfront Park Master Plan Implementation project. Staff recommend continuing with The MBTW Group to undertake the contract administration, construction inspection services, and certification of works associated with Request for Tender No. T2024-7 Beachfront Park Master Plan Phase 1 project as set out in fee proposal dated August 12, 2024 in the amount of $146,143.00 (HST included). Request for Tender No. T2024-7 was posted to Bids & Tenders on July 4, 2024 and closed on August 7, 2024. Five contractors who were previously prequalified for the project were invited to bid on this tender and four of them responded with a bid. The lowest compliant bid of $9,500,217.36 (HST included) submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd. is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost for the Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) which includes the tendered amount, a construction contingency, contract administration, construction inspection services, and Indigenous public artwork and interpretive signage is estimated at $11,211,835.00 (HST included) with an estimated total net project cost of $10,096,605.00 (net of HST rebate). The total gross project cost for the Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot, which includes the tendered amount, a construction contingency, and design & contract administration consultation services is estimated at $456,378.00 (HST included) with an estimated total net project cost of $410,982.00 (net of HST rebate). The total net project cost for the two projects combined is estimated at $10,507,587.00 (net of HST rebate). Relationship to the Pickering Strategic Plan: The recommendations in this report respond to the Pickering Strategic Plan Priorities of Advocate for an Inclusive, Welcoming, Safe & Healthy Community; and Lead & Advocate for Environmental Stewardship, Innovation & Resiliency. Financial Implications: 1. Tender Amount Request for Tender No. T2024-7 Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) (C10320.2206) Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot (C10572.2408) Subtotal $8,093,873.00 313,399.00 8,407,272.00 HST (13%) 1,092,945.36 Total Gross Tender Amount $9,500,217.36 ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 4 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot 2. Estimated Project Cost Summary – Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1) Request for Tender No. T2024-7 Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) $8,093,873.00 Associated Costs Contract Administration & Construction Inspection Services Indigenous Public Artwork and Interpretive Signage 129,330.00 80,000.00 Contingency (20% of Tender No. T2024-7) 1,618,775.00 Sub Total – Costs $9,921,978.00 HST (13%) 1,289,857.00 Total Gross Project Cost $11,211,835.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (1,115,230.00) Total Net Project Cost $10,096,605.00 3. Estimated Project Cost Summary – Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot Request for Tender No. T2024-7 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot $313,399.00 Associated Costs Design & Contract Administration Consulting Services 27,795.00 Contingency (20% of Tender No. T2024-7 ) 62,680.00 Sub Total – Costs $403,874.00 HST (13%) 52,504.00 Total Gross Project Cost $456,378.00 HST Rebate (11.24%) (45,396.00) Total Net Project Cost $410,982.00 ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 5 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot 4. Approved Source of Funds – Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1) Expense Account Project Description Source of Funds Available Budget Required C10320.2206.01 Beachfront Park Master Plan Casino Reserve 5,050,000.00 5,048,303.00 C10320.2206.01 Beachfront Park Master Plan DC Parks & Recreation Reserve Fund 5,050,000.00 5,048,302.00 Total Funds $10,100,000.00 $10,096,605.00 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds 3,395.00 5. Approved Source of Funds – Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot Expense Account Project Description Source of Funds Available Budget Required C10572.2408.01 C10572.2408.01 Alex Robertson Park parking lot Alex Robertson Park parking lot City’s DC Reserve DC Parks & Recreation Reserve Fund 100,200.00 100,200.00 205,491.00 205,491.00 Total Funds $200,400.00 $410,982.00 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds (210,582.00) 6. Total Net Project Cost Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) - net project cost Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot - net project cost $10,096,605.00 410,982.00 Total Net Project Cost $10,507,587.00 Net Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds (207,187.00) ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 6 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot From a financial perspective, the Beachfront Park Master Plan represents a substantial investment of City funds. It is important that Council be made aware of the project’s progress and if there are any financial challenges or opportunities. Recommendation seven establishes the reporting cycle for this project and will ensure that both Council and Pickering residents are fully informed. The costs for the design and preparation of the tender documents for the entire Beachfront Park Master Plan project, including a contingency and other associated costs, in the amount of $494,920.00 (net HST included), were approved by Council (ENG 17-22, Resolution # 910/22) and awarded to The MBTW Group. All detailed design work to date has been focused within the phase 1 area and some additional shoreline protection work across the front of Millennium Square as this area was considered to be of top priority in order to re-establish the walkway and waterfront trail connection through this area. The costs for the design and preparation of the tender documents and construction administration services for the Alex Robertson Park parking lot were included in the approved budget of $200,400.00 (net HST included) for this project. These services were also awarded to The MBTW Group under a separate purchase order at a cost of $31,408.00 (HST included). A contingency of 20% of the tendered amounts have been included as an associated cost for the two projects to cover potentially unforeseen site conditions such as poor soils or complications with the proposed in-water works. Discussion: The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval for the award of the Beachfront Park Master Plan Phase 1 implementation which encompasses the area between Lake Ontario and Hydro Marsh, from Millennium Square to Alex Robertson Park. Work in this area includes the construction of an elevated walkway and cycling route, viewing platforms overlooking Hydro Marsh, barrier free access ramps from the elevated structure to the beach, site lighting and furniture, and additional Lake Ontario shoreline protection work from the existing water play area to the west side of Millennium Square. Work also includes the construction of a gravel parking lot in Alex Robertson Park which will initially act as the construction staging area for the Beachfront Park work. A. Project Background, Design and Consultation Work With the extremely high lake water levels and wave action of 2017 and 2019, much of Pickering’s waterfront sustained significant damage. The boardwalk in Beachfront Park, which formed part of the Waterfront Trail, was damaged beyond repair and was removed by City Public Works staff. The MBTW Group in association with Shoreplan Engineering were retained in late 2019 to complete a Beachfront Park Rehabilitation & Needs Assessment Study. Following an in-depth study of the shoreline, consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, and public engagement process that ran from June to September 2021, concept plans were prepared and several options were presented back to the public and Council. A Public Engagement Summary Report along with plans of the Final Preferred Design Option were ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 7 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot presented to Council at the December 6, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting. The Final Preferred Design Option that includes an elevated boardwalk structure from Millennium Square to Alex Robertson Park was presented and endorsed by Council as the Beachfront Park Master Plan at the Council meeting of December 13, 2021 (Resolution #745/21). Council provided further approval to retain The MBTW Group, for Consulting and Professional Services for the preparation of detailed design drawings and tender specifications for the implementation of the Beachfront Park Master Plan at the Council meeting of May 24, 2022 (Resolution #910/22). Contract administration, construction inspection services and certification of works were not included in the original approved scope of services. A quotation has been obtained from The MBTW Group for this service and these costs have been included in this report and are recommended for Council approval. The City also retained Sprucelab, through The MBTW Group, to assist with an Indigenous engagement program that ran between July 2023 and April 2024. The purpose of the program was to inform the seven Williams Treaties First Nations about the Beachfront Park revitalization project and to invite them to participate in the ongoing development and programming of the park. Several of the nations participated actively in discussions with the design team and were provided with a tour of the site and a presentation of the City’s plans for the park. As part of Indigenous place making, the tender includes an allowance for up to 20 panels within the metal railing of the elevated walkway, that Indigenous story-telling artwork will be laser cut into. Through consultation, Community Services staff will be inviting artists from the Williams Treaties First Nations, to provide art submissions for this purpose. An allowance of an additional $100,000.00 has been included in the associated project costs for artist fees to prepare the graphics, public consultation, and for the design and fabrication of interpretive signage associated with this artwork. Additional consultation for this project included presentations to the Durham Region Aboriginal Advisory Committee (DRAAC) on December 8, 2022, to the Pickering Waterfront Visionary Advisory Committee on November 20, 2023 with a follow-up presentation to them on March 18, 2024, and to the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee on March 20, 2024. The project was well received by all committee members and many comments received were incorporated into the final design. B. Scope of Work The first phase of the Beachfront Park Master Plan Implementation includes the construction of an elevated walkway structure that is supported on helical piles and has a steel frame and precast concrete deck. The elevated structure will run from just east of the existing water play area to Alex Robertson Park. Ramps will be constructed in several locations across the length of the walkway, to provide barrier free access to the beach. Two lookout areas will constructed off the north side of the elevated walkway and will extend north to the Hydro Marsh shoreline. Additional shoreline protection in the form of an armourstone revetment will be installed across the front of the existing concrete shore wall, from the existing water play area to the west side of Millennium Square. This work does extend into the phase 2 area, however there will be efficiencies in completing this work all during the first phase rather than spreading it over two ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 8 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot phases. Walkway lighting, site furniture and associated site works are also included within this phase of work. In addition to the Beachfront Park Master Plan Phase 1 Implementation, the construction of a gravel parking lot in Alex Robertson Park has been included as part of this tender and project scope. In order to maintain public access to Millennium Square and the west area of this park and due the load restrictions on the Liverpool Road bridge, limiting equipment access through Millennium Square, staff have obtained approval from Ontario Power Generation to construct a gravel parking lot at the south end of Alex Robertson Park that will act as the contractor staging area for the Beachfront Park project. The gravel lot will remain as additional seasonal waterfront parking upon completion of this project. Access from the staging area to Beachfront Park will be via the existing asphalt waterfront trail. It is anticipated that the asphalt on the trail will be damaged from the weight and frequency of the construction traffic and will require repaving at the project completion. C. Regulatory Approvals Throughout the detailed design and working drawing phase of this project, the design team has been consulting with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), to ensure that all near shore and in- water works are in compliance with their requirements. We have obtained approval from MECP and final approval and a permit is pending from the TRCA. City Development, Building Services Staff have also been consulted, to ensure that the proposed elevated walkway structure will be compliant with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and a building permit has been applied for. As Alex Robertson Park and the east section of Beachfront Park are owned by Ontario Power Generation (OPG), staff have consulted with them on the overall project design and have obtained their approval for the proposed site improvements within these two areas. D. Project Schedule Construction of this project must commence in early September 2024, particularly any shoreline and in-water work within Hydro Marsh which is a Provincially Significant Wetland. As required by MECP, any in-water work in this area must be completed prior to September 30, 2024. If this date is not achievable, isolation measures such as a turbidity curtain must be installed around the work area prior to that date, to prevent any harm to potential fish and other aquatic wildlife that may live within this habitat. Installation of the helical piles to support the elevated structure within this area may proceed after September 30th as long as a turbidity curtain has been installed and fish and wildlife salvage and relocation from this area has been completed prior to that date. As such, approval of this project is required in advance of the September Council meeting date. Staff has set a project completion date of June 20, 2025 for this contract so that the waterfront trail and beach can reopen for public use for the summer of 2025. ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 9 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot E. Contractor Prequalification For the successful completion of this project, it is imperative that a contractor with the shoreline work experience and the equipment and skills necessary to perform in-water work be awarded this project. As such, staff issued RSFQ2024-4 for the Prequalification of General Contractors for the Construction of Beachfront Park Master Plan Implementation (Phase 1). RSFQ2024-4 was advertised on Bids & Tenders on February 12, 2024 and closed on March 11, 2024 with 12 companies submitting a response. The submissions were reviewed and scored on their Company’s and their key personnel’s experience and qualifications, similar or related project experience, their understanding of the project, their WSIB and Health & Safety Policy, insurance and bonding capacity and references. The top five highest ranking proponents were invited to bid on this project with four of them submitting a bid. F. Tender Results and Recommendations Tender No. T2024-7 was posted on Bids & Tenders on July 4, 2024 and closed on August 7, 2024 with four of the five companies that were prequalified responding. The lowest compliant bid of $9,500,217.36 (HST included) submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd. is recommended for approval. The total gross project cost for the Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) which includes the tendered amount, a construction contingency, contract administration, construction inspection services, Indigenous public artwork and interpretive signage is estimated at $11,211,835.00 (HST included) with an estimated total net project cost of $10,096,605.00 (net of HST rebate). The total gross project cost for the Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot, which includes the tendered amount, a construction contingency, and design & contract administration consultation services is estimated at $456,378.00 (HST included) with an estimated total net project cost of $410,982.00 (net of HST rebate). The total net project cost for the two projects is estimated at $10,507,587.00 (net of HST rebate). In 2022, The MBTW Group was retained to undertake the detailed design and tender documents for the Beachfront Park Master Plan Implementation project. Staff recommend continuing with The MBTW Group to undertake the contract administration, construction inspection services, and certification of works associated with Tender No. T2024-7 Beachfront Park Master Plan Phase 1 project as set out in fee proposal dated August 12, 2024, in the amount of $146,143.00 (HST included). The hiring of The MBTW Group and the team of sub- consultants that designed the project represents good value as they have the necessary project knowledge and expertise to properly administer and supervise the construction of this project. Further, in accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 10.03, the Manager may obtain the services of a particular consultant selected by the initiating Director without going through a competitive process. Where the funds are available in the approved budget and the project or annual cost of a consulting or professional service assignment is expected to be: (c) above $50,000 is subject to the additional approval of Council. The initiating Director shall submit the Report to Council to obtain approval. ENG 15-24 August 28 2024 Subject: Beachfront Park Master Plan (Phase 1 Implementation) and Page 10 Alex Robertson Park Gravel Parking Lot All required pre-conditions of award have been received and approved. Upon careful examination of all tenders received, the Engineering Services Department recommends acceptance of the lowest compliant bid submitted by Rutherford Contracting Ltd. for Tender No. T2024-7 in the amount of $9,500,217.36 (HST included), that The MBTW Group be retained to provide contract administration and construction inspection services for a fee of $146,143.00 (HST included), and that the total net project cost of $10,507,587.00 (net of HST rebate) be approved. Attachment: 1.Location Map Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Arnold Mostert, O.A.L.A. Richard Holborn, P. Eng. Manager, Landscape & Parks Development Director, Engineering Services Cathy Bazinet, CPPB, NIGP-CPP Stan Karwowski, MBA, CPA, CMA Manager, Procurement Director, Finance & Treasurer AM:mjh Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Marisa Carpino, M.A. Chief Administrative Officer Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by:Original signed by: Original signed by: Attachment 1 to Report ENG 15-24